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SWF: Generation Supreme

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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;693228]Forgot to list him in the post, but he was in the poll. Sorry and thanks. If anyone catches anything else that I left out, please let me know. Tried to keep track of everything and keep it straight, but mistakes happen...[/QUOTE] Yeah I figured that out after I went and voted. Which everyone reading should go do *thumbs up!*
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[CENTER][FONT=Arial][SIZE=6]TEW.com - The Supreme View[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TheSupremeView.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Monday Week 1 January 2009[/B][/CENTER] [quote][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] is one of the foremost wrestler journalists in the business and perhaps the most respected critic of the Supreme Wrestling Federation in the world. Having covered the world's biggest wrestling promotion for years, Marshall has unequaled insider connections, which makes him privy to information that can't be found anywhere else. His highly-respected [B]The Supreme View[/B] column is available only totalextremewrestling.com. Marshall is a regular forum contributor on the exclusive Grey Dog Wrestling forums.[/quote][CENTER]__________________[/CENTER] [quote] [B]Supreme TV[/B] I'm glad that the Generations belt is being kept around - for a start, there could be some interesting shenanigans surrounding Gen-S and their members. Montero would be my choice for next champion - if it's going to be used to highlight the 'one most likely'. Otherwise, Jay Chord or Ash Campbell seem like good choices. You heard me - and I have my reasons. Solid NA title match, although did anyone else think it odd that Newton defended against two tag guys? Everyone wants gold, of course, but I'm always wary of tag guys entering the singles realm and getting immediate title shots. There's no doubting the pedigree of those two, of course, but odd, nonetheless. Is anyone rising in SWF faster than Darryl Devine right now? It's taken five years or so, but he's finally living up to his potential - although I understand that next week Payne will lose to the Neptune twins, just to devalue his stock a bit more. Where have Sin Inc been keeping performances like that, exactly? We could have done with more like that when they held the belts - dropping them and then finding form is just perverse. Still, it was interesting to remember what Eisen Jr. said about SI making him look stupid by losing that match... Lots of tag men in singles action in this show, wasn't there? Gilmore/McFly. Awesome. The main event is said to be strong in the final candidates for MOTY, and it's well deserved. For two occasional teams to put on a match like that... Wow. Just wow. [B]Legends[/B] Can Dan Stone be bribed? Maybe... When even the announcers query the point of putting small guys against T-Rex, either something's wrong, or it's going somewhere. Fun with the Shooting Star belt - although Acid losing it still smarts with me. Bloodstone is reputedly in line for a big push - trading off his expected high placing in this year's WOTY polls. Something to look forward to - he's impressed the hell out of me lately. So, yeah, short review - because Nemesis is back and that's all there is to say about Legends this week - everything else was a distant second, and you could tell the booking team had one eye on the main event angle throughout. As for John Campbell, well, he's on big money with a ton of incentives - no surprises there. Creative control? Yeah - to an extent, although don't expect to see Nemesis in the ring anytime soon. He retired for real, and has no intention of going back on that decision. The big question is what prompted Richard Eisen to accept that bringing Nemesis back would be good for business? As you can probably tell, this isn't a short-term burial acting as long-belated revenge on the part of Eisen, this is the real deal - DaVE vs. DaVE on SWF primetime TV. Nemesis, Tyler and Vibert have got a lot of say in the future of this storyline. To a lesser extent, so do Caulfield, Brandon and the other DaVE guys. Even Art Reed has been consulted on this. And no, Vin Tanner won't be making an appearance - Old Man Tanner or otherwise. What it comes down to is this: DaVE is money. It may have sunk like a stone in 2007, but eighteen months later nostalgia has had time to kick in - and everyone who was ever there (and, much more importantly, who wants to be able to claim to have been there) wants a piece of the DaVE pie. That brand name is worth a lot more dead than it ever was alive, not least because those written contracts can be honoured by SWF. Nemesis is here because it makes for good business, but make no mistake, it wasn't Richard Eisen who swallowed his pride. The golden boy of SWF, Avatar himself, has sold Eisen on this. Avatar has convinced Richard that DaVE can push Legends onto a par with Supreme TV, and give SWF two chances a week to make the rest of the world regret competing with Eisen. Of course, the same ego that makes Richard want to rule the world will break Avatar if this fails. DaVE died for a lot of reasons, but the ageing bodies of its top stars was high on the list, and SWF is running a big risk by not having Eddie Peak on board - the Great White Shark was the best thing about DaVE's last two years, and there's a Peak-sized hole in the middle of that storyline. Can it be filled by a Lobster Warrior or a Stone? Only time will tell. Folks, it's been an unusual week in the land of Supreme. All the fallout from the arrival of the Red Skull himself will be available on the Grey Dog forums with yours truly in the thick of it. In the meantime, I'll be here next week to share the view from here! [CENTER][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] [B]The Supreme View[/B][/CENTER] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TotalExtremeWrestlingLogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;693461]The Red Skull? I will so mark out if Captain America kicks his ass.[/QUOTE] Althought I made promises a page or two ago about not adding more talent, I did try to sign Captain America recently. He wouldn't sign an exclusive contract, due to obligations to The Avengers. I was also concerned whether the Super Soldier Serum would pass the SWF Wellness Policy tests. So no Cappy in the SWF, sadly.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;693470]Althought I made promises a page or two ago about not adding more talent, I did try to sign Captain America recently. He wouldn't sign an exclusive contract, due to obligations to The Avengers. I was also concerned whether the Super Soldier Serum would pass the SWF Wellness Policy tests. So no Cappy in the SWF, sadly.[/QUOTE] I laughed hard. Also, you forgot to image tag the bottom border on The Supreme View. :)
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[QUOTE=ampulator;693473]Actually, it's possible that Peter Parker, and a whole list of "artificially-enhanced" Super Heroes are against any drug policy. ;) I demand a Super Hero Drug Testing Act! *joke*[/QUOTE] Good point. Thor would be clean, given the whole Norse God bit. Not even sure if someone like The Incredible Hulk would pass, given the Gamma ray deal. I guess I could go the "safe" route like WCW and sign Robo-Cop. I'm sure he's available. I am currently working on the recap. It will probably take a few days - surprised to find this diary has become rather long. It is not the most serious of reviews, I'm afraid. Figure I did away with most of the comedy in the SWF, so I might as well try to put a bit into the review. Oh, and [B][U]SWF Annual Awards voting post on previous page[/U][/B].
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Not a cheap bump so much as an overall update. Still working on the 2008 year in review for the SWF. Bascially going back through every show I've done and making note of the important points, with a few thoughts of my own. Ironically, its turning out to be a pretty good sized review. I'm not going too detailed, but eight "A" shows a month plus a pay per view leaves quite a lot to recount. I considered cutting it in half and posting it in two parts, but Im close to done now so I'll probably keep the whole thing together. Given the time that the review is taking and the fact that I want to do a decent write-up for the annual SWF awards ([B]voting is still open - see the previous page[/B]!!!), I don't know that I'll take the time to do a roster review. Even a partial one. That would take a fair bit of time. So I'm just not sure yet. I'm also starting to get that old "I don't know how much longer I want to go with this" feeling again. Its not burnout - I don't feel that at all, really. And I have some options if it does come to that. Its moreso just not being sure how much further I want to go with it. Its not done yet - I have to do the first Supreme TV of the year at the very least, and would like to make it to the When Hell Freezes Over pay per view. Beyond that, who knows? I've gone through this feeling a few times now, so maybe it passes and we keep trucking through another entire year of Supreme. Part of it is that the diary never started to tell a specific contained, story arc. You hit the end of that story and you've told what you wanted to tell. Not here. The intended original story arc became one of many, and was pushed back to the point where its really just starting a year in. With the size of the roster and the two brands, the "goal" became more of hitting certain big moments in the diary. The first big moment was The Supreme Challenge. Then the return of Sean McFly. Then the end of the year, with the return of Vengeance, start of the wars, return of of Bruce the Giant, and Nemesis. I have solid booking plans in place through the middle of 2009 at this point, and several "big moments" I would like to hit. I've come to realize, however, that unless I run out of ideas (unlikely), then there are always going to be things left undone and moments unrealized. Unless I built everything towards a specific known end point... but that kinda contradicts the way I've always booked and viewed the promotion. I'm not calling a halt. My intent at the moment is to get through the review, do the awards, the first show or two, and take it from there. Maybe the pace continues unabated. Maybe it just slows to a show every couple of weeks. Maybe I take a break. As I've said a couple of times, when the day comes that I know I've posted the last show for this thing, I'll make a big cumulative "where things were going" post to explain my booking plans. A couple of times in the past, I've actually starting writing up that grand finale post. Not doing it just yet...
