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OLLIE: The People's Promotion

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Joaquin Soler demands change;

Original Lucha Libre In Extreme (OLLIE) was for 50 years the #1 wrestling company in Mexico, for years South Of The Border Pro Wrestling (SOTBPW) and Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation (MPWF) closed the gap, but nobody really believed that either of them would ever overtaked OLLIE, and many were shocked last year when SOTBPW did. Running a weekly Television show that has been doing insanely good numbers, SOTBPW's booking of stars such as Pablo Rodriguez and Champagne Lover made many fans, OLLIE's booking of the same storylines over-and-over (I.E. The Swarm vs. Tres Phoenix) made the company seem outdated, many have blamed the original owner of the legendary Phoenix mask (Phoenix I) for the fall, as head-booker Phoenix I continued to revolve shows around himself and watering down other worker's who threatened his position.


But now as we begin 2008, OLLIE owner Joaquin Soler (who bought the company just a few years ago) is reportedly furious at the company's fall from grace, realizing that something new was needed, Joaquin has removed Phoenix I from his position as head booker and has appointed a largely unknown man to the position, James Tyler. Tyler, an american, was taken up as the assistant of legendary luchador and current backstage road agent, Manuel Prieto, Prieto was impressed with the young man's idea's for the direction OLLIE should be taking and when he heard that a new head-booker was being looked for, he threw Tyler's name in the hat. Soler's (a huge lucha libre fan obviously) favorite luchadore of all time was none other than Manuel Prieto, and when he heard that Prieto had a suggestion, he immediately appointed the 21-year old 'gringo'.


Tyler has not yet been reached for comment, however many are pointing to this decision as an attempt to blame the unheralded young man for OLLIE's continual fall, citing that the legacy of Phoenix I would be hurt if he were the man in charge as the largest lucha libre company in the world quickly tumbled from the top, whether or not this is true, it is certainly an interesting development in the world of lucha libre, whether or not the completely unknown, and unheralded Tyler can turn the company around is unknown (extremely unlikely), but TEW.com will be following these developments, and remember to check back soon for more news on SOTBPW, James Tyler, Manuel Prieto, MPWF and lucha libre!



OOC: I don't know to much about lucha libre at all, but OLLIE really got my attention because it sounds fun to try and rebuild the once dominant company, right now I'm planning for most of the updates to revolve around internet reports like the one above, if anyone notices me doing things that don't make much sense (anything that wouldn't normally happen in a lucha libre company) then just point it out and I'll try to fix it, first card will be up soon.

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Wow, another new diary started! This is just awesome to see so many new diaries right now. I'll be reading this also! :) I myself don't know much about lucha libre but here's few: 1. Absolutely strict face/heel divide; technicos vs. rudos. 2. No marinetis, moves that drop you on your head, such as DDT's, drivers and such 3. Masks are everything within those who have masks. Whether it's trying to rip someones mask etc, or title vs. mask. And once you lose your mask you can never ever have it back. Mysterio got a lot of heat when he lost the mask in wCw but later put it back on. 4. Lucha libre matches, 2/3 falls. And use the dos and trios titles, 2 vs. 2 and 3 vs. 3. ^^


Here's few from wikipedia, I also advice you to go to youtube and watch a lot of lucha libre. ^^


The rules of lucha libre are similar to American singles matches. Matches can be won by pinning the opponent to the mat for the count of three, making him submit, knocking him out of the ring for a pre-determined count (generally twenty) or by disqualification. Using the ropes for leverage is illegal and once a luchador is on the ropes, his opponent must release any holds and he will not be able to pin him.


Disqualifications occur when an opponent uses an illegal hold, move (such as the piledriver, which is an illegal move in lucha libre and grounds for immediate disqualification, though some variations are legal in certain promotions), or weapon, hits his opponent in the groin (faul), uses outside interference, attacks the referee, or rips his opponent's mask completely off. Most matches are two out of three falls (dos de tres caídas), which had been abandoned for title bouts in North America and Japan in the 1970s.


