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The Kid and The Business

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There was a strange tension in the air that The Kid hadn't felt before, and he wasn't the only one who was feeling it.


"Who the **** does Honky think he is! Walking around here like he owns the place. That guy's asking for an ass kicking!" said Paul Roma to anyone who would listen."What the **** are you looking at Kid? You want a piece of this?"

"Er no Mr Roma sir, I was just....."


"Just nothing punk. Stay outta my way!"


"Hey Kid, don't worry about Paul, he's just letting off steam. Honky's been ribbing him pretty hard." said Curt Hennig patting The Kid on the back.

"What's going on around here?"

"All this **** with Warrior has ****ed up the balance. Words got around that he's losing the strap so everyone thinks there's a spot up for grabs. Plus everyone knows his attack on Slaughter wasn't scripted. Guess they figure if he can act a prick and keep his job so can they."


Before the taping started, Shawn Micheals went one on one with The Model for the fans in attendance. Most people in the back consider Jannetty to be the most talented rocker but Micheals always gets the bigger pop. Vince and Alfred Hayes made their way to their commentary positions and the moment The Kid was dreading finally arrived.


"Making his way to the ring, weighing in at four hundred and sixty two pounds....John Aurobindo Tenta!"


The giant figure of the former Earthquake entered the arena to the bemusement of the fans. Bedecked in the finest Indian robe, made out of an old pair of curtains that the Von Trapps would be proud of, and a noble turban that resembled a Pink Panther beach towel, Aurobindo Tenta struck an imposing figure as the crowd went mild.


"Oh my! Is that really Earthquake Vince McMahon?" enquired Lord Alfred Hayes on commentary.

"I believe it is, Alfred!" bellowed Vince, who found the glee in his voice hard to disguise. "It looks like he's got a few words for us before the match!"


"My friends! For so long I have plied my trade as a natural disaster, a living earthquake! Well no more I say! From this day forward my path is clear. As my name sake Sri Aurobindo once stated, "Man is a transitional being. He is not final. The step from man to superman is the next approaching achievement in the earth's evolution. It is inevitable because it is at once the intention of the inner spirit and the logic of Nature's process". Thankyou"


The crowd didnt know whether to cheer or boo, so they did neither. Vince was making no attempts to hide his laughter at this point.

"Hahaha Oh boy! Aurobindo Tenta there ladies and gentlemen with some interesting words to say the least! But will he be able to back it up against The Hacksaw!?"


Jim Duggan Hooooooooo'd his way down to ringside with his trusty two by four in hand.


"After last weeks attack Duggan will be looking for sweet revenge in this one.....and he's not waiting for the bell!"


Duggan laid into Tenta with lefts and rights-a-plenty, stopping only to mug for the crowd who gladly obliged him.

"It looks like the former Earthquake is regretting the day he ever interfered in a Hacksaw Jim Duggan match," said Vince on commetary, the greater meaning of his words lost on the watching audience, but Vince was never one to let the audience dictate what was amusing to him.


After four minutes of Duggan domination the match was ended when Hacksaw hit the three point stance for the pinfall victory. Tenta didn't get in one offensive manouvre.

"What an impressive display from Hacksaw, Vince!" said Alfred.


"Indeed it was! It looks like Aurobindo Tenta might want to rethink his philosophies if he wants to stay in the hunt in the WWF!"


The kid felt dirty. He'd sent John Tenta out there to die and it made him sick to his stomache. He stood nervously behind the curtain waiting for him to return.


"Listen, Mr Tenta, Im so sorry I made you..."


"Whoah kid that was the biggest rush of my life!"



"I really wish I hadn't.....wait a minute, what?"

"Oh my god, do you know how liberating it is to just go out there and have fun? Not having to worry about making yourself look good or how you come across to the fans? ****, I should have done this years ago man! How many guys can say they quoted a ****ing Indian yoga legend in a wrestling promo? Kid, throw all the **** at me you want and I'll come back smiling, **** Vince to hell!"


Tenta gave the kid and anybody else who got in his way a huge bear hug as he left for the locker room. This was quickly turning into the strangest night of the kids life. He watched on as The Undertaker and Brother Love held a funeral for Hulk Hogan, who they vowed to rid from the WWF in the Royal Rumble match. Mr Perfect conducted an interview with a cardboard cut out of The British Bulldog. Finally, Slaughter and Warrior, on Vince McMahons orders, were given a live mic each and told to do their worst.


