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WCW 1996: A New World Order

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This is when I started watching wrestling back in the day, Nitro every Monday baby. I miss '95 - '98 era WCW so bad..



Sting and Lex Luger vs. The Blue Bloods

Allow Sting and Luger to go into their title match with a win behind them.


Chris Benoit vs. Alex Wright

Say what you will about the man, Benoit was on top of his game during this period.


A Returning Team vs. Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater



WCW World Television Title Match: Johnny B. Badd vs. Belfast Bruiser

I'll always vote Finlay, no matter his opponent.. (I'm an OLD school Finlay fan)


Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson

I'm begging you to make Savage the bigger deal over Hogan.. from this match, I'd much rather see a Savage / Flair feud and a Hogan / Anderson feud rather than the other way around.

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I have an ethical problem here to bring forth to my readers and I'd like an honest response. I just got a news section report that one of my wrestlers is soon-to-retire. This man has been an integral part of my plans moving forward with the diary. The question that I pose to all of you is whether or not it is alright to go into the editor and unretire him when that happens. Or should I change a lot of my future plans because of the unexpected retirement?
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Sting and Lex Luger vs. The Blue Bloods

As much as I like Regal, Eaton at this stage is a veteran who again is in a midcard role of putting people over. In reality, Sting and Luger had their own feud build off their tag team relations, and you can also of course sense Harlem Heat involvement here to build their tag championship feud, but I still see Sting who was the king of overcoming odds to go over.

Chris Benoit vs. Alex Wright

I'd almost like to say Alex Wright, because he actually was getting a semi-push in 1996. But I think Benoit's last loss figures he needs to get a win here.

A Returning Team vs. Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater

At this stage, Dick Slater sadly is midcard putter over. He was a good wrestler in the day but he's on the backend of his mainstream run. Bunkhouse Buck was average. That says to me that the returning team goes over.

WCW World Television Title Match: Johnny B. Badd vs. Belfast Bruiser

I don't think Finlay is ready by this stage to grab gold in WCW

Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson

Love Flair and Anderson to go over, and I guess as heels they probably need to to have the babyfaces chase them, but I suspect that Hogan won't allow that to happen




I have an ethical problem here to bring forth to my readers and I'd like an honest response. I just got a news section report that one of my wrestlers is soon-to-retire. This man has been an integral part of my plans moving forward with the diary. The question that I pose to all of you is whether or not it is alright to go into the editor and unretire him when that happens. Or should I change a lot of my future plans because of the unexpected retirement?


I had that happen in DOWCW with Ric Flair. I allowed TEW to take it's course, because you never really know how history foresees itself. We all know what happened in 1996 et al, but any change in emotion or desire can change the course of wrestling history. Anyways, what I did with Flair was give him a retirement match against Sting, and basically give us the famous Sting-Flair ending over again when they wrestled a 45 minute match where Flair infamously was about to tap but the bell rang. Standard type heel finish back in the day, but it was still huge. I then booked Flair to be the President of WCW because Flair's entertainment skills were a necessary part of a roster that had chronically poor entertainment skills/experience.

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Monday Week 2 January 1996

Location: Richmond Coliseum - Richmond Virginia

Attendance: 15,000

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: 4.57




[The show begins out in the parking lot of the Richmond Coliseum. It pans around the cars there and then two men walk heading for the arena. The crowd cheers for the return of the Steiner Brothers!]


Scott Steiner

"Back where the big boys play, huh? Welcome back to WCW."


Rick Steiner

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"


[Rick and Scott look up to the WCW marquee and then head inside the building as the opening video montage for Nitro begins to play.]




[Following the opening video, the cameras pan around the Richmond Coliseum.]


Eric Bischoff

"Hello everyone and welcome to WCW Monday Nitro! I'm Eric Bischoff alongside Steve Mongo McMichael and Bobby The Brain Heenan and gentlemen we have a stacked card here tonight on Nitro! We'll be capping off the evening with our main event of Randy Macho Man Savage teaming up with Hulk Hogan to take on The Nature Boy Ric Flair and The Enforcer Arn Anderson."


Bobby Heenan

"Yeah but who can Hogan trust, Eric? Last week his partner did what everyone else wants to do and that's blast Hogan in the head with a chair and then he apologized on WCW Saturday Night but can Savage really be trusted?"


