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SWF: Generation Supreme

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...abandoned and forgotten, eh? The Forsaken is..Giant Tana. Yep, it's Giant Tana. No, but in all seriousness..think I'm calling Nemesis. Just a feeling, there, but yeah, Nemesis. He's awesome at essentially every non-wrestler role, aside from referee.
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[QUOTE=Zeel1;670280]No, but in all seriousness..think I'm calling Nemesis. Just a feeling, there, but yeah, Nemesis. He's awesome at essentially every non-wrestler role, aside from referee.[/QUOTE] I would love to sign Nemesis. But it would require editing the relationship between Richard Eisen and the angry Mr. Campbell. That's something that I'm hesitant to do - I'm not sure how the readers would take it. Sure, it would make for some story fun, but its still essentially "cheating"...
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;664313] I won't say too much regarding the cousin, but I will confirm that it is not Eddie Peak. He is still out injured for 4 months and under contract to Tee-Cee-Dub for lord knows how long. I would desperately love to land him, and he would definitely be heading to the Legends brand off the start, but alas, it is not he.[/QUOTE] :rolleyes: I think not.
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[CENTER][FONT=Arial][SIZE=6]TEW.com - The Supreme View[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TheSupremeView.jpg[/IMG][/FONT][/CENTER] [FONT=Arial] [CENTER][B]Friday Week 3 November, 2008[/B][/CENTER] [quote][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] is one of the foremost wrestler journalists in the business and perhaps the most respected critic of the Supreme Wrestling Federation in the world. Having covered the world's biggest wrestling promotion for years, Marshall has unequaled insider connections, which makes him privy to information that can't be found anywhere else. His highly-respected [B]The Supreme View[/B] column is available only totalextremewrestling.com. Marshall is a regular forum contributor on the exclusive Grey Dog Wrestling forums.[/quote][CENTER]__________________[/CENTER] [quote] [B][U]"Generations" TV[/U][/B] So, Gen-S is getting a chance to shine on pay-per-view? I like it - in recent weeks the kids have stepped up, and deserve the reward. The cross brand matches should deliver on the action, but I remain one of those 'hard' split advocates. Still, it is Christmas, right? A Generations title match? Wow - someone's still reading my columns. Hello again! Here's an idea for you - make the fourway a two-fall match, with both belts on the line. Just something to consider... Team Neptune and The Heartbreakers showed why they have no members in the fourway - yet. Of course, Steven Parker, Kirk Jameson and Swoop McCarthy are all improving, so expect them to be in the mix in a few months. Jay Chord... is causing more trouble backstage. Memo to Jay: This isn't MAW. Your dad's not around to bail you out. Grow up, or get out - you run the risk of souring Eisen on the whole Gen-S ideal. I hear that old Richard is - perhaps irrationally - viewing Gen-S as a whole based on the actions of the one, and with DWN's deserved success ruffling feathers of more established workers, and Chord being an ass backstage, he may decide to cut his losses and can the whole crew, with a view to re-signing them in two or three years one they've been seasoned in FCW, CGC and the like. Who can say if that's true - it's just a rumour. But it does sound like Richard, doesn't it? Sin Inc talking down to Badd Kompany is like that guy from the AV club talking down to the school quarterback. They may have some good points, but in a fight who's going to win? DuBois and Giedroyc got dumped in the middle of the show? There's a match that'll main event soon enough, guys - so keep it on your generic hard disk recorder so you can say 'I was there when...' Quick poll: Both Neptunes, or one Hannah Potter? Answers to the usual address... The Silverbacks are everywhere, aren't they? How many contracts do they have going at one time? Or is Money just softening up Marquez for his buddy Ace? [B][U]Legends[/U][/B] Just when I was thinking that Money/Faith had been rushed, we get an exchange like the one that opened Legends this week. I hope the guy putting together Money's promos gets a raise. Stone/Bloodstone? If there's a guaranteed show stealer at Christmas Clash it's that one... except I said that about Bloodstone's match last PPV, and it was one of the weakest on the show. Oh well... New tag champions! Go the Karate Kids! Mainstream continues to be a guilty pleasure for me. As a founder FCW fan, seeing him get airtime like that is just a markout moment for me. Now, if he could only win a match. Damned if I didn't enjoy Brandon's little vending machine skit. The guy has underrated comedy chops. Can anyone join the Phunking Empire? I mean, it's Enygma and Enforcer Roberts... They're not exactly on the same page as Money/Remo/Newton are they? The only way it's possible for two people to get closer than Frehley and Chase is some kind of industrial accident that leaves them melted into one. And if that's not enough to convince Frehley to sign, what is? I'd actually like to see Frehley continue his rampage and trigger a bidding war between managers as everyone and their mother trys to recruit him. It could even end with some unknown getting hired and getting big off Frehley's back. And a show closing promo? When was the last time that happened? Vibert could be scared of a lot of people, of course, and I know everyone's thinking Nemesis... but if it's anyone other than Vengeance I'll be surprised. Folks, that's been SWF's TV for this week. I have one unsourced rumour I'm working on getting verification for, and it's related to the future one of the announcers. Let's just say that they're in a position to embarass a certain someone... but more on that if I can get it. Thanks for joining me, don't forget to long on to the Grey Dog Wrestling forums, and in any case I'll catch you next week with the view from here! [CENTER][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] [B]The Supreme View[/B][/CENTER] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TotalExtremeWrestlingLogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Astil;670405]I'll call BtG. Another good show too.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=cmdrsam;670407]Another good show. Loved the Money/Faith seg. Also like the Kid Liquid.[/QUOTE] Thanks guys. As for Kid Liquid, the duo of Hernandez and Jett should be fun and goofy. But they've basically been ignored for awhile. That's my bad and it should be changing. Same goes for High Concept. [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;670469]Could we be seeing the arrival of Eddie Peak in the SWF ?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=FlameSnoopy;670491]:rolleyes: I think not.[/QUOTE] Yeah, it's not Eddie Peak. I can confirm that. He won't be joining anytime soon. Sadly. I would definitely consider editing Nemsis' relationship so I could sign him, but editing a contract to sign someone is a no-no to me, no matter how bad I want him.
