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USPW: Where the '90s Go to Die

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One can only hope that Scap doesn't do anything he (or Brazzle, more importantly) will seriously regret.


In saying that, I can't help but feel he's nice enough that Brazzle would take pity on him if he was honourable in his dealings with her, despite being crazy about Alicia.


And yeah, a mixed tag match needs to show up along the way - but I can see a Brazzle/Smith turn to set it up, just for added drama as the 'wrong' couples hook up on-screen.


I suspect we've a long way to go, though - this has the feel of an epic storyline building up right now.

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Old Regrets


I didn’t even make it back to headquarters the next day.


No, it wasn’t anything like that. After that one dance, we retreated back to our corner and finished our drinks, then headed back to the hotel. I escorted Suzanne to her door where we kissed again. She then stepped through to her room, but not without one final, cloying smile that stuck with me as I went down the hall to my room.


I tried to sleep but found I couldn’t. Maybe I had drunk too much. Maybe it was Suzanne. Maybe it was ...


Well, whatever the case, I didn’t sleep well, finally drifting off sometime around three in the morning.


I didn’t even hear my alarm, finally waking when the maid burst into the room and scolded me about sleeping past check out. I charged out of there, hoping that Sam would forgive me charging an extra room on the company’s account, and then drove for home.


It wasn’t a pleasant trip. My brain fuzzed from lack of sleep and the night before, I had to pull over several times to get a drink, use the john, whatever, in the hopes that each stop would somehow clear my mind.


When I got into headquarters a day late, Heather was waiting for me by the door. She started shoving paper into my hands, following me towards my office.


“Mr. Strong is really steamed at you right now,” she said. “He was expecting you to come in yesterday, and–”


I turned a corner, leaving her behind. Better go weather the storm now. I took a moment to compose myself outside of Sam’s office and then knocked.


If Sam was angry, he hid it well. He motioned for me to take a chair.


“Okay, here’s the deal, Scap. I’ve been looking at the roster, and I think we need to shift things around a little. For starters, I sent Lora Washington her pink slip. You had the right idea, and her gimmick fit in nicely with Cap, but let’s be honest, she stunk up the ring something awful and you haven’t even given her any work in weeks.”


I shrugged. It was a valid point and didn’t bother me.


“Next, the luchadores. I appreciate what you wanted to do with them, kind of flash things up a little. But let’s be honest. Velocidad, Cat Master, and Savage Tiger aren’t getting over. The crowds just don’t care. So I’m trying to shake some trees, see if I can find some replacements. Got two already.”


He slid some paper over the table. I looked it over. One of the names didn’t surprise me. I should have expected it earlier. And really, it was a good move. I could already see how he’d fit into the roster.


The other...


I froze and looked up at Sam. He frowned. “Something wrong?”


What could I say?


“No. No problem at all,” I lied.


“Good,” Sam said. “Get that second one in a feud immediately, okay?”


I nodded and then quickly excused myself.


I made it halfway to my office before my feet slowed and I eventually came to a halt. This wasn’t right. I hadn’t been honest about Brandon and sure, that had worked out so far. Yeah, we had had some friction at first, but nothing had happened recently. He had been a model employee and never balked at anything I had asked him to do. Maybe if I had been more honest up-front, maybe even those minor scrapes wouldn’t have happened.


I turned and started back for Sam’s office. I had to come clean. I had to let him know...


I rounded the corner and almost ran down Alicia. We both jumped and I’m sure I wound up gaping at her. Sure, she was dressed in a simple sweater and loose jeans, but my mouth had gone dry. She smiled at me.


“Hi, Scap! I’ve been meaning to call you. Dad got a copy of Supreme Challenge ‘09 and he gave it to me. Maybe we could get together and try it out some time?”


My mouth had gone dry, but the fluttering in my stomach quickly stilled. No mention of seeing me in the club. And just another invite to play video games. I screwed on a smile. Friend Zone, population me. Part of me wanted to tell her off. But she was the boss’s daughter...


Before I could answer, Sam’s office door banged open and he came out, a coat and tie on. He looked at me, but his gaze rested on his daughter. “Alicia! Is that really what you’re wearing?”


She rolled her eyes. “It’s not that nice of a restaurant, Dad.”


“It never hurts to dress up a little, especially since we’re introducing Brandon to your mom.” He then glanced at me. “You have something on your mind, Scap? You’re looking a little sick.”


I shook my head. “Nope. Nothing at all.”


The Strongs walked away, father with his arm around his daughter’s shoulders. I headed back to my office. I suddenly had the urge to lie down.

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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Wednesday of Week 2, June 2008

Held at Grissom Auditorium in the South West Territory

2,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT!


Mitch Naess and Shane Sneer welcomed the audience to the show.


1) Captain USA came out to the ring and the crowd started up a “USA!” chant. He acknowledged the fans and smiled for a moment or two.


“That really warms my heart. It really does. Every time I lace up my boots, I do it for you. I do it for this great country I call home. So long as I can stand, so long as I can walk down to this here ring under my own power, I’ll keep fighting for all of you.


“But let’s be honest, folks. I’m slowing down.” The crowd booed but Cap waved their words away. “I am and I know it. Arguing with me isn’t going to change that. I don’t know how long it’ll be before the docs say I can’t go on. I don’t know how long before my body gives out. But there’s no way I’m going to go out without a fight.


“And that got me thinking. Over the past five years, I’ve held the USPW World Title twice. And I’m thinking that the time has come for title reign number three.


“So what do you say, James Justice? How about you and me for the title ... tonight?”


James Justice came out to the ring entrance and bowed to the ring. “Cap, it will be an honor and a pleasure.”




2) ALICIA STRONG © vs. TAMARA McFLY for the USPW Women’s Title


A solid match. Tamara came close to taking Alicia down a number of times before Alicia shut the match down with an Angel Driver.


WINNER: Alicia Strong in 9:45



3) Alicia got a mic and held up the title for everyone to see. “I can understand why Cherry Bomb wants this so badly. It’s awesome to hold this title, because it means that I’m the best women’s wrestler there is. That’s probably why Cherry Bomb seems to have lost her nerve.”




