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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]The Fry Report Preview[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/FryReport.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][I]Every week on The Fry Report podcast will provide the latest information on everything Supreme. News, rumors, and interviews, all brought to you by the incomparable Duane Fry.[/I] [B]Preview for podcast available Monday, Week 3, October 2008[/B] "The Supreme Wrestling Federation continues to set a new standard for quality week after week. After a fantastic week last week, can this week possibly live up to the standard? You'll have to catch Supreme TV tomorrow night to find out!" "After their classic match at Let the Games Begin 2008, where does Sean McFly go from here? Will The American Tiger ask for another chance at SWF World Heavyweight champion Rich Money? The fans would love to see it, but Hard Cash has hardly proven to be most accommodating champion. After defeating Remo, Angry Gilmore will feel that he has earned a chance to face Money." "The Supreme Games saw Ace Newton emerge with the Sure Shot open contract and former tag team champions Valiant & Giedroyc snagged a Challenger's Choice contract. These two contracts should keep things interesting on Supreme TV in the coming weeks and possibly even months..." "A very interesting match is Chris Morrisette facing the emerging young star Ace Newton. The match is apparently at Newton's request, and is a big opportunity for the leader of the Four Kings. A win over the 21-year could go a long way to assuaging Morrisette's frustration over the way things have gone for him in recent months on the Supreme brand." "Sean McFly is scheduled to appear in the main event, against the duo of Sean Deeley and Joss Thompson. Who will McFly's partner be? Can The American Tiger find someone he can count on? Someone who will watch his back as he tries to take down Rich Money?" "Also, I'm told that a true Supreme Legend will be in attendance tomorrow night, with a big announcement to be made. No details on what that announcement might be, just some rumors. And if it comes close to the rumors, it should be a something that could mean a lot for the brand." "Don't forget to catch Supreme TV on C.A.N.N. every Tuesday night!" [/quote][B]The Fry Report will be available on SWF.com or directly from iTunes.[/B] [quote]A special feature for the Fry Report... A preview of the matches lined up for Supreme TV this week! [COLOR=Blue]Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Remo[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Casey Valentine [/COLOR]vs [COLOR=Blue]Zimmy Bumfhole[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Nevada Nuclear[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Gino Montero[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Flex Garcia [/COLOR]vs [COLOR=Blue]Swoop McCarthy[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]John McClean[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Giedroyc[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Payne[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Ace Newton[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Chris Morrisette[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Sean McFly & [B]???[/B][/COLOR]vs [COLOR=Red]Badd Kompany[/COLOR] [/quote][/FONT]
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Don't normally do predictions but here goes... Kirk Jameson vs [B]Remo[/B] [I]It's a no brainer, really. Remo is better, bigger, stronger, more over etc. And if that wasn't reason enough, he needs a win after the loss to Gilmore.[/I] Casey Valentine vs [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] [I]Because he will.[/I] Nevada Nuclear vs [B]Gino Montero[/B] [I]There's something about Nevada I really like but I can't see past a Montero victory.[/I] Flex Garcia vs Swoop McCarthy vs [B]John McClean[/B] [I]I'd love to see Swoop win this one, he's gotta be a star someday but I'd bet my soul on a McClean victory.[/I] [B]Giedroyc [/B]vs Payne [I]A DQ win with Payne losing it and getting DQ'd but Valiant saves his partner.[/I] [B]Ace Newton[/B] vs Chris Morrisette [I]Newton looks to be riding a wave of momentum at the moment while Morrisette is seemingly fighting with some demons.[/I] Sean McFly & ??? vs [B]Badd Kompany[/B] [I]I'm going to go wild with this prediction. Money offers to team with McFly (for some crazy reason) They look like they're working well together but Money screws McFly, mashes his brains with a title shot to the head then leaves McFly to take the fall. I mean, how much would one tag-team loss hurt McFly and Money? Not a great deal I wouldn't have thought, and it gives you a chance to give Badd Kompany a big rub.[/I]
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Kirk Jameson vs [B]Remo[/B] Casey Valentine vs [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] Nevada Nuclear vs [B]Gino Montero[/B] Flex Garcia vs [B]Swoop McCarthy [/B]vs John McClean Giedroyc vs [B]Payne[/B] Ace Newton vs [B]Chris Morrisette[/B] [B]Sean McFly & ???[/B]vs Badd Kompany
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[LEFT]Kirk Jameson vs[B] Remo[/B][/LEFT] [I]I wouldn't want to be the poor sap, facing Remo...after the Dark Destroyer suffered a tough loss. That poor sap, so happens to be Kirk Jameson in this case.[/I] Casey Valentine vs [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] [I]Valentine's basically a jobber at this stage and will probably be that for a while yet.[/I] Nevada Nuclear vs [B]Gino Montero[/B] [I]The Nuke came in with a lot of fan-fare, but it was a lot of fan-fare about nothing really. Montero is more talented (not that, that matters in Sports Entertainment alot of the time) and has more direction (which is very important in Sports Entertainment). [/I] Flex Garcia vs Swoop McCarthy vs [B]John McClean[/B] [I]Even though you've generally kept the tag champs strong in tags, but pretty had them play a JTTS role in singles, this is the sort of singles match McClean probably could win. Flex is just a directionless mid-carder and Swoop's not really over enough yet to get the win here.[/I] [B]Giedroyc[/B] vs Payne [I]UK Wrestle fan used good logic with the DQ win idea and to expand on that further it fits in with Payne's 'don't get about wins and losses, just care about destroying people' character.[/I] [B]Ace Newton[/B] vs Chris Morrisette [I]Newton is 'hot' right now and I can see him pulling off what would be a notable victory against an established veteran. Morrisette's whole fighting with his demons angle will be more convincing if he suffers a string of losses.[/I] [B]Sean McFly & ???[/B]vs Badd Kompany [I]One team has Sean McFly, the other doesn't.[/I]
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Kirk Jameson vs [B]Remo[/B] Sqaush for Remo, to remind the fans that he's a badass, even if he lost last night. Casey Valentine vs [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] Being the son of an eternal midcarder isn't enough to beat an immortal..midcarder. Nevada Nuclear vs [B]Gino Montero[/B] I wonder how the Diablos feel about nukes.. Flex Garcia vs [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs John McClean I know it doesn't seem likely, but Swoop's been losing on TV for quite a while now, and with his entertainment skills, there's a good chance he's gotten a good bit over by doing so. I see him pulling a bit of an upset over Flex, and maybe having a short feud with Sin Inc., I think now's the time to start moving him up. [B]Giedroyc[/B] vs Payne Agreed with the DQ win, although game-wise, Payne really should be winning the occasional match too.. Ace Newton vs [B]Chris Morrisette[/B] Should be a great one, and Newton's a future Main Eventer for sure, but he's still not ready to beat the likes of Morrisette. Besides, push him too hard, too fast, and he might get an ego. [B]Sean McFly & ???[/B] vs Badd Kompany BK couldn't buy a win if they got Rich Money as their manager, no way they can beat McFly. And while I wouldn't be surprised to see it be Rich Money or some other swerve-ish partner, I'm going to go for the biggest pop, and pick Jack Bruce as the mystery partner. Just seems like something the crowd would go crazy for, plus McFly did help Bruce out a little bit a few weeks back.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;648577]As for Ash Campbell, he's got potential, but for guy his size and age, he has terrible Atheticism and Stamina. It's not like he's fat, either, he's just out-of-shape. Remo can run circles around him. And then give him one hell of a clothesline. (But that's beside the point). In any case, Ash Campbell has good Entertainment Skills, but he's going to be in a long time in development for me, or at least until he can raise his Performance Skills to a B- Average AND his Physical skills to a C- Average, preferably as high as B+[/QUOTE] Yeah, Campbell is a good way from being good enough to really get a push. His Entertainment skills are carrying him right now, and its working - he's D+ across the board, and higher in a couple regions. And that's not from winning matches - he's 2-30 in the SWF at this point. If he gets his Performance skills up to what I consider the minimum level, then he'll get a chance. But he might never get above being the "comedy relief" for the Four Kings... though he has hardly been fun through this point. One of those many things I always intended and never managed to write it that way... However, I'm going to continue to hang the threat of a major if unwarranted Ash push, just to keep James Casey on his toes.... Love that there is some variety to the picks this show. I also love some of the logic behind the picks. And McFly's mystery partner isn't a monster swerve or reveal. Its not like I signed Liberty or Eisaku Kunomasu and decided this would be a good way to debut them... though it would...
