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BBW: Start A War, Chapter II (CVerse '97)

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[CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BBW.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]BBW Primal Scream Tour (Thursday[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B])[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Thursday, Week 1, January[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo][B]Saitama Sports Field, Kanto. Attendance: 1895[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] Ryu Kajahara comes to the ring to open the show, holding his BBW World Warrior title firmly on his hand. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Navy][I]"Welcome to the year 1998!! Welcome to BBW's first tour show of the year!! Welcome to the "BBW: Primal Scream" Tour!!"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]".. And please welcome, STILL your BBW World Warrior champion.. Me, Ryu Kajahara!"[/I][/COLOR] Doppo Ibu quickly comes to interrupt Kajahara. [COLOR=DarkGreen][I][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Doppo.jpg[/IMG] [/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]"Stop right there Ryu.."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]"The match was stopped because the ring burned down. You know that.." [/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]"In the end no one won and especially the fans lost."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]".. We don't want that. I am here for the fans. We are here to entertain them!"[/I][/COLOR] [I]"[COLOR=DarkGreen]Tonight is the night of "BBW Awards Of 1997!"[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=DarkGreen]"And without further [/COLOR][/I][COLOR=DarkGreen][I]adieu[/I][/COLOR][I][COLOR=DarkGreen], I'm gonna reveal the award winners now.[/COLOR]"[/I] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]Tag Team of the Year[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]The Reigning BBW Dynasty Warriors, Team Panthera!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Cat.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Tigerm.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Dynasty.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Dynasty.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]Feud of the Year[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Kajahara vs. Shikei!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][COLOR=Black]VS.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]Match Of The Year[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][URL=""]Kajahara vs. Shikei, RYE '97!![/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][COLOR=Black]VS.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]Show of the Year[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][URL=""]Reinventing Your Exit!![/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]Most Missed (Wrestler who has left BBW)[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Dark Eagle!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Dark.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]Best Look/Attire[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Tiger Fuyuki's "Tiger Training" Suit[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Tiger2.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=4][B][FONT=Century Gothic] Finishing Move of the Year[/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Hiroaki Nakasawa's "H-Bomb"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] ".. [I][COLOR=DarkGreen]And the "Wrestler of the Year" award goes to..[/COLOR][/I]" [SIZE=3]"[COLOR=DarkGreen][B][I]Shikei!![/I][/B][/COLOR]"[/SIZE] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=5]Wrestler Of The Year[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B] [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=5]Shikei[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] "[COLOR=Navy][I]Thank you to all of our fans and to those who voted![/I][/COLOR]" Kajahara can't believe what he just heard and starts shouting at Ibu. The fans are having difficulties on who to cheer and who to hate, thus a mixed pop. "[COLOR=Navy][I]Now that that is taken care of. From now on, we will not let some stupid little fire stop our matches from progressing anymore. [B]I don't give a **** if our referee "The ****" Shigemitsu dies in the ring while calling the match right down to the middle!![/B]"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"Therefore I am announcing.. .. [B]A rematch from BBW: Insanity Overdose[/B].."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]".. [B]a BBW World Warrior championship rematch[/B].."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"..[B] Ryu Kajahara versus "The Wrestler Of The Year" Shikei.[/B]."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"There has to be a decisive victory, whether it comes via pinfall or submission. The match will take place.."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I][SIZE=4][B]"[SIZE=3]HERE TONIGHT!![/SIZE]" [/B][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] Kajahara's jaw drops immediatly. Kajahara starts to shake his head in disbelief as he can't believe that not only he lost the Wrestler of the Year award, he has to face Shikei once again right here tonight!! [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Isei1.jpg[/IMG] Deushi shouts at the mic: "[COLOR=Indigo]What a main event for our first tour event of the year![/COLOR]" [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shirosama.jpg[/IMG] Shirosama: "[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]I can't believe it! The rematch of the decade![/COLOR]"´ [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Silence.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Raven.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B] VS.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Spite.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]The Night Terrors vs. Demon Spite & Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B][/SIZE] Every wrestler in the match lost their respective matches on Monday. The Night Terrors continued their losing streak as they were beaten by Spite and Nakasawa in 8:14 when Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated The Raven by pinfall with the H-Bomb. [B]Winners: Demon Spite and Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Haru Kurofuji comes out just when Nakasawa and Spite are leaving the ringside. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Haru.jpg[/IMG] "[COLOR=Sienna][I]I forgot to thank you Hiroaki.. For the respect, for the handsake.. It was an emotional night for me and I am so glad that you were a big part of it."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna][I]"I'm gonna make you proud. I'm gonna make this BBW Becoming The Bull championship proud, I'm gonna be just like you. I'm gonna be a fighting champion, just like you.[/I][/COLOR]" Hiroaki looks quite amused of Kurofuji's enthusiasm. "[COLOR=Indigo][I].. [COLOR=Red]Okay[/COLOR]. [COLOR=Red]Congratulations, once again[/COLOR][/I]..[/COLOR]" Hiroaki pats Kurofuji on the shoulder and tries to leave but Kurofuji grabs him by the hand. "[I][COLOR=Sienna]Please, don't go yet. Stay at ringside for my match, please?[/COLOR][/I]" Hiroaki seems quite frustrated as he just lost the title on Monday and now he has to watch Kurofuji defend it against someone else than him. "..[COLOR=Red][I] Fine.[/I][/COLOR]" Kurofuji is like a little kid in a candy store as he dives into the ring with a big smile on his face. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=4][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Haru.jpg[/IMG] [B] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5]VS. [/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Rahn.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVpmu_EvFsI"][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/Files/play.png[/IMG][/URL] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CTu-qMrqac"][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/Files/play.png[/IMG][/URL] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Bull.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]Haru Kurofuji vs. Genghis Rahn[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]BBW Becoming The Bull[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Kurofuji defeated Rahn in 6:31 by pinfall using Nakasawa's H-Bomb. Kurofuji makes his first defence of his BBW Becoming The Bull title. Nakasawa looks uncomfortable while Kurofuji is celebrating his win in the ring with the title. [B]Winner: Haru Kurofuji[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Bairei.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Awesome.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/TheAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG] Bairei Yasujiro and the [B]returning Awesome Thunder[/B] are in the ring. Out of nowhere, The Anger and The Pisschrist from the Devil's Rejects hit the ring armed with barbedwire wrapped objects and attack them. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves both high fliers destroyed but the match starts anyway! [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]Yasujiro & Thunder vs. Anger & Pisschrist[/B][/SIZE] The Anger and The Pisschrist defeated the returning Awesome Thunder and Bairei Yasujiro in a quick match in 4:50 when The Pisschrist hit the Running Big Foot on Thunder who bounced to Anger's hand's who finished him with the Demon Slam. [B]Winner: Anger & Pisschrist[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] A compilation video of The Feud Of The Year and The Wrestler Of The Year, Shikei vs. Kajahara [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Our main event of the night is next! Deushi: "[I][COLOR=Indigo]The atmosphere is electric, the fans are ready for the clash of the icons once again![/COLOR][/I]" [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=5][B][SIZE=4][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei2.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdbBva1YyHg"][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/Files/play.png[/IMG][/URL] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0I8_bOAuso"][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/Files/play.png[/IMG][/URL] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/World.