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A Rookies Take on CGC

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Alright, so here it goes, my very first Dynasty thread. After PM'ing Dragonmack and asking around, it seems one of the better newbie Feds is CGC, and ive had alot of fun with them so far. Now, as i said, im new at both the game and dynasty thread writing, so any and all comments and suggestions are welcome! I'll be doing my best to keep everyone entertained while learning myself, and trying to take CGC in a new direction. It may be pretty difficult with two excellent writers in ben and dragon already writing on this fed, but i'll do my best. I will do a roster later, but i want to get a few of my shows out of the way to see what people think. And again, please comment and advise, i'm a rookie hear, and wide open to advice. Owner's Goals- Ricky must have a B- Momentom grade when time expires (27 months) Alex must stay above C+ pop in canada (27 months) never fall into debt. no rep or saftey rating hries under C- [I]January 2008- The Wrestling Times is reporting that geroge Decolt, in accordance with his son Alex's wishes to focus solely on his career at this time has hired young hot shot booker Chris O'brien. Little is known of Chris's background, as he has exploded on the scene rather recently. Time will tell if CGC will benefit from this change.[/I]
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[B] [SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling Show 1[/SIZE] Abbotsford attendance: 2000 [/B] Dark Time Segments [B]The Gilbert Brothers Vs Quibble and Price[/B] [I] Squash match for the Gilbert's to build them up for a possible angle, and to see if price and quibble have any tag team talent (they don't). Forgettable match.[/I] Rating: E [B]Chris Obrien Vs Shooter Deelay[/B] [I]Putting Shooter over to up his value for later segments, and check to see if we have any chemistry for angles sometime in the distant future. Pretty good match, no one screwed up, no one did great.[/I] Rating: C [I]Jenny comes out to shoot T-shirts for the last 3 minutes. Trying to use the old sex sells before the real show, as patented by dragon. Apparently Jenny forgot to go heavy on the skimpy, as this didn't really work out.[/I] Rating D Main Show: [I][COLOR="Blue"]George Decolts[/COLOR] office is shown, With all the Boys. George Tell's [B]Ricky[/B] how proud he is of him, and that he is a Worthy Champion. [COLOR="Blue"]Alex and Steve[/COLOR] Rib him a little bit about winning it so young. George announces that [COLOR="Blue"]Ricky[/COLOR] Will Face [COLOR="DarkRed"]Tyler[/COLOR] tonight, and that he knows Ricky won't let his name down. Ricky leaves, and George tells the other brothers that Thier job for tonight is to get some Revenge on [COLOR="DarkRed"]Elite[/COLOR], and as such they have a 3 on 3 match with whoever Elite wants to throw in their way.[/I] (Good segment, Did its job pumping up the crowd and setting up our two main matches for the night. Playing it safe by having all of them on the screen at once.) Rating: B [COLOR="red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] Vs [COLOR="red"]Zeus Maxmillion [/COLOR] [B]Trent Shaffer defeated Zeus Maxmillion in 5:39 by pinfall with a Heart Burn. Trent Shaffer makes defense number 1 of his CGC Canadian title. [/B] Squash Match for Trent, building up his CGC title run. Rating: D- [I](was hoping Zues would at least have the potential to draw this up to a C-, this is a cruddy match, but necessary to set up the next part. wish i didnt have to take a D- for it heh)[/I] [B]After the match[/B] [I]Trent Taunts Zeus, saying that He takes his title defenses seriously, and that CGC needs to stop running scrubs and jokes out to face him. Trent says that while the CGC may look down on his title, He's going to be ruthless to his competition, and give the title back the respect it deserves, and he'll do it by laying out anyone who fights him..[/I] Rating: D- (ugh. was hoping this would go up a bit. necessary match and taunt to establish Trent as a uptight Ass, but a D-? come on fellas.) [I][COLOR="red"]Eddie Chandler [/COLOR]is talking to [COLOR="red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR] as he is getting ready for thier match Vs the decolts. They go with the typical anti-decolt rant, and eddie goes a step further by saying how easy it will be to get the championship off that little runt ricky, and how the decolts made a huge mistake in letting him keep the title. They share a good laugh, and Dan says ricky will be regretting his title win sooner rather than later.[/I] (Good segment, setting up the fact that elite doesn't take ricky seriously because of his age. Its an old as time angle, but hey, im a rookie right? ) Rating C+ [B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Alex, Steve, and jack decolt [/COLOR]VS [COLOR="Red"]Dan Dalay and the specialists [/COLOR][/B] [I] Good back and forth match, with the Decolts starting strong, then Steve getting isolated in the corner by the specialists. Steve turned the tide with a double clothsline to make a tag, and alex hit the decolt driver during the ring clearing brawl that ensued. Decolts win by pinfall with a DeColt Driver.[/I] Jack was off his game and that hurt us, this match should have been higher... Rating: C- [I][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Ricky[/COLOR] is shown walking out for his match, and gives an interview saying that he can't afford to underestimate Tyler. The reporter tells him that eddie doesn't take him seriously as champion. Ricky kind of smirks, and says he could care less what eddie thinks.[/I] Decent Segment for Ricky, trying to build him up on his own a bit Rating: C [B][COLOR="deepskyblue"]Ricky Decolt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Eric Tyler[/COLOR][/B] Ricky comes out hot, and Tyler is unable to counter his acrobatic moves. Eventually Tyler hits a vicious clothesline and slows the match down, giving ricky the business. Tyler Goes for a powerbomb, and ricky flips out the top into a neck breaker, and then quickly hits tyler with a DeColt 45. Ricky DeColt makes defense number 1 of his CGC World title. (in my game, SWF poached tyler on day 3, so this was a no brainier, gives ricky a win over an established vet, and hey, if your leaving, your getting job'd. Tyler didn't even complain :).) Rating: C [I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] is celebrating his victory in the ring. [COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler and Dan DaLay [/COLOR]run in and attack, beating Ricky DeColt down into the mat. Eddie Locks Ricky in the Fabulous stretch While Asking Ricky where his brothers are now? Dan lays the title mockingly across ricky as he screams in the Stretch.[/I] Good segement, Rates a C+ [I][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Alex[/COLOR] runs out and chases Eddie and dan off. Eddie and dan smirk as they back up the ramp. Ricky shakes off alex's helping hand, and says he's alright to get up on his own. he does, after much grimacing[/I] trying to show here that Ricky doesn't resent his brothers help (yet) but wants to be his own man as well. Rating: C+ [B]End of show anyalisis[/B] Rating of show: C, drew a .40 in Canada. ok for my first ever show, i think. would have liked to have scored better, but it starts a couple storyline (Ricky yearns for respect, Trent takes himself to seriously, sets up a tag contender) and we didn't bomb at least :) comments welcome! im going to get writing the next show.
