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WWF 1992: The year that wasn't

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I was sitting in my office waiting for the call from Vince saying I’m fired when in walked Jay.

“Hey kid. What the hell was that?”

“That my friend was me throwing away my career.”

“Looked like it. Earthquake over Tornado in the semi main event…why?


“I thought the fans would like the match better, and the shock factor would have been nice. Add that to the potential feud between the two…and yeah I’m retarded.”


“Not retarded kid, human. You just need to bounce back next week. Maybe even starting listening to Pat.”


“Great you think I need to put the strap back on Hogan too.”


“I didn’t say that, but the fact is Hogan sells. Hell kid at least use him.”


“Yeah that makes sense.”

“Good now down to business.”


“Let me guess…Warrior”


“No, but a good guess. Actually it was DiBiase.”

“What? I would’ve never…”

“It was only a little pot, but still he came up hot.”

“Yeah. Let’s…. I don’t know, is pot a big deal?”

“It can be, they say it’s a gateway drug.”


“Yeah, I’ve seen the commercials. What do you think.”


“Just read him the riot act kid. DiBiase is a true leader backstage. That should be enough to wake him up.”

“Alright. Thanks Jay…for everything.”


Jay just grinned and walked out of the room leaving me to wait for that phone call that never came.

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I've got to say, I like this dynasty a lot, for the most part, the booking makes sense and is realistic, and I know how hard it can be to book this era in TEW, the game itself doesn't seem built to book that era, since the crowds seem to expect shows not unlike what are on Monday/Tuesday/Friday nowadays.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SasoreGatame" data-cite="SasoreGatame" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="20668" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've got to say, I like this dynasty a lot, for the most part, the booking makes sense and is realistic, and I know how hard it can be to book this era in TEW, the game itself doesn't seem built to book that era, since the crowds seem to expect shows not unlike what are on Monday/Tuesday/Friday nowadays.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks for the support man. It is a bit difficult to sim 1992 in TEW because as you said that style of booking is just different. But I'm doing my best, and it's nice to get the occasional comment like yours, makes me feel like I'm doing something right.</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>WWF Proudly Presents…</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Superstars</span></span></strong></p><p><strong>

Live from Capitol Music Hall in Wheeling, WV</strong></p><p><strong>

Saturday Week 1 March 1992</strong></p><p><strong>

Aired on: USA Network</strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance: 300</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Marty Jannetty and Koko B. Ware Vs. Haku and The Barbarian</p><p> </p><p>

Koko B. Ware and Marty Jannetty defeated Haku / The Barbarian in 7:34 when Marty Jannetty defeated The Barbarian by pinfall with a Rocker Dropper.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: D+</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Andre the Giant Vs. Typhoon</p><p> </p><p>

Andre the Giant defeated Typhoon in 5:04 by pinfall with a Butt Drop.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: C+</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The New Hart Foundation Vs. Power and Glory</p><p> </p><p>

The New Hart Foundation defeated Power and Glory in 5:44 when Owen Hart defeated Hercules Hernandez by pinfall with a Hart Attack.</p><p>

Rating: D+</p><p> </p><p>

Sid Vicious Vs. Earthquake</p><p> </p><p>

Sid Vicious defeated Earthquake in 5:46 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: B-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

After the match Jack Tunney came to the ring and demanded to know Sid’s relationship with The Million Dollar Man. Sid said he felt like he didn’t need to explain himself to anyone and left the ring.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: B+</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Ric Flair Vs. Greg Valentine</p><p> </p><p>

Ric Flair defeated Greg Valentine in 9:33 by pinfall with an Inside Cradle.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: B</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Flair grabbed a mic and said that The Ultimate Warrior may have got the best of him at the Royal Rumble, but he guarantees it won’t happen again. He reminds the world he is the dirtiest player in the game and come Wrestlemania The Ultimate Warrior will see how he got that name.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: A</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Rating: C+</strong></p><p>

Notes: I’ve decided to scrap the angle I had planned for Earthquake after what happened Wednesday, and renew the Flair Warrior feud. The big question of course is how do I get past Warrior’s creative control, but we’ll have to see what happens.</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>WWF Proudly Presents…</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Wrestling Challenge</span></span></strong></p><p><strong>