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=5][B]Ryu Kajahara vs. Shikei[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=5][B][COLOR=Indigo] [SIZE=4]BBW World Warrior[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo]Barbedwire Japan Deathmatch[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] The match starts with wild pace as both wrestlers hit each other with high velocity strikes! Shikei connects with a knee to the gut, followed by a stiff short arm clothesline and a knee to the head! Shikei leaves the ring and gets a chair and smashs Kajahara with it! Cover! One.. One!! Kajahara kicks out, Kajahara is way too fresh. Shikei goes out of the ring once again, this time grabbing a glasstable into the ring! Kajahara attacks Shikei with couple haymakers and locks in the Kajahara Claw!! Shikei doesn't submit, instead he fights his way out of the hold, doing a snapmare on Kajahara who lands awkvardly on the barbedwire ropes! Shikei stands up and pushes Ryu's head into the wire, cutting his forehead open! While Ryu is tangled on the ropes, Shikei smashes his head repeatedly with the chair! Shikei tears Ryu from the ropes and goes for the cover! One.. Two.. ... Two!! Once again Ryu get's his shoulders up. Shikei starts to place the glasstable into the ring but Kajahara goes for a school boy pin on Shikei!! One.. Two.. ... Two!! Shikei rolls out from the pinfall predicament and kicks Ryu to the head with a soccer kick! Ryu falls down on the mat, lifeless! Shikei goes out of the ring and brings up a ladder this time and sets it up in the ring! Kajahara has suddenly stood up as he was playing possum, and smashes Shikei with the same chair which has been folded almost in half! Cover! One.. Two.. ... Two and a half!! Shikei kicks out, the fans are loving the match!! Kajahara sets up the glass table but.. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/TheAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG] The Anger, The Pisschrist storm into the ring with barbedwire bats!! Kajahara starts to fight them off, Anger misses with his swing and drops the bat but Pisschrist connects and levels Kajahara on to the mat! Shikei stands up and attacks Anger and Pisschrist, using their barbedwire bat as a weapon! Every wrestler in the ring are now bleeding! Shikei kicks Anger and Pisschrist out of the ring and starts to grind the barbedwire bat into the forehead of Ryu! Kajahara has a crimson mask on his face, he can't see in front of him as blood is gushing out from the big gash he has on his head! The Prophet comes to the ringside trying to calm down his Rejects, ordering them to not interfere in the match. After seeing the big cut on Ryu's head Deushi shouts at the mic: "[COLOR=Indigo]This is B-B-F'N-W!![/COLOR]" Suddenly Kajahara hits Shikei with the other barbedwire bat, right to the face!! Shikei leans on the ladder that he brought into the ring a while ago while Kajahara moves the table slightly and then lifts Shikei up in the ladder and climbs from the other direction himself! The two icons are trading punches at the top until Kajahara starts to bang Shikei's head into the top of the ladder! Shikei is now also a bloody mess as his purple mask gradually turns to red! Kajahara climbs up the ladder all the way to the top and position himself sitting on the ladder with Shikei below him and the glasstable even further down below! Kajahara grabs Shikei from the waist, trying to lift him up for a powerbomb or a piledriver!! He has got him up in the air!! Shikei outpowers Kajahara and has his feet back on the ladder! All the fans are now standing up as they watch in horror when these two legens battle it out on the ladder! Shikei bites Kajahara's hand! A low blow from Shikei!! Shikei goes up a few steps and bites Kajahara by the forehead! Shikei turns around and goes for the Tamura Driver!! [SIZE=2][B][COLOR=Black]Tamura Driver off the ladder trough the glass table!!![/COLOR][/B] [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Cover!![/SIZE] One.. Two.. .. [B][SIZE=3]THREE!!! [/SIZE][/B] [B]"[I][COLOR=Indigo]THREE!! SHIKEI WINS!! Oh my god, Shikei wins!![/COLOR]" :eek: [/I][/B] [B][I]"[/I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][I]We have a NEW BBW WORLD WARRIOR CHAMPION!![/I][COLOR=Black]" :eek: [/COLOR][/COLOR][/B] "[I][COLOR=Indigo]I can't believe this.. All the amount of blood. This marks the first loss that Kajahara has suffered in BBW. What a match, what a night![/COLOR][/I]" Shikei defeated Ryu Kajahara in 14:51 by pinfall with the Tamura Driver. Shikei wins the BBW World Warrior title!! [B]Winner: Shikei[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=Green]B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4][COLOR=Green][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei2.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Shikei slowly stands up and grabs the title from Shigemitsu's hands and looks it with an evil grin as his theme starts to play. Shikei crouches next to Kajahara's bloody and bruised body and wipes the belt across Ryu's head, colouring the belt with the ex-champion's blood and then lifting it high up in the air, laughing maniacly along the way as the show ends. [B]Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=RoyalBlue]A[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Overall Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C+ [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]BBW: Insanity Overdose Predictions:[/SIZE] Prophet: 2 doctorjones: 3 foolinc: 0 Tigerkinney: 3 critical-23: 3[/B] doctorjones, Tigerkinney and critical-23 will be awarded with signature Team Panthera posters and Tiger Fuyuki "Tiger Suit" :p [/CENTER]
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[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo][B]Before the show Thursday, Week 2, January [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] It was bound to happen. PGHW has signed Tasuku Iesada from GCG into a written deal [B]([/B]24 year old, [COLOR=Green][B]B[/B][/COLOR] pop[B])[/B], and what seems to be possibly the most shocking signing of this year they have also signed the young living legend: [CENTER] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Black] Tadiyuki Kikkawa [/COLOR] [/B][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT]"[COLOR=DarkRed][I]Utilising his Kikkawa Lariat and Kikkawa Driver, Tadiyuki Kikkawa has rapidly risen to fame as one of the biggest and toughest competitors in all of Japan. Having won the Burning World Championship at the age of just 22, Kikkawa looks set to be a huge star for many years to come with fans across the country shouting "KIKKAWA LARIAAAAAAAAT!" whenever the feared move is hit.[/I][/COLOR]" [/LEFT][/CENTER] The 25 year old multi-talented Big Heavyweight superstar is [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]A*[/B][/COLOR] across the country and was unemployed for quite awhile when he left BHOTWG in October last year. Both wrestlers jumped straight to the main event scene of PGHW where they join the likes of Yoshimi Mushashibo, Mito Miwa, Hito Ichihara and their Head Booker Danger Kumasaka. Altough GCG lost Iesada they still have the loyal Maeda and Yoshizawa along Omura, Sanda and Roberts who have been racking [B][COLOR=Green]B+[/COLOR][/B] to [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]A[/B][/COLOR] matches and [B][COLOR=Green]B[/COLOR][/B] graded events with the first four shows of this year of 1998. The Japanese wrestling scene seems to be fun to watch for years to come as GCG is on the verge of going National with BHOTWG possibly following them if Yosuke Narita [B]([/B]Awesome Thunder[B])[/B] can turn the downhill direction, which the Burning Hammer has been on for quite awhile, completely around. With Economic levels and Wrestling Industry levels rising quickly and with only one National company around at the moment [B]([/B]PGHW[B])[/B] and with three Cult sized promotions below [B]([/B]GCG, BHOTWG and 5SSW[B])[/B]. Altough you have to remember: the lower wrestling industy level is, the worser the sports and puroresu based promotions will do and ultimately we gain the advantage. But there's always the other side of the coin. If and when BHOTWG and GCG rise to National what will happen to our wrestlers? Hiroaki Nakasawa, Bairei Yasujiro, Larry Wood, The Demons Of Rage.. Well, some are on touring contracts but when March starts our tour ends. My biggest concern has to be Nakasawa and the Demons. I'm thinking of letting Yasujiro go like I mentioned earlier. :p One thing that benefits us is our product that is completely different from the other Japanese promotions. We are the only Hardcore company in Japan, the only Entertainment based company. The only promotion which uses Psychopats and workers who are used to hardcore enviroment. And that is going to benefit us in the long run, not forgetting our loyal workers and a tag division with huge potential. What will BBW look like in one, three or even five years? The way I see it, we are still doing our own thing. We might not be National, or even Cult for that matter but we have average popularity all across Japan.. Reliable success, financial success. We have to save money because you can never know what happens in the future with economy. We have to prepared. We have an experienced tag division with multiple teams. We rely in our Loyal workers who have decided to stay with us. We have above average events as we are enjoying cult success. And when we have enough money and enough momentum, we will compete against the legendary promotions such as PGHW, BHOTWG and GCG. [CENTER]..Imagine.. ..Big Battle Wrestling, Japan's leading promotion.. :cool: [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BBW.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]BBW Primal Scream Tour (Thursday[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B])[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Thursday, Week 2, January[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo][B]Asahikawa Community Hall, Hokkaido. Attendance: 1000 (SOLD OUT)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo][B]Pre-show:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=3]Team Panthera vs. Double Dragon vs. [COLOR=DarkRed]The New Wave[/COLOR] vs. Vulpes Jangala [/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo]BBW Dynasty Warriors[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR=Indigo]2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2 Ladder match[/COLOR][/B] The finish came in 8:55 when Big Cat Brandon retrieved the item after Panthera Combo on Snap Dragon. Team Panthera make defence number 7 of their BBW Dynasty Warriors titles. [B][COLOR=DarkRed]Also the debut match of The New Wave, Guide & Scout.[/COLOR][/B] [B]Winner: Team Panthera[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo][B]Main show:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] A video plays recapping what happened last week: Shikei became the first man to ever pin and defeat Kajahara and thus won the BBW World Warrior title in a fantastic match. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Isei1.jpg[/IMG] "[I][COLOR=Indigo]This just in! We will see Shikei defending his title against Kajahara here tonight, in another rematch!![/COLOR][/I]" [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Prophet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/TheAnger.jpg[/IMG] The Prophet and The Anger walk to the ring. "[I][COLOR=DarkRed]A new are has begun. The Era of Shikei. We were trying to help him in the match last week but for some reason he attacked us, The Rejects."