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;694731] I'm also starting to get that old "I don't know how much longer I want to go with this" feeling again. Its not burnout - I don't feel that at all, really. And I have some options if it does come to that. Its moreso just not being sure how much further I want to go with it. Its not done yet - I have to do the first Supreme TV of the year at the very least, and would like to make it to the When Hell Freezes Over pay per view. Beyond that, who knows? I've gone through this feeling a few times now, so maybe it passes and we keep trucking through another entire year of Supreme. Part of it is that the diary never started to tell a specific contained, story arc. You hit the end of that story and you've told what you wanted to tell. Not here. The intended original story arc became one of many, and was pushed back to the point where its really just starting a year in. With the size of the roster and the two brands, the "goal" became more of hitting certain big moments in the diary. The first big moment was The Supreme Challenge. Then the return of Sean McFly. Then the end of the year, with the return of Vengeance, start of the wars, return of of Bruce the Giant, and Nemesis. I have solid booking plans in place through the middle of 2009 at this point, and several "big moments" I would like to hit. I've come to realize, however, that unless I run out of ideas (unlikely), then there are always going to be things left undone and moments unrealized. Unless I built everything towards a specific known end point... but that kinda contradicts the way I've always booked and viewed the promotion. I'm not calling a halt. My intent at the moment is to get through the review, do the awards, the first show or two, and take it from there. Maybe the pace continues unabated. Maybe it just slows to a show every couple of weeks. Maybe I take a break. As I've said a couple of times, when the day comes that I know I've posted the last show for this thing, I'll make a big cumulative "where things were going" post to explain my booking plans. A couple of times in the past, I've actually starting writing up that grand finale post. Not doing it just yet...[/QUOTE] I felt the same way with WWE Rebirth. I still have stories to tell, a few big moments. I just don't know what to do outside of those stories. I don't know where it will end, or if it will ever end. So I'm on indefinite hiatus, and I'm focusing on my SWF diary instead.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;694750]I felt the same way with WWE Rebirth. I still have stories to tell, a few big moments. I just don't know what to do outside of those stories. I don't know where it will end, or if it will ever end. So I'm on indefinite hiatus, and I'm focusing on my SWF diary instead.[/QUOTE] Yeah, it just becomes a question of where do you end it? There's no natural end point to this one. I started this diary in September of 2008, so its been going close to a year real-time now. Which means I started the game itself a full year ago. I haven't really played any computer games but TEW since then, and I have avoided starting any TEW games that were anything more than just mess around games. I've had plenty of ideas and plenty of games I wanted to run, but always held off - I just didn't want to take my attentions away from the SWF. I don't really have any intent to start a new diary anytime soon, but I do have some games I'd like to try messing about with.
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I'm hearing you mate, I'm hearing you. I'm glad to hear its not burnout, because I think a few of us have been there, and it sucks. You've made me envious of everything that is SWF and even burnt a desire to do SWF one day, which is unusual because I have a very lax imagination and have had trouble playing out the CV. But here, things make sense, the stories are so well arced, you seem to understand inside and out the events. I hope you keep on going with it, but I earnestly wait to see the reviews because your out of show segments have been IMO spectacular.
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[QUOTE=tristram;694853]I'm hearing you mate, I'm hearing you. I'm glad to hear its not burnout, because I think a few of us have been there, and it sucks. You've made me envious of everything that is SWF and even burnt a desire to do SWF one day, which is unusual because I have a very lax imagination and have had trouble playing out the CV. But here, things make sense, the stories are so well arced, you seem to understand inside and out the events. I hope you keep on going with it, but I earnestly wait to see the reviews because your out of show segments have been IMO spectacular.[/QUOTE] Thanks Tristam. While its always great to read that the work is enjoyed, it always means a bit more when it comes from a writer who's work I enjoy just as much. I honestly think getting someone to want to use the same promotion is one of the best compliments. Or even just having altered the way that someone views a particular character. As for imagination, I've never considered myself to have a fantastic imagination. I can rarely claim originality. Much of what I use has some basis somewhere and I've simply adapted it. I would honestly love to see what you could do with a CV diary, although not at the expense of DOWCW as its become one of my Real World favorites.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]Generation Supreme 2008 in Review[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Main/SWFGenLarge.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote]What I expected to be a short review turned out to be pretty lengthy and detailed. I obviously didn't include every even or match of note, but the ones I thought had some real purpose and/or generated a real reader reaction. Realizing this will probably soon get buried amongst the endless pages of the diary, I'll put a direct link to it on the front page. Also, if this should happen to inspire anyone to read a particular show or segment, its been pretty much done in sequence of the shows. Every show has a direct link on the front page (click on the show grade). So it shouldn't be hard to track down the specific show. In the review, if its mentioned in before the PPV summary, it was in the first two weeks of the month... and so on. [/quote][quote][CENTER][B][U]Avatar Backstory[/U][/B][/CENTER] The basic backstory of the diary was that the character Avatar was a wannabe wrestler who trained with the DeColt family and got himself a developmental deal with the SWF. He made the mistake of offering suggestions to Jerry Eisen when they were solicited and caught the ear of the Eisen clan. With Richard Eisen concerned over the relative age of much of the SWF roster, Avatar suggested a formalized "Generation Supreme". Loosely consisting of any wrestler under the age of 27, the current crop of young talent in the SWF is to be supplemented by some of the most promising young talent in the wrestling world. The idea being that giving these youngsters a chance to establish themselves now will make the transition from the old guard of top level talent to a new guard easier in the next few years, as the likes of Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Vengenace, Enforcer Roberts, ect, move out of the spotlight or retire entirely. Through the year of 2008, Avatar has been still never been given the formal title of Head Booker, but rather an ever-escalating series of "creative" positions. The roster knows who is in charge, and the fact that Peter Michaels is not truly booking the SWF anymore has become accepted by many of the "smark" fans as well. Avatar has been*restricted from wrestling due to the perception of the rest of the roster, which is a source of anguish since he never set out to be anything more than a wrestler. He pushed the SWF in entirely new directions, creating the brand split, making Rich Money the top heel, etc. There was a great rivalry with Big Smack Scott over his steroid usage, which resulted in Big Smack being fired and eventually becoming the USPW World champion. Small issues with Eric Tyler and Jay Chord have not erupted into the same kind of animosity. At the end of the year, Avatar forced Richard Eisen to hire Nemesis, despite the owner disliking the idea, with the creative talent putting his reputation and his job on the line. Oh, and somewhere in that year, Avatar also managed to strike up a casual relationship with Eisen's daughter, Amanda, which is still not known by her father.[/quote][quote] [B][CENTER][U]January/February - Pre-Diary[/U][/CENTER] [/B] Introduction of new young talent - Darryl Devine, Ace Newton, Steven Parker, Antonio Marquez, Gino Montero. Phil Vibert is brought in as a "creative consultant" by the SWF Board of Directors, over protests from Richard Eisen. Though Vibert is primarily a color commentator, he does have creative powers in his contract, which he uses to hire Chris Caufield and Eric Tyler. Despite expectations of it, Vibert makes no move to resurrect DaVE as part of the SWF. Big Money Inc is formed - Emma Chase, Brandon James, Rich Money and Remo. They look to take over. Brandon James is looking to make his mark by retiring veteran Christian Faith. Rich Money is targeting Steve Frehley. And Remo wants to end the "cartoon" Lobster Warrior. Vengeance, after viciously attacking Christian Faith in late 2007, targets Jack Bruce's SWF World Heavyweight championship. Bruce is also facing the wrath of Richard Eisen, who in classic heel authority figure fashion, feels Bruce is an inadequate champion for his promotion. Sexual Aggression won the World Tag Team championships in February, almost immediately after Angry Gilmore return from injury. Valiant & Giedroyc form into a promising tag team tandem[/quote][quote] [B][U][CENTER]March[/CENTER] [/U][/B] Hype begins for Badd Kompany - the tandem of Joss Thompson and Sean Deeley, who it seems will gradually win over the readers and become a favorite. The SWF Awesome Impact PPV sees Vengeance defeat Eric Tyler, Rich Money defeats Christian Faith (with a foreign object), Remo win a threeway with Steve Frehley and Eric Eisen to establish him as the number one contender, and Jack Bruce defeat "Big Money" Brandon James to retain the SWF World title. Christian Faith cuts a promo after his loss to Money where he seems to question whether he can still wrestle at a high level at his age, which culminates in his - shockingly - deciding he certainly can. Eric Eisen has formed a small stable, The Supreme Protectorate. It consists of himself, Runaway Train, and Enforcer Roberts, with the trio doing whatever is necessary to "protect" the SWF. This is a fun little idea that really goes nowhere and accomplishes nothing. I will gradually prove adept at this type of booking. Darryl Devine has joined High Concept to form the loose "Club N-R-G" stable. High Concept clearly establish themselves as the idiot savants of the wrestling world by being, well... idiots... Richard Eisen, with help from Jack Bruce, introduces the SWF Generations championship, intended for the Generation Supreme talent. Vengeance has seemingly come unhinged, beginning to attack people backstage. Squeeky McClean recruits Steven Parker into a tag team, the rather oddly named "Consequences". Swoop McCarthy makes his debut. The Samoan Wildboyz turn heel by attacking the Biggz Boys. Its Boyz-on-Boyz action! Ugh, really? Phil Vibert introduces Thom Barrowman, aka Scout, who pretty much does nothing without his tag team partner Guide. Richard Eisen holds "secret" meetings with the likes of Emma Chase, The Guru, Eric Eisen, and Rich Money to try to plan nefarious ways to try to get the SWF World Heavyweight title off of Jack Bruce. Eisen knows that Bruce must lose the belt in the ring in a "legit" manner or fans will riot. Big Money Inc show off their lack of respect for the established superstars of the SWF by marching into the Supreme One headquarters and destroying much of the memorabilia held there in the "Hall of Champions", including defacing a statue of Christan Faith in the lobby of the promotion headquarters and removing its head. This comes to light again nine months later. This one of the better received segments I wrote.