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GDS TEW Diary Awards 2008 Nomination Thread ***NOMINATIONS CLOSE DECEMBER 7***

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I will fill in my nominations sometime tommorow Real World Diary of the Year Any diary outside of the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. [B]Nomination: Wildfire's NWA Return to Glory/Beyond Glory[/B] [url][/url] Cornellverse Diary of the year Any diary in the C-Verse that you think is the best in is category [B]Nomination: James Casey MAW 10 simple rules[/B] [url][/url] Writer of the Year Which writer put in the best effort this year? (Must be nominated in at least one other category) Nomination: [B]Imac[/B] [url][/url] Show of the Year The best card of the year, PPV, TV, Live Event... Whatever. Nomination: Indy Diary of the Year Best diary about a non-national (or higher) promotion Nomination: Most Compelling Character Who you think is, overall, the best character this year. [B]Nomination: Wildfire's NWA return to glory/beyond glory: Mr. Wrestling III Not only did he chase Mark Magnus away from the NWA, he managed to keep his mask and win the NWA World Title[/B] Best Promos Which dynasty consistently has the best promos. [B]Nomination: Wildfire's NWA return to Glory/Beyond Glory[/B] [url][/url] Best Match Write-Ups Which dynasty has the best written up matches. Nomination: Promo of the Year Which particular promo do you think was the best this year? Nomination: Match of the Year Which match captured your attention the most this year? [B]Nomination: Nevermore: ECW Worldwide Owen Hart defeats Raven for ECW world Title[/B] [url][/url] Feud of the Year Which feud captured your imagination the best this year? Nomination: Best Gimmick Match Which new match concept did you think was best? Nomination: Best Presentation Which diary made best use of graphics, video or websites? [B]Nomination: Marcel Fromage 21cw Style over substance[/B] [url][/url] Best Utilized Roster Did anyone use their roster well, regardless of it's faults? Nomination: Best New Writer Which writer that debuted this year do you think was best? Nomination: [B]Imac (I know his WWE diary started in January and probably has been most consistant over the year)[/B] [url][/url] Manager of the Year Which manager earned his/her paycheck this year? Nomination: Most Hated Wrestler Which heel really got your blood boiling this year? [B]Nomination: Nevermore/ECW Worldwide: Raven[/B] Most Popular Wrestler Which face could you not help but cheer? [B]Nomination: Wildfire NWA Return to Glory/Beyond Glory: Mr. Wrestling III[/B] [url][/url] Rocky Maivia Award Which wrestler couldn't you care less about IRL, but really enjoy in this dynasty? [B]Nomination: Wildfire's NWA Return to glory/beyond Glory: Steve Corino Not that Corino is a wrestler I dont care about, as he is one of my favorites, but here is a guy best known for his ECW stint 7 years ago who Wildfire has made the center of attention in his NWA dynasty... The leader of the extreme horsemen and a 2 time world champion who is always in main event slots[/B] Tag Team of the Year Which tag team was your favourite this year? [B]Nomination: Rising Sun Wrecking Crew (Takeshi Morishima & Sotoshi Kojima) Wildfire's NWA return to glory/beyond glory[/B][url][/url] Stable of the Year Which group, stable or team of more than two was your favourite this year? [B]Nomination: Wildfire's NWA Return to Glory/beyond Glory The Entourage They are not main eventers (except maybe Colt Cabana) but they bring the comedy to NWA with Elijah Burke, Michael Murphy and The Blue Meanie[/B] Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments Who's backstage antics with the boss did you like best? Or who had the best internet reports? Nomination: Best Mod Which mod have you enjoyed the most this year? Nomination:
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;534128]To everyone who doesn't read Cornellverse diaries: Take a look at the recent pages of Welcome to the Coastal Zone (aka Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed...). After all, why only use half your vote? :)[/QUOTE] Agree that there are some great CornellVerse diaries on here. I can understand the initial appeal of real world diaries, but you are missing on some great writing. infinitywpi's CZCW diary is a great one. J Silver's USPW, NoNeck's SWF, Dragonmack's CGC, Tigerkinney's FCW, and James Casey's MAW are the cream of the CornellVerse crop in my opinion.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;534786]Agree that there are some great CornellVerse diaries on here. [B]I can understand the initial appeal of real world diaries, but you are missing on some great writing[/B]. infinitywpi's CZCW diary is a great one. J Silver's USPW, NoNeck's SWF, Dragonmack's CGC, Tigerkinney's FCW, and James Casey's MAW are the cream of the CornellVerse crop in my opinion.[/QUOTE] I'm assuming of course you aren't suggesting there isn't some great writing in real world diaries?
