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Head Booker for WWE

Head Booker for WWE  

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  1. 1. Head Booker for WWE

    • Vince Russo
    • Steve Austin
    • Christoper Nolan (Batman writer)
    • Bischoff
    • Heyman
    • Gabe Sapolsky
    • Jim Cornette
    • Dave Prazak
    • The Rock
    • Hulk Hogan
    • Bret Hart
    • Macho Man

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Chapter 1: The Start of an Adventure


As I walked into my new office it really clicked in my head that this was real, not last week and yelling at Paul and still having my job, but walking into this office and seeing that Vince spared no expense to make me feel at home, he even put up on my wall picture of me, but it was no time to dwell in the past. I’m less than a week from my first Raw and I don’t even know who will face each other or for that matter have any real storylines. I mean of course I know what I want to do but know it is time to figure out my feuds. As I looked over the storylines that were current I came to a disgusted feeling


“Geez, they don’t have any storylines worth to back sides of toilet paper.” I was shocked, I mean I hadn’t really kept up with WWE while I was gone but now I need to know some things. I knew a couple of storylines that I wanted but as I looked through the storylines now I knew I would only keep three.


It only took a second though for the thoughts to kick in and I now knew where I was taking this sinking ship and now it will only be a matter of time until this beast is once again a monster

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With the Royal Rumble four weeks away John Cena still has no challenger and Row’s participants in the Rumble have yet to be announce, but as the Rumble ticks closer those to problems will be fixed. We do know that Chris Jericho will get on more shot at the World Champ as he takes on Cena in a submissions match for the title.


Also the battle for number 30 start Monday night as Raw’s Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, William Regal; Smackdown’s Big Show, MVP, The Brian Kendrick; and ECW’s Morrison and Evan Bourne battle it out over the next four weeks to see who will be the final man going into the Royal Rumble


And Randy Orton has complied quiet a group, now Orton and the Legacy look to take out anything standing in their way of greatness


So join Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler live Monday night at 9 on the USA Network






John Cena vs Chris Jericho for the World Title in a Submission match


Shawn Michaels vs The Miz


Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston


CM Punk vs Regal round 1 on 30th man battle


Batista and Rey vs Priceless

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I'm anxious to


Hopefully he stays longer then the last time.


John Cena vs Chris Jericho for the World Title in a Submission match


Shawn Michaels vs The Miz


Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston


CM Punk vs Regal round 1 on 30th man battle


Batista and Rey vs Priceless (Im a Rey fan)

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<p><strong>John Cena</strong> vs Chris Jericho for the World Title in a Submission match</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels</strong> vs The Miz</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Orton </strong>vs Kofi Kingston</p><p> </p><p>

CM Punk vs <strong>Regal</strong> round 1 on 30th man battle</p><p> </p><p>

Batista and Rey vs <strong>Priceless</strong></p><p> </p><p>

This has been a great improvement of diaries from when you first started. I wish you luck and KUTGW.</p>

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<p>Thanks Sarcasm..... I think lol</p><p> </p><p>

and I have been reading a lot in my college English class and so I thought that it would be cool to do it as Paul Heyman writing with different views throughout the story like maybe a chapter with Vince as the writer or Eric or Bret. I am not completely sure about that but I will figure out soon.</p>

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Thoughts running through my head, people chattering about life, I almost had forgotten where I was. But that would have been to easy, to just forget where I was and just who I was with


“Um may I just have a soda please!?!”


“Sure thing Mr. Heyman and Mr. McMahon?” the waitress said, tall skinny young thing, probably no older than 20 but has the look of a diva, what am I talking about, get your head back into the game Paul


“Oh I think I will just stick with water for now but thank you”


Crap only water? I mean this meeting was sudden but to only want water? What is going on?


“So Paul, I needed to talk to you” Oh sh*t man barely a week on the job and he was already firing me, maybe I shouldn’t have been such a d*ck to Triple H….. na that was a rush, to tell the man who had caused me so much trouble the first time around, well let’s just say it was worth it.


“Alright Vince, what is it you need to talk about?” Crap, I’m gone; all I could think of was blowing myself up, just take him with me. The last thing that would go through his head would be his a**


“Well Paul, I have some news for you” Yep, now I wish the bomb was near, Yeah sure people would hate me, but then maybe one day they would realize that Vince drove me to do it…. Maybe “And what might this news be?” the words came out slowly and faintly “Well, I just got word that ****** and ********* are both coming back, and they are willing to do what you want, also a couple of other names have called and said they wanted to work with you” Vince spoke calmly, was I really not in trouble, was this all about some guys who wanted to work with me? Yes it’s true I am just that da*n good, but for Vince to call an emergency lunch with just the two of us.


“That’s fantastic, and well bring them in, and I will talk to them.” I hope I could fake that orgasm as well as Linda could “Well that isn’t all of the reason we are here. See Paul, you have yet to inform people on our direction or for that matter any storyline, I am getting a little worried” Drat, and the orgasm was gone just like that. I was at a loss for words, here I sat with my boss and he was mad at me not for doing bad things, but just not letting people mainly him in on what I was going to do with his company. “Vince, I totally understand, this is your company, and you want to know what the hell is going on. But I beg you give me one month where everything is a surprise until the day of the show and I promise it will keep fans interested. I have recently been in talks with Sci-Fi and My Network and seeing if we could now do ECW and Smackdown live. But I need you to trust me and after one month you don’t like how everything is going, well then you and I can sit down and discuss this together about what we should do and with who, but I need your trust first” Man I guess only two things can happen now, either A he tosses the water in my face and tells me to screw off or B my personal favorite he trust me. Wait is this even a verdict I want to hear?