[/quote][quote] [CENTER][B][U]April[/U][/B][/CENTER] The Biggz Boyz are attacked by Vengeance, scaring the hell out of Jessie and eventually leading to her dumping the pair within a couple of weeks. The conspiring by Richard Eisen continues. The main faces of the SWF - Jack Bruce, Christian Faith, Lobster Warrior, and Steve Frehley - form a loose alliance against the threats of Richard Eisen, Big Money Inc, and Vengeance. At The World is Watching, Lobster Warior defeats Steven Parker when Remo interferes, Darryl Devine wins the Shooting Star belt from Marc DuBois, Ace Newton claims the SWF Generations championship in a battle royal of youth, Badd Kompany are finally introduced, and Big Smack Scott gets onto a PPV (in a tag match, but still). The main matches see Vengeance defeat Christian Faith, Steve Frehley take the SWF North American championship from Rich Money, and Jack Bruce beat Remo to retain the world title when Vengeance gets involved in the match. Scheduled to defend his newly-won North American championship, Steve Frehley instead vacates it, saying he doesn't care about that belt. It doesn't make Eisen, Money, or Chase very *happy. The match between Frehley and McClean that was scheduled to be a title defense turns into a beatdown on Frehely by Big Money Inc. The trio of Bruce, Faith, and Lobby choose not to intervene, believing that Frehley doesn't want them interfering in his business. This is the very start of Steve Frehley's heel turn. DuBois is still concerned about the Shooting Star belt until Eric Tyler and Chris Caufield clue him on the fact that he's a bit too good for that and he should be setting his sights higher. Eisen takes this as Vibert trying to influence things, even though Vibert has nothing to do with it. Enygma turns heel and no one really notices or cares. Steve Frehley tells Bruce, Faith, and Warrior that he doesn't have much use for them anymore, introducing Ray Diaz to watch his back. They are "old friends" apparently. Faith decides to respond by putting on a series of really good matches as openers, including several A matches, reminding everyone that despite being old, he's damned good. Richard Eisen announces that a tournament will be held for the now-vacant SWF North American championship. Money announces he has no interest in winning back the belt. Rocky Golden is introduced by Richard Eisen, falling to Jack Bruce in a title match in his debut. TigerKinney lets know that Giedroyc is kind of characterless. I promise I have plans for him and Valiant... then spend the next eight months continuing to make him characterless. Whoops. I guess in Avatar's SWF, not everyone gets to have a personality on-screen. [/quote][quote] [CENTER][B][U]May[/U][/B][/CENTER] The SWF North American championship Grand Prix is an 8-man tournament. The Semi Final and Finale matches be on the Master of Puppets PPV. The first round is Marc DuBois, Robbie Retro, Enygma, Valiant, Thom Barrowman, Rocky Golden, Antonio Marquez, and Eric Eisen. In the first round, DuBois defeats Retro, Eisen defeats Barrowman, Golden defeats Marquez, and Valiant defeats Enygma. It starts to become clear that Richard Eisen no longer has control over Vengeance. Remo attacks Lobster Warrior again, and gets attacked back during a match. The Lobster starts to get an edge. I start complaining about how much time the diary is taking and begin to consider whether or not I may be done with it, or at least put it on the backburner. This becomes a constant theme of me complaining through the duration of the diary. I also start to experiment at this stage, keeping key workers off-screen for shows just to see if I can still pull good grades. I can. This matters to no one but me. At the Master of Puppets PPV, Lobster Warrior dies, to be replaced by a bland costume-less wrestler known as Chris Morrisette and the SWF is never quite the same. In the NA Grand Prix, Marc DuBois defeats Rocky Golden and Eric Eisen cheats his way past Valiant, resulting in a heel-heel finale. DuBois takes the upset win and becomes the new SWF North American champion. Sin Inc defeat the Bumfholes to retain the tag belts but start to show some strain in their partnership. Morrisette defeats Remo, one of the Alpha Dog's rare losses. The main event is a Supreme Cell match between Jack Bruce and Vengeance, which the champion wins by using Vengeance's own chain against him to choke him unconscious. Despite Money losing to Frehley a month before and Lobby/Morrisette beating Remo, Big Money Inc apparently still feel they are victorious in both feuds. I love heels who can spin things. Faith remains a target. Rocky Golden introduces his manager Kristen Pearce, who introduces Troy Tornado and Texas Pete - the Golden Faction. Total Championship Wrestling is never the same. Phil Vibert flexes his creative control muscle by introducing the SWF Legends championship - because five titles is not enough. Eisen protests, especially since the belt itself is obviously recycled. The introduction of the new belt creates further tension between Vibert and Richard Eisen. Eisen tops the new belt with a new show - also called SWF Legends. No brand split at this point. However, its become clear that Eisen and Vibert cannot co-exist. While Vibert flexes his creative powers only rarely, it is obviously of concern to Eisen. Rocky Golden launches his fantastic trend of talking a lot and accomplishing little. The man should be a politician. He is targeting Steve Frehley. So he wouldn't make a very smart politician. [/quote][quote] [CENTER][B][U]June[/U][/B][/CENTER] Richard Eisen announces that the Times of Trouble pay per view will feature Supreme warfare matches - two rings, wrapped in a roofed cage. Its like a match beyond or something. Vibert also proposes to split the roster into separate brands, an idea that Eisen dismisses... at first... Jack Bruce begins a trend of talking in lyrics. It goes on for a several months and goes nowhere. Fantastic storytelling on my part with that. The first SWF Legends show features Duane Fry on commentary with Phil Vibert and Melanie Florence providing color. It features two title changes - Valiant & Giedroyc claim the tag titles when Joe Sexy abandons Angry Gilmore in the ring, and Chris Caufield claims the new SWF Legends championship in a four way with McClean, Roberts, and Train. Vibert then shows off the real SWF Legends belt, which is significantly nicer than the recycled belt he first introduced. *The show is highlighted by Christian Faith getting a B+ match out of Texas Broom... err Pete. Eisen and Vibert decide to do the brand split deal. Eisen does not trust Vibert, who is clearly simply trying to do what he was hired by the Board of Directors to do. Vibert has an idea regarding how to split the roster but it remains unstated. The matches for Times of Trouble begin to be sorted out, though it's the week of. Yeah, didn't build towards the PPVs so well at that point. Runaway Train fires The Guru on the orders of Eric Eisen. Guru thereby becomes the least relevant member of the SWF roster. At least until Giant Tana becomes a running joke. Angry Gilmore and Joe Sexy have officially broken up as a couple... uh, tag team. Sexy has chosen Squeeky McClean as his partner. Gilmore is not impressed. Rich Money and Remo debut the Moments with Money segment, which is basically a chance for Money to talk and Remo to agree with him. Its good times for all. Rocky Golden manages to accomplish something besides whining as he has an A* match with Christian Faith. My first. I glowed for hours afterward. Now unofficially the General Manager of the Legends brand, Phil Vibert introduces the Sky Club Division. A place for all those forgotten and ignored high fliers to be officially forgotten and ignored. A nice idea... but didn't work so well in practice. Eric Eisen starts a membership drive for his Supreme Protectorate. Which continues for several months and results in no one being added. Could be that the young Mr. Eisen has very high standards. Or it could be that the idiot booking this deal went in different directions. Ace Newton introduces Ash Campbell as the fourth member of the Four Kings stable. Fans don't care. Robbie Retro feuds with them. Fans don't care. Robbie adds Swoop McCarthy and the Biggz Boys to his troupe. Fans don't care. The two factions decide to have a Supreme Warfare match at Times of Trouble. Fans don't... Ah, I think you get it. Times of Trouble is the final pay per view the makes significant use of midcard and lower wrestlers. Big Money Inc try to attack Frehley but fail. Vibert and Eisen split up the roster... by playing playing poker. Hey, it seemed like a fun idea at the time. The PPV features several debuts - Johnny Bloodstone joins the Golden Faction as Bloodstone, and Scout debuts to join Guide. Jack Bruce defends his world title against Eric Eisen - big surprise that he retains! Angry Gilmore joins with Faith, Morrisette, and Frehley against Big Money Inc and Vengeance, turning face in the process. Frehley turns tweener as he decides not to climb into the cage, leaving his friends to be beat down 4-on-3 as payback for them not helping him weeks before, prior to him bringing in Diaz. The Golden Faction then attack Frehley and Diaz. I finally (think) I get the hang of building towards a pay per view, as Richard Eisen announces right after the Times of Trouble PPV that Jack Bruce will have to defend his SWF World title at The Supreme Challenge 28 in a Double Jeopardy match. Two title defenses in one night, back to back. The ultimate challenge for a champion. And quite possibly an