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I want to point out to everyone that Liberty's written contract is set expire in a specific amount of time, and not Random. I seriously doubt you have Liberty, unless USPW is stupid enough to release him (or is forced to release him). ;) In any case, getting him would be a big deal - if weren't for his 80's vibe I get from him, he would fit in the SWF completey. He's still good fit Skill-wise, though. He's got Good Entertainment Skills, Solid Star Quality, and Good Performance Skills. More than enough to succeed in the SWF. :)
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[QUOTE=ampulator;649108]I want to point out to everyone that Liberty's written contract is set expire in a specific amount of time, and not Random. I seriously doubt you have Liberty, unless USPW is stupid enough to release him (or is forced to release him). ;) In any case, getting him would be a big deal - if weren't for his 80's vibe I get from him, he would fit in the SWF completey. He's still good fit Skill-wise, though. He's got Good Entertainment Skills, Solid Star Quality, and Good Performance Skills. More than enough to succeed in the SWF. :)[/QUOTE] Yeah, it really [U]isn't[/U] a swerve or debut... I just like trying to mess with my lovely and devoted readers... Which probably makes me something of a jerk, when I really think about it... Libert/Justice isn't a guy I really even looked at closely until recently. Stat-wise, he very much seems like a poor man's Christian Faith. So yeah, I definitely think he could do well in the SWF. Didn't realize he had a preset contract length, but there is definitely still a lot of time left on it. Good thing he's not a guy I really truly covet. The "creative" approach to obtaining him is out (there would have to be a massively good reason for that) and sinking USPW doesn't seem so easy - they are really growing or declining... Just kind of existing, like old people tend to do... He'll be something like 39 years old by the time his contract comes up, so I doubt he will get a "old age" run in the SWF like Eric Tyler and Pistol Pete Hall...
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Well, he's about the same as Ricky Dale Johnson. Personally, speaking, I think it's odd that Liberty jumped to USPW, he might have been floundering in TCW, but it's not like they didn't want him - they did. But why USPW? Why not SWF? He would, or, could, still be a Main Eventer in the SWF (not in your current SWF, where you have some stars at A* popularity ;)), and SWF would be more than happy to get Liberty.
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Mate, I truly loved that PPV. It was so well built to the ultimate match... I would have marked out for Rich Money/Sean McFly. And you wrote up really well. I felt like I was watching a bit of old school, you know, back in the early 1990s before Nitro/Raw really evolved wrestling where main events were long affairs, the babyface would be making numerous comebacks but the heel always had some stagey device to keep the match up his sleeve. Reading how you convey Rich Money reminded me so much of a classic Ric Flair match up. Perhaps to Money's Flair, McFly is the Steamboat in my eyes. The best writers on here put on these wicked PPV matches where you can't make tips and feel completely safe, they have questions that are answered but leave you with more questions at the end then there were at the start, and they have an insatiable ability to build up their roster so that you feel at any one time so many different competitors could wear gold, without devaluing the actual champions. Your writing and booking does all that. Great, great, great card. I'm truly enjoying this.
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[QUOTE=tristram;649135]Mate, I truly loved that PPV. It was so well built to the ultimate match... I would have marked out for Rich Money/Sean McFly. And you wrote up really well. I felt like I was watching a bit of old school, you know, back in the early 1990s before Nitro/Raw really evolved wrestling where main events were long affairs, the babyface would be making numerous comebacks but the heel always had some stagey device to keep the match up his sleeve. Reading how you convey Rich Money reminded me so much of a classic Ric Flair match up. Perhaps to Money's Flair, McFly is the Steamboat in my eyes. The best writers on here put on these wicked PPV matches where you can't make tips and feel completely safe, they have questions that are answered but leave you with more questions at the end then there were at the start, and they have an insatiable ability to build up their roster so that you feel at any one time so many different competitors could wear gold, without devaluing the actual champions. Your writing and booking does all that. Great, great, great card. I'm truly enjoying this.[/QUOTE] Have you read up on the Champagne Lover/Rich Money match? Another classic. Maybe that's Flair/Michaels? ;) In any case, I agree, Rich Money is a lot like Ric Flair, but he's also a lot Ted Dibiase too, for obvious reasons. But I would say Steamboat can cut a good promo if he wanted to - if he was given the right forum. Did you see the Jericho/Steamboat Segment? Steamboat cut what was the BEST promo of his life. Ever. Besides, I think Steamboat has more Charisma than people give him credit for. Maybe not so much on the Microphone and Acting, sure, but I thought he had Charisma. It's too bad, by the time the WWE Attitude and NWO made him out of style, and it's too bad he didn't or couldn't come sooner, when Lance Storm, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and Kurt Angle were still in the WWE. That would have made awesome match-ups. But I'm getting off-topic. :) I think Bigpapa42 is a humble guy. Some may think he's only succeeding because he has the right materials, but it takes more than the right material to make a good show - if you book the SWF like they book the WWE does now, the game would rip you apart. :)
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[QUOTE=ampulator;649134]Well, he's about the same as Ricky Dale Johnson. Personally, speaking, I think it's odd that Liberty jumped to USPW, he might have been floundering in TCW, but it's not like they didn't want him - they did. But why USPW? Why not SWF? He would, or, could, still be a Main Eventer in the SWF (not in your current SWF, where you have some stars at A* popularity ;)), and SWF would be more than happy to get Liberty.[/QUOTE] Its one of those curious CornellVerse bits that make you wonder. It might have been done just to make things interesting. But I think two factors could make it possible/likely... One would be Sam Strong. The legend, massively charismatic and popular. He seems like someone that many in the industry would idolize and want to work with. And his personality makes him seem like the kind of person who could convince others to share his vision for USPW. Two would be the chance to be "the guy". Liberty is the #1 babyface in USPW by a long way. He might be a star in the SWF, but he would never likely outshine the likes of Jack Bruce and Christian Faith. So while USPW is a smaller stage, its a stage that he would have to himself. [QUOTE=tristram;649135]Mate, I truly loved that PPV. It was so well built to the ultimate match... I would have marked out for Rich Money/Sean McFly. And you wrote up really well. I felt like I was watching a bit of old school, you know, back in the early 1990s before Nitro/Raw really evolved wrestling where main events were long affairs, the babyface would be making numerous comebacks but the heel always had some stagey device to keep the match up his sleeve. Reading how you convey Rich Money reminded me so much of a classic Ric Flair match up. Perhaps to Money's Flair, McFly is the Steamboat in my eyes. The best writers on here put on these wicked PPV matches where you can't make tips and feel completely safe, they have questions that are answered but leave you with more questions at the end then there were at the start, and they have an insatiable ability to build up their roster so that you feel at any one time so many different competitors could wear gold, without devaluing the actual champions. Your writing and booking does all that. Great, great, great card. I'm truly enjoying this.