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USPW: Where the '90s Go to Die

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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Wednesday of Week 2, April 2008

Held at West Texas Coliseum in the Mid South Territory

2,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT!


Shane Sneer sat alone at the announce table. He gravely announced that Danny Jillefski was no longer with USPW after last week’s brutal attack by Primal Rage. But we had found a replacement for him, so he welcomed his new partner:




Mitch Naess gamely greeted the audience and thanked them for tuning in for the show.


1) “Especially since tonight’s main event is Pete the Hillbilly taking on Bruce the Giant,” Mitch said as a graphic of both men appeared on screen. “Can Pete shut down the angry giant? We’ll have to find out. But first...”




2) Champagne Lover came out to the ring with his title belt. He took a few moments to flirt with some of the women at ringside before getting into the ring.


“Hello, all you wonderful people out there. I know your evening would not be complete without a visit from yours truly, the Champagne Lover. Now, I know you all would rather be out with me, making party party. But Commissioner Doom, he says that I have to defend my title every time we are, how you say, on the air? So here I am, about to face off with Happy Elwood. But don’t worry. Once I give him a taste of the champagne, we can go out and dance!”




3) HAPPY ELWOOD vs. CHAMPAGNE LOVER © for the USPW Television Title


Champagne Lover came out of the match looking pretty good. Happy did his best to bring the champ down, but Lover kept him at bay until he could put him down with a Champagne Sunrise.


WINNER: Champagne Lover in 6:37



4) Bruce the Giant stepped into Commissioner Doom’s office. “You wanted to see me?”


This week, Doom stands before a backlit map of the world. He stared at it a few moments before turning to Bruce.


“Indeed I did, Mr. Giant. I believe you have heard about my confrontation with Mr. Strong?”


“Yeah, I might have.”


“Good. I would like you to head my team at ‘Freedom Fight!’”


Bruce was already shaking his head. “No, not going to do it. I’ve been waiting a long time to get my hands on James Justice. His dance card is free now, and I ain’t gonna let him get away from me.”


Doom sighed and turned back to the map. “A shame. Because whoever does answer my call would be in a position to ask for anything. Even a title shot.” Doom’s lips twitched into a smile. “Think of it, Mr. Giant. Who do you suppose Mr. Strong will recruit to lead his team? Mr. Justice will most likely be occupied at ‘Freedom Fight!’ And then, who’s to say who will be chosen to face him after that?”


Bruce growled for a second and then nodded. “Fine. You got me. But you better come through for me, Doom.”


Bruce stomped out of the office and Doom chuckled. “A pleasure doing business with you.”




5) Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles appeared on screen with Seduction. They said that the Prime Patriots got lucky when they won the titles, but their luck had run out. Tonight, the Towers of Power would reclaim what was rightfully theirs.




6) Cherry Bomb came out to the ring, her hair somewhat a mess and her right eye twitching a bit.


“So Alicia won the title from me. That was a bad mistake to make, girl. See, I’ve got this ... condition. It’s not pleasant, not by any means. And my therapist, he was able to help me contain it by focusing my mind on the title. So long as I had the women’s championship belt, I was fine. But now that it’s gone...”


A tremor worked its way up through her body and her head jerked from side to side for a moment. “Well, it’s not pretty. I need to get that belt back. So I want to face Alicia for it again at ‘Freedom Fight!’”






The crowd sat on their hands mostly through this match, which mostly consisted of Cherry Bomb tossing Jaime around the ring. The ref could barely control her as she shrieked and pounded on Jaime, finally dispatching her with a vicious Cherry Bomb that seemed a bit stiffer than usual.


WINNER: Cherry Bomb in 8:32



8) Shane and Mitch tried to discuss Cherry Bomb’s revelation about her “condition,” but they were interrupted by Scapino, who came out and had some harsh words for Shane’s extremely negative commentary from the week before. Shane seemed a bit cowed by Scapino’s anger, who finally told Shane to knock it off and then headed to the back.




9) Captain USA once again paced before the Prime Patriots. He spouted all sorts of patriotic catchphrases, urging them to go out there and defend their titles to the end. He then urged them to head on out and get ready for the fight of their lives.




10) A moment later, Captain USA came out of their lockerroom, only to be intercepted by Anger and T-Rex. They shoved him back and forth between each other before they savagely beat him down. They then walked away, laughing.




11) Sam Strong was shown backstage with a cell phone.


“James? It’s Sam. Listen, did you hear about that three man match me and Doom have put together? You have? Great! I want you to be on my side, okay? You will? Fantastic!”


Sam hung up the phone and looked extremely pleased with himself.




12) Suzanne Brazzle walked through the backstage area, waving to workers and greeting them with a cheery smile. Then she ran into Tamara McFly.


Tamara looked her over for a moment and then snorted. “You think you’re fooling anyone? Everyone can see through this cheerful facade. You’re just trying to gain some sort of advantage by being everyone’s friend. Well, I’m not going to fall for it because, as far as I’m concerned, the only thing that matters is what you can do in the ring.”


The same hard edge appeared in Suzanne’s eyes. She leaned in close to Tamara. “Why don’t we find out? You and me at ‘Freedom Fight.’ Sound good?”


Tamara seemed a bit taken aback by the sudden intensity. “Uh ... sure.”


Suddenly Tamara was all smiles again. “Great! See you later!”


She walked away, but as she did, she slammed her shoulder against Tamara and almost knocked her over.




13) PRIME PATRIOTS © vs. THE TOWERS OF POWER for the USPW Tag Team Titles


Captain USA stumbled out to the ring with the champs and tried to parlay his injured status into support for his boys. The crowd didn’t seem all that sympathetic. Many left for the stands as the Patriots put the Towers through their paces. Mick and Danny did their best to double team them, taking every opportunity to get ahead. But in the end, Roderick got Mick in the Remus Clutch.


WINNERS: Prime Patriots in 9:34



14) The Patriots helped Captain USA into the ring and they celebrated their win. Mitch Naess commented that the Masked Patriot looked a little tense in the ring. Oddly, Shane Sneer had no comment.




15) We soon realized why. Shane Sneer wasn’t watching the matches anymore. Instead, Eric the Bull, Tribal Warrior, and Jumbo Jackson were clustered around the table and discussing something with Shane in low tones. Mitch tried to overhear, but the wrestlers made it clear his attention wasn’t welcome. Shane finally dismissed them and turned back to Mitch, telling him to mind his own business.