4) The door to Doom’s office opens amidst a swelling of organ music and Peter Valentine enters. Doom is once again posing for some art, only this time, it’s a marble sculpture. Doom is wearing what looks like a toga with a laurel wreath on his head. Peter stares at the tableau for a moment before Doom glances in his direction. “Make this quick, Mr. Valentine.”


“It’s about Bruce the Giant. Everyone seems to think that he’s going to be facing James Justice at ‘Americana!’ and not me! When did I give up my rematch clause?”


Doom turned back to the sculptor and set his face in a scowl. “Perhaps you have not officially, Mr. Valentine, but you certainly did little to defend your status last week. Perhaps if you had made a better showing for yourself, you would not be in this predicament.”


Peter glared at Doom and looked ready to say something. But Doom flicked a hand in his direction. “Good day, Mr. Valentine.”


Peter had little choice but to leave.




5) Peter slammed the door shut to Doom’s office and stomped down the hall. He rounded a corner and came face to face with Dan Stone Jr. Dan looked him over and smirked.


Peter got right into his face and said, “You know, I need to work off some aggression tonight. You interested in defending that title?”


Dan’s smile grew. “Always. But I have to say, if you do as well as you did last week, I really don’t have much to worry about, do I?”






I’m beginning to see what Sam says about the luchadores. I think Velocidad could really be something someday, but I’m not sure he or his compatriots are a good fit with USPW. The fact that he and Jumbo were suffering from some bad miscommunication didn’t help either. The crowd was mostly silent as Jumbo tossed the smaller man around the ring before finally putting him down with a Jumbo Avalanche.


WINNER: Jumbo Jackson in 4:53



8) Nicky Champion was once again slumped in a corner backstage, looking unkempt and unwashed. He tipped his head back and looked into the camera and this time, he didn’t mumble incoherently. That’s not to say he wasn’t mumbling though.


“The problem I face is one of mediocrity. Why is that when I wish to perform my best I only seem to do my worst? And when there is nothing at stake, that’s when I shine. It shows the futility of life, an ocean of uselessness in which we all eventually drown. I am merely the first and only to realize it.”




9) Slightly down the hall, Scapino stared at Nicky Champion for a few moments before rolling his eyes and turning to walk away. He didn’t make it to far before Tribal Warrior came out of nowhere. The Warrior attacked him and left him down and moaning.




10) Dan Stone Jr. came out to the ring for his match against Peter Valentine. But instead of Peter’s entrance music, we instead heard Champagne Lover’s.


“Yes, it is I once again, my lovelies. Come to shine a ray of happy sunshine in your otherwise dreary lives. And what better way to do that than for me to win something that is truly mine.” He pointed to Dan Stone Jr. “Yes, I am talking about your title, Mr. Stone. Or rather, mine. For we all know that I should never have lost it from Des Davids. So I demand that you give me a title shot right now!”


Dan stared at Lover for a moment or two before he shook his head. “Sorry, buddy. You’ll have to get in line. I’m already spoken for tonight.”


Lover stomped his foot and stormed up the ramp again, leaving Dan to laugh at his exit.




11) DAN STONE JR. © vs. PETER VALENTINE for the USPW Television Title


A pretty decent match considering that Peter was in it. Dan carried him through, selling his offense like a champion before finally rallying. Peter tried to low-blow him, but Dan dodged it. Peter even managed to hide some sort of foreign object in his palm and went to punch Dan, but Dan ducked the blow and tripped Peter up, getting him quickly into the Stone Ankle Stretch. Peter valiantly tried to claw his way to the ropes, but in the end, he wound up tapping.


WINNER: Dan Stone Jr. in 9:50



12) Suzanne Brazzle came out to the ring, but she wasn’t smiling or carrying a t-shirt gun. She got into the ring with the mic and ordered her music to stop playing.


“Now you all know that I’m normally a live and let live kind of girl. Cherry Bomb, I’ve got no problem with you. But you seem to have some sort of problem with me. I don’t know what it is, but there’s a better way to handle that than just attacking someone from behind.


“Normally I’d say we should sit down, brew some tea, and talk this through. But it’s pretty obvious that wouldn’t accomplish anything with you. So why don’t you and I fight it out right now, okay?”


No one came out to the ring entrance, but the big screen lit up with Cherry Bomb’s face. She smirked, an unhinged smile that Mitch said gave him the “willies.”


“No no no, my deary, my darling one. She wants to fight, yes, she does. But we’re not going to fight her yet. No. The time isn’t right. But when it is, she will know. She will know.”




13) PRIME PATRIOTS © vs. SAVAGE FURY for the USPW Tag Team Title


Shane tried to sell this as the triumphant reunion of Savage Fury. And Java and Tribal Warrior really seemed eager to get their hands on the rookie champs. But the crowd in the arena just couldn’t seem to be bothered by the fact that there was a title defense going on.


Java and Tribal Warrior did their best to take the champs out, resorting to double team maneuvers whenever they could and a few blind switches when the ref wasn’t looking. But int eh end, Roderick got Java in the Remus Clutch and that was pretty much the end of it.


WINNERS: Prime Patriots in 10:05



14) JAMES JUSTICE © vs. CAPTAIN USA for the USPW World Title


An okay match, although it was clear that Cap was wearing pretty thin toward the end and didn’t entirely have his head in the game. At one point, Cap and James actually took a break by trying to rile up their fans, seeing whose side of the arena could be the loudest. Mitch said it was hard to tell, but he thought that maybe Cap’s won out. Shane said it was a stupid exercise, seeing as they were supposed to be wrestling.


In the end, James put Cap down with a Liberation Slam.


WINNER: James Justice in 14:42



15) Sam appeared in the living room set.


“You know, it might seem odd that James Justice was willing to get into the ring with Captain USA tonight. After all, they hardly have any reason to fight each other. You might think that it was all because Captain USA wanted the title. That’s probably part of it, but I don’t think it’s the only reason why.