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[QUOTE=tristram;534889]I'm assuming of course you aren't suggesting there isn't some great writing in real world diaries?[/QUOTE] No, there are some fantastically written real world diaries as well. They both offer some great creativity and great reading. I just think that somoe people don't give the CornellVerse diaries much of, if any, chance. They think there's nothing to get attached to as there's no real workers, no one that they've actually seen in real life. They may not realize that they are missing some great diaries. Perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe everyone who doesn't read the CornellVerse diaries has given them a chance at some point and found them not to their liking. I just hope its that and not bothering.
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I think it's the other way, friend. I say that when I look at the two best on the boards in terms of real world in keefmoon's FMTA and nevermore's ECW, they don't get the responses they deserve. I have seen some shows from the aforementioned get one or two responses where they've spent a long time booking and writing, and for a comparable (IE fantastic show) I reckon you could treble the responses on a cornellverse diary. I fully admire the cornellverse writers, they do a fantastic job. I just don't see any favouritism or bias to the real world writers. As a matter of fact, I simply commend anyone who has the tenacity and creativity to survive in the diary writing game, it's a lot of hard work, there's a lot of creative geniuses out there simmering away, in both r/w and c/verse. Cheers
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[QUOTE=tristram;534895]I think it's the other way, friend. I say that when I look at the two best on the boards in terms of real world in keefmoon's FMTA and nevermore's ECW, they don't get the responses they deserve. I have seen some shows from the aforementioned get one or two responses where they've spent a long time booking and writing, and for a comparable (IE fantastic show) I reckon you could treble the responses on a cornellverse diary. I fully admire the cornellverse writers, they do a fantastic job. I just don't see any favouritism or bias to the real world writers. As a matter of fact, I simply commend anyone who has the tenacity and creativity to survive in the diary writing game, it's a lot of hard work, there's a lot of creative geniuses out there simmering away, in both r/w and c/verse. Cheers[/QUOTE] Entirely possible. I'm just going by the numbers of times I've seen people comment about not reading CornellVerse diaries. I've seen it a couple of times in this thread and I've seen the comment made elsewhere. Where as I can't think of one occasion where someone specifically made mention they avoid real world diaries. But I do agree that the amount of work involved in putting together a good, well-written diary is to be commended, regardless of the writers choice in subjects.
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As I said in my nomination post, "I don't read real world diaries" at all. :D [quote=FINisher;533163] Real World Diary of the Year Any diary outside of the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. I don't read RW diaries so no nomination from me, sorry guys. [/quote] But that's just me. I can't get into them, like I can't play real world mods.
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Fair enough FINisher (by the way would love to see your country one day, want to get up into Scandanavia). It's also mentioned by two others also. That's entirely their prerogative. Some folks don't like r/w and some don't like c/v. Some won't vote on one or the other for that reason. Overall, I certainly don't feel c/v writers are undervalued, I think the best ones are very highly favoured and get consistently high response ratios, I'd suggest well higher than r/w ones. That's just the lay of the land, as far as I'm concerned the very best of that lot deserve that recognition and response rate. I'd like to see keefmoon and nevermore get more recognition, but that's only because I'm avid fans of their work.