The show ended, the fans went home entertained for the most part, and Vince made his way to the back.


"Hey Kid."


The kid turned to face Vince whose face was as solemn as he has seen. Vince's demeanour slowly changed and he cracked up laughing.

"Good job tonight! That ought to teach that ****-wit Tenta not to show me up! Meet me and the bookers in my office at nine am. We've got a lot to discuss. And this time, when I say nine I mean nine not whenever you damn well feel like it Kid."


"Yes Mr McMahon."

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Mad5226, I hope you approve of the turn of events with our friend Earthquake? Its great to hear who people want to see pushed in the diary. So far Taker, Dibiase and Mr Perfect have all had shout outs for World champs. I kinda have idea's of how I want certain characters to pan out but you are the readers and I aim to please. Hopefully you will all be satisfied!
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After the explosion at Ewing Oil, the final scene showed Pam waking up in bed with a startled look on her face, and, after hearing the shower in her bathroom running, goes in. But, when she opened the shower door, she saw, not her new husband Mark Graison (they were supposedly married the day before), but Bobby Ewing, who turns towards her and says a cheery "Good morning......."


Oh wait.

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After the explosion at Ewing Oil, the final scene showed Pam waking up in bed with a startled look on her face, and, after hearing the shower in her bathroom running, goes in. But, when she opened the shower door, she saw, not her new husband Mark Graison (they were supposedly married the day before), but Bobby Ewing, who turns towards her and says a cheery "Good morning......."


Oh wait.



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"Morning everyone, can you hear me?"


"Yeah Vince we can hear you just fine." shouted Patterson into the speaker.

"You don't need to shout dammit Pat! Anyway, I'm sorry I couldn't be there in person this morning, we've got a lot to get through so lets get to it. First, I'd like to officially welcome you on board the booking team kid. I talked it over with Gorilla and you're gonna be working closely with him for the forseeable producing the Challenge tapings."


"Thankyou Mr McMahon, If I could just say...."


"Don't interrupt kid, this line costs three dollars a minute. Throw a damn party in your own time."

"Sorry sir"


"That's thirty minutes of valuable TV time I'm giving you kid so use it wisely. I've sent a detailed synopsis of everything I want in the show to Gorilla so he will fill you in on what you need to know."


The Kid couldnt believe that this was actually happening. He looked around the room and tried to soak up everything he could so he could remember this moment for as long as possible.


"Now we all know what matches we've got booked for The Rumble. Main Event is set in stone, Warrior vs Slaughter. I don't know what you said to him kid but you lit a ****ing fire up his ass because The Warriors been hot! As a matter of fact, I think I want to keep the title on him going into Mania."

"You gotta be ****tin me Vince! Are you kidding?" ventured Strongbow.


"Do I look like I'm joking to you?" asked Vince in his serious voice.

"I....well I dunno Vince I can't see you."


"Hell no Im not joking! Tell me whose hotter than Warrior at the moment? Nobody. Kid, your gonna have to tell him that he's keeping the strap afterall."


"But sir...."


"No buts. Do it or find another job."


The kid wished he hadn't soaked up the atmosphere quite so much.


" Moving on, Perfect vs Bulldog is gathering pace nicely, as is Rythmn and Blues vs The Hart Foundation. Keep pushing them. I like the interactions between Taker and Hogan but Brother Love looks outta place. Get rid of him and get taker a new manager quickly. Finally, I think we need to set up one more match for The Rumble."


"Dibiase's getting a lot of heat from the crowd at the moment Vince, how about having him pull a double shift?" said Lanza.

"That's actually not a bad idea. Put him up against Jake Roberts, a good influence like Dibiase might keep him off the sauce for more than half an hour. OK guys I gotta go. I want a full rundown of this weeks shows when I get back tomorrow. Kid, I suggest you listen to every word Gorilla has to say to you. That son of a bitch forgot more about this industry than most people ever know, am I right Monsoon?"


Monsoon raised his eyebrows and pulled his face.

"Errr yeah thats right Vince."


