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Storylines... do you use them?

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Ok so i know most people use them, and run the type of promotions that realy benefit from them. I myself have been lazy the last few months and built technical based promotions that didnt require me to worry about entertainment so much, now i know im loseing out by not useing story lines to build momentum and popularity, but im wondeirng how much they actually do effect the game? Again i know im not useing promotion products that get the most out of them but... Im still putting on 2-3 A matchs per show and getting B+ / A* Raiting on my shows a few years in. Now ok it does feel like im just transfering peoples momentum and popularity around untill my whole roster is "avarage" in both rather than generating actuall new intreast/popularity , is this the case? Most people will likely flame the lack of story lines.. i was just honestly been lazy about it as i hate having to search huge lists of storys to find correct angle's and it allowed me to progress many years very fast without skiping time. Would be nice to have a "suggest angle" button on the story line menu ??? D/C benefits to story line's when creating new intreast popularity without killing and leaching people too much? Im looking to be told the error of my ways here (-:
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;510415]Running Ring Of Fire I tend to use unchained 'storylines' featuring the six top contenders in each division to take advantage of the additional storyline momentum. I view it as being the advertising providing a public perception of these guys as the top guys in each division.[/QUOTE] Thats a good suggestion. I may work that in for mine since I don't like using a whole lot of mixed up error angles.
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I use unchained storylines almost all the time. 6 or 8 person for most of the time, simply grouping together people who are going to be involved with each other a lot, whether it be stables or singles. Most of my tag stuff is done via 2 person storylines featuring both members of a team, with the addition of their manager if they have any. Works for me more often than not in helping build stuff. :)
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[QUOTE=derek_b;510499]I use unchained storylines almost all the time. 6 or 8 person for most of the time, simply grouping together people who are going to be involved with each other a lot, whether it be stables or singles. Most of my tag stuff is done via 2 person storylines featuring both members of a team, with the addition of their manager if they have any. Works for me more often than not in helping build stuff. :)[/QUOTE] Man you guys found great ways to use the system in place I would have never thought of. I would consider this s loophole either. Because lets say I am booking a new stable or tag team and just put them together in a storyline so that I can get the extra momentium because it is one of my more key parts of the show. Thats great idea. Thanks...I know this wasn't my thread but you have answered this in a wonderfully helping way.
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Might have gone a bit overboard... but i now have every tag team in a unchained story line, my lower/opener/ehancement all in one, my midcarders in another, my uppers in another and my main all in another... so a story line for every level of my roster that nobody is left out from except the tag teams who are together. Might have gone a bit over the top but its all gota help right? Would it make much more of a boost to put them in matching stables?
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I play the C-Verse, and use the default data set. As a result, I don't find the size of the storyline list too dauntingly large to wade through to pick a story line out of, nor have I found any buggy ones (probably because Adam and Crew have worked all the kinks out... :D ). I have two personal failings I should mention here: 1) I am lazy. 2) As I posted in another thread, I am like an old motorcycle; I require a kick-start. But once I'm going, I'm off and running and good luck holding me back! As a result, yes, I use the 'canned' storylines. They serve to allow me [I]not[/I] to have to make any from scratch, and give me a fine kickstart as the first few 'incidents' (matches or angles) come back from shows with results, I can 'see' in my mind's eye the wrestlers "in action", etc... all of which begins to fuel my imagination. At some point I get the invariable lightningbolt, and BANG! I got an idea!!! So I jot it down on paper in the barest of outline form (inspiration strikes most usually when I'm away from my computer...), transfer it to my UltraEdit game project in more detail (which by then has grown since I've been obsesively thinking about it!), and then in-game figure out who all the players will be. I then evolve the canned story they are in into an unchained one, and I just run pretty free-form from there. And I have yet to craft, write up and impliment a 'canned' storyline of my own. See Personal Failing #1 above... :rolleyes: - NordVolf
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Definitely. Since i don't necessarily play every day, I like to pre-plan up to my next big PPV. That way it's easier to pick up the last show of the last play session and the first show of the next session easier. Therefore, I like the canned storylines because they help give me a guideline for that pre-booking. When I play with the unchained storylines, I find it's harder to keep track of them because I may forget my intentions from one game period to the next.
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