“Okay, you have one month, and if at that time our ratings haven’t improved then I would like to be informed of everything, but only one month Paul, got it?” his voice was sympathetic but stern


“Yes Vince, I got it” what am I kidding myself, that’s all I could think of, is yeah I got it, man I really have become a little b*tch haven’t I….. Maybe it’s time, yeah that’s it, I now know what I have to do, it’s time to throughout the new, and come back with the old. It is time for Paul E. to start to think…. Wait I have to be reasonable, maybe Paul E. mixed with a little Paul Heyman. Best of both worlds, and none of the crap. Yeah that’s how I have to do it, I can’t let Paul E. consume me, and I have to let Paul Heyman speak to. Will I ever stop hearing two voices?

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<p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:14px;">Breaking News out of the WWE</span></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000000;">It is being said that the WWE's website has recently been hacked. No one is sure by who as of yet but Vince McMahon is said to be very upset about this. When more news comes to us we will inform everybody</span></p>

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<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9anxbgnDfas&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9anxbgnDfas&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>



January 25th live from the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan in his home state of Michigan Rob Van Dam will make his much anticipated return to a WWE arena.


Join us live at 8/7c on your local broadcast network

Check your local listing for details

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There was an awesome display to open up the first Raw of 09, as the camera pans around the arena we are joined by Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler


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“Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first Raw of 09. I am Michael Cole alongside my broadcast partner Jerry Lawler, and King we have huge news tonight!” Cole forces out his words “Yes we do Cole, Stephanie McMahon has announced a new Raw G.M, and he or she is here in the building tonight!”


Just as King finished his statement John Cena’s music hits and out comes the champ to the ring


“Well King, that isn’t the G.M but it is our World Champ John Cena”


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Cena enters the ring and poses with the title until he finally grabs the mic

“The Champ is here!” Cena pauses for a moment to let the fans cheer “And tonight is the first Raw of the New Year, and tonight begins the Road to Wrestlemania 25 in Huston Texas! But before we get to Mania we need to figure out the Royal Rumble and just who the hell I am facing, I mean it could be JBL, HBK, HHH, Y2J, or even RKO. It could be a man with just a first name, or a man with one eyebrow, a man who has a lisp, or somebody who could just buy the title, it could be a Punk, or somebody who likes to dress up as other people. But one thing I do know is that at the Royal Rumble, I will walk in as the Champ and walk out the Champ!”


Cena pauses again for the crowd but then Legacy’s music hits and out comes Orton, Dibiase and Rhodes.




“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Cena you must be kidding me with this crap about you walking out of the Rumble as the World Champ, I mean let’s face it John, you are looking at the future World Champ and your opponent for the Rumble right now.” Orton and Priceless start to slowly make their way down to the ring and surround it


“Well then Orton, I can see you and your crew of misfits seem like you want to fight me, so why don’t you little b*tches get in this ring and let me hand you an a** whoppin your daddy’s should have given you!” Legacy slowly starts to enter the ring as Orton looks like he is in a trance. Before they can fully get in the ring and get to Cena music hits and Orton turns around to see the man standing at the top of the ramp.




“Randy, can you please stop, I would hate to have my World Champ hurt before the Rumble!” Cena looks on just as confused as Legacy as Cena mumbles yours “Oh, you haven’t heard Randy, you are looking at your new boss”


“Wow Cole, Eric Bischoff is once again the G.M of Raw” King in a shocked voice “King, I can’t believe it, I truly can’t believe it!” As both men look on in shock as well Eric continues with his speech


“See Cena, you say that you will walk into the Rumble as Champion and walk out as Champion correct?”


“Yeah Eric, I do see that happening, I see…..” Cena is cut off before he can finish by Eric


“Well, what makes you think you are even walking out of here tonight as Champion!?!” Orton now starts to get an evil smile on his face as he gets back onto the apron and enters the ring “Eric I would be glad to take this man’s title tonight!” Orton stares at Cena after the remark with an evil glare towards Cena


“Orton, I am amused by your offer, really I am, but you are not getting a shot at the title tonight, the man who will face Cena tonight is none other than Chris Jericho, oh and Cena, it will be in a Submission match! And Orton if you touch Cena tonight, I promise you that you will never get a title shot on Raw again!” Bischoff looks proud of himself as he walks away; Orton is pissed but eventually leaves the ring without confrontation.


“Man Cole I can’t believe what we just heard, Eric Bischoff is our G.M….. Again, and Cena and Jericho will battle tonight in an ultimate submission match for the World Title!”

“King I must say if tonight wasn’t already looking big, well then it just got bigger!”



http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm197/GatorBait19_2008/Cody_Rhodes.jpghttp://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm197/GatorBait19_2008/Ted_DiBiase_Jr4.jpg vs http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm197/GatorBait19_2008/Rey_Mysterio32.jpghttp://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm197/GatorBait19_2008/Batista-2.jpg


(This match gave both teams face time, Batista started off the match against Rhodes and dominated the smaller opponent, but a tag to Rey hurt their momentum, Rhodes got a hot tag to Dibiase who tripped and eat some 619 and west coast pop)


Winners by Pinfall: Batista and Rey Mysterio Jr.


