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GDS TEW Diary Awards 2008 Nomination Thread ***NOMINATIONS CLOSE DECEMBER 7***

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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Grey Dog Software Total Extreme Wrestling Diary Awards 2008[/SIZE] Nomination Thread[/B][/center] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Diary of the Year[/B][/COLOR] [I]The diary you think has been the best overall, over the course of 2008.[/I] Not voted on separately this year. The diary with the most votes from Real World and Cornellverse Diary of the Year will take the top prize instead. [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Real World Diary of the Year[/B][/COLOR] [I]Any diary outside of the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category.[/I] [thread=15014]ECW Worldwide[/thread] by Nevermore [thread=29001]WWE: The Next Generation[/thread] by iMac [thread=17926]WWE: Rebirth[/thread] by G-Prime [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Cornellverse Diary of the Year[/B][/COLOR] [I]Any diary in the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category.[/I] [thread=21524]USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free[/thread] by J-Silver [thread=29414]Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011[/thread] by NoNeck [thread=32191]MAW: 10 Simple Rules...[/thread] by James Casey [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Writer of the Year[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which writer put in the best effort this year? (Must be nominated in at least one other category)[/I] Nevermore iMac tristram Scapino1974 James Casey [COLOR="Blue"][B]Show of the Year[/B][/COLOR] [I]The best card of the year, PPV, TV, Live Event... Whatever.[/I] [post=428769]USPW All American Wrestling[/post] from USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get In For Free by J-Silver [post=412301]USPW[/post] [post=421525]Winter Epiphany [/post]from USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get In For Free by J-Silver [post=475190]ECW Heatwave[/post] from ECW Worldwide by Nevermore [post=523226]SWF Supreme Challange 31[/post] from Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011 by NoNeck [COLOR="Blue"][B]Indy Diary of the Year[/B][/COLOR] [I]Best diary about a non-national (or higher) promotion[/I] [thread=34251]EWA: Why No One Cares About Wrestling In Europe [/thread]by Comradebot [thread=32191]MAW: 10 Simple Rules...[/thread] by James Casey [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Most Compelling Character[/B][/COLOR] [I]Who you think is, overall, the best character this year.[/I] [thread=21524]Darryl Devine[/thread] from USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free by J-Silver [thread=15014]Raven[/thread] from ECW Worldwide by Nevermore [thread=32191]James Casey[/thread] from MAW: 10 Simple Rules... by James Casey [COLOR="Blue"][B]Best Promos[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which dynasty consistently has the best promos.[/I] [thread=21524]USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free[/thread] by J-Silver [thread=15014]ECW Worldwide[/thread] by Nevermore [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Best Match Write-Ups[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which dynasty has the best written up matches.[/I] [thread=14123]National Wrestling Alliance: A Return To Glory[/thread] by Wildfire1324 [thread=31201]WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"[/thread] by tristram [thread=32191]MAW: 10 Simple Rules...[/thread] by James Casey [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Promo of the Year[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which particular promo do you think was the best this year?[/I] [post=462038]DDP turns on WCW to join the NWO[/post] from WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW" by tristram [COLOR="Blue"][B]Match of the Year[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which match captured your attention the most this year?[/I] [post=374819]Darryl Devine vs. Bull Wrecker in a Tractor Trailer Match[/post] from Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011 by NoNeck [post=475190]AJ Styles vs Juventud Guerrera Title vs Mask[/post] from ECW Worldwide by Nevermore [post=515856]Kirk Jameson vs. Aaron Andrews[/post] from MAW 10 Simple Rules by James Casey [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Feud of the Year[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which feud captured your imagination the best this year?[/I] [thread=15014]Raven vs Burchill[/thread] from ECW Worldwide by Nevermore [thread=15014]Juventud and Francine's Romance[/thread] from ECW Worldwide by Nevermore [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Best Gimmick Match[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which new match concept did you think was best?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Best Presentation[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which diary made best use of graphics, video or websites?