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NYCW - Don’t Be Cynical; we’re an Old School Miracle - The Diary

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Shows/NYCW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Sunday - Week 4 - December - 2007[/B] So this is my new job? At an old school wrestling promotion in the middle of New York and what am I? A Sports Entertainment fan from the North-East of England. I can’t help but feel I may have fallen into the deep end here. I have met the owner of NYCW - Derek “The Stomper” Bradford - on two occasions; one was at an indi show ten years ago when he came over to promote NYCW and defeated Melvin The Fantastic in what was a very decent match. The second was yesterday, when we had a meeting about what he expects of me and how he advises I should go about doing it. I had up until 3 weeks ago, a very basic knowledge of NYCW, but in my defence, who from England really knew about a promotion that only really exists to, at the most, 500 die hard New York wrestling fans? Naturally I did my homework to apply for the job and even discussed The Stomper’s career, I would like to say I carried my own in the conversation…I would like to. For whatever reason, Mr. Bradford took a shining to me, I believe his idea of an English guy running a old school promotion would be a good idea, what with English wrestling regularly carrying that characteristic, the north east easpecially is known for it's strong workmanship (the sweat of a man's brow etc etc.), so I have a job as a head booker for a wrestling promotion in one of the biggest wrestling cities in the world. I have every confidence I can work with old school. Tomorrow I need to meet everyone on the roster and write up my first impressions of each, easy.
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[B]Monday – Week 1 – January 2008[/B] First day on the job, and I need to evaluate each worker, what a day it’s going to be, I haven’t had time to get excited about the job or get pissed about being labelled as ‘virtually unknown’ by various internet reports, but there is important work to do. [B]First Impressions:-[/B] [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/AmericanMachine-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]American Machine[/B] - Midcarder - Face Decent skills, decent charisma and a good look could make him go quite far but doubtful for Main Event status, I certainly don’t think it is a bad idea having a ‘patriot’ gimmick, but am going to split up the ‘American Made Men’ team due to the roster not being entirely huge and want to try and keep Whistler as a top contender. Will certainly see how things go for himself and Cheerleader Nicki. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/BlackHatBailey-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B] - Main Eventer - Heel The former head booker still has a fair bit of fight left in him however whether it is in the Main Event remains to be seen, his advancing years and still high level of skill mean he will be a very useful member of the roster to help future talent. Who knows, if he can still pull off that highlight match, the Main Event door won’t be closed for ever. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/CheerleaderNicki-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cheerleader Nicki[/B] - Manager - Face Not much can be said for this young manager except she has decent skills for someone her age and could certainly be used in an angle or two with American Machine. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/CoyoteDynamite-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Coyote Dynamite[/B] - Midcarder - Face Still very much interested in keeping Coyote in the Tag Team Title race with Wiley Steinway, has lack of skills but good in-ring knowledge could prove to be integral to the Tag Team scene as he could help control a match without having to be in it the whole time. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/DazzlingDaveDiamond-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Dazzling Dave Diamond[/B] - Lower Midcarder - Face Dave really came across as a good guy who just wanted to get out there and show the people some good old rasslin’. I liked him immediately, after watching him train for a while, I also noticed he has decent in-ring ability and can certainly throw a few lines out on the mic. Time can only tell if the public are going to take to this fists-a-flying southerner, I certainly hope they take a liking to him like I did. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/FernHathaway-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Fern Hathaway[/B] - Manager - Face Dazzling Dave’s bit on the side; she certainly has the look unfortunately her microphone skills aren’t much to be desired for. Also I took note after meeting her that she doesn’t have the best of personalities, I will be keeping my eye on her but I feel she deserves as much a chance as anyone else to prove their worth. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/GrandmasterPhunk-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Grand Master Phunk[/B] - Main Eventer - Heel The first thing I noticed about Phunk as his sheer charisma, we were talking for hours and everything he told me about his past including his time at SWF was told in only a way he could tell it. His time as a manager did him so much good and the fact he has skills in the ring also makes me not even wonder for a minute why he is Main Event material. As with quite a few members of the roster however he has that age old problem of, well… age. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/HerbStately-2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Herb Stately[/B] - Colour Commentator - Heel Herb is certainly someone who I was pleased to have on my roster, good microphone skills and a good persona mean he is ideal for both a manager and a colour commentator role. His ability to play a good weasel or sports agent character mean he will most likely become a manager once more for a monster heel, but at the moment it is good to know he is sitting at the announcing table doing a very steady job. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/HonestFrank-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Honest Frank[/B] - Upper Midcarder - Heel Very good charisma and the ability to carry a match make Frank a decent member of the roster, his title history proves that he has more than enough ability to get a crowd involved, holding the XFW World Title twice and also being a former NYWC Empire Champion. Frank is certainly very good at crowd interaction and I feel could get the audience pumped in a moment of need. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/LandMass-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Land Mass[/B] - Midcarder - Heel A powerful monster heel, Land Mass definitely has that menace factor, but sadly no real signs of ability. Outside the ring, he is nothing more than a gentle giant but his in-ring ability is the most important factor, after a while of pondering, I decided like everyone else, he will get his chance, but vast improvements will need to be seen, unfortunately, this doesn’t look likely as the 44 year old doesn’t have time on his side. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/LeeWright.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lee Wright[/B] - Lower Midcarder - Heel Nothing but respect can be shown for Lee Wright, arguably one of the best tag team performers of all time, winning the PGHW Elite Tag Team Series on 3 occasions and the PGHW Glory Tag Crown on an incredible 5 occasions, the fact the he can still put on great matches proves even more so why it is both an honour and a privilege to have Lee Wright competing here. Lee may not be competing week in - week out, but you can safely bet the current NYCW Tri-State Regional Champion is still going to get a work out. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/MarvEarnest_alt1-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Marv Earnest[/B] - Announcer - Face Marv is a very good announcer that certainly knows his stuff when calling the action; he will be teamed up with Herb Stately and Rock Downpour to create a 3-man announcing team. He will be used as a neutral party to split the difference between the face/heel divide of Downpour and Stately. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/MichaelBull-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Michael Bull[/B] - Referee - Face A capable referee, Bull has created a small following from the New York fans thanks to his presence in the ring and his ‘no BS’ attitude. One major worry is with his workload as he is the only referee in the promotion, will need to see how he manages as time goes on. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/RickSanders-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rick Sanders[/B] - Upper Midcarder - Heel One half of the current NYCW Tag Team Champions along with The Masked Mauler, Sanders is certainly a committed worker who gives it his all. During our meeting, he told me he isn’t going to stop until he is the number one name in the company, I admired his sheer grit and determination, but I am going to have to let his ring skills do the talking for him as he needs to practice on his charisma if he wants to get any further. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/RockDownpour_alt1-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rock Downpour[/B] - Announcer - Face Downpour is certainly a rock in the announcing team; he is going to be the lead commentator due to his persona and announcing ability. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/RogerDodger-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Roger Dodger[/B] - Opener - Heel Roger is probably the most charismatic member of the roster and uses this natural talent to suck the fans in to each match he encounters, it is easily his strongest feature as he has no real ability in the ring, I hope to speak to him regarding a possible change in role. I think he could be a very useful manager; however for now will let him work a few matches to get real sense of his abilities especially with him having quite a strong tag team with Sammy The Shark. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/SammyTheShark-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sammy The Shark[/B] - Lower Midcarder - Heel Sammy is a very keen young worker who has vat amounts of potential, I am hoping by working with Roger that he can work a little more on his charisma as I am sure experience will help him develop his in-ring skills so he can move further up the card. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/SteveFlash_alt1-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Steve Flash[/B] - Main Event - Face One of the legends of the independent scene, Steve has had a great career holding many titles and is the forerunner of the company by holding the NYCW Empire Championship. My creative team had already advised me that he was the key babyface on the roster but it was obvious. He is a true locker room leader and is one of the best performers on the roster; hopefully this will continue to be so for many more years to come. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/TheMaskedMauler-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Masked Mauler[/B] - Midcarder - Heel I have been advised not to expect anything special from William Franklyn, he is a dependable worker but doesn’t carry any great skills, he is one half of the current Tag Team Champions, but for however long this remains has yet to be seen. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/Spike-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]The New York Doll[/B] - Opener - Heel Still just a rookie learning the ropes, Spike as he is also known could go far in the business depending on how much he can commit to it. He is showing good signs thus far and hopefully it will continue. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/TheStomper-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Stomper[/B] - Occasional Wrestler - Heel The man who is paying my wages, The Stomper is very much winding down from wrestling to work more backstage. The owner of NYCW still feels however that when needed, he can put on a decent match and has encouraged me to book him when possible. He still thankfully has realistic views, but I certainly don’t want to remove him from the card altogether. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/Whistler-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Whistler[/B] - Upper Midcarder - Face I took a liking to Whistler right away and believe his character still has a lot to offer as a singles competitor, he has that natural charisma that not many others have, and he can get the fans behind him all the way, he is a unique individual whom I believe can fly the American Flag like no-one else. [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/WileySteinway-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Wiley Steinway[/B] - Midcarder - Face Steinway is perhaps the more talented of the Wiley Coyote tandem, also with a far greater entertainment value. However the team gel exceptionally well and I am looking forward to seeing them in action. So after a look at each individual, there are a few workers with whom I am delighted with and a few I see as possible dead weight, I believe everyone should get a fair and just chance though so it will be interesting to see who impresses me and who is performing below par. Tomorrow Mr. Bradford gives me my goals and aims, but for the moment I am going to read idiotic internet reports about how old Black Hat is appalled to longer be head booker and how he is going to storm out. I also feel there isn’t enough star power on the roster so I think I may have a browse around the indi circuit to have a peak at a few guys I have had my eye on.
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[B]Tuesday – Week 1 – January[/B] [B]Stomper:[/B] “Hey kid, how you getting’ on?” [B]Me:[/B] “Not too bad thanks, I think….” [B]Stomper:[/B] “Aw that’s great, listen just a couple of things I need to make you aware of, ground rules if you will.” [B]Me:[/B] “Yeah, sure, of cour….” Stomper: “Good, good. OK, first I need to make sure you have tight control over our finances, NYCW isn’t the most profitable of organisations as of yet, but the last thing I want is to lose a lot of money.” [B]Me:[/B] “Obviously, yeah, no proble…” Stomper: “Don’t interrupt me kid. Number two, you know our fans ain’ idiots, they know when they bein’ duped, we need to make this thing look as real as possible so it offers em’ more entertainment.” [B]Me:[/B] … Stomper: “Well…” [B]Me:[/B] “Yeah of course, I will get right on…” [B]Stomper:[/B] “Great, oh and one last thing, I ain’ a big fan of that Mexican wrestling, we’re and old school American product, I respect what they do, but it ain’ popular here, I don’ wanna see any Luchadores around.” [B]Me:[/B] “OK sir, no problem.” [B]Owner Goals:[/B] [LIST] [*]The balance of NYCW mustn’t fall below $120,000 at any point (Current $250,000) – Critical. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]You can’t hire anybody classed as a Luchadore – Average. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]You can’t hire or extend the contract of anyone who has less than a D- in selling – Average. [/LIST] Pretty reasonable goals, obviously no owner wants to lose money and The Stomper clearly doesn’t want the image of the company to change just because I’ve been employed, I think I can work with this.