[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=DarkRed]"You just signed your deathwish Shikei. You don't cross the Devil's Rejects just like that. But we are giving you another chance. A change of a lifetime, a change to join the Rejects!!"[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=DarkRed]".. It's funny how your name means death penalty, capital punishment."[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=DarkRed]" 'Cause that's what's going to happen you. If you won't join us.. And if you choose to end your career that way.. Let us deliver the execution."[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=DarkRed]"If you say "no" to us.. Consider your titlerun shortlived.[/COLOR][/I]" [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Haru.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]VS. [/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Nobuhito.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Silver.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]Kurofuji & Nakasawa vs. The Lunatic & Diver[/B][/SIZE] Kurofuji and Nakasawa defeated The Lunatic & The Diver in 5:09 when Haru Kurofuji defeated Silver Diver by pinfall with a Suicide Headbutt. Nakasawa did all the work but in the end he was tagged by Kurofuji from behind who hit his finisher on Diver and won, doing just one move in the match. [B]Winners: Kurofuji & Nakasawa[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]E[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Kurofuji is celebrating the victory while Nakasawa has his hands on his hips, shaking his head looking frustrated and not believing how arrogant Kurofuji has become as he leaves the ring. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Madman.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]VS.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/TheAnger.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]Madman Boone vs. The Anger[/B][/SIZE] The Anger defeated Madman Boone in 5:31 by pinfall with the Demon Slam trough a table. [B]Winner: The Anger[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]VS.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Awesome.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]The Pisschrist vs. Awesome Thunder[/B][/SIZE] The Pisschrist defeated Awesome Thunder in a 1 vs 1 Ladder match in 9:42 when The Pisschrist kicked Thunder with a thunderous (no pun intended) Running Bit Foot. [B]Winner: The Pisschrist[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Doppo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Spite.jpg[/IMG] The cameras turn to backstage where medics are tending a bloody Ryu Kajahara, someone has attacked him!! Ibu, Nakasawa and Demon Spite come to help, Kajahara is unconcious. Demon Spite tells Ibu that he wants to face Shikei for the title, but if he wins he will give Kajahara the BBW World Warrior title. Ibu is skeptical at first but then agrees as he does not have a main event for tonight as Kajahara is unable to compete. Spite goes to get his wrestling gear while Nakasawa is left with Ibu, questioning why Spite got the title shot and not he? [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei4.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]VS.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Spite.jpg[/IMG] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0I8_bOAuso"][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/Files/play.png[/IMG][/URL] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsrJDdT21QU"][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/Files/play.png[/IMG][/URL] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/World.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=5][B]Shikei VS. Demon Spite[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=5][B][COLOR=Indigo] [SIZE=4]BBW World Warrior[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Georgia]Barbedwire Japan Deathmatch[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] In a nice match the hardcore veterans put on a solid contest but the fans were disappointed that they didn't get to see Kajahara, instead they got Spite. Spite did the best that he could and was doing quite well until the 10 minute mark when The Devil's Rejects interfered in the match, attacking Spite when Shikei was down and had his back turned. Shikei hit the Tamura Driver on top of a chair to get the pinfall over Spite and retained his newly won title. [B]Winner: Shikei[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Prophet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/TheAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei4.jpg[/IMG] The Anger and Prophet enter the ring. Prophet extends his hand to Shikei who seems to be confused. Prophet tells Shikei that they are the fastest rising force in BBW right now and they are willing to forgive Shikei of the attack last week if he joins the Rejects. Shikei looks insane as always, and deeply confused, disturbed. Shikei grabs Prophets hand but does not shake it, instead bites it! The Anger attacks Shikei who fights them him off, smashin the belt across Angers face as the show ends! Shikei did not join the Rejects, but the main question is: Who attacked Kajahara? [B]Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=Green]B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Is the mystery attacker: [B]A.)[/B] The Anger [B]B.)[/B] The Pisschrist [B]C.)[/B] Hiroaki Nakasawa [B]D.)[/B] Demon Spite [B]E.)[/B] Someone else? [B]Overall Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=Sienna]C- [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BBW.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]BBW Primal Scream Tour (Thursday[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B])[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Thursday, Week 3, January[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo][B]Hofu Arena, Chukoku. Attendance: 679[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] The show starts with Doppo Ibu in the ring. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Doppo.jpg[/IMG] "[COLOR=Navy][I]Bad news first: Ryu Kajahara is not here tonight. He is still recovering from the beatdown he received last week. And we still don't know who attacked him."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"The good news is that we have a new signing here in BBW.."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"I have the honor and priviledge to introduce you to a young, new warrior.."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"Trained by the legendary Haruki Kudo .. Please welcome..[COLOR=Black]"[/COLOR][/I][/COLOR] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Koshiro.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3]".[I].[COLOR=Navy]"The Kobra", Koshiro Ino!![/COLOR][/I]"[/SIZE] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Koshiro.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][B]VS.[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Raven.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]Koshiro Ino vs. The Raven[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Cage Escape[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Koshiro Ino dominated the whole match as Raven was way too confident of himself and thus underestimated the newcomer. Raven paid the price for the mistake as he was destroyed by the rookie who easily escaped the cage in 5.53 after delivering his finishing move called Kobra's Bite (Roll Inverted DDT). [B]Winner: Koshiro Ino[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]E[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]([SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Didn't click![/COLOR][/SIZE])[/B] Haru Kurofuji and Nakasawa are in the backstage arguing. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Green][I]"Could you explain to me what the hell happened last week?"[/I][/COLOR] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Haru.jpg[/IMG] Kurofuji is slightly confused of the question. ".[I]. [COLOR=Sienna]We won our match?[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR=Green]Well yes, but what happened in the end.. You tagged yourself into the match even though I had it all won. Why, why did you do that?[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=Sienna]I don't know. Just felt like it I guess.[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=Green]Felt like it?[/COLOR][/I]", Nakasawa snaps back at Kurofuji. "[I]..[COLOR=Sienna] I'm sorry. I got too enthusiastic in the match. It felt so awesome to be your tag part-[/COLOR][/I]" Nakasawa interrupts. "[I][COLOR=Green]Listen. It's nice that you like me and look up to me. But enough is enough, understood?[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=Green]Just stop with these compliments. I know who I am.. I am the "H-Bomb" Nakasawa.. You don't have to tell me who I am and what I have accomplished, alright?"[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=Green]"No more sucking up.. Please. I have tried to be your friend .. A supporter.. But you are making it really hard with your own actions Haru."[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=Green]"Now. We have a match against Vulpes Jangala. Can you go out there and not imitate me?[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]".. [COLOR=Sienna]Of course I can.[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=Green]Good.[/COLOR]"[/I] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Haru.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][B]VS.[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Jungle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Washichi.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]Kurofuji & Nakasawa vs. Vulpes Jangala[/B][/SIZE] Haru Kurofuji and Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Vulpes Jangala in 6:51 when Kurofuji pinned Inao after delivering one of Nakasawa's trademark moves, the Nakasawa Neckbreaker. After the match Nakasawa almost slapped Kurofuji across the face. [B]Winner: Kurofuji & Nakasawa[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]E+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Doppo Ibu is in his office. He's doing some paperwork before eventually getting interupted by The Prophet who comes into the room uninvited. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Doppo.jpg[/IMG] "..[I][COLOR=Navy] Get out.[/COLOR] [/I][COLOR=Navy][I]Now[/I].[/COLOR]" [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Prophet.jpg[/IMG] ".[I]. [COLOR=DarkRed]Why? You don't fancy a little chit chat Ibu?[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=Navy]What do you want?[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=DarkRed]You know me too well.. "[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=DarkRed]".. I want an opportunity.[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=Navy]Opportunity.. ?"[/COLOR][/I] [I]".. [COLOR=DarkRed]To be the General Manager once again.[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=Navy]Not gonna happen Umari.[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"..