We cut to the back where we see HBK standing with Josh Matthews


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“I am Josh Matthews joined with the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels” In a childish voice Josh turns towards HBK, who gives Josh an irritated look “Did I say something wrong Shawn?” Shawn starches his head before he speaks


“Well, it’s just you people have been calling me the Heart Break Kid for two decades now, and I’m just saying from experiences that after you turn 30, well you’re really a kid anymore, you kind of grow up if you catch my drift.” Shawn looks back at Josh with a smile “Aw, who the heck am I kidding, Josh you are absolutely right, you are being joined by HBK the Heart Break Kid, but remember I can also be called Mr. Wrestlemania, The Main Event, and my personal favorite, The Showstopper”


Just as Shawn finishes his list of names he pulls out a piece of paper “What is that Shawn?” Shawn looks at the paper and then back up to Josh as he points to the paper “This thing?” “Yeah!” “Oh, this, ah, well, this is nothing really, it’s just a list of…” Shawn reaches to back pocket and when he brings his hand back it’s in a fist and then he becomes giddy “Accomplishment done by none other than me!” Shawn ungrips his fist and throws confetti up in the air “Let’s see, first…. Oh this was one of the classics, Marty Jannetty and myself debuted in the then WWF on July 7, 1988 and for 20 years since I have been nothing but the man, hey that’s a good nickname, the man, mark that down Joshy boy!”


Shawn hands Josh a piece of paper and a pen “Don’t forget to take notes!” Josh looks confused “Is there a test on it?” Shawn looks back with a smile “There just might be, anyways moving on, another accomplishment is singing my own entrance music, third is I was a partipant in the first Ladder Match, Hell in a Cell, and Elimination Chamber!” Shawn can’t get much more out before John Morrison walks in


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Morrison claps towards Shawn “Impressive, truly impressive, but Shawn we already know, we know about the multiple titles, the second greatest tag team ever, two time winner of the Rumble, hell we already know, but here Shawn let me invite you to another list, a list that is far better than yours, and much.. Much greater.”


Shawn looks around and then back towards John, “And just what list is that?”

“I’m glad you asked. The list of John Morrison accomplishments, and let me tell you, it’s far better than yours. See Shawn, you keep bragging about the rumble, and how you went in first and came out last, well this time at the Rumble, I am going in first, and I will come out last, and then at Wrestlemania in your hometown, I will walk out World Champ!” John gives a smirk towards Shawn as he flips his Tag Title around his right shoulder.


“So you think that you can walk in number one and walk out number one….Well then, let me add a new goal to my list, after I kick your boyfriend in the mouth tonight, at the Rumble I will make it my personal goal that I kick you in the mouth and over that top rope!” Shawn and Morrison stare at each other for a brief second until Morrison turns a leaves.



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(Nice match to kick off the tournament, CM worked Regal most of the match and looked very impressive, CM Punk went to hit a GTS on Regal, but Regal got out of it and punched Punk in the back of the head, the ref had no other choice but to disqualify Regal for a closed fist punch)


Winner by DQ: CM Punk


“Well King, Punk moves on but Regal looks pissed”

“Yeah, but Regal is still Intercontinental Champ, so he can get over it”


Regal is pissed, and gets in the face of the ref, he then kicks Punk and applies the Regal Stretch to Punk who can do nothing but tap, Regal then breaks off the hold and gets back in the face of the ref and he declares that Punk tapped and he should be the winner, when the ref refuses Regal decks him and walks out of the arena, with the crowd chanting Regal sucks


The camera cuts to the back where Eric Bischoff is setting up his new office until Randy Orton barges into his office


“Bischoff, I want you to announce that I am the number 1 contender for the World Title, and I want you to do that right now!” Randy gives Eric his evil look, but he quickly calms down as Eric smiles at him “Randy, see last time I was in the WWE I was a guest Ref for you an Edge and helped you screw D-X, and then last time I was G.M, well you were a part of Evolution and you guys told me what to do left and right, well not this time Randy!”


Orton takes a deep breath “I’ll prove you wrong tonight Eric, and then next week you will walk down to that ring and announce me as the number 1 contender!”


Orton walks out of Eric office but runs into Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr. who look at him in shame

“What the hell do you two want, a reward for being a bunch of losers?” Orton is now in pissed with himself and them “I mean why the hell are you two even around me right now, I don’t associate with losers”


Cody is the first to speak “Randy look, we’re sorry, we had them but Rey is tricky!” Orton gets into Rhodes face “Rey is nothing but a little masked man!” Ted pushes Rhodes aside and gets into Randy’s face “Last time I checked, that little masked man beat you one, two, three for the World Title at Wrestlemania!”


Orton shoves Ted “Don’t ever bring up bad memories, now I am willing to forgive both of you for tonight, but you need to prove to me that you two deserve to be in this, so next week not only do you two have to win, but I want you to find a new member, a member who isn’t going to bring me shame, now you have exactly one week to clean up your acts and prove that you are worth my time!” Orton walks away from Priceless who talk amongst themselves as the picture fades to commercial


http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm197/GatorBait19_2008/Kofi_Kingston11.jpg vs http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm197/GatorBait19_2008/Orton_Wrestler.png



This was a match that did two things, first give Orton a quality victory, and second to see how hard I could truly push Kofi, Kofi had some nice offense in the match but Orton was too much for him as he hit the RKO in just under 10 mins)


Winner by Pinfall: Randy Orton


We cut back to the back where we see Kane attacking people, Kane then comes across Candice Michelle, Kane stops and doesn’t attack her he simple stares and gives his evil laugh, then he grabs her by the hair and starts to drag her.