16) Backstage, Ernest Forthdyke-Hume approached Pete the Hillbilly.


“I say, I hope I can bother you for a small amount of time. I have important business to discuss with you and your cousin. He seems unwilling to sit down with me. I was hoping that you might–”


Pete laughed at him and walked away. Ernest quietly fumed.






This was a stinker of a match. Jim seemed dead on his feet and, on top of that, it was pretty clear that Jim and Lex weren’t on the same page. As a result, the crowd mostly sat on their hands through the match until Jim finally put Lex down with a Full Force.


WINNER: Jim Force in 7:42



18) Jim tried to pump up the crowd after his win but it was no good. Oddly, they seemed more excited when T-Rex and Anger rushed the ring and laid him out.




19) Backstage, Sam was making some more phone calls when he was approached by Nicky Champion.


“I know I haven’t been doing that well lately, Sam, but I really want to help you out. I’ve heard that you’re putting together a team to face Doom’s Goon Squad, and I want to be a part of it.”


Sam smiled broadly and clapped Nicky on the shoulders. “Son, that’s a great idea. Just what you need.”






Not a good way to end the evening. Bruce was tired out and Pete looked about ready to die. Worse, they didn’t sell each other’s offense. In the end, Bruce put Pete down with a Giant Choke Slam.


WINNER: Bruce the Giant in 6:59



21) Sam beamed at the camera.


“So what did we learn this week? It’s good to have friends. See, Uncle Sam has some great friends here at USPW. He’s got James Justice and Nicky Champion, both of which want to help him out at ‘Freedom Fight.’ That’s really what a friend is: they’re willing to stick with you when the going gets tough. Those are the kind of friends you want, kiddies.”







I stood by the door and said good-bye to the workers as they left. Then a hand grabbed my elbow and pulled me into the shadows. I found myself face to face with a very angry Brandon Smith.


“What do you think you’re trying to do to me?” he whispered.


I stared at him, forcing myself to remain calm. “What are you complaining about? You’ve got the gold, don’t you?”


His grip tightened on my arm and I struggled to keep from wincing. “Yeah, but that clown Remus has gotten the win every time. I’ve never gotten a pin yet. You’d better do right by me, or you’re going to regret it.”


He shoved me into the wall and stormed off. I watched him go, rubbing the circulation back into my arm.


I considered going to Sam with this, but I knew it wouldn’t do any good. Sam was probably already picking out china patterns for his future son-in-law.


That thought soured my stomach. I went back to the door and pasted a smile on my face. If anyone saw that it was fake, they didn’t let on.



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Just read up on this [after seeing it recommended by James Casey in 10 Simple Rules] and I'm loving it, the behind the scenes snippets especially. Though I was in the middle of pushing Brandon Smith in my TCW game and I've just called a halt to it because whenever I see his picture, I see the prick from this diary! :p


Great work so far!

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Though I was in the middle of pushing Brandon Smith in my TCW game and I've just called a halt to it because whenever I see his picture, I see the prick from this diary! :p


Now that is high praise indeed, that I can influence how other people push Brandon in their own games. Thank you!

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Just wanted to throw my praise in on how great this is going so far. Excellent writing! Like others have said, it definately gives a different perspective on certain CVerse characters.


One day I'll go back and read your other one that everyone keeps raving about. But been extremely busy with this title rendering thing. :eek:


Seriously though, keep up the great work and can't wait to see what you have next.



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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Wednesday of Week 3, April 2008

Held at Perry Hall in the Great Lakes Territory

2,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT!


Mitch Naess and Shane Sneer welcomed the audience to the show.


1) They hyped the fact that tonight, we’d see the unlikely pairing of Bruce the Giant and T-Rex in a match against the tag champions, the Prime Patriots.


“Can you imagine how great that kind of momentum would be for ‘Doom’s Goon Squad,’ as Nicky put it last week, if they could go in with the tag team titles?” Shane asked.


“But I wouldn’t write them off yet,” Mitch countered. “Roderick Remus and the Masked Patriot are two very tough young competitors. Bruce and T-Rex will have a fight on their hands.”




2) AL THE HILLBILLY vs. CHAMPAGNE LOVER © for the USPW Television Title


And these two wound up missing spots and generally putting on a bad match thanks to some obviously bad chemistry. Al did his best to take out Lover early, but found himself tossed out of the ring at one point. That’s when Ernest Forthdyke-Hume came out to the ring and tried to talk to him. Al didn’t appreciate the interruption and tried to push him away.


Big mistake. Lover hit a baseball slide out of the ring and took Al out, then dragged him back into the ring for a Champagne Sunrise.


WINNER: Champagne Lover in 8:36



3) Scapino arrived, waving to a few of the backstage workers.


“Running a little late, are we?”


Scapino turned and saw Eric the Bull leaning up against one wall. Eric shook his head. “That’s not good. Not good at all. That sort of thing ... could cause trouble for you.”


Scapino stared at Eric for a moment or two then turned and walked away. When he glanced over his shoulder again, Eric was following. Scapino picked up the pace a little, turned a corner, and almost bumped into Tribal Warrior, who blocked the hallway and glowered at the rookie. So Scapino turned and picked up the pace a little, looking back to see that Tribal Warrior had joined Eric in tailing him.


He started to jog and his pursuers picked up their pace as well. He rounded a corner, only to slam into Jumbo Jackson. Jumbo picked him up from the floor and shoved him through an open door.


“C’mere, kid. We’ve got some things to explain to you.”


Eric and Tribal Warrior followed Jumbo in.




4) Alicia Strong came out to the ring with her title belt. She waited for the considerable pop to die down before she spoke.


“Cherry, my heart goes out to you if you really do have some sort of medical condition. But do you really expect me to believe that you’re somehow fixated on the title and only that can keep you well? Come on!


“Because here’s the truth: all of us want this title, don’t we? Why else would we fight for it? So if you think I’m just going to roll over and let you take it back, you can forget it. But you’re certainly welcome to try at ‘Freedom Fight!’”




