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Gabe Sapolsky leaves ROH


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[quote]Credit: ROHwrestling.com Ring of Honor is announcing that Gabe Sapolsky will be leaving the company effective immediately. Everybody at ROH would like to thank him for his contributions and wish him well in all future endeavors. Going forward Ring of Honor will be focusing on the stories and the talent in the ring. The company will have no further comments on this issue or a replacement for Mr. Sapolsky. We would like to thank all of the fans and media who have supported us over the years and look forward to bringing you more great wrestling excitement in the future.[/quote] I'm in shock. I'm hoping it's some sort of angle.
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I'm going to wager a completely baseless guess... Sapolsky asked for his release after being approached by TNA. Even though the Folely owner thing is just an angle (I think), Foley is respected and he realizes that TNA needs to improve its booking. So they go after Sapolsky.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;514258]I'm going to wager a completely baseless guess... Sapolsky asked for his release after being approached by TNA. Even though the Folely owner thing is just an angle (I think), Foley is respected and he realizes that TNA needs to improve its booking. So they go after Sapolsky.[/QUOTE] That would be cool if it were true. Hey that sounds like a good idea for a diary. Hmmmmmm:D
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[QUOTE=masterded;514341]This could be a good thing. ROH has been stale for the last year or two. What was the last good story line that wasn't beaten to death by the end?[/QUOTE] Thats been the problem with ROH. They are very much a niche product, focusing so much more on the in-ring aspect than anything else. While I dont have a problem with that, I love ROH for what it is, they will never be able to take that next step up by continuing to do what they have been doing.
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Losing a lot of there talent is at much of the problem moreso than storylines. In the course of a very short time they lost a large chunk of their top tier guys. How long is it going to be again before we have an indy scene like: Joe, Punk, Homicide, Daniels, Styles, Danielson, Low-Ki, Aries, Shelley, etc.? When Ring of Honor was "hot" and "at its peak" it was because they had most if not all of those guys competing at every show.
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[QUOTE=ACCBiggz;514345]Losing a lot of there talent is at much of the problem moreso than storylines. In the course of a very short time they lost a large chunk of their top tier guys. How long is it going to be again before we have an indy scene like: Joe, Punk, Homicide, Daniels, Styles, Danielson, Low-Ki, Aries, Shelley, etc.? When Ring of Honor was "hot" and "at its peak" it was because they had most if not all of those guys competing at every show.[/QUOTE] Thats another issue that is fundamentaly wrong with ROH. While they have a great product and loyal fan base, this is still a busniess and when a better paycheck comes around the workers are going to take it. Lets face it, ROH cant compete with the pay structure of TNA or the WWE.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;514258]I'm going to wager a completely baseless guess... Sapolsky asked for his release after being approached by TNA. Even though the Folely owner thing is just an angle (I think), Foley is respected and he realizes that TNA needs to improve its booking. So they go after Sapolsky.[/QUOTE] :confused: [QUOTE=Woodsmeister;514942]According to Gerweck.net Adam Pearce is the new head booker with the new look and style being more old school '1970's'. [url]http://www.gerweck.net/news/1225110540.shtml[/url] Im guessing if Sapolsky leaves FIP aswell he will be targeted for one of the big two (fingers crossed).[/QUOTE] For WWE or TNA to hire Sapolsky, they would have to admit that what they are doing now isn't working, and that isn't going to happen. Vince "They are entertainers now" McMahon is not going to bring in an "indy wrestling booker." TNA would be a more likely home, but they already have 2 great booking minds in Dutch and Cornette, and they are still doing what they are doing. So, don't keep your hopes up.
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Not sure what to make of the changes. It isn't the change of direction I was expecting or hoping for, but I guess we'll have to see how it plays out. I do hope they enact that changes gradually rather than abruptly, or they could lose some of their established fans in a bid to land new ones....