“Sometimes the hardest fight we have is with ourselves when we think we have something to prove. I think that’s part of what Captain USA wanted to do tonight. To prove himself. And while he may have lost the match, I don’t think we could really call him a loser. I know he’s won my respect. He’s probably won James’s respect. And I hope he’s won yours as well.


“That’s the thing, kiddies, something that Uncle Sam wants you to keep in mind. One of the hardest things to win is someone’s respect. It’s also one of the easiest things to lose. So once you have it, make sure you hold on to it, okay?”







And once again, I found myself standing between two guys who wanted to kill each other.


Thankfully it wasn’t Bruce and Peter. I’m not sure we would have been able to stop them if it had been. No, this time it was Java and Brandon Smith. Brandon shouted all kinds of obscenities at Java. Alicia tugged on his arm, urging him to leave it alone. I finally managed to pull Java away from him and out into the hall. As we left, I looked over my shoulder at Alicia.


“You got him?”


She didn’t look at me but nodded, touching Brandon’s shoulder, his face, cooing quietly to get him to calm down.


I pushed Java onto a nearby chair and folded my arms. “You want to tell me what that was all about?”


Java snorted, looking away for a moment. “I think Brandon didn’t like some of the things I was saying about him.”


I frowned. “Like what?”


“Like why he’s really getting such a strong push right away. C’mon, Scap, you have to know about him and Strong’s kid! You have to. Why else would Strong have told you give Smith the title so quickly?”


I stared at him, stunned. What he suggested wasn’t completely implausible. Plenty of companies had problems with nepotism. A lot of the dirtsheet writers said that the only reason why Sean McFly was able to land so softly in NOTBPW was because he had been dating Victoria Stone, for example. But what Java said simply wasn’t true. It galled me to say it, but it wasn’t.


“Look, Sam Strong didn’t tell me to push Brandon at all. He simply told me that Rip Chord vouched for him and that we were going to bring him onto the roster. The reason why he has the title belts is because I wanted to put it on a younger tag team. No offense.”


Java smiled wryly at me. “That true?”


I nodded. “Look, I don’t care what you think of Brandon personally. Hate the guy, for all I care. But we have to work together, okay? We can’t have this kind of problems backstage.”


Java thought it over for a moment but then nodded. We shook hands and he left. I sighed, glad that he didn’t see through my facade to the truth, that Sam wasn’t the Strong who encouraged me to push Brandon. I had no idea what might happen if that got out.



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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Wednesday of Week 3, June 2008

Held at Pennsylvania Park in the Tri State Territory

2,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT!


Mitch Naess and Shane Sneer welcomed the audience to the show.


1) Peter Valentine came out to the ring and much to everyone’s surprise, he has Ernest Forthdyke-Hume in tow.


Ernest did most of the talking. “Ladies and gentlemen, I have been retained by Mr. Valentine because of the egregious breach of justice that has been perpetrated upon him. He has been disenfranchised of a contractual right to a rematch against James Justice. As such, I have filed an injunction against Commissioner Doom and the board of directors of USPW. They may not bar Mr. Valentine from the title match at ‘Americana!’ If he wishes to be in it, he must be in it. Thank you, and good day.”




2) Nadia Snow came out to the ring with a full head of steam. She got a mic and turned toward the entrance.


“You know what, Alicia, we are sick and tired of hearing you flap your gums about how great you are. You’re nobody. You’re a joke. And I intend to prove it. Get out here and face me now!”


Alicia came out and said that it would be her pleasure.




3) ALICIA STRONG © vs. NADIA SNOW for the USPW Women’s Title


Alicia once again looked great in the ring. Nadia really took the fight to her and tried everything she could to take her out. She even got two very close near falls. But in the end, Alicia took her out with an Angel Driver, pinning her quickly.


WINNER: Alicia Strong in 9:58



4) Alicia retrieved her title belt and was going from post to post, climbing to the second rope to celebrate. And that’s when someone vaulted the security railing and rolled into the ring. Mitch and Shane debated who it could be, some sort of deranged fan. The camera got a good look at her:




That didn’t help Mitch or Shane. Eventually security flooded out of the back and chased whoever it was out of the ring.




5) Backstage, Cherry Bomb was watching what happened on the monitor. She giggled uncontrollably for a moment.


“You see, my darling? You see why we had to wait? Oh, it would have been good to get the gold again, oh so good. But now they will fight and we will wait and we will snatch it from whoever comes out with it.


“But the pretty one, my darling. The pretty one. We must first deal with her.”






It pains me to say it, but this match stunk. Suzanne and Stephanie simply did not work well in the ring together. As a result, the crowd just sat on their hands, although a few of the rowdier sorts let their displeasure be known. Suzanne finally put Stephanie down with a Miracle Connection.


WINNER: Suzanne Brazzle in 6:38



7) Nicky is once again slumped down in a corner, only this time, he wears very tight jeans and a t-shirt. His hair has been dyed black and partially obscures his eyes.


But before he can really get into his latest rant, Sam Strong storms over. He grabs Nicky by the arm and drags him to his feet.


“Nicky, what’s gotten into you lately? You’re acting all moody and depressed. If you haven’t noticed, things are fine. Yeah, Doom and his goons knocked me around pretty good. But we’re all okay again. What’s the matter, son?”


Nicky shook off his hand. “You call me son and expect me to see that as a compliment. But I truly am your son, for I was bred in the crucible of your incompetence. But do not fear for me, old man. For the further I descend, the further shall my eventual ascension be.”






The crowd took another bathroom break during this one. Scapino did his best and even put together a good series of attacks before Peter Valentine shut it all down with a Heart Breaker.


WINNER: Peter Valentine in 8:46



9) Scapino seemed pretty upset with himself over what happened. But before he could even get out of the ring, Tribal Warrior was there, attacking him and knocking him around some more. Peter quickly bailed as Tribal Warrior demolished Scapino with a Head Hunter Special.


Peter backed up the ramp, laughing the whole way. But he soon stopped when he realized that he had bumped into someone. He turned and looked up ... and up ... at a very angry Bruce the Giant. Bruce snared him quickly and then dropped him to the metal ramp with a Giant Choke Slam.