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[quote=FlameSnoopy;670491]:rolleyes: I think not.[/quote] I forgot Big P said Peak wasn't coming but then again that may of just been a red herring. Yeah I'm clutching at straws there. [I]As for.....[/I] [B]Quick poll: Both Neptunes, or one Hannah Potter? Answers to the usual address...[/B] No contest....Hannah Potter everytime. No one can compare to Hannah Potter. The Neptunes are just mere women, Hannah Potter is a goddess. Even if you offered me a thousand Neptunes, I would still pick Hannah Potter.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;670641] [I]As for.....[/I] [B]Quick poll: Both Neptunes, or one Hannah Potter? Answers to the usual address...[/B] No contest....Hannah Potter everytime. No one can compare to Hannah Potter. The Neptunes are just mere women, Hannah Potter is a goddess. Even if you offered me a thousand Neptunes, I would still pick Hannah Potter.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I've got to agree here.
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[QUOTE=Zeel1;670640]Out of curiosity, did Nemesis end his hiatus?[/QUOTE] No, still on Hiatus. He will come out hiatus for TCW, so I would assume he would do the same for SWF. But it will only happen with that relationship edit... I'm tempted... [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;670641]I forgot Big P said Peak wasn't coming but then again that may of just been a red herring. Yeah I'm clutching at straws there. [I]As for.....[/I] [B]Quick poll: Both Neptunes, or one Hannah Potter? Answers to the usual address...[/B] No contest....Hannah Potter everytime. No one can compare to Hannah Potter. The Neptunes are just mere women, Hannah Potter is a goddess. Even if you offered me a thousand Neptunes, I would still pick Hannah Potter.[/QUOTE] You forgot? TK, I fully expect you to remember everything I post! :p As for being a red herring... Well, I am not above that. But it is definitely not Peak. Or Bach. The only way it could be either of those to is due to contract editing. And as I've said, I'm just not very comfortable with that idea. Regarding Potter versus the Neptunes... I would say Potter as well. That petite but big eyed look gets me. But you, sir, sound like you may have a crush... I'll see what I can do about getting you an autographed glamor photo from Miss Potter...
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[FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/Avatars/Small/AvatarSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote]Random thought of the day… How much is enough and when is enough too much? Apparently never when it comes to Money. Rich Money walked into my "office" without knocking. Of course, he couldn't actually knock as there wasn't a door. My "office" wasn't an office at all. The Minnesota Coliseum didn't have a space available that suited my needs, so I had simply commandeered a nook in one of the backstage lounges. It had wireless for my laptop. I had a technician wire up a small flatscreen monitor so I could watch the broadcast. I had my walkie-talkie and wireless headset so I was connected with everyone. It actually functioned pretty well. It was just around the corner from the area where they had shot the Big Cat segment a short while earlier. The SWF World Heavyweight champion dropped into one of the stylish faux-leather chairs across from mine in the nook. The chair sagged with his 295-pound frame. The sleek black Money version of the world title sat on his lap. Money had just finished his mic segment with Faith. It went well. As expected. As he sat there, I couldn't help but notice that he looked tired. Not "need a nap" tired, but "need a week off" exhausted. Thus is a life of a world champion in the SWF. "Good work out there," I told Money. "Thanks," he replied. "Its easy with good source material." "Ha!" I laughed. For guys like Faith and Money, I did almost no scripting of the promos. I gave them what they needed to say in a basic sense, the points they were supposed to get across, and the reaction they were supposed to get. They took that and took care of the rest. There were few better than Money and Faith on the microphone, and they had delivered as well as I had expected. "You look tired," I observed. Money shrugged. He told me, "Tight schedule getting here. Didn't get much sleep last night." "You should be getting used to that." Money just laughed. Most people - and that includes both fans and insiders - do not realize just what being a world champion in the Supreme Wrestling Federation entails. It makes you the face of the promotion, of course, but it goes beyond that. There is far more to it than people know. There are perks. In monetary terms, Richard Eisen is known to pay all title holders a non-contracted "champions bonus", with a world champion obviously getting more. No one really talks about those bonuses, as it tends to create some locker room tension, but everyone knows it happens. There is also the larger pay per view bonus that comes from main eventing shows, as the world title holder tends to do. Then there are perks like always flying first class, staying in nicer hotels, and all of those little things. There were heavy expectations on a world champion, however. You have to appear on pretty much every show - including every house show, at least for your given brand. The world champion sells a lot of tickets for those and missing them wasn't much of an option. Neither was taking time off, unless it was the most serious of injuries. Money's rib injury was no work - but the only thing he was getting was a couple weeks without a match on TV, and only tag matches on the house shows. It went beyond that. SWF stars always had an appearance schedule to deal with. It was heavy for a world champion. And Rich Money's schedule was very heavy indeed. We were not quite to the point where the man needed to travel with a personal assistant just to keep everything on point... but we were getting close. The Promotional Office was booking Money into everything they could - personal appearances, TV shows, talk shows, anything and everything. He was even hitting up some red carpet events like movie premieres. Plenty of TV appearances, which included daytime talk shows, late night talk shows, variety shows, sports shows... And Money excelled at all of them. Despite the entertainment aspect to Supreme-style pro wrestling, a lot of wrestlers don't do that well on something like a talk show. It seems odd, but you usually can't go on there and simply be your character. At