epic way to get the belt off Bruce. Rich Money is tapping Emma Chase. Or is it Emma Chase that's tapping Rich Money? Either way, its hinted at. Of course nothing is shown. This is a family show. Go watch USPW if you want pseudo-porn. Pervert. Antonio Marquez and Gino Montero try to tell Richard Eisen that the feel discriminated against, without actually using the words "discrimination" or "racism"... Art Reed debuts. The best dread locks in the SWF. The only dread locks in the SWF, buts its still a close race, oddly. Steven Parker and John McClean break up. Joe Sexy is there to pick up the pieces with McClean and Parker jumps right in with Marc DuBois. This is worse than high school romances. Phil Vibert says that since the Supreme brand got to keep the SWF World Heavyweight championship, he is going to introduce a main event level belt for his brand. Bart Biggz starts to seem dissatisfied with being a Robbie Retro ripoff, especially since Retro is on the other brand. This pays off in about six months... Darryl Devine drops the SWF Shooting Star belt to Kid Toma. Worst decision yet. Devine needed some help from his friends, who weren't there for him. Emotionally, he may never recover. At least until his girlfriend dumps him. Poor Darryl Devine. Robbie Retro saves Swoop McCarthy from an attack by the Four Kings. The fans don't care. Robbie and Swoop are a combo that will go nowhere. The fans don't care. Having floundered and lost a lot since their hyped debut, Badd Kompany beginning interviewing potential managers. As if hiring a manager could somehow turn around their fortunes. They begin with Dawn the Cheerleader, an air-headed MESNA member who outsmarts them easily. Marc DuBois forms Remember Tomorrow as he adds Jay Chord to his little stable. Richard Eisen tapes and broadcasts a secret meeting he holds with Big Money Inc and Eric Eisen as he tries to determine who should face Jack Bruce in the Double Jeopardy match. Money and Remo talk about this on their Moments with Money segment, as well as show the attack on Supreme One and the head being removed from Christian Faith's head. Hey, we're only six months away from that being relevant again. Darryl Devine leaves High Concept and Jacob Jett. Dani Nevada doesn't want to interview Vengeance. The big man seems to have people backstage afraid of him and his unpredictability. Christian Faith beats Troy Tornado in an A* match. He then gets picked by Phil Vibert to compete for the SWF Supreme championship, which Vibert introduces. [/quote][quote] [CENTER][B][U]July[/U][/B][/CENTER] Richard Eisen is still debating who should face Jack Bruce. The first Double Jeopardy match will be Vengeance - precisely because Eisen knows Bruce can beat him. But it will take a lot to do so, leaving Bruce as easy pickings for whoever faces Bruce in the second match. That's the real question, as they are almost certain to become the new SWF World Heavyweight champion. Eisen has to weigh the choice carefully. Badd Kompany interview Emma Chase unsuccessfully and Los Diablos - suddenly sounding stereotypically Hispanic - foretell of a revolution. Or revolucion. Hype begins for The Nuke. As with most hype, this one turns out to be wasted. At least I'm predictable, folks. Dani Nevada, still just an interviewer, starts helping out Art Reed here and there. He still has nice dread locks. The fans still don't care. Troy Tornado shows up to attack Chris Morrisette, who is saved by Angry Gilmore. Two of the biggest babyfaces on the roster helping each other out. Could we be seeing an alliance? Maybe even a mega-power tag team? Bad chemistry says no. Rocky Golden thinks he should be the one that Phil Vibert chooses to face Christian Faith at The Supreme Challenge to crown the first SWF Supreme champion. Of course he does! So does Eric Tyler, who is apparently told no by Vibert and he's not too happy about it. A discussion about creative control leads to an off-topc conversation between TigerKinney and I regarding Sam Keith and the fact that he has CC in TCW. Certainly not the first bit off-topic discussion in Gen-S (something I've always encouraged, to be honest), but it definitely helps me realize how this thing has now exceeded 1,600 posts... Richard Eisen gathers together all the possible choices for who will be the opponent for Bruce in the 2nd leg of the Double Jeopardy match, and then pisses everyone off by saying he's not choosing. Since all of them have matches at The Supreme Challenge, he is going to choose during the show. But they have to win to be eligible. Badd Kompany interview Jessie, with help from Sin Inc, who have a line of shirts they would like to sell to you. Gilmore bursts in on the proceedings, rather unhappy that Sexy and McClean are hitting on his wife. Wife? Oh yeah, Gilmore and Jessie are married. Money is distraught that he isn't the obvious choice to be in 2nd Double Jeopardy match. Phil Vibert announces that Christian Faith's opponent for the SWF Supreme title will be Brandon James. The deal is that James and his manager Emma Chase will switch to the Legends brand permanently to get the shot. Rich Money feels screwed, since Emma was supposed to be getting him a shot at one of the belts, but since only James is contracted as her client, she really wasn't working for Money. This ends the fun Big Money Inc stable. Eric Tyler is upset at being left out of the match and then also losing his opponent for the PPV. But Phil Vibert has a plan - he is putting Tyler into the first Double Jeopardy match, to help protect Jack Bruce from taking too much damage from Vengeance. Just realized The Supreme Challenge 28 was on Page 20 of the thread. Wow. The Supreme Challenge 28. Quite possibly my finest show. To open the show, Rich Money gets disqualified against Randy Bumfhole, meaning he can't be the one to face Bruce in the second Double Jeopardy match. "The Nuke" turns out to be Nevada Nuclear, who will only go downhill from here. Bloodstone beats Chris Caufield to claim the SWF Legends championship. Remo beats Train and Diaz. Gilmore beats Sexy. Eric Eisen beats Bart Biggz. Steve Frehley and Rocky Golden go to a double count-out. In the first Double Jeopardy match, Jack Bruce triumphs but he takes a beating. Worse, Eric Tyler turns heel and tries to win the match for himself instead of helping Bruce. When Richard Eisen can't decide between matches who should be the choice to face Jack Bruce, Rich Money takes it upon himself to storm down to the ring and have the match started. Rich Money wins the SWF World Heavyweight championship wearing suit pants and dress shoes. He gets one back on Emma Chase, big time. This moment is really the birth of Rich Money, the magnificent b*stard. In the main event, Christian Faith beats "Big Money" Brandon James with his little-used Test of Faith sleeper finisher to win the SWF Supreme Championship. Man, was that a fun one to write. First A* show, too. More hype. This time, it comes from Adrian Garcia and menacing “Judgment Day is Coming” promos. This one has to deliver, right? Right? More revolutionary threats from Los Diablos. Darryl Devine shows up on Supreme TV, whining about his friends abandoning him. Surprisingly, Jack Bruce wants a shot at getting his SWF World Heavyweight belt back. But the Bumfhole brothers insert themselves into the proceedings. Damned kids. Eric Tyler is forced to explain his actions in the Double Jeopardy match, where he basically says that he knew it would be his last chance for gold. So he had to try for it. Tyler announces his retirement, and then tells Vibert that he's been offered the position of General Manager of the Legends brand – which Vibert turned down, since he already had that authority – and he will do whatever is necessary to keep Vibert from recreating DaVE on the Legends brand. Authority conflict! Vibert is trying to make Vengeance stop attacking people. Unsuccessfully. Faith turns out to be a fighting champion by defending his belt week after week against challenger after challenger. It might have something to do with Eric Tyler wanting to get the belt off the legend. Or just the fact that I can rely on him to produce B+ or better matches against anyone. Including the proverbial broom. Rich Money decides to use Remo as a “test”, having both Jack Bruce and then Randy Bumfhole face him to determine which of them is worthy of a shot at his belt. He shows his respect for Richard Eisen by calling him “Dick”. That's money. Ace Newton wins back the SWF Generations title from Robbie Retro. Everyone forgets he has it. More Payne hype. This has to pay off, right? Badd Kompany interview Dani Nevada. They have officially become the comedy duo of the Supreme brand. Which is sad, because they really aren't that funny. Rich Money introduces his own version of the SWF World Heavyweight championship. It has diamonds. Lots of them. Remo and Jack Bruce battle to a double count out, so Bruce doesn't pass the test. Eric Tyler introduces the Sky Club Division Tag Team belts, plus a new version of the Shooting Star belt. Thanks Reaper! Guide and Scout are leaving the Legends brand, because they want to be able to go after the SWF World Tag Team titles. They can only do that Supreme brand. Troy Tornado gets tossed from the Golden Faction after he fails to beat Christian Faith for the Supreme championship. [/quote][quote] [CENTER][U][B]August[/B][/U][/CENTER] Team Gilmore is formed, as Guide and Scout move to the Supreme brand and join up with Angry Gilmore and his wife. They form a formidable face faction. Ace Newton is presented with a shiny version of the SWF Generations championship by his Four Kings friends and their families. The kid seems to be going places. Rich Money and Remo are already trashing the “disrespectful” Generation Supreme kids. Like it might be hinting at something for the future. When Remo beats Randy Bumfhole, its decided that Randy B and Jack Bruce will face each other to determine who will face Money at the next pay per view. Remo targets Angry Gilmore, while Money and Remo say their friendship comes first. Phil Vibert brings Pistol Pete Hall in. In his first televised match, he faces Bloodstone for the Legends title and gets an A grade. this moment almost single-handedly changes Hall from "RIPW making a guest appearance" to "main event star one last great run". Sara Silver also makes her debut as a rip-off of Emma Chase – a high-powered female sports agent. She hints at her unknown clients. Angry Gilmore offers Chris Morrisette a spot on Team Gilmore, but he says he has other things to deal with. Troy Tornado, who had targeted Morrisette as his way to make an impression in the SWF, shows up and apologizes to Morrisette for it. Badd Kompany interview Sara Silver. Still no luck. Randy B and Jack Bruce go to a double disqualification, so Richard Eisen makes the PPV a threeway. Eric Tyler introduces Acid, who will immediately get a chance at the Shooting Star belt against Bart Biggz