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[SIZE="5"][B]CGC Title bout Wrestling Show 2[/B][/SIZE] [B]Quebec arena Attendance: 2000[/B] Dark Matches [B]The Gilberts Vs Chris Obrien and Nathan Black[/B] [I] The Gilbert Brothers defeated Chris and Nathan Black in 9:54 when Jesse Gilbert defeated Nathan Black by pinfall with a Slap Shot.[/I] Squash match, useful having a guy who doesnt care about his momentum (me) Rating: D Christan price vs. Lee rivera [I] Squash match for Lee, had the bonus of reinforcing that jenny shouldnt be with him. This first month, im playing the roster. Next month, when i make changtes/Hires, she's got to go from that team.[/I] Rating: E Main Show: [I] Eddie Chandler comes to the ring with the elite, and begins the standered "decolts suck" rant, focusing on Ricky. He tells ricky that he couldn't even beat some of the midcarders around here, and everyone knows it. Ricky comes on screen and says he's ready to face Eddie right now. Eddie says Ricky isn't worth his time, but says that if Ricky can beat any of the elite, he'll consider it. Ricky calls for anyone they want to put against him. Eddie says that This is a good time to make history, and that the specialists will be the first dual title holders in CGC history when Nate beats him later tonight![/I] Good segment by Eddie and Ricky, think the crowd still being down hurt us. Ricky learned a bit of performance here, at least his back and fourths with eddie are gaining us long term. Rating C+ [I]Trent Is shown Puffing up his chest and generally being an arrogant heel. Whippy walks up behind him and starts to do rabbit ears and silent laughs. the crowd starts to laugh. Whippy taps trent on one shoulder and runs the other way. Trent gets ticked off and starts to yell at whippy as he laughs and runs off. [/I] Trying to set up a funny vs. to series angel hear, but this bombed again. trent and whippy get one more week, or this is an early blow off match at the PPV :( Rating D+ [B] Ed morton Vs Zeus[/B] squash match to set up the following segement...(these early matches in storylines are the worst hehe) Rating D+ [I]Ed Monton is at ringside being interviewed. Ryan Powell strolls down, takes the microphone, and says that Morton is a fossill, and that the people don't want to see his useless matches anymore. Powell says it's time for Monton to be put out to pasture, and he'll be the one to do it. He decks morton with a cheap shot and walks away laughing. [/I] was hoping this would play a bit better, but at least we have two shows to build it up. Rating D+ [B] Trent Vs Phillp Lagrenger[/B] Trent Shaffer defeated Philippe LaGrenier in 6:27 by pinfall with a Heart Burn. Trent Shaffer makes defence number 2 of his CGC Canadian title. squash match to get Trent's heel angle across. Thankfully next week i think i can pull him out of matches and into mind games with whippy. Rating D- [I]Trent Takes the mic and says he is sick and tired of the joking around this place. He says that Whippy is clearly the main instigator, and that for the good of the company, he is going to shut the clown up once and for all! [/I] is it sad im thinking "hey, at least that got a D!" this is going to take a big decolt performance to pull us out of the gutter. Steve and Jack Decolt vs. Dan dalay and Shooter deeley [I]Dan DaLay and Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Steve & Jack DeColt in 7:56 when Dan DaLay defeated Steve DeColt by pinfall with a DaLay Down after Adrian Garcia interfered. Adrian grabbed Steve by the ankle as he was coming off the ropes, and when steve turned around, he was the victim of the dalay down. [/I] Good match, helped us out a bit. even's up the decolt vs Elite Rumble as well. Rating: C [I]Jack DeColt and Dan DaLay go after each other post match, and the Ref losses control, Jack and Dan really go at each other, and eventually thier viscious fist fight has to be broken up by a host of wrestlers from the back. [/I] good after match activities, setting up a short storyline between Jack and dan, my two "gruff" wrestlers. Should be a good extra match at the PPV. Rating C+ Ricky Decolt Vs Nate Johnson [I] Ricky DeColt defeated Nate Johnson in 5:48 by pinfall with a DeColt 45. Ricky DeColt makes defence number 2 of his CGC World title. Ricky looked strong the entire match, and stopped at one point to showboat and taunt Elite before hitting the Decolt .45[/I] expected bad match rating, willing to suck it up for the storyline...one problem with the disrespecting Ricky storyline was i knew this match would have to be somewhere. looking back, i should have swapped this and the tag match. Rating: D [I]Ricky DeColt is celebrating his victory in the ring. Eddie Chandler, Shooter Sean Deeley and Dan DaLay run in and attack, beating Ricky DeColt down into the mat. Eddie Grabs a chair, and lays out Ricky. Elite Bails as The decolts strem down the ramp, the show ends with Alex checking on Ricky.[/I] This sets up a bunch of angles, now the decolts and elite have great excuses for hating each other, and Ricky looks weak through cheating. Not sure wheather i'll use one unchained for this like i am to give Ricky a huge pop, or if i'll split a decolt and an elite member off yet. Rating C+ [B]Show recap[/B] C- Ugh. Must do better with next show.