“We need help… Candice needs help, Cole someone has got to help her out, Kane is going to hurt her, I have got to help her”

King gets up and heads towards the back, only to be stopped by a wall of fire and Kane’s music as Kane walks out with Candice still draped over his shoulder. King doesn’t stop as he starts to pummel Kane with jabs, he gets Candice away from Kane only to have Kane take him out. Kane beats on King and throws him into the ring steps. Candice goes and grabs a chair and sneaks up behind Kane just as he is about to lay into King with a boot to the head against the steps. Candice hits Kane but the only effect was making Kane mad, he whipped around and caught the chair before Candice could hit him again and grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up


Dolph Ziggler comes running down the ramp and takes Kane out by the knees before he can do harm to Candice, Ziggler proceeds to hit Kane with everything in his arsenal until King cracks Kane over the head with a chair, then before Kane can get up, the lights cut out and when they come back on Kane is gone, and all that is left is a red mask sitting in the middle of the ring. Dolph goes to make sure Candice is alright as King picks up the mask only to throw it into the crowd, King goes back to his announcers chair after he talks to Candice


“King are you alright?” Cole in a panicked voice over what just happened, “Yeah Cole, cool your jets I am fine, I couldn’t let Kane hurt poor Candice, and thanks to Dolph for coming out and saving my butt!” King touching his head to feel for bumps as Cole continues talking “King, do you think you will be able to call the next match?” King looks at Cole and slaps him on the head “Of course you idiot!” both men chuckle



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(Nice match, but was pretty much one sided in the end with HBK looking dominate, John Morrison got up on the apron but Shawn told him to watch this, he then Super Kicked Miz over the top rope and Miz was counted out)


Winner by Count-Out: HBK


Shawn poses after the match as Morrison helps Miz to the back and Shawn keeps smiling towards Morrison


Then Chris Jericho’s music hits and out he comes in ring attire, he gets in the ring as Shawn leaves and grabs a mic


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“See, I did something that no one else on the wwe.com staff could do, I made people go to the site, I made people crave the site, all because I put up a bullsh*t promo of someone returning, well guess what people, no one is returning, no one is going to come save you people, and no one wants to save you people, it was a hoax and I pulled it off brilliantly” Chris seems proud of himself, like he just won some award as he takes a swig of water “See I proved, that you people only want something new, or old that is now new. When I came back, you people didn’t really care for me, you only cared that I wanted to take out Orton, or JBL, but you never truly cared for me.”


Chris takes another drink before he continues “See, you think you know us, but you don’t, hell you’re not good enough to know us, you aren’t even worth my time to come to this arena and waste my god given talent, just so I can please you, the fan, what a joke” Chris is about to continue when the titan tron starts to flicker and the lights cut out


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGOjnVvxqEQ&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGOjnVvxqEQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


This promo is just the start though for Chris Jericho, before he can speak the video plays again, and then once more after that, finally they stop and Jericho begins to speak again


“Are we done, truly because that was a great annoyance?”


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie"


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RqXrZY5NXc&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RqXrZY5NXc&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Chris Jericho stands stunned, as Cena’s music hits and he walks down to the ring



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(Great match all the way around with both wrestlers getting a good amount of offense. Jericho dominated later in the match but another video distracted Chris enough for Cena to hit a throwback on Jericho and locked in the STFU for the win)


Winner and still World Champ: John Cena



After the match Randy Orton and Legacy run down to the ring and attack Cena but Orton never touches him. Eric Bischoff comes out and puts a stop to it


“Orton, Orton, I can’t have you beating up my top guy, but I will give you your wish, at the Royal Rumble, John Cena will take on…… the winner of the Number 1 contender tournament, Randy, you will go against the likes of Santino Marella, HBK, and Batista, the winners of next week match will face each other the following week for the number 1 contender spot, have a nice week Randy!”



The show cuts out with Orton giving a pissed off look.

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great show, but I think Eric's re-debut wasn't handled as well as I would of liked it but the show still sounded good.


A thing is with this diary is if you have too many people debut at once, it may kill the momentum of the current wrestlers.


But liking RVD's return, didn't like him leaving.


What would be cool, is if you debuted some random indy talent, and over a long while built him up to main event.


Just ideas though, and can't wait for ECW.

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Thanks guy



I signed a bunch of people most are in FCW but some are up just waiting to debut



The reason I did the thing with Rock was more because my feud is Rock vs Jericho, but don't worry it will take awhile for Rock to come in to play.



And Bischoff's segments, weren't really meant to be special it was more just like him trying to be annoying like always, like when you get really pumped to see who the new G.M is and then we figure out it's Mike Adamle and all your feelings towards it are like what the ****. So I based it more off of just, hey I am back.


And just to let everyone know, ECW will be more of my breeder brand, I mean there will be good action but you will see just random people I am trying to see what I can do with.

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With less than one month to the Rumble how will ECW superstars fair in the number 30 entray tournament.