[/I] [thread=35327]SWF Generation Supreme[/thread] by Bigpapa42 [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Best Utilized Roster[/B][/COLOR] [I]Did anyone use their roster well, regardless of it's faults?[/I] [thread=31201]WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"[/thread] by tristram [thread=31963]Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone[/thread] by infinitywpi [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Best New Writer[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which writer that debuted this year do you think was best?[/I] iMac [COLOR="Blue"][B]Manager of the Year[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which manager earned his/her paycheck this year?[/I] [thread=32191]Sienna LeNoir[/thread] from MAW 10 Simple Rules by James Casey [COLOR="Blue"][B]Most Hated Wrestler[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which heel really got your blood boiling this year?[/I] [thread=15014]Raven[/thread] from ECW Worldwide by Nevermore [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Most Popular Wrestler[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which face could you not help but cheer?[/I] [thread=15014]Juventud Guerrera[/thread] in ECW Worldwide by Nevermore [thread=14123]Mr. Wrestling III[/thread] from National Wrestling Alliance: A Return To Glory by Wildfire1324 [thread=32191]Hugh de Aske[/thread] from MAW 10 Simple Rules by James Casey [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Rocky Maivia Award[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which wrestler couldn't you care less about IRL, but really enjoy in this dynasty?[/I] [thread=15014]Juventud Guerrera[/thread] in ECW Worldwide by Nevermore [thread=20017]Primus Allen[/thread] in MWA: This Means War! by Scapino1974 [thread=15014]Vito Thomaselli[/thread] in ECW Worldwide by Nevermore [thread=17926]Brian Kendrick[/thread] in WWE: Rebirth by G-Prime [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tag Team of the Year[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which tag team was your favourite this year?[/I] [thread=21524]Veteran Mentality[/thread] from USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free by J-Silver [thread=33304]Totally Einstein[/thread] in Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 by Tigerkinney [thread=32191]Team OMFGplosion[/thread] from MAW 10 Simple Rules by James Casey [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Stable of the Year[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which group, stable or team of more than two was your favourite this year?[/I] [thread=21524]Divinity[/thread] from USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free by J-Silver [thread=29001]Revolution[/thread] from WWE The Next Generation by iMac [thread=32191]The Firm[/thread] from MAW 10 Simple Rules by James Casey [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments[/B][/COLOR] [I]Who's backstage antics with the boss did you like best? Or who had the best internet reports?[/I] [thread=34192]TCW To The Brink And Beyond[/thread] by Hyde Hill NWA: [thread=35580]Georgia Championship Wrestling [/thread]/ [thread=35579]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/thread]... Territorial Resurgence! by Oldschool [thread=35327]SWF: Generation Supreme[/thread] by Bigpapa42 [thread=32191]MAW 10 Simple Rules[/thread] by James Casey [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Best Mod[/B][/COLOR] [I]Which mod have you enjoyed the most this year?[/I] Cornellverse by Adam Ryland [SIZE="3"] [B][U]Nomination Rules[/U][/B][/SIZE] Nominations must be posted with a link to the appropriate dynasty(ies) (or, for show-specific categories, a link to the post (not page)). No more than one nomination per category, per account. No exceptions. In order to make a nomination, an account must have at least 50 posts (to prevent dummies). You can not nominate yourself or your own dynasty. Except for Best Mod, and Best New Writer, but self-nominations require someone to second you. Any category with less than three nominees will be excluded from this year's awards. Any category with less than five nominees will be Gold Only. That is, there will be no award for second and third places. Nominations must be in by December 14, 2008 (AEST).
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It seems a bit of an excessive amount of categories, bit intimidating if anything to pick one of each. Not only that, I have absolutely no interest in real world diaries, so wouldn't have a clue about them, but i'd still like to vote for the various C-Verse selections.
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[quote=G-Prime;529580]43 views and no nominations? Come on guys.[/quote] Bit early to start begging for nominations :p At this stage (if others are the same position as me) have probably looked at this thread, started giving it some thought (if they'll care enough to vote) and probably post their nominations up later, whether it'll be in the next few days or right at the deadline on December 7th.
