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...take one of your lower midcarders/openers/enhancement talents and push them to the moon just for the sake of it? I've got a few games running at the minute and in my SWF game I'm thinking about giving Greg Rayne a monster push, beating the likes of Vengeance, Remo, Rich Money, Jack Bruce and any other big names willing to take the fall. Just interested to see how the game goes, really. Anyone else ever done this with other feds?
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I've done it with SWF before. I signed Gargantuan to be by new monster heel and he started as and enhancement talent so I had to push him to the moon to get him near the top of the card. Needless to say, most of the roster was not pleased they had to job to an unfit, unpopular, unskilled idiot!
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Its something I've tried to avoid doing. Mainly just because of the possible (maybe even likely) personality changes that would accompany a heavy push. I generally make my guys job their up the roster a bit before they get any sort of push at all. Can't say I haven't been tempted. Especially with SWF, where you can potentially make a star out of anyone, regardless of talent level. And that theory may end up getting tested yet in my diary game.
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I tend to avoid doing this myself, though in the past I have on a couple of rare occaisons. The real problem is, it can seriously hurt the overness of the guys losing, all so you can get one other person over. I'd much rather try and maintain their overness when I can, and build the new guys up a bit slower. As for Gargantuan... seriously, with him in SWF, you'd probably just need to stick him with a good manager and in a lot of segments rated on Menace. That should be enough on its own to blast his popularity to the moon.
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[QUOTE=Sons of Kohral;520186]Yeah, I love doing it. [b]I usually do it with guys 5 and older[/b]. An easy ay to do it is with giving them wins against guys like Joe Sexy. His entertainment skills allow him to gain overness really quick by using angles, so he makes up all the overness he lost and can be defeated again.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I imagine there'd be a real fan backlash if you were putting toddlers over your main eventers ;)
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In my SWF game I linked up Champaign Lover & Gino as a tag team and pretty much pushed them straight away pretty heavily. No win streak kind of thing, but I made sure they were working with highly rated people and ultimately had the two feud it out for the title a year into the game. I didn't see really any change in their personalities then again I wasn't really looking for it. My fav. thing about TEW is "making new stars". That's why creating your own company is best as you can really create a whole roster full of new stars and try to make your own niche within the Cornellverse.
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I always do that. I just love pushing my favourite guys from the bottom to the top. There always are some guys that are in the main event or upper midcard that I don't really need there, or don't want to have them there... So they get beaten by the guys I want to push :) It's a great game, it really seems like you're creating new stars, and it's an awesome feeling to see your favourite guys rise in the rankings :)
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