These two had great chemistry in the ring and it really shone through. Nicky didn’t seem to care when Anger attacked him and that seemed to frustrate Anger all the more. Finally Nicky seemed to snap out of it, but by that point, it was too late. Anger dropped him with a Demon Slam.


WINNER: Anger in 8:29



11) Dan Stone Jr. came out to the ring with his title and his mic. He said that he was going to throw open his next match to whoever wanted to take him on for the Television Title.


Out came Jim Force. Jim smiled and pointed to the fans, to Dan, stomping his way down to the ring. But then Champagne Lover charged out behind him, taking him out with a forearm club to the back of the head. Lover picked up Jim and tossed him head first into a security railing, then kicked him a few times for good measure. He then turned and marched to the ring.




12) DAN STONE JR. © vs. CHAMPAGNE LOVER for the USPW Television Title


Dan was clearly pretty upset about what happened. Before the bell even rung, he was in Lover’s face, shouting at him. Lover didn’t seem too perturbed, but when Dan accidentally messed up Lover’s hair, Lover snapped and punched him. Dan returned in kind and the ref quickly called for the bell so the match could start.


It was a good row with both men trading some pretty good offense. Toward the middle, when it looked like Dan had things sewn up, Lover managed to bring it all to a screeching halt with a well-timed thumb to the eye. He took over for a while, even going so far as to attempt a Champagne Sunrise. But Dan rolled out of the way and tried to get Lover into the Stone Ankle Stretch, only to have Lover reach the bottom rope.


And so it went, with both men doing their best to bring the other one down. Lover finally managed to hit the Champagne Sunrise, but he took an inordinate amount of time to strut around the ring, flirt with the women in the front row, before he finally, lazily, made the pin.


Dan came back to life, flipped Lover off of him, and locked in the Stone Ankle Stretch. Lover tried to claw back to the rope, but he was stuck. He finally had to tap out.


WINNER: Dan Stone Jr. in 15:22



13) The camera once again found Sam in the living room set.


“Well, I gotta say, Uncle Sam is a bit a disappointed in Peter Valentine. Oh, sure, he might have a case. Maybe he doesn’t. But there are usually better ways to handle things than to get a lawyer involved.


“Now you might think that Uncle Sam means that Peter should have duked it out in the ring. Well, yeah, he should have. He’s a wrestler and that’s what wrestlers do. But the important thing to remember, kiddies, is that outside this arena, the best way to handle a fight isn’t with your firsts. It’s with you words. It’s with your minds. It’s with your hearts. Because the moment you throw a punch out there, you’ve already lost.


“Think about it. And I’ll see you next week.”







I waited by the door as people filed out into the night. And then she was there.


“Hey Wanda,” I said.


She glared at me. I swallowed hard, trying to ignore the fact that Wanda was apparently trying to melt my head with just her eyes.


“Long time no see.”


She didn’t say a word. Instead, she shoved past me, almost knocking me to the ground. I picked myself up. “Well, that went well.”


I turned around and found myself face to face with Suzanne. She looked out the door and then back at me. “Okay, hon. I think you’ve got some explaining to do.”



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The Barbie Doll Connection


“Really, there’s nothing to tell.”


I took another sip of my beer but I could tell Suzanne wasn’t about to let me off the hook. She had a predatory gleam in her eyes. I had hoped that us going out to a nearby club for some drinks and dancing would distract her. Clearly she wasn’t going to let this go.


“No way. I’ve been working with Wanda for years now and I’ve never seen her treat a co-worker like that. What happened between you two?”


“I know.”


I looked up and groaned. Cherry Bomb was standing over our table, smiling triumphantly. She sat down across from Suzanne and me. Much to my surprise, Alicia slid in next to her. Suzanne’s hand immediately landed on my knee and she scooted in a bit closer to me.


“How could you know?” Suzanne asked.


Cherry’s smile grew broader. “Because I was there. Wasn’t I, Scap?”


“So spill it!”


“Oh, it all happened five years ago in Triple-A. I’m surprised Anne hasn’t told you this story yet. It’s one of her favorites.”


“No, come on. I want to hear it.”


“Me too,” Alicia added.


Cherry regarded me for a moment and then leaned forward. I groaned and collapsed back in my seat.


“So five years ago, Wanda and Anne are working this program. The plan was supposed to be that she and Wanda would feud while Suzue defended the Femme Fatale title. Then Anne would win the title from Suzue, only to lose it to Wanda shortly thereafter, okay? But Anne wanted to do something special one night, really ramp up the heat for Wanda.


“So she starts calling around to her old friends, trying to find someone who knows someone who would be willing to come up to Oregon and get knocked around by some girls. And nobody’s biting. She’s getting desperate. Finally she gets a nibble from some guy she knew back in the day, name of Rack Rocket. This Rack guy said he’s got a student in the area and might be able to hook Anne up with him. Anne’s desperate at this point and agrees immediately. When the night came, guess who showed up at the Gymnasium?”


Suzanne and Alicia looked at me expectantly. I sighed and nodded.


“What were you doing in Oregon?” Alicia demanded.


“There was a theatre festival going on that my college attended. Rack knew I would be in the area, so that’s why he suggested me.” I looked at Cherry. “Do we really have to tell this story?”


“Oh yes she does,” Suzanne said, poking me in the ribs.


“Well, what Anne wanted was for Scap here to play her nephew or best friend’s kid. And she was going to bring him out as ‘the reason why I do what I do.’ The promo went great, and that’s when Wanda, Gorgon, and I showed up.” Cherry looked at Alicia. “Back then, Anne had Gorgon and me running with Wanda as her back up. She had us wear these cheesy Barbie Halloween masks when we weren’t wrestling. Crazy stuff, but I’d never say that to her.


“So we storm into the ring and attack Anne, handcuffing her to the top rope. Then we set to work on Scapino here, knocking him around and pretty much kicking his ass. He sold it pretty well too. But then everything went to hell.” She smirked at me. “You want to tell them why?”