"I know your pulling faces at me Monsoon. Vince McMahon knows ****ing everything, never forget that, any of you. Seeya tomorrow."


Gorilla and The Kid stayed in the office after the meeting.

"OK kid we're bringing you in slowly here so me and Vince worked out a basic format for the show. There's gonna be three matches, two singles, one tag. He wants to see Tenta get squashed again and he's signed a new guy called Matt Borne, you heard of him?"



"Well you need to get to know him well and soon cos you gotta find him a gimmick. He wants an angle to keep heat on the Tag Title fued and the IC title fued and it's all got to fit nicely into half an hour. Think your up to it?"


The Kid rolled up his sleeves.


"There's only one way to find out..."

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Live from the Arco Arena Sacramento in front of 9,995 fans

Your commentators are Vince McMahon and Lord Alfred Hayes


The Kid and Gorilla had been up most of the night putting together their first show together. Vince had approved their proposal and all that was left was for the show to begin.

“ You’ve got a nerve booking me tonight kid,” snarled Warrior through gritted teeth.

“Mr Warrior, I actually had something I wanted to tell you….”


“Yeah well I got a few things to say to you too.”


He grabbed the kid and reared back to smash him in the face.






“That’s right….I, I pushed for Vince to change his mind and keep the title on you! Your on a hot streak man, you deserve to be the champ!”


“Is this true? If I found out your ****ting with me kid I swear to god….”

“It’s true. He took some persuading but we finally won him around.”


Warrior put the kid back on the ground.

“Well well well, looks like I misjudged you kid. You have not underestimated the awesome destrucity of the Warrior blood that flows through my ventricles and aortas….”

“That’s right Mr Warrior, how could I? Now about your match tonight….”

“You have seen the power and the glory of the Warrior Nation and allowed it to flourish in the fertile ground of the canvas.”

“You got it Warrior. So after the match…”


“No longer will I toil with one eye on the heavens, one eye on my opponent, my third eye on the prize and another eye on the knives that surge through the muscled tissue….”

“Im sure you wont, now if we could just discuss the match. We‘ve had to scrap Matt Bornes match because he‘s not cleared to wrestle yet so…”

The Warriors music hit.


“No time kid, the call of the warrior has beckoned me to my destination!”






Vince- Oh boy! What a way to kick off Wrestling Challenge! Our world champion Ultimate Warrior is set to take on John Aurobindo Tenta next!


Tenta made his way to the ring in the same attire as last week with one addition. Six extra arms.


“Last week I was downed by Jim Duggan and I saw stars in front of my very eyes. The constellations were my companions. Well you know I think it knocked some sense into me. As the saying goes, many hands make light work, so tonight, me and my Tenta-cles are gonna make light work of you Warrior!”


Vince- Oh Boy, I think John Aurobindo Tentacles just signed his own death warrant!


The match begins and Warrior is immediately on the offence. If anything, Tenta-cles gets in even less offence than against Duggan. Warrior proceeds to rip off Tenta-cles extra arms and pins him in quick succession with the big splash.


Vince- An impressive display from The Warrior as he continues to steamroll his way to The Royal Rumble! Up next, hey wait just a minute!


Slaughter enters the ring and levels Warrior from behind, taking him down to the canvas. Slaughter continues the assault and locks in the camel clutch. He wont let go as medics and officials desperately try to prise him off the fallen Warrior. Eventually the hold is broken and Warrior is carried out to the back by the officials.


Vince- What a vicious attack by that turncoat Slaughter! He had no business being out here! I hope he hasn’t done any lasting damage to The Warrior before their Royal Rumble match up.






Bret Hart and Jim The Anvil Neidhart make their way out to the ring.


Anvil- HAHAHAHAHAHA! Rhythm and Blues! Greg Valentine and Honky Tonk Man! Over the past couple of weeks you guys have been a reeeeeaaal thorn in our sides! You’ve kicked us when we’re down, twisted our ears, pulled my beard, poked our eyes and spit in our faces! Well me and Bret know a thing or two about pain too, so why don’t you come down to the ring where we conduct our business?!?!?!


The crowd cheers in approval anticipating the in ring action. Valentine and Honky attack The Hart Foundation from behind! Anvil and Bret prove too strong though and quickly turn the tables, sending Valentine and Honky back through the crowd the way they came.






