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INSPIRE: I'm The One

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FIN does INSPIRE? That's so many capitals I'm excited just thinking about it :-)


Seriously, though, I'm looking forward to this. Your BBW and WEXXV dynasties are among my favourites, and seeing you doing something other than wacky Japanese hardcore (which you have to admit is kind of your niche) is really cool.

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Monday, Week 1, January 2008

Press Conference. Live at Miyagi Athletic Field, Tohoku




"Please welcome, The Owner of Inspire Diversity Group International, INSPIRE, Mr. Tadiuyki Kikkawa."










"Please be seated.. Hello and welcome to this press conference, I'm pleased to have this opportunity to tell you that Inspire Diversity Group International is proud to announce it's new "Three Rules Of The Art Of Combat" for the year 2008. Starting from this day, from our very first event and the start of our "Machines Of Hate" tour, from Miyagi Athletic Field, Tohoku on Wednesday.. The new "Three Rules Of The Art Of Combat" are as follows:"







First Rule:


Only one-on-one matches are a true test of a fighter, and therefore are the only form of combat allowed.







Second Rule:


All fighters are expected to behave with honour and dignity. Cheating or other shortcuts would not be allowed. Every foul will be taken into account during the fights and depending on the type of a foul, points will be deduct from the fighter as a penalty.






Third Rule:


While fighter's physical size is of no importance in entering INSPIRE ring, a fighter should compete in the division he is most suitable to fight in, with the exception of openweight and special attraction matches.







"Those are the new Three Rules Of The Art Of Combat. The basic rules regarding matches are still valid, such as.. Every round in INSPIRE competition is five minutes in duration. Title matches have five such rounds, and non-title matches have three. There is a one minute rest period between rounds."




"The INSPIRE fights are contested in an octagonal caged enclosure called "The Hakkakukei". Just like before, the cage is the same eight-sided structure with walls of metal chain-link fence coated with black vinyl and a diameter of 32 ft (9.75 m), allowing 30 ft (9 m) of space from point to point. The fence is 5'6" to 5'8" high. The cage sits atop a platform, raising it 4 ft (1.2 m) from the ground. It has foam padding around the top of the fence and between each of the eight sections. It also has two entry-exit gates opposite each other."




"Matches can end with a submission, knockout, technical knockout (TKO), Judge's decision, technical decision, disqualification, forfeit, technical draw, or no contest. Judging criteria is the same: The ten-point must system is in effect for all INSPIRE fights; three judges score each round and the winner of each receives ten points, the loser nine points or fewer. If the round is even, both fighters receive ten points."









"Now. There's one more new thing: We are going to introduce weight divisions. Since the day we started INSPIRE has been all about no weight divisions but as of 2008 this is going to change. As I mentioned earlier in the third rule of TTROTAOC (The Three Rules Of The Art Of Combat), "While fighter's physical size is of no importance in entering INSPIRE ring, a fighter should compete in the division he is most suitable to fight in, with the exception of openweight and special attraction matches."




"There will be four divisions: King Of Fighters, Heavyweight, Middleweight and Openweight. We will also introduce new championship belts for those three new divisions (KOF already has a championship belt)"




"Heavyweight division ranges from Light Heavyweight to Giant size. Middleweight division ranges from Small to Middleweight, Openweight division needs no explanation."




"The last one is the most prestigious: The "INSPIRE King Of Fighters" division. This is a division for the best in INSPIRE, the Main Event calibre fighters, such as Raul Hughes, Mike Watson, Marat Khoklov, Masaaki Okazaki and myself." (Only Upper midcarders and Main Eventers)








"I welcome you to INSPIRE: The Next Generation of combat fighting and wrestling, where fighters from all backgrounds can come and test themselves. Whether they use hyper realistic style, mixing wrestling with strong MMA influence. It doesn't matter if a fighter uses striking, wrestling, ground-and-pound, karate, kickboxing, sambo, judo, or muya thai; Any style will do in INSPIRE."





"I'll finish this speech by announcing that we contacted several new fighters to join "The Rebellion" of wrestling in Japan. Thank you everyone here in attendance. We will hold our first show of the year right here in Miyagi Athletic Field on Wednesday."





"Thank you."











INSPIRE Divisions:


King Of Fighters

(Upper - Main Event)


Tadiuyki Kikkawa

Raul Hughes

Tasuku Iesada

Marat Khoklov

Mike Watson

Masaaki Okazaki

Billy Russell

Roku Sotamura

Li Bingci

Morimasa Kato








(Light Heavyweight - Giant)


Kalu Owusu (mid)

Kenichi Komagata (low)

Kimitada Yanagita (mid)

Marat Khoklov (main)

Mike Watson (main)

Oda Yakuta (open)

Raul Hughes (main)

Tadiyuki Kikkawa (main)








(Small - Middleweight)


Bali So'oialo (Samoan Machine) (mid)

Billy Russel (upp)

Hajime Sugisata (low)

Haruhiro Tsumemasa (enh.)

Hirokumi Saito (low)

Hitomaro Suzuki (low)

Li Bingci (upper)

Masaaki Okazaki (upp)

Mohamed El Yaaggoudi (mid)

Morimasa Kato (upp)

Roku Sotomura (upp)

Sotatsu Sarumara (mid)

Tasuku Iesada (main)

Tornado Nagai (mid)

Tsurauki Kamachi (upper)

Willie York (mid)














INSPIRE Presents:

Machines Of Hate Tour (Wednesday)

Miyagi Athletic Field, Tohoku



Middleweight Division:

Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi



Heavyweight Division:

Kenichi Komagata vs. Kalu Owusu



Heavyweight Division:

Mike "The Calgary Assassin" Watson vs. Oda Yakuta



Middleweight Division:

Sotatsu "The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara vs. Willie York



Middleweight Division:

Hitomaro Suzuki vs. Kazu "Tornado" Nagai



Heavyweight Division:

Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Kimitada "The Dog Of War" Yanagita



Middleweight Division:

Li Bingci vs. Billy "The Tap Out Artist" Russell



King Of Fighters Division:

Morimasa Kato vs. Masaaki Okazaki



King Of Fighters Division:

"Dangerous" Tasuku Iesada vs. Roku "The Rock" Sotomura






King Of Fighters Division:

King Of Fighters Championship Match



http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Tadiyuki.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Raul.jpg




Tadiyuki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Raul "The Demolition Expert" Hughes





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I don't know if you do predictions, but I'm doing them anyway. :D


INSPIRE Presents:

Machines Of Hate Tour (Wednesday)

Miyagi Athletic Field, Tohoku



Middleweight Division:

Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi

So'oialo is just the more well-rounded fighter, at home standing up or on the ground, so I see him taking this one.