[/QUOTE] Wow, you have kind words that are much appreciated, sir. Its always great to hear that someone enjoys your work, but it takes a bit of extra meaning when its from someone who is a d*mned good writer in their own regard. I've mentioned it before, but I felt like I didn't do much of a job of making the PPVs feel "big" in the early going. So I try to make a serious effort at it now, both with the booking (it really helps having a big roster in that regard) and the writing. It thrills me that the intended "epic" feel comes across. And to be honest, I never really looked at McFly as Steamboat, but that's a great comparison. That gives me a bit of a new way to look at him... Wow, thanks. [QUOTE=ampulator;649143]Have you read up on the Champagne Lover/Rich Money match? Another classic. Maybe that's Flair/Michaels? ;) In any case, I agree, Rich Money is a lot like Ric Flair, but he's also a lot Ted Dibiase too, for obvious reasons. But I would say Steamboat can cut a good promo if he wanted to - if he was given the right forum. Did you see the Jericho/Steamboat Segment? Steamboat cut what was the BEST promo of his life. Ever. Besides, I think Steamboat has more Charisma than people give him credit for. Maybe not so much on the Microphone and Acting, sure, but I thought he had Charisma. It's too bad, by the time the WWE Attitude and NWO made him out of style, and it's too bad he didn't or couldn't come sooner, when Lance Storm, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and Kurt Angle were still in the WWE. That would have made awesome match-ups. But I'm getting off-topic. :) I think Bigpapa42 is a humble guy. Some may think he's only succeeding because he has the right materials, but it takes more than the right material to make a good show - if you book the SWF like they book the WWE does now, the game would rip you apart. :)[/QUOTE] Meh, I've never worried too much about a bit of off topic discussion. Its an aspect I've always liked. The comparisons of Rich Money to Flair and DiBiase are inevitable. Two of the primary heels of the past three decades. And both were main players during my heyday as a wrestling fan, so I can't deny the influence. But I've tried to avoid just making him a C-V version of them. I actually didn't play up the "I'm rich, beyotch" aspect of Money's city slicker gimmick too much in the early going because I figured it would make the parallels to DiBiase too heavy. While a few of my SWF characters have been based off of "real" wrestling characters to some degree, Money was not. His character has been based pretty much entirely off a character template I found and loved. So while there is definite influence from Flair, DiBiase, and other notable heels, they are only part of where my vision of Rich Money has come from.
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Liberty is what you call in a big fish in a small pond. USPW isn't really the right kind of promotion for his skills. He's sort of too new for them, but a bit too old school (I would prefer to say he's actually retro) for TCW or SWF. I would say Liberty is actually one of the younger stars on USPW (most of the roster is sort of a pre-2000, even pre-1990, SWF), which is saying something, because Liberty is 37 years old! And him not outshining Christian Faith or Jack Bruce, I agree. But some of SWF's upper-midcarders are more popular than TCW's Main Eventers, and a lot of SWF's Upper-Midcarder are more popular than USPW's Main Eventers. Even if Liberty isn't likely (keyword) to be the top star in the SWF, he could still be, and he could still be one of the top stars. What USPW needs is not Liberty, but rather Tyson Baine or Rocky Golden. Now, THOSE two would help out USPW, and fit well. Big men with good skills. As for Sam Strong, he has strange tastes in friends. Seriously, I can't see an Jerk like Peter Valentine and him being friends. Sam has done his friend a favor by hiring him, but has Valentine done for Sam? What has Giant Redwood done for Danny Jillefski for that matter? How can these guys be friends? It's like if you and Big Smack Scott were friends. That would be very weird.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;649160]Liberty is what you call in a big fish in a small pond. USPW isn't really the right kind of promotion for his skills. He's sort of too new for them, but a bit too old school (I would prefer to say he's actually retro) for TCW or SWF. I would say Liberty is actually one of the younger stars on USPW (most of the roster is sort of a pre-2000, even pre-1990, SWF), which is saying something, because Liberty is 37 years old! And him not outshining Christian Faith or Jack Bruce, I agree. But some of SWF's upper-midcarders are more popular than TCW's Main Eventers, and a lot of SWF's Upper-Midcarder are more popular than USPW's Main Eventers. Even if Liberty isn't likely (keyword) to be the top star in the SWF, he could still be, and he could still be one of the top stars. What USPW needs is not Liberty, but rather Tyson Baine or Rocky Golden. Now, THOSE two would help out USPW, and fit well. Big men with good skills. As for Sam Strong, he has strange tastes in friends. Seriously, I can't see an Jerk like Peter Valentine and him being friends. Sam has done his friend a favor by hiring him, but has Valentine done for Sam? What has Giant Redwood done for Danny Jillefski for that matter? How can these guys be friends? It's like if you and Big Smack Scott were friends. That would be very weird.[/QUOTE] I very much doubt, in reality, wrestling ability counts for much when making friends. :p When you go to University, or start a new job, you don't tend to make friends with people just because they're good at doing something you also like to do. There are hundreds of reasons to make friends with someone. Hell, most of my friends don't even like wrestling, most don't like rugby either, but we have other stuff in common. Maybe Giant Redwood is a movie buff, and Jilefski likes movies? :p
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[QUOTE=ampulator;649214]I never said Wrestling Ability counted. That's the wrong impression you are getting. I'm saying they have people that have OPPOSITE personalities becoming friends. It's not like these guys are exactly family or childhood friends.[/QUOTE] Actually, it might be exactly like that. My best buddy at school... I don't see him often these days, we live half the country apart. But where I tended to choose my words carefully and only speak when I had to, he was a motormouth. Where he was a sports freak, I was a bookworm. When we got part time jobs, he struck a deal with a farmer, I signed up at the hospital. People who didn't know us felt we had nothing in common, and they were wrong. What we had in common was our childhood.