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[B][SIZE="5"]CGC Elemination[/SIZE][/B] [B]At Kamloops Royal Park in front of 15,000[/B] Dark matches: [B]??? vs Nate Johnson[/B] [I]Nate Johnson defeated Jacob Jett in 7:42 by pinfall with a Natural Order.[/I] A match to work some rust out of a new Guy who has a small role tonight. Decent match, improved some things and gave Nate a bit of a boost. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]??? vs Jessie Gilbert[/B] [I] Jesse Gilbert defeated ???? in 8:24 by pinfall with a Slap Shot.[/I] working out a new opener, this match stunk with a capital E. I'm thinking the gilberts wont be a huge part of the future of the company, there in an angle tonight, and they'll have a month to prove a bit. [B] Rating: E+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"] Main Show[/SIZE][/B] [I]The elite head down to ring side, smug looks on all their faces. Eddie begins to brag about laying Ricky out, and says he should look on the bright side, at least he won't be losing his title from a hospital bed. Eddie tells Ricky not to worry, He'll take that title off him soon enough. Dan and Shooter take turns laughing it up at the Decolts. Suddenly, the decolts music blares and George Decolt Walks out on the ramp. He says that the Elite will pay for what they did to Ricky, and it starts tonight! He announces that Eddie, Dan, and Shooter all have payback coming tonight, curtsy of the decolts! No quarter asked, none given. He throws down the Mic and storms off.[/I] Good segment to lead off the show, Strong performances from all involved, and it lifted the crowd. hopefully we can keep this rolling... [B] Rating: B-[/B] [B] Zeus Maxmillion vs Grimm Quibble[/B] [I] Zeus Maxmillion defeated Grimm Quibble in 6:21 by pinfall with a Thunder Bolt after a highly forgettable match.[/I] match to see if either off these guys is worth promoting above opener. so far, no. [B] Rating: E+[/B] [I]youth Energy is Giving an interview to a local magazine. The reporter ask's who thier favroite hockey team is. They respond by saying they Don't really fallow hockey, as its not Extreme enough for them. They joke that if hockey came into the current centurey, mabey they would watch it and share a laugh with the reporter. As they walk off, Jessie and Joe come out from the room they had been hiding in. Joe turns to Jessie and says " I think them boys need a lesson about respecting hockey eh?"[/I] I had hoped this would play a bit better, at least a D. i really want to use the gilberts as part of my roster, but this storyline seems to be going no where fast. [B] Rating: E[/B] [B]Philippe Lagrengier and Nathan Black Vs youth Energy[/B] [I]Youth Energy defeated Philippe LaGrenier and Nathan Black in 7:56 when Philippe LaGrenier was disqualified when Joe and Jesse Gilbert ran in and attacked Youth Energy. The Gilberts Beat Youth energy down, all while asking them if this was "etreme" enough for them. [/I] Trying to make a bit of heat here, to turn youth energy into a more legitimate team for the specialists. I have to beef up the tag division somehow, and i was hoping this angle would provide a boost to the two teams. at least we improved a bit. [B]Rating: D [/B] [I] a furious Jack DeColt is being Interviewed, and swears that he will have Dan dalay's hide for his attack on ricky. You mess with one decolt, you mess with them all, and tonight Dan will find that out in a old fashioned Canadian strap match! Eddie may be Alex's fun for the night, but jack is going to whip Dan like a scalded dog[/I] Jack brings us back up and sets up a strap match between him and Dan, hopefully that goes well. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Dan Dalay Vs Jack Decolt[/B] [I] Jack and dan go right at each other, pounding away. At first, Dan's size lets him take the initutive, and he lays into Jack. Jack recovers with the crowds help, and starts to rip into Dan. With Marie Cheering him on, Jack takes dan around to all 4 corners and gives him ten head slams into the turnbuckle. Jack DeColt was the first to touch all the corners.[/I] Was hoping this match would do better, but Dan was off his game (probably because he didn't want to lose this match.) [B]Rating: C-[/B] [I] Whippy The Clown has an interview, and says trent is taking himself waaayyyy to seriously, and he'll be having some fun in tonights match. He turns to the camera and squirts the camera man with his flower water cannon, he laughs as he heads out to the ring[/I] Was hoping whippy would at least pull a C here, but he bombs :( [B] Rating: D+[/B] [I] Trent Shaffer and Fate and destiny are backstage, discussing something quietly. They seem to agree to something, and shake hands as the turn to head out to the ring.[/I] Another subpar segment, i'm at a loss as to why this storyline is so non-over with the crowd. [B] Rating: D[/B] [B]Trent Shaffer and The Soldiers Of Fortune Vs. Whippy The Clown, Chris and Christian Price[/B] [I]Trent Shaffer Starts off vs Chris Obrien, and they have a good exchange of moves and counter moves in the ring. eventually, Trent is able to move chris into the SOF corner, and they get a good shot in while the Refs back is turned. Chris eventually escapes and makes the tag to whippy, who goes off on fate, all the while taunting trent in a good natured way, which gets trent visabley seething. Several more tag exchanges are made, and eventualy, Trent ends up in the ring with Price, who puts up a good fight but gets nailed with a heart burn. Whippy goes for the save but destiney hits him with a wicked clothesline while trent gets the cover. Fate clears Chris out to the floor as the bell rings, and trent and SOF turn thier attention to a still groggey whippy.[/I] A disappointing match, again, was hoping for a C at least, ended up with a D+. Price and Fate really let me down in this match, I need some more openers, luckly thats being addressed. [B] Rating: D+[/B] [I] Trent Shaffer, Destiny, and Fate put the boots to whippy, Trent keeps asking him "who's laughing now??" and then hits him with a heartburn. They leave Whippy laying in the middle of the ring.[/I] setting up whippy for a title shot at wrestle fest vs trent. was hoping for better, clearly my rookiness is showing in booking here. [B]Rating: D[/B] [I]Ryan Powell is interviewed, and says that tonight is the night when Ed monton is finally put out to pasture, and who better to do it than The CGC's brightest Rookie Star? he then heads for the ring[/I] simple set up for the match, proves i need another thing for ryan, a good female manager, he can't cut a promo yet. I smell a hiring... [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B] Ryan Powell Vs Ed Monton[/B] [I]Ryan and Ed go at it in brutal fashion. Ryan clearly has the power advantage, but Ed employes his vetran knowhow to minimize the clean shots Ryan gets in. Ryan finally gets going on offense, but can't put Ed away. Ed gets some good momentum Going, and looks like he is on the way to finshing Ryan off when powell scores with a blatant low blow. The ref waves off the match as ed writhes on the ground in pain, Ryan puts the boots to Ed.[/I] Rating: D+ can anyone but a decolt do a good match with me booking? apperntly not :( [I]Ed Monton is being attacked by Ryan Powell in the ring. suddenly, Jacob Jett comes running out from the back and chases Ryan Powell off, saving Ed Monton from a serious beating. Ryan Backs off, pointing at Jett and telling him he'll regret interfering in his business. [/I] Decent pop for a guy who will be a low midcarder. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Steve Decolt Vs. Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [I]Steve DeColt and Shooter Sean Deeley go at it in an entertaining match, Both seem eager to go at each other. Both men show good offense, the match swings several times, and eventually both end up on the floor. They begin to brawl, oblivious to the ref's count, and are both counted out! the fight goes on for several minutes before security pulls them off each other. [/I] good match, brought the crowd back into it. at least all my lower card stuff is over, come on decolts, save my first PPV! [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]Alex Decolt is shown walking to the ring for his match Vs. Eddie, when suddenly the specilist jump him! Alex fights vailintly, but eventually the speclists are able to rough him up pretty good, focusing on his back. What kind of advantage will this give shooter in thier last man standing match?