I motioned for her to keep talking. If I was going down in flames, I wasn’t going to be the one to light the match.


“According to Anne’s original plan, while Wanda kept stomping on Scap, Gorgon and I would get a table. Then while Wanda watched, Gorgon and I would drive Scap through the table. Then we’d leave the ring, laughing the whole way while Anne cried crocodile tears over her unconscious ... well, whatever he was. But that didn’t happen according to plan.”


“Why not?” Alicia asked.


“Because someone lied to us about whether or not he knew how to go through a table.”


Heat clawed at my face, especially when Suzanne and Alicia leveled equally aghast faces at me. “In my defense, I didn’t really lie. Rack was the one who said I knew how to go through a table. I didn’t want to call my teacher a liar, so I didn’t correct anyone.”


Cherry rolled her eyes and laughed. “Whatever the case, Gorgon and I get the table set up, we pick up Scap here and started him down toward the wood. And that’s when he flailed at just the wrong moment.”


I winced as the memory came flooding back. It was a moment that would have made Rube Goldberg proud. My flailing arm had caught Gorgon’s Barbie mask and twisted it. She panicked and let go of me. That set Cherry off balance and she wound up tipping over, slamming into Gorgon and releasing me as well. Wanda, apparently worried that I would get hurt, lunged forward to help only to get clocked by Gorgon as well. The three women went down in a tangle of limbs. I missed the table completely and wound up rolling into a standing position. And Anne was left staring as Cherry, Gorgon, and Wanda tried to pick themselves up again.


Suzanne laughed so loud a few of the people in neighboring booths glared at her. Alicia smiled. I closed my eyes in pain.


“I don’t get it, though,” Suzanne finally managed to get out. “Why is Wanda so mad at Scapino now?”


“Because when we all went down, I accidentally landed on her chest. Hard. And Gorgon wound up twisting her knee. She wound up with broken ribs and torn tendons. Put her out of action for nine months. It completely messed up her title shot and her whole arc. She wasn’t too happy with Scapino then. And apparently she still isn’t now.”


Suzanne brushed away a tear and then leaned over to pat my face. “Well, don’t worry, hon. If she comes after you for revenge, she’ll have to deal with me first.”


Cherry smiled and joined Suzanne in another bout of laughter. Alicia, mercifully, excused herself to get a drink as Suzanne threw her arms around me. I sighed. Well, I suppose it was bound to come out sooner or later.

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What is going on outside the arena is as much fun as the wrestling itself. All the personnal stories are interesting to follow and gives the diary a nice touch. I can't wait to see the confrontation between Brandon and Scap, both inside and outside the ring.... because we all know Brandon won't keep his personnal business outside the ring !
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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Wednesday of Week 4, June 2008

(The Go-Home Show for “Americana!”)

Held at the War Memorial Auditorium in the Mid West Territory

2,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT!


Mitch Naess and Shane Sneer welcomed the audience to the show.


1) James Justice entered Doom’s office with the usual attendant organ music. He looked around, taking off his sunglasses for a moment so he could get a better look at the large marble bust and the large portrait. He glanced over at Doom and commented, “Love what you’ve done with the place.”


Doom’s lips tightened into the barest grin. “Thank you, Mr. Justice.”


“So what do you want, Doom?”


“Commissioner Doom. You seem to have created quite the quandary for me, Mr. Justice. Mr. Giant seems to believe that he is entitled to a match against you at ‘Americana!’ But we have Mr. Valentine and his legal representative who insist that Mr. Valentine should have the match. And as if that were not enough, I recently conducted a poll on our website about who our fans wish you to face. They overwhelmingly chose Dan Stone Jr.


“So you see, I am left with something of a dilemma. Who do I book in the main event at ‘Americana!’?”


James shrugged. “I don’t know.”


“Well, you shall have to figure it out soon, Mr. Justice, for I leave the decision in your hands. You must let us know by the end of the night.”




2) The stranger who attacked Alicia last week was out in the ring, much to the consternation of Mitch and Shane. Even more puzzling to them was the fact that this woman also had a title belt of some kind with her.


“Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wanda Fish, and for those of you who don’t know me, I work for a company in Oregon called Angel Athletic Association. Up there, we aren’t relegated to being sideshow freaks, trotted out before the ‘real’ wrestlers come in. No, we’re the whole show. And I’m the Femme Fatale Title holder. In terms of the top of the ladder, I’m it.


“Now two weeks ago, I happened to tune in to USPW and heard what Alicia Strong had to say about herself. She seems to think that she’s the best woman wrestler out there. Well, she’s not. I am. She has a belt, I have a belt. So I came down here to challenge her to a match at this ‘Americana!’ show you all have coming up.”


Before she could really finish that thought, Suzanne Brazzle came out to the ring entrance. “Now hold it right there, Wanda. I know you’re good. I work for AAA too. But that doesn’t mean you’re better than Alicia. It doesn’t even mean you’re better than me. And I’ll prove it, right here. Right now.”






That’s not good. Suzanne and Wanda had bad chemistry together in the ring and the crowd noticed almost immediately. But they soldiered through, doing the best they could, before Wanda put down Suzanne with a Dish of the Day.


WINNER: Wanda Fish in 9:39



4) Wanda collected her AAA belt, only to be interrupted from any celebration she might have had by Alicia Strong’s music. Alicia came out and said that she wasn’t lying when she said she was the best. And if Wanda wanted to fight her to learn that for herself, Alicia would be more than happy to oblige. The match was on!




5) Backstage, Champagne Lover accosted Dan Stone Jr. and demanded a rematch. He claimed that last week, he wasn’t sufficiently stretched out and so he deserved a redo. Dan looked at him and burst out laughing.


“No way. In case you haven’t heard, I may have bigger fish to fry than you, so I’m not going to waste my time with you this week. Get lost!”


Champagne Lover responded to the rejection by kicking over a garbage can. He then looked up in surprise when he realized that he spilled the trash all over Sam Strong’s shoes. Sam did not look happy.


