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Last Page Susan Morton Nancy Travis is an attorney and a single mother to her 12-year old daughter, Carson Jamie Renee Smith. When Susan Nancy Travis is diagnosed with cancer, she moves from Chicago to California, where she grew up, and she brings Carson along with her. On the west coast, she meets Michael Blake Scott Bairstow, who is currently a low-paid waiter, and falls in love with him. Michael make friends with Susans daughter, Carson, but he leaves Susan, when she tells him that she has cancer. Carson convinces him to come back though. Meanwhile, Susan is concidering to have Carson stay with Susans parents, Phil James Karen and Marnie Holland Taylor, when she dies, after Susans ex-husband, Peter, turns down the offer of letting Carson stay with him. Michael then offers to take care of Carson, since they get along so well, making Susans parents upset. Susan dies two weeks later, and Carson decides to stay with Michael instead of her grandparents.
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[FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/Avatars/Small/AvatarSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote]Random thought of the day… There are few more lonely places to be than in a hotel room alone on a long night. Hotel rooms rarely bother me. I am on the road a lot and I am pretty used to them. I don't have to say in hotels quite as often as an actual worker, as I usually just hit the TV shows and maybe one house show per week. But its constant. I am thankful that the SWF Business Office Travel Bureau is very efficient at what they do. Most nights like this on the road, there would be other SWF folk in the hotel. Chances were usually good that at least a couple of them would be people I would feel comfortable hanging out with. As easy as that, any loneliness was usually chased away. Tonight, I was some 90 miles from where the rest of the workers were staying back in Baltimore. After the show, I jumped in my rental and drove to New Jersey, which would make it easier to get to Boston in the morning. I usually had two easy escapes from the boredom and loneliness of the hotel room - TV and my trusty laptop. Some combination of the two usually worked. Not this night. Not at all. The television offered me nothing. Not some boring nature sure I could at least distract myself with or some crappy movie I had see a dozen times. All the TV provided was kids sitcoms, news programs, and reality TV, and none of those carried any interest at all for me. My trust Supreme-blue laptop is actually a number of possible distractions rolled into one. Wireless Internet access, some games, and a bunch of wrestling videos were all options. But the games didn't appeal to me, the videos couldn't hold my attention, and the Internet simply enraged me. It was Marshall again. I was usually upset at his information for being accurate... Not this time. Oddly, I was upset that he was inaccurate. Last week, Marshall had included a rumor about Vengeance in his Supreme View column. The information was incorrect, but he indicated that Vengeance was not simply being kept off-screen but had actually been released by the SWF. The reason was not actually posted in the column, but Marshall did post it on the Grey Dog Wrestling forum, though. And it involved Amanda. According to Marshall, there were some quiet rumors running about Richard Eisen's daughter, who was apparently involved with someone backstage in some manner. Given the thoughts that Vengeance/DeBones was on the outs, Marshall had linked the two rumors. The mere thought of that gets my first clenching. It took an unbelievable amount of self-control to keep myself from posting comments in the ever-growing thread that Marshall had started with that particular rumor. At this point, dealing with rumors is just part of the job. Only a few of them have been aimed at my personally, such as Marshall outing me as the Head Booker - which was thankfully something that had yet to really be accepted by more than a small segment of smart mark fans. But this... this was something different. It wasn't directed at me intentionally, yet it felt as personal as could be. No one was supposed to know about Amanda and I. We had been so careful. We still weren't that serious, to be truthful, but there was definite interest there from both of us and we were not going to be seeing anyone else. But who knew that could have passed it on to Marshall? I trusted Robbie implicitly, and he's the only one who directly knows. ...Can I trust Robbie...? Staring at the wall was not making the late evening pass any faster. I was not tired enough yet to sleep, and my mind was not about to rest. I took a short walk, then came back. I listened to my iPod for a bit while staring at the ceiling. I managed to distract myself with some episodes of Harvey Birdman on my laptop. I finally went to bed well after 1am, but I slept little. My brain refused to stop mulling things. It was a long and restless night. Would have it been an easier night if I had someone there I could talk to? Maybe. But I don't know that I have anyone I could talk to about it. It would seem odd to discuss it with Amanda.... and I don't know that I want to bring it up to Robbie. Perhaps this would have made for a sleepless and lonely night regardless of where I laid down my head... Wednesday, Week 1, November 2008 Avatar[/quote] [/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]The Fry Report Preview[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/FryReport.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][I]Every week on The Fry Report podcast will provide the latest information on everything Supreme. News, rumors, and interviews, all brought to you by the incomparable Duane Fry.[/I] [B]Preview for podcast available Wednesday, Week 1, November 2008[/B] "With just a week to go now before SWF Break Like the Wind 2008, there is plenty yet to be sorted out. We know that Christian Faith will be facing Eric Eisen for the SWF Supreme Championship. But many of the top wrestlers on the Legends brand have yet to line up matches. That could change tonight." "There is plenty of action on tap. Chris Caufield takes on big cowboy Texas Pete, while Eric Eisen faces on Groucho Bling. We will also see Brandon James in action against big youngster Robbie Retro. This could be "Big Money's" first match without Emma Chase at his side since he joined the Supreme Wrestling Federation, as word is that the Temporary Interim General Manager of the Supreme brand may not be able to make the show tonight." "Acid faces a pair of opponents for his SWF Shooting Star Championship. The other two participants on the Threefold Threat match are American Elemental and El Leon. The pair of masked high fliers have both scored some wins on SWF Generation Supreme in recent months, but have yet to notch victories of note on SWF Legends. It would make quite an impact if either could score a win over Acid and claim the Shooting Star belt." "The SWF Legends Championship will also be defended. Champion Bloodstone will put his belt up against Art Reed. The match was apparently made by Phil Vibert, after Reed and his manager Dani Nevada asked for a chance for some payback after the attack by Rex a few weeks ago. It seems that the lovely miss Nevada holds quite the grudge and isn't about to let this go." "The main event should be fantastic, as Chris Morrisette makes his in-ring debut as a member of the Legends roster. Along with Supreme champion Christian Faith, Morrisette will take on Sara Silver's Silverback's. The duo of Mr. Anderson and Mr. Hill have already proven formidable and talented. There are rumors that this match was made by the special request of Sara Silver to Eric Tyler. One has to think that Silver's mercenary tag team might have a client on the SWF Legends brand." "This is going to be a great night. Don't miss out! SWF Legends... only on CBA!" [/quote][B]The Fry Report will be available on SWF.com or directly from iTunes.[/B] [quote]An extra special feature for the Fry Report... A preview of the matches lined up for SWF Legends this week! [COLOR=Blue]Chris Caufield[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Texas Pete[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Eric Eisen[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Groucho Bling[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]American Elemental[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]El Leon[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Acid[/COLOR] for the [B]SWF Shooting Star Championship[/B] [COLOR=Red]The Samoan Wildboyz[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Lords of Pure[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Art Reed[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Bloodstone[/COLOR] for the [B]SWF Legends Championship[/B] [COLOR=Red]Brandon James[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Robbie Retro[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Warrior Faith[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]The Silverback's[/COLOR] [/quote][/FONT]