[COLOR=DarkRed] Why not? How about a little competition.. A match where the GM position would be at the stake? In all fairness Ibu..[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=Navy]You know that we will hold the "The Blood Bowl" event and the tournament of the same name next month?[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=DarkRed]I sure do, that's why I asked.. Why don't you live it up a little?[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=DarkRed]Put the General Manager position on the line in the main event.. And in the 8-man tournament: Anyone who loses the Quarterfinal match will be fired.[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=Navy]Are you out of your mind?[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=DarkRed]No, I'm not. I'm not.. I'm a genious.. ..We both know that BBW is in serious need of cost-cutting. Do a tournament where the losers in the Quarterfinal matches will be fired, it's simple as that.[/COLOR]"[/I] Ibu thinks for a moment. "[I][COLOR=Navy]Alright. We'll do that. And the main event for the BBW World Warrior title will also feature the stipulation conserning the General Manager position of BBW.[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"..[COLOR=Navy] With the winner getting to decide who the General Manager will be.[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"..[COLOR=DarkRed] But.. It's going to be Kajahara vs. Shikei for the title?[/COLOR]" :confused:[/I] [I]"[COLOR=Navy]You are absolutely right Umari.[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]".. [COLOR=DarkRed]How can that help me, or the Devil's Rejects? Both those guys hate me!![/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"[COLOR=Navy]Hey.. You asked for the stipulation. You requested it and I gave it to you.[/COLOR]"[/I] [I]"..[COLOR=DarkRed] You're going to regret this Ibu.[/COLOR][/I]" "[COLOR=Navy]We will see about that[/COLOR]", Ibu smiles at the Prophet who frowns instead, leaving the room frustrated. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Bairei.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][B]VS. [/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Silence.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]Bairei Yasujiro vs. The Silence[/B][/SIZE] In our longest match of the night The Silence went all out against the more experienced Yasujiro and eventually got the impressive victory over Yasujiro with the Black Mist followed by a Victory Roll in 14.13. [B]Winner: The Silence[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] The Prophet is in the backstage with the Reject's [B]([/B]The Anger, The Pisschrist & The Night Terrors[B])[/B], holding a meeting, discussing the plan for The Blood Bowl. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][B]VS.[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Awesome.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]Shikei vs. Awesome Thunder[/B][/SIZE] In our main event of the night Shikei defeated Awesome Thunder in a great non-title match. The finish came in 9:37 by pinfall with the Tamura Driver on top of a chair after Shikei countered Thunder's Thunder Shock. [B]Winner: Shikei[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Isei1.jpg[/IMG][/B] "[COLOR=Purple][I]Kajahara is nowhere to be seen as he's still out of action. What has The Prophet planned for next week or for the Blood Bowl tournament. Our General Manager Doppo Ibu will reveal the eight participants next week!![/I][/COLOR]" [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shirosama.jpg[/IMG] "[COLOR=DarkOrchid][I]Don't miss next week's show as it's the last stop before BBW: The Blood Bowl![/I][/COLOR]" [SIZE=3][B]Overall Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BBW.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]BBW Primal Scream Tour (Thursday[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B])[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Thursday, Week 4, January[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo][B]Toyama Hall, Chubu. Attendance: [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo][B] 847[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [B][SIZE=3]Pre-show[/SIZE][/B] A small video package showing the Tiger Training, part one. [quote] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Cat.jpg[/IMG] "[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Tiger Training, part 1!![/COLOR]" [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Tiger3.jpg[/IMG] ".. [COLOR=Sienna]Brandon.. Honestly.. Let's just stop this. This is getting too silly.[/COLOR]" Big Cat has forced Tiger Fuyuki to wear a Tiger outfit. "[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]No no, we have to do this! We are Team Panthera, the BBW Dynasty Warriors champions![/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]You can't look as bland as you do next to me, you know that.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]So, we have to train you.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Sienna]Train me.. Why, how.. For what purpose?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Don't question your master!! This is Tiger Training!![/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Sienna]...[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Remember, the eye of the Tiger![/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Now. The first step. Drop to your back, put your paws up and do the cutest pose ever.[/COLOR]" ".. [COLOR=Sienna]Brandon. I-[/COLOR]" "[B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]DO IT![/COLOR][/B]", Brandon roared. "[COLOR=Sienna]..[/COLOR]" Tiger Fuyuki reluctantly gets on the ground on his back, holds his paws up and tries to look cute. "[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]That's purrrrrfect![/COLOR]" Fuyuki sighs hard as he feels humiliated as they leave the locker room.[B][/B] [/quote][B] Grade: [SIZE=2][COLOR=Red]E+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B][SIZE=2]Team Panthera vs. The New Wave[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B][SIZE=2][COLOR=Indigo]BBW Dynasty Warriors[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] Team Panthera defeated The New Wave in a tables match. The match ended in 4:14; Scout was eliminated first, and finally Guide with a Tiger suplex trough a table. Team Panthera make defence number 8 of their BBW Dynasty Warriors titles. [B]Winners: Team Panthera[/B] [B]Grade: [COLOR=Red]E[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE=4][B]Main show:[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Doppo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Isei1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shirosama.jpg[/IMG] Doppo Ibu comes down to the announce table and hands Deushi and Ezakiya a piece of paper with eight names listed for the tournament. Ibu gives Deushi the permission to announce the eight men and the matches for the tournament: [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Isei1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Indigo][I]"Here are the Quarterfinal matches for the Blood Bowl Tournament:[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][I][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/TheAnger.jpg[/IMG] [/I][FONT=Century Gothic][B][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black]VS.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][I] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Koshiro.jpg[/IMG][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][B]"The Anger vs. Koshiro Ino!!"[/B][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Behe.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black][B]VS.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][I][SIZE=3] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][B]"Behemoth vs. The Pisschrist!!"[/B][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Awesome.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=4]VS. [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][I][SIZE=3] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Raven.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][B]"Awesome Thunder vs. The Raven!!"[/B][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Spite.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Century Gothic][B][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black]VS.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][I][SIZE=3] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][B]"Demon Spite vs. Hiroaki Nakasawa!!"[/B][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] Ibu thanks Deushi and continues the announcement. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Doppo.jpg[/IMG] "[COLOR=Navy][I]I have decided to add one more stipulation to the tournament: The winner of The Blood Bowl 1998 will get a World Warrior titleshot anytime, anyplace he wants during this year."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"The Final match in the Blood Bowl tournament will be a match named "Blood Bowl Deathmatch", where both wrestlers have their own goblets: The one who gets his goblet filled with his opponents blood first, will be the winner of the Blood Bowl Tournament. And remember: Whoever loses in the first Quarterfinal round, will be automaticly fired!"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"But that's on Monday at BBW: The Blood Bowl. Tonight we will see those eight men in action in two tag matches!"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"Nakasawa and Behemoth will face the team of Awesome Thunder and Koshiro Ino.."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"And for one night only, The Demons Of Rage (Demon Spite & The Anger) will be taking on The Raven and The Pisschrist!"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"If the Rejects, especially Anger, even try to team up on Spite in anyway they will all be automaticly removed of the tournament and fined."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"And for those of you who can't remember the main event of the event, Shikei vs. Kajahara will not only be for the BBW World Warrior title but also for the General Manager position of BBW, as the World champion will get to choose the GM for this year.[/I][/COLOR]" [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Prophet.jpg[/IMG] Just as Ibu starts to walk back to his office, The Prophet confronts him as he's not happy with tonights match where Anger has to face his own teammates, Raven and Pisschrist. Ibu ignores him completely and proceeds to head back when suddenly Prophet attacks him from behind, knocking him down on the ramp! Staff members come quickly to separate the two. Ibu gets up, straightens his shirt and orders Prophet to be removed from the building!! [B]Grade [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Spite.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/TheAnger.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][B]VS. [/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Raven.