Luchadores are traditionally divided into two categories, rudos ("bad guys", or "heels", literally "rude ones"), who bend or break the rules, and técnicos (the "good guys", or "faces", literally "technicians"), who play by the rules and their moves are much more complex and spectacular. "Técnicos" tend to have very formal combat styles, close to Greco-Roman wrestling and martial arts techniques, where as "rudos" tend to be brawlers. Técnicos playing the "good guy" role, and rudos playing the "bad guy" role is very characteristic of Mexican lucha libre, which differs from U.S. professional wrestling, where many technical wrestlers play the role of heels, and many brawlers play as "faces" . Although rudos often resort to using under-handed tactics, they are still expected to live up to a luchador code of honor. For instance, a luchador who has lost a wager match would prefer to endure the humiliation of being unmasked or having his head shaved rather than live with the shame that would come from not honoring his bet. Rudos have also been known to transition into técnicos after a career defining moment, as was the case with Blue Demon, who decided to become a técnico after his wrestling partner, Black Shadow, was unmasked by the legendary Santo. Tag teams are sometimes comprised of both rudos and técnicos in what are called parejas increibles (incredible pairings). Parejas increibles highlight the conflict between a luchador's desire to win and his contempt for his partner.




And here's a cool video from youtube. If you want I can delete this overlong message and the video later?



<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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Thanks a lot FINisher, you basically saved the dynasty with that post lol. Also I've made two new signings, Burning EXILE and Hijo Del Mephisto.


Here's the card:


OLLIE: The Legends

Nicolas Lopez vs. Marcos Flores © OLLIE Universal Title

Championa Jr. vs. El Critico

Hijo Del Mephisto vs. Laberinto Jr. © OLLIE Mexico Title

The Murderers vs. The Next Generation © OLLIE Tag Titles

Slayyer vs. Burning EXILE

Swarm I & II vs. Two Phoenix

Dragon Americano vs. Rafael Ruiz

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Nicolas Lopez vs. Marcos Flores © OLLIE Universal Title

Championa Jr. vs. El Critico

Hijo Del Mephisto vs. Laberinto Jr. © OLLIE Mexico Title

The Murderers vs. The Next Generation © OLLIE Tag Titles

Slayyer vs. Burning EXILE

Swarm I & II vs. Two Phoenix

Dragon Americano vs. Rafael Ruiz

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OLLIE: The Legends

Nicolas Lopez vs. Marcos Flores © OLLIE Universal Title

Championa Jr. vs. El Critico

Hijo Del Mephisto vs. Laberinto Jr. © OLLIE Mexico Title


The Murderers vs. The Next Generation © OLLIE Tag Titles

(Who are the participants?)


Slayyer vs. Burning EXILE

Swarm I & II vs. Two Phoenix

Dragon Americano vs. Rafael Ruiz

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Nicolas Lopez vs. Marcos Flores (c) OLLIE Universal Title

Championa Jr. vs. El Critico

Hijo Del Mephisto vs. Laberinto Jr. © OLLIE Mexico Title

The Murderers vs. The Next Generation © OLLIE Tag Titles

Slayyer vs. Burning EXILE

Swarm I & II vs. Two Phoenix

Dragon Americano vs. Rafael Ruiz


You do the exact opposite of what I do whenever I play one of the Mexican feds, you translates most of the names to English for me Dos Phoenix usually stay Dos Phoenix and The Swarm become El Enjambre.


Anyway no title changes first show so Flores, Laberinto Jr. and The Next Generation (Luis Montero Jr. and the other Jr. on the roster) retain. El Critico is probably Main Eventing right now while Championa Jr. is probably only a midcarder after your hires. Slayyer just isn't that good althouhg Burning EXILE is probably only on a short term contract. The Phoenix boys are higher on the roster then The Swarm although it could really go either way I like Dos Phoenix. Dragon Americano is no where near ready to be getting any wins so Ruiz will take it.


Also consider hiring Canadian Dragon and UK Dragon to put together as a stable with Dragon Americano its worked wonders for me and they are both available in Mexico.

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Sorry to FINisher, I forgot to point out that I had translated everything (except the workers) to English, so The Murderer's = Los Asesinos and The Next Generation = Tricolor Jr. and Luis Montero Jr. (forgot original name).


Also, thanks for the stable advice Apu, I will definitely need some idea's for three man tag-teams and that seems like a good one.


The show will be up today, along with the card for the next show.

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Nicolas Lopez vs. Marcos Flores © OLLIE Universal Title

Championa Jr. vs. El Critico

Hijo Del Mephisto vs. Laberinto Jr. © OLLIE Mexico Title

The Murderers vs. The Next Generation © OLLIE Tag Titles

Slayyer vs. Burning EXILE

Swarm I & II vs. Two Phoenix

Dragon Americano vs. Rafael Ruiz


My first post here on GDS, and I've been lurking the diary section for quite a while.