Heavyweight Division:

Kenichi Komagata vs. Kalu Owusu

Owusu has the clear power advantage, and so takes the win here.


Heavyweight Division:

Mike "The Calgary Assassin" Watson vs. Oda Yakuta

Watson is just flat out more experienced, and a more skilled fighter, and takes what should be a fairly lopsided contest.


Middleweight Division:

Sotatsu "The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara vs. Willie York

York has a bit more experience here in a pure-fight environment, and while Sarumara may be more well-rounded, I still see York taking the win here.


Middleweight Division:

Hitomaro Suzuki vs. Kazu "Tornado" Nagai

Suzuki is a tremendous young talent, and I see him showcasing his skills here. Still, Nagai is a difficult opponent, and matches up fairly well against Suzuki, so this should still be a good contest.


Heavyweight Division:

Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Kimitada "The Dog Of War" Yanagita

If Yanagita can keep this one going long enough for Khoklov to gas, then he has a shot. I don't see that happening, though - Khoklov is just too powerful, that it won't take very many shots connecting to put this one away.


Middleweight Division:

Li Bingci vs. Billy "The Tap Out Artist" Russell

This one should be close, as we have two outstanding mat workers going at it, but I think Bingci's wrestling background gives him the edge.


King Of Fighters Division:

Morimasa Kato vs. Masaaki Okazaki

Kato is a pitbull of a fighter, and incredibly tenacious, but he's inexperienced, and so I see him making a mistake that Okazaki will easily take advantage of.


King Of Fighters Division:

"Dangerous" Tasuku Iesada vs. Roku "The Rock" Sotomura

Sotomura can be dangerous if Iesada isn't careful, but I still see Iesada taking the win.


King Of Fighters Division:

King Of Fighters Championship Match

Tadiyuki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Raul "The Demolition Expert" Hughes

This one should be a classic, but I give the edge to the champion in a contest between two very well-matched fighters.

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Tuesday, Week 1, January

Apartment of "The One"

Kanto, Japan




8 AM.

Alarm clock rings.



".. .. zz.. .. Wh .. Noo.. Not now.. .. Not yet.."


The One slams the clock shut, pressing the snooze alarm.





8.10 AM.



".. .. But I don't want to.. .. ****.."




One sighes deeply. Right hand grabs the blanket from the side and slowly moves it aside. It's one of those mornings when you would just like to stay in bed. Like most mornings but in this morning in particular. Just as you are getting up you feel as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders. You have been appointed as the superhero of the day. But you don't feel like it.



You feel like doing nothing at all.





The One gets up, goes over to grab the day's newspaper and starts making a cup of tea. The flavour: Yawning Tiger.



".. How fitting.. ", One's eyes are having difficulties staying open. One goes over at the kitchen table and opens up the newspaper. The water seems to be ready but One doesn't hear it, doesn't notice it. Something has his attention. There's a headline in page two.



".. INSPIRE: Kikkawa announcement .. New plans for 2008."









"Oh ****, the water!!", One rushes at the range, moving the kettle aside. One pours the hot water into a cup and drops a tea bag into it and continues reading the news about INSPIRE.



".. New rules.. Weightclasses.. ", One stirs the water in the cup.












The cup gets knocked down and the hot water drops on One's boxers.











One rushes over to kitchen sink and starts splashing cool water on himself. What a dreadful morning. ".. New fighters!?" ..


"I have to try.. I have to. It's been too long since I've been in a real ring.. Wrestling.. Fighting.."



"This is my change. This is my time. It has to be."










"First things first."


".. Clean underwear."














(OOC: The secret of "The One" will remain as one for a while. He's a wrestler that is in the database and will be the one from whom's point of view this diary will be done. He's an active competitor.



And as far as booking goes: The only booking notes I will do are "All out" and "Script". I do not decide the winners, I'll be booking this as realistic as I can. The game decides who wins, no matter who's in the match (The One or any of the champions). So it'll be something new and something different. And No, I'm not ending my BBW diary, it's alive and well, this is just something that I wanted to do for a long time now and it keeps the game and diaries refreshing.



And Yes please do predict. You can also PM me about The One if you think you've got the answer to the secret.)




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I have no idea what I'm doing with these predictions as I've never played INSPIRE. Probably should open up the game but that would ruin the fun. ^_^



Middleweight Division:

Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi



Heavyweight Division:

Kenichi Komagata vs. Kalu Owusu



Heavyweight Division:

Mike "The Calgary Assassin" Watson vs. Oda Yakuta



Middleweight Division:

Sotatsu "The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara vs. Willie York



Middleweight Division:

Hitomaro Suzuki vs. Kazu "Tornado" Nagai



Heavyweight Division:

Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Kimitada "The Dog Of War" Yanagita



Middleweight Division:

Li Bingci vs. Billy "The Tap Out Artist" Russell



King Of Fighters Division:

Morimasa Kato vs. Masaaki Okazaki



King Of Fighters Division:

"Dangerous" Tasuku Iesada vs. Roku "The Rock" Sotomura



King Of Fighters Championship Match

Tadiyuki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Raul "The Demolition Expert" Hughes

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Middleweight Division:

Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi



Heavyweight Division:

Kenichi Komagata vs. Kalu Owusu



Heavyweight Division:

Mike "The Calgary Assassin" Watson vs. Oda Yakuta



Middleweight Division:

Sotatsu "The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara vs. Willie York



Middleweight Division:

Hitomaro Suzuki vs. Kazu "Tornado" Nagai



Heavyweight Division:

Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Kimitada "The Dog Of War" Yanagita



Middleweight Division:

Li Bingci vs. Billy "The Tap Out Artist" Russell



King Of Fighters Division:

Morimasa Kato vs. Masaaki Okazaki



King Of Fighters Division:

"Dangerous" Tasuku Iesada vs. Roku "The Rock" Sotomura



King Of Fighters Championship Match

Tadiyuki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Raul "The Demolition Expert" Hughes


FIN, I officially Love you For making an INSPIRE Diary (In a non gay way of course :p)

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ehm even in a performance based fed wont the AI pick the most over worker to win in 9 out of ten cases at least? Or have you tested this?