the same time, its rarely a good idea to abandon your wrestling character and be yourself entirely either, especially if there is a vast difference. Someone like Christian Faith has a big advantage because his on-screen character really is just him. Rich Money is a character, but he somehow mostly stays in-character and makes it work. His charisma, humor, and arrogance just shine through. He is very good at generating heat from the live audience that usually doesn't' really know who he is, and its not cheap heat. Cheap heat is easy - insult the host, the city, and the audience and they will dislike you. But Money never takes that simple road - he toys with them, making them empathize with him, then making them feel stupid for emphasizing... He does it again and again and they love to hate him, just like the SWF fans. It was a bit different for Christian Faith. He had a slightly lighter schedule, and it honestly wasn't that much different from his normal appearance schedule. But Faith's situation was unique all the way around. He was already a face of the company and a true legend. In theory, the Supreme Championship was equal to the World Heavyweight belt, but the World still mattered more. As Money had pointed out in the promo tonight, it was the one with the history and the prestige. We were treating the Supreme belt the same as the World Heavyweight, but it would take awhile until it truly was the same. That was a big reason Faith had been chosen as the first champion. Having that belt added another little bit to his legacy but it didn't change much for him beyond that, as he was already a face of the company. But he added prestige and legacy to the belt, which helped the belt a lot. It was kind of the opposite of what a belt normally did, but it would pay off in the long run. Money really did look as exhausted, as though he could potentially fall asleep in the chair he sat in. Playing Captain Obvious, I observed, "Dude, you really do look tired." "You weren't kidding when you said this schedule would be heavy," he grinned with a tired shrug. Then I did something I normally wouldn't, asking, "Do you want to see about getting you a couple house shows off? We can use the ribs..." He considered this for a moment, then shook his head. "Nah," he responded. "They aren't that bad. And I would rather wait until I really do need some time. Just not yet." "Alright," I shrugged. He learned for in his chair, telling me, "Look, kid, I gotta be honest with you... When you laid this whole thing out to me, I didn't believe you. I mean, I believed that we were going book it. I just didn't quite believe that it would work this well. People might tell you that you are young and inexperienced and all that crap, but you understand this business in a way that few do." "Uh, wow," I said, flattered. "Thanks, Rich." He leaned back in his chair, grinning. "Now don't let it go to your head." Rich Money at the start of 2008 had been a solid upper midcarder and a fringe main eventer. He had a ton of "perceived popularity" but not quite as much "legitimized popularity". These are ideas it took me a bit to fully grasp. "Perceived popularity" is the given popularity of a worker at the very moment, which is affected by many things - momentum, storylines, associations, and so on. You can use a good storyline or stable association to move a worker up from the midcard to the main event pretty quickly... but if you take those things away, where does that leave them? Davis Wayne Newton was a shining example of this, with being mentored by Rich Money and Remo. So in terms of perceived popularity at the moment, he is as the top of the card. But if we take those things away, are fans going to still buy him as a main eventer? Not really. Not unless he gets legitimized as a main eventer. That means winning matches expected of someone at that level, not just looking good in losing to top guys. The same goes for our top tag team guys - they are fine to throw into title matches against the likes of Rich Money or Christian Faith... but since they don't have that legitimized popularity, having them win those matches seems a bit abrupt, especially if its a clean win. At the start of this year, Rich Money wasn't getting clean wins over the very top guys like Steve Frehely or Christian Faith. And now he's the face of the brand. But we didn't do that overnight - we built him into that role. The idea of turning Money into a monster star had been one of the things I had sold Richard on very early. He saw it as key. Richard was convinced that there was a coming Golden Age for professional wrestling in America, one of a level unseen in well over a decade. With a growing economy and wrestling building in popularity amongst the mainstream, it was certainly possible. He saw it as two or three years from really hitting. He wanted a group of young appealing stars, which is how I had such an easy time selling him on the Generation Supreme idea. But he also wanted vets to carry through. You couldn't really count on the likes of Christian Faith still being on top and in top form three years from now. Even Vengeance was a question mark. But Money seemed very likely to be still on top, and he had the kind of heel character that could work for years. Money and I ended up talking a bit of business. He wanted some numbers on merchandise, which I had to look up. The business side is of obvious concern to me, but its not my primary area. In recent weeks, Rich Money merchandise sales had started surpassing Christian Faith sales. That was more than impressive - it was almost unbelievable. Money is a heel. Everyone knows that heels don't sell merchandise as well as babyfaces. But Money was. It helped that his name, like Faith's, gave the Merchandise Department plenty to work with. They were able to come up with endless "money" themed items. They would never be the same variety for someone like Remo or Jack Bruce. But for Money, you could get everything for a "Stretch the Cash" rubber stretch doll to a "Money Time" alarm clock. It wasn't just the variety of stuff available, though, and you only had to look at the number of T-shirts being sold to know that. Professional wrestling comes down to being a business. And whether you are talking about just being a main eventer or the actual face of the company, the simple question is whether someone makes money. Do they sell? Its not just about moving merchandise. Its about selling pay per view buys, tickets, even TV ratings and advertisers. When you are the world champion and the face of the company, can you