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Yeah, Primey, keep in mind you posted at midnight GMT and then asked why no-one had responded at 5:00am. If we ignore the fact that much like many other people I am actually pretty busy I wouldn't have been awake anyway. Relax, nominations will come. By the way, you have 2007 in the first thread, not 2008. EDIT: Also, I want to repeat my sentiments from last year and say I'm not a fan of these categories. The Rocky Maivia one is pointless in my opinion, because some people will not like people in RL that others do. For instance, I don't really know a lot of Vito Thomaselli but I love him in ECW Worldwide. However, if people are a fan of his they won't vote for him in this category because they do like him in real life, regardless of the diary. And you have best match write ups and best writer. You have best writer below national but not above. It seems like there are an unnecessary amount of categories. And please change the wording on it! Best Utilised Roster being described as "who uses the roster well, regardless of its faults" is a bit demeaning to whoever wins it, don't you think? However, as I mentioned each and every one of these issues last year and all were ignored I'm not expecting to see anything done about it.
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[QUOTE]In order to make a nomination, an account must have at least 50 posts (to prevent dummies).[/QUOTE] At first I thought you were calling low post count accounts stupid (dummy), than I realized your probably trying to avoid people using a bogus account to nominate themselves for something.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;529615] And please change the wording on it! Best Utilised Roster being described as "who uses the roster well, regardless of its faults" is a bit demeaning to whoever wins it, don't you think?[/QUOTE] I don't see how it's demeaning, it merely says that someone used a poor roster very well. I do recall your objection to the Rocky Maivia Award too, but I believe writers should be recognised for being able to take bland workers and making great characters out of them. Match Write-Ups is for a particular diary, Best Writer (a suggestion from mistaken) is overall. Indy Diary of the Year is a hold-over from D16NJD's DOTY 2006. Most of the nominees in the DOTY categories are bigger promotions, this is an award for the little guys. I realize it was late at night in some places, but 43 people took the time to view and then didn't reply at all, but that seems to be what generally happens on this board, isn't it?
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[QUOTE=Max Peck;529616]At first I thought you were calling low post count accounts stupid (dummy), than I realized your probably trying to avoid people using a bogus account to nominate themselves for something.[/QUOTE] That's exactly what I meant. I didn't want to set it too low, because it's easy to spam out, say 20 posts in the Dog Pound and a couple of 'KUTGW' posts in dynasties (although, those would probably be appreciated), and just rig the voting, but 50 seems like too much effort, and if you're willing to go to those lengths to cheat to win, you need to take a long hard look at yourself.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;529632]I don't see how it's demeaning, it merely says that someone used a poor roster very well. I do recall your objection to the Rocky Maivia Award too, but I believe writers should be recognised for being able to take bland workers and making great characters out of them. Match Write-Ups is for a particular diary, Best Writer (a suggestion from mistaken) is overall. Indy Diary of the Year is a hold-over from D16NJD's DOTY 2006. Most of the nominees in the DOTY categories are bigger promotions, this is an award for the little guys. I realize it was late at night in some places, but 43 people took the time to view and then didn't reply at all, but that seems to be what generally happens on this board, isn't it?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=keefmoon;529615]However, as I mentioned each and every one of these issues last year and all were ignored I'm not expecting to see anything done about it.[/QUOTE] Headbutts wall... I love predictability ;) Don't get too bent out of shape about it mate. You're asking people to nominate for a lot of categories, give people a chance to work out which they put above others and everything. Especially for stuff like Show Of The Year and that. Nevermore consistently cranks out great shows, I can't remember the name of the top of my head was his best. These things take time, and most people will have a look but have more important things to do than reply straight away. And surely it would be better for people to take time to nominate those they truly believe are best rather than rushing it? However, I'm gonna stop posting and stop wasting my time because you're going to think what you want to think anyway.
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There's a difference between 'ignoring' and 'disagreeing'. I have noted your disagreement with the categories in the past, I just disagree. I'm not getting bent out of shape, I'm merely explaining myself, because you've clearly taken offense to me running this the way I want, I was just trying to straighten things out. You are right about me being impatient though, I was just itching to get this thing going again.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;529637]I'm not getting bent out of shape, I'm merely explaining myself, because you've clearly taken offense to me running this the way I want, I was just trying to straighten things out.[/QUOTE] I've not taken offence to the way you're doing it, but what you have done is put a lot of what I think are unnecessary categories for an award thing for the whole year and bemoaned lack of responses, then when someone offers an alternative you've shot them down for the 2nd year in a row. Just saying, you can't get annoyed about lack of responses for what is based over such a long period with so many intricate categories that the majority of people won't know off the top of their heads. Especially after less than a day. If by the end of the week there aren't any responses then fair play, I'd be worried to. But it's day one.