Nowhere near so reliably- Destiny plays a massive role. I halfway speculate that road agent ability may alter things too.


In ROF I used to occasionally just book a match between a bunch of guys without giving it a winner and just see what happened; it put me on to the man who became my first three-time champion, at that point a lower midcarder.

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Nowhere near so reliably- Destiny plays a massive role. I halfway speculate that road agent ability may alter things too.


In ROF I used to occasionally just book a match between a bunch of guys without giving it a winner and just see what happened; it put me on to the man who became my first three-time champion, at that point a lower midcarder.


Haven't done this yet in my NYCW diary, but once HGC, CGC, and/or NOTBPW go National and start eating up workers I'll probably do something similar with the undercard.

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Seiho Kuroda & Hidetada Kozu








Doppo Ibu & Yo****ora "The ****" Shigemitsu












Machines Of Hate Tour (Wednesday)

Miyagi Athletic Field, Tohoku. Attendance: 2,000










Middleweight Division:

Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi


Round One:

The first fight of the year 2008 starts with a blast: Yaaggoudi starts with a flurry of kicks, So'oialo tries to avoid them but to no avail. The round continues with Yaaggoudi getting several kicks in; It's no wonder that he's been regarded as one of the top kick boxers in the world today. The round ends with Samoan Machine getting little offence during the round.


Round Two:

So'oialo is seemingly frustrated during the break since Yaaggoudi was in total control in the first round. The match continues with the same pace until Yaaggoudi goes for a flurry of kicks but So'oialo grabs his leg and takes him down. So'oialo starts hammering down on his opponent, Yaaggoudi kicks him away. Finally So'oila goes pass the guard and mounts Yaaggoudi who tries to avoid any hold and does a mistake which So'oialo quickly uses in his advantage, switching to behind of Yaaggoudi and locks the Unbreakable Sleeper (Rear Naked Sleeper. Once applied, thanks to Machine's size, power and technical ability, it is virtually a guaranteed victory). Yaaggoudi quickly taps out, Bali "Samoan Machine" wins the first fight of 2008 in 1.31 of Round Two.



Result: Bali So'oialo def. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi in 1.31 of Round Two via submission, the Unbreakable Sleeper. Grade: C-







Heavyweight Division:

Kenichi Komagata vs. Kalu Owusu


Round One:

Owusu and Komagata start of cautiously and for the first few minutes nothing happens. At the end of the round Komagata goes for his Knock Out Kick which Owusu avoids, hitting him with a straight punch to the jaw, knocking the veteran out in 4.39!!



Result: Kalu Owusu def. Kenichi Komagata in 4:39 of Round One via knockout. Grade: E+








Heavyweight Division:

Mike "The Calgary Assassin" Watson vs. Oda Yakuta


Round One:

Watson and Yakuta touch gloves and the fight is on!! The fighters circle the cage and trade few strikes, Watson getting the better of Yakuta. Yakuta tries to block the punches from Watson and succeeds in it until a nice uppercut passes, Yakuta drops his hands a little too low and Watson finishes him with the One Stop Punch in 3.35!!



Result: Mike Watson def. Oda Yakuta in 3:35 of Round One; Knockout via One Stop Punch. Grade: D+








Middleweight Division:

Sotatsu "The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara vs. Willie York


Round One: Sarumara and York are two totally different fighters so this one should be interesting. Sarumara is a submission style wrestler while York is a shoot fighter. York starts with an array of punches, going for an early knee which Sarumara catches and takes York down. York is struggling on his back while Sarumara is in total control, switching his position constantly and finally getting the Mounted Arm Lock locked!! York taps in 3.32 of Round One!!



Result: Sotatsu Sarumara def. Willie York in 3:32 of Round One via submission with the Mounted Arm Lock. Grade: D









Middleweight Division:

Hitomaro Suzuki vs. Kazu "Tornado" Nagai


Round One: The match starts but ends almost right away when Suzuki kicks Nagai in the groin area, it's unclear if it was unintential or not. Doppo Ibu, the referee of the fight, rules for a DQ in 2.12 of Round One.



Result: Tornado Nagai def. Hitomaro Suzuki in 2.12 of Round One by DQ. Grade: D-








Heavyweight Division:

Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Kimitada "The Dog Of War" Yanagita



Round One: The crowd shows their appreciation for Khoklov who looks confident going in the match. Yanagita is smaller and quicker and uses that fact in his advantage, hitting and running constantly. Khoklov starts following him as they circle the cage, Khoklov is in the middle while Yanagita is right next to the cage. Khoklov rushes in, Yanagita gets few punches in but then gets hit with a powerful hook!! Yanagita seems dazed, Khoklov finishes him with the Moscow Lariat (Unbelievably vicious Lariat Clothesline. Given Marat's freakish size and power, it's a move that has the potential to break necks). Yanagita gets knocked out against the cage, his head snapping in a sickening way to the cage.



Result: Marat Khoklov def. Kimitada Yanagita in 2:18 of Round One via Knockout with the Moscow Lariat. Grade: D+

(didn't click)








Middleweight Division:

Li Bingci vs. Billy "The Tap Out Artist" Russell

Result: Billy Russell def. Li Bingci in 3.30 via TKO when Bingci could not defend himself when Russell hit the Grounded Knee Flurry. Grade: D

(The match completely fell apart as there was simply nobody to provide the psychology needed, it became a disasterous mess.)








King Of Fighters Division:

Morimasa Kato vs. Masaaki Okazaki



Kuroda: "The first King Of Fighters division fight of the year, Kato takes on Okazaki!! This one should be a great fight!!"



Round One:

Slow start in the first round: Kato gets the best of Okazaki. Both fighters are being very cautious.



Round Two:

They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. Right near the end of the round Okazaki sweeps Kato to the mat and locks the Angular Arm Bar (tight arm bar, bending the opponent's elbow backward to form an agonizing submission hold). But only for a few seconds as the round ends!! Okazaki releases the hold and the fight continues to the third round.



Round Three:

The fight still stays as even as in the first two rounds. And the same thing happens near the end of the round: Okazaki gets the Angular Arm Bar locked in but again the round ends before Kato taps so it goes for the judges. Judges declare Okazaki as the winner of the fight by unanimous decision.