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]The Demons Of Rage vs. Raven & Pisschrist[/SIZE][/B] Anger is clearly reluctant to team up with Spite, who on the other hand seems to be smiling as he likes the situation: Not only he gets to fight Raven and Pisschrist, Anger can't attack him. The match starts with Spite and Pisschrist in the ring and they brawl for a while, until Spite tags Anger into the ring. Anger and Pisschrist are confused as they don't want to attack each other but they must continue the match. Just as reluctantly they lock horns and try to outpower each other. The match goes on for minutes with everyone getting the same amount of offence. Finally Spite gets the Pisschrist stunned and signs for Anger to come over and hit the Double Demon Down (Double Chokeslam, their tag finishing move) on Pisschrist. Anger frowns but obeys as they slam Pisschrist hard on the mat and get the pinfall in 10.05. Anger quickly leaves the ring while Raven and Pisschrist are seriously pissed off in the ring. [B]Winners: The Demons Of Rage[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Hype video of Shikei vs. Kajahara [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Awesome.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Koshiro.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][B]VS. [/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Behe.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]Thunder & Ino vs. Nakasawa & Behemoth[/B][/SIZE] Hiroaki Nakasawa and Behemoth took on Awesome Thunder and Koshiro Ino in a nice match. The finish came in 12:36 when Nakasawa defeated Ino by pinfall with a H-Bomb after Behemoth had taken Thunder out with the Dead Lift German Suplex. [B]Winners: Nakasawa & Behemoth[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Hiroaki Nakasawa has a microphone, and tears into Haru Kurofuji. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG] "[COLOR=Green][I]You know what kid. I've had enough.. Hell, last week I almost slapped you!" [/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][I]".. Your actions.. They can't be an accident. You promised that you would not use my moves anymore. And you broke that promise. For some reason you just had to do my Nakasawa Neckbreaker."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][I]"As I said, I tried to be your friend, I tried to respect you. Now it's over, I've had enough. You have done nothing that would make me respect you or even consider you my friend.. It makes me sick to my stomach that I even shook your hand when you won the title away from me!!"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][I]"I took you under my wings when you arrived. I trained with you, gave you tips on how to survive here!! This is how you repay me? I would understand it if it would be harmless admiration, but you're just overdoing it on purpose just to irritate me for reasons unknown.."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][I]"From now on, you're on your own. We are finished. Our friendship is over."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][I]"Come to the ring so that I can tell all this to you face to face!! .. If you are a man enough, Kurofuji.[/I][/COLOR]" Nakasawa drops the mic and starts waiting for Haru who does not appear.. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] .. After few minutes Nakasawa picks up the mic and shouts that if Kurofuji won't come to the ring, he will come to the backstage and look for him. Nakasawa is heading back down the aisle, determined to get his hands on Kurofuji. As he reaches the stage he suddenly gets attacked by... [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black][B]Ryu Kajahara!!! [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] Kajahara comes out of nowhere and starts beating Nakasawa to the ground with vicious strikes!! Deushi: "[I][COLOR=Indigo]It seems as if Kajahara is back in full condition but why does he attack Nakasawa!? This is madness!![/COLOR][/I]" Kajahara kicks Nakasawa to the gut and slams him hard on the ramp with a DDT!! The beatdown doesn't end there as Kajahara proceeds to powerbomb Nakasawa right off the stage, through a table and onto a bunch of equipment!! The fans are schocked as they can't believe what just happened. Kajahara grabs a mic and starts to shout at Nakasawa who lays lifeless on the ground. "[COLOR=Navy][I]How does it feel to be attacked from behind Nakasawa!!" [/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"You cost me the World Warrior title shot!! I know it was you!!"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"This is the price you pay for attacking me. Remember how I attacked you long time ago, mistaking you for Shikei.. ? This time, I had every intention to hurt you!!"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"I think I just powerbombed you out of the tournament, "H-Bomb."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"You will never be the World Warrior. Never."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]"You're a hypocrite.. That's what you are!! You talk and talk and talk about pride and honor, while you still attack people from behind!![/I][/COLOR]" Kajahara spits on Nakasawa and looks on smiling while Nakasawa is being stretchered out with a neck brace on. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Silence.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][B]VS. [/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei4.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]The Silence vs. Shikei[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Indigo]Non-Title[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Shikei defeated The Silence in a nice match to end the last show before BBW: The Blood Bowl. The finish came in 12:36 by pinfall with the Tamura Driver. [B]Winner: Shikei[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] Armed with a steelchair, Ryu Kajahara runs to the ring and starts brawling with Shikei!! With several chairshots he takes the lunatic down as he was exhausted after the match he just had against Silence. Kajahara places the chair right into the middle of the ring and lifts Shikei up on his shoulders and goes for the Tamura Driver of his own, when.. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/TheAnger.jpg[/IMG] The Anger dives into the ring, picks up the chair and blasts Kajahara and Shikei with it!! Anger unleashes all his frustration on the icons, beating them with the chair shot after shot until they are both down and out. Anger lifts up the bended chair and the World Warrior championship but doesn't notice Shikei who had played possum!! Shikei grabs the chair from Anger and smashes him with it, and quickly spikes Anger on top of the same chair with the Tamura Driver!! Shikei falls to the ground exhausted, as the show ends with three big bodies lifeless on the mat. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Overall Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE=7][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4]Advertisement[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=7][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BBW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=7][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed]B B W[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia]Presents:[/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BloodBowl.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=7][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Georgia][B]The Blood Bowl 1998[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][B]Monday, Week 2, February. [/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=4] Kanto, Japan.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei3.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=5][B][SIZE=4][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5]VS. [/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B][SIZE=4][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/World.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]Shikei vs. [/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]Ryu Kajahara[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B][COLOR=Indigo] [SIZE=4]BBW World Warrior[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo]Last Man Standing Deathmatch[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=5][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Georgia][B][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=6][COLOR=Black]The [COLOR=DarkRed]Blood Bowl[/COLOR] Tournament[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Georgia][B][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Quarterfinal Matches:[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=Indigo][U][SIZE=4][FONT=Georgia][B]Quarterfinal Match #1[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][I][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/TheAnger.jpg[/IMG] [/I][FONT=Century Gothic][B][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][I] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Koshiro.jpg[/IMG][/I][/COLOR] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]The Anger vs. Koshiro Ino[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=Indigo][U][SIZE=4][FONT=Georgia][B]Quarterfinal Match #2[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Awesome.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][I][SIZE=3] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Raven.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]Awesome Thunder vs. The Raven[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [U][SIZE=4][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Georgia][B]Quarterfinal Match #3[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Behe.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][COLOR=Black][B]VS. [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][I][SIZE=3] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]Behemoth vs. The Pisschrist[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=4][COLOR=black][FONT=Georgia][B][U][COLOR=Indigo]Quarterfinal Match #4[/COLOR][/U][/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Spite.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B][COLOR=Black]VS. [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT][I][SIZE=3] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]Demon Spite vs. Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Semi-final Matches:[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Century Gothic]The Anger/Koshiro Ino [COLOR=Black]vs.[/COLOR] Awesome Thunder/The Raven[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Century Gothic]Behemoth/The Pisschrist [COLOR=Black]vs.[/COLOR] Demon Spite/Hiroaki Nakasawa[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [LEFT][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo][COLOR=Black][FONT=Century Gothic]Prediction Sheet:[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [B]BBW World Warrior[/B] Shikei vs. Ryu Kajahara [B]Blood Bowl Tournament: Quarterfinals: ([COLOR=DarkRed]Loser gets fired!![/COLOR]) [/B]The Anger vs. Koshiro Ino Awesome Thunder vs. The Raven Behemoth vs. The Pisschrist Demon Spite vs. Hiroaki Nakasawa [B]Semi-Finals:[/B] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black]The Anger/Koshiro Ino vs. Awesome Thunder/Raven Behemoth/Pisschrist vs. Demon Spite/Hiroaki Nakasawa [B]Finals:[/B] ??? vs. ??? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[I]I'm guessing with the whole, the losers get fired angle that some of these contracts are proving a little too expensive. It's certainly a creative way of getting round a cost cutting exercise.[/I] [B]BBW World Warrior [/B]Shikei vs. Ryu Kajahara [B]Blood Bowl Tournament: Quarterfinals: ([COLOR=darkred]Loser gets fired!![/COLOR]) [/B]The Anger vs. [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] [I]You've only just brought Ino in, so despite the recent heel turn and being involved in one of the top heel stables, The Anger will be on his merry way.[/I] [B]Awesome Thunder[/B] vs. The Raven [I]You have to fly The Raven (Nathan Coleman) in, you don't with Awesome Thunder, plus the fact Thunder is a better wrestler, not that it matters much in BBW[/I] :p [B]Behemoth[/B] vs. The Pisschrist [I]Works Cheaper and feels more like a BBW homegrown. This really is starting to feel like the total break up of The Devils Rejects.[/I] Demon Spite vs. [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] [I]Unless BHOTWG or one of the other Japanese big boys have come in for Nakasawa, it's bye bye to both of the Demons.[/I] [B]Semi-Finals:[/B] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=black][B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs. Awesome Thunder[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=black]New boy continues to make an impression by advancing to the next round[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=black] [B]Behemoth[/B] vs. Hiroaki Nakasawa [I]Inteference/distraction possibly from Kurofuji prevents Nakasawawa from making the final[/I] [B]Finals:[/B] [B]Ino[/B] vs. Behemoth [I]I'm really not sure about this pick as a final, but I've ended up picking based more on who I think is being let go as a financial cut back, but this face vs face ? matchup (Unless Ino starts being a crazy ass heel) really troubles me. I'll go for the surprise Ino victory.[/I] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Oh man, this is gonna be difficult. BBW World Warrior [B]Shikei[/B] vs. Ryu Kajahara [I]Shikei can't lose the belt just yet, which only serves to push Ryu a little closer to the edge. And in a bizarre twist, Shikei chooses Doppu to remain as GM, as a way to continue to run roughshod over the BBW.[/I] Blood Bowl Tournament: Quarterfinals: (Loser gets fired!!) The Anger vs. [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] [I]Like Tk said, Ino was just brought in, so I'm assuming the crown jewel of the Rejects will fall here.[/I] [B]Awesome Thunder[/B] vs. The Raven [I]The Raven has not been on much of a streak lately, even costing the Terrors the belt in the 2 out of 3 falls match. Thunder hasn't been burning up the win column either, but I think he carries in just enough momentum to take out Coleman, and fire a second reject.[/I] Behemoth vs. [B]The Pisschrist[/B] [I]"The One" had a good run, but it's time for the Big Foot swinging Pc to take the mantle of baddest big man in BBW.[/I] Demon Spite vs. [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] [I]The H-Bomb is a mainstay, and has his hands in many different soups, and it adds fuel to the fire, when he advances, despite Ryu's attempt to take him out.[/I] Semi-Finals: [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs. Awesome Thunder [I]The newcomer continues to make a good showing, taking out AT, to advance to the finals in his third ever event for BBW.[/I] Pisschrist vs. [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] [I]And the final reject falls to the H-Bomb, who brutalizes the Wood Man as a warning to Ryu.[/I] Finals: Koshiro Ino vs. [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] [I]And the circle is complete, as Nakasawa takes his rightful place as number one contender for the world title, giving the H-Bomb a new target to keep his sights on.[/I]
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BBW World Warrior [B]Shikei [/B]vs. Ryu Kajahara Blood Bowl Tournament: Quarterfinals: (Loser gets fired!!) The Anger vs. [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] [B]Awesome Thunder [/B]vs. The Raven Behemoth vs. [B]The Pisschrist[/B] Demon Spite vs. [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] Semi-Finals: [B]Koshiro Ino [/B]vs. Awesome Thunder [B]Pisschrist[/B] vs. Hiroaki Nakasawa Finals:[B] Pisschrist[/B] vs. Koshiro Ino
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Okay, this'll be hard - four people are being let go? Either BHOTWG / GCG have gone on a signing spree, or one of these is going to have to be "fired" from a stroyline point of view only. So lets see: BBW World Warrior [B]Shikei[/B] vs. Ryu Kajahara Easy start Blood Bowl Tournament: Quarterfinals: (Loser gets fired!!) The Anger vs. [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] [B]Awesome Thunder[/B] vs. The Raven [B]Behemoth[/B] vs. The Pisschrist Demon Spite vs. [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] The Demons both going at the same time makes sense as their contracts will be up at the same time, and Ino's only just been brought in. Awesome Thunder is hopefully still freelance, so wont be signing any written deals anytime soon - although negotiating his contract every three months might be expensive. Well, he's awesome, so I'll predict that way. Finally, the match where I've predicted against instinct. I know you're a big Pisschrist fan, and Behemoth hasn't exactly set the world alight. However, Larry Wood's a popular man, and he'd surely ditch you for someone else at a drop of the hat, so he goes. Semi-Finals: [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs. Awesome Thunder Behemoth vs. [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] I'm hedging my bets by going for the two people I'm most confident of being in this round winning. Finals: Ino vs [B]Nakasawa[/B] I don't think Ino's quite ready for that big win yet
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[B]OOC:[/B] I'm loving those predictions as they are so varied! :) Just ran the show, especially one match really surprised me. I'm still going to write "in detail" every match, the quarter and semi-final matches aren't so long but the main matches are so it's going to take awhile.. I'll have the show done tomorrow or the next day after that. If someone hasn't predicted, predict. The Blood Bowl is the only original event that BBW has at the start and with 50% prestige it's considered Above Average so it's our biggest PPV of the year (That's why the in-detail matches!).. I don't know why I didn't hold it in '97.. Missed opportunity. :)
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[CENTER][SIZE=7][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BBW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=7][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed]B B W[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia]Presents:[/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BloodBowl.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=7][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Georgia][B]The Blood Bowl 1998[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][B]Monday, Week 1, February. [/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=4] Kanto, Japan.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=4]Saitama Sports Field. Attendance: 2000 (SOLD OUT)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][B]Pre-show:[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] Team Panthera defeated Double Dragon and The Lunatic & The Diver in 4:36; the order of elimination was The Lunatic & The Diver first, and finally Double Dragon. Team Panthera make defence number 9 of their BBW Dynasty Warriors titles. [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]E[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]Main show:[/SIZE][/FONT][/B] A hype video plays, mainly hyping Shikei vs. Ryu Kajahara [B]Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=Green]B+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Isei1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Indigo][I]"Hello and welcome to the BBW: The Blood Bowl 1998!! I'm Isei Deushi alongside Shirosama Ezakiya, and this is the first match in our Blood Bowl tournament. Remember: the loser gets fired!"[/I][/COLOR] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shirosama.jpg[/IMG] "[I][COLOR=Navy]Hello everyone from here also. Oh man what a night we will have tonight!! Our first match of the night, The Anger versus Koshiro Ino!! This is going to be exiting: Old school versus new school![/COLOR][/I]" [COLOR=Indigo][I][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/TheAnger.jpg[/IMG] [/I][FONT=Century Gothic][B][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][I] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Koshiro.jpg[/IMG][/I][/COLOR] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][COLOR=Indigo][U][B]Quarterfinal Match #1[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]The Anger vs. Koshiro Ino[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] The match starts fast paced as the warriors collide in the middle of the ring. With quick chops Anger pounds Ino to the ground but Ino quickly turns the attack into a small package!! One.. Two.. ... Two!! Anger kicks out! That was almost over before it even started! Anger threws a tantrum and turns Ino inside out with a disqusting looking lariat. Anger whips Ino to the corner and puts him into a tree of woe. As Ino is hanging upside down Anger goes outside and gets a barbedwire coil. Anger starts to unravel the wire, goes behind the turnbuckle, wraps the wire around Ino's neck and pulls it violently towards himself, strangling Ino with the wire!! Ino grabs the wire and tries to release himself but to no avail while Anger continues to strangle him. Anger ties the wire behind the corner, trapping Ino to the precarious position. Ino's head has gradually turned into red colour at this point while Anger grabs a chair and goes back to the ring and smashes the chair repeatedly across Ino's head, busting him open. Blood starts to pour from his head profusely as he's been upside down for a moment. Our referee "The ****" Shigemitsu goes to check on Ino and stops the match in 3.13, declaring The Anger as the winner by KO as Ino is clearly unconcious. Medical staff run to the help and try to release Ino from the wire while Shigemitsu tries to get Ino's legs out of the turnbuckle. The fans are horrified and standing on their feet as they see the big pool of blood below Ino's body. Eventually the staff succeed in freeing Ino and he's quickly taken to the back for further medical care. [B]Winner: The Anger[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Indigo][I]".. What a start. Look at that amount of blood.."