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I see what BigPapa and the "C-Verse guys" are saying. There are people who don't read C-Verse because they can't get in to it. They like a universe they know and read up on it, much the same that some people don't read DOTT because they can't relate as they didn't experience it. On the other hand, though, there are people that will read C-Verse and not RW because they don't like them either. It is a two way street. I agree with Tristram about the responses. CV gets an awful lot more responses and predicitons than RW. Seriously, if you don't believe me do the background reserach. Look at Tristram, who has had 2 of the most viewed diaries ever on here, and has had one prediction for his PPV and it was posted days ago. A PPV he has built towards incredibly well. Whereas CV writers get a load of responses just because people like CV. And believe me, as a guy who organised and ran the Hall Of Fame, more people vote for CV and RW. Honestly. Everyone gets 3 votes, and CV gets more votes, it's just more spread whereas RW is generally precise on a couple of really good ones, hence why myself, Tristram, Nevvy have gotten in. But in a way, that sorta proves my point too. There is a lot of support in CV, but a more concentrated support in RW, just not a very vocal one. In fact, so unvocal (sure that's not a word, but whatever) that I have stopepd several times due to being sick of putting in so much effort to so little response. Tristram has PM'd me to say he's getting sick of it. iMac was considering stopping too. What I'm getting at is that both have issues with people liking the alternative. People who don't read CV are missing out for sure. As it goes, I think yours, BigPapa is top notch stuff. I'm actually intimidated by J-Silvers USPW because I don't think I'll be ever able to match it. But with the same token, people not reading RW are missing out too. iMac has a great diary at the moment, Tristram consistently pumps out excellence show after show and if you haven't read Nevvy's epic ECW one then honestly you don't know what you are missing. It's a two way street and both CV and RW authors are affected by it. It's two different types of fanbases, but there are people in both who won't check the other categories stuff out. EDIT: By the way, thank you so, so much Sarcasm. Very kind words indeed. And Oldschool, I think you accidentily copied Sarcasms too much as you have me as DOTY but I expect it's a mistake. Not that I'm complaining!
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;534953]There is a lot of support in CV, but a more concentrated support in RW, just not a very vocal one. In fact, so unvocal (sure that's not a word, but whatever) that I have stopepd several times due to being sick of putting in so much effort to so little response. Tristram has PM'd me to say he's getting sick of it. iMac was considering stopping too. [/QUOTE] Exactly. My diary's been going since since May 07, and of the 438 posts, 323 are mine. Scotland's offered predictions etc. a fair bit recently (22 posts), but other than that I've not really had people regularly respond and it's hard to be motivated. I only reason I kept on with it was because it's making me more emotionally invested in the game and I'm enjoying playing/writing it up, but it's hard to be motivated after putting in effort for 18 months and not getting a lot of responses.
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I would suggest that part of it is combating the preconceived notions of the characters we have in our head vs. the ones on the page. However, it does seem to be a peculiarity of this site. Every other forum with diary section I've been on has been RW centric, and when people do use fictitious feds they're almost always set in the RW. My own take on it is basically that people seem to see WWE/TNA as the easy option - and a lot of diaries begun with RW, well, aren't much good. I love a good RW diary but there's some out there that just don't work. That's not to say that there aren't good RW diaries. Nevermore's ECW is a recognised classic. FMTA and WWE: Rebirth are two that I've enjoyed immensely (although, sadly, fallen so far behind on that I'd have to make a real effort to get back into). I'd also suggest that the longer-running diaries are a real commitment to make a start on. Can you reasonably comment on Nevermore's early shows (and thus show an investment in the diary) when you know that you're a [I]thousand[/I] posts behind the current day? It's taken me almost three weeks to get reasonably caught up on Tigerkinney's FCW diary - and he's about four pages further on from when I started. How long would it take me to read all of ECW? One other thing that may just be my experience, but that does put me off... I find that RW diaries are often presented in a manner that doesn't appeal to me. I don't know what it is, but there's one or two famous diaries on here, for example, that whenever I try and read them I get to the end of the first page and its been a real struggle. I can't ever remember having that with a CV diary, and I can't put my finger on why it is. The only possibility I can think of is that the RW is so well established in the author's mind that they try and do too much with the diary too soon... but I'm not certain about that...