Result: Masaaki Okazaki def. Morimasa Kato in 15.00 by unanimous decision. Grade: C+

(Pretty good chemistry! The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. There were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little.)








King Of Fighters Division:

"Dangerous" Tasuku Iesada vs. Roku "The Rock" Sotomura



Round Three

The finish of the match comes in Round Three when Iesada gets his Iesada Special (Seated Front Choke Sleeper) locked in, Sotomura taps out.



Result: Tasuku Iesada defeated Roku Sotomura in 2.45 of Round Three via submission with the Iesada Special. Grade: C+










http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Tadiyuki.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Raul.jpg





King Of Fighters Division:

King Of Fighters Championship Match

Tadiyuki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Raul "The Demolition Expert" Hughes




Round Three:

After a grueling first few rounds both fighters are full of bruises, Kikkawa has cut on his cheek. Near the two minute mark we see a series of strikes from Hughes, who then hits his Demolition Left Hook (Vicious explosive left hook punch that has been known to knock people out cold) on Kikkawa who loses his balance. Hughes tries to keep on attacking him but the referee comes in between and stops the match since Kikkawa isn't responding to the strikes!! Raul Hughes wins the King Of Fighters title in 1.42 of the Third Round!!





Result: Raul Hughes def. Tadiyuki Kikkawa in 1:42 of Round Three by TKO with the Demolition Left Hook. Raul Hughes wins the INSPIRE King Of Fighters title. Grade: B-







Event results:


  1. Bali So'oialo def. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi in Round Two via submission. C-
  2. Kalu Owusu def. Kenichi Komagata in Round One via knockout. E+
  3. Mike Watson def. Oda Yakuta in Round One via Knockout. D+
  4. Sotatsu Sarumara def. Willie York in Round One via submission. D
  5. Tornado Nagai def. Hitomaro Suzuki in Round One via DQ. D-
  6. Marat Khoklov def. Kimitada Yanagita in Round One via Knockout. D+
  7. Billy Russell def. Li Bingci in Round One via TKO. D
  8. Masaaki Okazaki def. Morimasa Kato via unanimous decision. C+
  9. Tasuku Iesada def. Roku Sotomura in Round Three via submission. C+
  10. Raul Hughes def. Tadiyuki Kikkawa in Round Three by TKO. Hughes wins the KOF title. B-

Overall Grade: C+







Kuroda's Korner

Fighter Overview






Raul Hughes


"The Demolition Expert" Raul Hughes is a highly successful shoot fighter, whose incredible punching power made him a star in both North America and Japan. He made world news when he signed as a pro wrestler with BHOTWG in 2003, and went on to have a fine career with them, even winning the world championship. In 2006 he was involved in another big news story, when he was part of the "rebellion" of wrestlers who walked out to form the INSPIRE promotion.


Trademark moves: Demolition Left Hook

Title History: Burning World Champion (1). Current INSPIRE King Of Fighters Champion (1).











hrdcoresidebrns: 6 / 10

foolinc: 7 / 10

UFC-KING: 6 / 10




(OOC: Wow, almost 250 views with just two posts in. Thank you everyone for the interest, I'm astonished. The reason that I'm doing this diary was just to do something shorter than my BBW diary but I seemed to fail in doing so. When I was doing those last matches I was thinking "what the hell am I doing, writing these long match reports!? This is what I've been trying to avoid!!", so that's why some of the matches start right from the last round.



At the end of every event there will be the Kuroda's Korner where a fighter is being looked at. This is done to make these fighters more familiar to the readers. I'd appreciate feedback of any kind, I hope you liked the show. This was the first even, I just wanted to use almost the whole roster. I'm thinking of running 4-5 matches / tour event from now on. Title matches will come with fighter images and more in-detail match reports from now on also. I'm still suffering from a little hangover even though I've been awake for 6 hours.. :o)





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From INSPIRE.com



"The Board Of Directors of INSPIRE have decided a new rule to the titlescenario: A fighter must get 5 consecutive wins to get another titleshot for any title; Either when he has lost a title, he has to get five wins before getting the rematch or if a fighter receives a match against the champion and loses, he must get the five consecutive wins before getting other another titleshot."

From INSPIRE.com




"INSPIRE has signed several new fighters. The following fighters will be competing inside the cage on Friday:











Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka










Jack "Wild Man" Marlowe
















Shingen "Stone" Miyazaki!!




Kataoka and Miyzaki enter the Middleweight Division, Jungle Jack enters the Heavyweight and King Of Fighters Division.















Machines Of Hate Tour (Friday)

Tokushima Arena, Tohoku. Attendance: 869





Seiho Kuroda & Hidetada Kozu






Doppo Ibu & Yo****ora "The ****" Shigemitsu










Middleweight Division

Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka vs. Li "The Olympian" Bingci




Round One: Debut match of Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka. These two fine submission wrestlers start out slowly, neither fighter getting the advantage. First round passes by quickly and without much of offence, just a series of counters holds.




Round Two: Both fighters change tactics for a moment and then switch back to submission wrestling. Kataoka uses his size and power to his advantage, getting few hammer fists in. Bingci gets a hold of Kataoka's leg near the end of the round but Kataoke escapes the hold.




Round Three: Bingci tries to ground Kataoka, failing in doing so. Kataoka gets few good strikes in, few uppercuts, few knees to the body. Both men trade strikes, Bingci connecting with a spinning backfist out of nowhere. Kataoka loss balance for a moment, Bingci takes down the veteran!! Ankle lock!! But the round ends!! It goes for the judges who declare Li Bingci as the winner with unanimous decision




Result: Li Bingci def. Masutaro Kataoka by unanimous decision when the time expired. Grade: C+

















Special Attraction

Jack "Wild Man" Marlowe vs. Sotatsu "The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara



Round One: Another debut match of the night, featuring Jack Marlowe taking on Sotatsu Sarumara. It's clear that Marlowe goes for powergame, ground and pound while Sarumara goes for his usual armlock variations. Fighers clinch, Sarumara tries to judo sweed Jack who keeps his balance and takes down Sarumara instead. Ground and pound, straight punches from above on Sarumara who tries to avoid the strikes the best he can. Round one comes to an end with Marlowe on top of Sarumara




Round Two: Marlowe takes the control right from the start, getting a punch and a knee in. Sarumara seems a little shaken. Marlowe makes a little mistake attacking too aggressively, which enables Sarumara to hit few good punches. Sarumara tackles Marlowe into the ground and tries to go for an armlock of somesort. Jack turns, Sarumara is now below him. Sarumara tries to go for a triangle choke, Jack outpowers him, lifting him up and slamming him down!! Sarumara is dazed, Jack changes his position and locks an armlock!! Sarumara taps!! Unorthodox fight from Marlowe gets him the win!!