[/I][/COLOR] "..[COLOR=Navy] Ugh.. You know.. Sure, we have witnessed a lot here in BBW but that was just brutal.. That was so one-sided, that's why it was so sick to watch.. Koshiro Ino has been fired ladies and gentlemen. But that's not the main concern, I'm sure that everyone here is more concerned of the well-being of Ino right now.[/COLOR]" "..[I][COLOR=Indigo] The Anger advances in the tournament. I never thought that this match would end like it did. I'm stunned.[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR=Navy]Anything can happen here in BBW.. Well, the next match is about to start! Awesome Thunder takes on The Raven in our second quarterfinal match![/COLOR][/I]" [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Awesome.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][I][SIZE=3] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Raven.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][COLOR=Indigo][U][B]Quarterfinal Match #2[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]Awesome Thunder vs. The Raven[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] Thunder starts the match with lightning fast muay thai kicks which Raven just block in time even if the tries. Raven tries to get few punch in but Thunder keeps kicking everytime Raven comes closer. Raven looks at Prophet for advice and gets some as Prophet whispers in Raven's ear. Raven starts to circle around his opponent and finally comes closer, Thunder kicks again but this time Raven grabs his leg but Thunder quickly retaliates with a whirlwind kick of somesort and knocks Raven to the mat! Thunder goes for a rolling senton but Raven ducks, and locks him in a nice, tight chinlock. Raven doesn't let Thunder go easily as he finally has a hold on him. Raven tries to switch the hold into a leg lock but fails as Thunder counters with an armbar, grounding Raven! Thunder surprisingly lets go of Raven as a way to humiliate him even more. Raven has totally lost it as he's so embarrased of the schooling he's taking from Thunder in just few minutes into the match. Raven starts to kick the ropes and turns his back on Thunder which is a huge mistake which Raven quickly notices as he's been kicked into the ropes with a running dropkick from Thunder, Raven drops from the ring to the outside!! Just as Raven gets back on his feet Thunder goes for a corkscrew plancha dive but Raven ducks out of the way, Thunder crashes hard on the fences!! Finally Raven gets the advantage as he starts to kick him with stiff kicks all over the body. Raven grabs a chair and sends Thunder back into the ring and follows him close behind. Thunder gets back up and gets hit with a wicked chairshot from Raven!! Cover!! One.. Two.. .. Two and a half!! Thunder gets up just in time!! Prophet starts to scream at Raven to finish him. Raven drops the chair and picks up Thunder for the Pioneer Twist (Torture Rack Drop)!! Thunder reverses the move into a sunset flip!! Cover!! One.. Two.. .. Three!! "[I][COLOR=Indigo]Raven is shocked and so is the Prophet!! Thunder just pinned Raven in 6.21!! What a move!![/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR=Navy]Raven's out of BBW!! The Raven, Nathan Coleman has been fired!![/COLOR][/I]" [B]Winner: Awesome Thunder[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Prophet.jpg[/IMG] The Prophet quickly leaves the ringside as he's more than disappointed of Raven and his loss. Prophet shouts at Raven "[I][COLOR=DarkRed]You're replacable[/COLOR][/I]" and leaves him coldly in the ring. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Silence.jpg[/IMG] The cameras follow Prophet into the backstage area where he confronts The Pisschrist and The Silence, giving them orders. Together they start to roam the area in search of someone when they finally find Pisschrist's opponent of tonight, The Behemoth. A wild brawl starts where Behemoth eventually gets blinded by Silence, which then enables the Rejects to manhandle the big monster. Silence and Pisschrist drag him into the ring while Prophet shouts at ref Shigemitsu to start the match, which is actually scheduled next. [B]Grade:[SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna] C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Behe.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][COLOR=Black][B]VS. [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][I][SIZE=3] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][U][COLOR=Indigo][B]Quarterfinal Match #3[/B][/COLOR][/U][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]Behemoth vs. The Pisschrist[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] Shigemitsu has no choice but to start the match, Pisschrist goes for the quick cover when the bell rings!! One.. Two.. .. Two!! Behemoth doesn't give up that easily!! Behemoth throws Pisschrist away and quickly rises from the mat. Pisschrist comes closer and gets a nasty uppercut as a reward from "The One" who then unleashes a series of strikes on Pisschrist, followed by an implant DDT!! Cover!! One.. Two.. .. Two!! Pisschrist gets his shoulders up. The Prophet climbs to the apron!! [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Nathan.jpg[/IMG] The Raven, Nathan Coleman comes from the crowd and attacks the Prophet!! The Silence quickly attacks Raven and a another brawl starts at the ringside!! Prophet orders staff members to remove Raven out of the building since he doesn't work here anymore (He's actually right.) Meanwhile in the ring Behemoth has Pisschrist a sleeper hold, trying to cut off the air from his opponent. Pisschrist gets out of the hold with a quick elbow to the face and goes out of the ring to get some items: a screwdriver, cactus, light tubes and a stuffed owl. (What the.. ) Pisschrist throws the owl towards Behemoth who catches it and throws it forward into the crowd. Then comes the cactus which Behemoth also catches which clearly was the wrong thing to do as the spikes go trough his skin. He tries to remove the cactus which enables Pisschrist to come from behind with the light tubes which he smashes across Behemoth's back!! Back suplex pin!! One.. Two.. .. Two!! Behemoth rolls out of the pinfall predicament and the match continues!! Behemoth floors Pisschrist to the ground with a clothesline and goes for the screwdriver which Pisschrist had brought with him into the ring and starts jabbing Pisschrist with it!! After the strikes Behemoth lifts Pisschrist up for the Dead Lift German suplex!! But releases Pisschrist in midair and he lands on his feet!! Pisschrist falls back on the ropes, Behemoth turns around!! Running Big Foot!! Cover!! One.. Two.. .. Three!! "[I][COLOR=Navy]What an upset!! Pisschrist picks up yet another impressive victory in 7.31!![/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR=Indigo]Can you believe this?? "The One" is fired!![/COLOR][/I]" [B]Winner: The Pisschrist[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Hiroaki Nakasawa is in the backstage, hyping his upcoming singles match with Demon Spite. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG] "[COLOR=DarkGreen][I]First things first.. Ryu Kajahara. I did not attack you. I have never attacked you in any way. Instead you have attacked me two times now. Who's the hypocrite here?"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]"How dare you even question my dignity and ways like that. Everyone knows I'm not that kind of a guy who comes from behind and beats up people!"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]"Why is everyone losing their minds here in BBW? Am I the only one here who's still sensible?"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]".. I'm hurt. I'm bandaged up. But I'm not backing down from a fight. I will never give up.."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]".. I'm a fighter. I am the H-Bomb.."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]".. And tonight.. I'll fight my way and become the Blood Bowl tournament winner. And if the Rejects will come to interfere, I know for sure that Spite will have my back as I have his.[/I][/COLOR]" [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Spite.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B][COLOR=Black]VS. [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT][I][SIZE=3] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][COLOR=black][B][U][COLOR=Indigo]Quarterfinal Match #4[/COLOR][/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]Demon Spite vs. Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] "[I][COLOR=Indigo]Nakasawa and Spite start the match with a little bow as a way to respect each other. They know what's on the line and they know they will have to go all-out. It's all or nothing!![/COLOR][/I]" Spite and Nakasawa tried to outpower and outsmart each other troughout the match. Nakasawa relied on his puroresu style and submission where as Spite brawled all the time since he's stronger than Nakasawa. When Nakasawa went for submission Spite broke or blocked the moves most of the time, and Nakasawa countered Spite's power moves with different locks. The fans were split in half in terms of cheering as both wrestlers had their own fans in the audience. The match was an open and even one with both guys getting the same amount of offence. At the 8 minute mark things started to happen as Nakasawa hit the Nakasawa Neckbreaker on Spite, but got only a two count. Spite kicked out and hit a spear on Nakasawa, but got only a two count himself out of the "H-Bomb". Spite whipped Nakasawa in to the corner and lifter him up, trying to do a superplex!! Nakasawa countere the move intoa sunset flip powerbomb off the top rope!! Cover!! One.. Two.. .. Two!! Spite kicks out!! Spite quickly rose back to his feet and bounced off the ropes, delivering a shoulder tackle, sending Nakasawa outside!! Spite climbed on the turnbuckle and dived with a flying shoulder block, hitting Nakasawa as he flew few metres because of the heavy impact!! Spite went for the cover!! One.. Two.. .. Two and a half!! Nakasawa somehow got his shoulders up. Spite got a table from under the ring and set it up and tried to put Nakasawa trough it with the Demon Slam but Nakasawa countered that move into a body press pinfall, cover!! One.. Two.. .. "Two and a half!! This time Spite kicks out!! His career in BBW almost ended right there!!" Nakasawa grabbed Spite and dragged him next to the table and tried to put him trought it with the H-Bomb but didn't have the power to lift him up properly. Spite tried to hit a short arm clothesline which Nakasawa avoided as he went under Spite's arm and climbed on the apron!! Nakasawa hit a kick on the back of Spite's head and dragged him all the way up the apron!! Nakasawa put Spite's head between his legs, going for a piledriver/powerbomb but Spite fought back viciously until Nakasawa hit three wicked rolling chops and continued the combo with an H-Bomb off the apron, putting Spite trough the table!! Cover!! One.. Two.. .. Three!! [B]Winner: Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]([SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Didn't click![/COLOR][/SIZE])[/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Spite.jpg[/IMG] Nakasawa offers a handshake to Spite who seems reluctant at first but then acknowledges that in the end Nakasawa was the better man and shakes his hand. The two warriors pose together for the fans, who show their appreciation for Spite by standing up and chanting his name. "[I][COLOR=Indigo]What a showing from these two.. The match ended in 11.10.. Can you imagine.. It's Demon Spite's last appearance in BBW.