We cut to the back where Mr Perfect is standing by with his manager Bobby Heenan as they are interviewed by Mean Gene Okerland


Okerland- Thanks for joining me Bobby and Mr Perfect. In three weeks time you put your Intercontinental title on the line against The British Bulldog in what looks to be the biggest challenge of your career so far. How confident are you of retaining the title?


Heenan- Whaddya mean how confident is he Gene? Just look at him! Wouldn’t you be confident if you had all the tools that Mr Perfect has? That flea bitten Bulldog doesn’t stand a chance!


Perfect- British Bulldog, let me put this into words you can understand, At Royal Rumble, I think your gonna find the going very “RUFF!”Hahahaha


Okerland- Moving onto tonight, your teaming up with Rick The Model Martel to take on the team of The Texas Tornado and The Bulldog, will your two ego’s be able to coexist?


Perfect- Me and The Model might be the most Perfect tag team ever assembled! With my Good looks, talent, charisma and athleticism and the Models….fashion sense, we’re unstoppable Gene!


Okerland- There you have it folks, a supremely confident Mr Perfect. Vince, back to you.





Vince- Alright! Thankyou Gene. Up next, the Brother Love show, with a very special guest.


Brother Love- Welcome Brothers and Sisters, to The Brother Love Show! Joining me is a man who requires absolutely no introduction… The Phenom, The Undertaker! Last night I had a vision Brothers and Sister. I saw The Undertaker throw 29 other men over the top rope and reach his destiny by becoming The World Heavyweight champion! Yet it was not I cheering him on to victory, no, I was spreading my message of love and harmony around the world. No, the person managing the undertaker on that fateful night was non other than my next guest. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome…Brother Bearer!


The undertakers music played as a short round man with a black suite and a pale face made his way to the ring.


Vince- Did he say Brother Bearer?


Brother Love- Thank you for joining us Brother Bearer. Please will you tell my Brothers and Sisters what your first name is?


Brother Bearer- Its Paul


Brother Love- What better man to lead The Undertaker to success than Paul Bearer! Sit back brothers and sisters, and bask in the warm glare of the love in this ring tonight!








Perfect and Tornado start off. Tornado gets the early advantage but Perfect takes a walk to the outside for words of encouragement from Heenan. Perfect gathers himself and tags out to Martel. Martel rakes the eyes of Tornado to gain the upper hand. Quick tags between Perfect and Martel keep Tornado isolated.


Vince- Perfect and Martel are working like a well oiled machine tonight! Bulldog on the outside is chomping at the bit to get involved.


Lord Alfred- Tornado desperately needs to tag out Vince. He can’t have much left in him.


Martel misses a charge into the corner on Tornado and Tornado stretches for a tag to Bulldog….he’s inches away…..AND HE MAKES IT! Bulldog enters like a house on fire, throwing clotheslines on Perfect and Martel. Bulldog sets Martel up for the running power slam…but Perfect grabs Martels legs and drags him to the outside and they head up the ramp. Bulldog follows and bangs their heads together and throws them both back into the ring. Bulldog doesn’t hear that the ref’s count is up to 10! He’s been counted out!


Vince- What a way for Bulldog to lose this match! He had Martel beat on at least one occasion! Oh no, look at Perfect and The Model celebrate like they just won the super bowl!







Jake- Tonight, my guest in The Snake Pit is a remarkable athelete and a great wrestler, but recently he has shown the world that he needs to cheat to win. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Million Dollar Man, Ted Dibiase!


Dibiase- Jake! The Million Dollar Man doesn’t need anybody, but there are plenty of wrestlers who need The Million Dollar Man! All I’m doing is proving that everybody has a price!


Jake- If your as great as you claim you are Ted, why have you been throwing money at people to watch your back at The Rumble?


Dibiase- Hey we’re just out of the holiday season and people have got bills to pay! So if you’re prepared to check your morals at the door and join me, Haku, Virgil and The Barbarian , you know I can make it more than worth your while Jake. I’ll keep you in beer money till next Christmas!


Jake- Thanks Ted, It’s a tempting offer, but Im gonna have to say no.


Dibiase- That’s a real shame Jake. Perhaps my friends can persuade you otherwise…


Barbarian and Haku walk menacingly down to ringside.