Result: Jack Marlowe defeated Sotatsu Sarumara in 9:52 by submission. Grade: C-


















Special Attraction

Kalu "Ivory" Owusu vs. Shingen "Stone" Miyzaki



Round One: Third and the last debut match of the night, Shingen "Stone" Miyzaki has a lot of pressure on him going into the match, being trained by the Stone family in Canada. Owusu goes for kicks, being a little taller than Miyzaki. Owusu gets few muya thai kicks to the side of Miyzaki, who eventually gets a hold of Owusu leg, taking him down and mounting him!! Miyzaki gets few elbows in before the round ends.




Round Two: Owusu looks more focused going into the second round. Owusu is being very cautious which backfires badly when Miyzaki surprises him with a combo of strikes. Owusu backs down, all the way against the cage. Miyzaki strikes away on Owusu who tries to block the shots. Miyzaki grabs Owusu from the waist and pulls Owusu down with a nice throw, Miyzaki in on the top again, Owusu kicks him away. Miyzaki circles him around, and gets pass the guard and hits an elbow, before locking in the Ankle lock!! Miyzaki bends the ankle of Owusu, Owusu taps out!! It's over!!




Result: Shingen Miyazaki def. Kalu Owusu in 1:50 of Round Two by submission with the Ankle Lock. Grade: D-



















Special Attraction

Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Tadiyuki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa


Round One: Kikkawa comes to this match from a loss to Raul Hughes, So'oialo comes condifent into the match as he defeated Mohamed El Yaaggoudi on Wednesday. Round one is full of smashmouth action, with both men equally giving and taking punishment. Kikkawa and So'oialo are one of the stiffest and toughest fighters in INSPIRE at the moment so the power behind the strikes is certainly tremendous. Round one ends with both fighters having bruises over their upper body, the first five minutes pass quickly with both fighters standing.




Round Two: The veteran Kikkawa fools So'oialo into a trap, easily sidestepping Samoan Machine's strike combo, Kikkawa trips So'oialo to the mat and goes on top, half guard. Kikkawa searches for a way to finish the match, either by punching or by submiossion. Kikkawa hits few punches every now and then, trying to get better position. So'oialo keeps blocking any submission attempt. Round two ends with both fighters in the mat, Kikkawa not getting the best of the situation.




Round Three: Machine starts with a nice middle kick and a slap, Kikkawa answers with a stiff uppercut. They circle and circle for a few minutes, both fighters just getting a touch with the fist of the opponent. One minute left in the match, Samoan Machine tries to bulldoze his way to victory by pushing Kikkawa against the cage. Lots of twisting and turning, both men trying to take the other down with power. Suddenly Kikkawa changes the direction, does the Kikkawa Beast Snap (quick waist pick-up followed by a brutal throw to the mat, making a spinebuster-type attack) on So'oialo!! Kikkawav mounts So'oialo, mounted Kikkawa forearms to the chin!! So'oialo can't defend himself, referee ends the match in 4.48 of Round Three!!




Result: Tadiyuki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa def. Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo in 14:48 by TKO, Mounted Kikkawa forearms. Grade: B
















http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Raul.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Tasuku.jpg





King Of Fighters Division:

King Of Fighters Championship Match


Raul "Demolition Expert" Hughes vs. Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada





Round One: Hughes moves quickly around the ring, hhitting a few jabs here and there, Iesada can't get any offence on the much faster Hughes. Cat and mouse troughout the first round, Iesada is getting a bit frustrated for not getting any strikes on Hughes who managed to stay away from his opponent.




Round Two: Iesada stays in the middle of the ring, Hughes switches his stance. Iesada gets a middle kick in but Hughes instantly hits a nice left hook!! Iesada backs down for a moment but soon comes closer. Iesada rushes for a takedown but Hughes defends and stays up. Iesada keeps his hands around Hughes' waist and finally gets him down to the mat. Hughes blocks any submission attempt, punching Iesada from time to time. Iesada tries to punch trough the guard and gets few shots to the jaw. First ten minutes of the match are now over, we go to Round Three.




Round Three: Hughes knows he has to keep the fight standing, concentrating on the strikes and staying away from the mat. Hughes gets one good uppercut trough, Iesada gets his hands on Hughes and slams him down again. Hughes manages to get away from the position, kicking Iesada away. As Hughes rises, Iesada rushes in with a knee to the midsection. Hughes trips Iesada over and goes for a submission, Ieasada blocks and they stay in the position for the rest of the match.




Round Four: Hughes goes for the Demolition Left Hook but misses, Iesada once again brings the fight to the canvas, slamming Hughes down with a belly to belly. Iesada gets pass the guard and starts hitting Hughes, who suddenly locks in a DDT choke sleeper!! Iesada tries to pull his head and get out of the submiossion but can't, he taps in 2.44!!



Result: Raul "Demolition Expert" Hughes def. Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada in 2.44 of Round Four by submission. Raul Hughes makes defence number 1 of his INSPIRE King Of Fighters title. Grade: C

(Didn't click)




Overall Rating: C+





  1. Li Bingci def. Masutaro Kataoka. Round Three, Unanimous decision. Round Three, Unanimous decision. C+
  2. Jack Marlowe def. Sotatsu Sarumara. Round Two, Submission. C-
  3. Shingen Miyzaki def. Kalu Owusu. Round Two, Submission. D-
  4. Tadiuyki Kikkawa def. Bali So'oialo. Round Three, TKO. B
  5. Raul Hughes def. Tasuku Iesada to retain KOF Title. Round Four, submission. C





Kuroda's Korner

Fighter Overview







Tadiuyki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa




"Since 1995, Tadiyuki Kikkawa has been the most brutally dominant wrestler in Japan. For a decade he was BHOTWG's icon and perennial world champion, and was well known for his punishing, extremely physical style of attack. In 2006 he left the company, spear-heading an infamous "rebellion", leading a small group of wrestler in the creation of the INSPIRE promotion, a group he would be owner of. As well as starring for the company, he is also trying to mastermind their rise to the top."