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I decided some time back that I would only read Cornellverse, because in general I just couldn't get into Real World diaries for a variety of reasons. The main stickler is that I already have an idea of what the people are like/how much they should be pushed, due to being familar with them in real life. I'll confess that I did try to read an ROH diary about a month back (being an ROH fan), but I gave up after the first read through because the writer had brought in a whole bunch of new people and giving pushes to guys over those who are established as the star performers in ROH for real. It's also a matter of finding the time to read so many good diaries, there's even some good Cornellverse one's I've passed over [I](James Casey's MAW diary being the prime example- though i'm making a concerted effort to try and catch up with that one)[/I] nevermind reading real-world on top of that,simply because there's not enough hours in the day and that believe it or not my life consists of more than writing/reading fantasy wrestling diaries on the interweb. :p
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[QUOTE=James Casey;534970] FMTA and WWE: Rebirth are two that I've enjoyed immensely (although, sadly, fallen so far behind on that I'd have to make a real effort to get back into).[/QUOTE] Good thing I've stalled on the sequel then, plenty of time to catch up ;) (I'll post RAW soon, honest...)
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[B][CENTER]Grey Dog Software Total Extreme Wrestling Diary Awards 2008[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-Nomination Thread-[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Real World Diary of the Year[/B] I’m sure someone will beat me to it, but I’m going to jump onboard and second or third Nevermore’s ECW opus. It is without question moving toward “historic” territory, being regarded as one of the board’s best of all-time. [url][/url] [B]Cornellverse Diary of the Year[/B] Easily THE toughest, most difficult decision to make on this ballot/form/thing, and I assure you it took a great deal of thought. And honestly, I had to whittle it down from like three or four great diaries; there are a ton of great writers on here, eh? Anyway, I think that James Casey’s MAW diary covers every base, dots every “i”, and really fits the bill of what I believe the best diary on the boards should be. Pretenders take note! [url][/url] [B]Writer of the Year[/B] Tigerkinney I’m certain that I read in someone else’s nomination form that splitting the best diary/best writer vote was akin to splitting the best picture/best director statues at the Oscars. Consider it done. :) [url][/url] [B]Show of the Year[/B] J-Silver’s USPW Winter Epiphany. I bet you were just as psyched to see that show get posted as I was, weren’t you? [B]Indy Diary of the Year[/B] Phantom Stranger’s Philly Pro Power Wrestling. A fabulous newer offering that deserves praise and recognition. What my diary would be if I could go back and start again. [B]Most Compelling Character[/B] Darryl Devine – J-Silver’s USPW [B]Best Promos[/B] Dragonmack – What I wish my promos were like; direct, character/storyline selling goldmines. [B]Best Match Write-Ups[/B] Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society - Tigerkinney Both of Tigerkinney’s C-Verse diaries have what I believe to be the best match writing on the board. I think his FCW stuff is even easier to follow than the old Japanese stuff; just his talent fine tuning itself over time I guess. [B]Promo of the Year[/B] n/a [B]Match of the Year[/B] Andrews vs. Jamison – James Casey’s MAW [B]Feud of the Year[/B] Devine vs. Mystery Man – J-Silver’s USPW [B]Best Gimmick Match[/B] n/a [B]Best Presentation[/B] Can anyone touch Marcel Fromage’s graphic stuff? Really? [B]Best Utilized Roster[/B] This question is weird. [B]Best New Writer[/B] FINisher - Wait, is FIN new? [B]Manager of the Year[/B] Seduction - J-Silver's USPW [B]Most Hated Wrestler[/B] Darryl Devine- J-Silver’s USPW [B]Most Popular Wrestler[/B] Juvi Guerrera – Nevermore’s ECW- The benefit of being in a great storyline. [B]Rocky Maivia Award[/B] Paul Burchill – Nevermore’s ECW. And all the ‘E could come up with for him was a pirate gimmick and an incest/sister-lover gimmick that they backed away from before its payoff? Nevvy 1 Vince -2 [B]Tag Team of the Year[/B] n/a [B]Stable of the Year[/B] J-Silver’s Divinity is a popular pick, but I think Dragonmack’s ELITE stable in his CGC diary is as good or better. Especially considering the way it evolved over their run. The main heels are always the most important piece in the CGC success scheme; D-Mack’s is the best blueprint. [B]Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments[/B] A tough, tough choice because, as it turns out, this is apparently a hallmark of many of my favorite diaries. I had never really noticed that before. Interesting. Anyway, with overwhelming apologies to Bigpapa42’s SWF, which has some really outstanding writing going on in-between shows (not to mention, in show), I think that James Casey’s MAW should get the recognition. It’s so well done and part of the story that it almost seems wrong to call it ‘kayfabe breaking’ because it is the essence of the whole tale. [B]Best Mod[/B] F*ck mods; Original C-Verse 4 LIFE!!!! (Just kidding, I like Derek B’s 97 mod, I’ll nominate that, thank you)[/I] :):D:)