“Tell you what, Champagne Lover. If you’re itching for a fight so badly, I’ll give you one. I’ll book you in a match against Nicky Champion at ‘Americana!’”




6) Suzanne stumbled into the back after her match. She acknowledged some of the sympathetic gestures made by backstage workers. But then she came up short as Cherry Bomb came roaring down the hall, a chair raised over her head. Suzanne shrieked and fell back, throwing her hands over her head. But when she looked up again, the chair hovered just inches from her face.


Cherry laughed maniacally, then leaned in close. “Maybe next time, pretty one. Maybe next time.”






Pete clearly was a little tired toward the end of the match. Mitch did his best, saying that Pete was just depressed ever since his cousin, Al, left him to go back to Squatter’s Gulch. Shane said that sympathy had no place in the wrestling ring. And Tribal Warrior didn’t show him any, finally stalking him around the ring before dropping Pete with a Head Hunter Special.


WINNER: Tribal Warrior in 7:34



8) Tribal Warrior strutted around the ring for a few moments before Shane suddenly called out a warning. Warrior turned to see what was going on but it was too late. Scapino had rolled under the bottom rope and attacked him, laying him out.




9) DAN STONE JR. © vs. ERIC THE BULL for the USPW Television Title


An okay match. Eric did his level best to take Dan down and out, but everything he tried didn’t work. Dan finally got him to tap with the Stone Ankle Stretch.


WINNER: Dan Stone Jr. in 8:39



10) Nicky is once again slumped down in a corner somewhere.


“And so we see that the transcendental malaise has drawn me back in. My so-called father figure wishes for me to dance. And dance I shall, but not to the tune the piper has called. For my strings are cut and I descend deeper and deeper into the morass that claims us all.”




11) The door to Doom’s office burst open and Suzanne Brazzle strode in. She found Doom listening to a CD of classical music (and yet we still heard the organ in the background), his eyes closed and conducting an imaginary orchestra.


“Before you say a word, Ms. Brazzle, consider Ms. Bomb yours this Friday.”


Suzanne seemed surprised but then left.






Speaking of Ms. Bomb, she was out in the ring with Jaime Quine. The audience wasn’t watching. Eventually, Cherry ended things with a Cherry Bomb.


WINNER: Cherry Bomb in 6:34



13) James Justice came out to the ring and started to pace, a mic in his hand.


“So I’ve been doing a lot of thinking tonight. Who should I face? I know that Peter Valentine’s all in a twist, so much so that he’s got a lawyer involved. So if I don’t pick him, I could be putting the entire company at risk. That’s not cool.


“And then there’s what the fans seem to want. Me vs. Dan Stone Jr. I gotta admit, that’s a tempting possibility. Dan is one of the greats in our sport and I’d love to see how I’d measure up against him.


“Of course, there’s also Bruce the Giant. But we all know about him.


“So what to do? What to do? Obviously, I have to protect the USPW. So I guess Peter Valentine will get his rematch. But I should also listen to the fans, which means that Dan Stone Jr. is in too. And Bruce, before you come out here and attack me, the time has come for you as well.


“That’s right. I’m not going to pick from one of them. Instead, I choose all of them. Fatal fourway for the USPW World Title this Friday!


“But on to tonight. Two weeks ago, it was my honor to wrestle Captain USA. Tonight, I want to go version 2.0. Tonight, I want to wrestle the Masked Patriot.”






If Brandon thought that this was his big chance, he really didn’t capitalize on it. It was an average match at best, with Brandon relying mostly on sheer power to get through the match. But James obviously was ready for that and was able to blunt most of his offense, finally dropping the rookie with a Liberation Slam.


WINNER: James Justice in 7:33



15) Seated in his plush chair, Sam Strong went over the card:


ALICIA STRONG © vs. WANDA FISH for the USPW Women’s Title






“I’ve been in this business for a long time, and even I’m excited at the idea of the main event for ‘Americana!’ Fatal fourways are great fun, but only for the audience. Good thing Uncle Sam’s part of that this time around, huh?


“But I question if James knows what he’s doing. Sure, he’s worked with Dan Stone Jr. in the past, but this time, Dan will be after his title too. It’s hard work keeping your eye on three guys at a time. After all, the good Lord only saw fit to give us two eyes.


“So it’s a risk. But sometimes, kiddies, you have to take risks. That’s when you’ll find the greatest rewards.”







After everyone had left, I led Suzanne out to meet my parents. Mom was cordial. Dad was enthusiastic to meet “the little woman.” Suzanne took it all in good stride.




As always...

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ALICIA STRONG © vs. WANDA FISH for the USPW Women’s Title






Hmm Justice doesnt really seem to be delivering for you as he normally does.

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I'm going to go out on a limb, and call a draw. This match-up can finally get some serious ratings for your girls. I think you'll want to drag it out a little bit. Especially since this had such a small build-up.



Tribal Warrior isn't someone that's going to be pushing the envelope, into the future. He does what he does, and that's it. You're young and relatively talented. Besides, you don't cost the company any money.



Cherry Bomb has been your top heel, since day 1. Even with Wanda Fish around, I think she still is, for the time being. The question is, does your girlfriend mind jobbing. I figure she's cool with it, so Bomb goes over.



Nicky Champion has his new emo gimmick goin' for him, but it looks like it's still going to keep him on the losing end, for the time being. I'm interested to see where you go with it, but for the time being, Champagne Lover is still your hot ticket.



Dan Stone Jr has been pulling out better ratings than Justice, but you've been building for the eventual Justice/Bruce showdown for six months now. There certainly won't be a title change until then. Thankfully, Valentine is there to look up at the lights, keeping everyone important strong.

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ALICIA STRONG © vs. WANDA FISH for the USPW Women’s Title - Alicia if Wanda's in on a trade, draw otherwise

SCAPINO vs. TRIBAL WARRIOR - Your boy's going to take a beating

SUZANNE BRAZZLE vs. CHERRY BOMB - By DQ, I would guess. I can't see Brazzle walking out of this one...