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Its funny that the Strong-Valentine friendship comes up... The talk about Liberty last night had me looking through USPW in some detail last night, as its been awhile since I gave them a good look. And I had forgotten about the friendship between Sam Strong and Peter Valentine, and I always think "how weird". But I don't think its necessarily unlikely. Friendships are much like taste - there's no accounting for them. There are any number of ways that two very different personalities could end up as friends. They could simply mesh well. They could share a common interest. It could be a friendship started out of a specific incident. It could be that one of them changed over time but the other was loyal enough to stay friends (guess which would be which...). Perhaps the negative personality aspects don't come out around the friend. Or, as others have suggested, its a childhood or teenage friendship that has endured. And RIP Misawa...
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;649284]Its funny that the Strong-Valentine friendship comes up... The talk about Liberty last night had me looking through USPW in some detail last night, as its been awhile since I gave them a good look. And I had forgotten about the friendship between Sam Strong and Peter Valentine, and I always think "how weird". But I don't think its necessarily unlikely. Friendships are much like taste - there's no accounting for them. There are any number of ways that two very different personalities could end up as friends. They could simply mesh well. They could share a common interest. It could be a friendship started out of a specific incident. It could be that one of them changed over time but the other was loyal enough to stay friends (guess which would be which...). Perhaps the negative personality aspects don't come out around the friend. Or, as others have suggested, its a childhood or teenage friendship that has endured. And RIP Misawa...[/QUOTE] Perhaps it's an "opposite's attract" type thing? That isn't uncommon in real life, or in the C-Verse. Like, for instance, Kurt Laramee's Big Smack Scott's friend, but he himself really doesn't have any attitude problems. (Flaky, but aside from that, nothing bad) Mayhaps BSS was himself just a bright-eyed young man, with $20 and a dream, back in '93, but somewhere along the way, most likely through over-pushes and slaps on the wrist, he turned to poison.
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Sir, I've been reading along and I must say, that Pay Per View was incredable. Every storyline moves forward in a believable manner. Every match has a proper flow and feel. Just overall well writen. Keep writing and I'll keep reading.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]TEW.com - The Supreme View[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TheSupremeView.jpg[/IMG] [B]Monday Week 3 October, 2008[/B][/CENTER] [quote][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] is one of the foremost wrestler journalists in the business and perhaps the most respected critic of the Supreme Wrestling Federation in the world. Having covered the world's biggest wrestling promotion for years, Marshall has unequaled insider connections, which makes him privy to information that can't be found anywhere else. His highly-respected [B]The Supreme View[/B] column is available only totalextremewrestling.com. [/quote][/FONT][CENTER][FONT=Arial]__________________[/FONT] [/CENTER] [FONT=Arial] [quote] It's been a busy week on Supreme television, with a lot going on. The ongoing Eisen-Vengeance-Vibert storyline is... ongoing. We don't know who did what, who knows what, or even if that mysterious phonecall is as legit as Vibert has claimed. Is Vibert lying? Come on, we all know Vibert loves to talk - so why's he suddenly keeping so silent? Of course, Vibert's also busy with Eric Tyler. Now, there's no denying that Vibert's a good talker, but he's in two storylines, on both brands. Come on! Meanwhile, Team Neptune have both Neptune twins on board. Now, I can certainly get the idea behind having twins working together, but with Badd Kompany (sigh...) still lacking a manager, surely they could have done something there? I mean, if you have twins, surely it's obligatory to do the old 'mistaken identity' bit, before eventually revealing that there's two of them. And feuding twins will always be fun. Elsewhere, Chris Morrisette and Enforcer Roberts had the kind of match that just doesn't make it onto Supreme tv much these days. Nevada Nuclear got promo time, which is better than match time, but worse than no time. The New Wave got a title shot. I was hoping they'd win... but it wasn't to be. In the same vein, Jack Bruce had nothing to do on the pay-per-view. Well, that seems to be going somewhere, so for those expecting me to spew bile, I'm saving it for now. Besides, maybe this will convince him to have a shave. Sexy/Gilmore - what's not to like? They always seem to find something new, and let's be honest, there's always going to be a certain amount of repetition. In this case, the history is acknowledged without letting it get in the way. There's room for simmering feuds as well as explosive one. DuBois and McFly put on the expected classic. I like what SWF have done with DuBois - clearly one of the most talented youngsters around, he has time on his side, and can afford a couple of years biding his time in the midcard. Still, it's clear that sooner rather than later he's going to step up. I'm interested in McFly and Money. Money's just superb right now, by far the most compelling character on TV. McFly is a great talent, but he's just totally outshone in the charisma department by Money. Legends was pure build to the PPV, with a lot of guys getting screentime who wouldn't make it twenty-four hours later. That's not a bad thing, but it was pretty missable - Tornado/Hill apart. So, going into the PPV, we had a strong lineup, missing a few stars, but not exactly the worse of it. So far, so good, right? Yeah, as if. When the day comes I agree with everything Avatar - sorry, Peter Michaels - does, then that's the day I stop writing this column. I can't complain about the opener, but why was the tag match even there? Who thinks that Steve Frehley deserves to be in the tag ranks? Bad enough Giedroyc's there... but I guess you can make an argument that he's being seasoned there. But Frehley? He was a success as champion... Bah. I suppose you can argue that Frehley's mentoring Diaz, but does anyone see Diaz as being an SWF-type worker? Maybe we can mark this down as Frehley's lost year... Tex & Rex? Look, I know I can be a patron saint of lost causes, but Rex hasn't improved as much as people make out. He doesn't belong on TV, and I can only see this being used as an excuse to evict Tex from the Golden Faction, where he's getting screen time that he's deserved for years, and the chance to actually improve his skills. Why was Mr. Hill in two matches? And why did he lose both? Way to make your latest star signing look worthless, Avatar. And then we have the ending to the Legends ladder match (incidentally, three ladder matches in one evening? Come on...) Doesn't having dual winners sort of eliminate the point of it being every man for himself? Gilmore beats Remo - I like it. Look, when that split happens between Remo and Rich it's going to be epic. You can only do that once, and you don't want to throw away that match on a random pay-per-view. You save it for the Supreme Challenge, ideally. As much as I want to see Golden hold gold, now wasn't the right time - Faith is still the man when it comes to Supreme, and when he does get beaten, it won't be in a match llike this without too much build-up. And for the record, as classic a match as McFly/Money was, Money had to win this to really make himself appear a great champion. Kudos to McFly, who did everything in his power to make Money look, well, money. Next week, I'm sure there'll be more for me to blog about, not the least of which is the rumours of more cuts to come. You know I had the news of Nelson and Rivera getting cut before they did, so for your Supreme news, you know it's the same time, same site, and I'll share the view from here! [CENTER][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] [B]The Supreme View[/B] [/CENTER] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TotalExtremeWrestlingLogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Astil;649399]Sir, I've been reading along and I must say, that Pay Per View was incredable. Every storyline moves forward in a believable manner. Every match has a proper flow and feel. Just overall well writen. Keep writing and I'll keep reading.