[/I] Wow, Nate killed this segment. Alex was a star it says, and bobby was good, yet still i get a D+ this game is frustrating for a rook sometimes heh [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Alex DeColt vs Eddie Chandler[/B] [I] Alex DeColt and Eddie go right at each other, with alex gaining the upper hand early. this match is a good back and forth, and the crowd is into it from the get go. After alex looks to be gaining the upper hand, Shooter sean deeley runs out with a chair and hit alex in the back. THWAP. the ref looks on helplessly, as this is a no- DQ last man standing match! JAck decolt finally runs out and drives off shooter, but grabs the chair shooter used and sets alex up for a DDT into it! Just as all seems lost, Ricky, with a bandage still covering his forehead, jumps out of the crowd and spins eddie around and decks him! Alex recovers, and Hits eddie with a Decolt Driver on the chair! Eddie is out cold, Decolts win![/I] Finally a good match! Both guys did really well, and the crowd seemed to like Ricky emerging from his hospital bed to strike back at eddie and even up the score some. Should set up some good Decolt vs Elite Storylines going into Wrestlefest next month. [B] Rating: B-[/B] [I]Having just picked up the victory the decolts celebrate in the ring as the show closes.[/I] apparently the crowd is not so much a fan of my "oh shoot i have 4 minutes left" decolt celebration at the end. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Good show overall for me, though i feel my rookiness is really costing the midcarders, i can't seem to get them consistent segments/matches yet. Good thing for me the decolts and Elite is built in. Any feedback on how im booking is welcome, and much appreciated! [B]Final Rating: C[/B] this show hurt our popularity, and i used Price far to much (one 8 minute match???) I better pick this up soon, or we're going to be a joke promotion :(
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[SIZE="5"][B]CGC Title Bout Wrestling Show 3[/B][/SIZE] [B]Quebec City Arena in front of 2000 Fans[/B] Ok, Here we go. Decolt Heavy and Short and sweet on segments, as per benny's advice :) [B][SIZE="5"] Dark Matches[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]The Gilbert Brothers[/COLOR] Vs [COLOR="Red"]SoF[/COLOR] [I] The Gilbert Brothers defeated The Soldiers Of Fortune in 5:36 when Jesse Gilbert defeated Destiny by pinfall with a Slap Shot. [/I] Ugh, this is defiantly a blow off match at Wrestle fest, i had hopes the gilberts would do SOMETHING but they don't. This isn't helping them or youth energy. time to Evolve the Tag storyline.... [B]Rating: D-[/B] [I]Davis Wayne Newton is shown backstage, In front of a Mock Set displaying a large Sign Declaring "The New Era Review" He welcomes the CGC audience, and introduces himself. He then says that The new era review will be a Website special, following himself, Wayne Newton as he tries to bring some culture to the backwards wilderness that is Canada. [/I] kept this segment short, didn't do well, and i doubt these will be an every dark segment thing, but wanted to show newton to the fans and give him a possible gimmick for later. [B]Rating: F[/B] [B] Nate Johnson Vs ???[/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]Nate Johnson[/COLOR] defeated ??? in 5:53 by pinfall with a Natural Order.[/I] Working Out a new opener and giving nate a squash, as his tag team partner has great mo' and his sucks. going to need the specialists at the next PPV. I'd reveal the ??? but im considering using him next show in a guest appearance in the Decolt elite war. [B] Rating: D[/B] [SIZE="5"] [B] Main Show[/B][/SIZE] [I] An outraged [COLOR="Red"]Eddie[/COLOR] barrages into the commish's office with dan and Adrian in tow. He says that he is sick and tired of the decolts protecting the title from legitimate competitors and that if the decolts had any pride, they would quit hiding thier whelp. George says that Eddie is full of it and the last person who will ever see a title shot just for asking, but ricky angrily interrupts and tells Eddie that He'll face him, anytime, anywhere. Eddie smiles and tells him its on at luck of the draw. [/I] Eddie let me down in this segment, i wanted this to be a B to open. mabey the cruddy squash matches had the crowd down. [B] Rating: C[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell and Nathan Black[/COLOR] Vs [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ed Monton and Jacob Jett[/COLOR] [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]Powell[/COLOR] Avoids [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]monton[/COLOR] at all times, only tagging in when he has the advantage. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jacob Jett [/COLOR]unloads on [COLOR="Red"]Black[/COLOR] with a fury, but eventually, Black makes a tag that Jett doesn't see. Black Gets pulled away by Jett, but he swings Jett around into a big Boot from Powell! Monton comes in for the save. Jett gets away to make a Tag, But black distracts the ref and he misses it, Monton storms in to get a piece of powell, but the ref ushers him out. Behind The ref's back, Powell hits Jett with a low blow and roles him up for the win![/I] Decent match, probley the last time Jett gets into this storyline, but Powell Vs Monton is shaping up as a decent Blow off match at LOTD. [B] Rating: D[/B] [B]Trent Shaftner Vs Chris Obrien[/B] [I] [COLOR="Red"]Trent[/COLOR] and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Chris[/COLOR] go at it in a Good match, Full of back and forth action. Trent Seems to be gaining the upper hand, when all of the sudden, [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Whippy[/COLOR] comes out of the crowd with a comically large bazooka. Trent turns around and Whippy Fires! Trent stares in disbelief as the remains of a giant pie drips down his face. Whippy laughs hysterically as Trent's face changes to a mask of rage. Trent tears off after whippy, Ignoring the match. Chris gets his hand raised, but misses out on the title.[/I] pretty good match, and as an added bonus, me and trent have good chemistry. Filed away for future reference hehe. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [I]Steve & Jack DeColt say that they want a piece of some Elite. They challange Dan and shooter to a match.[/I] simple talk up by the decolts to work the crowd. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Alex Decolt[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jungle Jack[/COLOR] [I]Alex comes out and says that the Elite's claim that the decolts never give people a shout outside of title matches is a lie. He says that anyone that wants to come down and face him is welcome to try. Suddenly, jungle Jack appears and rushes down to the ring! Jack wrestles a good match, but is defeated by alex. afterwards Alex nods to jack and welcomes him to the CGC. [/I] Alex needed a squash match, and jack needed an intro. wish it had gotten rated better, i ran into bad chemistry. [B] Rating: D+[/B] Steve and Jack Decolt vs Dan Dalay and Sean Deeley [I] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jack[/COLOR] and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve [/COLOR]Start strong, and control the match early. [COLOR="Red"]Dan[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]shooter[/COLOR] eventually fight back. Jack hits a wicked DDT on shooter, but as he goes for the pin, [COLOR="Red"]Eddie[/COLOR] drags the ref out! Steve goes after eddie, but in the ring, [COLOR="Red"]Nate Johnson[/COLOR] hits jack with a wicked super kick. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Alex[/COLOR] hits the ring and drives off Nate. In the ring, both men are down, when suddenly [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][COLOR="Red"]Ricky[/COLOR][/COLOR] Jumps to the top turnbuckle, and hits the decolt .45 on Shooter! Jack covers Shooter for the win![/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] Good match, but not great, i think it defiantly helped to be lower on the segments though,and write little details into the match write ups. Overall Show rating: C- Ugh. Must do better.