bring in money? Christian Faith has always been able to. Sean McFly could. Runaway Train did to an extent. Steve Frehley did. Jack Bruce did quite well. Enygma did not. And Rich Money is doing so fantastically. Simply put, Money is money. "You look pretty tired youself," Money told me. "Yeah, well, at least I'm not having to do it in the ring," I offered lamely. "You say that like that wouldn't be your preference," he laughed. "Yeah, well... Anyway, I gotta get outta here as soon as the show is over. Need to get back to Providence. I have a big meeting with Richard in the morning." "Still trying to convince him about..." Money started, but trailed off, then looked around to make sure no one overheard even that much. "Yup." "Not working." Nope," was my concise and accurate answer. "Not yet at least." "Its a good idea," Money offered. "And everyone sees that but Richard." "Keep at him, kid. He'll cave." "Hope so." "Anyway, I'm gonna go catch Stone after his match, then head out," Money told me. I nodded at the world champion, telling him, "See you Tuesday, Rich." After Rich left, I tried to focus on the show on the flatscreen, but my mind wandered. I really was tired. I found myself considering the future of Rich Money. We had built a great heel character, I think. The fans loved to hate him. No one seemed able to really get the better of him. The danger in that is that eventually, the build had to pay off. Someone had to make Rich Money pay in some manner, for all his actions and words. Someone would have to end The Beautiful Reign and it had to be epic. Its like building up someone in an unstoppable monster - there has to be some weakness, or it simply becomes uninterested. I had planned the "fall of Money" pretty much from the moment I planned the start of the title reign. It would be a beautiful end to The Beautiful Reign... if everyone would let it work they way it was supposed to. I was seriously concerned about personalities and egos getting in the way. Then again, if this job was so easy, I guess Peter Michaels wouldn't be wanting to give it up... Thursday, Week 4, November 2008 Avatar[/quote] [/FONT]
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Guest cmdrsam
I so love these nuggets. The continous backstory, the behind the scenes thinking. I think everyone you have posted I can actually see it in my head.
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;670861]I so love these nuggets. The continous backstory, the behind the scenes thinking. I think everyone you have posted I can actually see it in my head.[/QUOTE] Thanks. That's always awesome to hear. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but the Random Thoughts segments were never originally intended to be a regular part thing. I figured I'd set up the backstory using them in the early going, then just have an occasional segment. But they seemed to very popular, based on the feedback, so they stayed a regular feature. I pretty much never really struggle for a topic, and they typically come together pretty easy. I just have to come up with a situation and point, and then it almost fleshes itself out. This one here took a bit longer than normal to write up. A couple of the points of it were things I had intended to throw out there at some point, but the setting was just something I decided to use. Reading it over before I posted, I wasn't sure it flowed very well - with the wordy explanations separated by little bits of dialogue... So if it does work, that's great to hear.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF.com: Generation Supreme Review[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TV%20Shows/Alt/SWFGenerationSupremeTV.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]SWF.com Review of SWF Generation Supreme - Saturday Week 4 November 2008[/CENTER] [/B] The year 2008 may down as the year of "Generation Supreme" and last night was another example of why. The "B" show of the SWF universe was as good as the "A" show of any other promotion in the world. This episode featured some big names... but we're only throwing you a few bones here, fans. So if you did miss out, there is only one solution - go to SWF.com and check out the matches you missed on streaming video. [/quote][quote][B][CENTER]Partial Recap of Matches from SWF Generation Supreme[/CENTER] [/B] [B]Darryl Devine[/B] d. Ash Campbell [B]The Lords of Pure[/B] d. Death Row [B]The New Wave[/B] d. Los Technicos + Black Label Fight Club [CENTER][B]Overall Show: B+[/B][/CENTER] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/SWFWebMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]TEW.com Monthly Report: November 2008[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TEWLogoBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Monday, Week 1, December 2008 [I]To help wrestling fans keep up with around the globe keep up with happenings around the rest of the globe, TEW.com offers a monthly report on all the happenings in wrestling.[/I] [SIZE=4][CENTER]United States [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Flags/North%20America/USA.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [/SIZE] [quote] This whole column could be filled without what the Supreme Wrestling Federation is doing “right”. While man fans still dislike the Sports Entertainment approach or the heavy-handed rule of the Eisen clan, the promotion continues to dominate the US wrestling scene. November was a case of “the rich get richer” as the SWF added Dan Stone Jr to the talent cabinet. The 36-year old debuted on the Legends brand – fittingly – and looks to get a solid push out of the gates. A great deal of column space on this website has been dedicated to what Total Championship Wrestling is doing wrong. And there seems to be a lot of it. It is easy to look at what Richard Eisen has done with the SWF over the years and assume its easy, but it obviously isn't. Take the TCW tag team ranks for example. Coming into 2008, it wasn't exactly a strength of promotion, but Total could at least boast two of the best teams in wrestling. Both have since left for the SWF. Did Total compensate by putting together some solid teams together? No. Last month, veteran Robert Oxford retired, breaking up an experienced team. This month, the contract of Billy Jack Shearer was allowed to expire. While Shearer is hardly the most talented guy on any roster, he was part of Painful Procedure with Randall Hopkins, one of the more experienced duos in the promotion. The TCW World Tag Team titles were vacated in mid October and remained vacant until the end of