and Kid Toma at the pay per view. Vengeance is still attacking people. Welcome to the Jungle was another successful pay per view. Troy Tornado was attacked the debuting Payne (aka Tyson Baine), who was rescued by Chris Morrisette. Payne and Morrisette would clash later in the night, with Payne looking dangerous and powerful even in losing. High Concept won the SWF Sky Club Division tag belts. James and Frehley ended up drawing in a match to determine the number one contender. Acid won the Shooting Star belt. Remo beat Gilmore. Money defeated Jack Bruce and Randy Bumfhole. Faith kept the faith and beat Vengeance, but got attacked afterward by the out-of-control big man. The Neptune twins are introduced as a couple of models who had a fling with Rich Money and they just happened to show up backstage at a show. In case you had forgotten that Money is money. Badd Kompany interview The Guru. The Guru has a purpose for 7 minutes. Then its back to obscurity. The Diablos have become full revolutionaries, though they have limited their activities to attacks on Richard Eisen's property, for the most part. Viva la revolución del diablo! Rich Money takes the time to talk to Ace Newton in the locker room. He sees potential in that kid. Potential he can use. Because that's money. Angry Gilmore is still determined to get himself a title shot. So is Jack Bruce, who wants his belt back. Eric Tyler introduces his Watchmen – a pair of former DaVE workers Bryan Holmes and JD Morgan. It also becomes the name of the stable that includes Acid. Confusion ensues. Steve Flash debuts. Getting beaten down by Vengeance. Sorry Steve, this isn't NYCW. Jacob Jett leaves High Concept so he can form a team with Mainstream Hernandez under the management of Katie Cameron. So now we can have two lightweight teams doing very little instead of just win. Its like their multiplying.... Chris Caufield and Kurt Laramee have a short feud that doesn't really go anywhere. Perhaps its the lingering stench of Big Smack Scott, but I just can't bring myself to do anything of note with Laramee. I took a short break from the diary at this point to attend Wrestle Mania 25 in Houston. Along with one of the two ROH shows (saw Jerry Lynn beat Nigel McGuiness for the ROH title and KENTA have a MOTY with Davey Richards) and Raw. Needing to geek it up entirely, I did take a sign to Raw, pimping Rich Money and Christian Faith. No one understood. I didn't care. Its worth noting that the time spent on flights was well spent brainstorming, almost entirely for ideas for Rich Money. Not even joking on that. The New Wave are still chasing the SWF World Tag Team belts. And Gilmore wants a shot at Rich Money. Hannah Potter is introduced (to the delight of several readers) as Darryl Devine's girlfriend. He proceeds to treat her like dirt. Ungrateful bastard. Having picked out Ace Newton as the future of the SWF, Rich Money and Remo decide to mentor him. He becomes a tag along, making the duo a trio. The stable never gets a name. Newton remains the leader of the Four Kings stable at the same time. Uh, this is so confusing sometimes. How did any of you keep all this crap straight? Right after Vibert announces that backstage chaos is not acceptable, Vengeance decides to lose it. So he's taken away by security. He'll be seen again. In December. He wasn't kept off-screen entirely – he worked some dark matches. I kept an A* overness worker off-screen for four months for storyline reasons. I'm stupid sometimes. Mainstream Hernandez names himself Kid Liquid. That's it. Rich Money and Remo do a video promo on SWF Legends. While golfing. Fun ensues. Another of my best promos, by reaction. There's just something about writing Money and Remo.... [/quote][quote] [CENTER][B][U]September[/U][/B][/CENTER] After having earned number one contender status, The New Wave get tricked into putting it on the line in a match against Sin Inc. By tricked, Sexy and McClean ask and since TNW can't turn down a challenge, they have to accept. Character flaws, FTW! Darryl Devine is destroyed by Payne, then attacked afterward. Troy Tornado shows up to save him. And gets zero thanks from Devine. Kids. Rich Money cuts a promo from the brand new Grand Ryland Hotel and Resort (Get it? Get it?) in Las Vegas. Another well-received promo. Also featuring Rich Money. There seems to be a trend forming... Waiting for my trust laptop to come back from the repair shop, I pass the time by complaining about feeling burned out. I really start to wonder if I might be done, or close to done. At the very least, I can't imagine keeping up the same pace. Uh, right. Sure. There was some change - after this point, I used the full-dialogue segments less frequently after this. That made things quicker in terms of the writing. I also stopped posting the music links in each show, saving it for big occasions. That saved an unbelievable amount of time in the long run. Bart Biggz is asking for a shot at Acid. He'll get it. In a few months. Brett Biggz will quietly disappear not long after this. Never to be seen again. I am pretty sure no one notices. Unhappy at being called “Pissy Petey” (giggle), Pistol Pete challenged Rich Money. With several possible challengers for Christian Faith at the Under Control pay per view, Brandon James gets the nod. Then its made a threeway with Steve Frehley. With no challengers left for Rich Money, he doesn't want to bother defending his belt. A tag match with Remo against the Bumfhole brothers is hardly the most enticing PPV match. So Richard Eisen talk him into facing Jack Bruce one last time. Money puts two conditions on it – that when he beats Bruce, its the last time Bruce gets a shot at the belt, and that the match will be in the dreaded Supreme Cell. Ace Newton will team with Remo to face the Bumfholes. If the Bumfholes win, one of them will get a shot at Money's belt. Rather randomly, Eric Tyler challenges Angry Gilmore to a ladder match against Acid at the pay per view. Who needs build-up in a feud? Not these two! After narrowly losing to Chris Morrisette, Sean Deeley challenges Morrisette at the pay per view. Morrisette chooses another match with the young talent over a chance at the monster Payne. Sin Inc and The New Wave end up in a double disqualification, making for a three way tag title match at the pay per view. Realized at this point that my roster was simply too large, even with two brands and three shows. I get some appreciated advice from the readers... and completely ignore it. I'm a jerk. Rich Money beats Pistol Pete Hall, but apparently hurts his knee. At Under Control 2008, the PPV itself seems kinda mediocre looking back on it. But it has a moment that makes it worthwhile. Chris Caufield beats Kurt Laramee in a first blood match. Angry Gilmore topped Acid in an A-graded ladder match (screw you, properly built-up feuds!). Sin Inc won the tag team titles in the three way. The Keith twins were teased. Pistol Pete Hall beat Rocky Golden, to continue Golden's trend of doing a lot and accomplishing nothing. Antonio Marquez wins the North American title from Marc DuBois. Christian Faith rick rolls the fans, some of whom will never forgive him. Rich Money plays up the knee injury. Deeley takes Morrisette to a double count-out. Faith defends his Supreme belt. In the main event, Money beats Bruce in the Supreme Cell, doing a rope-a-dope with a knee injury and using the knee brace to beat Bruce into bloody submission. As Money celebrates atop the the Cell... Eye of the Tiger hits and Sean McFly walks out. Probably the best single moment of the diary. I may never be able to listen to Eye of the Tiger again without thinking about that moment. Badd Kompany are still seeking a manager. They try interviewing the Neptune twins. Its unclear who is interviewing who. Fun ensues. In theory. The revolutionary duo of Antonio Marquez and Gino Montero assure fans their revolution isn't over, now that Marquez has the SWF North American belt. Rich Money and Remo interupt and Money challenges either to a match later that night. Sin Inc introduce new versions of the tag belts. Money and Marquez is an A* match, and there is some fun aftermath as Money invites Sean McFly out and proceeds to challenge him to a match at Let the Games Begin. Then he attacks McFly. Remo and Newton keep Bruce and Morrisette from helping McFly, until Troy Tornado comes out to help as well. Phil Vibert talks about having proof of who was behind the change that Skull DeBones underwent when he became Vengeance. Emma Chase interrupts one of Sara Silver's interviews and accuses her of not even having clients. The first Silverback will be revealed next week... Christian Faith gets a B+ match out of Tana, perhaps his most amazing accomplishment in the diary. Tana heads back into B-show and dark match obscurity. Its revealed on SWF.com that it was Richard Eisen who was behind the change to Vengeance. Richard Eisen announces that the Let the Games Begin pay per view will have Supreme Games matches – ladder matches where the winner gets a chance to spin a wheel for a prize. Its like a game show! With wrestling! Hannah Potter abandons Darryl Devine during a match after he yells at her. She hides backstage with some assistance from Badd Kompany after the match while Devine looks for her. When High Concept don't show up for Legends, a mysterious young woman who calls herself Raven offers Eric Tyler her tag team – The Lords of Pure. Frankie Perez and John Pathlow (Hell Monkey) lose to the Watchemn on their debut, but the team has promise. Because I say so. Sara Silver introduces Mr. Hill. Which is really just a clever name for Brent Hill. After Kurt Laramee loses to Art Reed, he manages to raise the ire of Steve Frehley backstage and ends up getting his arm broken for it. You don't mess with the Frehley. When Christian Faith and Troy Tornado are attacked after a threeway match by the Golden Faction, Chris Morrisette and Chris Caufield are there to make the save. In one of my favorite moments in the game that I didn't actually book, Sam Keith takes the TCW World Heavyweight title from Tommy Cornell. Freaking awesome. I marked out. Then wrote several segments about it. [/quote][quote] [CENTER][B][U]October[/U][/B][/CENTER] Robbie Retro is heading to the Legends brand, so he has to break up with Swoop McCarthy. But Robbie has found new friends for Swoop – Kirk Jameson and the Neptune twins. Nice guy, that Robbie. Darryl Devine is still looking for Hannah Potter. If I was him, I'd still be looking, too. Sean McFly beats Ace Newton in an A match, and the Rich Money raises questions about his heelishness when he points out that it was disrespectful of McFly not to acknowledge the kid after their match. The moral of this is that Money will twist anything to his needs and is manipulative enough to make anyone questions themselves. Brandon James, like an over-sized child, ends up wearing his Big Cat face paint – much to the chagrin of Emma