Sunday Week 1 March 1992</strong></p><p><strong>

Live from Fairfax Patriot Center in Fairfax, VA</strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance: 1,836</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Big Bossman Vs. Dino Bravo</p><p> </p><p>

Big Bossman defeated Dino Bravo in 3:49 by pinfall with a Bubba Slam.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: C-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Davey Boy Smith Vs. Papa Shango</p><p> </p><p>

Davey Boy Smith drew with Papa Shango in 4:46 following a double count out.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: C+</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Jake Roberts Vs. Jim Neidhart</p><p> </p><p>

Jake Roberts defeated Jim Neidhart in 5:52 by pinfall with a DDT.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: B-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

After the match Roberts brought a giant python into the ring and it made it’s way towards the unconscious Neidhart. However, Owen Hart quickly hit the ring and cleared it of both the snake and Roberts.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: D+</strong></p><p> </p><p>


Final Rating: C</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Primetime Wrestling

Live from the Mario Morales Coliseum in Guaynabo, PR

Wednesday Week 2 March 1992

Aired On: USA Network and Sky Sports

Attendance: 8,144



Pre Show:


The Minions Vs. Tony Roy and Billy Smith


Vampiro and Greed defeated Tony Roy and Billy Smith in 5:39 when Vampiro defeated Billy Smith by pinfall with a Nail in the Coffin.

Rating: E-

Notes: These two are young and need to get some experience in some dark matches before making to big of an impact on TV.



Main Show:


Backstage Marty Jannetty is talking to Max Moon. He tells Moon that he is looking to start back up the New Rockers and asks Moon to partner with him next. Moon accepts.

Rating: D-



Marty Jannetty and Max Moon Vs. The Orient Express


Marty Jannetty and Max Moon defeated The Orient Express in 9:10 when Marty Jannetty defeated Kato by pinfall with a Rocker Dropper.

Rating: D+

Notes: I’ve got a small segment setup for Jannetty depending on how these “tryouts” go for him. We’ll see how it pans out.



Tatanka Vs. Big Bully Busick


Tatanka defeated Big Bully Busick in 6:39 by pinfall with an Indian Death Drop.

Rating: D

Notes: Tatanka gets yet another win, but is he still a name we can trust?



The Million Dollar Man hit’s the ring next and starts peeling off hundred dollar bills and handing them to Tatanka. Jack Tunney comes down and demands to know what’s going on. Tatanka just ignores him and heads back up the ramp when Tunney says Tatanka is disgracing his tradition. Tatanka stops dead in his tracks and thinks about going after Tunney, but he decides against it and instead walks backstage.

Rating: C



The Ultimate Warrior Vs. The Repo Man


The Ultimate Warrior defeated The Repo Man in 6:55 by pinfall with a Running Charge.

Rating: D+

Notes: Well this match didn’t go as planned at all. These two had no chemistry, and just when I thought Warrior could give me decent matches this only proves that only happens when he’s with someone good.



After the match Ric Flair hit’s the ring, but the over energized Warrior sees it coming and pummels Flair as soon as he hit’s the ring much to the pleasure of the fans.

Rating: B+



Hulk Hogan Vs. The Mountie


Hulk Hogan defeated The Mountie in 9:47 by pinfall with a Big Boot and Leg Drop.

Rating: B-

Notes: This wasn’t the match I was hoping for either. It seems you can’t count on any of the old guard to give you a great match. And Patterson wonders why I push the younger generation.



After the match Hogan grabs the mic and says it doesn’t matter if Andre is a more friendly giant. He’s still the big dude who Hogan picked up with his 27 inch pythons and slammed to the mat. At this Wrestlemania it won’t be any different. He then asks Andre what he’s going to do.

Rating: B



Bret Hart Vs. Earthquake


Bret Hart defeated Earthquake in 6:39 by pinfall with a Backbreaker.

Rating: B-

Notes: Not even Bret can give me a good match. It may end up being a long month unless I decide to break tradition and put some main eventers against each other.



After the match a clip is shown of the botched attacked by Shawn Michaels at Saturday Night Man Event and the announcers all got a good laugh out of it before going off the air.

Rating: B



Final Rating: C+

Notes: Crap! Apparently I pre booked Owen Vs. Jake and never scheduled it. Which is odd because I remember looking at it and thinking about where it should be placed on the card. Well…I suck.