NICKY CHAMPION vs. CHAMPAGNE LOVER - Interesting that either man could win, and I'd normally say that NC would be the favourite, but a loss would probably fit better with his character

JAMES JUSTICE © vs. DAN STONE JR. vs. PETER VALENTINE vs. BRUCE THE GIANT for the USPW World Title - I could see this being a three-way next month, with Valentine out of the picture, and eventually Bruce getting the one-on-one the month after. If it's an elimination affair, Bruce will go out first after taking all the others' finishers...

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Just read everything in here since my last post, always an impressive read... though my own USPW game won't be de-pushing Brandon as a result, he's one of my most solid midcarders and definitely moving up in the world. :)


ALICIA STRONG © vs. WANDA FISH for the USPW Women’s Title

I'm gonna call some kind of draw here, I can't see you allowing this to be decided in any clear cut way so I reckon Cherry Bomb is gonna do something to screw this one up, even if she is busy elsewhere in the show.



The prickliest thorn continues to be a pain for the Sneer Corporation. :)



I see this being a big night for Cherry generally, so I think she gets the win here.



Hard to call this one, so I'm going to go against the man who is my USPW champion and pick a man who is likely to be a future champion in my own game. Those damn Mexicans. :p



I think Justice is a good champion though he hasn't done as well for you as he did for me in my game. He's got great charisma, solid skills and he's probably hugely over by now too... so hopefully he'll keep the belt leading up to an epic 1 vs 1 match with the Giant somewhere down the line. I also predict Valentine to lose the fall here.

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USPW presents...


Friday of Week 4, June of 2008

Held at the Louisiana Auditorium in the South East Territory

8,081 in attendance; Buy-rate of 0.41


Mitch Naess and Shane Sneer welcomed the audience.


1) James Justice came out to a really great pop.


“So here we are. This will probably be the hardest match of my career. Because in one corner, we’ll have Dan Stone Jr., one of the most dominant wrestlers in the world and the current USPW Television Title holder. In the next, we have Peter Valentine, a cagey veteran who can’t be ignored.


“And then there’s Bruce the Giant. Ah, Bruce. So you finally get a shot at this title. But keep this in mind, Bruce. Tonight, you won’t just be facing me. You’ll be up against two other men who will want this title just as much as you.


“Oh yeah. I’ll be there too. You can never forget that, Bruce, because I’m not going to give this title up easily.”




2) ALICIA STRONG © vs. WANDA FISH for the USPW Women’s Title


A great match. Wanda didn’t engage Alicia right away, knocking aside her thrown punches and clearly waiting for the right moment to start the fight. Alicia became more and more upset as the match wore on. She finally shoved Wanda, screaming at her to fight. Wanda fired back with a right cross that nearly took Alicia out of her boots.


Wanda took control of the match, knocking Alicia around for a few moments, focusing on her knees. She then tried to get Alicia into a figure four leglock, only to have Alicia come back to life and break free. Wanda tried to regain control, but when she went for the Dish of the Day, Alicia ducked and caught Wanda with an Angel Driver.


WINNER: Alicia Strong in 12:35



3) Cherry Bomb sat in front of a mirror, combing out her hair with a fork, giggling in a barely audible voice. But as she kept getting ready, the giggling got louder and louder until it gave way to barely restrained maniacal laughter. She then set down the fork and started for the door.




4) In a pre-taped segment, Shane Sneer appeared with Tribal Warrior. He predicted that Scapino would be put in his place tonight.






Cherry stalked out to the ring, creeping along one of the security barriers. Suzanne watched her come and then waited for her to do something. Suzanne hunkered down in one corner, curving in on herself while she glared at Suzanne. Then the bell rang and, with a savage shriek, Cherry exploded from the corner and slammed into Suzanne. The two of them collapsed and traded blows.


They finally got disentangled and started trading even harder blows. At one point, Cherry bailed, rolling around the ring as the ref started counting her out. Suzanne seemed completely perplexed, then finally went out to get Cherry back into the ring. Then Cherry ambushed Suzanne and tossed her into the ring steps.


Cherry took Suzanne back into the ring and worked her over. But then Suzanne came back to life and finally put Cherry down with a Miracle Connection.


WINNER: Suzanne Brazzle in 8:36



6) Cherry Bomb came up off the mat, her eyes wide and wild. She leapt onto Suzanne from behind with a shriek and knocked her to the mat, slamming her head into it repeatedly before the ref pulled her away and paramedics came out to get Suzanne out of the ring.




7) Seduction led Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles out to the ring. They pointed out that the Prime Patriots didn’t have a match for tonight, and so they challenged the champs. Captain USA came out and accepted on behalf of his boys.




8) Champagne Lover was posing before a full-length mirror, making kissy faces at his reflection. He seemed pretty pleased with the way he looked. He turned, only to find himself face to face with Sam Strong. Sam looked a little disgusted by what he had seen.


“Look here, Champagne ... or Lover ... or whatever I should call you. The only reason why I put you in a match against Nicky tonight is because someone needs to beat some sense into him. And as much as it pains me to say it, you can probably do it better than anyone. That doesn’t mean I have to like it. You just make sure you get the job done.”


Lover smiled. “Do not worry yourself, Mr. Strong. If there is one thing I pride myself on, it is satisfaction.”




9) Remmington Remus appeared on the big screen with Scapino. Remmington turned to Scapino. “So tonight, Scapino, you’re facing Tribal Warrior of the Sneer Corporation. Are you worried at all?”


“Not at all. Yeah, Tribal Warrior is a fierce competitor, but I know that I’m going to go out there and give it my all. And that’s all I can do.”




10) Roderick Remus and the Masked Patriot headed toward the ring, they were attacked from behind by Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles. The Towers of Power beat down the champs and then dragged them out to the ring.




11) PRIME PATRIOTS © vs. THE TOWERS OF POWER for the USPW Tag Team Titles


Roderick and the Masked Patriot were at a severe disadvantage, still trying to recover from the attack from the Towers of Power. Danny and Mick worked the champs over at their leisure. But then, when they tried to get Roderick Remus pinned, Roderick kept kicking out. Then Roderick rallied and managed to tag in the Masked Patriot, who had been given enough time to recover.