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[B][SIZE="6"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling Show 3[/SIZE][/B] [B]Varsity Arena in front of 2000 fans.[/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Dark Matches[/SIZE][/B] [B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Christian Price[/COLOR], [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ernie Turner[/COLOR] and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]Grimm Quibble[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]The Gilbert Brothers[/COLOR] [/B] [I]Christian Price, Ernie Turner and Youth Energy defeated Davis Wayne Newton, Grimm Quibble and The Gilbert Brothers in 7:35 when Shane Nelson defeated Jesse Gilbert by pinfall.[/I] working some rust off guys who don't figure to wrestle much in the next two weeks. The gilbert's are just bad. i dont think they have a place in my tag division. [B]Rating: E+ [/B] [B] [COLOR="Red"]Zeus Maxmillion[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Lead Belly[/COLOR] [/B] squash for zeus, he hasn't won lately. on the upside, they have good chemistry. Might soon be a tag team to replace the gilbert's. [B][SIZE="5"]Main Show[/SIZE][/B] [I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]The Decolts[/COLOR] Hit the ring, and Talk some smack about the Elite, as per usual. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ricky[/COLOR] says he will defend his title tonight to warm up for Luck of the Draw, and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Alex[/COLOR] says he wants [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Eddie[/COLOR] right here tonight! [/I] Yea decolts! a B- to start us off! pretty normal open. keeping this show very short and very simple. need a good show. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]The Specialists[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Chris[/COLOR], [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jungle Jack[/COLOR] and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jacob Jett [/COLOR][/B] [I] Ryan Powell and The Specialists defeated Chris, Jungle Jack and Jacob Jett in 9:57 when Ryan Powell defeated Jacob Jett by pinfall.[/I] Decent match, Powell needed to get over, and we are FLOODED with heels at the midcard level, something that will be fixed post next PPV (WF should provide plenty of new angels for new storyline. [B] Rating: D[/B] [I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Whippy[/COLOR] The Clown Comes into [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]George's[/COLOR] office, and says that He wants a title shot Vs Trent, no Joke. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]George[/COLOR] considers it for a minute, and decides that yes, Whippy has earned his shot! Whippy Shakes George's hand, and nails him with the joy buzzer and runs out. George Grins as Whippy goes out.[/I] Good pop for this segment, Considering whippy isn't the best in those segments. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ricky Decolt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Destiny[/COLOR][/B] [I]Ricky DeColt defeated Destiny in 12:51 by pinfall with a DeColt 45. Ricky DeColt makes defence number 3 of his CGC World title. [/I] annnnddd the night comes to a screeching halt. Destiny, who had B- mo going into this and every reason to put on a good match, lays a major stink bomb. Looking back, i should have gone with shooter here, but shooter's momentum is fragile, and i want it intact for a storyline im thinking of after the PPV. bad move here. [B]Rating: D[/B] [I]The boys are shown around [COLOR="Red"]Eddie[/COLOR] as he gets ready for his match. Eddie says that he doesn't want any help tonight, he'll deal with [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]alex[/COLOR] himself. If there's going to be a fight, Elite will go to the limit, but He wants his shot at Alex.[/I] Crowds still down after the stink bomb, because Eddie and adrian Bomb. [B] Rating: C-[/B] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] [I][COLOR="Red"]Eddie[/COLOR] and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]alex[/COLOR] go at it in a pretty good match, Alex Looks good early, but Eddie uses some vetran moves to get back on offense, Eddie starts working on Alex's back, and as he goes for a back breaker, alex turns it into a swinging DDT! Alex goes for the cover....1....2...kick out! [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Alex[/COLOR] tries to set up the Decolt Driver, but [COLOR="Red"]Eddie[/COLOR] pokes him in the eye, He goes for a Irish whip and Alex slams into the Ref! Eddie reaches into his shorts and nails alex with some brass knucks! he puts on the Fabulous stretch, and the ref recovers in time to see an apparently passed out Alex! Eddie wins![/I] And again, a great finish to a show goes for not as alex is off his game. I needed a good match here, not a average one. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Final Show Rating: C[/B] *shakes head* on the upside, I upped our TV time to an hour and a half.