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[QUOTE=tristram;534923]Overall, I certainly don't feel c/v writers are undervalued, I think the best ones are very highly favoured and get consistently high response ratios, I'd suggest well higher than r/w ones. [/QUOTE] Don't know that that's the case. Tigerkinney, yeah. J Silver, yeah. Dragonmack? James Casey? Bigpapa? All people who have a major readership by views (as do the comparable RW diaries) and who've complained on a number of occasions recently that they get very ittle response - and those complaints were justified. And, as someone who won last month's rookie diary, that winner seldom gets more than two predictions, and rarely gets people commenting on the show or the behind-the-scenes. It happens; my Ring of Fire diaries virtually never got responses, so I'm used to it. I think a lot of this is grass-is-always-greener-on-the-other-side. For myself, there are very few RW diaries I pay attention to for one simple reason - I find myself looking at a given diary and thinking 'that's not how (say) Scott Steiner talks. His speech patterns in promo are pretty well established, and that doesn't fit... Wait, is that meant to be CORNETTE? I mean, come on!' Or, of course, the opposite: "Jesus Christ, people, JR doesn't actually work the word 'slobberknocker' into every match. King occasionally goes a whole SHOW without mentioning puppies." So the RW diaries have to get past an extra hurdle - I have to be able to read what's done with the wrestlers and accept that, yeah, they talk like that. In the Cornellverse, I haven't spent years watching these guys. I'm not familiar with the exact ways they talk. So I can let that slide easier and just get a feel for how the writer handles them. I do read a number of RW diaries, but it's smaller for more or less that reason.
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;535105][B]Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments[/B] A tough, tough choice because, as it turns out, this is apparently a hallmark of many of my favorite diaries. I had never really noticed that before. Interesting. Anyway, with overwhelming apologies to Bigpapa42’s SWF, which has some really outstanding writing going on in-between shows (not to mention, in show), I think that James Casey’s MAW should get the recognition. It’s so well done and part of the story that it almost seems wrong to call it ‘kayfabe breaking’ because it is the essence of the whole tale.[/QUOTE] I'll never forget this, NoNeck! Never! Just kidding. Its nice to get some degree of recognition. Have to agree with Stranger about the lack of feedback even on CV diaries. I think its a problem that writers of either style run into. For example, I never realized how much people liked the Avatar/backstage segments I do. I had a couple comments in the diary itself, but it was because of these nomination threads that I realized just how much people like those segments. In my diary, I can't say I don't get any feedback at all. But it comes sporadically. You'll get a few posts in that regard, and then nothing for awhile, and you start to wonder if the interest has fallen off or what. A big part of the reason I started doing the predictions game is just to get a bit of feedback. I never intended to turn the initial comments into the a CV vs RW debate. Great diaries come in both forms.
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Part 2... [B]Indy Diary of the Year[/B] McShamrock's [URL=""]PSW[/URL] - if this isn't really Monkeypox in disguise, it's a masterful homage [B]Best Promos[/B] NoNeck's [URL=""]SotR[/URL] in particular Jack Bruce's promos are awesome [B]Promo of the Year[/B] Can't pick one, so I'll just note that the pairing of Cameron Vessey and Davey Wayne in J Silver's USPW diary never ceased to deliver the goods. [B]Feud of the Year[/B] Valiant vs. Jack Bruce in [URL=""]SotR[/URL] [B]Best Presentation[/B] Marcel Fromage - [URL=""]UEW[/URL] or [URL=""]21CW[/URL] [B]Most Hated Wrestler[/B] Hard for me to look beyond Eric Eisen in NoNeck's [URL=""]SotR[/URL] - a consummate scumbag [B]Most Popular Wrestler[/B] Mainstream Hernandez in Tigerkinney's [URL=""]FCW[/URL] diary kept the faith - although as I'm catching up he looks like he may be losing it... [B]Best Mod[/B] Derek_b's 1997 CV mod is very good indeed.