5) ALICIA STRONG © vs. STEPHANIE WADE for the USPW Women’s Championship


Alicia clearly had the crowd on her side as she went through the match against Stephanie. Stephanie managed to shut down Alicia twice and almost got pins, but Alicia fought back and finally dropped Stephanie with an Angel Driver.


WINNER: Alicia Strong in 9:36



6) Out to the ring came Captain USA with the Prime Patriots. He once again lauded his boys as being the epitome of American greatness.


But his glowing endorsement was cut short by Shane Sneer. Shane stood up and said, “You know, I’ve been sitting here, listening to you flap your gums about how great your team is. You know why they’ve done so good? Because they haven’t faced true competition yet. The Towers of Power? Give me a break! Did you know they tried to join the Sneer Corporation but I turned them down? Why else do you think they’re slumming with Seduction right now?


“But my clients are the best of the best, the cream of the crop. They know what focused dedication truly is. So on behalf of two of my clients, namely Eric the Bull and Jumbo Jackson, I hereby challenge the Prime Patriots to a title shot at ‘Freedom Fight!’”


Captain USA willingly accepted the challenge. Shane sat down again with a smug sneer.






Unfortunately, you could tell that Tiger’s mind was elsewhere as he stumbled through the match. And once again, the crowd simply couldn’t muster any amount of caring. Jim finally picked up the win with a Full Force.


WINNER: Jim Force in 9:35



8) Backstage, Bruce and T-Rex came face to face. They stared at each other for a few moments before T-Rex extended a hand.


“No hard feelings about before?”


Bruce’s eyes narrowed and then he shook T-Rex’s hand with a smile. “None at all. You were just doing what you had to to get the title. I can respect that.”


Then Bruce drew him in close and snarled at him. “Just don’t cross me again. Got it?”


T-Rex swallowed hard and agreed.


9) Sam Strong was chatting with a worker backstage when he was approached by James Justice.


“Sam, you got a sec?”


Sam nodded. “What’s on your mind?”


“You know, I was thinking about it. You’ve got me in this match against Doom’s Goon Squad. That means that at ‘Freedom Fight!,’ there isn’t going to be a title match.”


Sam blinked in surprise. “You’re right. There wouldn’t be, would there?”


“So I was thinking. We can’t have a title match, so why not have a #1 Contender match? Pick two guys to have a match, and whoever wins will face me for the title at ‘Declaration of Independence!’ What do you think?”


Sam nodded. “I love it. I’ll take care of it.”


Sam headed off, leaving James to smile, satisfied.




10) PRIME PATRIOTS © vs. BRUCE THE GIANT & T-REX for the USPW Tag Team Titles


Bruce and T-Rex did an okay job of fighting together, although there was a bit of tension between them still. They did their best to decimate the champs, leading Shane to predict early on that we were going to see a title change.


Then the Masked Patriot came in and started knocking Bruce and T-Rex around. Mitch crowed that the Masked Patriot was going to win it all for his team. But that’s when T-Rex rolled out, retrieved one of the title belts, and clubbed Patriot over the head with it. The ref immediately called for the bell.


WINNERS: Prime Patriots by DQ in 10:03



11) A video montage played, showing Nicky Champion being trained by Sam Strong. Sam put him through his paces, punching a bag, jumping a rope, and otherwise looking like a true competitor.




12) Suzanne Brazzle came out to the ring with an air gun tucked under her arm. She got a mic before she got started.


“So it would seem that I have a match against Tamara McFly coming up here pretty soon. She seems to think that if you’re a wrestler, you’re supposed to look like you’ve been sucking on a lemon all day, looking so serious and intense. But isn’t this supposed to be about having fun?


“That’s why, instead of asking for a warm-up match or something like that, I decided I’d come out here and spread the wealth. Who wants a t-shirt?”


She then spent several minutes firing t-shirts into the crowd.




13) JAMES JUSTICE © vs. ANGER for the USPW World Title


This warm up match wasn’t all that bad. Anger got a little tuckered out, but James came across as a true champion. Anger tired to rely on simple brute strength to win, but in the end, he got shut down with a Liberation Slam.


WINNER: James Justice in 12:17



14) Sam Strong appeared on screen.


“You know what, kiddies, that Suzanne Brazzle’s got a good point. We should always make time for fun. Life gets so difficult so quickly nowadays that it’s good to remember what’s truly important: your family, your friends, and finding joy in life. I hope you enjoyed tonight’s episode of ‘American Wrestling,’ and I hope we brought you a little joy. Because that’s what Uncle Sam and his friends are all about.”







“Has anyone seen Anger?” I shouted.


I was met with a lot of blank stares. I growled in frustration. Apparently as soon as the match was over, Anger packed his bags and left. I pulled out my phone and called him up.


“What do you think you’re doing? We’re still cleaning up here at the arena, and we need you to–”




I stared at my phone. I couldn’t believe it. I wished for a moment I had been talking on a land line. How do you slam down a cell phone? I finally shoved it back in my pocket.




I turned and then smiled. Suzanne Brazzle smiled back.


“Listen, I just wanted to thank you for the push you seem to be giving me. I don’t know what brought it on, but I appreciate it all the same.”


“No problem.”


She hesitated for a moment. “Look, uh ... Stephanie Wade, Amber Allen, and I are taking the Rod and Remmy out for a few drinks at some club down the street. I was wondering if you’d like to come with us?”


I smiled again. “Some other time, okay? I’ve got some work I need to take care of here first.”


She stepped closer and smirked. “I’m going to hold you to that, okay?”


I nodded and she walked away.



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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Wednesday of Week 4, April 2008

(The Go-Home Show for “Freedom Fight!”)

Held at The Den in the New England Territory

2,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT!


Mitch Naess and Shane Sneer welcomed the audience to the show.


1) They went on to say that tonight’s main event was going to be a warm-up match for two members of Sam’s team. James Justice and Nicky Champion were going to take on the former tag champs, the Towers of Power.


“You know, I just realized, Doom has all three members of his team. Who do you suppose the third man will be for Sam’s team?” Mitch asked.


Shane responded that he really didn’t care.




2) Champagne Lover came out to the ring and smiled and waved. “Hello, all you beautiful people. It is I, Champagne Lover, coming to grace your presence again this evening. And what grace you all need. For I have seen this town and it is, how you say, lacking in places to make party party. So maybe we make the party party here tonight, huh? On second thought, no. There are not enough fine women for me to enjoy here.