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^ I second what keefmoon said. Revealing the nominations will be a long process atleast for me, and it will take days to even get half of the nominees chosen. I may have a Top 5 diaries in my mind right now, but it's hard to choose. And for a diary-newbie like myself (Just started reading diaries & did my own) I'm not going to post my nominees until someone has posted theirs: It's easier to think things over again when there's someones list from which to pick/compare to the list that I have. :rolleyes: I know it's my decision etc, and I'm not going to just copy someones list, but it would certainyl freshen my memory when I see what other people have chosen.
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Diary of the Year do I nominate for this? [B]Real World Diary of the Year[/B] thread=15014]Nevermore's - ECW World Wide[/thread] [SIZE="1"](I went with the obvious choice early :) )[/SIZE] [B]Cornellverse Diary of the Year[/B] thread=21524]J-Silvers: USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free[/thread] [SIZE="1"](This diary shall not be overlooked, despite updates drying up)[/SIZE] [B]Writer of the Year[/B] Nevermore [SIZE="1"](I kind of see this like best director and best picture. they don't have to go to the same person, but it makes sense when the do. and they almost always do)[/SIZE] [B]Show of the Year[/B] post=428769]USPW - All American Wrestling[/post] (the return of willaim Hayes, the wipping of Divinity, this card had it all!) [B]Indy Diary of the Year[/B] thread=34251] Comradebots - EWA: Why No One Cares About Wrestling In Europe [/thread] [size="1"](I love infinities work, but I think bot has done some quality work with the european indies in this one. also specail marks go out to both of Dmacks NYCW diaries!)[/size] Most Compelling Character Adeezy62! [size="1"]Final Answer![/size] [B]Best Promos[/B] thread=21524]J-silver USPW[/thread] [size="1"](specifically the FOOORCEEEE! Buy my Muirchandice)[/size] Best Match Write-Ups -pass- Promo of the Year -pass- [B]Match of the Year[/B] post=374819]Darryl Devine vs. Bull Wrecker -Tractor Trailer Match-[/post] [size="1"](I have to go find this one, I think it's Nonecks, and the E ripped it off, it's a brawl out side on top of a tractor trailer. MATCH OF THE FREAKING YEAR!!!)[/size] [B]Feud of the Year[/B] thread=15014]Raven vs Burchill from ECW World Wide[/thread] [size="1"](alot of good things go into that diary but this is one of the great things!)[/size] [B]Best Gimmick Match[/B] The buck stops here from ECW World Wide [size="1"](really STAPLE a dollar to your opponent to win? where does he come up with this stuff!)[/size] [B]Best Presentation[/B] Dse81's The New NWA [size="1"](one of my favorite diarys on here, even if have fallen a month or two behind in the reading. I love the lay out, and the change to his graphics has stepped up the presentation in the second half of this year)[/size] [B]Best Utilized Roster[/B] Tadition demands that you be welcomed to the coastal zone by Infinitywpi [size="1"](just like last year, one of the best usages of a roster, that never gets credit they deserve. he won this honor last year and I still think there is none better)[/size] [B]Best New Writer[/B] Dse81 First show posted 10-2-2007 (let me know if you don't count him as new) [size="1"](amazing write ups, a great layout and only a single diary since he started posting. you site are my best new writer!)[/size] Manager of the Year -pass- [B]Most Hated Wrestler[/B] thread=15014]ecw world wide's Raven![/thread] [size="1"](hands down no contest!)[/size] [B]Most Popular Wrestler[/B] thread=15014]ecw world wide's Juvi Guerrera[/thread] [size="1"](the whole angle with francine is something I think the E should take lessons from on how to run a soap opera angle in wrestling)[/size] [B]Rocky Maivia Award[/B] thread=15014]Ecw world wide's Juvi Guerrera[/thread] [size="1"](see above0[/size] [B]Tag Team of the Year[/B] thread=21524]Veteran Mentality - Jsilvers USPW[/thread] [B] Stable of the Year[/B] thread=21524]Divinity - J-silvers USPW[/thread] [size="1"](the antic of this group were just over the top, cold heartless, I think No Necks heel group (sorry don't remember their name) from earlier this year also runs a close second for being so black hearted)[/size] [B]Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments[/B] thread=34192]Hyde Hill's - TCW To The Brink And Beyond[/thread] [size="1"](the whole behind the scene wrestling intro to this one. really got me hooked on a diary that had some great Ideas and ended way to soon!)[/size] Best Mod -pass- Done!