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I was going through my mail through the list of complaints when Jay stepped inside the office.

“Got a minute kid?”


“Sure come on in Jay. You know it’s sad really how man workers we have who were able to find enough time to write me a letter on how they don’t get enough air time.”


“It’s the nature of the beast kid, everyone wants to be on every show.”

“So you think I should ignore it?”

“Maybe not ignore it, but remember in the end you have a product you have to put out that people want to see. It does us no good to use The Barbarian every show over Hogan because he writes a little letter.”


“Oh I have letters from Hogan to.”

“Of course you do, you wouldn’t be a booker in the WWF if you didn’t.”


“So what’s up Jay?”


“Look kid I want to be the first to tell you I love the New Rockers idea. I think Jannetty could be a big hit even without Shawn.”

“So…why am I sensing a but here?”

“Because…he just came up hot for Cocaine.”

“Son of a… if we suspend him he’ll miss Wrestlemania so we would have to scrap the storyline.”


“I know.”


“So…you don’t think we should suspend him?


“I didn’t say that.”


“So, you want me to?”


“I think you should be fair, I just thought you should know I enjoyed where the angle was going.”

“Well hopefully he did to. At least enough to realize if he gets off that crap he could have a real future.”

“I’ll let him know. Any idea how we are going to replace that match at Wrestlemania?”

“No idea.”


“That’s why I don’t want your job kid.”


Jay let out a small laugh then left the room.

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WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from The Douglas Everett Center in Concord, NH

Aired on: USA Network, Sky Sports

Saturday Week 2 March 1992

Attendance: 1,895



Rick Martel Vs. Jim Powers


Rick 'The Model' Martel defeated Jim Powers in 7:50 by submission with a Boston Crab.

Rating: C



After the match Martel kept the Crab on Powers until he went unconscious.

Rating: C-



Owen Hart Vs. Jake Roberts


Jake Roberts defeated Owen Hart in 9:43 by pinfall with a DDT.

Rating: C+



After the match Jake heads to the corner to get his snake but he is met by Jim Neidhart who knocks Roberts out cold and takes the snake bag then walks away.

Rating: D+



WWF Heavyweight Title Match:

The Undertaker Vs. Texas Tornado


The Undertaker defeated Texas Tornado in 10:49 by pinfall with a Tombstone. The Undertaker makes defense number 3 of his WWF World Heavyweight title.

Rating: B



After the match Savage hit’s the ring and gets some much needed revenge on The Undertaker. He assaults the dead man and every time Taker would try to sit up Savage would knock him back down.

Rating: A


Final Rating: B-

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Wrestling Challenge

Live from The Parker Playhouse in Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Sunday Week 2 March 1992

Attendance: 1,836



Pre Show:


Robby Retro Vs. Kato


Robby Retro defeated Kato in 5:33 by pinfall with a Split Legged Moonsault.

Rating: D



Main Show:


The Legion of Doom Vs. The Beverly Brothers


The Legion Of Doom defeated The Beverley Brothers in 3:50 when Road Warrior Hawk defeated Blake Beverly by pinfall with a Doomsday Device.

Rating: C+



Tatanka and Sid Vicious Vs. The New Hart Foundation


Tatanka and Sid Vicious defeated The New Hart Foundation in 4:39 when Sid Vicious defeated Jim Neidhart by pinfall with a Choke Slam. During the match we also had Jake Roberts run in and attack The Rocket.

Rating: B-



After the match DiBiase came down to the ring and raised Tatanka’s and Sid’s arms. He then said all would be revealed at Wrestlemania.

Rating: B



Shawn Michaels Vs. Koko B. Ware


Shawn Michaels defeated Koko B. Ware in 5:48 by pinfall with an Inside Cradle.

Rating: C+



After the match Shawn grabbed a mic and said he was sick of people thinking Bret better than him. He then challenged Bret to a match at Wrestlemania to prove who was really supreme. But this match wouldn’t be just any old match. Bret wants to climb the ladder of success, then he can do it starting at Mania in ladder match.