Jake- Hold on a minute! Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is Dibiase! At The Royal Rumble, why don’t me and you put up ten grand of our own money, winner takes all, in a one on one lumberjack match. You bring your cronies and I’ll bring mine.


Dibiase thinks it over.


Dibiase- Your on Snake Man! And its not for the money! I spent ten grand before I got out of bed this morning. Its so I can beat you to a bloody pulp! And when I’m finished with you, no amount of money is gonna be able to pay for the reconstructive face surgery your gonna need!







Slaughter starts off strongly against the much smaller but talented Jannetty. After only a minute or so of action The Ultimate Warrior runs into the ring and starts to beat up on Slaughter in retaliation for Slaughters attack earlier in the night.


Vince- Look at Warrior attack Slaughter! I thought that The Warrior would be out of action indefinitely! Oh my, these two men will not rest until they have damn near destroyed each other! We’re outta time!






As the show ended and The Kid looked back on his first night as a booker, he was pretty pleased with what he and Gorilla had achieved. He felt they had done a good job promoting all the major matches and added a bit of their own. The Crowd wasn’t overly hot for anything in particular, but he felt they where building something good.



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Thanks for the comments mad. Its interesting to write as somebody working their way up. To try and keep it more realistic, I think I'm gonna keep him at this level for a while now, I mean a week in and he's already writing half an hour of TV, he aint doing so bad eh? So if the readers approve, the plan is to do a more in depth write up of Wrestling Challenge like the last post, and more backstage stuff during the other shows, and probably a full write up of PPV's. (And still keeping doing random booking meetings and backstage skits.)
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Thanks for the comments mad. Its interesting to write as somebody working their way up. To try and keep it more realistic, I think I'm gonna keep him at this level for a while now, I mean a week in and he's already writing half an hour of TV, he aint doing so bad eh? So if the readers approve, the plan is to do a more in depth write up of Wrestling Challenge like the last post, and more backstage stuff during the other shows, and probably a full write up of PPV's. (And still keeping doing random booking meetings and backstage skits.)


Sounds really good. I like the slow progression bit.

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Nice show man. I like the whole slow progression that others have mentioned. Challenge was very readable. As you progress though I would suggest adding a little flavor as you move up the ranks. Like when ya able to book Main Event or Prime Time (or whatever other show they got at this time I don't remember it was like 20 years ago!) add a little flavor by maybe googling a graphic of the show title. Just something small like that. Once ya hit pay-per-view maybe adding in game picture graphics of the superstars. Ya know just differs each step up in the ladder that ya booker kid has taken. Just a suggestion ya ain't gotta listen! Also in one of these booking meetings or maybe once with out Vince have Monsoon Strongbow etc. have a roster breakdown with each guy saying something about your roster cause I would love to see a complete roster of ya current promotion. Like I said it was like almost 20 freakin' years ago! AGAIN ya ain't gotta! Its your dynasty! Keep up the good work man.
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Very cool stuff. Really digging the backstage segments, and interactions. Nicely put together, a quick, but engrossing read. Lil upset you spoiled Dallas, but I'll still watch it. :p And if we're putting in our push requests, I'm gonna add another tally for Perfect, but add that a main event Bulldog showcase would rock too.
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Nice show man. I like the whole slow progression that others have mentioned. Challenge was very readable. As you progress though I would suggest adding a little flavor as you move up the ranks. Like when ya able to book Main Event or Prime Time (or whatever other show they got at this time I don't remember it was like 20 years ago!) add a little flavor by maybe googling a graphic of the show title. Just something small like that. Once ya hit pay-per-view maybe adding in game picture graphics of the superstars. Ya know just differs each step up in the ladder that ya booker kid has taken. Just a suggestion ya ain't gotta listen! Also in one of these booking meetings or maybe once with out Vince have Monsoon Strongbow etc. have a roster breakdown with each guy saying something about your roster cause I would love to see a complete roster of ya current promotion. Like I said it was like almost 20 freakin' years ago! AGAIN ya ain't gotta! Its your dynasty! Keep up the good work man.


Well, Masked Supertar sir, Im a pretty bad technophobe but I'm willing to learn if people people agree that it will add to the shows if I include images and what not.