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[quote=NoNeck;535105][B][CENTER]Grey Dog Software Total Extreme Wrestling Diary Awards 2008[/CENTER] [/B] [B][CENTER]-Nomination Thread-[/CENTER] [/B] [I] [B]Best New Writer[/B] FINisher - Wait, is FIN new? [/I][/quote] Yes, I am. Debuted approximitaly in June of this year I think, with WEXXV diary being my first ever. Thank you very much of the nomination, highly appreciated. :o
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Real World Diary of the Year Any diary outside of the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. Nomination: Cornellverse Diary of the Year Any diary in the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. Nomination: infinitywpi's Tradition Dictates That you Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone [url][/url] Writer of the Year Which writer put in the best effort this year? (Must be nominated in at least one other category) Nomination: Show of the Year The best card of the year, PPV, TV, Live Event... Whatever. Nomination: Indy Diary of the Year Best diary about a non-national (or higher) promotion Nomination: eayragt's CZCW '97- A Coastal Zone Even Back Then [url][/url] Most Compelling Character Who you think is, overall, the best character this year. Nomination: Best Promos Which dynasty consistently has the best promos. Nomination: Best Match Write-Ups Which dynasty has the best written up matches. Nomination: Promo of the Year Which particular promo do you think was the best this year? Nomination: Match of the Year Which match captured your attention the most this year? Nomination: Feud of the Year Which feud captured your imagination the best this year? Nomination: Best Gimmick Match Which new match concept did you think was best? Nomination: Best Presentation Which diary made best use of graphics, video or websites? Nomination: Best Utilized Roster Did anyone use their roster well, regardless of it's faults? Nomination: Best New Writer Which writer that debuted this year do you think was best? Nomination: Manager of the Year Which manager earned his/her paycheck this year? Nomination: Most Hated Wrestler Which heel really got your blood boiling this year? Nomination: Most Popular Wrestler Which face could you not help but cheer? Nomination: Rocky Maivia Award Which wrestler couldn't you care less about IRL, but really enjoy in this dynasty? Nomination: Tag Team of the Year Which tag team was your favourite this year? Nomination: Stable of the Year Which group, stable or team of more than two was your favourite this year? Nomination: Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments Who's backstage antics with the boss did you like best? Or who had the best internet reports? Nomination: Best Mod Which mod have you enjoyed the most this year? Nomination:
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[B]Real World Diary of the Year[/B] Any diary outside of the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. [B]Nomination:[/B] Pass on this one, as I don't really read Real World enough to make a proper judgement. [B]Cornellverse Diary of the Year[/B] Any diary in the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. [B]Nomination:[/B] Dragonmack's: The David Mack Chronicles: The CGC Era [url][/url] A consitently excellent diary, D-Mack has struck gold again, after his strong NYCW diary last year. [B]Writer of the Year[/B] [B]Nomination: [/B]No Neck Every show he writes feels like an event not to be missed, even the regular T.V Shows but it's with the PPV's where he really up's his game [B]Show of the Year[/B] The best card of the year, PPV, TV, Live Event... Whatever. Nomination: My two obvious choices in J Silvers Winter Epiphany for his USPW diary and Supreme Challenge 31 from No Neck's diary have already been nominated I believe but I'm going to put a nod towards the DeColt Wrestle Festival- Show 1 from D-Mack's CGC diary ( [URL][/URL]) This featured a great World Title match and an excellent blow off match to one of the best feud's in any diary the brother vs brother feud between Steve DeColt and Jack DeColt. [B]Indy Diary of the Year[/B] Best diary about a non-national (or higher) promotion [B]Nomination:[/B] Finisher's- BBW: Start A War, Chapter II (C'Verse 97) [URL][/URL] Finisher has got the feel for a garbage promotion spot on with a mix of wrestle-crap and OTT matches and that's a good thing ! [B]Most Compelling Character[/B] Who you think is, overall, the best character this year. [B]Nomination:[/B] I'll give a joint vote here and its for both Jack Bruce and Valiant from No Neck's Secret's of the Ring Volume II [URL][/URL] [I]The shades of grey characterisation during this pairings rivalry has seen some absolutely masterful writing.