Rating: B



Final Rating: C

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Primetime Wrestling

Live from Aloha Stadium in Honolulu, HI

Wednesday Week 3, March 1992

Aired On: USA Network and Sky Sports

Attendance: 2,525


Dark Match:


Andre the Giant and Bob Backlund Vs. The Minions


Andre the Giant and Bob Backlund defeated Vampiro and Greed in 7:36 when Bob Backlund defeated Greed by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing.

Rating: C

Notes: I meant to put Andre in a big match but I just ran out of room. So instead I booked him to help The Minions gain some skill.



Main Show:



Intercontinental Title Match:

Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Greg Valentine


Rick 'The Model' Martel defeated Greg Valentine in 6:03 by submission with a Boston Crab. Rick 'The Model' Martel makes defense number 3 of his WWF Intercontinental title.

Rating: B-

Notes: Rick continues to impress me, and due to him being the champ his overness has already jumped nicely.



Once again after the match Rick refused to let go of the Boston Crab until Greg was unconscious.

Rating: C



Jake Roberts Vs. Jim Duggan


Jake Roberts defeated Jim Duggan in 7:19 by pinfall with a DDT.

Rating: B

Notes: These two fought awhile back and had great chemistry so I thought I would go back to the well since I need some better ratings.



After the match Jake grabs the mic and says if Owen and Jim want to fight as a team then Jake will get a teammate of his own and come Wrestlemania if Jake wins he gets his precious snake back.

Rating: D



Bret Hart Vs. Papa Shango


Bret Hart defeated Papa Shango in 6:47 by submission with a Sharpshooter.

Rating: B

Notes: These two had bad chemistry and they still managed a B segment. Makes me wonder what would happen with great chemistry.



After the match Bret says he will gladly beat Shawn Michaels one more time on the biggest stage of the year. He says after his victory though he is done with Shawn and never wants to cross paths with him again.

Rating: B



Ric Flair Vs. Davey Boy Smith


Ric Flair drew with Davey Boy Smith in 7:52 following a double disqualification after interference from The Ultimate Warrior.

Rating: B-

Notes: More poor chemistry and a decent card is starting to turn bad. The ending came when The Warrior hit the ring going after Flair but being completely out of control he attacked everyone that moved Flair, Davey, even The Ref caught a clothesline.



After the match The Warrior says the spaceship is fueling up and at Wrestlemania all the stars will align for Flair to feel the inconceivable force that all the milky way… basically he said he will win the match against Flair at Wrestlemania.

Rating: A



Randy Savage Vs. Jerry Saggs


Randy Savage defeated Jerry Saggs in 11:56 by pinfall with a Macho Elbow.

Rating: B

Notes: Savage continues to impress going into Wrestlemania. Can he do the impossible and defeat The Dead Man? Or will he be like so many others and rest in peace?



Final Rating: B

Notes: Not horrible, but still not enough to get me out of hot water. As long as Wrestlemania is a complete success I’m hoping some of these ratings won’t matter as much.

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WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from Seattle, WA

Saturday Week 3 March, 1992

Aired on: USA Network, Sky Sports

Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out)



Jim Duggan Vs. Vampiro


Jim Duggan defeated Vampiro in 7:32 by disqualification after Vampiro hit him with a foreign object.

Rating: C



The Legion of Doom Vs. Power and Glory


The Legion Of Doom defeated Power and Glory in 8:52 when Road Warrior Hawk defeated Hercules Hernandez by pinfall with a Doomsday Device.

Rating: C+



After the match the Nasty Boys hit the ring but their surprised attack was foiled, and The Legion of Doom cleared the ring.

Rating: C



Intercontinental Title Match:

Rick Martel Vs. Max Moon


Rick 'The Model' Martel defeated Max Moon in 10:09 by submission with a Boston Crab. Rick 'The Model' Martel makes defense number 4 of his WWF Intercontinental title.

Rating: C



After the match Martel once again kept the crabbed locked in, but this time Greg Valentine hit the ring and assaulted the Frenchman before any real damage could be done.

Rating: C-



The Ultimate Warrior Vs. Typhoon


The Ultimate Warrior defeated Typhoon in 5:21 by pinfall with a Big Splash.

Rating: C



As The Warrior celebrates a video clip is shown of the history so far behind him and Flair.