With regards to doing a roster rundown, it is something I've thought about doing, but I wanna keep everything as natural as possible. Having said that, I think it's pretty feasable that the bookers would sit down and discuss all the participants and roster position/ heel-face alignment of the upcoming Royal Rumble so watch out for that in the coming posts.

Very cool stuff. Really digging the backstage segments, and interactions. Nicely put together, a quick, but engrossing read. Lil upset you spoiled Dallas, but I'll still watch it. And if we're putting in our push requests, I'm gonna add another tally for Perfect, but add that a main event Bulldog showcase would rock too.


Im really sorry about the Dallas thing Prophet. Although with a name like yours I imagine you already know these things! Perfect definitely has a lot of upward mobility if he can just keep off the bloody drugs. Bulldog as well is someone I wanna push, partly because he is awesome and partly because he was born about half an hour from me!

good work..... Just one itty bitty comment: Where is the IIIIIII LLLLOOOOOVVVVEEEEE YYYYOOOUUUUU of Brother Love?


Oh My God what a glaring omission! I must have watched about 15 Brother Love promo's before I wrote that as well! I am slapping my wrists as we speak, which is incredibly hard to do whilst typing.

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Colonel Mustafa, better known as The Iron Sheik, was taken to one side after the Wrestling Challenge tapings and given a drug test. The results came in and they weren’t good.


“Sheik! You tested positive for cocaine!” said a furious Pat Patterson.

“Ah very good!” said The Sheik.


“No, not good Sheik! That means they found it in your system!” explained Patterson, not sure whether to laugh or cry.


“Ah Sum an a gun! I don’t believe this! What about Bullsdogs, did they find coke on him?”


“No Sheik, Bulldog was clean as a whistle.”

“I see…What about Mistah Perfection?”


“No, Perfect was clean too Sheik, why?”


“What about that Jabroni Jake a ma Snake?”

“Look Sheik man, everybody else’s test was fine, just yours came back positive, why do you keep asking?” said Patterson getting redder and redder in the face.


“This is very strange Mistah Pat Patterson as those Sun a ma bitches were with me all night!”



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I have to say I really enjoy the premise of this. Starting low, gradually gaining support backstage (not always through ethical means, like lying to Warrior about why he keeps the belt) and slowly gaining more power, it's a fantastic idea. It's a good era to work with, I'm really enjoying my 1991 game, but you are using it a lot more realistically than I am. Your booking is quite apt for the era you're writing in, which is always a plus when reading a diary.


All in all this is a fun read so far, I can't wait to see you get a bit more power and start taking over. Out of interest, I assume you're still booking the other 2 shows, just not writing them up or anything for point of realism and story, right?


But yeah, anyway, KUTGW. I'm reading. :)

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I have to say I really enjoy the premise of this. Starting low, gradually gaining support backstage (not always through ethical means, like lying to Warrior about why he keeps the belt) and slowly gaining more power, it's a fantastic idea. It's a good era to work with, I'm really enjoying my 1991 game, but you are using it a lot more realistically than I am. Your booking is quite apt for the era you're writing in, which is always a plus when reading a diary.


All in all this is a fun read so far, I can't wait to see you get a bit more power and start taking over. Out of interest, I assume you're still booking the other 2 shows, just not writing them up or anything for point of realism and story, right?


But yeah, anyway, KUTGW. I'm reading.


Hey Keef. No disrespect to everybody else who has left feedback so far but to see your name pop up and to have such positive comments really is an honour. Yours is one of the diaries I go out of my way to read.


Thanks for the compliment about writing in the style of the time, its something I particularly enjoy about your writing and so am glad you pick up on that. Yes I am booking the other shows and I will continue to include bits and pieces of what goes on on Superstars and PrimeTime in the backstage stuff, but if people would like me to include a short rundown of all the events of these shows I would be happy to oblige.

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I dont know how I missed this for so long on the boards, might of been because of the title, but I've really gotten into it in one afternoon here. Im glad to see another good diary being run using my mod.


I know, I know, the name is a stinker. I was trying to be all cool and vague but think I came across all pretencious and diseased. Thanks for the mod Mr D, I promise I'll feed it and walk it every day!

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“Thanks for making it at such short notice fellas.” said Vince who had called an impromptu meeting after the show.