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[B]Chris Caufield[/B] vs Texas Pete [B]Eric Eisen[/B] vs Groucho Bling American Elemental vs El Leon vs [B]Acid[/B] for the SWF Shooting Star Championship The Samoan Wildboyz[/B] vs Lords of Pure Art Reed vs [B]Bloodstone[/B] for the SWF Legends Championship [B]Brandon James[/B] vs Robbie Retro [B]Warrior Faith[/B] vs The Silverback's
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[B]Chris Caufield[/B] vs Texas Pete [I]I really like the Texas Pete character but can't see him going over Caulfield[/I] [B]Eric Eisen[/B] vs Groucho Bling [I]The boss' son ain't gonna lose against Groucho even though Groucho should win this[/I] American Elemental vs El Leon vs [B]Acid[/B] for the SWF Shooting Star Championship [I]Too early for either of the challengers to take the Shooting Star strap[/I] The Samoan Wildboyz vs [B]Lords of Pure[/B] [I]Lords of Pure could be a force to be reckoned with if you push them properly[/I] Art Reed vs [B]Bloodstone[/B] for the SWF Legends Championship [I]It would be amazing to see Reed get the win here but I doubt that's going to happen[/I] [B]Brandon James[/B] vs Robbie Retro [I]Hopefully the return of the 'Big Cat' now Emma's doing GM duties[/I] [B]Warrior Faith [/B]vs The Silverback's [I]I can't see past a Warrior Faith win here, maybe a DQ finish[/I]
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[B]Chris Caufield[/B] vs Texas Pete [I]Right now, Texas Pete is basically a glorified jobber who just so happens to be in arguably the top heel stable on the legends brand. Whilst him winning this match isn't entitrely out of the question as Caulfield is not a [B]TOP[/B] guy and would signal that you wish to do more with Pete than just have him be a 'fall guy' but I just don't see it happening.[/I] Eric Eisen vs [B]Groucho Bling[/B] [I]The sort of match that Eisen could and probably should win. It'll be via nefarious means though to continue putting over Eisen's chicken**** heel character.[/I] American Elemental vs El Leon vs [B]Acid[/B] for the SWF Shooting Star Championship [I]All three are talented but I feel Acid will retain here and will keep hold of this belt for a good while until you build up the popularity of the other competitors. Sadly in a fed like SWF the competitors are judged more on how 'over' they are with the fans than on their skills. That's fine for the Heavyweights but the little guys who make up the Shooting Star Division will always have their work cut out to get 'over'.[/I] [B]The Samoan Wildboyz[/B] vs Lords of Pure [I]A win for the Lords could immediately establish them as a threat in the Sky Club Tag Division, but I'm going to swing for the safer bet and say that the Wildboyz get the win here.[/I] Art Reed vs [B]Bloodstone [/B]for the SWF Legends Championship [I]On paper these two should be able to have a good program against one another. I see this a tester match to see if a full feud it worth exploring between these two. So Bloodstone will retain but it'll be booked as though Reed pushed him close.[/I] [B]Brandon James[/B] vs Robbie Retro [I]Will we see the return of Big Cat Brandon here ? Maybe but one things for certain is that Retro will be looking up at the lights.[/I] [B]Warrior Faith[/B] vs The Silverback's [I]A DQ could very well be in the equation here, as Sara Silver's recent promo's have established the Silverbacks purpose as 'guns for hire' rather than being interested in wins and losses and championships.[/I]
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[B]Chris Caufield[/B] vs Texas Pete [B]Eric Eisen[/B] vs Groucho Bling American Elemental vs El Leon vs [B]Acid[/B] for the SWF Shooting Star Championship The Samoan Wildboyz vs [B]Lords of Pure[/B] Art Reed vs [B]Bloodstone[/B] for the SWF Legends Championship [B] Brandon James[/B] vs Robbie Retro [I]Guess you don't trust Robbie. ;)[/I] [B]Warrior Faith[/B] vs The Silverback's
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[B]Chris Caufield[/B] vs Texas Pete I don't see Pete going far enough to warrant a Caufield loss. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] vs Groucho Bling Bling could put up a fight, but Eisen'll win, maybe making Runaway Train useful in the process. American Elemental vs El Leon vs [B]Acid[/B] for the SWF Shooting Star Championship I'd like to think Elemental and Leon are both in for a lot of wins in the future, but the first wins of either aren't going to be for the Shooting Star belt. [B]The Samoan Wildboyz[/B] vs Lords of Pure LoP seem like they're going to become an underdog pairing, losing a few matches before really contributing to the Sky Club Division. Could see them winning it here but it's unlikely. Art Reed vs [B]Bloodstone[/B] for the SWF Legends Championship Reed's been on a good roll lately, but I don't know if I can see it leading to the Legends title. Wouldn't rule it out completely, but I'd say Bloodstone takes this. [B]Brandon James[/B] vs Robbie Retro Retro's no jobber, but he won't be taking down James anytime soon. [B]Warrior Faith[/B] vs The Silverback's Possible DQ victory here, Silverback's softening them up a little for whoever has hired them.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF Legends[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TV%20Shows/Banners/LegendsBanner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Wednesday, Week 1, November 2008 Mayor Street Arena (New England) - 14,479[/B] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poGsYxYENs0"][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [SIZE=4]Announcers[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/DuaneFrySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/PhilVibertSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/MelanieFlorenceSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Duane Fry - Phil Vibert - Melanie Florence[/B] ________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Duane Fry[/B]: I would like to welcome everyone to SWF Legends! I have the usual crew with me tonight – Phil Vibert and Melanie Florence. [B]Melanie Florence[/B]: Always pleased to be here... [B]Duane Fry[/B]: Phil is down in the ring. [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/PhilVibertRegSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Phil Vibert In-Ring Segment[/B][/CENTER] [I]Phil Vibert is in the ring to start the show. He does not look to be in a particular good mood. Vibert begins by saying that unlike Eric Tyler, he doesn't particularly enjoy starting shows out this way. In fact, he would much prefer not to. Certain things need to be addressed however. Vibert reminds fans that he talked to them last week about a little promotion he used to a run. A promotion now dead and gone, but apparently not forgettable. He mentions about how that promotion became infamous for its backstage antics. Fights and brawls happened backstage on a regular basis in that promotion. It was outright chaos at times. It was something that many fans loved the promotion. It was something Vibert himself loved. But like every love affair, it ended. That chaos belonged in a certain time and place. And where it does not belong is here in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. He pauses to emphasize the point, then continues slowly. He says that one of the things that helped convince him to sign the contract with the SWF when the Board of Directors approached him was the reality that the SWF was different from his old promotion. No backstage chaos. No constant brawls. People actually acting in a professional manner. Unfortunately, those “realities” have very much turned out to be false. There are somethings that Phil cannot affect, such as Then Genius Mr. Eisen choosing to put his ego ahead of everything else. But he can try to change some of them. This is something that Vibert attempted to address more than once in recent months and its apparent that it has not yet sunk in. So perhaps it will with this... Any member of the Legends roster who instigates a fight in the backstage area will be fined. The crowd actually gives a pretty good reaction to this, but it changes to a negative reaction when Eric Tyler and his trio of Watchmen emerge through the Supreme Gate. [/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small%20Alt/EricTyleralt4Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/BryanHolmesalt1Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/JDMorganalt1Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/AcidSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eric Tyler, Bryan Holmes, JD Morgan + Acid[/B][/CENTER] [I]With a microphone in hand, the General Manager of the brand says that Phil can go ahead and fine whoever he wants to whatever infractions he wants... because Tyler will just turn around and waive those fines. As Vibert glares from down in the ring, the GM says that is just clearly an overreaction to the “lesson” that the Watchmen here taught Phil a month ago. But Tyler is not about to allow Vibert's personal fears to run this brand. Fuming, Vibert responds by saying that he waited some time after that attack to make this announcement intentionally. Because that attack did not lead to this decision... the desire to keep the brand as a proper place for the best in the world to wrestle did. Tyler waves his hand dismissively. He says that this is so obviously just another attempt by Vibert to assert his authority on the brand. Authority he will then use to turn the Legends brand into some b*stard clone of the forgotten greatness that was Danger and Violence Extreme. Tyler knows what Vibert is trying to do and he will not allow it to happen. And knowing that this little “alliance” that Vibert has helped form share his vision, Tyler feels that he has little choice but to do what he needs to do to counter that. With that, the GM leads his trio off the stage, while Vibert is left standing in the ring, clearly irate. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: B+[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Melanie Florence[/B]: I think Phil is a bit upset... again... [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChrisCaulfieldSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/TexasPeteSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Caufield vs Texas Pete[/B][/CENTER] The match is a pretty decent brawl, where Pete manages to look pretty good. There is plenty of activity outside the ring through the match, with Pete supported by Kristen Pearce and Rex. They don't get involved in the early goings of the match, which is all inside the ring as the two workers hammer away at each other. But in the late going, things get messy. Caufield ends up going outside the ring to chase Pete at one point, and runs smack into Rex. While Caufield attempts to stare down the monstrous Rex, Pete nails him in the back of the head with a big elbow. Back inside the ring, Pete works over the Hardcore American for a bit, but Caufield has the crowd support and battles back. Soon enough, he has Pete in trouble. But just as Caufield is lining up his Danger Drop finisher, Rex steps into the ring and smashes Caufield in the head. As the ref calls for the bell, he throws Caufield into the ropes and nails him with a big boot. Pete and Rex clear out of the ring, with Pete holding up his arm in victory despite the loss, while Caufield is in the ring looking very annoyed. [B][CENTER]Chris Caufield Wins at 9:13 via Disqualification Grade: B-[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Duane Fry[/B]: So would that kind of thing earn a fine? [B]Phil Vibert[/B]: No... but I may look at it in the future... [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/GrouchoBlingSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/EricEisenSeriousSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Groucho Bling vs Eric Eisen[/B][/CENTER] Double E eschews his typical approach of having Runaway Train interfere constantly in the match, instead focusing on taking down his opponent himself. It helps that the 205-pound Bling is one of the few wrestlers on the brand that the 215-pound Eisen has a size advantage over. Eisen controls the early part of the match, but Bling starts to battle back. That doesn't last long, as Eric Eisen uses a throat punch and a couple of eye gouges to take the advantage back. A Silver Spoon Shock puts Bling down for the three count. [B][CENTER]Eric Eisen Wins at 8:04 via Pinfall Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Duane Fry[/B]: Well that was a different sort of win for Double E. [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/ElLeonSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AmericanElementalSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/AcidSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Belts/SWF/Alts/Mid/SWF_Shooting_Star_altMid.jpg[/IMG] [B]El Leon vs American Elemental vs Acid SWF Shooting Star Championship Match[/B][/CENTER] A very solid match between the trio of high-fliers. Acid looks as good as he always does, but El Leon impresses as well. Its a spotty match, but a fun one. El Leon nails American Elemental with his Split Second Justice super kick and nearly gets the pin, but Acid stops it in time. The crowd is thrilled when the luchadore star Leon leaps onto both of his opponents from the top turnbuckle while they battle outside the ring. Daring, but Leon ends up hurting himself as well. Acid and Elemental make it back into the ring to beat the ten count, where Acid locks in the Acidity Test and gets American Elemental to tap out. [B][CENTER]Acid Wins at 9:33 via Submission Grade: C+[/CENTER] [/B][/quote] [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/HellMonkeyalt7Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/FrankiePerez_alt15Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AkimaBraveSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/KidTomaSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lords of Pure vs The Samoan Wildboyz[/B][/CENTER] A solid tag team match that never really grabs the crowd, it is an interesting contrast of styles – the high flying of the Samoans against the hard-hitting of the Lords. Pathlow and Perez absolutely unleash on Toma through the middle of the match, especially Perez as he lays into the lightweight Samoan with vicious kicks. The Lords of Pure score their first win in the SWF after unveiling a tandem finisher – Perez hitting a rolling scissor kick to drop Toma before Perez nails a standing shooting star press. Perez grabs the pinfall. [B][CENTER]Frankie Perez Wins at 7:43 via Pinfall Grade: C-[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ArtReedSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/DharmaGreggAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Dani Nevada + Art Reed Pre-Match Promo[/B][/CENTER] [I]A shot promo before the match, where Dani Nevada grabs the microphone. She starts by thanking Phil Vibert for putting Art Reed in this match for the SWF Legends championship tonight. But even if Art does beat Bloodstone for that belt tonight, their gripe with The Golden Faction won't be finished. Dani says she doesn't give up on grudges easily, and her grudge against Kristen Pearce and her thugs is a big one. They wanted to know last week what the consequences are going to be? Well, they'll learn soon enough...[/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Melanie Florence[/B]: Remind me not to get that Dani angry, love. [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ArtReedSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JohnnyBloodstoneSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Belts/SWF/Mid/SWFLegendsChampionshipMid.jpg[/IMG] [B]Art Reed vs Bloodstone SWF Legends Championship Match[/B][/CENTER] A very solid match that shows off the skills of both men. Its mostly a mat battle, quick-paced and entertaining. It becomes apparent quite quickly that as talented as Reed is, Bloodstone is simply better. An interesting subtext to the match is Dani Nevada and Kristen Pearce both being at ringside, with Pearce determined to avoid Dani while Dani is determined to confront her fellow manager. In the ring, two Canadians show off the kind of technique and work rate that made the Stone family beloved in the wrestling world. The SWF fans enjoy it, getting behind the challenger Reed. The Bulldog makes a solid go of it, showing off his world class athleticism in several spots. He looks like has the champion in real danger when he manages to lock in his Dread Lock finisher, but Bloodstone battles his way out. The skills of Bloodstone are simply too much, and he eventually forces Reed to give up to his Bloodstone Mutilation submission. [B][CENTER]Bloodstone Wins via Submission at 12:14 Grade: B-[/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JohnnyBloodstoneSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChrisMorrisetteSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bloodstone + Chris Morrisette Post-Match Segment[/B][/CENTER] [I]After the match, Bloodstone celebrates his title defense while Dani Nevada consoles Art Reed outside the ring. The crowd roars as Chris Morrisette walks out through the Supreme Gate. He stares down at the Legends champion in the ring. After a long moment, he flicks on the microphone and says that a month ago, he had a chance at Bloodstone's Legends title in a three-way match. This time, he wants a one-on-one shot against Bloodstone. The fans roar their approval at the idea, and Bloodstone simply nods his acceptance. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A*[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Duane Fry[/B]: It looks like we have another match for the Break Like the Wind pay per view! [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RobbieRetroSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/BigCatBrandonalt15Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Robbie Retro vs Brandon James[/B][/CENTER] Robbie Retro comes out first and gets a strong reaction from the fans. The boos for Brandon James turn to massive cheers in an instant when he appears through the Supreme Gate wearing his Big Cat face paint. He doesn't react to getting a face pop rather than the heel heat he has received through his entire year-plus in the SWF. The match has the feel of a face-versus-face match as both men have significant crowd support, even though James uses the same approach and tactics as he typically would. The match is an entertaining brawl that goes back and forth, but looks like James' match to lose throughout. The crowd is going insane as Robbie breaks out The Robot after he drops James with a big DDT, but James leaps up and shows a Big Cat Taunt, nailing Robbie with a pair of massive Big Cat Pounce's that put the big youngster down for the three count. [B][CENTER]Brandon James Wins at 9:13 via Pinfall Grade: B+[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Duane Fry[/B]: So does that mean the Big Cat is back? [B]Phil Vibert[/B]: I wouldn't count on it... [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RockyGoldenSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/KristenPearceAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JohnnyBloodstoneSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/TexasPeteSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/T-RexSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rocky Golden, Kristen Pearce, Bloodstone, Texas Pete + Rex In-Ring Promo[/B][/CENTER] [I]After a match that the crowd quite enjoyed, the get to unleash their hatred on The Golden Faction as the stables makes their way through the Supreme Gate and down to the ring. Rocky Golden grabs the microphone with his typical smirk. The Golden Boy says that he's glad for Bloodstone now having a match for the coming pay per view. But that still leaves the rest of the Faction without anything. And in his case, that is truly insulting. To leave someone as talented and popular as him off the pay per view is simply bad business. It makes no sense. Not that he's out here to beg... Because Rocky Golden is too proud to beg. But if Eric Tyler or even Phil Vibert are smart, they will find a way to use rest of The Golden Faction at Break Like the Wind...[/I] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChrisCaulfieldSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Caufield.[/B][/B][/CENTER] [I]Golden's request is interrupted by Chris Caufiield walking out onto the stage. With a microphone already in hand, The Hardcore American says that he can offer The Golden Faction a match. Golden laughs, saying that Caufiled must be bad at math because he's just one man and they are three. Caufield replies that he won't have any trouble finding two partners for the match if the Faction accepts. After a moment to consider it, Golden agrees to a six-man tag match at the pay per view. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A[/CENTER] [/B][/quote] [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChristianFaithSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChrisMorrisetteSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/HumanArsenalalt4Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/BrentHillalt4Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Warrior Faith vs The Silverbacks[/B][/CENTER] This one is everything that one expects. It is an entertaining and dynamic tag match that showcases the skills of all four wrestlers involved. The popular duo of Faith and Morrisette face a bit of an uphill battle, as not only are Anderson and Hill more experienced as a tandem, but they also have Sara Silver and Mr. Jackson roaming at ringside to provide near-constant distractions. Referee Darren Smith finds himself constantly speaking to Silver about endless complaints, which gives The Silverbacks plenty of opportunities for double-teams. The match actually sees the SWF Supreme Champion Christian Faith takes the worst of things, as he seems to be the explicit target Silver's duo. The big champion is isolated and battered. He comes close to making the hot tag on several occasions, but Anderson and Hill do whatever is necessary to prevent it – from low blows to dragging Morrisette off the ring apron from behind. Morrisette finally gets frustrated enough to resort to some cheap tactics of his own, first nailing Mr. Anderson with a kick to the lower back when he comes into the ropes near their corner, then launching a missile drop kick onto Mr. Hill a short time later. Though Referee Smith forces Morrisette back to their corner, that allows Faith the time and space he needs to make the tag. Now the legal man, Morrisette takes it to both opponents. It looks like the face duo have things in hand, when Mr. Jackson suddenly tosses Mr. Hill a chair from the outside of the ring. Hill lays into Morrisette with a heavy chair shot, which Smith cannot possible overlook. He calls of the bell as things in the ring turn to chaos. [B][CENTER]Chris Morrisette Wins at 17:11 via Disqualification Grade: A[/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChristianFaithSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChrisMorrisetteSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/HumanArsenalalt4Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/BrentHillalt4Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/JumboJacksonalt4Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Managers/SaraSilverSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Christian Faith, Chris Morrisette, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Hill, Mr. Jackson + Sara Silver Post-Match Brawl[/B][/CENTER] [I]With the first chair shot laying Morrisette out, both of the Silverbacks are joined in the ring by Mr. Jackson. At the direction of Sara Silver, they start to brutalize Christian. They triple-team the Supreme champion and hit him repeatedly with the chair. Their attack is short but brutal. Before the can do more damage...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ChrisCaulfieldSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Caufield[/B][/CENTER] [I]The crowd roars as Caufield makes his way through the Supreme Gate and down the ramp in a hurry. The Silverback trio don't abandon the ring, but wait for Caufield and begin to attack him. Its an obviously unfair fight, but Morrisette is beginning to recover from his initial shot and gets involved in the mess, making it at least three-on-two. The situation changes a bit when Caufield manages to wrestle the chair away from Mr. Jackson and The Hardcore American does not hesitate to use it on the big bodyguard. Mr. Hill and Mr. Anderson both slide out of the ring before they can be victimized with it. They are joined by a wobbled Mr. Jackson, as the trio are congratulated by a smirking Sara Silver. The crowd boos even louder suddenly.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/EricEisenSeriousSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small%20Alt/EricTyleralt4Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eric Eisen + Eric Tyler[/B][/CENTER] [I]The GM Eric Tyler and “Double E” Eric Tyler have been standing on the ramp since just after Chris Caufield made his entrance, watching the proceedings in the ring with amusement. The pair look quite pleased with themselves. They both nod appreciatively at Sara Silver. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A*[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Duane Fry[/B]: Tyler... Eisen... Which one of them is behind this? [B]Phil Vibert[/B]: Does it really matter? [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Grade/grade_astar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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My thoughts... -I really didn't expect to get an A* show out of that. I booked it knowing that it would be another regular strong show, but it didn't feel standout while I was putting it together on paper or booking it in the game. Guess I just managed to get the sequencing right for the matches and segments. When you get right down it, I think that's often all that separates an A show from an A*, or even a B+ from an A. -hoped to have this posted a fair bit quicker. Slowed down by a cold over the past couple of days. Weak excuse, I know, but it is what it is. -I've long since come to terms with my shows not being that difficult to predict. Now I'm realizing that not only are the majority of the picks correct, but guys like TK and Zeel1 are getting much of the logic behind the booking down too. That's awesome. Now I'm going to start swerving the hell out of everything, just to mess with everyone. -I came very close to booking a Silverbacks win in the main event. Not a clean out, but still a win. It wasn't so much about not wanting Faith or Morrisette to take the loss as not wanting to give the Silverbacks the jump. Seems weird, but Hill and Anderson are currently very solid Upper Midcarders (B and B-, repsectively). That's pretty ideal for a top tag team in my mind. A win like that would jump them to B+ and Main Event range.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;656809]That reminds me. Of all the Luchadores you have, why DON'T you have Axxis Jr.? After Champagne Lover and El Fuerza, he's the only other Mexican star that can I see crossover to the USA.[/QUOTE] I have looked at the Mexican scene extensively for talent that could work in the US. Axxis Jr is one I definitely think could cross-over. I won't say what exactly is going on with him this point. But I will say that I still have a few "dark match jobbers" on the roster that I have future plans for but who don't see any TV time. He could be one of those. He also could be one of those who was purged in the past month or so.