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[B]Wednesday – Week 1 – January[/B] [I]***rriinnggg, rrriiinnnggg***[/I] [B]Me:[/B] “Hel…” [B]Stomper:[/B] “Hey there kid, hope I didn’t wake ya’. Listen, how about we celebrate you running things around here with a show tomorrow night. I have a buddy at the Weston Gymnasium that would kill to put on our show!” [B]Me:[/B] “Wha…yeah that sounds…” [B]Stomper:[/B] “Great, oh and one more thing I forgot to mention, I really think we should focus on the growth of the company you know. Really try and put NYCW on the map, you think you can help me out on that?” [B]Me:[/B] “Not a proble…” [B]Stomper:[/B] “Fantastic!” [I]***click***[/I] [B]Owner Goals:[/B] [LIST]After 24 months, NYCW must have increased in popularity in America – Critical. [/LIST] Another realistic goal I thought, what’s the point in having a wrestling promotion, if you don’t want it to be successful and grow, I think I can accomplish this, if not, I’m in the wrong business. My first show has been arranged tomorrow as well, good times, will need to start thinking of a card. After talking with Stomper we decided that the first show will be named [B]Beatdown[/B], I sat down in the office and went through what the card could be, finally after mass amounts of thought, I came up with:- [SIZE="3"][FONT="Arial Narrow"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER]Wiley Coyote (Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite) vs. The Sting (Roger Dodger & Sammy The Shark) American Machine w/ Cheerleader Nicki vs. The Masked Mauler Honest Frank vs. Whistler Main Event to be announced on the night.[/CENTER][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][FONT="Century Gothic"]OOC: Of course predictions are more than welcome even at this early stage[/FONT][/SIZE]
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[B]Thursday - Week 1 - January[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Shows/NYCW-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Presents[/B] [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Shows/BeatdownBanner.jpg[/IMG] Held at the Weston Gymnasium in-front of a [B]sell-out 300[/B] crowd [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/HerbStately-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/MarvEarnest_alt1-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/RockDownpour_alt1-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Downpour:[/B] “Welcome everyone to Beatdown, NYCW’s first show of the year, and it is destined to be a great one, I can feel it.” [B]Stately:[/B] “I don’t like to admit it Downpour, but your right, this is going to be something special.” [B]Downpour:[/B] “With us also, is Marv Earnest, how are you feeling about tonight Marv?” [B]Earnest:[/B] “Rock let me tell you, I have goosebumps, NYCW is going to start this year off with a bang!” [B]Downpour:[/B] "I have no doubt about it. Fans you are in for a treat, the future is bright for NYCW." [CENTER][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/GrandmasterPhunk-1.jpg[/IMG] Grandmaster Phunk comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd.[/CENTER] [B]Phunk:[/B] “Well, well, well, what’s happening playas, you know tonight Grandmaster Phunk isn’t booked so he is gonna sit in the front row, not next to any of you of course, he is gonna crack open a bottle of his favourite champagne, and he is gonna drink the new year in cos you know it’s the year of the Phunk this year, Stevie Flash has got the NYCW Empire Title, you know that shizzle is only temporary baby, you know it, I know it, and you can bet damn straight he knows…” [CENTER][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/SteveFlash_alt1-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Flash:[/B] “I see your resolution this year hasn’t been to cut back on the trash talk Phunk, you know you should really try and stop it. It can, and will be damaging to your health.” [B]Phunk:[/B] "Pshh, hey hey hey Stevie calm down, calm down. Check it, since you already got your ring gear on and you have the whole intensified thing going on, how about I wait to max and relax it and we have ourselves a little match up tonight for that their Empire Title?" [B]Flash:[/B] "You know Phunk, that isn't actually a bad idea, in fact I like the thought of starting this year as I want it to go on... me with my hand held high as champion and you getting your ass whipped!" [CENTER]Flash and Phunk agree to meet tonight.[/CENTER] Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_c-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]Steve Flash is developing better performance skills.[/I] [B]Match 1[/B] [CENTER]Wiley Coyote (Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite) vs. The Sting (Roger Dodger & Sammy The Shark) [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/WileySteinway-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/CoyoteDynamite-1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/RogerDodger-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/SammyTheShark-1.jpg[/IMG] Wiley Coyote defeated The Sting in 7:36 when Coyote Dynamite defeated Sammy The Shark by pinfall with a Spinebuster.[/CENTER] A back and forth match that unfortunately, the crowd weren’t hyped up for. Wiley looked the better of the four contenders but Sammy showed he could hold his own. Coyote gave a lot of offence and helped guide his team to victory, Roger Dodger sadly didn’t seem too involved in the match. Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_e-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Sammy The Shark is improving in Performance skills. Coyote Dynamite is improving in Technical skills.[/I] [B]Match 2[/B] [CENTER]American Machine w/ Cheerleader Nicki vs. The Masked Mauler [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/AmericanMachine-1.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/CheerleaderNicki-1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/TheMaskedMauler-1.jpg[/IMG] American Machine defeated The Masked Mauler in 6:46 by pinfall with an Old Glory.[/CENTER] A good win for American Machine over one half of the tag team champions, the Mauler is going to have to pick himself up from this one as he looked the weaker of the two tonight, Machine was trying to get the crowd involved but they didn’t seem to be having any of it until the latter stages of the match, this may need to be kept an eye on. Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_dminus-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]Cheerleader Nicki did some good work at ringside. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. American Machine is improving in Performance skills. The Masked Mauler is improving in Rumble skills.[/I] [B]Match 3[/B] [CENTER]Honest Frank vs. Whistler [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/HonestFrank-1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/Whistler-1.jpg[/IMG] Honest Frank defeated Whistler in 11:51 by pinfall with a handful of tights.[/CENTER] With both workers putting on decent performances, and both of them working with the crowd, it was a shame Frank had to end it cheaply to get this shock win, although you can bet Whistler won’t let this one lie. Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_d-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]Whistler was visibly tiring toward the end. Honest Frank was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Whistler vs. Honest Frank storyline has continued with this match. Whistler is improving in Performance skills. Honest Frank is improving in Performance skills.[/I] [CENTER]The match is over, and Whistler is left down. Honest Frank is celebrating, but then stops and sees his him still on the ground. He attacks, and beats him into the canvas adding further insult to injury. [/CENTER] [B]Downpour:[/B] "Oh c'mon Frank that's enough for Christ's sake!" [B]Stately:[/B] "He is just making sure it's safe to leave the ring, I bet Whistler was waiting for Frank to turn his back so he could attack him. For shame, shame on Whistler." [B]Downpour:[/B] "How can you say that Stately? Frank cheated to win the match, and is now continuing the assault after the bell, get him off of him ref!" [B]Stately:[/B] I say smart move from Frank, he is making sure the job is done." [B]Earnest:[/B] Well which ever way you guys want to look at it, I can guarentee that this one is far from over." The crowd really bought into this, Frank is making a name for himself has a cheating heel here, hopefuly this kind of heat can continue. Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_d-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 4[/B] [CENTER]Steve Flash vs. Grandmaster Phunk (NYCW Empire Championship) [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/SteveFlash_alt1-1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/GrandmasterPhunk-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Titles/NYCW_Empire_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Steve Flash defeated Grandmaster Phunk in 14:38 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defence number 1 of his NYCW Empire title.[/CENTER] The match that everyone was waiting for didn’t disappoint, both men gave good performances and added lots of drama to the match via close falls and crowd interaction, Phunk looked very disgruntled for allowing himself to be covered for the 3, but you can be sure these two men will meet again. Flash seemed to carry the match for a time, the veteran has shown they key skills that made him the company's number 1 face. Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_cminus-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Final Rating:[/B] [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_d-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]There was the general feeling that the show should really be offering more storylines to follow, given that it’s supposed to focus on the entertainment aspect of wresting. The show can be considered a success; it should have increased our popularity.[/I] Certainly a decent way to kick off, I know of the obvious problem of not having enough storylines but the first show here was really just to see some of the guys give what for, and finding out who can work with who, I thought Whistler against Honest Frank would be a good idea due to the characters each man portrays, and I think it certainly will be interesting to see how things develop with that. All in all I would say I’m quite pleased with the initial show and see it as a good platform to build from. I took note of the initial two matches and how they brought down the crowds mood, it seems quite obvious that this is due to the lack of ability on the ring; I am going to be watching The Masked Mauler, Roger Dodger and Coyote Dynamite quite closely to see if they can improve. It was good to know that the Mauler is developing his Rumble skills and that Coyote is developing his technical skills, I hope they can keep at it. [B]Stomper:[/B] “Hey kid, I was pleased with the show, good going.” [B]Me:[/B] “Thanks a lot Mr. Bradford, I really appreciate…” [B]Stomper:[/B] “Call me Stomper kid, just by looking out there tonight though, I would say one thing, I think some of the guys have a great presence in the ring, they certainly know the ropes if you get my drift, I would like the whole roster to be able to claim that you know, it gives a more professional image.” [B]Me:[/B] “OK sir” [B]Stomper:[/B] “Great, oh and you don’t need to be so quiet around me kid, you should really try and talk more.” [B]Me:[/B] “I’ll try.” [B]Owner Goals:[/B] [LIST]I cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than D- in Psychology – Average. [/LIST] Another obvious goal in my humble opinion but how many goals does he want to give me really? I don’t think I would hire anyone who has less than a D- anyway; I believe a decent worker needs to at least have a decent head on their shoulders when in the ring. I now have to look at the roster to see who I am going to book for Rush Hour next week, hopefully sooner rather than later, I will have it ready. [SIZE="2"][FONT="Century Gothic"]OOC: I would like to thank the people who have commented thus far. With it being my first diary/dynasty comments really mean everything. This is a game that I have taken a great deal of interest in and long may it continue. Also a massive thanks to all the mod makers who have created the titles and alternate images that have been used for this game.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=BloodyKnuckles;529963]I'm enjoying this, some surprises in the outcomes on the card, also like how your using the NYCW roster other then signing ten indy guys and jobbing out all the originals.[/QUOTE] I too hate when people do that. NYCW has a solid roster. You wont be turning out C+ shows or anything anytime soon, but they can hold there own and grow slowly, which is what NYCW has always done. They're not explosive, they're slow and steady. Nice job, but yeah, you need more than just one storyline.