“So how did you think it went tonight kid?” he asked.

“I think it went well sir. The crowd was a little underwhelming…”


“Boy is that an understatement! They where sat on their hands most of the night! The only time they popped was when they thought Hogan was gonna come out and save Warrior!”


Although The Kid hadn’t met Hogan yet, his name had been constantly mentioned. Everybody said he was a great politician but all he had ever heard was everybody else pushing for him.

“The fans want to see Hogan guys, he’s got to be a bigger part of the shows or people are gonna turn off. Superstars sell tickets gentlemen. 1991‘s gonna be our biggest year yet but we gotta all up our game. That’s why I called you all here to go over the roster and pick who’s in and who's out of the Rumble. Now the way I see it, we need about eight top draws, four face four heels, who people think have a legitimate shot at winning.”


Patterson was the first to venture his thoughts.


“Well we already set up Hogan and Taker as being in, so that’s one of each straight off the bat, Vince.”


“Thanks Patterson, anybody got anything not retarded to say?” shouted back Vince.


“Well on the heel side, our strongest hands are Randy Savage, Ted Dibiase and Mr Perfect. You want Dibiase and Perfect to pull double duty?” said Lanza.


“Yeah we need all our top guys in this one. So other than Hogan on the face side, I’m thinking Davey Boy Smith and two others.”

“Cant go wrong with Jake the Snake and Texas Tornado boss.” said Strongbow who was clearly pleased with himself.


“Good call’s chief, Tornado impressed me for the first time in a while tonight, I think I see why you people always push him so hard. I think that’s pretty much all of our main eventers. Now we need about ten or so upper card guys who still have star power to their name, but aren’t quite up there. Suggestions.”


“We’re a bit thin on heels sir, I can’t really see past Rick Martel and Honky Tonk man, unless you want to include Earthquake, or what ever his name is?” chuckled Gorilla.

“Mr Tentacles! Hahahaha oh boy! Yeah, he’s in but not for long!”


The kid, who hadn’t been able to get a word in edgeways finally got his turn.


“I think Bret and Neidhart qualify as upper card sir. The Road Warriors and The Rockers too.”

“Damn, you sure like your tag team’s kid!” proclaimed Patterson

“They’re all solid picks Pat. Who else Kid?” interjected Gorilla, determined not to let him be undermined.


“Well…Duggan, Bossman, Tito Santana…I think that’s about it.”

“I’ll go along with that Kid.” said Vince, ever so slightly impressed, but not enough to show it.

“Now how about the mid card? Guys who are just really there to make up the numbers and be eliminated?”


Now full of confidence the kid was the first to speak again

“We got a lot more heels at this level. Crush, Haku, The Nasty Boys…”


“Alright Kid, save some for the rest of us!” said Patterson mockingly.


“OK then, Pat, who are you picking?” said The Kid, just as mockingly.


“Well… gee, you put me on the spot here. OK, I say Greg Valentine…Paul Roma. That’s all I got heel-wise.” Patterson continued, not wanting to be shown up by The Kid. “Midcard faces, your talking Dustin Rhodes, Bushwhackers and of course, Owen Hart.”


“Yeah that’s pretty much who I was thinking, good work for once Pat,” said Vince. Patterson shot The Kid a “**** you” look.

“Although Owen hasn’t debuted yet so he aint heel or face. “

“Yeah I know sir, I just assumed…”


“Well don’t assume anything Pat, you make and ass out of you and me! Mostly you.”


The Kid shot the look straight back.


“So gentlemen, that’s our line-up for the Rumble match. Let’s make this the best PPV ever. Now get out of my office.”


Vince ended a lot of his meetings this way. On the way out, The Kid couldn’t help but comment to Gorilla about how Vince was starting to accept him more.

“Yeah Kid, you might be right, but you know that swords got a double edge.”


“What d’ya mean sir”


“He’s taking an interest in you son. And when Vince McMahon takes an interest in you, you gotta deliver each and every time out. From now on, nothing you do will go unnoticed. You think Vince gives us a lot of freedom to write Challenge but he’s got his spies everywhere. One bad word from the people in his ear and it could be curtains.”


“Damn, I think I liked him better when he just yelled at me.”

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