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;529660]Don't forget your links ;)[/QUOTE] let me get the noms out there, and then I promise to post the links up for you. I'll even do it in a thread=XXXXX] some typing [/thread] so all you have to do is copy and paste, and throw in the "[" to use them. :p
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[B][COLOR=black]Real World Diary of the Year[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]iMac's WWE: The Next Generation[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][URL][/URL][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]This is one of the best out there, and it has an amazing quality considering how prolific it is.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Cornellverse Diary of the Year[/COLOR] ?????? [B][COLOR=black]Writer of the Year[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]iMac's WWE: The Next Generation[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][URL][/URL][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Show of the Year[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Indy Diary of the Year[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Most Compelling Character[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Best Promos[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Best Match Write-Ups[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]Wildfire1324's NWA: A Return to Glory[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][URL][/URL][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Promo of the Year[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Match of the Year[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Feud of the Year[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Best Gimmick Match[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Best Presentation[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Best Utilized Roster[/COLOR][/B] mistaken's Money To Burn: 1 Year of Wrestling [URL][/URL] Any one that runs a small fed with a show everynight has to be good at managing their roster [B][COLOR=black]Best New Writer[/COLOR][/B] iMac (First post Jan 14, 2008) [COLOR=black]Manager of the Year[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Most Hated Wrestler[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Most Popular Wrestler[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]MISTER WRESTLING from Wildfire1324's NWA: A Return to Glory[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][URL][/URL][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Rocky Maivia Award[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Tag Team of the Year[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Stable of the Year[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]Oldschool's Territorial Resurgence[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][URL][/URL][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][URL][/URL][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Best Mod[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Will probably add more later[/COLOR]
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To be completed later... [B]Real World Diary of the Year[/B] Not much of a real world reader, so I can't vote on this [B]Cornellverse Diary of the Year[/B] NoNeck's [URL=""]Secret's Of The Ring Vol. II[/URL] [B]Writer of the Year[/B] Scapino1974 for [URL=""]MWA: This Means War[/URL]. Consistency, volume of posts, an overarching storyline and a fed that started almost from nothing. The bulk of this diary may have been written in 2007, but as someone who didn't start with it until this year, I have to say that overall it's the best on the board. [B]Show of the Year[/B] USPW: Winter Epiphany from J Silver's diary [URL=""]Pt. 1[/URL] [URL=""]Pt. 2[/URL] The Masked Man vs. Darryl Devine! An awesome finish! Just downright fantastic. [B]Most Compelling Character[/B] [URL=""]Darryl Devine[/URL]. J Silver created a legend in this character. Let's be honest, he came up with a face who cheated on his girlfriend who only turned heel when he cheated on the [I]second[/I] girl, who went on to dominate the company after rising from the undercard, who cut some great promos [B]Rocky Maivia Award[/B] Primus Allen in Scapino's [URL=""]MWA: This Mean's War![/URL]. Yes, he's a Cornellverse character, but Scapino scored a winner with his 'streak' storyline. I honestly can't think of anyone else who's made the guy even halfway as interesting [B]Tag Team of the Year[/B] [URL=""]Totally Einstein[/URL] in Tigerkinney's FCW diary. Great concept, great name, and a short-lived but great run. [B]Stable of the Year[/B] Divinity in [URL=""]J Silver's epic[/URL] dominated the promotion and were involved in the hottest storylines, best matches and often the funniest/best segments as well. [B]Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments[/B] Bigpapa42's [URL=""]SWF: Generation Supreme[/URL] gets this for the 'random thoughts' segments. J Silver and Scapino pushed him close, but Bigpapa's segments were unique. [I]More to come...[/I]
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