“At any rate, everyone is so excited about this big match this Friday they forget the wonder that is Champagne Lover. So I seek to remind them of what they overlook. So if any of you in the back wish to try to get my title, now is the time.”


Des Davids came out shortly thereafter. He didn’t say anything. He just headed for the ring.


RATING: C for the open challenge; D+ for Des’s “acceptance”


3) DES DAVIDS vs. CHAMPAGNE LOVER © for the USPW Television Title


This could have been a lot better, I think, but it was clear that these two had some bad chemistry going on. They covered for it as best they could. Then, as Champagne Lover started to set Des up for the Champagne Sunrise, Des surprised everyone by hitting the Quarterback Sack instead, covering Lover and getting the three count.


WINNER: Des Davids in 9:51



4) Backstage, Jim Force approached Sam Strong.


“You know what, Sam? The worst criticism to be leveled on a man in a time of crisis was that he was a day late and a dollar short. And you, my friend, seem to be more than a dollar short right now, because you have a big, gaping hole in your corner. You’ve been to the mountain and come up wanting. You’re setting out on the dusty trail and you’ve forgotten a cowhand. And I hope to rectify your oversight.”


Sam’s eyebrows raised. “If I understand what you’re saying, Jim, you want to be the third man in the tag match at ‘Freedom Fight!,’ right?” Before Jim could answer, Sam held up a hand. “That’s a nice offer, but I’ll have to turn you down. See, I’m booking you in a #1 Contender match against Peter Valentine for ‘Freedom Fight!’ So you’ll already be busy this Friday. And don’t worry about me ‘missing a cowhand,’ or whatever you said. I’ve got it all taken care of already.”






Mitch commented that Tamara really did look like she had been sucking on a lemon. She was intense and looked none too happy as she took Lora apart a piece at a time. But because Lora looked practically dead on her feet, the crowd just couldn’t get into it, even as Tamara put her away with a McFly Roll.


WINNER: Tamara McFly in 6:34



6) Ernest Forthdyke-Hume approached Al the Hillbilly backstage. Al rolled his eyes when he saw him coming.


“Mr. Al, is it? I do hope I can take a moment of your time.”


“Lookie here, mouthpiece. You done taken up too much o’ my time as it is. Now my brother, he’s got a match later tonight and I plan on watchin’. See, that’s the thing you don’t seem to get. All we like to do is fight. Whatever else you’s is pushin’, we just ain’t interested.”






Shane really touted his boys on this match, showing absolutely no impartiality. He especially eviscerated Velocidad for his clumsiness. It’s too bad the audience in the arena couldn’t hear Shane’s sell job. They mostly sat there, quiet, even as Jumbo picked up the win on Velocidad with a Jumbo Avalanche.


WINNER: Jumbo Jackson & Eric the Bull in 6:51



8) Jim Force came out to the ring with a mic.


“You all heard it, didn’t you? The winds of change, sweeping down across this remote plain. The end of the era of Justice, the eventual rise of true Force! For I’m being sent to something greater than me and yet smaller than I. For I’m goin’ up against the Broken Hearted Man, and I’ll just shatter him further–”


Apparently Primal Rage had heard enough. Anger and T-Rex charged in from two different directions and took Jim apart. A bunch of backstage officials came out and chased them off, then helped Jim out of the ring and toward the back. As they went, though, Peter Valentine’s music hit and he came out, heading for the ring for his next match. He paused long enough to say something to Jim. That set Jim off, and the two of them started trading punches before the officials intervened and took Jim the rest of the way.


RATING: D for Jim’s speech; C+ for the attack; D for the fight




Turns out these two have bad chemistry in the ring as well. And on top of that, Pete looked half-dead from the moment he went into the ring. Needless to say, the crowd did not get into this at all. It was a mercy when Peter Valentine put Pete down with the Heart Breaker.


WINNER: Peter Valentine in 6:22



10) Somewhere backstage, Cherry Bomb sat on a bench, rocking back and forth with a copy of the program in her hands. She muttered to herself in a sing-song voice, tipping her head to look at the program from different angles. She then suddenly giggled and threw the program down, then looked at the camera with a really weird light in her eyes. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”


She then got up and shuffled away, leaving the camera to focus on the program. It was open to Alicia’s picture and blood-red Xs slashed across the page.






Nicky unfortunately didn’t look too hot, but Mitch tried to cover that up as best as he could by saying that it was just a case of nerves. “After all, young Nicky has been having a tough time of it lately. It’s not a big surprise that he’d be a little off tonight.”


James, however, shone like the champion he is. The Towers tried to keep him out of the ring, because whenever he got in, James would rally the crowd to his side and tear into the former tag champs. But finally, James was able to let loose, knocking them around and finally, he set Mick up for the Liberation Slam. But instead of putting him down, he tagged in Nicky and let his partner drop Mick with the Hawkeye Hammer.


WINNERS: James Justice & Nicky Champion in 14:10



12) And that’s when all hell broke loose.


Anger and T-Rex hit the ring and they started fighting with James and Nicky. The faces held their own for a while, but that shifted when Bruce the Giant hit the ring. He easily knocked James and Nicky down and then the three heels celebrated over their foes.




13) Much to Mitch’s surprise, Sam didn’t look too worried when he appeared on screen. Instead, he calmly went over the card:


Alicia Strong © vs. Cherry Bomb for the USPW Women’s Title

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Tamara McFly

Jim Force vs. Peter Valentine to determine the #1 Contender for the USPW World Title

Prime Patriots © vs. Jumbo Jackson & Eric the Bull for the USPW Tag Team Title

James Justice, Nicky Champion, & a mystery partner vs. Bruce the Giant, T-Rex, and Anger


Sam then fell silent for a moment. When he looked up, he smiled.


“You know, kiddies, it’s dangerous to get too full of yourself. Bruce, Anger, and T-Rex, they seem pretty confident right now. That’s what happens when you think you’re the biggest dog on the block. But Uncle Sam, see, he’s got an ace up his sleeve. He knows what’s gonna happen on Friday night, and it isn’t going to be pretty. Not for Doom’s Goon Squad.