Steve McMichael

"Bobby, you know better than that! Randy Savage has Hulk Hogan's back and he always will."


Eric Bischoff

"They better be on the same page tonight since they're taking on two of the Four Horsemen. But speaking of matches, let's head up to the ring for our first match of the evening."


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/Sting.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/LexLuger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/StevenRegal.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/BobbyEatonSquire.jpg

Sting and Lex Luger vs. The Blue Bloods


This matchup was made after Sting beat Earl Robert on WCW Saturday Night even with Regal's constant interference. During the match, Lex Luger did a lot of showboating and was in the ring constantly refusing to tag out to Sting. An argument between the two nearly led to Sting getting pinned by Regal. Luger tagged himself back in quickly and later lifted Eaton up in the Human Torture Rack while Sting locked Regal in the Scorpion Deathlock and they got a submission victory.


Winners: Sting and Lex Luger

Match Rating: C+


[As Sting and Luger celebrated with the crowd, Harlem Heat came down to the ring and ambushed them from behind! Sister Sherri screamed her approval as Booker T dropped Luger with a Missle Dropkick and Stevie Ray Powerbombed Sting! The Champs are looking good so far against Sting and Luger and they held up the title belts to boos from the crowd.]




[backstage, the camera zooms in on a newcomer to WCW.]


Eric Bischoff

"That's Randy Savage's brother, Lanny!"


Bobby Heenan

"I knew that ugliness ran in the family."


[Lanny walks up to a soda machine and puts in his money to buy a soda. Then his face slams right into the soda machine. The camera zooms out to show Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Chris Benoit there taking turns punching away at Lanny and ramming him right into the soda machine until he starts bleeding from the forehead. Arn grabs Lanny --- ANDERSON DDT! Ric backs up and drops a knee across the forehead of Lanny! Ric struts and smiles and Chris Benoit gives a toothy smile before turning and walking toward the entrance ramp for his match. Is that the big surprise for Randy?]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/ChrisBenoit.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/AlexWright.jpg

Chris Benoit vs. Alex Wright


Benoit came out and showed a vicious side he didn't show against Regal last week. Benoit came out attacking hard and kept Alex Wright grounded so that he couldn't use his high flying stunts. Benoit hit a powerslam on Wright and then ran his thumb across his throat going to the top turnbuckle --- DIVING HEADBUTT!! Benoit makes the cover and gets the three count.


Winner: Chris Benoit

Match Rating: C-




[As Benoit rolls Alex Wright out of the ring, Ric Flair and Arn Anderson walk down clapping their hands and sliding into the ring as the theme of the Four Horsemen plays in the background. Ric is given a microphone]


Ric Flair

"Did someone say there was a party for the Four Horsemen in Richmond tonight? Whooooo! There are many people who claim to be the best but only one man who has the WCW World Title and that's the Nature Boy. Richmond, I know you've been starved for the sight of a real man and you're looking at three of them right here. And if any of you ladies are thinking about going down to Florida, you don't have to go to Disney World to find Space Mountain because it's right here. Whooooo. Now before I focus on my match tonight, my Enforcer Double A Arn Anderson has something to say."


Arn Anderson

"Brian Pillman, the fourth Horsemen please come on down."


[The Horsemen theme kicks up again and Brian Pillman comes out from the back yelling at the fans and looking all crazy, playing up that loose cannon role. He slides into the ring and holds up the four fingers.]


Arn Anderson

"Brian, you're out."


[brian's smile turns to a frown and a look of surprise.]


Arn Anderson

"We have taken a vote and we don't need a loose cannon here in the Four Horsemen. We are one unit. Now, listen up, because you have been a member of the Horsemen we are giving you a chance to walk away with your career intact. You should be happy that you had the opportunity to walk with the elite but it's obvious that you just can't handle greatness. And there's nothing wrong with that. But you're not gonna be in the league of the Four Horsemen anymore."


[brian suddenly leaps on Arn, throwing punches and attacking him so Ric and Chris step in with shots on Pillman! Arn throws in a few punches while Ric and Chris hold him and Arn drops him with an Anderson DDT! Ric turns and moves to climb up the turnbuckle while Arn and Chris lift Pillman up --- KNEEDROP OFF THE TOP TURNBUCKLE! Ric, Arn and Chris throw up the symbol of excellence to a booing crowd before they turn and exit the ring while officials come in to help Pillman to the back.]