Rating: B+



Final Rating: C+

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Wrestling Challenge

Live from The Rivera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Sunday Week 3 March, 1992

Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out)



The Mountie Vs. Jim Brunzell


The Mountie defeated Jim Brunzell in 3:43 by submission with a Boston Crab.

Rating: C-



The Bushwhackers Vs. The Orient Express


The Bushwhackers defeated The Orient Express in 5:58 when Bushwhacker Butch defeated Tanaka by pinfall with a Battering Ram.

Rating: D-



A video is shown next of the on going feud between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart.

Rating: B-



Koko B. Ware Vs. Earthquake


Earthquake defeated Koko B. Ware in 5:28 by pinfall with an Earthquake Splash.

Rating: D+



Final Rating: D+

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Primetime Wrestling

Live from The Memphis Coliseum in Memphis, TN

Wednesday Week 4, March 1992

Aired On: USA Network and Sky Sports

Attendance: 7,753



Pre Show:


Bob Backlund Vs. Vampiro


Bob Backlund defeated Vampiro in 6:53 by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing.

Rating: C-

Notes: The plan is to train Vampiro a bit off camera to make him that much more dominate on camera.



Main Show:


The show opens with Greg Valentine backstage with Gene Okerlund. He says that he’s sick of Rick Martel and his cheating ways. At Wrestlemania he is going to give him a taste of his own medicine and at the same time take the WWF Intercontinental title from him.

Rating: C+



Earthquake Vs. Jim Duggan


Earthquake defeated Jim Duggan in 4:44 by pinfall with an Earthquake Splash.

Rating: C-

Notes: Earthquake isn’t as horrible as I had initially thought. There may be some hope for the big man after all.



After the match the camera goes backstage where The Nasty Boys have blindsided The Legion of Doom and is pummeling them with a garbage can. Jimmy Hart is standing next to them screaming to add more pain and jumping like a regular cheerleader.

Rating: B-



Tatanka Vs. Barry Horowitz


Tatanka defeated Barry Horowitz in 7:54 by pinfall with an Indian Death Drop.

Rating: D-

Notes: A really surprising match here. It was hurt by bad chemistry, but even so I didn’t expect this low of a rating.



Andre the Giant Vs. Papa Shango


Andre the Giant defeated Papa Shango in 6:56 by pinfall with a Butt Drop.

Rating: C+

Notes: These two have great chemistry but poor ring psychology. This was the biggest challenge Andre has had in awhile but handled it with relative ease, making people wonder if he really has a chance at beating Hogan.



After the match the camera goes to Jack Tunney’s office where he says he’s adding a little more stake to the ladder match between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. He says the winner of the Wrestlemania match will be given a title shot at their choosing. Something never done before in the WWF.

Rating: C-



Davey Boy Smith comes to the ring next for his match and says he is disgusted by Tatanka and the way he is turning his back on his people for money. Where he comes from pride trumps respect any day of the week. He says he wants to teach Tatanka and Sid a lesson at Wrestlemania and challenges them to a tag team match.

Rating: B



Hulk Hogan Vs. Brian Knobbs


Hulk Hogan defeated Brian Knobbs in 7:33 by pinfall with a Big Boot and Leg Drop.

Rating: B

Notes: Hogan wins this one with ease and the crowd eats it up. He is still a larger than life superstar.



After the match Andre the Giant makes his way down to the ring and the two stare each other down nose to nose.

Rating: B



Final Rating: B-

Notes: Not a bad show by any means. With the biggest show of the year just days away. I’m hoping my booking skills are slowly getting better.

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Great show Mad. I'm finding it increasingly hard to keep to the booking of the era and put on good shows, so a diary like yours is a great inspiration and a great read also. Im really looking forward to how Mania goes down


Thanks dude, it means a lot coming from the hottest (in a nonsexual way of course) diary writer on the boards right now. The show ratings have taken a hit because of the bookings but oh well...I'm not fired yet

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Out of curiousity, what Popularity levels is the WWF at. I don't have the mod, so I'm not even sure what you're needing to break even.


Looking forward to Wrestlemania. Cheers!