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You know, I know you are being intentionally vague, but that's fine with me. :p But while I can see him being in dark matches (not necessarily only as a jobber ;)), I doubt you would fire him, if you did hire him. :p That's just a guess on my part. ;) Oh yeah, I was going to say Mario Heroic, too, but he's a Hispanic person that's born in the USA. I also think you answered that one before.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF.com: Generation Supreme Review[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TV%20Shows/Alt/SWFGenerationSupremeTV.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]SWF.com Review of SWF Generation Supreme - Saturday Week 1 November 2008[/CENTER] [/B] With less a week to go before SWF Break Like the Wind 2008 on pay per view, last night's episode of SWF Generation Supreme was as much about hype for the PPV as it was the in-ring action. And given that the in-ring action was pretty, that tells you about how good the hype was! If you did miss the action last night, check out SWF.com, where some of the best matches of every SWF Generation Supreme show will be available for download. [/quote][quote][B][CENTER]Partial Recap of Matches from SWF Generation Supreme[/CENTER] [/B] [B]High Concept[/B] d. Natural Selection + Strong Machine [B]Lords of Pure[/B] d. Death Row [B]The Silverbacks[/B] d. The Wrecking Crew + Tokyo Underground [CENTER][B]Overall Show: B[/B][/CENTER] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/SWFWebMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;657207]So how is life on The Tag Team Parade... err... Generation Supreme?[/QUOTE] That's pretty much the truth, to be honest. I used work to vary things moreso but I've gotten lazy with the show. Its now basically two types of matches tag team (often three-way) and three-way singles matches. The tag ones get listed more often than the singles ones simply because if it features someone I have yet to debut, that's far easier to hide with a tag team name than just listing their name.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]The Fry Report Preview[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/FryReport.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][I]Every week on The Fry Report podcast will provide the latest information on everything Supreme. News, rumors, and interviews, all brought to you by the incomparable Duane Fry.[/I] [B]Preview for podcast available Monday, Week 2, November 2008[/B] "Tomorrow night's SWF Supreme TV will be the first show under the full guidance of Interim General Manager Emma Chase. She had very little chance to affect last week's show, but that changes tomorrow night. And not only will the new temporary GM be making decisions for the show, but she will be making some notable decisions for the coming SWF Break Like the Wind 2008 which happens this Thursday." "Word is that Emma is looking to "put her stamp" on the Supreme brand, starting with the coming pay per view. The calculating and scheming agent is known to carry a long grudge. Has she forgiven Rich Money and Remo for how their "Big Money Inc" stable came to its end? Chase never saw eye-to-eye with The Long Island Angel Jack Bruce? How will she feel about all the up-and-coming Generation Supreme stars? These are all factors that could bear significant importance." "The GM has booked some interesting matches this week for Supreme TV. Several of which could have some bearing on which tag team could be next to challenge for the SWF World Tag Team Championship belts currently held by Sin Inc... assuming that Valiant & Giedroyc do use their Challenger's Choice contract to face the champions at Break Like the Wind." "The dual main event should make for a great show. First is a six-way tag match that puts six of the best in the SWF in the ring together. Sean McFly, Troy Tornado, and Jack Bruce will face Rich Money, Remo, and Ace Newton. It is not often you see so much outright talent in one wrestling ring at one time. But that's not even the full-stop main event. That belongs to a showdown between Angry Gilmore and Mr. Anderson that is sure to test both men." "Any fan of the SWF - or wrestling - cannot afford to miss this week. Supreme TV is on C.A.N.N. every Tuesday night!" [/quote][B]The Fry Report will be available on SWF.com or directly from iTunes.[/B] [quote]A special feature for the Fry Report... A preview of the matches lined up for Supreme TV this week! [COLOR=Red]Joe Sexy[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Valiant[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Los Diablos[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]The Heartbreakers[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]The Keith Factor[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Sean Deeley[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Marc DuBois[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Swoop McCarthy[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Nevada Nuclear[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Joss Thompson[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Zimmy Bumfhole[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Mr. Hill[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Sean McFly[/COLOR] + [COLOR=Blue]Jack Bruce[/COLOR] + [COLOR=Blue]Troy Tornado[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Rich Money[/COLOR] + [COLOR=Red]Remo[/COLOR] + [COLOR=Red]Ace Newton[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Mr. Anderson[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Angry Gilmore [/COLOR] [/quote][/FONT]
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Joe Sexy vs[B] Valiant[/B] Los Diablos vs The Heartbreakers vs [B]The Keith Factor[/B] [B]Sean Deeley[/B] vs Kirk Jameson vs Marc DuBois Swoop McCarthy vs [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] Joss Thompson vs [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] vs Mr. Hill [B]Sean McFly + Jack Bruce + Troy Tornado[/B] vs Rich Money + Remo + Ace Newton Mr. Anderson vs [B]Angry Gilmore[/B]
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[B]Joe Sexy[/B] vs Valiant Valiant and Geidroyc are a pretty strong tag division pairing, but their momentum has waned a bit lately. While winning over Sexy isn't exactly unheard of for Valiant, nor much of an upset, Valiant has a lot less to lose in this match. Keep Sexy strong for the New Wave fued. [B]Los Diablos[/B] vs The Heartbreakers vs The Keith Factor Highest ranking team. Sean Deeley vs Kirk Jameson vs [B]Marc DuBois[/B] Deeley SEVERLY needs some wins, but I could only see him pinning Jameson, and that seems like something that would be more likely for if he where to feud with DuBois in the future. Which, obviously, isn't likely. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs Nevada Nuclear Wow, it's the battle of the flops..I'd say Swoop has more of a future in the C-Verse, so he gets it here. He's been jobbing long enough, in my opinion. Joss Thompson vs [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] vs Mr. Hill Z-Bum, which, is quite the insult in France, from what I've heard, takes it here. Pins Thompson so Brent doesn't look like a loser. [B]Sean McFly + Jack Bruce + Troy Tornado[/B] vs Rich Money + Remo + Ace Newton I see Tornado having quite the winning streak early after crossing over, I'd pick him pinning Newton in this one. Which would set up nicely for a Remo match next week, to show how deserving of a shot he really is. Remembering the Bruce/Money angle, Bruce could eventually turn, but I wouldn't think it'd come the week after. Maybe some tension here between the guys Money claims he can't trust, but that's as far as I'd see it going. Mr. Anderson vs [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] Solid enough win for Gilmore, to aid his campaign towards a title shot.
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[B]Joe Sexy[/B] vs Valiant [I]I was going to go for Valiant, but looking at Zeel1's reasoning for picking Sexy it makes alot of sense. The main Tag feud seems to be shifting towards being between the champs and the New Wave. I'm sure Valiant-Giedroyc will come back into it at some point but right now it's more beneficial to keep Sexy looking relatively strong.[/I] [B]Los Diablos[/B] vs The Heartbreakers vs The Keith Factor [I]A mild upset from either the Heartbreakers or Keith Factor isn't completely out of the equation but Los Diablos are really beginning to establish themselves and I think a loss here would be more counter productive to them than a boost to either of the other teams.[/I] Sean Deeley vs Kirk Jameson vs [B]Marc DuBois[/B] [I]Deeley's being looking good without really winning, but DuBois is more established and I think you'll want to keep the former North American champion looking relatively strong.[/I] Swoop McCarthy vs [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] [I]Coin flip, both came in with a bit of hype but have pretty much done nothing. Simply for the fact that I don't want to go along with all Zeel1's picks though his reasonings usually make alot of sense, I'll stump for the Nuke instead.[/I] Joss Thompson vs Zimmy Bumfhole vs [B]Mr. Hill[/B] [I]Joss Thompson, more like Loss Thompson. Anyway I think the Silverbacks will actually pick up a win here when Mr Hill steels the pin from Z-Bum. Bumfhole seem to be in a bit of a quandary to me, too over for the Mid-card belts (North American/Tag) but not really convincing enough to be seen as challengers for the World Title.[/I] [B]Sean McFly + Jack Bruce + Troy Tornado[/B] vs Rich Money + Remo + Ace Newton [I]They'll be plenty of tension between the faces, but I think they'll pick up the win here.....sort of setting up that false picture that everything is OK between them. Like Zeel I see Bruce turning eventually but it won't come in this match and it could be one of those really slow-burning turns.[/I] Mr. Anderson vs [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] [I]I think a Gilmore win is pretty much nailed on, either he wins clean to keep up his momentum towards an eventual world title shot or it'll be via DQ with the Silverbacks looking to take Gilmore after being paid off by some rich dude.[/I]