[backstage, Diamond Dallas Page is given some interview time.]


Diamond Dallas Page

"Johnny B. Badd? Kimberly left me for Johnny B. Badd? There's no way that's gonna happen. Clash of the Champions, Johnny, I'm not only gonna take your title, I'm gonna take back Kimberly. And you better believe that because I can strike from out of nowhere and you won't even see it coming. BANG!"


[DDP throws up the Diamond Cutter hand gesture and we cut back to the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/RickSteiner2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/ScottSteiner.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/JimmyGolden.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/DickSlater.jpg

The Steiner Brothers vs. Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater


Col. Robert Parker's duo was definitely outmatched by the returning team from Michigan. Rick Steiner did his Dog-Faced Gremlin routine, biting Dick Slater and Scott used a lot more power moves than he did the last time these two were in WCW. In the end, Rick lifted Bunkhouse Buck on his shoulders and Scott Steiner hit him with a Top Rope DDT called the Steiner DDT to get the pinfall victory.


Winners: The Steiner Brothers

Match Rating: D+


[The crowd was shocked, though, to see the famed Road Warriors make an entrance after the match attacking the Steiner Brothers! Rick Steiner was knocked out of the ring and the Road Warriors hit a double shoulder block on Scott, sending him flying out and celebrating to boos from the crowd! The Road Warriors turned and exited the ring and headed back up the ramp.]




[backstage, Hulk Hogan comes up to Randy Savage in a locker room.]


Hulk Hogan

"How is your brother, Randy?"


Randy Savage

"He'll be fine but he ain't that happy, yeah. Which I can completely understand. He wants to get his hands on the Horsemen but I told him it's a bad idea."


Hulk Hogan

"He better watch his back, brother."


Randy Savage

"Are you saying you heard something, Hulk?"


Hulk Hogan

"No but those dastardly Horsemen could strike at any moment, brother. You know that as well as I do."


Randy Savage

"Then I better go watch my brother."


[Randy gets up and looks Hogan in the eyes before turning and heading out of the locker room. Do either of these men trust each other?]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/MarcMero.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/FitFinlay.jpg

WCW World Television Title Match

Johnny B. Badd vs. Belfast Bruiser


The Belfast Bruiser is a tough, brawling opponent for the Television Champion here. And Johnny B. Badd is having to watch his back because of the threats by Diamond Dallas Page. Kimberly keeps an eye on Badd's back as well as the brawling starts within the ring. A decent back and forth battle and Diamond Dallas comes down to ringside and starts talking with Kimberly, pleading his case. She ends up slapping him! Johnny comes over to see what's going on and Page clocks him with a punch, causing the DQ!


Winner: Johnny B. Badd

Match Rating: D


[Following the match, Page gets into the ring and set in position. Johnny B. Badd gets up --- DIAMOND CUTTER! Page hits Badd with the Diamond Cutter and then rolls out of the ring, smiling toward Kimberly and making the belt motion around his waist.]




[The crowd boos as the Road Warriors step out from the back with their faces painted and the spiked shoulderpads. They walk down to the ring and Animal has a microphone.]


Road Warrior Animal

"Steiner Brothers! We should have known you'd come here and try to steal our thunder! You've always been trying to carry our jock ever since you got into this industry and now you think you're all big and bad? You're nothing but a couple of jokes. Take a look and feast your eyes upon the two biggest cats in the wrestling world. Tell 'em Hawk!"


Road Warrior Hawk

"Weeelllll! Like my partner here said, the Steiner Brothers have always been thought of as the second best tag team here in the wrestling industry whereas we've always been number one. And we want to prove it. So we're challenging you Steiner Sisters to a match at the Clash of the Champions. We're going to prove just who the best tag team ever is. Ohhhhhhh WHAT A RUSH!"


[A lot of excitement over that! The Road Warriors and Steiner Brothers at the Clash?!?]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/RandySavage2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/HulkHogan.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/RicFlairWorldChamp.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/ArnAnderson.jpg

Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson


Main event time here on Nitro! The crowd was pumped and so were the announcers for the best wrestling action on the planet! Savage and Hogan got the upper hand early and a couple of quick near-falls and then Savage played the face-in-peril role as the Horsemen really started to do a number on him. Flair and Anderson used quick tags and lured Hogan in a couple of times so they could double-team behind the referee's back. Savage dodged a Flair hit in the corner and was able to tag out to Hogan!