Chase. Steve Frehley apparently hurts Bryan Holmes in a match between the two. The Dark Destroyer seems to be turning into quite the menace. He seems remorseful. And hesitant. The Golden Faction introduces their newest member, Rex. The feud between Rich Money and Sean McFly continues. The champion focuses on the fact that this isn't the same SWF that McFly left behind, pointed out all the talented youngsters who look at a veteran like McFly as a chance to make their mark. Money somehow manages to be both complimentary and insultingly dismissive towards the Generation Supreme “kids” at the same time. That Money is certainly talented. Rex attacks Art Reed backstage. Christian Faith, Chris Caufield, and Troy Tornado start to form an alliance. Let the Games Begin 2008 is one of the PPVs I've done. It stats with a NA title match, Marquez defeating DuBois. Mass Effect beat The Watchmen despite Frehley being afraid to injure anyone. Valiant & Giedroyc win the tag team Supreme Games ladder match, which results in them getting a Challenger's Choice contact. Ace Newton wins the Supreme brand Supreme Games match and wins a Sure Shot open contract – the best possible prize. Troy Tornado and Pistol Pete Hall both manage to win the Legends brand Supreme Games match, resulting in Vibert and Tyler having issues over whether there can be two winners. They both get prizes. Left off the show, Jack Bruce is not impressed – he was given a chance to participate in the Supreme Games match but felt it was insulting. Brandon James defeats Chris Caufield in a No-DQ match. Gilmore beats Remo. Faith beats Golden. McFly loses to Rich Money in one of the best matches I've booked and probably one of the best I've written. “The Supreme View” is added for the first time, a weekly review of the SWF. The writer has been thanked a thousand times by myself, but they deserve another. Another fun Money promo – after he beating McFly, he has a promo video done of Sean McFly highlights and set to “Glory Days”. The point being that McFly's glory days are behind him. He then challenges McFly to find a tag team partner to face him and Remo at Break Like the Wind, where a win will get McFly another shot at Money's title belt. Prompted by Rich Money to find friends who can back him and who can be his tag team partner, Sean McFly turns to Jack Bruce. Micky Starr introduces the Keith brothers. Because there clearly wasn't enough young talent in the SWF yet. I'm so greedy. Troy Tornado announces that he wants to use the Challenger's Choice contract he won at Let the Games Begin to try for Rich Money's SWF World title, but he has to move to the Supreme brand for that to happen. He is sorry for leaving the fans and Faith and Caufield... but he's found them a replacement. Sara Silver introduces her other Silverback... Mr. Anderson. Oddly, he seems to team up with Mr. Hill very well. Dani Nevada is upset at Art Reed having been attacked and demands an apology for the Golden Faction. She doesn't get it. Pistol Pete Hall has to use the Short Time contract he won in the Supreme Games match to challenge Christian Faith. The big cowboy comes up short but his earnest underdog approach makes the fans love him even more, despite the fact he's facing fan favorite Faith. Troy Tornado shows up on Supreme TV with Richard Eisen, announcing that he will face Rich Money for the SWF World title at Break like the Wind. In a ladder match. As for the tag match that was previously arranged, it will be McFly and Bruce against Remo and Newton. Darryl Devine finds Hannah Potter. She is now managing Badd Kompany. Devine is heartbroken. Badd Kompany are suddenly motivated and focused. After Adrian Garcia gets Richard Eisen to admit that he was behind Skull DeBones becoming Vengeance, the owner is attacked by Payne and left in a wrecked heap. The tension between Gilmore and Money continues, with the history between the pair finally coming up. Gilmore wants a shot at Money's belt and he doesn't want to wait. Brandon James gets in argument with Emma Chase over whether he's “Big Money” or “Big Cat”. This seems to be going somewhere... but where...? Dani Nevada gives the Golden Faction one more chance to apologize for attacking Art Reed. Rocky Golden and company aren't into apologizing. The replacement that Troy Tornado found for himself turns out to be Chris Morrisette. [/quote][quote] [CENTER][B][U]November[/U][/B][/CENTER] After the attack by Payne on Richard Eisen, the owner is taking some time off. Eric Eisen says that he was the first choice as Interim GM of the Supreme brand, but as the SWF Charter says an active wrestler cannot also have an authority role, he won't do both. Not when he has a chance at Christian Faith's Supreme championship lined up. So the Interim GM is Emma Chase. Rather than getting fired for his attack, Payne gets “punished” by being put in high profile matches. Illogical, perhaps, but this is the world of professional wrestling. Screw your logic!!! Rich Money has a conversation with Jack Bruce, where he warns the Long Island Angel to watch our for false friends.... like Sean McFly. With manager Emma Chase absent, Brandon James decides to show up in his Big Cat make up. Fans mark out. Emma Chase announces that Valiant & Giedroyc will use their Challenger's Choice contract to face Sin Inc at the Break Like the Wind PPV in a steel cage. The New Wave, still chasing the belts, will participate in a four-way tag elimination match, with the winners becoming the new number one contenders. Marc DuBois starts to show off a very cheap, opportunistic tendency. Emma Chase announces that since Angry Gilmore has a legit claim to being the number one contender for Money's world title and he doesn't want to wait, the ladder match between Money and Tornado is now a threeway. There was a reason I didn't want to do Tornado-Money in the ladder match, and that reasons rhymes with “Door Pemistry”. Also, Team Gilmore is being harassed by the Silverback's, who have apparently been hired by someone wealthy to make life miserable for Gilmore and his friends. Eric Tyler is still insistent that Phil Vibert is trying to recreate DaVE within the SWF, which he is determined to prevent. This new babyface alliance has to be part of Vibert's push towards that. Upset at Brandon James reverting to his Big Cat days in her absence, Emma Chase publicly berates her client. Which results in her being fired. Whoops. Dani Nevada says her cousin is coming to defend her honor. Like it will be anyone that matters... Break Like the Wind might be the most oddly named PPV ever. Just always seemed strange to me. Anyway, Sin Inc defend their belts when Giedroyc makes it out of the ring first but lands on top of manager Dawn the Cheerleader, so he doesn't actually touch the floor first. DuBois wins a rather random ladder match to determine the best high flier, but he does so in a cheap manner. Badd Kompany grab an unlikely win in the four-way tag match, earning a shot at the tag belts. Big Cat Brandon is revealed as the mystery tag team partner of Chris Caufield and Pistol Pete Hall against the Golden Faction trio – the babyfaces win and Big Cat is a face now! Frehley starts to unleash against Bryan Holmes as he takes the win. Payne loses to Antonio Marquez and seems ever less like an unstoppable monster. Emma Chase tells Steve Frehley that he needs to become the unstoppable animal he was when he first came to the SWF, as Frehley moves ever closer to being an actual heel. Eric Eisen loses to Christan Faith, shockingly. A promo hyping the return of “The Forsaken” is shown. Jack Bruce turns heel and turns on Sean McFly in their tag match, and even McFly isn't good enough to win by himself. Finally, Rich Money wins the ladder match to retain. Damn the man is good. There's no one left to challenge Rich Money. Or so he claims. But there is – Christian Faith. Champion versus champion. Oh my! To the surprise of temporary Interim General Manager Emma Chase, Eric Eisen announces he's retiring (for the moment) and taking over as interim GM. Tensions seem to be rising between the all young Generation Supreme talent. Jack Bruce explains why he turned on Sean McFly. Time for a match! Christmas Clash. Dani Nevada introduces her cousin. Its Dan Stone Jr. Oh uh. The Golden Faction might be in a bit of trouble. Texas Pete becomes victim number one. Steve Frehley starts getting offers from managers, the first coming from Sara Silver. Big Cat Brandon is introduces as part of the unnamed babyface alliance of Christian Faith, Chris Morrisette, and Chris Caufield. The Generation Supreme rivals seem to be conspiring together... And the Neptune twins are trying to tempt Darryl Devine to join Team Neptune. Badd Kompany want their title shot, but Sin Inc don't think they are worthy of getting one on pay per view, so its going to happen on TV. Team Gilmore is still being harassed by the Silverbacks. Rich Money insults the Eisen's on his Moments with Money segment. Uh oh... Money and Faith work to build some serious tension in a short time. Dan Stone Jr wins another match, this time against Rex. The Lords of Pure take the SWF Sky Club Division titles. More fun between Frehley and Emma Chase. [/quote][quote][CENTER][B][U]December [/U][/B][/CENTER] Eric Eisen wants an apology for the insults to his family that Rich Money. No dice – Money ain't the apologizing type. After a hype video that makes it pretty obvious what's about to happen, Badd Kompany continue their great run by beating Sin Inc for the SWF World Tag Team titles. Hannah Potter. Best. Manager. Ever. The Gen-S team celebrates with a bunch of other Gen-S talent, both heel and face. Weird. Jack Bruce is a rock star again and his own entourage. The Show-tourage. It includes Joanne Rodriguez. Jack Bruce is a lucky man. With the best possible entrance music ever - “Power of Love” by Huey Lewis and the News – Sean McFly's new partner is Troy Tornado. They are the Flying Tigers. They lose to Remo and Money on their debut, but its a super-team with some potential... Rich Money has Christian Faith's head. Literally. Sorta. The head from Faith's statue that was removed in March. It is now on the line in the Christmas Clash clash. Is it a stupid idea? Of course. This is Sports Entertainment. Deal with it. Money is given one more chance to apologize to Eric Eisen. He again refuses. Christmas Clash was one of the most fun pay per views for me to book and write. Likely because the Money-Faith match was planned for about 7 months game-time, and the big debut that interrupted it for nearly as long. Frehley beats Tornado to become the #1 contender for the Supreme championship. Bart Biggz takes the Shooting Star title from Acid... and a bunch of overness! The New Wave beat The Machines (err, Silverbacks) in the best tag team match that TCW can possibly put on... and it happens for the SWF. DuBois gets a cheap win over Morrisette. Payne and Big Cat are interrupted by the return of