We find out one of their future Tuesday when Finaly takes on Shelton Benjamin


Also Matt Hardy as taken on all challengers since winning the ECW title, but now he faces a even tougher match up as Mark Henry and Tony Atlas will do battle against Hardy to night in a 2 on 1 match for the ECW title


Tune in for this and more Tuesday night at 9:00 on ECW






Matt Hardy vs Tony Atlas and Mark Henry for the ECW title


Finaly vs Shelton Benjamin; battle for number 30


Miz and Morriosn vs Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins


Jack Swagger vs Boogeyman

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Nervous, that wasn’t the word, scared... no, anxious that sounds better. I am actually anxious to see what the ratings are, I mean only one month to prove to Vince that I can handle this, yeah to me it might be a little sort, but I am the one who pushed for it. By why was I anxious, is it weird to have this feeling, or am I just being dumb?


One thing I know for a fact was Raw to me did well, I like Orton’s character and Cena to me gets shuffled down peoples throat but the crowd’s reaction seemed to be on his side


“Mr. Heyman?” Mike, Vince’s handpicked assitant for me, I don’t trust him and only think he is here to keep an eye on me, but maybe that’s just my being paranoid. Come on Paul get a hold of yourself, maybe smoking all those times with RVD and Sabu wasn’t too smart


“Yeah Mike?” In an aggravated voice, I knew why he was beeping in, he had the ratings, like I told myself, I’m not scared just anxious, breath Paul, just breath.


“I have your info you wanted, what should I do with it?” Where the hell does Vince get these, I mean what do you want me to do with it, I don’t cook it, poor some bafflou sauce on it and eat it, what the hell


“Well Mike, you could eat it or bring it into me, I would prefer option 2, but option one would be much, much more funny”


“So you want me to bring it in?” wow, truly a class one dumbas*


“Yes Mike, right now” Mike walks into my office and hands me the paper face down, I got a chill down my back, could I really be this childish about something this small….. Yeah!


“4.31 YES!” best rating in months. Man I hope Vince got a hold of this before I did.

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We open up with the usual opening pyro, and are greeted by the new announce team Joey Styles and Paul Heyman



<a href="

http://photobucket.com/images/joey%20styles" target="_blank"><img src="http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Joey_Styles.jpg" border="0" alt="Joey Styles Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a><a href="http://photobucket.com/images/paul%20heyman" target="_blank"><img src="http://i490.photobucket.com/albums/rr269/martintew/PaulHeyman.jpg" border="0" alt="Paul Heyman Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>



“Welcome to a new ECW ladies and gentlemen, and also let me introduce you to the new ECW announce team, I am Joey Styles the mouth of ECW and the man who made ECW what it is Paul Heyman” Joey holds his hand out to shake Paul’s hand


“Thanks Joey, and yes people that mastermind behind the sickest, craziest, and curliest wrestling promotion that ever existed is back, and Joey is back, and by god ECW is back” Heyman keeps pointing at anything and everything, his passion was there and it gave you chills


“Well Paul, G.M Teddy Long informed us before we came on that Matt Hardy will take on Mark Henry and Tony Atlas for the title, but it is a handicap match and the man who gets the pinfall wins the title. So my question is what if Atlas goes for the pin?”


“Well then we can expect for the Silver Back to then destroy his mentor.”



<a href="

http://photobucket.com/images/matt%20hardy" target="_blank"><img src="http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii278/b2flyxballer/Matt_Hardy.jpg" border="0" alt="Matt Hardy Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a> vs <a href="http://photobucket.com/images/mark%20henry" target="_blank"><img src="http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii278/b2flyxballer/Mark_Henry.jpg" border="0" alt="Mark Henry2 Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a> and <a href="http://photobucket.com/images/tony%20atlas" target="_blank"><img src="http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/Tony_Atlas.jpg" border="0" alt="Tony Atlas Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>


(Tony and Mark used strength in numbers to beat down Matt, Matt had no offense for the first 5 minutes because of this, but then Tony went for a pin and Mark pulled him off, they argued in the middle of the ring but Tony shoved Mark, and Mark gave Tony the World’s Strongest Slam, Matt got up and drop kicked Mark out of the ring and pinned Tony)


Winner by Pinfall and still ECW Champ: Matt Hardy


“Oh my GAWD, he did it, Hardy managed to beat both me” Joey blurts out


“Joey, look at Henry, he’s pissed, but Hardy did it, he beat the Silver Back and his dumb mentor”


Henry is pissed as Hardy walks up the ramp. Henry goes and grabs a chair and gets into the ring, he walks over toward Tony who is trying to stop Henry, but it makes no difference as he snaps and destroys Tony with the chair


“We need help out here Paul, Tony is hurt badly” Joey can’t believe what has just happen


“Tony should have never tried for the pin Joey, I told you Mark Henry does not care for anyone but himself” Joey and Paul look on as EMT put Tony on a stretcher and the screens fades to black and a promo airs of Jack Swagger



A voice plays as Swagger highlights show


“He was a dual sport athlete at the University of Oklahoma. He was an All-American and set the single season record for most pins. He came to the WWE for one thing” The voice stops and Swaggers can now be heard


“I will be a world champ, whether it’s the World Title, WWE Title, or the ECW title, I will have one around my waist” Swaggers voice stops and the other voice plays


“Matt Hardy, he wants you to know that you are on his hit list.”


The video cuts out with Swagger smiling the All-American smile.


<a href="

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(Swagger looked impressive throughout the whole match and even yelled at Boogeyman sometimes calling him Matt. He hit a falling gut wrench bomb of Boogey at the 9 minute mark for the win)


Winner by Pinfall: Jack Swagger



Swagger stands in the ring posing over Boogeyman and signaling for the belt, he spits on Boogeyman before he walks away.