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[B]Monday – Week 2 – January[/B] The internet reports state that last nights show had very positive feedback and it was a good show, it’s always nice to hear good reports from the internet and hopefully they will continue. I would really like to use some of the guys, not used in yesterdays show, for Rush Hour. I have also decided that to get the fans really hyped, each title will be on the line. Well it appears after me pondering for a time what to do with Roger Dodger, his future is going to be decided by himself; he has signed a P.P.A deal with GCG, obviously I am happy for him, but will naturally start to wonder whether he is going to stay loyal with NYCW, he is a good worker afterall, I just need to think of a better way to utilise his strengths. With news like this though, I thought it only right I talked to him about it. [B]Me:[/B] “Hey Rog, congratulations on our new deal man.” [B]Roger:[/B] “Thanks chief, I’m really psyched.” [B]Me:[/B] “Yeah, no doubt, but you know the main reason I called you in was to make sure that you remember that you are also an employee of NYCW. I appreciate GCG are a bigger promotion than ourselves, I’m just hoping you can honour our contract as well.” [B]Roger:[/B] “No problems man.” [B]Me:[/B] “Remember Rog, this is a big commitment competing with two promotions; I hope it works out for you.” [B]Roger:[/B] “Yeah…yeah…thanks chief.” [B]Wednesday – Week 2 – January[/B] It’s been a gruelling task, but I have decided the card for Rush Hour: [FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B]NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship[/B] [SIZE="3"]Lee Wright (c) vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond w/ Fern Hathaway[/SIZE] [FONT="Arial"]Both men weren't part of the first show, so they get to prove their worth at Rush Hour. But who will come out on top of the two men who have very similiar styles? Whoever does will walk away with the NYCW Tri-State Chamipnship.[/FONT] [SIZE="3"]American Machine w/ Cheerleader Nicki vs. Sammy The Shark[/SIZE] [FONT="Arial"]After The Stings loss last week, Sammy has singles competition. But can he overcome American Machine who has already beaten one half of the tag team champion, The Masked Mauler? [/FONT] [B]NYCW Tag Team Championship[/B] [SIZE="3"]Old School Principles (Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler) (c) vs. Wiley Coyote (Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite)[/SIZE] [FONT="Arial"]After The Masked Mauler's defeat last week in singles competition he is back in tag team action with fellow champion Rick Sanders. Wiley Coyote are fresh off a victory against The Sting. Only one team can walk away with the tag gold.[/FONT] [SIZE="3"]Grandmaster Phunk vs. Whistler[/SIZE] [FONT="Arial"]The Phunky one will not be pleased with his defeat against Steve Flash, he now has to try and re-group with a match against Whistler who was robbed of a victory last week against Honest Frank.[/FONT] [B]NYCW Empire Championship[/B] [SIZE="3"]Steve Flash (c) vs. Black Hat Bailey[/SIZE] [FONT="Arial"]The Main Event. Old Black Hat is fresh from not being included in last weeks show, surely an advantage against Steve Flash who went all out in his match with Grand Master Phunk last week. But will the champion be able to reach down within and prove to the world what sort of champion he is?[/FONT][/CENTER][/FONT] With last weeks card being fairly solid, I thought Phunk had to be in the card again, and with Bailey being one of the biggest heels in the promotion, it's only right he get a Main Event title shot. On top of the Whistler/Honest Frank storyline that started last week, I think it would be wise to use the main three guys in the company to compete over the world title, thus adding a new stoyline that my road agents have been hounding me over. I still know that 2 storylines isn't enough but I need to see how people work before I put them into feuds with one another. Quick Pick List- NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship Lee Wright vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond American Machine vs. Sammy The Shark NYCW Tag Team Championship Old School Principles vs. Wiley Coyote Grandmaster Phunk vs. Whistler NYCW Empire Championship Steve Flash vs. Black Hat Bailey
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NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship [B]Lee Wright[/B] vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond [B]American Machine [/B]vs. Sammy The Shark NYCW Tag Team Championship [B]Old School Principles [/B]vs. Wiley Coyote [B]Grandmaster Phunk [/B]vs. Whistler NYCW Empire Championship [B]Steve Flash [/B]vs. Black Hat Bailey
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NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship [B]Lee Wright[/B] vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond [B]American Machine[/B] vs. Sammy The Shark NYCW Tag Team Championship [B]Old School Principles[/B] vs. Wiley Coyote [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B] vs. Whistler NYCW Empire Championship [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Black Hat Bailey
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Quick Pick List- NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship [B]Lee Wright[/B] vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond American Machine vs. [B]Sammy The Shark[/B] NYCW Tag Team Championship [B]Old School Principles[/B] vs. Wiley Coyote [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B] vs. Whistler NYCW Empire Championship [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Black Hat Bailey
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[B]NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship[/B] [B]Lee Wright[/B] vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond [B]American Machine[/B] vs. Sammy The Shark NYCW Tag Team Championship [B]Old School Principles[/B] vs. Wiley Coyote [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B] vs. Whistler NYCW Empire Championship [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Black Hat Bailey
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[B]Saturday - Week 2- January[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Shows/NYCW-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Presents[/CENTER][/B][CENTER][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Shows/RushHourBanner.jpg[/IMG] Held at The Ministry in-front of a 382 Crowd [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/HerbStately-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/MarvEarnest_alt1-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/RockDownpour_alt1-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Downpour:[/B] “Welcome everyone, to NYCW’s second show of the year, it’s Rush Hour and tonight you know it’s going to be packed! With me as always Marv Earnest and Herb Stately and guys tonight is going to be huge.” [B]Earnest:[/B] “Last week was a great week for NYCW, a really strong way to kick off the New Year and tonight is going to be even bigger. All the titles are on the line tonight; Steve Flash after successfully defending the Empire Championship against Grand Master Phunk now has to do the same task against Black Hat Bailey, the Tag Team titles are on the line as The Old School Principles Rick Sanders and The Masked Mauler take on Wiley Steinway and Coyote Dynamite. Wiley Coyote fresh off a victory last week over The Sting, I can’t wait for that one.” [B]Stately:[/B] “You were talking about my man there though Black Hat Bailey, he is going to be the New Empire Champion tonight, I can feel it. You know he told me before we cam on the air that he is going to make Flash look like a completely different person he is going to beat him that badly.” [B]Downpour:[/B] “Well it is going to be one hell of a Main Event, but right now lets go to Triple D, Dazzling Dave Diamond, he is about to go one-on-one with Lee Wright for the Tri-State Regional Title.” [B]Stately:[/B] “I can feel it.” [CENTER][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/DazzlingDaveDiamond-1.