Trademark moves: Kikkawa Lariat/Forearm/Beast Snap/Beast Attack/Driver and Flying Knee.

Title History: Burning World Champion (3), INSPIRE King Of Fighters Champion (1).







(OOC: Any feedback would be appreciated!! Do you want shorter/longer match reports. And if you notice anything weird in the reports, please tell me! I've only watched MMA for.. Under a year so. Quite a rookie in the sport. Hope you enjoy the diary!!)



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From INSPIRE.com


"The Board Of Directors of INSPIRE have decided on yet another new rule: Should a fighter lose ten (10) consecutive fights, he will be fired from INSPIRE immediatly."



From INSPIRE.com


"The title matches for Middle-, Heavy- and Openweight Division will be held on Week 3 of January. The fighters involved in the title matches are choosed depending on their performance in the previous matches."




From INSPIRE.com


"INSPIRE has signed Rav "Rhino" Umaga and Sean "Shooter" Deeley. They will be debuting in the next event."





Announced matches for INSPIRE: Machines Of Hate Tour (Wednesday), Week 2:


Middleweight Division:

Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Roku "The Rock" Sotomura


Heavyweight Division:

Rav "Rhino" Umaga vs. Kalu "Ivory" Owusu


Middleweight Division:

Willie "New" York vs. Shingen "Stone" Miyzaki


Middleweight Division:

Sean "Shooter" Deeley vs. Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka


Heavyweight Division:

Jack "Wild Man" Marlove vs. Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson


King Of Fighters Division:

Tadiuyki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Li "The Olympian" Bingci



King Of Fighters Division:

King Of Fighters Championship Match:

Raul "Demolition Expert" Hughes vs. Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov



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Middleweight Division:

Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Roku "The Rock" Sotomura


Heavyweight Division:

Rav "Rhino" Umaga vs. Kalu "Ivory" Owusu


Middleweight Division:

Willie "New" York vs. Shingen "Stone" Miyzaki


Middleweight Division:

Sean "Shooter" Deeley vs. Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka


Heavyweight Division:

Jack "Wild Man" Marlove vs. Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson

King Of Fighters Division:

Tadiuyki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Li "The Olympian" Bingci



King Of Fighters Division:

King Of Fighters Championship Match:

Raul "Demolition Expert" Hughes vs. Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov

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Seiho Kuroda & Hidetada Kozu






Doppo Ibu & Yo****ora "The ****" Shigemitsu














Machines Of Hate Tour (Wednesday)

Wednesday, Week 2, January

Kumamoto Athletic Center, Kyushu. Attendance: 1,000 (SOLD OUT)












http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Bali.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Roku.jpg


Middleweight Division:

Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Roku "The Rock" Sotomura



Round One: Both fighters start with a wild trade of strikes, setting up the pace for the fight. Huge elbows and forearms from both men, going all out. The first five minutes are just plain striking, plain and simple. Brawling in it's best.





Round Two: Samoan Machine gets few good kicks in, Sotomura answers with few of his own. They clinch, Sotomura sweeps So'oialo off his feet and gets few knees to the middlesection pass his guard. Sotomura holds tightly from the side, kicking with knees to the side and back of So'oialos body, who tries to get out of the position, even attempting to reverse the situation to his advantage, trying to get an armbar in. With the fight being so even and tight, it goes to Round three.





Round Three: Machine starts off strongly, getting the best of Sotomura who seems a bit fatiqued. First few minutes pass by slowly, without any good strikes. Near the ending of the round both men wake up and go for the "all or nothing" moves; Machine even gets the Unbreakable Sleeper locked in but Sotomura doesn't tap, the round ends: The fight goes to the judges.





Result: The winner of the fight is declared to be Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo by unanimous decision. Grade: B-

(Pretty good chemisty!)




Kuroda: "What a match, what an opener of the night!! I sure hope other fights will be as good or even better, if that's possible. That was stiff!! Sadly there have been rumours that the Samoan Machine maybe leaving INSPIRE .. From what I've heard, he may very well join BHOTWG."



Kozu: "If he decides to leave it'll be a huge hit for us. Samoan Machine has put on some great fights with us. But next up is the debut of another Samoan fighter, Rav "Rhino" Umaga."












http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Rav.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Kalu.jpg


Heavyweight Division:

Rav "Rhino" Umaga vs. Kalu "Ivory" Owusu



Round One: Owusu doesn't know how to fight the aggressive Rhino, who keeps on relentlessly attacking Owusu, coming forward the whole time. The tactic is highly succesful as Umaga drives Owusu against the cage with the Rhino Charge!! (Big Spear). Umaga keeps pounding away, smashing him with huge fists and knees all over Owusu's body. Owusu seems surprised and startled and can't get any offence, instead getting himself TKO'd by the judge, who ends the match in 3.35




Result: Rav "Rhino" Umaga defeated Kalu "Ivory" Owusu in 3:35 by TKO. Grade: E+



"Nice showing from Rhino. He's going to be a force to be reckoned in the heavyweight division for sure."













http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Willie.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Shingen.jpg


Middleweight Division:

Willie "New" York vs. Shingen "Stone" Miyzaki



Round One: York and Miyzaki trip each over immediatly and the fight is taken to the ground. York is switching his position the whole time, Miyzaki seems a bit lost. Both men lock on to each others leg, knee or ankle, and twist and turn anything that twists and turns. Both men put all their power in the applied locks when finally York taps to Ankle lock from Miyzaki!!





Result: Shingen "Stone" Miyazaki defeated Willie "New" York in 2:43 by submission with an Ankle Lock. Grade: D



"That was quick!! It looked as if York's ankle could have snapped any second!!"













http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Sean.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Masutaro.jpg


Middleweight Division:

Sean "Shooter" Deeley vs. Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka



Round One: The second debut fight of the event, Deeley versus Kataoka. Touch of gloves, both men start carefully, getting nothing but air with their punches. Finally Shooter gets Kataoka down with a takedown, and tries to for a rear naked choke. Kataoka reverses and gets out of the position, hitting a nasty uppercut on Deeley, who seems a bit rocked from the hit. Deeley gets Kataoka to the ground shortly after, but the round ends. First round goes to Deeley.




Round Two: Deeley tries to ground Kataoka, fails in the attempt and gets another wicked uppercut. Kataoka domninates this round, getting several good punches in, particularly targeting Deeley's chin. Second round goes for Kataoka.