“No respect Heyman, Swagger is a ****y, arrogant…” Before Styles can complete his statement Heyman blurts out “And I love it Joey, that kid reminds me of a young Eddie Guerrero” Joey looks applaud at Heyman “Are you kidding? Eddie was a great man!”


“Eddie was a bum, and he couldn’t win by himself, he had to lie, cheat, and steal to get through life, Swagger uses his pure skill, but anyways moving on, in just under month the historical Royal Rumble will be here, and even though an ECW superstar hasn’t won it, I’ll bet a hundred dollars one will!”


A video plays of the rumble


A voice plays as highlights of past rumbles shows


“On this night anyone can win, but only one will win.”


Highlights of favorites to win flash across the screen such as HHH, HBK, Randy Orton, Edge, Big Show, CM Punk, and Rey Mysterio


“The winner headlines Wrestlemania. He joins an exclusive list with the likes of Hogan, Flair, Austin, HBK, Undertaker, and The Rock. Who will win, that will be determined in just three weeks at the Royal Rumble” The voice cuts off with John Cena points towards the Wrestlemania sign at last year’s Rumble



“Paul the Royal Rumble is one of the biggest pay-per-views of the year, and my question is who do you think will win?” Heyman gives the question some thought before he speaks “The man who is last to stand in the ring, that’s who I believe will win” Heyman laughs at his own joke


“Great prediction Paul, really great, but ladies and gentlemen Eric Bischoff, Vickie Guerrero, and Teddy Long have all agreed to a tournament to see who will be the 30th man into the Rumble. Last night on Raw we saw CM Punk beat William Regal by DQ to move on, tonight or should I say in a few minutes Smackdown’s Shelton Benjamin will take on ECW’s own Finlay” When Styles finishes Shelton’s music hits and it’s time for the match



<a href="

http://photobucket.com/images/finlay" target="_blank"><img src="http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc252/bstrong2/EWR/ECW/Finlay.jpg" border="0" alt="Finlay Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a> vs <a href="http://photobucket.com/images/shelton%20benjamin" target="_blank"><img src="http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq239/heart_break_kid61937/thbenjaminbyme.jpg" border="0" alt="Shelton Benjamin Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>


(This was a very technical match with both showing off their moves. Finlay gained the upper hand first and used his power to keep Shelton grounded, but Shelton eventually got to his feet and used his athleticism to take out Finlay)


Winner by Pinfall: Shelton Benjamin


“What a shame for Finlay, he busted his a** and came up just short Paul” Joey says towards Paul “Yeah Joey, it does suck, but hey we will move on and we still have Evan Bourne!” Both men look at each other and share a laugh


We cut to the locker room of John Morrison when Miz walks into view


<a href="

http://photobucket.com/images/john%20morrison" target="_blank"><img src="http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc252/bstrong2/EWR/RAW/JohnMorrison.jpg" border="0" alt="John Morrison Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a><a href="http://photobucket.com/images/the%20miz" target="_blank"><img src="http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc252/bstrong2/EWR/RAW/TheMiz.jpg" border="0" alt="The Miz Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>


Miz gets in Morrison’s face “Dude what the hell was that crap you pulled last night?” Morrison backs off a little and takes a breath “Miz, calm down. I was just getting in the head of Shawn.” Miz rubs his chin before he speaks again. “Getting in his head, really, cuz by the look of things, now my look was a little blurry because I had a foot in my face, but it more looked like he got into your head.” Morrison gets into Miz face now


“Listen Miz, I am sorry you lost yesterday, but I shouldn’t have to hold your hand every match! Now last night it was obvious, you got beat by a much better wrestler its okay, it will happen a lot in your career.” Morrison slicks his hair back and grabs his glasses and puts them on


“A lot, in my career, dude what the hell is wrong with you. All of a sudden you’re never going to lose again and you’re all into yourself?”


“Miz, listen I wasn’t saying that, I mean it’s going to be hard for people to beat me, but hey it could happen. But speaking of losing I can’t wrestle tonight, I have a appearance thing I have to be at, so you have to go into the match and pull one out for us.” Miz pushes Morrison


“What the hell are you talking about appearance, and it’s a handicap match, what the hell.” Morrison brushes off his chest where Miz touched “Dude it’s not you, but my agent says I have to go, so I am sorry you might lose tonight. Goodbye” Morrison walks out and Miz starts to toss furniture around the locker room



<a href="

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(This was a total squash. Miz started hot but the numbers and fatigue caught up, then out of nowhere Morrison runs down and tags himself into the match and hit a moonlight drive for the win)


Winner by Pinfall: Morrison and Miz


Morrison poses in the ring and Miz just walks out and can’t believe what just happened as ECW fades to black

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Triple H vs Carlito


Vlad vs Primo


Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy vs Edge and Chavo Guerrero


Evan Borune vs Big Show battle for number 30


MVP vs Rey Mysterio Jr. battle for number 30

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ECW didn’t go over the way I had planned, but I knew that. It will take some time to get ECW back to where it was, Swagger was brilliant in his match with Boogeyman and I could truly see this man one day being a star in this company, and the way Henry destroyed Atlas so I can get him off the air for good was brilliant as well


“Paul!?!” Bret shook me as I turned up to see that I was still in the creative meeting for Smackdown, I had almost forgotten that I changed the tape dates to Wednesday, to maximums profit and also give me some time to breath in the process


“Yeah Bret, sorry I was day dreaming” was I though, dreaming about what I could do still with the power I have, I already started to purge TNA and ROH plus some other companies along the way, I knew I was becoming hated but hey I have a business to run. I want and I need the best to do that. I’ve been through talent purging before, WCW and WWF did it to me, so why not when I could do it.