Right now in the US Im a B+ in the Tristate with a B everywhere else. When I started I was an A in the Midwest...and I want to say a B+ everywhere else...but I can't say for sure

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WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from Capitol Music Hall in Wheeling, WV

Saturday Week 4 March 1992

Aired on: USA Network

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out)



Pre Show:


Haku and The Barbarian Vs. Genichiro Ten and Koji Kitao


Haku / The Barbarian defeated Genichiro Ten / Koji Kitao in 5:47 when The Barbarian defeated Kitao by submission with a Tongan Death Grip.

Rating: D-



Main Show:


Owen Hart Vs. Typhoon


Owen Hart defeated Typhoon in 5:56 by pinfall with The Rocket Launcher.

Rating: D+



Koko B. Ware Vs. Blake Beverly


Koko B. Ware defeated Blake Beverly in 7:35 by pinfall with a Ghostbuster.

Rating: C-



Texas Tornado Vs. Big Bully Busick


Texas Tornado defeated Big Bully Busick in 8:34 by submission with an Iron Claw.

Rating: D



Ric Flair Vs. Jim Neidhart


Ric Flair defeated Jim Neidhart in 14:04 by pinfall with an Inside Cradle.

Rating: B-



After the match Ric Flair continued to assault Neidhart which prompted Owen to run in to help his brother in law. However he was met in the ring by Jake the Snake Roberts and the heels continued to dominate The Hart Foundation. That is until The Ultimate Warrior hit the ring and cleared it. He then shook the ropes for the fans who exploded.

Rating: C-



Final Rating: D+

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WWF Proudly Presents…

Wrestling Challenge

Live from Joe Lewis Arena in Detroit, MI

Sunday Week 4 March 1992

Attendance: N/A



Robby Retro Vs. The Repo Man


Robby Retro defeated The Repo Man in 3:24 by pinfall with a quick roll up.

Rating: C-



Dino Bravo defeated Virgil in 4:47 by pinfall.

Rating: D+



Big Boss Man Vs. The Mountie


Big Bossman defeated The Mountie in 5:46 by pinfall with a Bubba Slam.

Rating: C



A video is shown giving a run down of the matches tonight to include Hulk Hogan Vs. Andre the Giant and Randy Savage Vs. The Undertaker

Rating: B+


Final Rating: C-

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WWF Proudly Presents…


Live from Joe Lewis Arena in Detroit, MI

Aired on: PPV

Sunday Week 4 March 1992


WWF Championship Match:

The Undertaker W/ Paul Bearer


Randy Savage


Ric Flair


The Ultimate Warrior


Ladder Match for the Number 1 Contender Spot

Bret Hart


Shawn Michaels


Farewell Match:

Andre the Giant


Hulk Hogan


WWF Tag Team Championship Match:

The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart


The Legion of Doom


Intercontinental Title Match:

Rick “The Model” Martel


Greg Valentine


Sid Vicious and Tatanka W/ Million Dollar Man


Davey Boy Smith and Jim Duggan


Koko B. Ware


Papa Shango


The New Hart Foundation


Jake Roberts and ???


Texas Tornado


Big Boss Man



Quick Picks:


The Undertaker W/ Paul Bearer Vs. Randy Savage


Ric Flair Vs.The Ultimate Warrior


Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels


Andre the Giant Vs. Hulk Hogan


The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart Vs. The Legion of Doom


Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Greg Valentine


Sid Vicious and Tatanka W/ Million Dollar Man Vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Duggan


Koko B. Ware Vs. Papa Shango


The New Hart Foundation Vs. Jake Roberts and ???


Texas Tornado Vs. Big Boss Man

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i'm really excited to see how this turns out.


Quick Picks:


The Undertaker W/ Paul Bearer Vs. Randy Savage


Surely the Macho Madness will top off Mania with a victory


Ric Flair Vs.The Ultimate Warrior


Lets see how close Ric can drag Warrior to a good match


Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels


This has all the potential to steal the show, and there's only one show stopper in the WWF


Andre the Giant Vs. Hulk Hogan


As much as I'd love a Andre victory, convential wisdom says Hulkamania runs wild


The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart Vs. The Legion of Doom


Ohhhhhh what a rush!


Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Greg Valentine


Rick seems to have been a great IC champ for you, so I see no reason for him to drop it here

Sid Vicious and Tatanka W/ Million Dollar Man Vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Duggan


Perhaps the first time I've gone against Davey Boy...I feel dirty


Koko B. Ware Vs. Papa Shango


Never back against a voodoo witch doctor


The New Hart Foundation Vs. Jake Roberts and ???