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[CENTER][FONT=Arial][SIZE=6]TEW.com - The Supreme View[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TheSupremeView.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Saturday Week 4 October, 2008[/B][/CENTER] [quote][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] is one of the foremost wrestler journalists in the business and perhaps the most respected critic of the Supreme Wrestling Federation in the world. Having covered the world's biggest wrestling promotion for years, Marshall has unequaled insider connections, which makes him privy to information that can't be found anywhere else. His highly-respected [B]The Supreme View[/B] column is available only totalextremewrestling.com. Marshall is a regular forum contributor on the exclusive Grey Dog Wrestling forums.[/quote][CENTER]__________________[/CENTER] [quote] So one of the biggest storyline positions on the Supreme brand goes to a manager on the Legends brand? If it were almost anyone but Emma, you know I'd say something about that. But the truth is, who else could you plug into that gap? At the very least, it's not an Eisen. * Speaking of, have I upset someone backstage at Supreme? I hear that someone's unhappy with my reveals. Just remember, I don't post anything for certain unless I've got two sources on it. If you want to read something into an 'unconfirmed' post, well, on your own head be it. * I'd like to see what Tornado makes of Deeley - and Fly Thompson, just to get an idea of their relative standings. * Poor Darryl. Yeah, he looks like a sap - but he lost Hannah Potter. And frankly, Remo should be punking out guys like Devine. You heard me. * Last Chance made the Bumfholes look good. Not that the Bumfholes are green or anything, but they're not the Silverbacks just yet. * Wasn't that a great segment with Remo, the Kings and Los Diablos? Not a one of them over 27 or so. I mean, one of them was being carried, but can you imagine if I was wrong, and he actually had potential? Okay, all he had to do was show up and glare, and he showed up and looked blocked up, but hey - I'm sure someone's spotted something I haven't. * Incidentally, does anyone want the Generations belt? Newton doesn't seem too interested right now. * I know what the Four Kings are doing, and Los Diablos... But what's the point of Remember Tomorrow, again? I wonder who Rip's more proud of - Parker, or Jay? * I'll gloss over Payne/Bruce to get to Money/Bruce. Money may be the most compelling character on television right now. Bruce came back with the catchphrases and yet I can't help but feel that Money has shaken him. Sterling work by both parties here. * Oh, and McFly/Deeley. Well, I told you the kid had promise, right? * Onto Legends, and if you saw my column last week, you know what I'm thinking, right? Yep: El Leon had another good performance. Nah, you know I'm talking about the Big Cat. I wonder what Emma will have to say about that. * So, just for the record, Texas Pete had a very good match with Chris Caulfield. I know who I think did the work there. * Eric Eisen wins a match clean(ish). He's not getting a push, and Bling is a tag wrestler, so it's not like it means anything. Still, I don't suppose it will stop the rumours of nepotism colouring the booking. You won't hear them from me - Eisen is doing exactly what he should be in his current role, and playing to his strengths. * Lords of Pure vs. Silverbacks. Come on, Avatar, you know you want to. * I wonder what Art Reed is capable of? This is a genuine concern for me - well, maybe concern is the wrong word. I just think he's capable of a lot more. He wouldn't really fit into the Generation Supreme movement - he's older than a lot of the guys he's facing on Legends. Still, as a relative latecomer to the big time, I wouldn't be surprised if he sticks around for a long time, and with conditioning like his, he could perform at the top for a long time to come. Just a thought. * Define 'throwaway': Why, that'd be a six-man match with The Golden Faction against the limited but willing Chris Caulfield and two partners not yet named (but unlikely, let's be honest, to be Morrissette or Faith). Meanwhile, the Silverbacks near-decimated Faith, while Bloodstone and Morrisette could well steal the show (well, except for Money/Tornado). You have to admit, the stories Supreme tell these days tend to mesh together pretty well - but Caulfield still needs two partners. Too soon for the Keiths? In fact, considering the Silverbacks are for hire, why not just pay them to be on his side? * Thanks for joining me once more. Be sure to hit the Grey Dog Wrestling forums - I'm sure you can find me. In the meantime, you've been sharing the view from here! [CENTER][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] [B]The Supreme View[/B][/CENTER] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TotalExtremeWrestlingLogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[quote] You have to admit, the stories Supreme tell these days tend to mesh together pretty well - but Caulfield still needs two partners. Too soon for the Keiths? In fact, considering the Silverbacks are for hire, why not just pay them to be on his side?[/quote] Because then it'd be TCW w/USPW vs. TCW w/DaVE on an SWF PPV. I can't see Eisen liking that too much. ;)
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;657388] [I]I think a Gilmore win is pretty much nailed on, either he wins clean to keep up his momentum towards an eventual world title shot or it'll be via DQ with the Silverbacks looking to take Gilmore after being paid off by some rich dude.[/I][/QUOTE] A rich dude, that would benefit from the injuring of a man that wishes to take the SWF World Heavyweight Title? What, pray tell, are you implying, good sir..? :p
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;657561]Because then it'd be TCW w/USPW vs. TCW w/DaVE on an SWF PPV. I can't see Eisen liking that too much. ;)[/QUOTE] I've thought about such things a bit, about whether Eisen might pull a McMahon and push SWF "home" talent over those who became stars elsewhere. I decided against it. For one, I just really hated that McMahon did that. Moreso, I think Eisen's greed overrides his ego - wherever they got their start, these guys are now stars for the SWF and they are making him money. [QUOTE=Zeel1;657678]A rich dude, that would benefit from the injuring of a man that wishes to take the SWF World Heavyweight Title? What, pray tell, are you implying, good sir..? :p[/QUOTE] That's a pretty big assumption... though probably not without basis. I wasn't sure how much I should throw out in the way of hints, but I figured people would be able to figure it out anyway. There is a segment on the coming Supreme TV regarding it. Hoping to have the show posted yet tonight.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TV%20Shows/Banners/SWFSupremeTVBanner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tuesday, Week 1, November 2008 Clover Fields (Mid South) - 14,039[/B] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdaMvVzqvRA"][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Other/Playegg_28207.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [SIZE=4]Announcers[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/PeterMichaelsSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/JerryEisenSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Managers%20Alt/GrandmasterPhunkalt1Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Peter Michaels - Jerry Eisen - Grandmaster Bling[/B] ________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Peter Michaels[/B]: Welcome to Supreme TV everyone. I'm in the Supreme TV hot seat along with Jerry Eisen and Grandmaster Bling. We start the show tonight with Interim General Manager Emma Chase... [B]Grandmaster Bling[/B]: The powerfully beautiful women gets the beautiful power... [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/EmmaChaseAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/SqueekyMcCleanSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JoeSexySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ValiantSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JackGiedroycSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/GuideSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ScoutSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Emma Chase, John McClean, Joe Sexy, Valiant, Giedroyc, Guide + Scout In-Ring Segment[/B][/CENTER] [I]The show starts with Interim General Manager in the ring with three of the top tag teams in the Supreme Wrestling Federation - The New Wave, Valiant & Giedroyc, and the SWF World Tag Team champions Sin Inc. There is tension in that ring, as the three teams do not particularly like each other. Its notable that Jessie and Dawn the Cheerleader are both absent from the ring with the respective teams. Joe Sexy and Valiant are already in their ring gear. Emma Chase begins by thanking the fans for the warm welcome, sarcasm ripping from her voice. She says that she has three of the best tag teams in the world in the ring with her tonight to start out the show because she has some announcements to make about this week's Break Like the Wind pay per view. She points first at Valiant & Giedroyc, then at The New Wave, pausing dramatically before saying that both of these team want what Sin Inc have. Chase says that The New Wave feel they deserve a shot at those belts. And given the cheap way that Sexy and McClean retained those belts at Let the Games Begin last month, they probably have a point. Guide and Scout nod in agreement while Sexy and McClean grin proudly at their inglorious method of retaining the belts via disqualification. The lovely GM then holds up her hand, saying that Valiant & Giedroyc also have a pretty good argument for being the number one contenders.... An argument encased in steel, in fact. Giedroyc holds up the metal briefcase that contains the teams Challenger's Choice contract. If it came down to having to choose between the two teams to face Sin Inc for the belts, it would be a difficult choice for Emma. Thankfully, its not one she has to make. Because Valiant & Giedroyc have decided to cash in their Challenger's Choice contract at the pay per view. So the match will be former tag team champions Valiant & Giedroyc against current SWF World Tag Team champions Sin Inc. And as the challengers have the choice of match stipulations, they have decided to have the match in a steel cage. The crowd reacts. Valiant & Giedroyc smile confidently, while Sexy and McClean don't look to pleased. As for The New Wave, they won't be forgotten. They will have a chance to challenge the victors of the match... should they win the Four Team Elimination Match on the pay per view. The New Wave will compete against The Immortal Bumfholes, Badd Kompany, and... The Silverbacks. With a smirk, Emma says that she was not a fan of including that final team or their manager, but it came at special request of someone very convincing on the brand. So they will be part of the match. Guide and Scout don't look particularly impressed but say nothing. Emma then says that after some negotiating with Eric Tyler on the Legends brand, they have made a decision to put together a co-branded match for the pay per view. Since the Supreme Games ladder matches were so fun, this match will be another 6-man ladder match, though without the Supreme Games prizes up for grabs. What will determined is who will have the honor of being called the greatest high flier in the SWF. Representing the Supreme brand in this match will be Darryl Devine, Gino Montero, and Marc DuBois... Chase finishes by saying that's all she has... for now...