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First off losing money isn't what a business is about, and if changes needed to be made then they simply had to be made. I don't think Gabe was the problem, nor do I think changing the product is the solution. Wrestling is always changing and you have to go with these changes or INSTITUTE these changes. It isn't a coincidence that Samoa Joe and CM Punk are current stars of their respectful companies. Without ROH OR THE PRODUCT IT SHOWCASED neither would be where they currently are. You need to look to the future and promoting 1970's style of traditional wrestling isn't the answer. I have no problems with this style, but leave it to the NWA which is back with a vengenace (and ain't bad either). ROH should remain attempting to bring a Modern style showcasing move sets and fighting styles that TNA or WWE are without, or at least are overlooking. ECW caught on and turned WWE into the Attitude era. If ROH can find a way to right the ship without sinking it themselves, then maybe one day we will see a whole new era of Vincetainment.
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This was always one of my ideas for Ring of Honor, but will never happen so just chalk it up to one of my crazy ideas for how to increase revenue for ROH: One of the things about ROH has been they were concerned with in-ring product and were never really looking to become the next WWE/WCW/TNA, etc. Sure they wanted to grow, but they weren't really concerned with that. The other part being they have had a good relationship with the WWE in the past. And they have always made their money from DVD sales. I always thought in order to keep money coming in, and the relationship with the WWE healthy (remember Vince did lend ECW money, and while not looking for the same handout it'd be helpful keeping the deep pockets happy and willing to lend talent and such in the future), that perhaps ROH should reach an agreement with the WWE to advertise and market their DVD's. This would put Ring of Honor DVD's on a more national market (and I'm not talking national television advertising, just selling it in their stores and such) and potentially seeing WWE put ROH on WWE 24/7. If they had such a relationship, both sides benefit as obviously some fees would be paid to the WWE, and ROH would still recieve their percentage's and get increased noterity. Would it work? Maybe, maybe not... but I always thought it would have been something to at least talk to the suits about.
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Considering gerweck reported that Team 3D was going back to WWE the night before they announced they had resigned with TNA, I don't trust their reporting. However, he's quoting Meltzer so there may be some truth to it. Interesting since Adam Pearce was just released from RoH not that long ago. edit: pwinsider just confirmed that Pearce is indeed the new booker and will also be wrestling for the company
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Just as long as Gabe doesn't get back into bed with Rob Feinstein (hopefully I'm talking figuratively here... oh wait... Sapolsky is over 18) and RF Video, while Gabe and Rob had a fantastic go round the last time that they did business, it would be a pretty poor career move to see Sapolsky & Feinsten together again I'm an ROH fan since... I'll say 03, when I went to my first show (Final Battle 03, I think, with Daniels & Dan Maff vs Muta and... I forget off the top of my head who his partner was) I saw things that I had never seen before, things that I hadn't seen since I started watching and guys that could pull it off and REALLY make me excited to watch wrestling again, so to say that I'd stop being a fan now that Adam Pearce is booking is a lie, but if Adam Pearce were to wind up ROH World Champion on the first show of 2009, I'd have to call shenanigans (who wouldn't?) So, having said that, I'm willing to give Adam Pearce a try (Kind have to with having tickets for the PPV taping 11/22/08 in Chi-town... JOE!!!!) and see what he can do, if it turns anything into what I started watching when I was a kid, I'll love it.
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  • 2 months later...
Sorry for the massive bump on this, but for those interested Kayfabe Commentaries is having a DVD with Sapolsky where he'll be going through the booking of ROH as it would have gone down had he still been in charge. Should be interesting if nothing else.
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Hmm, it's a different product all-together. And I think WWE still profits from the fact that most of its viewers don't even realise that there's a differnt style of 'modern' wrestling that focuses more on quality. [U]BUT[/U] with MMA growing bigger and bigger, and given ROH looks more real and can eventually be sold as 'quasi-real', it might bring back a few MMA fans to the E if they market ROH on their site. edit: oh it was bumped :)
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