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/FernHathaway-1.jpg[/IMG] Dazzling Dave Diamond hypes his upcoming singles match with Lee Wright. [/CENTER] [B]DDD:[/B] Woo boy I’ll tell you something, Triple D is here tonight to do what he does best and that’s hand outta whupin’ to my opponent who just happens to be Lee Wright and it just happens to be for the Tri-State Regional Championship, and wouldn’t the belt look just purdy over the gorgeous Fern Hathaway’s shoulder. I know ya’ll are sick of Lee Wright and his monotonous ways, he comes out here and tries to give reasoning as to why he is the champion. Last year, I’ll give it to him, he was a strong champion, he rassled with the best of em’. BUT, and this is a very big but, he has yet to tie it up with the baddest man in NYCW. So Lee, prepare yourself boy cos’ tonight Triple D is gonna get the 3! Now lets get the rasslin’ started!” Rating:[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_e-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 1[/B] [CENTER]Dazzling Dave Diamond w/ Fern Hathaway vs. Lee Wright (c) (NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship) [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/DazzlingDaveDiamond-1.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/FernHathaway-1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/LeeWright.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Titles/NYCW_TriState_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Lee Wright defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 7:51 by pinfall with a Wright Stuff. Lee Wright makes defence number [B]1[/B] of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title. [/CENTER] Even with the crowd behind him from his promo, DDD just couldn’t get the three. A very even match which was also very solid, Lee showed that even with his advancing years he can still hold his own, DDD has shown potential also. Although the rating wasn’t the highest, I am still proud of this match. Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_d-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Lee Wright is improving in Performance skills.[/I] [B]Match 2[/B] [CENTER]Sammy The Shark w/ Roger Dodger vs. American Machine w/ Cheerleader Nicki [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/SammyTheShark-1.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/RogerDodger_alt-1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/AmericanMachine-1.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/CheerleaderNicki-1.jpg[/IMG] Sammy The Shark defeated American Machine in 7:50 by pinfall with an Ace In The Hole following interference from Roger Dodger. [/CENTER] [B]Downpour:[/B] “A tainted win here fans, I can’t believe these guys, last week it was Honest Frank winningly cheaply and then adding insult to injury to Whistler. Now Sammy The Shark having to get Roger Dodger to hold down the legs of American Machine to pick up the win, it’s a disgrace!” [B]Earnest:[/B] “I have to admit, that was a cheap win, American Machine was very strong in that match, he deserved the win.” [B]Stately:[/B] “I don’t know what match you guys were watching. I saw Sammy dominating the match and I saw Cheerleader Nicki trying to distract Sammy so American Machine could get a cheap win.” [B]Downpour:[/B] “Cheerlea…you can’t be serious. Please tell me you are joking there, she was at ringside watching, nothing more.” [B]Stately:[/B] “She’s a jezebel, she’s a menace and she doesn’t belong at ringside.” [B]Downpour:[/B] “I don’t know how you can say that after what we have just witnessed.” [B]Stately:[/B] “Easy, listen and I will say it again… She’s a jezebel, she’s a menace and she doesn’t belong at ringside.” [B]Earnest:[/B] Well you two can argue about Cheerleader Nicki all you want but Sammy got the win tonight and American Machine will just need to try harder next time.” Even with a tainted win, to add some shock factor to the crowd, it still brought their mood down, it may not have been that much of a shock in fairness, but it was still something a little different. I think the Machine may need to start upping his game, this is 2 matches in a row he has brought the crowds mood down. A little disappointed with an E+ here but that’s how it goes. Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_eplus-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]Cheerleader Nicki did some good work at ringside. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/SteveFlash_alt1-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/BlackHatBailey-1.jpg[/IMG] Steve Flash is backstage getting warmed up for tonight’s match, when Black Hat Bailey walks up to him.[/CENTER] [B]Flash:[/B] “There a problem Bailey?” [B]Bailey:[/B] “Problem? No problem here Steve, just wanting to know what emotions you’re going through at the moment?” [B]Flash:[/B] “What the hell are you talking about?” [B]Bailey:[/B] “Well, you know tonight is going to be a big night for you.” [B]Flash:[/B] “A big night for me? Hows that?” [B]Bailey:[/B] “Because you’re going to have to fight me with a broken leg!” [CENTER]Bailey assaults Flash with a lead pipe and continues to hammer at his right leg. He departs leaving Flash clutching onto his leg and writhing in agony.[/CENTER] Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_c-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]The Steve Flash vs. BH Bailey vs. Grandmaster Phunk storyline has continued with this segment.[/I] [B]Match 3[/B] [CENTER]Old School Principles (c) vs. Wiley Coyote (NYCW Tag Team Championships) [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/RickSanders-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/TheMaskedMauler-1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/WileySteinway-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/CoyoteDynamite-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Titles/NYCW_Tag_alt.jpg[/IMG] Old School Principals defeated Wiley Coyote in 10:49 when Rick Sanders defeated Wiley Steinway by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. Old School Principals make defence number [B]1[/B] of their NYCW Tag Team titles. Wiley Coyote had a much better match than last week, though this may have been due to the gimmick change, I think this face tag team need something that fans can get behind and it is something a little different to the norm in this promotion. Very pleased with the Old School principles here both showing great signs of improvement and again it’s a shame that the crowds mood was brought down by what O thought was at the very least, a decent match. Perhaps it was just prolonged a little too long.