“Okay guys, we understand how the Hardy and Edge story is going to break down, now if this all goes right we can stretch it for a couple of months, I mean they have great history” it was true Edge and Jeff had been putting on matches together for almost 10 years now, and they do it well


“Paul, we found something interesting out at the house show last night, Triple H and Kozlov have excellent chemistry when teaming together.” Vickie said is a suttle voice, but now I had to ponder over this, Vlad and HHH as a team. It would piss HHH off so bad to be in a tag team, hm music to my ears


“Okay then, we need to put them together, we could name them Beauty and the Beast, USSR, Soviet America, something to play off the two, hell this could be great” I was foaming out the mouth for this, HHH would hate me for good, but this could be brilliant


Christopher Nolan giggled to himself, but it got louder he couldn’t help himself “What…what about the straight BA’s” Chris still couldn’t stop laughing “Or batman and boy wonder!” Chris was hysterical, for a man who barely talked in these meetings he had a mind that was pure gold.


“Bret call HHH right now, I want to pitch him this idea!” Everyone looked at me, some shocked by the fact that I was seriously going to run with this. Bret didn’t hesitate though; he dialed HHH’s number and put it on speaker


“Hello?” HHH picked up, he had no idea what was about to happen


Batman, it’s the Joker, where’s boy wonder?” I couldn’t help but blurt it out, everyone laughed along, the mood was perfect


“What the hell are you talking about?” HHH was furious because he wasn’t in on the joke


“Well I just got word the you and Oleg make a pretty good tag team, so we have been pitching around ideas, some are Batman and the boy wonder, or the straight BA’s, now I want you to truly consider the Batman thing, think about it we could do back stage skits of you and him trying to save people, and you act all heroic and he just stands there not trying to be sneaky.” I could tell hunter was pissed, his breathing was rough and irregular, but I had just won


“You want me to act like some cape crusader, and run around backstage like a dumba**, Paul you have lost your mind.” I had, and he was right to a certain point that would be funny for a month, but I need something else, so as we talked we came up with a plan that even HHH liked, as did I. As the meeting came to a close we ran through the card and left slowly, I walked out to my car before I got in to drive home but then it hit me, Kozlov need a manger, someone who could talk for him, but who!?!

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  • 1 month later...



Smackdown opens with pyro and Edge is already in the ring. He is sitting in a chair with his head in his hands ready to speak.




“I’ve been having nightmares last couple of weeks. I’ve been dreaming that this cancer, this enigma, this worthless, undeserving, pile of crap is WWE Champion. Then I realize however, that this dream not only haunts me as I sleep, but also it haunts me while I’m awake. It’s sickening!” Edge stands up and kicks the chair away from him


“See Jeffery, you sit back there and you hold on to that title of mine. You keep it warm; keep it safe, because Vickie has already made the match. At the Rumble you and I Jeff, you and I for the WWE Heavyweight Championship, and at the Rumble Jeff, once again I will take my place on the throne of Smackdown as the Heavyweight Champ!” Edge has his arms draped over the ropes pushing his hair back from his face. He starts to leave the ring when Jeff’s music hits and out comes the Champ with the title draped over his shoulder and a mic in hand




“Oh, look everybody; it’s my nightmare right in front of my face!”

Edge gets in Jeff’s face, Jeff smoothly walks around him


“Edge, you have no idea what a nightmares is. If a nightmare to you is me holding the World Title then you have something coming to you. Edge you need to get into my head, see my thoughts, hear the voices in my head, my nightmares drive me insane.”


“That’s wonderful Jeff, but we all know how messed up you are, we all know about the weird antics of Mr. Jeff Hardy, our WWE Heavyweight Champion. We know Jeff, about the multiple suspensions, the drug use, maybe that’s why you have nightmares Jeff, because the drugs have fried your brain.”


“No doubt I’ve messed up Edge; no doubt I’ve done things that have put my career as well as my life on the line. But at the Rumble the things from my past will no longer haunt me, things from my past will no longer hold me back, and at the Rumble I will pin you one… two…” Jeff stalls as he gets into Edge’s face “THREE!” Edge and Jeff have a stare down in the middle of the ring; Chavo Guerrero jumps over the barricade and attacks Jeff from behind




Edge and Chavo bash on Jeff, Edge then grabs the world title and sets up Jeff, but Matt Hardy runs down to the ring and hits a Twist of Fate on Chavo as Edge ditches.




“Matt you wanna come out here and make the save, fine! Tonight you and Jeff versus Chavo and me!”