“The Good Book says ‘Pride goeth before the fall.’ And that’s what we’re going to see this Friday. Hey, have I ever lied to you?”







Champagne Lover was not happy with me over his loss. But when I pointed out that he kept complaining about his fatigue level (since he works for both SOTBPW and WLW, who are currently on tour), I figured I had to give him some time off. And we had to keep the title in play. I think he understood, but he still wasn't too happy.





As always ... well, you know the drill.

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Alicia Strong © vs. Cherry Bomb for the USPW Women’s Title

Crazy Cherry Bomb is awesome. If she gets the title back, she'll go back to... normal... ish.... Mustn't have that.


Suzanne Brazzle vs. Tamara McFly

Tamara's the next logical contender to Alicia. Don't worry about Brazzle, though. You can make it up to her by taking her out for drinks.


Jim Force vs. Peter Valentine to determine the #1 Contender for the USPW World Title

This is going to be ugly. Real ugly. Jim Force has been a non-player through a lot of this diary (shockingly). Valentine will be a nice challenger as Bruce & Justice stay on their holding pattern.


Prime Patriots © vs. Jumbo Jackson & Eric the Bull for the USPW Tag Team Title

Remus Clutch for the win. Hey! Brandon! Maybe you'd get the pin, if you weren't a scumbag. Think about it.


James Justice, Nicky Champion, & a mystery partner vs. Bruce the Giant, T-Rex, and Anger

This match is tough to call. Initially, the presence of Bruce tips the scales in his team's favour (he might even break the scales). However, there's the always-interesting mystery partner. I'm expecting a new debut, that'll put Sam's team over. As Justice takes on Valentine next month, Bruce can fight it out with the debutee. The longer we wait for Justice/Bruce, the bigger it'll be.

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... I can't argue with any of Greg's picks, to be honest. Brazzle vs McFly seems the most like it could go either way, but you have a face champ, so you want to keep the heel strong.


I wouldn't be surprised if Cherry Bomb loses by DQ, actually. Play up the "Crazy Bomb" angle. (I gotta say, I thought the speech to launch that gimmick/angle was a bit weak ... it would have been better to just have her act crazy, without explaining it up front ... but the situation has plenty of opportunity for fun in it. Of course, in the real world, it'd probably end up getting her face pops, a la Mickie James).

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Alicia Strong © vs. Cherry Bomb for the USPW Women’s Title

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Tamara McFly

Jim Force vs. Peter Valentine to determine the #1 Contender for the USPW World Title

Prime Patriots © vs. Jumbo Jackson & Eric the Bull for the USPW Tag Team Title

James Justice, Nicky Champion, & a mystery partner vs. Bruce the Giant, T-Rex, and Anger

I would predict Freddie Datsun as The mystery partner.

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Alicia Strong © vs. Cherry Bomb for the USPW Women’s Title

Probably not a decisive win


Suzanne Brazzle vs. Tamara McFly

Tamara is better than Brazzle - at this point, anyway


Jim Force vs. Peter Valentine to determine the #1 Contender for the USPW World Title

Caveat: Just what is Bruce going to do about a #1 contender match? No contest?


Prime Patriots © vs. Jumbo Jackson & Eric the Bull for the USPW Tag Team Title

The lukewarm pushing of Dozer continues...


James Justice, Nicky Champion, & a mystery partner vs. Bruce the Giant, T-Rex, and Anger

Champion loses to a mystery partner turn, maybe?

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Alicia Strong © vs. Cherry Bomb for the USPW Women’s Title

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Tamara McFly

Jim Force vs. Peter Valentine to determine the #1 Contender for the USPW World Title

Prime Patriots © vs. Jumbo Jackson & Eric the Bull for the USPW Tag Team Title

James Justice, Nicky Champion, & a mystery partner vs. Bruce the Giant, T-Rex, and Anger

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Alicia Strong © vs. Cherry Bomb for the USPW Women’s Title

But no title change

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Tamara McFly

Jim Force vs. Peter Valentine to determine the #1 Contender for the USPW World Title

Prime Patriots © vs. Jumbo Jackson & Eric the Bull for the USPW Tag Team Title

No title change here, either

James Justice, Nicky Champion, & a mystery partner vs. Bruce the Giant, T-Rex, and Anger

Maybe a strange choice, but this is the opening. This feud should run and if the faces take it here, it won't.

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Alicia Strong © vs. Cherry Bomb for the USPW Women’s Title

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Tamara McFly

Jim Force vs. Peter Valentine to determine the #1 Contender for the USPW World Title

Prime Patriots © vs. Jumbo Jackson & Eric the Bull for the USPW Tag Team Title

James Justice, Nicky Champion, & a mystery partner vs. Bruce the Giant, T-Rex, and Anger

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USPW presents ...

“Freedom Fight!”

Friday of Week 4, April 2008

Held at the Centerpiece Bridge in the Mid Atlantic Territory

5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT!


Mitch Naess and Shane Sneer welcomed the audience to the show.


1) They spent a moment hyping up the big main event, the war between Doom’s Goon Squad and Sam Strong’s team. They speculated for a moment or two about who the mysterious third man could be, finally admitting that they had no idea.


“His identity is shrouded in mystery right now, so much so that none of us have any idea,” Mitch said.




2) Ernest Forthdyke-Hume came out to the ring to general indifference. He then got the mic.


“The so-called Hillbillys continue to rebuff my attempted conversations. And then I realized what the problem was. I had yet to earn their respect. My client, Lawrence, did not, even though he bested Al in their first encounter. He certainly did not earn any respect when his partner took him out last month.


“So this is what I wish. Al, you seem to be the more intelligent of the two, so I address this challenge to you. I myself cannot face you in a match. But I believe I have hired someone who can. He will face you tonight. If he wins cleanly, I believe the term is, you must agree to meet with me. If you win or if he cheats in any way, shape, or form. I will leave. Agreed?”


Al came out and readily agreed to the match. So Ernest introduced his ringer and the crowd popped hard:








Sean looked great in the ring, but what do you expect from one of the most over wrestlers in the world? He actually took Al through a decent match, although it was pretty clear he had Al’s number the whole time. He finally pinned Al cleanly after a Delorean Driver.