Good luck, and I love Mexican promotions. I'll be reading :)

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These are the results from OLLIE The Legends, being held by Original Lucha Libre In Exteme. It is being held in front of 2,000 people at Guadalajara Arena




Rafael Ruiz vs. Dragon Americano

Rafael Ruiz was the clear favorite heading into this match, although the fan's in attendance were clearly behind the 18-year old underdog Americano, Ruiz dominated the match from beginning to end. Winning two straight falls to pick up the victory, the final fall came by way of Ruiz's feared submission hold 'the Ruiz Wrench' after 6 minutes of action.


Winner: Rafael Ruiz (D)


The Swarm vs. Two Phoenix

The bitter feud between the two stables continued here, as Swarm I & II took on Phoenix II & III. A bit of a disapointment considering the talent in the ring, the first fall was for the Swarm as Swarm I cradled Phoenix II for a three count. However Two Phoenix would even up the score just a few minutes later after Phoenix III connected with a beautiful dropkick followed by a standing moonsault onto Swarm I. After 11 minutes of action the finish of the match came when Phoenix III landed his signature High Velocity Moonsault onto Swarm II


After the match it seems like all three member's of The Swarm are set to attack Two Phoenix when Phoenix I emerges from the back! He runs down to the ring as The Swarm bail out and Three Phoenix celebrate in the ring.


Winners: Two Phoenix (D-)


Slayyer vs. Burning EXILE

EXILE, the Japanese import did not look too impressive in his debut in OLLIE. First the match was very bad, secondly he was dominated for 7 straight minutes by the veteran Slayyer, getting pinned two straight times, the final fall occuring with his high-impact finishing move, the Dead Zone.


Winner: Slayyer (D-)


The Murderer's vs. The Next Generation © OLLIE Tag Titles

The Murderer's have always seemed to have potential to be big names in Lucha Libre, and The Next Generation are both son's of former OLLIE Universal Champion's, unfortunately this match was far from as good as it had the potential to be. The Next Generation, were in control for the majority of the match and picked up two straight falls to get the victory, and a successful title defense.


Winners: The Next Generation (E+)


Hijo Del Mephisto vs. Laberinto Jr. © OLLIE Mexico Title

Hijo Del Mephisto was a highly-anticipated debutant here, being the nephew of the legendary Lucha Libre star Mephisto, but like most of the matches before this it failed to live up to what it could have been. Laberinto Jr. scored the first pinfall with a top-rope moonsault. Althought Hijo Del Mephisto fought back and scored a pinfall of his own with his signature Satanic Elbow, but a championship in his very first match was not to be, as Laberinto Jr. hit his signature Laberinto Roll to get the victory and successful title defense.


Winner: Laberinto Jr. (D-)


Championa Jr. vs. El Critico

Two of the star attraction's to OLLIE battled it out in this match, as former two-time OLLIE Universal Champion took on El Critico, who has always come up just short to winning his first Universal title. A very solid match, these two went back-and-forth, with the first fall coming when Championa Jr. connected with a Flying Cross Body to get the pinfall. El Critico battled back though and took the second fall with a quick, school-boy roll-up. After 18 minutes of action, the match came to a close as El Critico got the final fall with his signature Critical Mass.


It seems like El Critico isn't quite done with Championa Jr. though as he begin's to close in on him for a post match attack, but before any damage can be done, Critico's longtime nemesis El Leon emerges from the back and runs down to the ring, Critico notices Leon and bails out, Leon grabs a microphone and announces to the crowd that OLLIE has secured a new television show to begin airing in March, he challenges El Critico to meet him at the main event of the first episode! The fan's seem excited at the prospect of being able to see El Critico vs. El Leon on live TV, even though they were irritated at a segment, as they were all their for in-ring action.


Winner: El Critico (C-) (E+)


Nicolas Lopez vs. Marcos Flores © OLLIE Universal Title

A highly-anticipated match, that while being the best match on the show, was yet again a disapointment. A good match, the fan's were completely behind the champion Flores, even though Lopez's incredible high-flying moves were definitely something to appreciate. A back-and-forth match, after 15 minutes of action Flores scored the first fall of the match, after Lopez suplexed him down he took some time to antagonize the fans at ringside, but Flores quickly snuck up behind him and rolled him up for a quick three-count.