[/CENTER] Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_dminus-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]Wiley Steinway has now switched to a Metalhead gimmick. Wiley Steinway was visibly tiring toward the end. Coyote Dynamite has now switched to a Metalhead gimmick. Coyote Dynamite was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Rick Sanders is improving in Flying skills. Rick Sanders is improving in Performance skills. The Masked Mauler is improving in Technical skills. The Masked Mauler is improving in Performance skills.[/I] [B]Downpour:[/B] “Well, Marv Earnest has gone down to the locker room to talk to Grandmaster Phunk about his match with Whistler, Marv.” [CENTER][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/GrandmasterPhunk-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Earnest:[/B] “Thank you Rock. Grandmaster Phunk, last week you lost your chance to become NYCW Empire Champion when you got pinned 1-2-3 by Steve Flash. Tonight you have to face a grizzled Whistler who also lost last week by a handful of tights.” [B]Phunk:[/B] “You know what E-Man, you don’t even need to bother askin’ me how I’m feeling about my loss or anything’ of dat there nature ‘cos I’m gonna make this short and sweet. Flash you and me have unfinished business but that can wait, tonight I…ME Grandmaster Phunk am not Main Eventing. Haha ya’ll don’t know how good you had it I bring the people to the arena, I put their asses on the seats! But that’s fine ‘cos tonight, I’m gonna make an example outta Whistler. They gonna need to stop calling him that actually ‘cos when I’m done with him, he gonna be screaming in agony! We done here!” Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_c-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match 4[/B] [CENTER]Grandmaster Phunk vs. Whistler [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/GrandmasterPhunk-1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/Whistler-1.jpg[/IMG] Grandmaster Phunk defeated Whistler in 12:58 by pinfall with a Phunkensteiner following interference from Honest Frank. Nothing spectacularly great here but a very decent match by two good workers. A highlight was when Whistler had Phunk in an abdominal stretch, 300+ fans shouting “scream louder” followed by a chorus of whistling can do a lot for a man’s momentum. Unfortunately for Whistler not enough as Phunk applied the Phunkensteiner after Honest Frank came down and hit the Frank-n-Hurter while Punk distracted the referee and just like that it was over. [/CENTER] Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_d-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]Whistler was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The Whistler vs. Honest Frank storyline has continued with this match. Whistler is improving in Performance skills.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/HonestFrank-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Earnest:[/B] “Frank now beating on an unconscious Whistler the match is over but he and Phunk still taking it to him and Whistler looks really hurt here guys.” [B]Downpour:[/B] “You know what Marv I don’t know what is going on here in NYCW but I don’t like it. This sort of thing has happened way too much recently I don’t know what’s going on here.” [B]Stately:[/B] “I like it. If you can’t beat a man bad enough during the match, do it afterwards.” Rrating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_dplus-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]The Whistler vs. Honest Frank storyline has continued with this segment.[/I] [B]Downpour: [/B]“You know what Herb, I’m so sick of this I’m not going to even going to waste my time and effort to argue with you it’s just a damn sha….” [B]Earnest:[/B] “Wait a minute who is that?!” [CENTER][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/LeadBelly-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Downpour:[/B] “That’s Lead Belly! Leady Belly coming to the ring running…running to the ring! And look at Phunk and Frank split there yes, justice…justice is starting to be served here.” [B]Earnest:[/B] “Phunk is long gone now, but look at Frank he is outside the ring shouting at Lead Belly here this is great.” [B]Stately:[/B] “A real man, he isn’t going to get pushed around by a brute like Lead Belly. Lead Belly is an idiot, he probably doesn’t realise he has turned up to the wrong promotion!” [B]Downpour:[/B] “Oh he knows alright! Lead Belly came to save Whistler!” Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_dminus-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]The Whistler vs. Honest Frank storyline has continued with this segment. This segment brought the crowd's mood down.[/I] [B]Match 5[/B] [CENTER]Steve Flash (c) vs. Black Hat Bailey (NYCW Empire Championship) [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/SteveFlash_alt1-1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/BlackHatBailey-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Titles/NYCW_Empire_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Steve Flash defeated Black Hat Bailey in 13:56 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defence number [B]2[/B] of his NYCW Empire title. Again, as it should be, the Main Event is the best match of the card, good performance skills form both Flash and Bailey really got the crowd involved, which was a necessity as they didn’t click in the match, a real shame as they could have produced something great here. Still a strong match though and Bailey is still improving in his performance skills, it could be seen here, the fans really gave him a lot of heat.[/CENTER] Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_dplus-1.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Workers/SteveFlash_alt1-1.jpg[/IMG] Having picked up the victory, Steve Flash celebrates in the ring.[/CENTER] [B]Downpour:[/B] “Standing up high, title in hand. Steve Flash is letting the fans know this win was for them.” [B]Stately:[/B] “So close, so close to a new champion I could feel it. I need to go see Bailey, he must be reeling!” [B]Earnest:[/B] “A great win again for Steve Flash, and he is delighted. Herb Stately has left us here ladies and gentlemen, he has gone to see Black Hat Bailey.” [B]Downpour:[/B] “Ah let him go we will stay here with our fans and see Steve Flash celebrate his victory…a true champion.” Final Rating: [IMG]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/richard_fox/NYCW%20Diary%20Match%20Images/grade_dminus-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]There was the general feeling that the show should really be offering more storylines to follow, given that it’s supposed to focus on the entertainment aspect of wresting. The show can be considered a success; it should have increased our popularity.