WINNER: Sean McFly in 6:40



4) Alicia Strong appeared on screen. “Now I know that some of you think I’m a bit crazy to face Cherry Bomb. I’ve heard the stories too, that she’s been acting a bit weird. But I think it’s all an act. She’s not scaring me. And I’ll prove it tonight when I retain my championship.”




5) Peter Valentine was next. “So here we are. I endured that upstart, Des Davids, and tonight, I receive my reward. Because let’s face it, that has-been moron Jim Force doesn’t stand a chance against me. I’m going to crush his dreams and break his heart tonight.”




6) And then it was Captain USA, appearing with Prime Patriots. He said that Eric the Bull and Jumbo Jackson are in wrestling for only one reason: the money. “Why else would they sign with that snake, Shane Sneer? But my boys, they’re in it for the right reason: for the thrill of the competition. For the heart. And when you’re fighting from the heart, there’s no one who can defeat you.”






Unfortunately Suzanne seemed a bit off her game. Her smile slipped a few times and you could read the concentration in her features. As a result, the crowd didn’t get too into it. Tamara did her best to put Suzanne down, but in the end, it was Suzanne who picked up the win with a Miracle Connection.


WINNER: Suzanne Brazzle in 7:48



8) Suzanne bounced around and cheered for herself. She then rolled out of the ring, found a preteen boy, and planted a big kiss on his cheek. The boy looked about ready to faint.




9) A video played, showing the members of the Sneer Corporation in action, demolishing their opponents. In the end, Shane appeared in their midst, his trademark sneer on his face. Mitch admitted that the tag champs were probably in for a rough ride tonight.




10) Backstage, Cherry Bomb seemed a bit distracted. She skittered down a corridor, seemingly chasing something or someone. The whole time, she kept calling out, telling whoever she was talking to to leave her alone, that she would get it back tonight.






The crowd hadn’t warmed up yet after the women’s match. The Patriots did their best, but it was clear that Eric and Jumbo were ready for them. They looked primed and ready to take the tag belts.


But that’s when Scapino vaulted the rail and distracted Jumbo Jackson. Jumbo tried to concentrate on the match, but he finally hopped down and chased Scapino away from the ring.


That proved to be a costly mistake. Eric was in trouble and went to tag in his partner, only to discover that he wasn’t there. That allowed the Masked Patriot to hit Backdrop Driver and make the pin.


WINNERS: Prime Patriots in 12:21



12) Commissioner Doom appeared with Bruce, T-Rex, and Anger. He laughed at the name that his team had been given. “I suppose to mere mortals, these men might seem like goons. But I see them as a necessary corrective. When they beat Mr. Strong’s team, I trust our esteemed owner will understand who truly does have the vision to guide USPW on to greatness.”




13) Remmington Remus appeared backstage with Jim Force.


“So, Jim, we heard what Peter Valentine had to say, how he was going to ‘crush your dreams and break your heart.’ What do you have to say in response to that?”


“Well, Remmy boy, this is what I say. You can’t crush what’s already powder and you can’t break what’s made out of steel. The Broken Heart Man may think he’s got the power, but I am the Force! And tonight, the Force will shatter the contender and make him the pretender he is!”




14) ALICIA STRONG © vs. CHERRY BOMB for the USPW Women’s Title


A pretty good match. Cherry played the psychotic heel well, often throwing strategy aside to focus on beating up Alicia. She had to be restrained by the ref a number of times. But Alicia weathered the assault and finally managed to kick out after a Cherry Bomb. A short flurry of offense ended with an Angel Driver and the pin. Alicia then rolled out of the ring and retreated while Cherry stared up the aisle after her.


WINNER: Alicia Strong in 11:49



15) Sam appeared on camera with James Justice and Nicky Champion.


“So here we are, guys. You ready?” Sam asked.


“Anytime, Sam, anytime,” Nicky said.


“Yeah, me too, but I have to know, Sam, who’s our partner? Can’t you just give us a hint?”


Sam shook his head. “I swore myself to secrecy, boys, you’ll just have to wait with everyone else.”


“Oh, come on!”


Sam thought about it and then motioned for them to come closer. He whispered something to them. James and Nicky reeled away, their jaws slack. They then burst out laughing.


“They’re not going to know what hit them!” James crowed.




16) JIM FORCE vs. PETER VALENTINE to determine the #1 Contender for the USPW World Title


The crowd still seemed pretty down, even though Jim did his level best to whip them up. He and Peter traded some big blows and it turned into an ugly brawl, both men pounding the daylights out of the other. In the end, though, Peter blocked a Full Force and put Jim away with a Heart Breaker.


WINNER: Peter Valentine in 9:42



17) Backstage, Jumbo was hot on Scapino’s heels. Scapino kept running, taking him through backstage area and back towards the ring. Jumbo finally came close to getting Scapino, only to have the rookie dance around a dejected Jim Force. Jim looked up just in time to see Jumbo coming and the two of them collided, going down in a tangle of arms. Scapino laughed and escaped.




18) Sam Strong came out to the ring with James and Nicky, who were still laughing. Then the Goon Squad made their entrance as well. Sam waited for them to get into their corner before getting a mic.


“So I guess it’s time to let the cat out of the bag, huh? Ladies and gentlemen, I present Sam and Nicky’s partner and the USPW’s latest hire ...”




“... Dan Stone Jr.!”






The crowd actually seemed interested in this one, and with good reason. James looked every inch the champion and it was clear that both Nicky and Dan were taking their cues from him. On the other end of the ring, T-Rex and Anger deferred to Bruce’s leadership and direction.


It was clear from the get go that one of James’s strategies was to keep Bruce frustrated by not facing him. Bruce stomped and roared to be tagged in every time James was in the ring, but the moment Bruce got in, James would tag out to one of his partners.


The momentum of the match swung back and forth, sometimes violently, before Dan got Anger to tap out using the Stone Ankle Stretch.


WINNERS: James Justice, Dan Stone Jr., Nicky Champion in 14:51



20) Sam appeared on screen, still smiling broadly.


“So how’d I come up with this? Well, I got to thinking. What did ol’ David do when he was facing the giant? He got himself some stones to take the big man down. And that’s what I did too.


“See, that’s the thing, kiddies. Size matters sometimes, but not as often as you might think. Sure, the Goon Squad are big and nasty, but in the end, they were outsmarted. So don’t always look down on the little guy. Sometimes he’ll be the one that surprises you.”