November, when the tandem of Freddy Huggins and Ronnie V. Pain – known as Last Stand – claimed them. Then there is the TCW World Championship. At the end of September, Tommy Cornell's epic 22 month reign was ended by Sam Keith and the whole wrestling world took notice. The 47-year old legend of the business was a legitimate feel-good story when he won the title belt. So how does the promotion capitalize on that? By only having Keith defend it on pay per view? That might work for the SWF and Rich Money, but its effectively lost the momentum that Sam Keith had. Its even worse when his opponents are the likes of Genghis Rahn, as it was at A Little South of Sanity. The quality of TCW continued to be inconsistent through November. The episodes of TCW Presents Total Wrestling were graded by the TEW Critics Board at C, B, C+, and another B. The pay per view earned a B-. Basically, it was a pretty mediocre month for Total Championship Wrestling. Unfortunately for TCW and its fans, mediocre is unlikely to be enough to reclaim the National status that the promotion lost earlier this year. Another mediocre month from TCW could be seen by many insiders as a perfect opportunity for USPW to close some ground on the #2 promotion in America. Could Sam Strong's United States Pro Wrestling take advantage? Of course not. The Critics Board gave USPW American Wrestling grades of C+, C+, D+, and a C-. USPW closed out the month with their Thanksgiving Thunder, which earned a disappointing C- grade. The highlight of the show was Liberty dragging Big Smack Scott to one of his best matches ever, a B. However, that was the semi-main event. The actual main event was close to 1,000 pounds of beef moving in slow motion as Bruce the Giant defeated Warlord Power (aka Puerto Rican Power) to defend his USPW World championship. The Critics Board were probably generous when they gave this one a C-, as the match clearly happened three decades too late. As it so often is, Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling was amongst the best of the American independent scene. Their CZCW Showdown at Sundown event sold out the Grissom Auditorium and snagged an impressive C grade. The main event was the Coastal Zone Championship again being contested between Big Smack Scott and Fox Mask, with the Smacker retaining in a C- match. CZCW did get a taste of the downside of Big Smack Scott, as Fox Mask came out of the match with an injury that was revealed to be a torn stomach muscle. He will miss some time, but should be back by the end of the 2008. CZCW fans also were left wondering if the promotion is trying to be Supreme West, as the signing of Jim Force was announced after the former SWF star was let out of a developmental contact with the SWF. The toast of November, though, was Rip Chord's MAW. A solid card for The Proving Ground delivered as it snared a C+ grade. The headliner was Mean Jean Cattey defending his Coastal Zone Championship against Mick Muscles in a surprisingly good B- match. The next best was Angel Athletics Association putting on their Queens of the Ring show in Week 1, drawing 1,000 fans to The Junkyard. The show was given a C- grade. Rhode Island Pro Wrestling put on a solid D+ show at Over the Limit. The highlight was Remmy Skye claiming the RIPW Championship. FCW, PSW, and NYCW all earned themselves D grades for the month. Only Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling stayed in their home region, putting on Time Crisis at The Ministry and pulling in 1,000 fans. Freedom Caribbean Wrestling tried its hand in the Tri State region, grabbing only 161 fans at The Weston Gymnasium for Happenstance. It was worse for NYCW, who made the poor choice of holding Special Attraction at the Ohio Jewish Center in the Great Lakes, drawing just 70 fans. [/quote][CENTER][SIZE=4]Canada[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Flags/North%20America/Canada.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote] Did the balance of power shift in Canada in November? It is certainly possible. After losing some of their premier talent to the Supreme Wrestling Federation, North of the Border Pro Wrestling took another serious hit when Dan Stone Jr decided to walk away. The 36-year old 5-time Canadian champion saw out his contract, and then signed with the SWF. It leaves current Canadian champion Jeremy Stone as the only active Stone family member for the family promotion. It is not that NOTBPW is incapable of putting on great matches at this point, just that they seem to be less frequent. And those amazing matches might be a thing of the past. The Critics Board graded out at B-, C-, B-, and C. Its the kind of inconsistency that seems a bit unusual for NOTPW. The pay per view event Nirvana in November was solid, a B- event headlined by Jeremy Stone defeating Dark Angel. It is a match that fans of the pure wrestling promotion are likely to see often in the coming months. The troubles for the Stone family out east have created an interesting opportunity for Canadian Golden Combat. It was a moth that started slow for the DeColt's and built to a big finish. The first three episodes of Title Bout Wrestling all earned C-. The pay per view event Survival of the Fittest earned a C+ grade, with Jack DeColt defeating Dan DeLay to win the CGC World championship. The month ended on a very good episode of Title Bout which earned a B grade, highlighted by an all-DeColt tag match. Jack and Alex defeated Ricky and Steve in a B+ match. It just goes to prove that CGC really is all about the DeColt's. In other CGC news, there were rumors that the CGC World title change was down to the expiration of Dan DeLay's contract. He did resign, however, which is good news for the promotion. At the bottom end of Canada is still 4C, which managed to put on a D+ event at Back to Basics. [/quote][CENTER][SIZE=4]Mexico[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Flags/North%20America/Mexico.