Hogan came in with fists of fire, hitting both Flair and Anderson and even giving them a good double noggin knocker! He whipped Flair into the turnbuckle and Flair flipped over the turnbuckle to the apron and ran across, only to get caught by Hogan! A body slam sent Flair to the mat and he sold it like he was shot out of a cannon. Outside the ring, Randy Savage and Arn Anderson battled with Anderson getting the advantage with a steel chair shot! Anderson slid into the ring to get Hogan from behind but Hogan turned and saw him and pointed and Anderson's eyes went wide! But Flair came up behind Hogan --- LOW BLOW!! Anderson connects with the chair shot shortly after, causing the DQ!


Winners: Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan

Match Rating: B-


[Following the match, Flair and Anderson went to town on Hogan and then rolled Savage in the ring as Chris Benoit came down to join the fun, hitting Hogan with a Diving Headbutt. Then they made a motion toward the back and another wrestler came out --- Dean Malenko?!?! Malenko joined in the attack, locking Savage in the Texas Cloverleaf! Is Malenko a Horsemen?!?! Flair, Benoit and Anderson hold up the four fingers around Malenko but Malenko just gives that icy stare as he holds Savage in the Texas Cloverleaf and we're out of time!]

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Quick Picks


American Males vs. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko

Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Renegade

World Tag Team Titles Match: Harlem Heat vs. The Nasty Boys

U.S. Heavyweight Title Match: One Man Gang vs. Evad Sullivan

Chris Jericho vs. Joey Maggs

World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Johnny B. Badd vs. Eddy Guerrero

Hulk Hogan vs. Big Bubba Rogers

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American Males vs. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko - Although it's worth noting at this stage the American Males had some regard within WCW. This was before Riggs """""lost his eye"""""

Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Renegade - that dude was """supposed""" to be the next Ultimate Warrior. Little did they realise till the end of 1998 that the original one was pretty ordinary so why duplicate it?

World Tag Team Titles Match: Harlem Heat vs. The Nasty Boys - I've been reading Bret Hart's book, and his description of the Nasty Boys is gooooood. Everyone loved them, but they worked stiff as.

U.S. Heavyweight Title Match: One Man Gang vs. Evad Sullivan - the Gang will kill him.

Chris Jericho vs. Joey Maggs

World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Johnny B. Badd vs. Eddy Guerrero - by DQ or countout. I see you building to a Johnny B Badd-DDP situation over Kim, so I think Eddy is there to be put over without Johnny B Badd losing the belt. The only other conclusion I could make, particularly since it's Saturday Night is if Eddy did win due to DDP interference. I probably though would go for Johnny B Badd, pushing Eddy very hard as a very exuberant competitor and therefore he doesn't lose much if any momentum.

Hulk Hogan vs. Big Bubba Rogers - In reality, a no contest. And, I don't think Hogan would allow himself to be jobbed here :D

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American Males vs. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko

Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Renegade

World Tag Team Titles Match: Harlem Heat vs. The Nasty Boys

U.S. Heavyweight Title Match: One Man Gang vs. Evad Sullivan

Chris Jericho vs. Joey Maggs

World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Johnny B. Badd vs. Eddy Guerrero Draw

Hulk Hogan vs. Big Bubba Rogers

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I'm really enjoying this so far mate, quality start. I guess 96 was a great place to start if you wanna be WCW though as it should have been the start of the growth of the biggest ever wrestling company. I have wondered in the past if Vince McMahon, even for a second, thinks how lucky he is that his company is still in tact. WCW was hot and tore WWF to shreds. If they hadn't then torn themselves to shreds WWF would be out of business by now.


American Males vs. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko

The young pups need to prove why they are Horsemen

Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Renegade

Only kidding. DDP all the way. It's a shame what happened to The Renegade in real life though

World Tag Team Titles Match: Harlem Heat vs. The Nasty Boys

The nineties had some great tag teams, but Heat are among the best of them

U.S. Heavyweight Title Match: One Man Gang vs. Evad Sullivan

I always hated the whole Dave Sullivan thing

Chris Jericho vs. Joey Maggs

Future megastar

World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Johnny B. Badd vs. Eddy Guerrero

Time limit draw

Hulk Hogan vs. Big Bubba Rogers

Can't really be any doubt about this one


I tell you what- it will be interesting how you deal with the formation of the nWo. Can't wait to see who you put in it, how you form it etc.