[/QUOTE] Awesome, thanks. Love hearing stuff like that. [B]"The Supreme View"[/B] is hopefully going to become a relatively regular piece. It is not written by me and that's as much as I'll say on it, at least for now.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TV%20Shows/Banners/SWFSupremeTVBanner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tuesday, Week 3, October 2008 Isaak Road Arena (Mid Atlantic - 13,643[/B] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdaMvVzqvRA"][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [SIZE=4]Announcers[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/PeterMichaelsSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/JerryEisenSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Managers%20Alt/GrandmasterPhunkalt1Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Peter Michaels - Jerry Eisen - Grandmaster Bling[/B] ________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Peter Michaels[/B]: Welcome to Supreme TV everyone. We are here in beautiful New Jersey. Joining me here at the Isaak Road Arena are Jerry Eisen and Grandmaster Bling. [B]Grandmaster Bling[/B]: The road ahead may be dark and dusty and hard, but Rich Money has the light! [B]Jerry Eisen[/B]: I like money. [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RichMoneyAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rich Money In-Ring Segment[/B][/CENTER] [I]The first notes of Rich Money's familiar music hits and the crowd roar turns negative. The hated SWF World Heavyweight champion struts out through the Supreme Gate by himself. He is wearing stylish clothing and carrying his title belt over his shoulder. The verbal hatred from the crowd escorts him down to the ring. Money poses in the ring for a few moments before being handed a microphone.[/I] [B]Rich Money[/B]: I know most of you adoring fans saw Let the Games Begin 2008 pay per view last week. And if you did, you saw me and Sean McFly have the greatest match on an SWF pay per view in years. And you saw me win that match. I won it with style, I might add. I took the finisher of one Supreme Legend and used it to finish off another Supreme Legend... If you ask me, that's pretty money. Now I would like to invite that Supreme Legend out here to share a few words. So please... [I]Money lets it hang for a moment, and the crowd seems to wonder whether the champion is talking about Sean McFly... or Sam Strong[/I] [B]Rich Money[/B]: So please, Sean McFly, come out here. [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/SeanMcFlyalt8Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sean McFly[/B][/CENTER] [I]It takes a long moment as the crowd cheers their favorite endlessly, but The American Tiger emerges. Clad in his typical jeans and T-shirt combo, the 34-year gets a monstrous reception from the crowd. He stops on the stage rather than coming down to the ring, screaming that they aren't worthy. An entire section of fanboys bow down to the two-time world champion. He smiles a bit as he acknowledges the crowd, but then his full attention is focused on Rich Money down in the ring.[/I] [B]Rich Money[/B]: McFly, I wanted to bring out here for one reason... To thank you. [I]The crowd seems stunned, then cheers on cue.[/I] [B]Rich Money[/B]: That's right. Because the match we had last week was a true classic. The kind of match that people will remember years from now. And you what else they will remember? They will remember me, “Hard Cash” Rich Money, scoring another victory over a Supreme Legend. Just like I beat Christian Faith and Sam Keith, I can now score up one more win against the legends of this promotion. [I]With the crowd booing and McFly watching with little expression, Rich Money makes a show of licking his finger and marking off an imaginary tick.[/I] [B]Rich Money[/B]: Being the benevolent and beloved champion that I am, I decided to do something for you to commemorate our a match. A thank you, from me to you. [I]Hard Cash points at the Supreme Screen as a video begins to play, set to some familiar American rock music.... Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen...[/I] [CENTER][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOpIfbneeHg"][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] [I]The video is a slick montage of Sean McFly's greatest moments in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. It is big moments from matches against Sam Keith, Bruce the Giant, Nemesis, Tommy Cornell, Enforcer Roberts, Black Hat Bailey, and even Christian Faith. It features several moments from the famous Threefold Threat match against Sam Keith and Christian Faith from the When Hell Freezes Over pay per view in January 1997, perhaps the single greatest match in SWF history. Virtually every clip on the highlight shows McFly at his very best... except the moments from his match against Rich Money. The end sequence is rapid cuts between The American Tiger's two SWF World Heavyweight title wins and the end of the match against Rich Money. The crowd cheers the video throughout, popping for the biggest moments. Given that it cleverly has nothing but positive moments for McFly from his earlier SWF career interspersed with not-so-positive moments from his match with Money, it makes it seem as though the crowd is actually cheering for the segments of Money beating McFly... As the video ends and the crowd is still cheering, McFly nods, despite the fact that the video ends with him a shot of him looking disappointing after being pinned by Money. McFly acknowledges the crowd.[/I] [B]Rich Money[/B]: That was my way of thanking you for our match the other night, Sean. A tribute to how great your career... was... [I]The crowd, slowly recognizes just what Money means by that, slowly starts to boo. He grins as he continues.[/I] [B] Rich Money[/B]: I don't know if some of you less-astute fans - which would be most of you - realized something as you watched that... But all those golden moments from Sean here happened a decade ago. Or more. You've been gone from the Supreme Wrestling Federation for a long time, McFly. And I don't know how many times I can tell you this, but this isn't the same SWF you left. Things are different now. Its a brave new world here in the SWF, and you either need to learn to adapt or watch your career die. [I]Having been tossed a microphone by an unseen employee at the base of the stage, McFly can finally respond. [/I] [B]Sean McFly[/B]: My career is just fine, Rich. You act like I haven't spent nearly two decades in this business... [B]Rich Money[/B]: Oh, I know all about the legendary career of “The American Tiger” Sean McFly... About how you came to the Supreme Wrestling Federation as a precocious kid and conquered all. About how you won the bleeding hearts of these fans. About how you walked away from that to move up north and wrestle polar bears. We all know. But what you don't seem to understand is that I am legitimately trying to help you here, Sean. I'm trying to make you understand that this is not the same SWF that you conquered. Things have changed. These Generation Supreme kids, they are very different from any youngsters you dealt with back then. I've been around, too, and this new generation is something new. They don't respect those who came before they way we did when we started out. They only respect dominance. Its a jungle and you need to establish yourself. [B]Sean McFly[/B]: Eat or be eaten...? [B]Rich Money[/B]: Absolutely. And you can't survive by yourself. I know my zoology enough to know that tigers are solitary animals... but you're going to need to learn to make friends. You need allies, people you can trust to watch your back. Why do you think Gilmore has his team, or DuBois his little friends? There is safety and security in numbers. Chris Morrisette is learning that the hard way... [B]Sean McFly[/B]: I have friends... [B]Rich Money[/B]: Do you? People you can count on without fail? Great. Because I have a proposal for you, Sean. [B]Sean McFly[/B]: I'm listening. [B]Rich Money[/B]: See, I know that even after our match last week, you want another shot at this belt here. I know these fans would like to see you get another shot... [I]The crowd reacts a bit louder at each suggestion. [/I] [B]Rich Money[/B]: But I'm a bit old school. I believe that a title shot has to be earned. So I feel like you should have to prove yourself again before I give you another chance at my belt. And you can start proving it tonight. When I was talking to Dick Eisen earlier tonight, two of the Generation Supreme kids came running up and both wanted a chance to wrestle the legendary Sean McFly. Joss Thompson and Sean Deeley, better known as Badd Kompany. They both wanted to wrestle you in individual action tonight, but Dick decided that tag team action would be a better choice. So if you can find someone – one of your “friends”, perhaps – who is willing to take with you tonight, you have a match. [B]Sean McFly[/B]: And what will that prove? [B]Rich Money[/B]: That you can find someone talented who is willing to tag with you. Because if you win tonight, then Dick has agreed to book you and your partner against Remo and me at Break Like the Win in three weeks. If you beat Remo and I, then you can have your title shot at Christmas Clash. And I'll even let you pick the match stipulations. [I]Money grins as he finishes the offer. McFly doesn't have to consider it for long. [/I] [B]Sean McFly[/B]: You're on. [B]Rich Money[/B]: Fantastic! Now you might want to run along into the back to try to find someone... [I]Shaking his head at the disrespectful tone of the champion, McFly drops the microphone and walks away. The classy legend doesn't lower himself to trade barbs with “Hard Cash” and the crowd loves him all the more for it. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A*[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Peter Michaels[/B]: Do we have our main event for the next pay per view? [B]Grandmaster Bling[/B]: The Phunking Empire feels that things might not be what they seem. [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/KirkJamesonSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RemoAlt2Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kirk Jameson vs Remo[/B][/CENTER] Rich Money sticks around at ringside to watch this one. He doesn't even speak to his friend Remo as he comes down to the ring, just gives the intense big man a knowing nod. Its not a mere squash match so much as it is six minutes of utter destruction. The youngster Jameson attempts a few of the puro-style kicks he has become known for, but they do nothing to Remo and the big man doesn't even flinch. Giving Jameson about two minutes worth of free offense is enough to make everyone – the kid included – that he can't manage anything that is going to phase The Alpha Dog. Once that has been made clearly, Remo spends the next several minutes absolutely destroying Jameson with power move after move. The impact of each one has the fans cringing and Rich Money laughing. Jameson is nothing more than a tenderized slab of beef offering no resistance at all by the time Remo decides to go for the pinfall. [B][CENTER]Remo Wins at 6:03 via Pinfall Grade: C+[/CENTER] [/B][/quote] [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JoeSexySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/SqueekyMcCleanSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/DawnTheCheerleaderSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ValiantSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JackGiedroycSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Joe Sexy, John McClean, Dawn the Cheerleader, Valiant + Giedroyc Sinners Sanctuary Segment[/B][/CENTER] [I]The SWF World Tag Team champions are again on their Sinner's Sanctuary set, but this time, its with the former champions Valiant & Giedroyc and their manager Dawn the Cheerleader. The scene is somewhat tense. The Sin Inc duo stand to one side of the set, holding their shiny new belts and stroking them in a slightly obscene manner. Joe Sexy is leering across at Dawn, who is wearing one of her trademark skimpy cheerleader outfits, one that shows a great deal of cleavage. Feeling Sexy's eyes on her, the lovely young woman slowly raises the metal briefcase she is holding. John McClean welcomes all the fans to another fine edition of Sinner's Sanctuary. He then welcomes their very special guests, victors last week in the cross-brand Supreme Games four-team tag team ladder match. Sexy points at Dawn's chest for a long moment, until everyone realizes its the briefcase that holds the Challenger's Choice contract that they won at the pay per view. Sexy congratulates them for the win, then asks when they will be challenging High Concept. The trio is confused, and Valiant demands to know what he is talking about. McClean clarifies that since its obvious that Valiant & Giedroyc cannot beat Sin Inc for the SWF World Tag Team championship belts. So Sexy and McClean expect the former champions to do the smart thing and challenge High Concept for their SWF Shooting Star Division Tag Team belts. Ones that they might actually have a chance to win. After a moment, the trio of Valiant, Giedroyc, and Dawn begin to laugh at this idea. That obviously doesn't sit well with the champions. Dawn explains, in her air-headed manner, that they will definitely use this contract to challenge for those SWF World Tag Team titles. They will decide where, when, and how. And they will take those nice new belts away from Sin Inc when they do use that contract. The situation quick escalates into an argument. It doesn't seem it will escalate beyond that until two more people appear...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/GuideSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ScoutSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Guide + Scout[/B][/CENTER] [I]The New Wave stomp onto the set, wearing street clothes. They get involved, shouting that they deserve a shot at those belts after Sin Inc screwed them over at the pay per view. McClean gets in Guide's face, saying that they need to accept that they didn't get the belts. More yelling is followed by shoving and its followed by the situation escalating into punches. The set is destroyed as the three tag teams brawl. There is no cooperation between the two babyface teams against the hells – its everyone for themselves. The highlight is Dawn braining Joe Sexy with the metal briefcase. The camera cuts away as SWF security officials rush in to attempt to break up the brawl.[/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ZimmyBumfholeSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/CaseyValentineSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Zimmy Bumfhole vs Casey Valentine[/B][/CENTER] What should be a very easy win for the elder Bumfhole actually turns out to be a relatively competitive match as Valentine attacks with a newfound intensity. It takes the more experienced Zimmy by surprise and has him on his heels for a bit. But the overall skill of the Bumfhole gradually takes over the match. Zimmy gets the expected three count after hitting a perfect Bumfhole in One frog splash. [B][CENTER]Zimmy Bumfhole Wins at 7:33 via Pinfall Grade: C[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B] Peter Michaels[/B]: I think that's as good as we've seen Casey Valentine look thus far . [B]Grandmaster Bling[/B]: Good, bad, sweet, or sour, the lack of victory cannot be ignored. [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/TysonBainealt15Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Managers%20Alt/AdrianGarciaalt2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/RKHayesaltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Payne, Adrian Garcia + RK Hayes Promo[/B][/CENTER] [I]The masked monster is lead out through the Supreme Gate by Adrian Garcia, with RK Hayes following up. They stop on the stage. Adrian Garcia starts by saying that its obvious that the Supreme Wrestling Federation is finally smartening up and learning to fear the man known as Payne. Why else would put him in a ladder match at the Let the Games Begin pay per view, but to take the 6'9”, 350-pound mauler out of his element. And yet it didn't work. Despite not winning, no one else in that match caused the carnage or fear that Payne did. Which is not something that is going to change, Garcia promises. Giedroyc is going to learn this tonight. If SWF management can find a way past their fear, they will continue to challenge Payne with quality opponents. If they are willing to see their top stars embarrassed and hurt by the monster Payne. The rant of Adrian Garcia is interrupted by someone walking out onto the stage...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/DarrylDevineAlt1Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Darryl Devine[/B][/CENTER] [I]Showing no fear or regard for the promo that is happening, Devine comes out and walks up Garcia, who is holding the microphone. Devine says that he's sorry to interrupt, but he's looking for his girlfriend. Her name is Hannah Potter and he hasn't seen her since she came to Supreme TV with him last week. Darryl is starting to get worried. He begins to give a rather inaccurate description of her, including says that she's blond. Before Devine can complete his plea for everyone to help him find his beloved Hannah, Garcia gives a slight nod to Payne. The masked giant grabs Devine by the throat and gives him an epic choke slam onto the stage. The trio leave Devine laying by himself on the stage.