We then pan to Jim Ross and the new Colour Commentator Roddy Piper




“Welcome ladies and gentlemen to WWE Smackdown, I’m good Ole’ JR alongside Rowdy Roddy Piper, and Rod we just learned two things, first the Hardy Boyz will team up tonight to take on Edge and Chavo and also at the Rumble Edge will take on Jeff Hardy for the WWE Heavyweight Title”


“Let me tell you one thing JR, The Hot Rod is back in the WWE and yes huge, huge, huge news we just heard from Edge, but with out Vickie having his back, I just don’t see either of those two matches happening”


“Roddy, you do know that they’re married correct?” Ross gives Rod a weird look of confusion


“Listen buddy, Hot Rod knows all. Now let’s move on to our first match please”


Vlad vs. Primo


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/V%20Images/Vladimir_Kozlov2.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/P%20Images/Primo_Colon4.jpg


Vlad dominated the whole match, Primo mounted no offense to speak of even when it looked like he could, Vlad would just flip it on him and hit a high impact move, and finally Vlad hit him with a Head butt to the Chest


Winner by Pinfall: Vladimir Kozlov


Vladimir poses in the ring as we cut to commercial, which hypes the Royal Rumble coming up with such names as Triple H, The Undertaker, and Umaga as participants


When we come back to Smackdown Evan Bourne is standing in the ring awaiting the Big Show for the match in the Battle for 30


Big Show vs. Evan Bourne

Battle for 30


http://i652.photobucket.com/albums/uu241/TianaS561/thbigshow.png vs http://i499.photobucket.com/albums/rr354/Diaryttajat/Wrestlers/thEvan_Bourne.jpg


Evan gave it his all and even got Show to his knees, but Show grabbed him by the next and choke slams him for the win


Winner by Pinfall: Big Show


Show celebrates in the ring; he circles around Bourne as he begins to stand just to deliver a Knock Out, Show leaves as Nick Patrick tries to help up Evan as we break for another commercial which hypes the rivalry of Edge and Jeff Hardy



Triple H vs. Carlito


http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii278/b2flyxballer/Triple_H.jpg vs http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u111/Jeven316/TEW/Carlito.jpg


Triple H and Carlito had a very nice match with Triple H making Carlito look like a true star, but Carlito couldn’t muster up enough to finish off Hunter


Winner by Pinfall: Triple H


Triple H celebrates as the screen slowly fades away to a video of the Undertaker





“29 souls will enter the ring with the expectations of being the last man standing. 29 souls will fight to the death to headline Wrestle Mania 25. But at the end of it all, when the dust has settled and only one remains, it will not be one of the 29 souls, but instead it will be the one soulless man. I will enter the Royal Rumble and take the souls of those unwilling to bear them. At the Rumble I will be the…. Last… Man… Standing!”


The video fades away we see Undertaker’s eyes roll into the back of his head


“Rod, those were some strong words from the Undertaker”


“One thing I learned about the Undertaker JR is never take him lightly. That man knows how to take even the most strong willed person and make them quiver in the boots they’re in”


“Very true Rod, The Undertaker has had more than a Decade of Destruction here in the WWE, but one thing we do know, is he won’t be the 30 entry in the Rumble”


Rey vs. MVP

Battle for 30


http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a184/TiberiusBombard/TEW%20Roster/ReyMysterioAAF5.jpg vs http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a184/TiberiusBombard/TEW%20Roster/MVPAAF3.jpg


Rey and MVP performed nicely with each other, both had equal amounts of Offense, with Rey hitting the 619 four different times for the win


Winner by Pinfall: Rey Mysterio


We cut to the back where we see Triple H walking into Vickie Guerrero’s office




“Vickie, did you see what I just did to Carlito. I want you to put me in that match with Jeff and Edge for the title.”


Vickie gives the idea some thought “As much as that would be a nice rating draw, I have an even better idea. You and Vlad have been having some problems getting along lately, and Hunter I… I... I just can’t have people getting into arguments every week”


Triple H stops Vickie before she can finish “Arguments… where the hell have you been Vickie. Where were you earlier when your husband and Jeff where arguing? Do you have any idea how this business works? One wrestler talks bad about another, they argue, and then fight. It’s the blue print to any successful wrestling company” Triple H stops and rubs his goatee “No wonder Smackdown’s ratings have been in the toilet!”


“Very funny Hunter, here let me try. You want a title shot, well you got it. Next week right here on Smackdown, Triple H and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Colon Brothers for the WWE Tag Titles! Now how that for funny”


Hunter’s pissed, but before reacting he stops and smiles “That sounds great Vickie, I’ll see you next week!”


Hunter walks out of the room as Chavo and Edge walk in talking about the Hardy’s






“Chavo I’m going to make this clear, I know you want the ECW title back, but tonight isn’t about that. Tonight we are going to take Jeff out; I want you to hurt him.” Chavo nods in agreement “And if you fail me, you’ll no longer be in this family.”


“I got it Edge”



The Hardy’s vs. Edge and Chavo


http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm197/GatorBait19_2008/Jeff_Hardy33.jpghttp://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a184/TiberiusBombard/TEW%20Roster/MattHardyAAF3.jpg vs http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a184/TiberiusBombard/TEW%20Roster/Edge4.jpghttp://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii278/b2flyxballer/Chavo_Guerrero.jpg





Good back and fourth match between both teams. The Hardy’s were stronger however with Edge having to somewhat carry Chavo. The ending saw Matt getting a hot tag and Edge getting a sneaky tag. Matt hit a Twist of Fate on Chavo again, but when he got back up Edge hit him with the Spear for the three.


Winners by Pinfall: Edge and Chavo


Edge celebrates on his knees as Chavo and Matt are grounded. Jeff slowly walks behind Edge as Edge proceeds to stand up. Edge turns around to be met by left and rights from Jeff. The two battle it out in the ring as security and officials run to the ring to break it up. The show ends with Jeff running and flying over the top rope onto Edge and security.

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