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[B][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling Show[/SIZE][/B] [B]King Edward Multiplex in front of 5,000 Fans.[/B] [SIZE="4"] Dark Matches[/SIZE] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR] Vs [COLOR="Red"]Ernie Turner[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Ernie Turner[/COLOR] in 7:33 by pinfall with an Emergency Landing.[/I] Getting Jett a bit of a pop, as he's a good young talent who figures to feature in a storyline soon. [B]Rating: E[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]Lead Belly[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jungle Jack[/COLOR] and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Zeus Maxmillion [/COLOR] [I] [I][COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]Lead Belly[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jungle Jack[/COLOR] and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Zeus Maxmillion[/COLOR] in 8:06 when Lead Belly defeated Jungle Jack by pinfall with a RPM Bomb.[/I][/I] Ryan stays strong, and lead deserved a win for jobbing for me so much. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B][SIZE="4"] Main Show[/SIZE][/B] [I] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] comes to the ring and challenges [COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR] to a match, saying that He got Screwed over last week. [COLOR="Red"]Eddie[/COLOR] comes out to the top of the ramp and smirks, saying it's not that easy, a man like him can't afford to indulge a scrub like [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]alex[/COLOR] every week. However, If alex is looking for a fight, Dan will gladly kick his ass.[/I] Good old alex, a B- to start the show, come on good show! [B] Rating: B-[/B] [I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Whippy[/COLOR] The Clown is shown backstage, rooting around in a locker. He giggles to himself manically, eventually he stuffs something back in his pocket and turns away, walking off whistling like a goof. The camera pans back to show [COLOR="Red"]Trents[/COLOR] name on the locker![/I] Go whippy, a C- on a short skit...not bad. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Christian Price[/COLOR] [I]Davis Wayne Newton defeated Christian Price in 7:55 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.[/I] Building Newton up, and price is just gawd awful. He won't be making it past his contract negotiations. Rating: E [I] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve & Jack DeColt[/COLOR] Come out to the ring, and say that They are tired of the Elite shaming the Tag titles, and since no one else seem to be able to do it, They will take the titles off The [COLOR="Red"]specialists![/COLOR][/I] Pushing newton hurt, as this clearly deserved more than it's C. Still, the decolts bring us back up a bit. [B]Rating: C[/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Nathan Black and Philippe LaGrenier [/COLOR] [I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Nathan Black and Philippe LaGrenier[/COLOR] in 7:51 when Shane Nelson defeated Philippe LaGrenier by pinfall.[/I] I thought this would go over a bit better than it did, everyone in the Tag divsion starts sooo low on momentum for CGC that this has really been giving me some lumps. had to have a squash match here though. [B] Rating: E[/B] [I] The [COLOR="Red"]gilberts[/COLOR] Bust in on the commish, and say that they are sick and tired of those hockey hating hosers , youth energy, eh? They want a match at Luck of the Draw, and they want it to be a Penelty box match eh?! It takes george a bit to digest that they mean a cage match, which he agrees to, and not only that, but this will be a match for the number one contendership![/I] The gilberts did surprisingly well, but not even George can pull them up to likable with he crowd apparently. luckily, im wising up a bit and kept this very short. [B]Rating: D[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Chris Obrien[/COLOR] [I][COLOR="Red"]Trent[/COLOR] comes out strong, and lands shot after shot on the inexperienced [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Obrien[/COLOR]. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Chris[/COLOR] brawls his way back into the fight, thanks to what appears to be a groin injury to trent. [COLOR="Red"]Trent[/COLOR] scores with a suplex, but as he gets up he has to "adjust" himself again..as the match goes on [COLOR="Red"]trent[/COLOR] begins to yelp and finally nearly losses to a quick roll up. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Chris[/COLOR] goes for the moonsault but [COLOR="Red"]trent[/COLOR] avoids it and hits the heartstopper! [COLOR="Red"]Trent[/COLOR] then runs towards the back, in obvious pain. The camera's cut to show [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Whippy[/COLOR] backstage laughing while holding up a bottle of Tabasco sauce![/I] ahhh the old redhot in the cup gag....hey what can i say, wiener jokes are funny to clowns. :D [B] Rating: C-[/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay[/COLOR] [I] Alex DeColt defeated Dan DaLay in 9:59 by pinfall with a DeColt Driver.[/I] Kinda a squash match for alex, he has big moves to make post PPV, and it keeps the boss happy. standered match, not good, not bad. [B] Rating: C [/B] [I] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve and Jack[/COLOR] come out strong, Punishing [COLOR="Red"]nate[/COLOR]. Nate eventualy escapse, and makes the tag. [COLOR="Red"]Bobby[/COLOR] comes in hot, and drives [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jack[/COLOR] back into the corner. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve[/COLOR] finally gets in, and lays out both [COLOR="Red"]elite[/COLOR] memebers! the ref finally controls steve, but behind his back, garcia throws in a chair! The ref turns around just in time to see chair meet back! The ref DQ's the specilists! The [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]decolts[/COLOR] win, but the elite keep the titles![/I] Can no one in the tag division put on a good match? Was trying to get the speclists some momentum, need SOMEONE in the tag division to get hot. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Shooter Sean Deeley[/COLOR] [I] A great match, with a ton of high flying spots. [COLOR="Red"]Shooter[/COLOR] Really goes after it, Despite the fact that his leader has a title shot in two weeks! [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ricky[/COLOR] eventually is able to land a colt .45 for the win.[/I] good match, and as a bonus, they have great chemistry. Which is good, since soon they'll probley be rumbling in the mid card ranks. [B]Rating: C[/B] [I] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] Is getting ready to walk up the ramp when he's blindside from behind by [COLOR="Red"]eddie chandler[/COLOR]! shooter runs up and they get some good boots in, but suddenly down the ramp comes the rest of the decolts and the [COLOR="Red"]elite[/COLOR]! a giant brawl ensues as the show goes off the air![/I] [B] Final Rating: D+[/B] ouch, learned a hard rookie lesson, 11 segments is not enough. a good show, probley my best ruined by the crowd hating the lack of segments :( tough lesson to learn, but now i know on a hour and a half show, 11 doesnt cut it. how many is expected for a show this long?
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It's not the number of segments, it's who is in them. realistically, you shouldn't have anyone in angles who isn't at least C+ in overness otherwise they will bomb at your size and with CGC product. Basically use Chandler and teh DeColts in entertainment segments, DaLay and Tyler in Overness and anyone else you want to use for angles below that, keep it to three minutes. The DeColts and Elite angles can and should be 6+ min to help with their momentum and the show grade. C's to C+ for the show is normal till you build some storylines so don't worry and don't expect B- or higher right off the bat. Also, you don't need to use everybody every show. What I usually do is have midcarders and higher on the tv shows and only use the lowercarders in dark matches every few shows to keep them happy.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;520662]It's not the number of segments, it's who is in them. realistically, you shouldn't have anyone in angles who isn't at least C+ in overness otherwise they will bomb at your size and with CGC product. Basically use Chandler and teh DeColts in entertainment segments, DaLay and Tyler in Overness and anyone else you want to use for angles below that, keep it to three minutes. The DeColts and Elite angles can and should be 6+ min to help with their momentum and the show grade. C's to C+ for the show is normal till you build some storylines so don't worry and don't expect B- or higher right off the bat. Also, you don't need to use everybody every show. What I usually do is have midcarders and higher on the tv shows and only use the lowercarders in dark matches every few shows to keep them happy.[/QUOTE] cool, it through me off because at the end it said that "the crowd expected more interviews and segments"
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[QUOTE=crownsy;520682]cool, it through me off because at the end it said that "the crowd expected more interviews and segments"[/QUOTE] That means the ratio of interviews and segments time wise compared to matches, not how many. CGC is 60% matches and 40% angles with a 10% leeway either way. That means in a 90 min show you need 27-45 mins of angles and the rest matches.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;520752]That means the ratio of interviews and segments time wise compared to matches, not how many. CGC is 60% matches and 40% angles with a 10% leeway either way. That means in a 90 min show you need 27-45 mins of angles and the rest matches.[/QUOTE] got ya, allright, that should make the next show better, combined with the other tips. I think i have to drop the tag storyline after the PPV, the teams just arent strong enough right now.