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American Males vs. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko - Although it's worth noting at this stage the American Males had some regard within WCW. This was before Riggs """""lost his eye"""""

Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Renegade - that dude was """supposed""" to be the next Ultimate Warrior. Little did they realise till the end of 1998 that the original one was pretty ordinary so why duplicate it?

World Tag Team Titles Match: Harlem Heat vs. The Nasty Boys - I've been reading Bret Hart's book, and his description of the Nasty Boys is gooooood. Everyone loved them, but they worked stiff as.

U.S. Heavyweight Title Match: One Man Gang vs. Evad Sullivan - the Gang will kill him.

Chris Jericho vs. Joey Maggs

World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Johnny B. Badd vs. Eddy Guerrero - by DQ or countout. I see you building to a Johnny B Badd-DDP situation over Kim, so I think Eddy is there to be put over without Johnny B Badd losing the belt. The only other conclusion I could make, particularly since it's Saturday Night is if Eddy did win due to DDP interference. I probably though would go for Johnny B Badd, pushing Eddy very hard as a very exuberant competitor and therefore he doesn't lose much if any momentum.

Hulk Hogan vs. Big Bubba Rogers - In reality, a no contest. And, I don't think Hogan would allow himself to be jobbed here :D


Thanks for the predictions and reading so far. Hogan is always a hard case in any time period because of that damn creative control!


American Males vs. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko

Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Renegade

World Tag Team Titles Match: Harlem Heat vs. The Nasty Boys

U.S. Heavyweight Title Match: One Man Gang vs. Evad Sullivan

Chris Jericho vs. Joey Maggs

World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Johnny B. Badd vs. Eddy Guerrero Draw

Hulk Hogan vs. Big Bubba Rogers


Thanks as always for the predictions!


I'm really enjoying this so far mate, quality start. I guess 96 was a great place to start if you wanna be WCW though as it should have been the start of the growth of the biggest ever wrestling company. I have wondered in the past if Vince McMahon, even for a second, thinks how lucky he is that his company is still in tact. WCW was hot and tore WWF to shreds. If they hadn't then torn themselves to shreds WWF would be out of business by now.


American Males vs. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko

The young pups need to prove why they are Horsemen

Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Renegade

Only kidding. DDP all the way. It's a shame what happened to The Renegade in real life though

World Tag Team Titles Match: Harlem Heat vs. The Nasty Boys

The nineties had some great tag teams, but Heat are among the best of them

U.S. Heavyweight Title Match: One Man Gang vs. Evad Sullivan

I always hated the whole Dave Sullivan thing

Chris Jericho vs. Joey Maggs

Future megastar

World Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Johnny B. Badd vs. Eddy Guerrero

Time limit draw

Hulk Hogan vs. Big Bubba Rogers

Can't really be any doubt about this one


I tell you what- it will be interesting how you deal with the formation of the nWo. Can't wait to see who you put in it, how you form it etc.


WCW 1996 is one of the best times in wrestling history bar none. But it was definitely the internal squabbles that cost them the war. Not to mention their lack of really building the new stars and giving them good storylines to work with. Though guys like Jericho and Benoit did the best with what they were given.


And Renegade is definitely a sad, sad story in real life.

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Friday Week 2 January 1996

Location: Richmond Coliseum - Richmond, Virginia

Attendance: 15,000

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: 3.17




[A recap video for WCW Monday Nitro kicks things off here on WCW Saturday Night! The video ends with the attack by the Horsemen on Hogan and Savage. This leads into the opening video for WCW Saturday Night!]




[And this leads to inside the arena as Lee Marshall and Dusty Rhodes are here to call the action!]


Lee Marshall

"Hello everyone and welcome to WCW Saturday Night! I'm Lee Marshall alongside the American Dream Dusty Rhodes and Dream tonight we are going to have a battle of two big men as Hulk Hogan takes on Big Bubba Rogers."


Dusty Rhodes

"Let me tell you, Stagga Lee Marshall we are right here on the Mothership, if you weeellll! And tonight we's gonna see some good fighting and maybe even some clubbering as people try to get to da pay winda!"