[/COLOR][/I]" "That's our last quarterfinal match.. Let's do a little recap: Koshiro Ino, The Raven, Behemoth and Demon Spite have all been fired. I repeat: Ino, Raven, Behemoth and Spite have been fired from BBW." "[I][COLOR=Indigo]The Anger, Awesome Thunder, The Pisschrist and Hiroaki Nakasawa have advanced to the semi-final rounds. Anger vs. Thunder is next!![/COLOR][/I]" [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Awesome.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][I][SIZE=3][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/TheAnger.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][COLOR=Indigo][U][B]Semi-Final Match #1[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]Awesome Thunder vs. The Anger[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] "[I][COLOR=Indigo]The bell rings and our first semi-final match is underway![/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR=Navy]This should be interesting to watch as these two have completely different styles. Anger seems to be in better shape as his match with Ino wasn't as long as Thunder vs. Raven.[/COLOR][/I]" Once again Thunder starts with the kicks all around his opponent but Anger gets a hold of him and throws him across the ring with a side suplex. Anger continues to smash Thunder around the ring with wild blows to the head and body. Anger remained in control most of the time altough Thunder got many flash pinattempts and countermoves done on Anger. The match ended when Anger put Thunder trough a table with the Demon Slam in 6.43. [B]Winner: The Anger[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][COLOR=Indigo][U][B]Semi-Final Match #2[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]The Pisschrist vs. Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] "[I][COLOR=Navy]In our second semi-final match we will see who goes up against Anger in our Blood Bowl tournament final!! It's Nakasawa versus The Pisschrist!![/COLOR][/I]" This was the best match in the tournament thus far as both of the competitors are young, powerful and have great stamina condition. Nakasawa and Pisschrist went all out on this one and put on a great match. In the end Prophet interfered in the match, climbing to the apron to distract the referee Shigemitsu. Pisschrist went for the Running Big Foot but missed as Nakasawa avoided the impact, instead Pisschrist hit the Prophet, dropping him from the apron!! Pisschrist threws a tantrun as the distraction didn't go his way and as he was turning around Nakasawa hit the H-Bomb!! Cover!! One.. Two.. .. Two!! Pisschrist kicks out!! A rolling lariat from Pisschrist knocks Nakasawa down, Pisschrist bounces off the ropes, Running big Foot!! Cover!! One.. One!! Nakasawa no-sells the impact!! A new flame lightens in Nakasawas eyes as he roars, full of fighting spirit. Pisschrist's eyes are wide open as he can't believe that Nakasawa just got up from his finishing move!! Pisschrist is so addled that he forgets that the match continues, Nakasawa lifts Pisschrist up and deliverer a powerful H-Bomb on Pisschrist, slamming him hard on his neck!! Cover!! One.. Two.. .. Three!!! "[I][COLOR=Indigo]Three!! Three!! Nakasawa wins in 9:36 by pinfall with a H-Bomb!! What a match!! Nakasawa goes up against The Anger in our Final of The Blood Bowl!![/COLOR][/I]" [B]Winner: Hiroaki Nakasawa [/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]([SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]Wow.. :eek:[/COLOR][/SIZE])[/B] [COLOR=Indigo][I][SIZE=3][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/TheAnger.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=4][SIZE=5]VS.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Hiroaki.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/BloodBowl.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][COLOR=Indigo][U][B]Blood Bowl Tournament Final[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]The Anger vs. Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]The Blood Bowl Deathmatch[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] The next match started quickly as Anger dived into the ring with a steelchair, attacking Nakasawa right after he had battled Pisschrist. With wild chairshots Anger tried to put Nakasawa down but couldn't as the adreraline rush was so big in the H-Bomb that he somehow managed to continue the match. The match continued for minutes with both wrestlers leaving everything in the ring. The finish off the match saw the interference from Silence, Pisschrist and a mystery attacker!! The Anger defeated Hiroaki Nakasawa in 7:54 after a Demon Slam on top of a steelchair following a disqusting jabbing from a barbedwire coil as Anger busted Nakasawa wide open and filled up the goblet to get the win and The Blood Bowl tournament trophy. "[I][COLOR=Indigo]That's sick.. Nakasawa is destroyed.. Rejects have done everything they could have done to get the win.[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR=Navy]Next: Shikei versus Kajahara!! For the BBW World Warrior championship!![/COLOR][/I]" [B]Winner: The Anger[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3] "[B][COLOR=Indigo]WHAT?![/COLOR][/B]"[/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] Ryu Kajahara is shown backstage, laying unconscious on the floor!! Staff members believe that he was drugged as there's no signs of any physical harm done on him. Doppo Ibu comes over and soon realises that his main event is cancelled. The Devils Rejects come over and Prophet announces that The Anger would like to cash in his Blood Bowl win right here tonight!! "[COLOR=Indigo]This is just crazy. Anger in four matches tonight? I can't believe that Ryu was again attacked like that!![/COLOR]" "[I][COLOR=Navy]Who could have done it?[/COLOR][/I]" [B]Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Shikei3.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=5][B][SIZE=4][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5]VS. [/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/TheAnger.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B][SIZE=4][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/World.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]Shikei vs. [/B][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B]The Anger[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][B][COLOR=Indigo] [SIZE=4]BBW World Warrior[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Indigo]Last Man Standing Deathmatch[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [B]([/B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]You have to pin your opponent first, and after that the ref reaches for the 10 count and if a wrestler is unable to stand up, he will lose the match[/COLOR][/SIZE][B])[/B] The main event of the night was certainly an odd match. Why on earth would Anger take on Shikei after three qualifying matches earlier in the night? The answer came in the 10 minute mark when all the Rejects scattered around the ringside to interfere in the great match that featured a lot of wild hardcore spots involving chairs, tables and light tubes. After Prophet had pulled the ref Shigemitsu aside and provided a distraction, one by one the Rejects dived into the ring; Silence hitting Shikei with the Black Mist, Pisschrist hitting the Running Big Foot. Anger went for the cover while Prophet released the ref.. One.. Two.. .. Two!! Somehow Shikei kicked out!! The match still continues!! Awkvardly the fans are rooting for Shikei, mainly due the uneven attack done by Rejects. Anger hit another thunderous Demon Slam on Shikei, another cover!! One.. Two.. .. Two again!! Shikei gets his shoulders up as Anger is quite fatiqued, he can't deliver the moves as good as he would want. Shikei grabs a bunch of light tubes, both warriors are bleeding badly. Shikei smashes Anger with the tubes and goes for the cover!! One.. Two.. .. Three!! Shikei gets the pinfall, the referee starts to count!! 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. .. Anger gets up!! Prophet rises on the apron to distract Shigemitsu once again but Shikei grabs Prophet and hits the Tamura Driver on the manager of the Rejects!! Prophet landed right on his neck in a sick spot as he's much more lighter than the wrestlers. Behind Shikei Anger had gotten back to his feet, Pisschrist handed him a barbedwire bat!! Shikei turns around, Anger smashes him across the face with the wire which gets stuck on Shikei's mask!! Anger goes for the cover, pressing the bat on Shikei's head!! One.. Two.. .. Three!! Anger gets the pinfall, the referee starts to count!! 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. [B]10!!![/B] [SIZE=3] "[B][I][COLOR=Indigo]What!? Anger wins!?![/COLOR][/I][/B]"[/SIZE] The Anger defeated Shikei in 15:16 by ten count after the pinfall. The Anger wins the BBW World Warrior title. [B]Winner: The Anger[/B] [B]Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=Green]B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] "[I][COLOR=Navy]Great, great matches tonight.. But questions arise in the chaos: Where is Ibu? What happened to Kajahara? Why didn't anyone come to help Shi-.. Oh wait. I guess he doesn't have that many friends in BBW?[/COLOR][/I]" "[I][COLOR=Indigo]You are absolutely right. That's why he was outnumbered. But why didn't Ibu do something to prevent the Rejects attack on Shikei? Will this mean that Ibu's reign as the GM is over?[/COLOR][/I]" "..[I][COLOR=Navy] I hope that we will get answers later this week on our touring event.. Wow. Just amazing night. The awesome Blood Bowl tournament with all it's twists and upsets, four people fired.. Anger winning it and becoming the new BBW World Warrior champion.. Anything can happen in BBW!![/COLOR][/I]" [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/BBW/Natsuhisa.jpg[/IMG] The Anger poses on top of Shikei's bloody and bruised body. Anger slowly grabs Shikei by the mask and unmasks him to reveal the scarred face of Natsuhisa Tamura behind the mask as the show ends. [B]Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=Green]B+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Overall Grade: [SIZE=4][COLOR=Green]B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]([SIZE=1][COLOR=Green]I'm in a hurry so the themes will be out and the predictions and everything else :( Sorry!! .. I'll edit them later. Hope you liked the show!! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! :D[/COLOR][/SIZE])[/B] [/CENTER]
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