[/I] [CENTER][B]Grade: A[/B][/CENTER] [/quote] [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/NevadaNuclearalt3Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/GinoMonteroalt11Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nevada Nuclear vs Gino Montero[/B][/CENTER] There is no doubting the skills of the youngster Montero, but Nevada is just a bit more experienced. He uses his wiles, strength, and the distractions of SM York to carry the advantage through the match. The young revolutionary is without his tag team partner and constant companion Antonio Marquez, and the more experienced presence of the North American champion is clearly missed. When Montero starts mount a bit of a comeback, a throat punch from Nevada while the referee isn't looking derails that. The Nuke follows up a Radiation Blast spine buster with a Mushroom Cloud Russian leg sweep, which gives him the win. [B][CENTER]Nevada Nuclear Wins at 8:04 via Pinfall Grade: D+[/CENTER] [/B] [/quote][quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AceNewtonSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AshCampbellAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/CameronVesseySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/CaseyValentineSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/PlayboyJakeSawyerSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Managers%20Alt/FarrahHeskethalt11Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ace Newton, Ash Campbell, Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine, Playboy Jake Sawyer + Farrah Hesketh Backstage Promo[/B][/CENTER] [I]Farrah Hesketh has the Four Kings and their manager on the backstage interview set. She attempts to conduct an interview, but the group isn't so much interested in answering questions. They went to talk. Ace Newton does most of the talking. He starts by holding up the shiny metal briefcase he has that holds the Sure Shot contract he won in the Supreme Games match. The youngster says that Christian Faith, Bloodstone, and Antonio Marquez better be watching themselves at all times from now on. Because he has his Ace in the Hole and he will use it when it is the most opportunistic. Playboy Jake Sawyer says that Newton's win at the pay per view proves that he's the class of Generation Supreme. But he's not the only one on the rise. Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey are going to start showing the tag team division just what they bring to the table. The classy manager reminds fans that everything that Ace learns from Rich Money and Remo is passed on to the rest of the Four Kings. And they are all learning a lot. Ash Campbell adds that as if the pedigree of his isn't enough, now he gets the benefit of the knowledge of the SWF World Heavyweight champion. Newton points out the beyond the Sure Shot open contract, he still holds the SWF Generations championship, proof that he is the great young wrestler in the SWF. And he will put that belt on the line against anyone. Because he knows he can take on anyone. That's probably the single greatest lesson that Rich Money and Remo have passed on – the confidence to recognize his own skills and realize that he can take on anyone. He proved that a few weeks ago by putting on the match of his career against Sean McFly. And tonight, he takes on Chris Morrisette. And Ace is going to have a very special surprise for Mr. Morrisette...[/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: B+[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Jerry Eisen[/B]: I like surprises! [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/FrederiqueGarciaSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/SwoopMcCarthySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/SqueekyMcCleanSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Flex Garcia vs Swoop McCarthy vs John McClean[/B][/CENTER] A solid match that is more about personalities than the actual action. Both Garcia and McClean try to top each other in their heelish ways, and Swoop spends a significant amount of time playing to the crowd. The presence of the lovely Neptune twins at ringside certainly helps as well. The highlight of the match is a fun sequence in the middle of the match where Swoop is outside the ring getting attention from his dual managers, and while that distracts the referee, Garcia and McClean work to out-cheat each other, throwing every dirty trick imaginable at each other. The comedy match starts to lose the crowd a bit, and the fans seem almost relieved when McClean makes McCarthy tap out to the McClean McMount. [B][CENTER]John McClean Wins at 8:14 via Submission Grade: C+[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JackGiedroycSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/TysonBainealt15Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Giedroyc vs Payne[/B][/CENTER] This one is an all-out brawl. Giedroyc thrills the fans when he proves willing to go toe-to-toe with the masked monster, even though he comes up on the short end of it. Payne comes close to going overboard and getting disqualified on more than one occasion, but shouted directions from Adrian Garcia are heeded just in time. The big man wears down the Englishman and starts to dominate the match. Valiant and Dawn the Cheerleader are at ringside, and Valiant looks pained as he watches his tag team partner take a battering. Giedroyc starts to mount a comeback, as the fans cheer him on, but a big boot to the face from Payne ends it. After an Into the Hellfire and two Hades Bombs, it takes encouragement from Adrian Garica for the masked monster to even bother to cover Giedroyc, who is limp after the destruction he's endured. [B][CENTER]Payne Wins at 10:11 via Pinfall Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Peter Michaels[/B]: Giedroyc savaged by Payne! [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/SeanMcFlyalt8Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sean McFly Backstage Segment[/B][/CENTER] [I]The camera follows Sean McFly as he walks down a nice backstage area. He stops in front of a closed door. There is a sign on the wall identify who the locker room belongs to, but McFly blocks the name. He knocks lightly and gets invited in. The American Tiger opens the door and stands in the doorway. He blocks the doorway, so the camera can't get passed him so that the person he is talking to can be seen. They can't really be heard, either. McFly says that he has a tag match tonight, and there is no one else he would rather tag with in the SWF. He wants to find some allies, people he can count on. They have to be people he respects, and there are is no one he respects more. The American Tiger explains that someone has to stand up to Rich Money trying to run roughshod over the entire promotion, and they can't count on the Generation Supreme youngsters doing that. So its up to them, the veterans. There is a mumbled response from the person that McFly is talking to, which the microphone on the camera really doesn't pick up. But its obvious from McFly's voice that it was a positive response, as he sounds excited when he says that this new partnership – this new friendship – is going to work great. After saying that he'll see him later in the ring, McFly closes the locker room door and moves off the down the hallway. The sign beside the door can finally be seen... [/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE=4]Jack Bruce[/SIZE][/CENTER] [/B] [B][CENTER]Grade: A*[/CENTER] [/B][/quote] [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AceNewtonSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChrisMorrisetteSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ace Newton vs Chris Morrisette[/B][/CENTER] A solid match. It starts off with some great fast-paced action, as both men get plenty of offense in the early going. Both men get a chance to show off their diverse skills. When the experience of Morrisette begins to give him the advantage, Newton turns to some dirty tricks. It starts with small things like eye rakes and stalling outside the ring, but Newton gets real heat when he nails Morrisette with a solid low blow. Referee Ric Young somehow misses it and the move slows Morrisette down. The veteran starts to get angry, and he takes it out on his opponent, but the angered Morrisette makes mistakes. Newton does what he can to take advantage and he starts to control the match, but the 35-year old battles back. When Morrisette seems to have the Generations champion in some danger, Newton responds with another low blow... A particularly nasty hard kick to the groin that it is in plain sight of the referee. Young has no choice but to call the match. Newton seems far from upset, laughing with his manager Playboy Jake Sawyer. Morrisette looks absolutely incensed as he struggles to get back to his feet as his opponent makes his way up the ramp. Perhaps the most emasculating victory of Morrisette's career as he needs help to get out of the ring. [B][CENTER]Chris Morrisette Wins at 12:23 via Disqualification Grade: B-[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Peter Michaels[/B]: That last low blow looked like it hurt. [B]Jerry Eisen[/B]: Ow, his lobster-groin. [quote] [CENTER][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpViKXu36z0"][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] [I]It seems that its time for the Supreme Legend that was promised. Some old school entrance music begins to play – Aerosmith's Sweet Emotion. The crowd pops decently, recognizing the music as belonging to perhaps the first Supreme Legend ever... The first man to ever hold the SWF World Heavyweight championship... The man who helped build the Supreme Wrestling Federation from the very beginning...