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[B][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling Show[/SIZE][/B] [B]Varsity arena in front of 2,000 fans[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Dark Matches[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jungle Jack [/COLOR] [I] Davis Wayne Newton defeated Jungle Jack in 7:44 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] Working Wayne up the ladder a bit [COLOR="Red"]Fate[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Chris [/COLOR] [I] Fate defeated Chris in 5:46 by pinfall.[/I] Fate needed a win to restore some of his cred. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Main Show[/SIZE][/B] [I] [COLOR="Red"]Eddie[/COLOR] Comes out to the ring and takes the Mic. He says he's tired of the decolts Interfering on [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ricky's[/COLOR] Behalf, and that he won't stand for it at the LOD. If Ricky had any balls, [COLOR="Red"]Eddie[/COLOR] says, he'd meet him in a cage match! [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]George[/COLOR] comes to the top of the ramp and says that if Eddie want's a cage match, he'll have to earn it by beating [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve[/COLOR] tonight![/I] Good pop from the crowd for this one, bodes well for the night. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I] [COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR] grabs the mic from the MC and says that this friday ,at LOD, he will finally give [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ed monton[/COLOR] the beating he deserves, and no one will stop him this time.[/I] Ryan surprises me a bit, i kept this segment to 4 minutes so it wouldn't effect the shows rating, but either the crowd was still up from the decolts, or he's getting better cutting a promo, as he scores solidly. [B]Rating: C[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR] Vs [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Shane Nelson[/COLOR] [I]Ryan Powell Wins in 10:05 by pinfall.[/I] Squash match for ryan, bad chemistry strikes, as these two don't click at all. [B] Rating: D[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Destiny[/COLOR] vs Whippy The Clown [I][COLOR="Red"]Destiny[/COLOR] and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Whippy[/COLOR] have a good match, both of them having good preformances, [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Whippy[/COLOR] finally wins in a close match.[/I] Decent match for a squash. These two have good chemistry. not sure if it will ever come into play, but nice to know. [B] Rating: C-[/B] [I] As [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]whippy[/COLOR] walks back up the ramp, [COLOR="Red"]Trent[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]Fate[/COLOR] Suddenly jump him from the backstage area! They work [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Whippy[/COLOR] over pretty good before security can pull them off.[/I] Short segement to keep this out of the show ratings, and to build the heat between trent and whippy for LOD. glad it was short, it bombed heh. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Lee Rivera [/COLOR] [I]Trent Shaffer defeated Lee Rivera in 9:55 by pinfall with a Heart Burn. Trent Shaffer makes defence number 4 of his CGC Canadian title. [/I] Forgettable squash match to get Trent's Momentum up a bit for LOD. [B] Rating: D+[/B] [I] The [COLOR="Red"]Specialists[/COLOR] come down to the ring and Let the crowd know that just because they aren't defending the titles tomorrow, it's not because of some "decolt" level of cowardice. There is just no one worthy! To rectify this, they have asked the commissioner to have a 3 way tag battle tomorrow for the number one contender, who they will then destroy at Wrestlefest. It will consists of those hockey loving idiots the [COLOR="Red"]gilberts[/COLOR], [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]youth whatever[/COLOR], and the [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]decolts[/COLOR], since thier daddy demanded it. It won't matter though, because none of those teams even approaches thier level. [/I] Good segment by the champs to get them over a bit as the tag angle evolves post LOD. [B] Rating: C[/B] [I] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] comes down to the ring. He says he is tired of all the smack talk from the elite about how the decolt's never want to face them in anything other than a match of thier choosing. He challenges any of the elite to come out and set a match for LOD and he will accept it. Alex DeColt comes down to the ring. He says he is tired of all the smack talk from the elite about how the decolt's never want to face them in anything other than a match of thier choosing. He challanges any of the elite to come out and set a match for LOD and he will accept it. Dan comes out and says he will take alex on in STREETFIGHT! comes out and says he will take alex on in STREETFIGHT![/I] needed another match on the card, and this should be a pretty good one. [B] Rating: B-[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve Decolt[/COLOR] [I][COLOR="Red"]Eddie[/COLOR] and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve[/COLOR] circle each other, looking for openings. [COLOR="Red"]Eddie[/COLOR] rushes in, but steve counters him into the turnbuckle for a big bump! [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve[/COLOR] controls the action for a bit, keeping [COLOR="Red"]Eddie[/COLOR] Grounded and using his quickness. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve[/COLOR] goes for a flying elbow, and eddie roles out of the way! [COLOR="Red"]Eddie[/COLOR] goes on offense, working steve's arm an back alternately as he sets him up for the stretch. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve[/COLOR] reverses an irish whip and hits a big back body drop! [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve[/COLOR] is going for it all, as he goes up top, but suddenly, [COLOR="Red"]Shooter[/COLOR] comes out of the crowd and shoves [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]steve[/COLOR] to the outside floor! The ref misses it, and shooter hightails it, [COLOR="Red"]eddie[/COLOR] drags a clearly hurt [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]steve[/COLOR] back in the ring, and applies the fabulous stretch in the middle of the ring! [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve[/COLOR] tries to hold out, but has to tap. It will be in a cage for the CGC championship this Friday at LOD![/I] Decent match, was hoping for more, but it sets up the ME nicely. Steve hated to lose this match, but then, every decolt bitches and moans when he has to put a heel over. Steve and jack are about to be part of a ambitous (for me hehe) plan to reenergize the tag division, so im not really worried about him. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"] Final Show rating:C[/SIZE][/B] certainly better than we've done recently, and i feel more in control of the game. I think post LOD when i can cut some angles i probley shouldn't have run and reorganize the roster, i should start to make some progress thanks to the tips ive received from everyone :)
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pretty easy picks i guess, since im sticking simple to start, but i knwo these are fun so :) [SIZE="5"]Luck of the Draw matches[/SIZE] Whippy Vs Trent (c) Alex vs Dalay Ricky vs Eddie (c) Steve and jack decolt vs Youth energy vs The gilberts Ed monton Vs Ryan Powell
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  • 2 weeks later...