Lopez, clearly livid with himself for giving up a pinfall, began to go to work on Flores using incredible aerial moves to keep his opponent down on the ground. A notable spot was about the 23-minute mark, Lopez climbed to the top ropes and nailed his opponent with a corkscrew senton, many in the arena felt that he was about to get a fall, but Flores managed to pop his shoulder up, much to the shock of Lopez. Finally after 32 minutes of action, Marcos Flores connected with his devastating Flores Heaven Elbow to get his second straight fall and retain his title.


Winner: Marcos Flores ©


Final Rating; C,

All of the matches disapointed, hopefully next month will be better. Also in March, I've got a TV show (OLLIE Lucha Libre) before that will be Glory Bound, after that I will be exclusively doing the TV Show until I can get a PPV deal. The main event of the first episode will be - El Critico vs. El Leon.


Post Show Recap:


-Rafael Ruiz def. Dragon Americano (D)

-Two Phoenix def. Swarm I & II (D-)

-Slayyer def. Burning EXILE (D-)

-The Next Generation def. The Murderer's (E+)

-Laberinto Jr. def. Hijo Del Mephisto (D-)

-El Critico def. Championa Jr. (C-)

-Marcos Flores def. Nicolas Lopez ©

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That was a fun read, no doubt. The television show sounds exciting. The build was very subtle, yet it worked. Nice job.


Don't be discouraged about low ratings, it KILLED me for the first few shows that I had done in Ring Of Honor, but I eventually worked up.

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Not doing a monthly show is a bad bad idea. TV hows make less money per person and attract less people than big event. I did a weekly show right off the bat with MPWF and if I didn't do the monthly how I would have gone bankrupt quick. Alo you are going to want to run the monthly shows to highlight your one on one matches because if you do a lot of one on ones during your TV how you are going to starting hitting up on that 4 match limit pretty quickly. Your TV show should have a done of 3v3, 4v4 and 5v5 matches.
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Also for the very long term running the monthly shows ups their prestige so when ya do get ppv ya get a higher buy rate. Use the tv show to increase overness in the lower two areas and the monthly to keep your main area strong. But purely running tv is doable imho just do a lot of 1 vs 1 or 1 vs 1 vs 1 to limit worker costs and do long matches. Make the tv short to cut costs. Just plan out in advance so ya dont hit the 4th repeat wall too soon. As far as angles go either go to 80 percent or have the storylines be run in/match/stable related. And yes I know its not really lucha libre to do mainly 1 vs 1 but game wise it works.
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For anyone who wants to do prediction's heres the card for our next show, OLLIE Glory Bound. Also, the roster is really small at the moment, I'm going to be making some new signings soon to build up the tag-team and six man tag-team divisions.


Another thing is that after this show, I'll be doing the TV show exclusively for at least one month, the finances at the end of the month will determine if I keep it that way afterwards.


OLLIE Glory Bound

El Critico vs. Marcos Flores © OLLIE Universal Title

Nicolas Lopez vs. Phoenix III

DeCipher vs. El Leon

Championa Jr. vs. Rafael Ruiz

The Next Generation & Dragon Americano vs. The Assassins & Slayyer

Julio Dominguez vs. Laberinto Jr. © OLLIE Mexico Title

Hijo Del Mephisto vs. Burning EXILE

Swarm I vs. Phoenix I

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El Critico vs. Marcos Flores © OLLIE Universal Title

Nicolas Lopez vs. Phoenix III

DeCipher vs. El Leon

Championa Jr. vs. Rafael Ruiz

The Next Generation & Dragon Americano vs. The Assassins & Slayyer

Julio Dominguez vs. Laberinto Jr. © OLLIE Mexico Title

Hijo Del Mephisto vs. Burning EXILE

Swarm I vs. Phoenix I

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El Critico vs. Marcos Flores © OLLIE Universal Title

Nicolas Lopez vs. Phoenix III

DeCipher vs. El Leon

Championa Jr. vs. Rafael Ruiz

The Next Generation & Dragon Americano vs. The Assassins & Slayyer

Julio Dominguez vs. Laberinto Jr. © OLLIE Mexico Title

Hijo Del Mephisto vs. Burning EXILE

Swarm I vs. Phoenix I

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El Critico vs. Marcos Flores © OLLIE Universal Title



Nicolas Lopez vs. Phoenix III



DeCipher vs. El Leon



Championa Jr. vs. Rafael Ruiz

Championa can head toward a main event Ruiz will just be a gate keeper (a good gate keeper)


The Next Generation & Dragon Americano vs. The Assassins & Slayyer

Not a Slayyer fan and I think the three on the side I picked have alot more potential.