Round Three: Both fighters are going all-out in the final round, Deeley charging towards Kataoka, trying to take him down. Kataoka keeps blocking him and retains his balance. Few knees to the body, Deeley is in pain. Kataoka suplexes Deeley to the mat and mounts him, punching wildly. With straight punches right from above Deeley has nowhere to go, the referee stops the match at 2.58 of Round Three since Deeley isn't responding to the strikes.




Result: Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka defeated Sean "Shooter" Deeley in 2:58 of Round Three by TKO. Grade: D+

(Great chemistry!)



"Strong showing from Deeley, altough he may have been a little too enthusiastic, attacking too aggressively. He should have waited for better opportunities, instead he hesitated and paid for it."














http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Jack.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Mike.jpg


Heavyweight Division:

Jack "Wild Man" Marlove vs. Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson



Round One: Marlowe charges quickly towards Watson, who just backs down, avoiding any contact. Marlowe tries different strikes, Watson still keeps avoiding everyone of them. Just as Marlowe goes for another big haymaker, Watson connects with the One Stop Punch, knocking Marlowe out cold!! It's over in just 2.46!!




Result: Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson defeated Jack "Wild Man"Marlowe in 2:46 by KO. Grade: C



"Oh my.. Another youngster being too aggressive, and thus made just one mistake." "Yes, and that one mistake is sometimes enough to end the fight. Watson ended the match with just one punch, which he waited for."














http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Tadiyuki.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Li.jpg


King Of Fighters Division:

Tadiuyki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Li "The Olympian" Bingci



Round One: This should be interesting, giving the fighters size difference. Bingci tries to avoid any contact with Kikkawa, knowing that if he gets into a clinch with him, he would be taken down immediatly. Bingci circles Kikkawa around, kicking him from time to time. The much bigger Kikkawa doesn't get any offence but takes it calmly, trying to figure out how to get closer. First round ends.




Round Two: Bingci continues the strategy, keeping his distance from Kikkawa who is starting to get a bit annoyed of his smaller opponent. Kikkawa rushes with a flying knee, Bingci sidesteppes and hits a strong low kick, chopping Kikkawa down to the mat. Bingci quickly mounts Kikkawa, trying to get a hold of Kikkawa. Bingci ends up being on Kikkawa's back, trying to get a choke hold in. Kikkawa stands up, and with Bingci on his back, he rushes against the cage, slamming Bingci between him and the cage wall. Bingci holds on, Kikkawa tries to open the hold. Kikkawa stumbles and falls to the mat, Bingci gets a better position and keeps the hold locked in, but doesn't get all the power into it since Kikkawa is blocking it. Second round ends with exitement.




Round Three: Kikkawa seems a bit tired, Bingci is still going strong. Again Bingci starts with kicks, Kikkawa rushes in and knocks him down with an uppercut!! Bingci rolls back in the ground, Kikkawa attacks him, tackling him down to the mat!! Half guard, Kikkawa smashes Bingci's ribs with his big hands, Bingci is in trouble!! Kikkawa kicks to the middle with his knee, Bingci tries to slip out from the position but can't, Kikkawa is just too big for him. This is just what he wanted to avoid!! Bruises are starting to show on Bingci's side, Kikkawa still striking him. Bingci avoids the punches for his head for few moments, until Kikkawa starts hammering down on Bingci, connecting with a bunch of hammer fists. Bingci can't defend himself and the ref stops the match in 4.36!!




Result: Tadiyuki "Orig. Rebel" Kikkawa defeated Li "The Olympian" Bingci in 4:36 of Round Three by TKO. Grade: B-



"What a great fight!!" "Bingci tried his best, but competing in the King Of Fighters division is hard. KOF Division consists of the best, the most popular and succesful fightes in INSPIRE.. The cream of the crop."



"Next, our main event of the night: Hughes vs. Khoklov, for the KOF Title. This should be a great fight!!"














http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Raul.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Marat.jpg




King Of Fighters Division:

King Of Fighters Championship Match

Raul "Demolition Expert" Hughes vs. Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov



Round One: "Khoklov looks as menacing as ever, Hughes seems confident as the two stare down on each other before the bell rings and the fight is on!!"






Khoklov is in the middle, Hughes circles him.





Hughes jabs Khoklov, doesn't get much power behind the punches.





Khoklov goes for a huge punch, misses!!





Hughes goes for the Demolition Left Hook!!





Doesn't connect!!





Khoklov hits a strong body punch which rocks Hughes!!





Hughes hits an uppercut, reaching for the sky!!










Khoklov takes the hit and punches Hughes, who bounces to the cage from the impact!!





"The fans have stood up, rooting for both fighters!!"






Demolition Left Hook, Khoklov takes the hit!! Khoklov backs down for a few steps!!






Hughes goes for another one!!






"Moscow Lariat out of nowhere!!" Hughes flies against the cage, but retains consciousness!!






Hughes rushes in, trying to get a KO from Khoklov, and he goes for the Demolition Left Hook!!








"ANOTHER MOSCOW LARIAT!! Khoklov turns Hughes upside down and inside out, his neck snapping from the impact. Hughes falls to the canvas, lifeless!! Khoklov roars and raises his hands up in the air, the fight is over in just 2.01!!"



Result: Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov defeated Raul "Demolition Expert"Hughes in 2:01 by KO. Grade: C


Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov wins the INSPIRE King Of Fighters title.

(Didnt' click!)



"Wow.. I'm just.. Speechless. Khoklov hit two Moscow lariats on Hughes. I'm not sure if Hughes was as conscious as we thought he was after the first hit, I think the cage helped him to retain his balance."


"That was brutal. Hughes is still unconcious while the medical staff attend him."




The event ends with Khoklov in the middle of the cage, posing with the belt. The era of the Russian Giant has started.




Overall Grade: C






  1. Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo def.Roku "The Rock" Sotomura by unanimous decision after the time had expired. Grade: B-
  2. Rav "Rhino" Umaga def. Kalu "Ivory" Owusu in 3:35 of Round One by TKO. Grade: E+
  3. Shingen "Stone" Miyazaki def. Willie "New" York in 2:43 of Round One by submission with an Ankle Lock. Grade: D
  4. Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka def. Sean "Shooter" Deeley in 2:58 of Round Three by TKO. Grade: D+
  5. Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson def. Jack "Wild Man"Marlowe in 2:46 by KO. Grade: C
  6. Tadiyuki "Orig. Rebel" Kikkawa def. Li "The Olympian" Bingci in 4:36 of Round Three by TKO. Grade: B-
  7. Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov def. Raul "Demolition Expert"Hughes in 2:01 by KO. Grade: C. Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov wins the INSPIRE King Of Fighters title.