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote] The four-way battle in Mexico continued, though many are beginning to question just how much of a “war” it really is. All four promotions are currently doing pretty well from putting on solid but unspectacular shows, for the most part. None of the promotions are in any danger, even newcomer Mexican Hardcore Wrestling. November was also “los Muertos” month, as all three of the traditional promotions put on their “Dia de los Muertos” events. South of the Border Pro Wrestling's weekly TV episodes were nothing spectacular, as the Lucha Libre show earned grades of C, C, C-, and C. It was the Week 1 Dia de los Muertos event that surprised, pulling a B grade. It was headlined by Campeon de Mundo El Demonio defeating Pirata Malvado. MPWF put together three C- episodes of Accion Viva, with one C showing. The Dia de los Muertos earned a C+ grade, with El Bandito defending his Campeon de Herencia de Mundo against Spanish Superfly in a B- match. MHW continued to look solid and built a fanbase. While many insiders questioned the decision to add the Arte de Luchar TV show as overambitious, it was worked thus far. The show earend MHW a C-, two C's, and a C+. The Week 3 Contra Todas Las Probabilidades event was viewed as worthy of a C+. Though hardly in any danger, the “old lady” OLLIE was the least consistent of Mexico's promotions in November. The TV shows were C+, two C's, and a D. The Dia de los Muertos was only worth a D+, which has to be seen as disappointing. The lone title change in the promotion – and in Mexico – was Amo Del Gato claiming the Campeon de Mexico from Laberitino Jr in Week 4. [/quote][CENTER][SIZE=4]United Kingdom[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Flags/Europe/UK.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote] Trends. Watching the world of pro wrestling is about looking for trends. And there seems to be a trend going on in the United Kingdom scene, which is the premiere promotion 21st Century Wrestling looking decided unimpressive. The promotions Best of British Wrestling show alternated between D and D+ grades, with the big Week 2 event In Times of War earning a D grade. The only title change was double-champion DJ Reason dropping the 21st Century United Kingdom belt to Buff Martinez. There is also a “war” theme going on, as Men of Steel Combat also put on an event called In Times of War. This one also earned a D grade, but just just 300 fans. The best of the British isles this month was again Ring of Fire. A Ring of Fire Championship match between Walter Morgan and champion Merle O'Curle earned a B- grade, anchoring a solid C+ Highway to Hell event. [/quote][CENTER][SIZE=4]Japan[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Flags/Asia/japan.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote] November is an interesting month in Japan, as its one of the few months were most of the big promotions are all out on tour. It is a month that can answer many questions. This month, it really didn't, however. Pride Glory Honor Wrestling was out on their Dragon tour. The tour produced consistent shows. The problem for PGHW was that the quality wasn't quite up the lofty standards of the promotion. The tour produced consistent B shows, except for one B-, one B+, and one lone A show. The Night of Courage event in Week 2 drew 15,000 to the Ishikawa Stadium to watch the Elite Tag Team Series, which was won by Team Toronto as they defeated Kawashima & Koiso in the finale. There is increasing clamor from fans for Mito Miwa to drop the Glory Crown. The 2-time champion has defended the belt 15 times and has yet to have a truly great match with it. He defended the belt four times in November, three of them being graded as B+ and one B match. With fellow Glorious Pillar of Heaven Yoshimi Mushashibo until the summer of 2009, PGHW only has a few options. But many fans feel that Bryan Vessey, Nobatsu Tatsuko, or either of the Eisaku's – Hoshino or Kunomasu – could do better. It could also be an opportunity to have a young worker like PRIDE Koiso prove themselves with the Glory Crown. Pride Glory Honor Wrestling remain the class of Japanese wrestling... but how far is the gap? They remain the only National-sized promotion, but the likes of World Level Wrestling are on the rise. WLW's Unholy Tour surprised many with its consistent quality – a series of B shows, with a bit of fluctuation. The Destiny & Desire show in Week 2 drew 10,000 to the Tochigi Sports Stadium and snared a B grade. At that event, the most oxymoronic title in wrestling, the World Level Universal was claimed by Koji Kojima for a third time as he defeated Magnum KOBE. Tsurayuki Kamachi won the World Level Intercontinental title from Nariaki Hitomi as well. INSPIRE's dominance tour offered similar quality and consistency. Running just one show per week on the tour, the shows alternated between B- and B. The This Task May Be Impossible event also earned a B. The month started off strong as Tadiyuki Kikkawa won the King of Fighters title from Tasuku Iesada. Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods continued to be a shining exmaple of inconsistency. How many promotions can follow up a D+ with an A show? Burning Hammer can! The Love to Burn tour just had fans and insiders scatching their heads. The Everlasting Mission pay per view in Week 3 was graded as a B show, with the main event of Chuichi Sanda defending his Burning World Championship against Shingen Miyazaki. The title reign of Sanda has many raised more questions than provided answers thus far. The tag team specialist seemed an odd choice at the time, and he has yet prove the doubters wrong. Chanda and Hamacho did lose the Burning World Tag Team championships to the ad-hoc team of Tiger Fuyuki and Sessue Kawate... a tandem some fans have mischievasiously dubbed “The Cocaine Tigers”. The Openweight Championship also changed hands, as Heihachiro Sakai defeated White Samurai. 5 Star Supreme Wrestling, Golden Combat Wrestling, and Warrior Engine XXV were all off this month. 5SSW did get some good news, as 4-time 5 Star World champion Thunder Hike agreed a new contract. [/quote][CENTER][SIZE=4]Europe[/SIZE][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Flags/Europe/EuropeanUnion.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote] The European wrestling scene gets little attention, either here on TEW.com or in Europe. But a quick update. EWA held an event called The Damned in Bremen, where EWA Universal champion Bam Bam Johansson defeated Jed High. The event earned a D grade, though grades are always a bit tough for these events given how few fans actually see them. UEW's Sweet Pain event drew an impressive 1,000 fans to Plaza La Navaree to see Joey Beauchamp defeat Michael Moodie to retain the UEW World title in a C match, headlining the C event. [/quote][CENTER][SIZE=4]Australia[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Flags/Oceania/Austrailia.