Vengeance, tricked out with a shiny new mask. Gilmore beats Golden. Dan Stone Jr beats Bloodstone and takes the SWF Legends belt – not a bad first month in Supreme. Newton wins the NA title in a four-way (poor chem kept it from being a singles match). Remo beats the old timer Pistol Pete, followed by Generation Supreme announcing war on the established veterans of the Supreme brand – hey, the central storyline I planned to build the diary around is finally starting! Bruce-McFly gets an unexpected A* (damn you, Sean McFly!) in their No-DQ match, forcing me to put more effort into writing the thing up than I intended. The main event disappoints with “only” an A, as Christian Faith and Rich Money battle to a double count out due to the random appearance of some guy named Bruce. A big dude. Readers may never forgive me for that one... ruining a pretty damned fun match with some big tall dude. Ah well.... Zeel1 won (hey, that rhymes) the predictions contest for the PPV, thereby earning a “wish”. Which will become part of the diary at some point in the future. Eric Eisen says that he brought Bruce the Giant back as payback for what Money did. Because he wants someone he can trust. So Money will face Bruce tonight for the SWF World title. Ace Newton vacates the SWF Generations title as he can't have two at once. Newton begins to show some personality beyond being a snotty over-confident kid and a side-kick to Money and Remo. Bruce the Giant and Rich Money re-enact the famous match between Bruce and Rip Chord. Except this one has Chord – played by Rich Money – mounting an epic comeback and winning. Bruce – aka Biggie Smalls – is then revealed as Rich Money's new “insurance policy”. Fans are made. Eric Eisen is embarrassed. And Rich Money is so goddamned money. Steve Frehley chooses Emma Chase as his new manager, over Eric Tyler and Sara Silver. With Ray Diaz also joining, we have a fun new little stable. Frehley (and Diaz) also turns heel finally, competing the turn that started – in storyline terms, at least – at Times of Trouble in June. I guess I could try to claim I believe in the "slow build" or something like that... but the rather random last-minute matches booked onto some of my PPVs would contradict that. Dan Stone Jr isn't joining the alliance. He's building a house of stone. Or Stone. Who know what he means? I sure don't. He's from Nova Scotia – I can't understand a thing he says. Its like he's trying to talk with a mouthful of water. Ace Newton, now SWF North American champion but still with his unused Sure Shot open contract – begins stalking Christian Faith. Vengeance appears – possibly The Forsaken – only to be intercepted by Phil Vibert, who convinced him to change back to his original mask. Thereby turning face and becoming Skull DeBones again. Aw.... Its all a big circle.... Payne loses to Darryl Devine, then attacks him. Its like he's out of control!!! Sean McFly and Angry Gilmore both claim number one contender status. Rich Money is amused. Two inexperienced tag teams – Sean McFly and Troy Tornado against Marc DuBois and Steven Parker – put on an A* match, which is my first A* tag match. And the best match I've ever booked. And the best match of the year. Damn you, Sean McFly!!! Rich Money declares that 2009 will be the Year of Money. Then what exactly was 2008, Rich? Eric Tyler presents Dan Stone Jr with a new version of the SWF Legends title (thanks Reaper!), possibly in an attempt to bride the skilled Canadian star. Big Cat Brandon has a new tag team partner – Skull DeBones. Chris Morrisette has an interest in the Vibert-Tyler war because he got his start in the business in the East Coast Wars. So while he might not be a former DaVE star like Caufield, Big Cat, and DeBones, he still has a stake in it. Faith defeats Bloodstone, resulting in a stare down between Faith and Frehley. They have a match coming up at When Hell Freezes Over. Eric Tyler unveils The Forsaken. His general in the Legends civil war. Nemesis. And that brings us up to date. [/quote][/FONT]
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You've certainly packed alot of stuff into one year ! I wouldn't be too harsh on quite a few idea's/pushes going nowhere. It happens to every wrestling promotions undercard no matter how good a booker you are. Not everyone can become a star or every storyline/gimmick idea catch on with the fans. The main thing is that you've booked the Upper Card very well and that's what really matters. Sure for every Rich Money there's a 'Frederique Antonio Garcia' (could have been a star but booked into jobberville oblivion :p) but the stars like Money have been booked so well, that us fans can over-look the fact that there's a fair few who's talents have been wasted. Of course if you weren't raiding other companies all the time and ending up with a bloated roster then there would probably be less wasted talent :p Anyway Keep up the [B][COLOR=teal]Supreme[/COLOR][/B] Work. For purely selfish reasons (and I'm sure many others feel the same) I hope this diary doesn't end anytime soon.
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That was a nice refresher. I don't predict much but have been reading since the start and some of the things just slipped through my mind. Forgot the awesomeness of the Grand Prix, the early attempts to not ignore Robbie Retro, Brandon James main eventing the Supreme Challenge and not the Rich Money/Jack Bruce match, and that my favorite team, Sin Inc., hasn't been together since the start of the diary. Keeping it light while reading it and mocking your own style was funny too :). Good stuff and thanks for putting the effort into that, it was very cool to read. I'm sure I'll poke my head back in here at PPV time.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;695051]It's been a hell of a busy year, man. And a great ride with it.[/QUOTE] Yeah, its been a fun year. Interesting to look back at how much happened and changed. From the writers perspective at least. If it was anywhere near as fun for the readers, I'm happy. [QUOTE=mad5226;695154]Ive made it to Sept so far and it's awesome. It seems we actually have a lot of the same ideas which i didnt realize before lol. Oh and im completing stealing the "That's Money" line from you =)[/QUOTE] Glad you're enjoying it. It was definitely fun to look back and write it up. As for ideas, I'm not surprised. My basic booking ideologies are fairly basic and old school. Most everything - characters, storylines, etc - all come from that basic philosophy. Plus, I claim very little originality for anything on here. Almost everything is stolen from somewhere else, in one form or another. As for the catchphrases, steal away. [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;695167]You've certainly packed alot of stuff into one year ! I wouldn't be too harsh on quite a few idea's/pushes going nowhere. It happens to every wrestling promotions undercard no matter how good a booker you are. Not everyone can become a star or every storyline/gimmick idea catch on with the fans. The main thing is that you've booked the Upper Card very well and that's what really matters. Sure for every Rich Money there's a 'Frederique Antonio Garcia' (could have been a star but booked into jobberville oblivion :p) but the stars like Money have been booked so well, that us fans can over-look the fact that there's a fair few who's talents have been wasted. Of course if you weren't raiding other companies all the time and ending up with a bloated roster then there would probably be less wasted talent :p Anyway Keep up the [B][COLOR=teal]Supreme[/COLOR][/B] Work. For purely selfish reasons (and I'm sure many others feel the same) I hope this diary doesn't end anytime soon.[/QUOTE] Don't worry - I won't be losing sleep over the mistakes I've made. But as I read through the shows, I couldn't help but pick out the negative stuff. It would've felt incredibly self-serving to only detail the "good" and leave out the "bad" when I reviewed the year. Plus it added a fun elment of humor. The entire review should basicaly be read with a sarcastic tone... My utter lack of retraint when it comes to adding new talent is easily the biggest issue. That far outweights small issues like leaving off storylines or changed character directions. And you are correct - my obvious focus was always on the top of the card. I think the other major failing that I never really considered until I did the review was that I never created any stars that were never likely to be stars. The Generation Supreme youngsters who have become main eventers, or close to it, were mostly all destined to be that way just based on talent and/or Star Quality. Same goes with uber-talented vetern workers like Pistol Pete Hall, Troy Tornado, Acid, Bryan Holmes, etc. Part of the fun of being the SWF is that you can turn almost anyone into a star. And when I look over my current roster, there's no one there in the upper levels that makes me smile and think "I really didn't think they'd make it there". It was never a goal, I guess, so I can't be disappointed. But I can be disappoitned that I never made it a goal. I could've tried to make Tana into a true pure main eventer (Zeel1 would be trilled). Or Steve Flash. Kept Runaway Train as the main monster heel. Or tried to build up Enforcer Roberts enough to be a legit threat to the World title. There were reasons none of these happened... but I played it safe. I went with the workers I knew I could trust, for various reasons. If I am going to continue, I might have to look at signing up Giant Redwood and Dusty Bin, builing them and Tana up in a major feud to a three-way match to headline The Supreme Challenge 29. As for continuing... I just don't know. I was kind of hoping that going back through everything for the review would serve as some kind of motivation. An inspiriation. Anything. But while it was fun, I still kinda feel the same as I did before. I am pretty certain I will at least make the next pay per view, and I'm still doing everything with the expectation of continuing beyond that. But I just don't know for sure. Do appreciate the sentiment, good sir. [QUOTE=randomfreeze;695168]That was a nice refresher. I don't predict much but have been reading since the start and some of the things just slipped through my mind. Forgot the awesomeness of the Grand Prix, the early attempts to not ignore Robbie Retro, Brandon James main eventing the Supreme Challenge and not the Rich Money/Jack Bruce match, and that my favorite team, Sin Inc., hasn't been together since the start of the diary. Keeping it light while reading it and mocking your own style was funny too :). Good stuff and thanks for putting the effort into that, it was very cool to read. I'm sure I'll poke my head back in here at PPV time.[/QUOTE] Glad you enjoyed. I figured the review would help those who have been reading from the start, since its been so long and so much has happened.