[/I] Very comfortable show I thought, no-one expected Lead Belly to make an appearance, but I thought a popular guy who if turned face could get over very much with an American crowd by saving Whistler. It was a nice touch and the crowd didn’t seem to mind with a respectable D- rating which at this level is nothing to turn your nose up at, was a little disheartened that their mood was brought down though. I still believe it will turn out to be a wise investment, everyone loves biker gimmicks, well I know I do. Tri-State champ Lee Wright improving in Performance skills, he is showing that he isn’t the champ for nothing, still improving, still striving for more, although he is the heel, you’ve got to love him. Sammy The Shark and American Machine bringing the crowd’s mood down means I am going to have to look closely at Machine, this is 2 matches out of 2 though he hasn’t had the most exiting of opponents it is something I will bare in mind. Wiley Coyote quite solid tonight, though a change in gimmick was requested from the higher ups, apparently the previous crowd of 300 felt that Wiley Coyote were growing a bit stale. Well you just tell me what is stale about two ageing metalheads? Sanders and Mauler both improving in a couple of skills, have I got a couple of diamonds here hmm perhaps in Sanders, though what more can The Mauler do other than improve? Whistler and Phunk put on a decent match though it maybe shouldn’t have lasted as long as it did. I liked how a few segments gelled together for this match, and I liked the general ratings for all the segments that pieced it together. Always disappointing to know that your main event doesn’t click, but Flash and Bailey got the best rating they could and I was left happy enough, Flash celebrating at the end was good for the crowd to leave on a high note, he really is a people’s champion. So I have now run 2 shows, the first being better than the second which I wasn’t expecting but they both held their own and increased the popularity. Admittedly, I made the mistake of using a much bigger venue this time around but I need to see an ideal figure of attendance, it looks like I can get around 350 – 400 people so for now it looks like NYCW is going to have a home venue in the form of the Weston Gymnasium. This will also be a cheaper venue which leads to my financial burden; I have so far managed to lose just over [B]$8,000[/B] which I can’t afford to do. I was planning to do monthly shows anyway for now so my expense isn't on a weekly basis, it’s just a case of trying to find the balance. It certainly didn’t help matters that Stomper wanted a show straight away, but I could see where he was coming from. I also have to try and ration what is known as the big 4 of the promotion; Black Hat Bailey, Grand Master Phunk, Steve Flash and Whistler are all by far the highest paid workers, I need to try and think of a way in the coming months to get the most out of my cheaper talent while still using the name power of my big 4…joys. [B]Stomper:[/B] “Kid you’re doing good, some of the guys have told me they like your style, and no-one is feeling like they are being held down, good job.” [B]Me:[/B] “Thanks Stomper now abo…” [B]Stomper:[/B] “Now about our meeting. I think we need to have a sit down, me, you and our creative team, we will discuss how some of the guys are feeling if there are any negatives to say on their behalf, I think it would only benefit everyone involved.” [B]Me:[/B] “Yup.” [B]Stomper:[/B] “Well I ought to go, can’t get a word in edge ways with you around, heh that was a joke kid, you should lighten up more.”
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[B]Week 4 – January 2008[/B] January Meeting The first monthly meeting between myself, The Stomper and the creative team, I don’t have a clue what is taking place here today but I don’t have to wait long. [B]Stomper:[/B] “Ladies, gentlemen, thank you for gathering today, I’m sure most of you know why we are here but for the benefit of those who don’t, let’s just take it slow. Ok, first item on the agenda is who the crowd are really going for in NYCW at the moment, I don’t think there is any hiding it, Grand Master Phunk, Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash are our main guys at the moment. [B]Creative Team:[/B] “Yes we agree, Flash is our number one face at the moment but Phunk at Bailey are very even as the major heels of the promotion. Try and make these guys the main players Fox.” [B]Stomper:[/B] “I think we should also keep an eye out for the New York Doll I think with his age and ability he is already a hot prospect for us.” [B]Creative Team:[/B] “Good thinking boss, he has time on his side and can already put on a good match.” [B]Stomper:[/B] “I have liked what I have heard with Phunk so far also, he is doing some good work on the mic, I have also been watching Dodger and Honest Frank and their actions around the ring, they have good presence and good charisma.” [B]Creative Team:[/B] “We think Phunk, Frank and Dodger are the most charismatic members of the roster, we should really utilise that as much as possible.” [B]Stomper:[/B] “Finally, I have liked the work so far, of the big three previously mentioned they have a great ring presence and psychology, but I think at the moment Coyote Dynamite is really a ring general out there also, anyone think any differently?” [B]Creative Team:[/B] “…” [B]Me:[/B] “Well, I really think we have covered a lot of ground together here and I…” [B]Stomper:[/B] “I agree completely kid, I think this has been very productive, shall we leave it there then? Good, thanks everyone for coming out.” On that note, we all departed everyone going their separate ways, mine was to my office to finish off the card for A Bronx Tale. [SIZE="3"][CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Land Mass [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Arial Narrow"]DDD needs to pick up from his loss to Lee Wright but can he do it against the huge Land Mass who is working his first show this year?[/FONT] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]American Machine vs. New York Doll[/SIZE] [/FONT] [FONT="Arial Narrow"]This is also the Doll's first match this year, in contrast, American Machine has worked both shows, will the fresh Doll be able to capitalise?[/FONT] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Grandmaster Phunk & Honest Frank vs. Lead Belly and Whistler[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Arial Narrow"]Picking up from last month, Whistler is going to want some revenge on the two man assault, Belly is teaming to help the American hero whom he ran down to save last month.[/FONT] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Steve Flash & Wiley Coyote vs. Black Hat Bailey & Old School Principles[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Arial Narrow"]Champions on both teams, can the Empire champ and Wiley Coyote defeat the number 1 tag team in the promotion today and the man still bitter from his loss last month?[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE] Quick Pick List:- Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Land Mass American Machine vs. New York Doll Grandmaster Phunk & Honest Frank vs. Whistler & Lead Belly Steve Flash & Wiley Coyote vs. Black Hat Bailey & Old School Principles [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"]OOC: It will be a few days before I get round to posting the results etc. Fair bit of uni work to do as I have been ill the last few days, as soon as I am able to though, I will get it done. Cheers.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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