Kuroda's Korner

Fighter Overview








Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov



"The giant Russian Marat Khoklov is a menacing former body builder, whose freakish strength and great look make him an awesome competitor to behold. After being spotted working in Europe by BHOTWG, he was brought over to Japan for a try out. Unfortunately for them, the new INSPIRE promotion jumped in and signed him up first. Marat's awe-inspiring debut performance for them, when he knocked out the legendary Tadiyuki Kikkawa for the title, made him an overnight mega-star in the East."



Trademark Moves: Moscow Lariat, Russian Giant Bear Hug, Russian Legend Powerbomb

Title history: Two time INSPIRE King Of Fighters champion, the current champion at the moment.






(OOC: Changed the layout a little, small stuff here and there. I was intending to use images only in the titlematches, but I thought that I should add the pictures just so that the occasional reader knows who the fighters are, especially if they aren't familiar with the Japanese wrestling scene. Hope you like the show and the diary!!)


Predictions: foolinc: 5 / 7, thanks for participation! :)



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Wednesday, Week 2, January

********* *******'s Home




Friday.. *Sigh*.. Just came home from work, I'm working at a restaurant nearby. Poor salary, poor .. Everything, quite frankly. I don't even have an official profession of any kind. Becoming a wrestler, a fighter has always been my mission, my goal in life. I graduated from nearby wrestling school and I was signed by this one promotion but I was never brought into the main roster, as they were cutting costs at the time.






On that day.. I was one step closer.







When I checked my mail, I noticed a letter. A unique letter. A letter, that would change my life. I just held it in my hand for a moment, trying to capture the feeling, trying to store the moment into my memories. I knew that this was something special. I opened the letter slowly, and it said:






































"Eviction Order"








I could not believe it. I was being kicked out from my apartment, where I was on rent. The owner wanted me out because his daughter would move out from her parents soon, and thus needed an apartment for her. At my expence. Sure, I could have argued and fight back, but I just didn't care. I knew I would survive. Atleast I got a job and I could always sleep in my car. An old, rusty piece of garbage (Honda Civic, '75). As I started reading the letter trough, I picked up the other letters from the box.




Bill, bill, another bill.. .. The fourth letter was something else. When I finished reading the eviction letter, I skipped trough the bills and opened the last letter that I got from the mail.

















It was from Inspire Diversity Group International Headquarters. They offered me a contract. 9 months, 250$ per show.























One hour later, I woke up. I had fainted and was on the floor, still holding the letter in my hand. I slowly stood up and checked it again, I could not believe it. My dream was finally coming true. I paid my bills, grabbed everything (very little) that I owned and started my car.





My journey had begun.




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Fantastic stuff FIN, especially enjoyed the Bingci - Kikkawa fight, but a great show all round and a good 'backstage' segment too :)


I think the match reports are fine as they are, but feel free to shorten them if it is to your benefit!

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Great stuff FIN, in fact this diary has.. *ahem*.. INSPIRE.. d me to start an INSPIRE game myself.


There's another funny wordplay. I actually came up with "FINSPIRE" today. Whenever this diary is being talked about/referred to, I want it to be called FINSPIRE :D Thank you guys for the feedback, highly appreciated!! I'm really enjoying this diary as it gives me balance between BBW's insane storylines, gimmicks and matches, and I don't have to worry about pushes or where the company is going, I don't decide the match outcome so it feels like this is a watcher's diary almost with the exception that I arrange the matches and hire/fire people, etc.. This is much easier to do and people seem to relate this way better than BBW in the year '98. I'm starting to think that that is the very reason I'm always 2nd in the DOTM: Booking a promotion that's not in the default, original promotions, is a garbage Japanese promotion and the game started in the year '97.


I have to mention it on the Diary writing tips.. If you ever want your diary to succeed in the DOTM-polls, choose a promotion from the default Cornellverse data, and locate it in the US = guaranteed success. :p


EDIT: If someone thinks they know who "The One" is, feel free to PM me and suggest the worker. If the guess is right, I'll say so. ^^

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From INSPIRE.com





"Inspire Diversity Group International has signed the following wrestlers into PPA-deals"









Frankie "P-Dawg" Perez









Merle "The Irish Stretching Machine" O'Curle








Chris "Insane Machine" Perkins













********* *******




All four fighters will enter the Middleweight Division.










Announced matches for INSPIRE: Machines Of Hate Tour (Frisday), Week 2:









http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Bali.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Rav.jpg


Special Attraction:

The Samoan Showdown

Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Rav "Rhino" Umaga







http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Shingen.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Sotatsu.jpg


Middleweight Division:

Shingen "Stone" Miyzaki vs. Sotatsu ""The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara







http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Frankie.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Mohamed.jpg


Middleweight Division:

Frankie "P-Dawg" Perez vs. Mohamed "Lethal" El Yaaggoudi







http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Billy.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Masutaro.jpg


Middleweight Division:

Billy "Tap Out Artist" Russell vs. Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka







http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Mike.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Tasuku.jpg


King Of Fighters Division

Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson vs. Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada







http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Tadiyuki.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Morimasa.jpg


King Of Fighters Division

Tadiuyki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Morimasa "Cage" Kato







http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Marat.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Masaaki.jpg




King Of Fighters Division

King Of Fighters Championship

Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki






Predictions List:


Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Rav "Rhino" Umaga


Shingen "Stone" Miyzaki vs. Sotatsu ""The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara


Frankie "P-Dawg" Perez vs. Mohamed "Lethal" El Yaaggoudi


Billy "Tap Out Artist" Russell vs. Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka


Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson vs. Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada


Tadiuyki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Morimasa "Cage" Kato


Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki




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I'm liking this a lot so far FIN, keep it up :D


Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Rav "Rhino" Umaga


Shingen "Stone" Miyzaki vs. Sotatsu ""The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara


Frankie "P-Dawg" Perez vs. Mohamed "Lethal" El Yaaggoudi


Billy "Tap Out Artist" Russell vs. Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka


Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson vs. Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada


Tadiuyki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Morimasa "Cage" Kato


Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki

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