[B][SIZE="5"]CGC Luck of the Draw[/SIZE][/B] [B]Kalomps Royal Athletic Center in front of 15,000 fans[/B] [B][SIZE="4"] Dark Matches[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jacob Jett [/COLOR].Vs [COLOR="Red"]Philippe LaGrenier [/COLOR] [I]Jacob Jett defeated Philippe LaGrenier in 7:54 by pinfall with an Emergency Landing.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Chris and Ernie Turner [/COLOR]vs. [COLOR="Red"]Lead Belly and Davis Wayne Newton [/COLOR] [I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Chris and Ernie Turner[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Lead Belly and Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] in 7:33 when [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ernie Turner[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]Lead Belly[/COLOR] by pinfall with a Slick Pimp Spike.[/I] [B] Rating: D-[/B] [B][SIZE="5"] Main Show[/SIZE][/B] [I] The Decolts are shown in [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]George's[/COLOR] office, Getting a pep talk. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]George[/COLOR] tells [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jack[/COLOR] and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]steve[/COLOR] that they need to focus tonight, and take a step towards rescuing the CGC tag titles from the elite. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Alex[/COLOR] ask's what he should do tonight. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]George[/COLOR] smiles and says [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Alex[/COLOR] can pick his own match! Lastly, george tells [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]ricky[/COLOR] that he's proud of him and knows he will live up to his name. [/I] Good segment to open, here's hoping we can carry that onward [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I] [COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR] has a microphone, and says that he will wipe the floor with that fossil [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ed Monton[/COLOR]. He predicts that Ed will be unable to even put up a fight, and that he should be honored that ryan is even going to give him the honor of a match.[/I] Good segment for ryan, who seems to be at least settling into a mid card heel role. [B] Rating: C[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ed Monton [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Ryan[/COLOR] starts out taunting [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ed[/COLOR], refusing to engage and playing up being tired to the crowd whenever [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ed[/COLOR] calls him to grapple. Finally they lock up and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ed[/COLOR] shoves him to the ground! [COLOR="Red"]Ryan[/COLOR] tells the ref to watch the hair pull. Both men exchange offense for awhile, with Ed getting the upper hand, but [COLOR="Red"]Ryan[/COLOR] reverses a suplex and drapes [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ed[/COLOR] across the ropes, and then lands a vicious uppercut to the suspended legend. [COLOR="Red"]Ryan[/COLOR] gets ready to put [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ed[/COLOR] away, but suddenly Ed counters into a back body drop, and goes to town on [COLOR="Red"]Ryan[/COLOR]! [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ed[/COLOR] shoots of the ropes and catches a vicious power slam! [COLOR="Red"]Ryan[/COLOR] wins! [B] Rating: D+[/B] Wish the match had lived up to the hype. least it was a blow off. :/ [I] Post match, [COLOR="Red"]Ryan[/COLOR] goes out and grabs a chair, the Ref tries to get it away from him, But [COLOR="Red"]Ryan[/COLOR] shoves him away! Ed struggles up and gets a wicked chair shot from [COLOR="Red"]Ryan[/COLOR]! Ed is left laying as [COLOR="Red"]Ryan[/COLOR] walks away with his hand in the air.[/I] [I][COLOR="Red"]Eddie[/COLOR] is shown shadow boxing while the rest of the elite clown around, telling him that tonight will be the night that the [COLOR="Red"]Elite[/COLOR] Regain the championship and control of CGC.[/I] [B] Rating: C[/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve & Jack DeColt[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]The Gilbert Brothers[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR] [I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Steve & Jack DeColt[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"]The Gilbert Brothers[/COLOR] and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR] in 15:39; the order of elimination was The Gilbert Brothers first, and finally Youth Energy. [/I] Not going to write this one up, it sucked. it accomplished its mission though, makes the decolts a new Tag team, and marks the end of the gilberts from anything but dark matches. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [I] [COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler[/COLOR] has an interview with Garcia. He says that the world championship has been held hostage for far to long. Just because George signs the pay checks doesn't mean that the talent should have to deal with a punk kid who got handed the title. He says tonight is the night that the luster goes back on the World championship.[/I] Eddie picks us back up after a crap match, good job eddie :) [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] come down to the ring and says that tonight, he gets to call out anyone he wants. He calls for [COLOR="Red"]Shooter[/COLOR], since he doesn't see why an elite member should avoid an ass kicking![/I] Another good segment. [B] Rating: B-[/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Shooter Sean Deeley [/COLOR] [I][COLOR="Red"]Shooter[/COLOR] hits the ring and tries to start hot, but [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]alex[/COLOR] outpowers him and starts to force him back into the corner. Alex dictates for awhile, but [COLOR="Red"]Shooter[/COLOR] counters with a drop toe hold, and goes on the offensive. [COLOR="Red"]Shooter[/COLOR] Hits a big Crossbody block, And goes to the top to try to hit a high risk spot, but [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]alex [/COLOR]rolls out of the way! As shooter gets up holding his stomach, [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Alex [/COLOR]boots him in it and hits the Decolt driver![/I] Real good match, Sets up The inevitable Alex Vs Eddie feud nicely. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] (C) vs. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Whippy The Clown[/COLOR] [I] Trent goes right for [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]whippy[/COLOR], but [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]whippy [/COLOR]sidesteps him and throws a bannana peel on the floor, tripping [COLOR="Red"]trent[/COLOR]. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Whippy[/COLOR] goes on the offensive, mixing in jokes with his moves. Finally, [COLOR="Red"]trent[/COLOR] gets a reversal on an irish whip and lands a vicious clothsline. Both men are down, [COLOR="Red"]Trent[/COLOR] gets to his feet first and starts to open up on [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]whippy[/COLOR]. Trent goes for the heartburn, but [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]whippy[/COLOR] counters it into a desperation Jokes on you! can [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]whippy[/COLOR] make the cover? 1....2...oh! [COLOR="Red"]trent[/COLOR] kicks out, whippy can't get the cover in time. Now [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]whippy[/COLOR] sets up trent in the corner, looks like he's going to hit him with a running splash! but trent ducks aside and [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]whippy[/COLOR] slams into the turnbuckle and turns around into a heartburn! [COLOR="Red"]Trent[/COLOR] makes the cover, and retains his CGC Canadian Championship![/I] Decent Match, would have liked better, but were still in pretty good shape (i think) assuming the main event does well. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Eddie Chandler [/COLOR]vs. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] EDIT: will write up at work, need to make my train :) And ricky totally bombs out the match, giving us a bad score. I hate you ricky, this is why i took your belt :/ [B] Rating: D+[/B] [SIZE="5"] Final Rating: D[/SIZE] This was going great until the end, Ricky really killed us with his piss poor match. at least he's out of the picture now :/
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slight changes to format- In the intrest of burning through more events and learning, i am going to stop writting up most of the matchs from non PVP's and just giving results. While I like to add The flavor to the matchs, it makes each show a process to post. I need to play more days to get better, so I will be limiting those write ups. PPV matches will still get Write ups. Hopefully this won't take away from the thread to much :)
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