Lee Marshall

"That's right, Dusty. Let's head up to the ring for our opening contest."


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/MarcusBagwell2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/ScottRiggs2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/ChrisBenoit.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/DeanMalenko.jpg

American Males vs. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko


The American Males have one of the WORST theme songs ever for a tag team here in WCW. Maybe that's what made the Horsemen so aggressive toward them. After all, no one wants to have to hear that song again. The Males are definitely more impressive inside the ring than their theme song dictates but still no match for the Horsemen and Benoit made the pinfall victory over Marcus Bagwell following the Diving Headbutt.


Winners: Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko

Match Rating: C-


[Following the match, Ric Flair and Arn Anderson joined them inside the ring and Arn held up a IV Horsemen t-shirt.]


Arn Anderson

"Dean Malenko, Ric and Chris and myself have been doing some talking and doing some scouting and we have decided to officially give you this spot in the Horsemen."


[Dean looked at Arn for a moment, grinding his fist into his hand before taking the offered IV Horsemen t-shirt and putting it on.]


Dean Malenko

"Arn, you know I will make you proud."


[Everyone held up IV fingers as we headed to break.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/DiamondDallasPage.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/TheRenegade.jpg

Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Renegade


The Renegade started out on fire here in WCW but he's facing a determined man in Diamond Dallas Page. A decent bout, about what you would expect from these two. DDP hit the Diamond Cutter and got the pinfall.


Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

Match Rating: D+


[DDP grabs a microphone after the match.]


Diamond Dallas Page

"Johnny B. Badd, you're looking at the lone wolf of WCW. You're looking at Diamond Dallas Page, the man who can hit you with a move and you never see it coming. But you're also looking at the husband of the woman you have in your corner. That's right. The Diamond Doll is my WIFE. Kimberly, if you know what's good for you you'll come home tonight. If you don't, then I can't be held responsible for what happens to your...friend."


[DDP stares into the camera before dropping the microphone and walking off.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/BookerT.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/StevieRay.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/SherriMartel.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/BrianKnobbs.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/JerrySags.jpg


World Tag Team Titles Match

Harlem Heat vs. The Nasty Boys


The Nasty Boys are definitely a stiff team and Stevie Ray and Booker T felt that tonight. Booker T nearly got a Pit Stop for his trouble as well. But the WCW World Tag Team Champions made a comeback with some help from Sister Sherri and Jerry Saggs was hit with the Heat Seeker and Booker T got the pinfall victory.


Winners: Harlem Heat

Match Rating: D+


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/OneManGang.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/DaveSullivan.jpg


U.S. Heavyweight Title Match

One Man Gang vs. Evad Sullivan


The crowd was solidly behind Evad Sullivan in this one but the One Man Gang dominated in this U.S. Title defense. No one was surprised when the OMG hit the 747 Splash and got the pinfall.


Winner: One Man Gang

Match Rating: E+


[Following the match, One Man Gang set up Sullivan for another Splash when Scott Norton came running out from the back! A clothesline sent OMG down and spilled him out of the ring as Norton did his best to get the crowd fired up and then checked on Sullivan as One Man Gang backed away from the ring.]




[A video plays showing a recap of the attack made by the Road Warriors on the Steiner Brothers and their subsequent challenge of the Steiners on Monday Nitro! This cuts into a recorded interview with Rick and Scott Steiner.]


Scott Steiner

"WCW, we came to find the best athletes that you have to offer but what me and my brother here learned is that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Road Warriors, we thought we took care of you back in the '80's boys. It looks like at the Clash of the Champions we'll have to finish the job."


Rick Steiner

"Woof, woof, woof! Road Warriors, the Dog-Faced Gremlin is going to take one big, stinking bite out of you and you're not gonna enjoy where I bite."


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/ChrisJericho.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/JoeyMaggs.jpg

Chris Jericho vs. Joey Maggs


Not even the charisma of Jericho could sustain any heat in this match. It just dropped like a lead balloon in the center of the ring. Not only that but the two had no chemistry inside the ring. Jericho got the win over the veteran by submission with his Liontamer version of the Boston Crab.