[/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: B+[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Peter Michaels[/B]: Well, I think the pay per view just became a lot more interesting! [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JoeSexySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ValiantSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Joe Sexy vs Valiant[/B][/CENTER] Although Emma Chase leaves the ringside area, she is the only one. The New Wave retreat only as far as the stage to watch the match, joined by Jessie. Dawn the Cheerleader joins Giedroyc at ringside, while McClean stays at ringside for his partner Sexy. The match itself is messy and lacking in flow, as its really more about the tension between the three teams than the action between the two wrestlers. There is plenty of time and and interaction outside the ring. Valiant and Sexy do manage to make the action inside the ring entertaining, going back and forth throughout. Sexy enrages the crowd with his heel tactics, including his Sexy Strut. Valiant scores the win after he counters Sexy's attempted One Night Stand swinging neckbreaker and instead manages his own V-Split swinging urange, following that up with his Patriot Missle. That allows him to get the pinfall. The match offers up some afters as Giedroyc and McClean both end up in the ring in a shoving match, and Jessie has to keep Guide and Scout from heading down to join the action. [B][CENTER]Valiant Wins at 8:54 via Pinfall Grade: B-[/CENTER] [/B] [/quote][quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/GregGaugealt8Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/MatthewGaugealt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/StevenParkerSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JayChordSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/ChampagneLoveralt5Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/GinoMonteroalt11Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Keith Factor vs The Heartbreakers vs Los Diablos[/B][/CENTER] A solid three way tag match that shows off the Keith twins a bit, but SWF North American champion Antonio Marquez. The most interesting aspect to the match is some glaring tension between both Keith boys and Jay Chord. The blond twins spend some time isolating Chord, identifying him as the weak spot in the match. Chord can bring the fight, though, and battles back. Gino unleashes a few big spots, but its Marquez who shines as he seamlessly moves between high-flying, brawling, and technical grappling. After hitting an amazing Champagne Sunrise outside the ring onto Parker and both Keith's, Marquez makes it back into the ring and counters Chord's attempt at a Chord DDT into his own Champagne Breakfast submission, which forces the young Chord to submit. [B][CENTER]Antonio Marquez Wins at 8:04 via Submission Grade: B-[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Grandmaster Bling[/B]: The champion looking like a champion. [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/MarcDuBoisAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Marc DuBois In-Ring Promo[/B][/CENTER] [I]Marc DuBois comes to the ring before he match and calls for a microphone. He says that he feels insulted that he is being asked to participate in some meaningless ladder match at the pay per view instead of competing for a title like he should be. But DuBois is growing used to such insults from the uncultured management in the SWF. So he will accept and it. And he will show the world what they already know – that The Evolution is the best high-flier in the SWF. No, in the whole world! The 21-year old Canadian also says that he's no longer concerned with the SWF North American championship of Antonio Marquez. The former champion says he has moved on. He has set his sights higher. He wants to go after bigger things...[/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/MarcDuBoisAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/KirkJamesonSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ShooterSeanDeeleyAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Marc DuBois vs Kirk Jameson vs Sean Deeley[/B][/CENTER] A solid match that showcases the skills of all three men, though DuBois a bit less so as he plays the role of opportunist and spends some time watching. The heart of the match is some great chain wrestling and counters between Jameson and Deeley, with Deeley taking the edge but Jameson throwing his lethal kicks into the mix. DuBois sneaks back into things by launching a big frog splash at the duo when they aren't paying attention. The no-nonsense Deeley doesn't seem to appreciate the approach of DuBois and they end up brawling after The Canadian tosses Jameson from the ring. When Jameson makes his way back into the action, DuBois again slithers away and waits. Jameson and Deeley go back and forth again, with Deeley taking control. After a Shooting Flowison, he goes for his Sure Shot arm bar, but DuBois slides in and kicks Deeley hard in the back. He then steals the win with a lighting fast Dubious DuBois Pin charging roll-up pin on Jameson, using both the ropes and his opponents tights for leverage. Deeley does not look very impressed. [B][CENTER]Marc DuBois Wins at 10:12 via Pinfall Grade: B-[/CENTER] [/B] [/quote][quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/NevadaNuclearalt3Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/SwoopMcCarthySmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nevada Nuclear vs Swoop McCarthy[/B][/CENTER] A forgettable match between two of the younger stars on the brand. Its a brawl, with Swoop trying to use his size to his advantage, but The Nuke is more successful at using some dirty tricks and his pretty manager to his advantage. McCarthy has two of them – twins! - but yet SM York still manages to affect the match more directly. The Nuke scores the pinfall after a Mushroom Cloud inverse Russian legsweep. [B][CENTER]Nevada Nuclear Wins at 7:21 via Pinfall Grade: C[/CENTER] [/B] [/quote][B]Peter Michaels[/B]: Next up, another three-way! [B]Grandmaster Bling[/B]: Sounds like my love life! [B]Peter Michaels[/B]: Oh lord... [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/BrentHillalt4Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ZimmyBumfholeSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/JossThompsonAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mr. Hill vs Zimmy Bumfhole vs Joss Thompson[/B][/CENTER] This is another match that features plenty of activity outside the ring, as Sara Silver shows Hannah Potter how interference is done! The agent is a constant presence in the match as she argues with the referee, argues with Potter, and continually does small things like trip up Thompson and Bumfhole. The action in the ring is solid, as all three men put in a good effort and spend some time in control. But Mr. Hill shows off only not the wiles of a veteran but an impressive skillset to match. It starts to look like Hill's match to lose, and he isn't about to do that. When Z-Bum gets tangled up with Hannah Potter outside the ring – thanks to a shove from Silver – Hill takes advantage of the distracted Thompson. He hits the youngster with some quick offense, then unleashes his King of the Hill high-elevation leg drop to get the pin just as Zimmy gets back into the ring. [B][CENTER]Mr. Hill Wins at 9:54 via Pinfall Grade: B[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/EmmaChaseAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AngryGilmoreSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AceNewtonSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RandyBumfholeSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/ZimmyBumfholeSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Emma Chase, Angry Gilmore, Ace Newton, Randy Bumfhole + Zimmy Bumfhole Backstage Segment[/B][/CENTER] [I]The segment starts in the backstage area, near the Crippler position. Emma Chase is conversation with both Bumfhole brothers, with Zimmy being fresh from the ring. Behind them is Angry Gilmore talking with – moreso talking to – Ace Newton. The youngster is holding both his SWF Generations championship and the briefcase that holds his Sure Shot open title contract. The camera is close enough to catch the conversation between the GM and the Bumfhole's – the brothers are complaining about being put in the four-way tag match at the pay per view instead of getting singles titles shots like they deserve. Emma listens and then says that they just need to be patient – they are still young and their chance will come. Nothing can be heard of what Gilmore is saying to Newton, but the younger Canadian keeps nodding. When the Bumfhole's realize they won't change Chase's mind, they depart. Emma then nods at Gilmore and the pair leave Newton as they head towards the Crippler position and through the Supreme Gate. Emerging onto the stage, they get a pretty big pop from the crowd. Well, Gilmore does. The pair move down the ramp and climb into the ring. Emma Chase takes the microphone. She says that earlier this week, Angry Gilmore approached her about his perceived slight. The fact that he's proven to be a top contender for the SWF World Heavyweight championship. Emma says that Gilmore is correct on this – he has proven to be a top contender. And no, it isn't fair that Rich Money wants Gilmore to wait several months for a shot at that belt. So Emma has made a decision. Before she announces it, however, the GM wants to bring out the two men it will affect. So she invites Troy Tornado and Rich Money to come out. [/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RichMoneySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/TroyTornadoAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rich Money + Troy Tornado[/B][/CENTER] [I]There is a very short delay before they appear, side by side. The stand on the stage, getting a mixed reaction – Tornado getting g big face pop but Money receiving the hatred he has earned. Chase tells them that she explored any number of options in this regard. However, the option that made the most sense for everyone involved is to make the Ladder Match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship at Break Like the Wind a three-way. Which Gilmore has accepted. It takes a second for the two men on the stage to react. Tornado grins and gives a “bring it on” motion, while Money just nods with acceptance. He meets the hard stare of Gilmore with a wry smile. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A*[/CENTER] [/B][/quote][B]Peter Michaels[/B]: And now there are three! [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed/SeanMcFlySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/JackBruceAlt9Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/TroyTornadoAltSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RichMoneySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RemoAlt2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AceNewtonSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sean McFly + Jack Bruce + Troy Tornado vs Rich Money + Remo + Ace Newton[/B][/CENTER] This match is everything a six-man tag should be, endless action and entertainment as the match simply does not slow down once the bell rings. Everyone is involved in the action, though Rich Money a bit less as he seems content to allow Remo and Newton do the heavy lifting. Despite his young age, Newton does not look out of place in the match at all. The opening sequence of quick tags and fast action slows a bit in the middle section, where Remo spends some time battering Jack Bruce. He delivers a vicious series of Remo Buster spinebusters to the Long Island Angel. Bruce valiantly fights back, and manages to tag in McFly, but Remo tosses Bruce hard out of the ring for his effort. While McFly battles Remo in the ring, Money moves around the outside to assault Bruce further. Throwing the Angel hard into the ring steps leaves him in a heap and essentially out of the match. Control of the match goes back and forth, with a few near falls.. Money does get involved, but only for a short time. Bruce gets a pop as he manages to make his way back onto the ring apron, where he gets a fist-pound from McFly. The end of the match comes quickly, as Newton and Remo work over Tornado until he manages to tag in McFly. The American Tiger goes off, thrilling the crowd with rapid offense before hitting his DeLorean Driver on Newton and getting the pin while Bruce and Tornado keep Money and Remo from interfering. [B][CENTER]Sean McFly Wins at 14:14 via Pinfall Grade: A[/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RichMoneySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Alt%20Small/JackBruceAlt9Small.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rich Money + Jack Bruce Post-Match Segment[/B][/CENTER] [I]After the victory, the face team celebrate in the ring. Remo and Newton head up the ramp, leaving Money behind at ringside. The face trio make their way out of the ring after playing to the crowd, but again, Hard Cash waits at ringside. When the faces are at the top of the ramp and about to disappear through the Supreme Gate, Money uses a microphone to call out to Jack Bruce. The Long Island Angel stops while McFly and Tornado continue on. Money says that he stopped Jack because he wants to ask him one more time - are you sure about those friends? Jack has their backs, but can he be sure that they have his? The champ couldn't help notice that they didn't stop just a moment ago, but kept on walking instead. Hard Cash also noticed that they weren't exactly rushing to check on him during the match. Is that how friends treat each other? Is that how they show concern for each other? Maybe things just work differently on that side of the locker room, Money muses. He reminds the Long Island Angel they are both just old war dogs now, trying to stave off the Generation Supreme hoard for a bit longer... and Money is just looking for Bruce. Remember that, the champ urges. Without a word, gesture, or even a nod, Bruce turns and walks through the Supreme Gate. The crowd starts to boo at Money's obvious manipulation. The champion just smirks and waits at ringside... [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A*[/CENTER] [/B][/quote] [quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/Signed%20Alt/HumanArsenalalt4Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/VS2Small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AngryGilmoreSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mr. Anderson vs Angry Gilmore[/B][/CENTER] The ringside area is once again full for this match, with Sara Silver and Mr. Hill there for Mr. Anderson, Jessie present for Gilmore, and the champ Rich Money simply watching the proceedings. *The match starts slowly, the two opponents feeling each other out before engaging. It's a gradual build in intensity, as both men show off their skills and attempt to top one another. The offense is shared for the most part, but as the match goes on, it becomes clear that Gilmore has an edge. He gradually starts to take over the match. When it becomes clear that Anderson cannot take Gilmore down by himself, his help gets involved. A small trip by Silver results in her getting into a shouting match with Jessie, which provides enough of a distraction for Mr. Hill to help his tag partner to double-team Gilmore a bit. But Gilmore doesn't stop battling, and he gradually takes the advantage back. When he has worn Anderson down and goes for his Sky High Set Up suplex, to be followed by a Sky High Elbow, Silver and Hill spring into action. Silver again gets into it with Jessie, who blindly takes the bait. Hill uses the distraction to grab a chair and toss it to Mr. Anderson. Referee Ric Young senses something is wrong and catches Anderson with the chair in hand. The ref and the heel stare each other down while Gilmore is still distracted by Silver screaming at his wife. The ref wags a "don't do that" finger at the wrestler, who gives a sly shrug... and wallops Gilmore in the back of the head with the chair. The bell rings as Anderson drives the edge of the chair into Gilmore's ribs a couple of times. Realizing that further attack would bring the calvary, Anderson drops the chair and joins his agent and tag team partner outside the ring. The trio grin triumphantly even as Gilmore is named the winner. [B][CENTER]Angry Gilmore Wins at 14:22 via Disqualification Grade: A[/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/RichMoneySmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Small/AngryGilmoreSmall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Staff/Small/JessieSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rich Money, Angry Gilmore + Jessie Post-Match Segment[/B][/CENTER] [I]Jessie climbs into the ring to see to her husband, who is already up and looked quite angry. One hand holds his battered ribs while the other rubs the back of his bald head. Sara Silver leads her Silverbacks up the ramp. Rich Money has been seated at the time keepers table the entire match. He finally gets to his feet slowly, grabbing first his SWF World Heavyweight championship and then the microphone. He slowly circles the ring, staring at Gilmore and his wife but making no move to climb into the ring. Gilmore gets to his face, eschewing his wife's assistance, as he stares at his one-time friend. After making most of a second circuit around the ring, Money finally speaks. [/I] [B]Rich Money[/B]: You two want to know what I'm doing out here... I can see it in your eyes. And I'm out here to thank you. [I]Gilmore and Jessie don't have a microphone, but the “why” they both mouth is obvious. [/I] [B]Rich Money[/B]: Why, for taking the bait of course... Money allows that to sink in for a moment before he continues. [B]Rich Money[/B]: See, your little history lesson the other week was entirely unnecessary, Gilmore. I have not forgotten anything about our time as associates. I remember that had two notable issuesback then – one was a temper, the other was a lack of patience. Hard Cash remembers these things and uses them because, clearly, I'm money. And I know that you've haven't changed or learned. See, the smart move would have been for you to be patient and wait to face me in a one-on-one match, where you might actually stand half a chance. Sure, that would be a month or two down the road, but we all know I'll still have this belt. I knew that if I pushed you a bit, you would make the predictable stupid move and demand to face me immediately. You delivered. I gave you the bait and you jumped at it. So now you have to deal with Tornado as well as me. You just made it even less likely that you'll be able to beat me. So that's what I'm out here to thank you. [I]Both Gilmore and Jessie are glaring daggers through the champion. The crowd is quiet. Money starts to slowly make his way up the ramp. He stops partway.[/I] [B]Rich Money[/B]: Oh, and in case you didn't notice, someone decided to retain the services of Sara Silver and her crew here on the Supreme brand with you and the rest of “Team Gilmore” as their focus. Just to make sure the lot of you don't get bored. Make sure to thank whoever did that for you when you figure it out.... [I]Rich Money strolls up the ramp and through the Supreme Gate to a hot escort of hate from the crowd. The Gilmore's both glare at the champions departing back. [/I] [B][CENTER]Grade: A*[/CENTER] [/B] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/Grade/grade_astar.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Rating: 4.89[/U][/B][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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