The Masked Patriot cleared the ring and finally put Danny Rushmore down with a Backdrop Driver.


WINNERS: Prime Patriots in 10:28



12) Bruce the Giant glowered down at the camera for a few moments before speaking.


“You think you’re clever, Jim? This just proves how scared you are of me. You think you’ll be able to hide behind Dan Stone Jr. and Peter Valentine? They’re only speedbumps for me. I’ll run them over and then drive you straight through the mat. Count on it. Tonight, I’m getting what’s rightfully mine!”






The crowd took a break for this one. Tribal Warrior tried to destroy Scapino in the early going and had to be pulled off of him by the ref more than once. Shane shouted encouragement from the announce table, ordering Tribal Warrior to finish Scapino.


Things looked pretty dire, but then Scapino surprised everyone when he rolled through a pin attempt and got a nearfall. Tribal Warrior looked especially shocked as the rookie caught a second wind and took the fight to him. In the end, Scapino managed to get in a quick DDT and pinned the Warrior.


WINNER: Scapino in 8:50



14) Before Scapino could really recover from the beating he had taken, Jumbo Jackson charged the ring and hit a Jumbo Avalanche. Scapino stumbled out of the corner and collapsed, unconscious. Jumbo Jackson wasn’t done, flipping him onto his back and punching him repeatedly in the face until backstage officials finally came out and pulled him away.






Nicky entered first, leaning in a corner and watching Champagne Lover as he came down the ramp. The bell rang and Champagne Lover dropped into a ready stance. Nicky didn’t move. Lover and the ref exchanged an uncertain look. Lover finally strode forward, a ****y smile on his face. He smacked Nicky around a bit, then tipped him over onto the mat and pinned him.


Nicky snapped out of it. He kicked out and Lover had a fight on his hands. The two of them traded blows and went for some impressive moves. Nicky finally hit a Hawkeye Hammer and got the pin.


WINNER: Nicky Champion in 10:01



16) Dan Stone Jr. appeared on screen, his Television Title belt draped over his shoulder. He glanced at it for a moment, then smirked at the camera.


“I know that the Television Title hasn’t been around that long. A number of fine competitors have held it in its short history. But tonight, I fully expect to be the first man to hold both this and the USPW World Title.”




17) Nicky slouched in a corner, staring at the floor. When he looked up, streaks of eyeliner ran down his cheeks. And that was pretty much it.






When the bell rung, Bruce roared at his competition and all three men took a step away from him. Then, after exchanging quick glances, James, Dan, and Peter rushed Bruce at the same time. Peter pulled up short as Dan and James waded in, fists flying as they tried to drive Bruce down and back. Peter walked over to one corner and leaned in it casually as Bruce seemed to wither under the onslaught. Then Bruce snarled and struck back, nailing both James and Dan with headbutts that sent both men reeling. Peter pounced, darting out and hitting Dan with a Heart Breaker and dropping on him for the pin. The ref barely got to one before Bruce picked Peter up and effortlessly tossed him across the ring. Bruce then tried to pin Dan but got drop-kicked in the head by James. James checked on Dan to make sure he was okay, and then he pinned him as well! But by this time, Dan had recovered and kicked out.


Bruce took a while to recover from the blow to the head, so it was just James, Dan, and Peter for a while. Peter tried to convince first Dan to work together to take out James. Then he tried the same thing on James. When Dan and James took a step toward him simultaneously, though, Peter bailed and ducked around the ring.


Dan and James glanced at each other, shrugged, and then circled each other twice before locking up in the center of the ring. Neither man had a clear advantage as they slipped in and out of locks. But they never were really able to develop anything because Bruce came roaring back into the match, as did Peter.


The action left Bruce and Peter pretty tired. Dan was able to capitalize on that at one point, knocking Bruce into James. He then tripped up Peter with a Russian leg sweep and locked on the Stone Ankle Stretch. Peter howled and tried to get to the ropes, but it was no good.


But then Champagne Lover darted in from backstage. He made sure the ref didn’t see him and then slid a chair into the ring. The ref did see that and quickly picked it up and took it over to one side. That was just enough time for Lover to leap to the top turnbuckle and hit a Champagne Sunrise on Dan, which naturally broke the hold. When the ref turned back to the ring, he was surprised to find all four competitors out of commission and he actually started a ten count on all of them at the same time.


By the time he reached seven, all four men were up and in it again. Bruce looked about ready to clean house, but then James wound up tossing Dan right into Bruce. The momentum took them both over the top rope. Bruce was none too happy and seemed to blame Dan. Dan shoved him back and when Bruce went for a punch, Dan tripped him up and put him in a Stone Ankle Stretch on the outside of the ring. Bruce tapped furiously, but Mitch pointed out it did Dan little good since they weren’t in the ring.


But James and Peter were. Peter attempted a Heart Breaker, only to have James block it. And then James hit a picture perfect Liberation Slam for the pin and the win.


WINNER: James Justice in 17:14



19) Sam appeared in the living room set.


“You know, when Uncle Sam was a kid, I used to head on down to the movie theater for Saturday serials. They were old movies that were broken up in parts. Each one would end with the heroes in peril and the bad guys about to win. And at the end of each, we’d be told to come back next week, see what happened.


“And that’s my advice for you kiddies tonight. Be sure to come back next week. Because you know, the next pay-per-view is a big one. ‘Independence Slam!’ And I just bet you that even though he tapped out tonight, Bruce isn’t done yet. Come back this Wednesday on Sports America. See if I’m wrong.”







I think we put in a solid show that might have inched us a bit higher up the charts.



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Month’s End:


In spite of a solid show, the staff meeting was a bit dismal still. We had lost $35,413. Unlike last month, we didn’t get any sponsorship money. That really irked me, because if we had, I’m pretty sure we would have wound up in the black for once.


Worse than that, we were still #9 overall in the world. I tried to play up the fact that we were #3 in the U.S., but when #1 and #2 are the SWF and TCW, that’s not much of a consolation.

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