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote] Australia is much like Europe, where a small wrestling community doesn't get much attention. But things are on the definite upswing in the Land Down Under. APW's Longest Night 2008 snared a D+ grade, drawing 300 fans. But the big news in November was the promotion coming to an agreement with The Bloke Channel to debut APW Television. It could be a big step forward to Australia Pro Wrestling. [/quote][CENTER][SIZE=4]Retirements + Events[/SIZE][/CENTER] [quote] Two of the all time greats from tag team wrestling walked away from the business this month. The more notable is Demon Anger, who formed the Demons of Rage with Demon Sprite, a duo which won tag team championships all over North America. They had a long stint in HGC/TCW where they won the tag titles 4 times. Demon Anger was with USPW until March, working solo after the retirement of his long-time partner. Since March, Anger continued to work the independent scene before announcing his retirement from active competition this past month. Whipper Spencer Marks is a name that is likely to be less familiar to younger fans, but he team with George DeColt is looked at as one of the best ever. The 70-year old Canadian retired long ago from in-ring work, but was still respected for his work as a road agent. He stepped away from the business fully this year. Alfredo Mendez, well known in his native Mexico, also left the business. He was working as a road agent in recent years. Mendez is 68 years old. The women's wrestling scene lost a couple of bigger names. Literally. Nikki Power and Alpha Female were two of the more powerful women in the female ranks. Both retired from active competition this month. [/quote][/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF.com: Arrogant Rich Money[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Alt/RichMoney_alt8.jpg[/IMG] [B]Money - Not Lacking in Confidence[/B][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]Monday, Week 1, December 2008[/CENTER] [/B] Apparently the old adage about "never having too much money" is not true. At least, not when you are talking about SWF World Heavyweight champion Rich Money. The man who calls himself "Hard Cash" won the SWF World title four and a half months ago at The Supreme Challenge, when he downed Jack Bruce in the Double Jeopardy match. Since then, Money has been undefeated in singles action and ever-present on Supreme TV. Always arrogant, Money has taken it to new levels in recent months. For fans who already tired of the endless talking from "Hard Cash", recent weeks must have been difficult. Ever since Christian Faith challenged Money and an epic clash between the two was booked for Christmas Clash 2008, Money has even been on SWF Legends. There is essentially no escaping from Money at this point. The ever-popular Christian Faith will have even more support than usual at the pay per view, as fans who might not normally cheer for the veteran will be hoping to see him win. It seems like many fans are supremely eager to see Money finally shut up for once. That will be no easy task, as Money has proven capable of backing up his arrogance thus far. His classic win over Sean McFly at Let the Games Begin 2008 is proof of that. How confident is Rich Money that he will defeat SWF Supreme Champion Christian Faith? SWF.com has received unconfirmed insider information that Rich Money actually offered to make the Christmas Clash match a career-versus-career match. The source indicates that Faith was never given a chance to give an answer, as both Legends brand authority figures - Phil Vibert and surprisingly Eric Tyler - were against the idea. The SWF World Heavyweight champion may have to learn to watch his words eventually. Other backstage rumors suggest that Interim General Manager of the Supreme brand Eric Eisen is not too pleased over some comments from last week on his Moments with Money segment. To the point where he may demand an apology from the champion. "Double E" would be a powerful enemy if Money was to refuse. [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/SWFWebMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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This is a combination of a suggestion from Phantom Stranger from awhile ago and stealing what other diaries have done. But seeing that this diary is closing in on the end of the 2008 calendar year, I figured some [B]SWF Annual Awards for 2008[/B] would be in order. I figured the best way to do that was fan (as in, reader) voting. Now, there is still a full month remaining in 2008 in the game, so its not time to vote just yet. But I thought it would be fun to also allow the readers to make the nominations. So that's what this is about. Below are the categories and a brief (and likely unnecessary description) of each. [B][CENTER][U]The Lords of War Award[/U] - Best Tag Team of the Year[/CENTER] [/B] Tag team wrestling has always played a big part in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. What combo meant the most to the SWF through 2008? [B][CENTER][U]The Micky Starr Award[/U] - Best Promo of the Year [/CENTER] [/B] Words have power in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. The right words at the right time can have a great deal of power. What single promo had the most power and impact through 2008? [B][CENTER][U]Best Feud of the Year[/U][/CENTER] [/B] A great feud can make a career - ask Sam Strong and Rip Chord. A great feud brings the passion and the intensity from both the wrestlers and the fans. So what feud in 2008 meant the most? [B][CENTER][U]Best Stable of the Year[/U][/CENTER] [/B] Strength in numbers. A good stable can be difficult to deal with and plenty of fun for the fans. What stable made the biggest impact on the Supreme Wrestling Federation through 2008? [U][B][CENTER]Best Match of the Year[/CENTER] [/B][/U] The Supreme Wrestling Federation has always features some of the best in-ring action in the wrestling world. This year has been no different. With the Legends brand now focusing moreso on the in-ring action, this year has been even better than most for the SWF. Which individual match was tops? [B][CENTER][U]Best Show of the Year[/U][/CENTER] [/B] Whether a pay per view or a TV show, a great overall event shows off the quality of a promotion moreso than a single great match does. What 2008 event or show best displayed at makes the SWF great? [B][CENTER][U]The Major WG Reginald III Award[/U] - Best Non-Wrestler of the Year[/CENTER] [/B] Sports Entertainment wouldn't be that entertaining without the non-wrestlers. Managers, announcers, color commentators, valets, interviewers, and even body guards all play a role and make things more interesting. So who added the most to the SWF in an outside-the-ring role? [B][CENTER][U]Best