Winner: Chris Jericho

Match Rating: F


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/MarcMero.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/KimberlyPage.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/EddieGuerrero.jpg


World Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Johnny B. Badd vs. Eddy Guerrero


Eddy Guerrero has looked good in brief spurts here on Saturday Night so he gets a shot here against the WCW Television Champion. It wasn't the best match in the world but not the worst either. Kimberly did some good facial expressions as she doesn't seem sure about being out here after what Diamond Dallas Page said earlier and that's what Lee Marshall and Dusty Rhodes talked about. Guerrero hit some good moves on Johnny B. Badd and late in the match he hit the Frog Splash but before he could get the 3 count, the ten minute time limit expired.


Winner: Time Limit Draw

Match Rating: D




[A pre-recorded interview begins with Hulk Hogan.]


Hulk Hogan

"Listen up Hulkamaniacs! You've all seen what those Horsemen have been trying to do to me and the Macho Man dudes and you know that isn't right. But you also know that each and every one of you give me the power to do what's right. I draw my power from every one of the Hulkamaniacs out there, brothers. And tonight I will draw upon your strength when facing Big Bubba Rogers. Big Bubba, brother, I've got just one question to ask you: whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when the power of Hulkamania and the largest arms in the world runs wild over you?!?!"


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/HulkHogan.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/BigBubbaRogers.jpg

Hulk Hogan vs. Big Bubba Rogers


The main event here on Saturday Night sees Hulk Hogan taking on Big Bubba Rogers. Hulk started out fast but faded after a low blow from Big Bubba and Bubba went right to work on Hogan's back to help set him up for the Bubba Slam. Bubba hit Hogan with a few backbreakers and a big body slam. A vertical suplex got Bubba a 2 count. Bubba put on a reverse chinlock and the crowd got into it, trying to help revive Hogan.


Hulk slowly fought to his feet and gave Bubba a few elbow shots, bouncing off the ropes and dropping Bubba with three clotheslines in a row! Hulk got the crowd fired up and whipped Bubba in --- BIG BOOT! And everyone knows what comes after the big boot --- ATOMIC LEGDROP!! Hogan makes the cover: 1 - 2 - 3!


Winner: Hulk Hogan

Match Rating: C+


[Following the match, the Horsemen hit the ring! Hogan took Benoit and then Malenko and then did the finger point to Ric Flair! Flair's eyes went wide but Arn Anderson took out Hogan by the knee! Anderson lifted Hogan and whipped him into the ropes --- SPINEBUSTER! And no Hulk-Up this time for Hogan! Chris Benoit turned Hogan and locked in a Crossface, having Hogan screaming out in pain and the Horsemen stood victorious in the ring as the show came to a close with Hogan in pain from the Crossface!]

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Alex Wright vs. Mark Starr always liked Wright

Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Mr. J.L. vs. The Gambler

Sgt. Craig Pittman vs. The Giant still very young at this time no way he loses

The American Males vs. The Road Warriors only because I don't want James to come tackle me lol

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Another great show buddy, shame about the ratings though, huh? Why do you reckon you are getting so many D's and stuff? Is it just the way the data is? Whatever it is, I'm enjoying it nonetheless.


Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Alex Wright vs. Mark Starr

Alex Wright is a strange one. He was around for a billion years and always looked good and had decent fan support, but never sustained a position on the roster. He was probably too exciting for early 90's but not exciting enough once the likes of Psicosis, Juventud, Eddy, Benoit, Jericho etc came in.


Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Mr. J.L. vs. The Gambler

Much handier and could be a solid upper midcarer for my money. I remember on TEW05 I did a WCW game where he was a really strong hand to have around the US Title scene.


Sgt. Craig Pittman vs. The Giant

Complete no brainer. I always find giants (be it Andre, Bruce, Big Show, etc) hard to book but alwyas think they're a valuable person to have around


The American Males vs. The Road Warriors

I really don't like Bagwell and the Road Warriors are... you know... the Road Warriors

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Another great show buddy, shame about the ratings though, huh? Why do you reckon you are getting so many D's and stuff? Is it just the way the data is? Whatever it is, I'm enjoying it nonetheless.


Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Alex Wright vs. Mark Starr

Alex Wright is a strange one. He was around for a billion years and always looked good and had decent fan support, but never sustained a position on the roster. He was probably too exciting for early 90's but not exciting enough once the likes of Psicosis, Juventud, Eddy, Benoit, Jericho etc came in.