Julio Dominguez vs. Laberinto Jr. © OLLIE Mexico Title

Laberinto can move on to a better title I suggest a run in by the person up the ladder he'll feud with.


Hijo Del Mephisto vs. Burning EXILE

Better worker Mephisto is a great character but can use some work.


Swarm I vs. Phoenix I

Draw. I really want to see a big war between El Enjabre and Los Phoenix break out in some one's diary and It should start with a draw followed by a mass brawl.


Oh and i use this site for translations http://www.freetranslation.com/ I usually translate all workers and all event names to Spanish. makes it more authentic.

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El Critico vs. Marcos Flores © OLLIE Universal Title

Flores retains


Nicolas Lopez vs. Phoenix III

Lopez squashes (but a good squash)


DeCipher vs. El Leon

El Leon dominates this one


Championa Jr. vs. Rafael Ruiz

Just to see Ruiz win (he's one of my faves in OLLIE) :D


The Next Generation & Dragon Americano vs. The Assassins & Slayyer

To be honest, I never use Los Asesinos, and Slayyer is just average midcarder. The other team, however, has a lot of potential.


Julio Dominguez vs. Laberinto Jr. © OLLIE Mexico Title

I don't wanna see Julio as anything other than jobbing.


Hijo Del Mephisto vs. Burning EXILE

I just see him winning...


Swarm I vs. Phoenix I

I liked the idea of a draw to start off the war between the two factions.




If you're looking for new talent to bring in, I always bring in Hexx and Decimalo and Luna Ligera and Luna Oscura to bolster the tag ranks.

El Jefe Militar is a good young talent that you can mold (His physical stats are awesome) I also usually bring in El Ladron to team up with El Jefe as an opening level tag team until they build up some skills.

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If you're looking for new talent to bring in, I always bring in Hexx and Decimalo and Luna Ligera and Luna Oscura to bolster the tag ranks.

El Jefe Militar is a good young talent that you can mold (His physical stats are awesome) I also usually bring in El Ladron to team up with El Jefe as an opening level tag team until they build up some skills.


Los Academia (Hexx y Decimalo) are really just on their last leg for me but they do have enough psychology to hold together other teams. I love Gemelos de Luna (Ligre and Oscura), no real skill to speak of but A* as a team.


i don't use El Jefe Militar but I'll take DR. Jones' word for it. Tigre Salvaje Jr., El Hijo Del Zonk, Canadian Dragon (Dragón Canadiense) and UK Dragon (Dragón del RU) are all good hires especially as i stated before as the trio Los Dragones. Velocidad is also another good hire.

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These are the results from OLLIE Glory Bound, being held by Original Lucha Libre In Exteme. It is being held in front of 2,000 people at Guadalajara Arena.


Phoenix I vs. Swarm I

The legendary Phoenix I, being the very first to don the mask returned to action to take on a long-time foe in Swarm I. Following last week's attack on his teammates in Three Phoenix, Phoenix I was looking for a bit of revenge against the Swarm. And he got just that dominating Swarm I, scoring the first fall of the match with his signature Phoenix Sault, and just around the 9 minute mark putting the match away with a second Phoenix Sault.


Winner: Phoenix I (D+)


Burning EXILE vs. Hijo Del Mephisto

OLLIE can't be too happy with Burning EXILE, he is without a doubt extremely talented but when it comes time to show that talent, he never does. A largely bad match, Hijo Del Mephisto (nephew of the legendary Mephisto) was dominant and looked good in picking up a victory with two-straight falls, the final fall came as the result of the Satanic Elbow.


Winner: Hijo Del Mephisto (E+)


Julio Dominguez vs. Laberinto Jr. © OLLIE Mexico Title

Laberinto Jr.'s second title defense came against Julio Dominguez, a man running low on momentum after the decline of his tag-team with his father. Laberinto did not start off strong as he dropped the first fall to Dominguez as the result of a quick inside-cradle. He quickly made up for that though, picking up the second fall with ironically an inside-cradle of his own. In the end Laberinto picked up the victory as a result of his signature Laberinto Roll.