I looked up calmly at Anger’s outburst. He stomped over to me and waved his paycheck under my nose.


“This isn’t right! Where’s the rest of it?”


I smiled. “I donated some of it to the Make a Dream foundation in your name. I figured since you didn’t show up until after the show got started, you wouldn’t mind donating part of your pay to a worthy cause. Or was I wrong?”


Anger glowered at me for a moment or two before sighing. “All right, I get the picture. I’ll make sure my watch is set right next time.”


“You do that.”



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Spilling the Beans


I was feeling okay with myself after the pay-per-view. Sure, the entire show didn’t garner the kind of praise I was hoping for, but in the long run, I knew we had taken a positive step forward. After all, we now had Dan Stone Jr. on our roster, a man with great skills and who wasn’t too bad on the mic when he needed to be.


But my good mood quickly disappeared when I logged in to ProWrestlingHits.com. The first story jumped from the screen and smacked me between the eyes.


The Inside Story of the Stone/USPW War!


Many folks might be shocked tonight when they see Dan Stone Jr. debut with USPW at “Freedom Fight!” But the truly shocking thing is the way that the head booker, the wrestler known as “Scapino,” handled negotiations with Dan and Jeremy.


We were the first to break the news that the Stone siblings were leaving their father’s company. What we didn’t know at the time was that almost immediately thereafter, Scapino was in contact with both Dan and Jeremy to bring them into USPW. He obviously was able to sign Dan. What we didn’t know until now was that he also signed Jeremy. Apparently his plans were to use the Stones and their popularity to revitalize the tag team division, essentially putting them in the role that the Prime Patriots are now filling.


But Dan Stone Sr. had different plans for his son.


“I admit, it was a blow when Dan and Jeremy decided to leave. After all, a lot of my children have left my company over the past year. Edd went to TCW, Duane went to Burning Hammer. And then Sean, Dan, and Jeremy all turned down contract extensions within the same week. I won’t lie, that hurt me badly. I did some talking with some friends of mine and I came to the realization that maybe it was time to let it all go.”


As it turns out, Stone’s decision had a negative effect on USPW. Upon his full retirement from the business, Stone left his business to Jeremy, who had just signed with USPW. The problem? NOTBPW and USPW both shoot their shows on the same evening, Wednesday nights. Jeremy obviously couldn’t be in two places at once.


According to our sources, this put Scapino in something of a dilemma. How could he use a worker who would only be available for the pay-per-views? After giving it a lot of thought, Scapino decided it would be better to let Jeremy go.


That decision may prove to be a bad one. Again, according to our sources, Dan Stone Jr. isn’t pleased that his brother had been let go. We’ve heard that he’s still upset with Scapino.


It will be interesting to see how this situation plays out over the next several months.


I stared at the screen for a moment, and then my gaze flicked up to the datestamp. I cursed. The jerks had posted this story six hours before our pay-per-view started! Obviously not all of the fans would have seen it, but enough would have and would have known what Sam’s big surprise had been.


But more troubling was the fact that someone suggested to Dan Stone Sr. that it was time to retire. True, it didn’t say that it was someone on the USPW roster, but enough odd things had happened in my first months here that I couldn’t help but wonder if we didn’t have a saboteur in our midst.



Just an OOC note: every word of that article is true. I originally did have Jeremy signed as well, only to have Dan Stone Sr. retire a week later and leave the company to him. Since NOTBPW has their TV show the same night as ours, that would mean that we'd only have Jeremy available for PPVs. Not a horrible situation, but I had no idea how I'd work around that, so I "fired" him.


Before I could, though, Dan Stone Jr. sent me a message, asking me to reconsider since Jeremy was an asset to the company. I did anyway. Now Dan Stone Jr. is thoroughed POed with me.

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Month’s End


People filed out of the staff meeting in a positively foul mood. The news had not been good.


For starters, USPW had fallen again in the world ranking to #9. Worse, we had lost $123,022 over the previous month. That had been my fault: I had booked too small of a venue for the pay-per-view, losing us some revenue. But I could already feel the noose tightening around my neck. Sam had reassured me a few months ago that he’d honor my full contract, but I was beginning to suspect that my tenure with USPW was going to end with my first contract.


Sam sat at the other end of the table from me, looking positively wrung out. He slumped in his chair, his hair a bit untamed and bags visible under his eyes. The meeting had been grueling for him as well. Many of the wrestlers had come in grumbling. That muttering had boiled over into some heated arguments about the direction the company was going.


He finally met my gaze. “We’ve got some angry folks here, Scap. Not good. Over the past week, I’ve heard from Anger, Bruce, Doom, Dan Stone Jr., both members of the Towers of Power, Jumbo, Nadia, and Peter Valentine about different things. Some of them are upset about having to job. Anger and Peter aren’t happy about some of your discipline decisions. And Dan, well ... he’s still sore about what you did with Jeremy.”


I didn’t say anything.


He finally shrugged. “Well, just keep doing your best. Let’s see what happens in the next couple of months.”

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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Wednesday of Week 1, May 2008

Held at the Arkansas Colliseum

2,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT!


Mitch Naess and Shane Sneer welcomed the audience to the show.


1) James Justice came out to the ring to a pretty decent pop. He strode around the perimeter and paused to wave to a few of the kids in the front row. He then got the mic.


“Now I know that ‘Uncle Sam’ would probably chew me out for what I’m about to do but I’m sorry, I just have to.


“So it seems we had that event last week. Doom’s Goon Squad on one side, me and Nicky Champion and ... who else? Oh, that’s right, Dan Stone Jr. Anyway ... How did it turn out? That’s right. Bruce the Giant and his buddies wound up losing when Dan made Anger tap. So I’d imagine that Bruce would want to console himself by preparing for his title shot at ‘Declaration of Independence!’ Oh, wait...”


Jim’s smirk grew broader. “That’s right. You don’t have one. But Peter Valentine does. And just for the record, Bruce, yes, I did make sure you wouldn’t get a shot at my title. But only this time. I don’t know why you headed down this dark path, but you’ve got only yourself to blame.”




2) In a video shot earlier during the day, Shane Sneer paced before the members of his corporation. Eric and Jumbo exchanged uncertain glances. Eric tried to speak up, but Shane whirled on him and snapped, “Shut it!”