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[QUOTE=randomfreeze;695168]Forgot the awesomeness of the Grand Prix, the early attempts to not ignore Robbie Retro, Brandon James main eventing the Supreme Challenge and not the Rich Money/Jack Bruce match, and [B]that my favorite team, Sin Inc., hasn't been together since the start of the diary.[/B][/QUOTE] Just caught this... Sexy and McClean actually have been together since the very first day of the diary, as a team. I created Sin Inc - with that name - right away as something for both of them to do. This was in January and early February, which I never covered in the diary. They had a few matches together, and then when Angry Gilmore came back, I decided to put him with Sexy again as I didn't really have any other major plans for the Angry One. McClean got tossed into a tag team with Steven Parker, who I had signed without significant plans for (such moves obviously helped make my roster huge). If/when I do another SWF game, I'll likely have Sexy and McClean together from day one, likely turning Gilmore face right away on his return. Hindsight and all that... [QUOTE=tristram;695403]I lllooooooovvveeee the monthly review, mate. Its a perfect reflection of what you've done.[/QUOTE] Thanks. It was definitely fun to write. Hopefully it's effective to bring some readers up to speed who would rather not go through this whole (and I don't blame them one bit).
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[QUOTE=mad5226;695757]and im caught up... what i've learned: Your a hell of a booker...and no one seems to care =)[/QUOTE] Thanks. I've never considered myself anything special in that regard. Although I have to admit that keeping a roster this size straight and everyone on-screen can be a task at times. Funny little anecdote about that... When TEW 2008 first came out, I wanted to do a present-day WWE game. Started it up once or twice, and the thought of having to deal with three brands and this huge roster just seemed so intimidating. Its one the main reasons I ended up immersed in the CornellVerse, which lead to this diary. Now, I start up a current day WWE game and look at the roster... and wonder how the hell I'm supposed to book three weekly TV shows with small of a roster... Generation Supreme has me all messed up, no doubt.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]The Fry Report Preview[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/FryReport.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][I]Every week on The Fry Report podcast will provide the latest information on everything Supreme. News, rumors, and interviews, all brought to you by the incomparable Duane Fry.[/I] [B]Preview for podcast available Monday, Week 1, January 2009[/B] "The Supreme Wrestling Federation looks set to kick off 2009 with a bang. This will not be a Supreme TV that you will want to miss. it is going to be a big one, fans!" "This one should feature all kinds of actions. Will we see a match that will top the classic tag team match the headlined last week? Unlikely... but you never know when you tune in to Supreme TV." "Two of the moved loves wrestlers in the SWF will face off in the ring this week. Sean McFly takes on Angry Gilmore. On the line is the opportunity to face Rich Money for his SWF World Heavyweight championship at When Hell Freezes Over 2009 in two weeks." "The number one contenders for the SWF World Tag Team championships will also be decided. Former champions Valiant & Giedroyc will take on the team that many consider the best in the world, The New Wave. Despite their individual skills and perfect team work, Guide and Scout have yet to capture tag team gold in the SWF. A win tomorrow night could give them another shot at the coming pay per view against whoever holds the belts." "Those tag titles will be on the line tonight. Champions Badd Kompany have gone from promising to productive since adding Hannah Potter as a manager. Thompson and Deely will face a big challenge as they put their belts on the line against the team they defeated to win them - Sin Inc." "Also in tag team action, The Immortal Bumfholes will take on Remo and Ace Newton. This one is a rematch from the Out of Control 2008 pay per view, and apparently was requested by the Bumfhole brothers. This one should prove quite the challenge for the Gen-S duo." "The SWF Generations will also be on the line. The currently-vacant title will go to the winner of a 15-man battle royal. It is chalk full of the top young talent in the SWF, including a couple of hopefuls from the Legends brand. This one should prove interesting as it features a number of members of the Generation Supreme clique - it will be intriguing to see how they do facing each other." "A big mystery should be solved tonight - after a month of rumors, Interim General Manager Eric Eisen is set to announce what changes are being made to the announcing team on Supreme TV. Who is leaving? Who is arriving? Will Supreme TV ever be the same?" "You won't want to miss this one, fans! Supreme TV is on C.A.N.N. every Tuesday night! The only wrestling on TV on Tuesday night..." [/quote][B]The Fry Report will be available on SWF.com or directly from iTunes.[/B] [quote]A special feature for the Fry Report... A preview of the matches lined up for Supreme TV this week! [COLOR=Blue]Blood Bonham[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Marc DuBois[/COLOR] [B]15-Man Battle Royal for the SWF Generations Championship:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Atlas[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Greg Keith[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Colossus[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Matthew Keith [/COLOR]vs [COLOR=Red]Jay Chord[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Swoop McCarthy[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Casey Valentine[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Greg Rayne[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Ash Campbell[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Gino Montero[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Steven Parker[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Jacob Jett[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Flex Garcia[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Antonio Marquez[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Valiant & Giedroyc[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]The New Wave[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]The Immortal Bumfholes[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Remo & Ace[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Sin Inc[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Badd Kompany[/COLOR] for the [B]SWF World Tag Team Championships[/B] [COLOR=Blue]Angry Gilmore[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Sean McFly [/COLOR] [/quote][/FONT]
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Blood Bonham vs [B]Marc DuBois[/B] Oh, so the Blood's are face, okay. I always thought they were heel, I think they were with their first gimmicks. 15-Man Battle Royal for the SWF Generations Championship: Atlas vs Greg Keith vs Colossus vs Matthew Keith vs Jay Chord vs Swoop McCarthy vs Cameron Vessey vs Kirk Jameson vs Casey Valentine vs Greg Rayne vs Ash Campbell vs [B]Gino Montero[/B] vs Steven Parker vs Mainstream Hernandez vs Jacob Jett Not a lot of momentum for most coming into this match. Montero's the biggest name in it, so unless something shocking - like Marquez randomly turning on him - occurs, I can't look past him here. Good fit for that belt. Flex Garcia vs [B]Antonio Marquez[/B] [I]You down with F.A.G?![/i] ..no. Apparantly you don't know me. That aside, Garcia seems as though he is allergic to success, so Marquez gets this victory. Valiant & Giedroyc vs [B]The New Wave[/B] At first glance I thought this was a damned tough match to call. But then I remembered who THE GREATEST TAG TEAM IN THE WORLD TODAY is. New Wave win this. The Immortal Bumfholes vs [B]Remo & Ace[/B] The Bumfholes have flirted with the main event scene a couple times earlier in the diary, I know, but I mean, really. I just can't take them seriously, I really can't. Those two are in serious need of a makeover, dude. Sin Inc vs [B]Badd Kompany[/B] for the SWF World Tag Team Championships Sin Inc. winning the title back, stopping BK's reign for no seeable reason, just a week after "making Eisen look stupid", just does not seem like good booking, quite frankly. Angry Gilmore vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] I love Gilmore, and he's a dark horse in the ever-growing "Who will end The Beautiful Reign?" saga, but after being as dominant as he was with Jack Bruce, I just can't see anybody that isn't Money beating Sean McFly. I simply can't.
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Blood Bonham vs [B]Marc DuBois[/B] 15-Man Battle Royal for the SWF Generations Championship: Atlas vs Greg Keith vs Colossus vs Matthew Keith vs Jay Chord vs Swoop McCarthy vs Cameron Vessey vs Kirk Jameson vs Casey Valentine vs Greg Rayne vs Ash Campbell vs Gino Montero vs [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez vs Jacob Jett Flex Garcia vs [B]Antonio Marquez [/B] Valiant & Giedroyc vs [B]The New Wave[/B] [B]The Immortal Bumfholes[/B] vs Remo & Ace Sin Inc vs [B]Badd Kompany[/B] for the SWF World Tag Team Championships Angry Gilmore vs [B]Sean McFly[/B]
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