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Managers%20Alt/MickyStarr_alt3Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Micky Starr In-Ring Segment[/B][/CENTER] [I]Dressed in a suit, Micky Starr walks out through the Supreme Gate. Considering that its been many years since the 62-year old was seen in the SWF in any capacity, the crowd reaction is fairly strong. Not a monster pop like those reserved for the current stars, but a respectful cheer and ovation. He has a microphone. Micky Starr says that he shouldn't need any introduction... but just in case any of the youngster fans don't keep up on their history, he is Micky Starr. He gives them a brief overview of his illustrious career, including the fact that he was the man who brought Sam Strong into the business and into the SWF. So not only was Starr a helluva talent himself, he also always had a skill for spotting talent in others. Starr says that he was recently requested, by another Supreme Legend, to help train that Legends offspring. To help ensure they were capable of succeeding in this business. It didn't take but a short time to realize they had the necessary Starr Factor to succeed. Since there wasn't much he could teach them in the ring, Micky was asked by their father to help guide them through the start of their careers. Since the Supreme Wrestling Federation was where their careers were going to start, Micky was here. And tonight, he was going to introduce them.[/I] [CENTER][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRpJg1StvFw"][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] [I]The fans recognize the music as being the same that Sam Keith used through most of his SWF career – Kasmir by Led Zeppelin. There is really no question at this point who Micky Starr is here to help out... But they finally emerge through the Supreme Gate and join Starr on the stage.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/GregGaugealt8Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/MatthewGaugealt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Greg Keith + Matthew Keith[/B][/CENTER] [I]Micky Starr introduces Greg Keith and Matthew Keith. The twin brothers, the sons of the Supreme Legend and four-time SWF World Heavyweight champion Sam Keith. The Keith twins are virtually identical, except for Matthew's stylized goatee. They wear matching singlets. At 6'2” and 245 pounds, both are a bit bigger than their father, but they have the same wavy blond hair and confident smirk as their legendary sire. Starr says that these two are the future of the SWF. They are the new class of the Generation Supreme. One day, they will conquer the entire Supreme Wrestling Federation as their father did. In the meantime, they are going to become the greatest tag team the SWF has ever seen... The Keith Factor...[/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: C+[/CENTER] [/B][/quote]Peter Michaels: The Keith boys! [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JossThompsonAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ShooterSeanDeeleyAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/JackBruceAlt8Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/SeanMcFlySmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Badd Kompany vs Bruce & McFly[/B][/CENTER] The crowd pop from the combination of McFly and Bruce is massive. The duo of Thompson and Deeley come out with an intense approach right from the opening bell. They seem more focused than they have since their SWF debut. Despite some fans feeling that Badd Kompany couldn't a buy win even if they had Rich Money as their manager (sorry Zeel1), the youngsters manage to push the two veterans. Thompson and Deeley work with a familiarity and teamwork that Bruce and McFly just lack. Still, the individual skills of The Long Island Angel and The American Tiger shine through. The match grinds to a halt a few minutes in, as Rich Money and Remo make their way down the ramp and take up observation positions at ringside. Once it gets going again, the match is fast paced and fairly exciting, with the crowd solidly behind the face duo throughout. Thompson and Deeley manage to generate some solid heel heat as they double team Bruce. The crowd pops big for McFly and Deeley trade big suplexes. Another notable moment in the match is Deeley unveiling a new big move, the Shooting Flowison, which is a sit out side power slam. It puts Bruce down, but McFly makes the save. A short time later, McFly gets the pinfall on Thompson after a DeLorean Driver. [B][CENTER]Sean McFly Wins at 15:12 via Pinfall Grade: B+[/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RichMoneyAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RemoAlt2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/SeanMcFlySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/JackBruceAlt8Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rich Money, Remo, Sean McFly + Jack Bruce In-Ring Confrontation[/B][/CENTER] [I]After the match, McFly and Bruce celebrate in the ring. Deeley and Thompson depart, getting a slap on shoulders from Rich Money and Remo. The heel duo stay outside the ring, simply watching as they did throughout the match. That changes when McFly has the audacity to stare down at the SWF World Heavyweight championship belt that Hard Cash holds. In a flash, the champion is in the ring, staring down McFly and shouting a challenge at him. McFly doesn't back down, though he's not escalating it either. Remo and Bruce try to get between the duo. Remo seems bemused by the whole situation, while Bruce looks awkward and unsure of whether he wants to be involved in all of this. When Bruce and Remo get their respective friends to opposite corners, the stare down continues across the ring. The show fades out on Money and McFly glaring at each other. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A*[/CENTER] [/B] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Grade/grade_bplus.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ratings: 4.99[/B][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=sabataged;649524]Awesome show[/QUOTE] Thank you, sir. Now for the standard thoughts.... -the opening segment ended up being much longer than I intended. But it was a piece I was planning for awhile. I'm hoping it gets across how manipulative Rich Money can be. Its also setting up a bunch of stuff for the near future. -was a bit surprised at how many people expected Ace Newton to go over Morrisette here. I did briefly consider it, I have to admit. But Newton got a boost from winning the Supreme Games match, so I wasn't really looking to give him another big one so soon. He's getting over quick enough as it is that I'm not really looking to push that forward any faster. I've managed to keep his personality (which is very very positive) from being affected by the fact that he's losing quite a bit and a lot of the popularity gain is just from being on TV with Money and Remo. While the match was definitely intended to push forward the idea of Morrisette "wrestling with some personal demons", I felt that would be more directly accomplished by winning in a pretty negative and kinda embarassing manner. It really comes down to that the demons that Morrisette is dealing with are not so much about winning and losing as it is about respect and protection. -finally got to unveil the Keith boys fully. They have been working dark matches for a full two months while I waited for Starr's contract to come up. The upside is that they now already have F+ tag tag experience because of that time. And yes, they are working as faces off the start.
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