Winner: Laberinto Jr.


The Next Generation & Dragon Americano vs. The Assassins & Slayyer

James Tyler's first six-man tag team match for OLLIE did not go well as it was probably one of the worst matches in the company's long history. The less said about this match the better, The Next Generation & Dragon Americano made quick work of The Assassins & Slayyer winning two-straight falls in just 9 minutes, the final fall a result of Tricolor Jr. submitting Asesino Del Hacha with a figure-four leg lock.


Winners: The Next Generation & Dragon Americano (E+)


Championa Jr. vs. Rafael Ruiz

A true clash of styles took place between two of the upper-card men in OLLIE, as the technical-based Ruiz took on high-flying Championa Jr. A solid match these two went back-and-forth over the course of a 15 minute match, Rafael Ruiz took the first fall of the match with his feared submission hole The Ruiz Wrench. It didn't take long for Championa Jr. to come back though as he landed a flying cross body off of the top rope's to score his first fall. In the end Championa Jr. got the victory with a second Flying Cross Body.


Winner: Championa Jr. (D+)


El Leon vs. DeCipher

There was no question as to who would win this match, El Leon the man many feel will be a future legend in Lucha Libre, taking on DeCipher an opening-level worker at the moment. Despite the clash of styles and foregone conclusion of the match, it was actually very solid. El Leon took the victory with two-straight falls, both coming as a result of the Split Second Justice.


Winner: El Leon (D+)


Phoenix III vs. Nicolas Lopez

Nicolas Lopez's incredibly dynamic high-flying style was on full display against the most recent man to don the Phoenix mask. Despite being one of the biggest heels in Lucha Libre, it is hard not to be impressed by Nicolas Lopez as he sailed through the air, landing big move after big move. But Phoenix III did not back down, nearly pinning his opponent with a big dropkick. The first fall came to Nicolas Lopez as he pinned Phoenix III fallowing a springboard moonsault. This would only set up for the end of the match, as just moments later Lopez put Phoenix III away with the Lopez Buster to end a good match.


Winner: Nicolas Lopez (C-)


El Critico vs. Marcos Flores © OLLIE Universal Title

El Critico obviously had a lot on his mind going into this match, having to face off against the OLLIE Universal champion and get an opportunity to finally win the title just less than a week before his big showdown with longtime nemesis El Leon in a televised match. Critico had his eyes on the prize though and early in the match hit his signature Critical Mass move, amazingly however Marcos Flores kicked out of the move. Critico complained to the referee that he had counted far too slow, but that was a big mistake giving Flores an opportunity to recover and roll up Critico for the first fall.


Critico despite being stunned by the quick pinfall, went right back to work on Flores throwing him against the turnbuckle and repeatedly pounding on him, the Champion rallied though and took his opponent down with a big clothesline. Both men climbed to their feet about the same time but Flores was quicker and he dropped Critico on his back with a suplex, only to spin around and suplex him a second time, and then doing the same a third time. Flores then climbed to the top ropes and as the fans cheered him on, he drove the Flores Heaven Elbow into El Critico and pinned him for the second straight-fall.


After the match ends however, Critico does not look happy with the result as he attacks Flores from behind. Suddenly setting him up for a Critical Mass, but El Leon stormed down to the ring and chased off Critico for the second straight week, offering fans a reminder of the huge match they would get to see for free in less than a week!


Winner: Marcos Flores ©©


Final Rating; C

Same rating as last week, but even though I don't think it was good enough for a C+, I think it was a better show. I'm not sure what to do with EXILE, he has amazing stats but his matches are terrible, I might try to job him out until his rating's improve or just release him. Anyways I'll try to get a card up for the debut of OLLIE Lucha Libre tonight or tomorrow.



Post Show Recap:


-Phoenix I def. Swarm I (D+)

-Hijo Del Mephisto def. Burning EXILE (E+)

-Laberinto Jr. def. Julio Dominguez (D-)

-The Next Generation & Dragon Americano def. The Murderers & Slayyer (E+)

-Championa Jr. def. Rafael Ruiz (D+)

-El Leon def. DeCipher (D+)

-Nicolas Lopez def. Phoenix III (C-)

-Marcos Flores def. El Critico ©

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