Cruiserweight Title Tournament: Mr. J.L. vs. The Gambler

Much handier and could be a solid upper midcarer for my money. I remember on TEW05 I did a WCW game where he was a really strong hand to have around the US Title scene.


Sgt. Craig Pittman vs. The Giant

Complete no brainer. I always find giants (be it Andre, Bruce, Big Show, etc) hard to book but alwyas think they're a valuable person to have around


The American Males vs. The Road Warriors

I really don't like Bagwell and the Road Warriors are... you know... the Road Warriors


The grades, I think, come from the overness factor. A lot of the WCW guys aren't that over and the product is focused on popularity above all else. So I have to take the time and build these guys up before I can expect the better grades.

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Sunday Week 2 January 1996

Location: James L. Knight Center - Miami, Florida

Attendance: 4,286

Overall Rating: D+

TV Rating: .31




[The show begins with a recap from WCW Saturday Night with Hulk Hogan beating Big Bubba Rogers but then he got attacked by the Horsemen!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/AlexWright.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/MarkStarr.jpg

Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Alex Wright vs. Mark Starr


The first match of the Cruiserweight Title Tournament didn't go so well as these two wrestlers didn't click and the fans didn't care. Barely even the sound of a cricket as Wright got the submission win with the STF to advance.


Winner: Alex Wright

Match Rating: E


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/BookerT.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/StevieRay.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/SherriMartel.jpg


[Harlem Heat was shown backstage with Sister Sherri. Sherri built up the World Tag Team Champions during this interview and hyped the match with Sting and Luger at Clash of the Champions. It was pretty well received by the fans.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/JerryLynn2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/TheGambler.jpg

Cruiserweight Title Tournament

Mr. J.L. vs. The Gambler


Again, the fans didn't care for the match between these two. Not only that but it went on for longer than the fans cared to watch and some were even seen leaving! J.L. hit The Gambler with a Tornado DDT to get the win and advance.


Winner: Mr. J.L.

Match Rating: F




[The Macho Man gave a prerecorded interview hyping his matchup with Ric Flair at the Clash of the Champions for the WCW World Title belt. Macho is going to get his belt back at the Clash, dig it?]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/CraigPittman.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/PaulWight.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/JimmyHart.jpg

Sgt. Craig Pittman vs. The Giant


Jimmy Hart yelled into his megaphone the entire time that the Pitbull and The Giant were in the ring. He caused a big distraction to Pittman and this helped The Giant maintain the advantage against the hard-nosed former Drill Instructor. These two didn't seem to click inside the ring and The Giant finished off Pittman with a Big Boot!


Winner: The Giant

Match Rating: D-




[A video played hyping the epic matchup at WCW Clash of the Champions between The Road Warriors and The Steiner Brothers!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/MarcusBagwell2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/ScottRiggs2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/RoadwarriorAnimal.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/wcw96/RoadwarriorHawk.jpg

The American Males vs. The Road Warriors


The American Males put up a good showing in this bout against the Road Warriors. They used their quickness and agility against the power of the Road Warriors and got several near falls. But the power eventually overwhelmed the American Males and Animal got Riggs up on his shoulders --- DOOMSDAY DEVICE!! Hawk made the cover and got the 1 - 2 -3!


Winners: The Road Warriors

Match Rating: C-


[Following the match, The Steiner Brothers came running down and a brawl ensued between the Steiners and the Road Warriors as the show came to a close with all four men brawling in the ring!]

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Im really enjoying this a lot , but The Steiners vs The Road Warriors feud is what keeps me coming back for more! I would have loved to have seen Pillman stick around with the horsemen a while longer but I understand the booking and if your gonna replace him with anyone then Malenko would be my first pick.


Good work my friend

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Another solid show mate, especially for what it is (a B-Show).


As for the whole low ratings thing, would it be helpful to change the product slightly so it's more based around in ring ability? After all, the midcard basically got over on the basis of great performances in real life. In my WCW 91 game the product is split between performance and popularity (so WCW can be the alternative to WWF rather than an imitator) which has seen things like Owen jumping to B- in US without much of a push and the likes of Benoit, Austin etc getting solidly over despite hardly ever winning any matches.


But hey, it's your call. I still really like this diary and it's such an interesting era. KUTGW.

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