I think Jake wins thanks to help from his tag partner Jack "The Personal Demon" Daniels


Texas Tornado Vs. Big Boss Man


Its gonna be Hard Times for The Tornado

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The Undertaker W/ Paul Bearer Vs. Randy Savage

I don't think you want to make Taker's reign as short as Slaughter's was. Besides, it's The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. That's an institution that you get to START, man. That's an honour.


Ric Flair Vs.The Ultimate Warrior

In the WWF, the Ultimate Warrior isn't near as bad as most would have you believe. He's got rediculous charisma and star power, and can get the little kids screaming (in a good way). Ric Flair's for the adults. Adultery wins. Wait..........


Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels

No doubt these guys steal the show. It's almost not even fair to everyone else on the card. I'm predicting the heel to keep the title, so the #1 Contender should logically be a face. That, and I'm Canadian, so Bret will always be rule.


Andre the Giant Vs. Hulk Hogan

As much as everyone would love to see Andre go out on top, he's way to professional to not DEMAND that he put someone over, when he goes out the door. Hogan with the bodyslam/leg drop combo, for nestalgia, then he leads the fans in Andre's send-off. Cheers, Giant!


The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart Vs. The Legion of Doom

I'm predicting every other title to stay put, and it's not Wrestlemania without a new champion of some sort. Plus, the Nasty Boys are garbage, plain and simple.


Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Greg Valentine

Martel got the rub from Bret Hart. If he doesn't run with that torch, and run far, then he's an embarrassment to Canadians everywhere. Not that I get emotional on the subject, though....


Sid Vicious and Tatanka W/ Million Dollar Man Vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Duggan

Davey, I love you, but Jim Duggan is lame. Not only that, but I believe that Tatanka is still on his undefeated streak, no? I can't remember, but they win anyway.


Koko B. Ware Vs. Papa Shango

Koko is a jobber-for-life. Shango is actually marketable. I hope he steals Undertaker's urn. That was fantastic.


The New Hart Foundation Vs. Jake Roberts and ???

The New Hart's roll off on the Magical Mystery Partner Tour. Props to BoomKing on the wicked JD joke.


Texas Tornado Vs. Big Boss Man

This is a bit of a throwaway match, so I'm just swinging this way on personal preference. I was never a WCCW fan (to be honest, I never saw it), so I'm not sold on a Von Erich. Good opening match fodder.


This is a fantastic looking card. I'm really looking forward to Andre/Hogan, Taker/Savage, and obviously Hart/Michaels.



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Quick Picks:


The Undertaker W/ Paul Bearer Vs. Randy Savage


Ric Flair Vs.The Ultimate Warrior


Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels


Andre the Giant Vs. Hulk Hogan


The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart Vs. The Legion of Doom


Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Greg Valentine


Sid Vicious and Tatanka W/ Million Dollar Man Vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Duggan


Koko B. Ware Vs. Papa Shango


The New Hart Foundation Vs. Jake Roberts and ???


Texas Tornado Vs. Big Boss Man

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The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart Vs. The Legion of Doom

I'm predicting every other title to stay put, and it's not Wrestlemania without a new champion of some sort. Plus, the Nasty Boys are garbage, plain and simple.


This is a fantastic looking card. I'm really looking forward to Andre/Hogan, Taker/Savage, and obviously Hart/Michaels.




You know I never understood why everyone hates the Nasty Boys. Were they really that bad? I ask because I was just a kid in this era but I remember loving the nasty boys...just curious.


Thanks for the kind words on the card. I just hope it can live up to everyones expectations.

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The Undertaker W/ Paul Bearer Vs. Randy Savage


Ric Flair Vs.The Ultimate Warrior


Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels


Andre the Giant Vs. Hulk Hogan


The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart Vs. The Legion of Doom


Rick “The Model” Martel Vs. Greg Valentine

-Love what you are doing with Martel, ride the push as long as you can.


Sid Vicious and Tatanka W/ Million Dollar Man Vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Duggan


Koko B. Ware Vs. Papa Shango


The New Hart Foundation Vs. Jake Roberts and ???


Texas Tornado Vs. Big Boss Man

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