[/I] [B]Best Promos[/B] Which dynasty consistently has the best promos. [B]Nomination:[/B] Throwing some more love the way of No Neck for his Secrets of the Ring Volume II [B]Best Match Write-Ups[/B] Which dynasty has the best written up matches. [B]Nomination:[/B] Sadly he seems to have slowed down but the match writing in Trekkiemonsta's : WLW Because Dancing is Cool has always been consistently good. [URL][/URL] [B]Promo of the Year[/B] Which particular promo do you think was the best this year? [B]Nomination:[/B] This is one of those categories, that I'm afraid to day I'm too lazy to look into, there's probably been some great promo's but that would mean having to re-read loads of diaires, and as good as they were the first time, I simply don't have the time. [B]Match of the Year[/B] Which match captured your attention the most this year? [B]Nomination: [/B]Koshiro Ino vs Emerald Angel (Squirrels Tour- Show #5) from Trekkiemonsta's WLW diary [URL][/URL] This wasn't a major marquee match or anything, but I just really loved this match, a really well put together little-man/big-man contest. Feud of the Year Which feud captured your imagination the best this year? Nomination: Bruce-Valiant in No Neck's SWF diary has been great, but in terms of physical altercation that's got a long way to go yet. My vote goes to the feud between Jack and Steve DeColt in Dragonmack's CGC diary, this was perfectly crafted feud right from the seeds being sown with Jack over-protecting his girlfriend Hotstuff Marie to the Brutal Buried Alive match at De Colt Wrestle Festival Day 1 that finally ended a feud D-Mack will find hard to top. [URL][/URL] - I think from this page on is where the seeds of the feud really start to get sown. Best Gimmick Match Which new match concept did you think was best? [B]Nomination:[/B] Can't think of anything right now, that I've not kind of seen already in wrestling. [B]Best Presentation[/B] Which diary made best use of graphics, video or websites? [B]Nomination: [/B]Bigpapa42's: SWF Generation Supreme 42 [URL][/URL] Nice clean presentation, with a few original tricks such as the use of intro music, which he's done in such a way that it doesn't clutter up the diary. Best Utilized Roster Did anyone use their roster well, regardless of it's faults? [B]Nomination:[/B] Another nod here for Finisher's BBW diary [URL][/URL] [I]He really does hide the weaknesses and accentuate the strengths of his workers. [/I] [B]Best New Writer[/B] [B]Nomination:[/B] If Mc'Shamrock kept at it with his PSW diary he may have been getting the nod here, and Finisher's already been nominated so my nomination goes to BigPapa42, who is proving to be both an inventive and consistent writer his SWF:Generation Supreme diary. [B]Manager of the Year[/B] Which manager earned his/her paycheck this year? [B]Nomination:[/B] Munemori Umari/ The Prophet from Finisher's BBW diary [URL][/URL] [I]I'm really enjoying the eye-patch wearing weasels work as a handler of monster-heels.[/I] _________________________________________________________ OK i'm done for now, I'll come back and fill in the rest tomorrow. Most Hated Wrestler Which heel really got your blood boiling this year? Nomination: Most Popular Wrestler Which face could you not help but cheer? Nomination: Rocky Maivia Award Which wrestler couldn't you care less about IRL, but really enjoy in this dynasty? Nomination: Tag Team of the Year Which tag team was your favourite this year? Nomination: Stable of the Year Which group, stable or team of more than two was your favourite this year? Nomination: Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments Who's backstage antics with the boss did you like best? Or who had the best internet reports? Nomination: Best Mod Which mod have you enjoyed the most this year? Nomination:
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Thanks so much to those who have nominated ECW Worldwide! It's very much appreciated! Particularly those who have mentioned Juventyud Guerrera and the Franny angle. I was worried people wouldn't think it was "extreme" enough or whatever. So, I'm really pleased that's paid (but by no means is it finished :D). Booking the next show as we speak ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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