Newcomer of the Year[/U][/CENTER] [/B] 2008 saw some great additions to the SWF roster. Some were new faces and some were old familiar faces. Anyone who debuted or re-debuted in 2008 for the SWF is eligible for this one. [CENTER][B][U]The Sean McFly Award[/U] - The Best Young Wrestler of the Year[/B][/CENTER] Anyone aged 26 years old or younger at the end of 2008 is eligible for the award. Named after The American Tiger Sean McFly for the simple fact that no one else in SWF has made such an impact at such a young age as the now-returned star. [B][CENTER][U]The Christian Faith Award[/U] - Best Babyface of the Year[/CENTER] [/B] They make the fans cheer. They wrestle with honor and honesty, to make the fans love them... and buy their merchandise. The babyfaces. We love them and they love us. Who was the most lovable through 2008? [B][CENTER][U]The Rip Chord Award[/U] - Best Heel of the Year[/CENTER] [/B] They lie. They cheat. They steal. Then they lie about stealing. They are the ones we love to hate. The heels. We wouldn't love those babyfaces as much if we couldn't hate the heels with all our hearts. So what heel made you hate the most? [B][CENTER][U]The "I Just Marked Out" Award [/U]- Biggest Moment of the Year[/CENTER] [/B] What is history but a collection of moments? A really really big collection of moments.... So of all the moments that made 2008 in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, which single moment made the biggest impact? [B][CENTER][U]The Sam Strong Award[/U] - Best Overall Wrestler of the Year[/CENTER] [/B] In essence, the Most Valuable Player of 2008 for the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Who brought the most to the promotion as a whole? In the ring and out of it. Okay, so those are the categories. Though that is open. If anyone has additional categories they would like to suggest, I'm certain open in that regard. The idea is that nominations will be open from now until the point where the diary hits the end of 2008. At that point, I will take the nominations and create a voting poll on SurveyMonkey. It will then be up the readers to pick the winners in each category. After a reasonable of time to vote, we'll have an awards ceremony of some type, likely complete with acceptance speeches. Now, with a full month left before the year ends, it might seem a bit early to start with nominations. And it probably is. But that's the fun of an open process. There is no limit on nominations. If you make a nomination now and then read something you like more, nominate it as well. No "one per reader" limit or anything like that. Nominations can be listed in the thread here or PM'd to me. One note is that I will limit the voting options when it comes to the actual voting polls. So if there end up being a significant number of different nominations in a given category, I will narrow them down to a workable number (likely between 4 to 8). Let me know if there are any questions or anything requires clarification. [quote] [B]Quick Picks[/B] Best Tag Team of the Year Best Promo of the Year Best Feud of the Year Best Stable of the Year Best Match of the Year Best Show of the Year Best Non-Wrestler of the Year Best Newcomer of the Year Best Young Wrestler of the Year Best Babyface of the Year Best Heel of the Year Biggest Moment of the Year Best Overall Wrestler of the Year [/quote]
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Im really to tired to go through and make nominations for all the catigories but I do want to nominate The Remo and Rich Money Golf Course Segment for the Best promo, It was awsome. its on page 37 if anyone hasnt read it.
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[QUOTE=Bull;671521]Im really to tired to go through and make nominations for all the catigories but I do want to nominate The Remo and Rich Money Golf Course Segment for the Best promo, It was awsome. its on page 37 if anyone hasnt read it.[/QUOTE] I agree that that was awesome. [B]Biggest moment of the Year:[/B] Sean McFly's comeback with Eye of the Tiger. That was awesome too.
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[B]Best Match of the Year:[/B] [I]Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Rich Money[/I] The only one I would have picked is Sean McFly versus Rich Money, but I would say that it would have been rather disappointing if it wasn't a classic. Marquez and Money, on the other hand, was an unexpected classic. [B]Best Newcomer of the Year:[/B] [I]Davis Wayne Newton[/I] [B]Best Young Wrestler of the Year:[/B] [I]Davis Wayne Newton[/I] Davey Wayne for the ween!!! [B]Biggest Moment of the Year:[/B] [I]The Return of Sean McFly[/I] I think this one goes without saying. [B]Best Babyface of the Year:[/B] [I]Christian Faith[/I] I have Faith! [B]Best Heel of the Year:[/B] [I]Rich Money[/I] [B]Best Overall Wrestler of the Year:[/B] [I]Rich Money[/I] Rich Money put out not one, but TWO A* classic matches. Can't ask for more.
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Nominations off the top of my head: [B][CENTER][U]The Lords of War Award[/U] - Best Tag Team of the Year[/CENTER] [/B] High Concept. I marked out for a lot of your early segments with Elmo and Groucho, they were pure comedy gold. [B][CENTER][U]Best Feud of the Year[/U][/CENTER] [/B] Rich Money vs Jack Bruce, brilliant segments, great title reigns, and made Rich Money the superstar we know and love. [B][CENTER][U]Best Stable of the Year[/U][/CENTER] [/B] The temporary Alliance between the Eisens, Emma Chase and Rich Money, as loose as that was. Nothing says power like those guys pooling their resources. [B][CENTER][U]Best Show of the Year[/U][/CENTER] [/B] Supreme Challenge. It had it all from top to bottom. You went for an epic show, and you got it. [B][CENTER][U]The Major WG Reginald III Award[/U] - Best Non-Wrestler of the Year[/CENTER] [/B] I mark for Emma Chase. 'Nuff said. [B][CENTER][U]Best Newcomer of the Year[/U][/CENTER] [/B] Sean McFly. Because he's Sean f'n McFly. [B][CENTER][U]The Christian Faith Award[/U] - Best Babyface of the Year[/CENTER] [/B] Jack Bruce throughout his babyface run. He was the guy I marked out for. I loved his promos. Fighting the ultimate heel in Rich Money, there was a lot to love. [B][CENTER][U]The Sam Strong Award[/U] - Best Overall Wrestler of the Year[/CENTER] [/B] I've got to nominate Christian Faith here. The guy has been consistently awesome, all year. Carrying the Legends Brand, putting on spectacular match after spectacular match, he's got to be the MVP.
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