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I've owned the game since it came out and played the trials of the previous versions, so maybe not a noob but there are still some things i don't quite understand. Hopefully someone will be able to help me. A) "recommended push" how close is it to how high on the card someone should be? Are there penalties or pitfalls to pushing someone over there recommended push. For example wrestler x is recommended as a lower midcard but is being pushed as a upper midcarder. What determines said push? B) What determines a wrestlers popularity per region? What is the fastest way to raise a wrestlers popularity in a region? C) I have a wrestler who is unhappy with the amount of losses he's taken. That part I understand, what I don't understand is He's won his last 5 matches and is only getting angrier, is that due to his personality? D) In a tag team match I noticed the non winning member of the team gets the boost in momentum, is that how its supposed to be or is it due to the team mates being midcard/lower midcar(just an example) and so their momentum raises at a different pace? I know it looks like a lot but any and all help is appreciated. As always thanks in advance and keep up the good work.
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[QUOTE=wrestlingfan#1;498937] A) "recommended push" how close is it to how high on the card someone should be? Are there penalties or pitfalls to pushing someone over there recommended push. For example wrestler x is recommended as a lower midcard but is being pushed as a upper midcarder. What determines said push?[/quote] Their recommended push is determined by their popularity and wrestling style compared to your product. In your example, the Wrestler X is probably being overpushed. There's no real drawback to this from a stats and grades point of view, but he might start developing an attitude if he sees that he's higher on the card than he should be, and other workers might think you're playing favourites. That depends on the size of your fed though; if you're a local promotion, there probably isn't a great deal of difference between a lower and upper midcarder anyway. Workers also base their happiness on the recommended push (and modify it by their personality). So Wrestler X is going to be pleased with his push, but Wrestler Y who is recommended as an upper midcarder but is stuck in the lower midcard in wrestler x's stead, probably won't be unless he's particularly easy going. Some workers always want that little bit extra, too. Wrestler Z, who's driven, selfish and egotistical, might want to be in the main event even if he's only recommended as an upper mid. All depends on personality. [QUOTE] B) What determines a wrestlers popularity per region? What is the fastest way to raise a wrestlers popularity in a region?[/QUOTE] Their popularity is simply a measure of how popular they are. Simple as that. There are five main ingredients that make popularity rise: Winning matches, being involved in highly-rated matches, winning titles and being in hot storylines and having good momentum. If you're an entertainment-based promotion, you can also get a wrestler over by giving him a great gimmick in addition to some of the above. Any combination of a few of those should see a wrestler slowly gaining popularity in the regions you hold shows and broadcast to. If someone gets lucky and has all four going for him at once, he might rise quite quickly. Beware the hidden 'destiny' stat though, it's applied to all wrestlers randomly when you start a new game: Some wrestlers are just never going to be popular, and won't gain much popularity at all (or will rise to a certain level, but be unable to go any higher). [QUOTE] C) I have a wrestler who is unhappy with the amount of losses he's taken. That part I understand, what I don't understand is He's won his last 5 matches and is only getting angrier, is that due to his personality?[/QUOTE] Probably, most things are down to personality ;) He might have gotten wise to the fact that you're just padding his wins column to make him happy. Is he in a storyline? Are the wins against guys who're actually competitive (around the same popularity/momentum) or is he just squashing jobbers? [quote] D) In a tag team match I noticed the non winning member of the team gets the boost in momentum, is that how its supposed to be or is it due to the team mates being midcard/lower midcar(just an example) and so their momentum raises at a different pace?[/QUOTE] That's... certainly an interesting one. What are their gimmick ratings? It might be that the 'non-winning' member has a better gimmick, so is getting more heat for his appearances. If you had a tag team between, say, Matt Hardy Version One and Shannon Moore, Hardy would gain more momentum even if Moore got the pinfall, as Hardy is playing a cool 'cult icon' character, while Moore is merely his lacky.
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