He resumed pacing. “Do you know how long I’ve run this corporation? How many champions have come through its ranks? And I was so sure that we’d be able to add more gold this past Friday. Instead, I see two of my employees botch it because of some stupid rookie.”


Eric started to speak again, but a look from Shane quieted him quickly. Shane then dismissed them with a sharp gesture.




3) ALICIA STRONG © vs. NADIA SNOW for the USPW Women’s Championship


Alicia looked great ... in the ring ... in the match. Yeah. Nadia, not so much. She obviously wasn’t on the same page as Alicia, who finally put her down with an Angel Driver.


WINNER: Alicia Strong in 11:07



4) Alicia retrieved her title and held it up to the crowd, celebrating.


That’s when Cherry Bomb leapt the security rail and rolled into the ring. She came up on Alicia, who shied back a moment. Cherry latched on to the title and tried to rip it away, but Alicia refused to let go. They struggled over the belt for a moment before Cherry shrieked and clotheslined Alicia.


Cherry then tried to get her hands on the title, but the ref quickly rolled out of the ring with it, ordering her to leave the ring. Cherry looked about ready to attack him as well, but apparently thought better of it. She rolled out of the ring, stepped over the security rail, and with one final glance over her shoulder, left through the crowd.




5) Backstage, Sam Strong and Nicky Champion celebrated over the results of the war match. “See what I meant, son?” Sam asked. “All you needed was a little boost to your confidence.”


Nicky nodded. “I really did.”


“Now what you gotta do, is keep the momentum going. Tonight, you’re going to take on Mick Muscles. Take him down, and you’ll keep goin’ down the right way.”




6) DES DAVIDS © vs. LEX APPEAL for the USPW Television Title


A surprisingly okay match out of Lex. Not fantastic, but serviceable. It ended with a Quarterback Sack.


WINNER: Des Davids in 9:02



7) Anger and T-Rex entered Commissioner Doom’s office, jumping a bit as the organ music swelled. Doom stood before his massive portrait, his eyes closed but his lips tight. He swirled cognac in a crystal goblet.


“You wished an audience with me, Mr. Anger? Mr. T-Rex?”


T-Rex and Anger glanced at each other. Finally Anger nudged T-Rex forward. T-Rex pulled off his trademark bandana and wrung it in his hands.


“Well, Mr. Doom, sir, we were hoping we could maybe get a title match against the Prime Patriots for ‘Declaration of Independence!’”


Doom froze for a moment, then slowly turned on them. “You were, were you? And why, pray tell, should I grant this request? I brought the two of you into my fold because I expected you to get results. You were to humble Sam Strong, to show him the error of his ways in crossing me. You failed in that task, did you not?”


Another nervous glance between Anger and T-Rex. “Well, yes sir, I suppose we did,” Anger admitted. “But we didn’t expect him to bring in Dan Stone Jr.”


“Excuses, Mr. Anger. Only excuses.” Doom took a sip of the cognac. “This is how I see it. I wished for you to perform a service on my behalf. You have not. And so long as that service is unfulfilled, I see little reason to grant your request. Now, if by some miracle, you were to fulfill my purpose for you, then perhaps... But perhaps I am only fooling myself. Good day, gentlemen.”






Bruce did not look happy in the ring. It didn’t help that there was an obvious lack of communication in the ring. Maybe a different night, this could have worked. At any rate, Roderick gave it his all, slamming into the seemingly immovable Giant. Bruce finally ended things with a Giant Choke Slam.


WINNER: Bruce the Giant in 9:56



9) But Bruce wasn’t done. He hauled Roderick up by his hair and continued the assault, tossing him around the ring, smacking him in the chest with his beefy hands, and finally tossing him to the mat and standing on his chest.




10) Backstage, Remmington Remus stood with Scapino and asked him why he interfered with Eric the Bull and Jumbo Jackson’s title shot this past Friday.


“Look, I get that the Sneer Corporation has a long history in the industry. I respect that. But what I can’t respect is Shane Sneer’s tactics. He tries to hold down the newcomer, to keep them from getting his day in the light. So yeah, I distracted Jumbo this past Friday and made sure they’d lose the match. But it’s only what they deserved.”






Nicky tried to play this up as him capitalizing on his newfound momentum. Sadly, it didn’t work out that well, especially since it was pretty obvious that these two didn’t click at all. The crowd mostly ignored Nicky’s attempts to get them behind him. The relief was almost palpable as he hit the Hawkeye Hammer.


WINNER: Nicky Champion in 9:03



12) The crowd popped as Dan Stone Jr. came out to the ring. He waved to the crowd for a moment or two before getting the mic.


“Thank you for that kind welcome! It is simply fantastic to be here in USPW.


“Now I know that some of you may only know me because of my dad. That’s okay. I expect that. But that’s why I came south. I appreciate all that my dad has given me. But the time has come for me to make a name for myself. Starting tonight. If any of you think you can take me down, now’s the time to prove it.”






Best match of the night, especially after some of the stinkers that we’ve seen. The fact that Warrior and Dan have great chemistry really helped as well. Plus Dan really looked great. He sold for Warrior when he had to, then rallied and battered aside the offense before dropping Warrior and putting him in a Stone Ankle Stretch.


WINNER: Dan Stone Jr. in 13:31



14) Sam Strong appeared on screen and smiled.


“Well, kiddies, it looks like things are going pretty well now, aren’t they? Doom’s Goon Squad lost to Uncle Sam’s team and all is right with the world.


“Maybe not, though. There’s an old cliche, maybe you’ve heard of it: ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop.’ See, I’ve been in this business for long enough that I know, things are never done when they seem to be done. So we’ve all got to be on our guard.


“But that doesn’t mean that we can’t celebrate. It’s like this story that an old buddy of mine, Motoichi Arakida, once told me. Now I’m a little fuzzy on the details, but it has something to do with some guy eating strawberries with a couple of tigers. Not important. The point is, we gotta take the bad with the good, but we also should take time to celebrate the good too. And if you’ll excuse me, that’s just what I’m going to do.”







Not too bad. Not great. I still have this sinking feeling that we’re sliding down a slippery slope. But maybe things can turn around yet. Maybe.



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