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DOTM: Cornellverse

DOTM: Cornellverse  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. DOTM: Cornellverse

    • Phantom Stranger's "Philly Power Pro Wrestling: Dangerous Dreams"
    • FINisher's "BBW: Start A War, Chapter II (CVerse '97)"
    • NoNeck's "Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011"
    • Tigerkinney's "Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society Version 2.0"
    • foolinc's "NYCW: Butterfly Effect diary"
    • infinitywpi's "Tradition Dictates you be welcomed ..."
    • mistaken's "Money to Burn: 1 year of Wrestling!"

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Cornellverse DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* [thread=35817]Phantom Stranger's "Philly Power Pro Wrestling: Dangerous Dreams"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=36088]FINisher's "BBW: Start A War, Chapter II (CVerse '97)"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=29414]NoNeck's "Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=33304]Tigerkinney's "Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society Version 2.0"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=36320]foolinc's "NYCW: Butterfly Effect diary"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=31963]infinitywpi's "Tradition Dictates you be welcomed ..."[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=35958]mistaken's "Money to Burn: 1 year of Wrestling!"[/thread]

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oh my word this is a tight race.


put my vote behind FIN, because month after month he comes in just short of winning, I went over and took a look and he is doing some excellent work!


on top of that he put in some serious time helping in the Alt thread, I think his time has come.

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As always, lots of great contenders here. I've thrown my weight behind TK almost as much because he uses a lot of my favourite guys as anything else, but I'm kinda surprised not to see Bigpapa up here - my bad for not noticing he hadn't been seconded I guess :o


Nonetheless, it's been a great month for writing, and I guess I now have to get caught up on the CVerse after spending January getting up to speed on the real world :)

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I want to say, I am honored that 4 people took the time to vote for Money to Burn, it is my passion product and good to know that it has not been entirely over looked.


FIN, baby i am pulling for you this month. so that when I need an alt done, I can credit, the DOTM award winning FINisher for the work!

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Wow. I'm overwhelmed by the number of votes. Thank you so much!!! This has been really hard time in my life, I'm now away from home for 6 weeks. I'm still trying to contribute, just did a big event for BBW.. Thank you! I'm off to bed, I have 5 hours left to sleep and them I'm off to work again.
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markish - 65 posts (in 2 years)

Mea Culpa - 1 post (3 months)

Wesson - 6 posts (in 1 year)


these are 3 out of the last 4 voters for Tiger...if they are lurkers great, glad to have you you. This is a note to all lurkers, this is deffinatly an open poll and we will not begrudge any vote, this whole thing is on the honor system.


But hey drop a note in the diary's you love once in a while, you have take the time to recognize them here, take the time to leave some feed back when you stop through to read their diaries.


FIN, I am begining to buy into your conspiracy theories! :D I think you should do an Alternate pic for votes campaign! :D

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Didn't Markish just start a diary of his own? That would explain an increased presence don't you think?


And it seems like every time I'm on, Wesson is on.


I don't see a lot of conspiracy there.




And in fairness to TK if there is a conspiracy he's probably not behind it considering he didn't even vote for himself lol.

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And in fairness to TK if there is a conspiracy he's probably not behind it considering he didn't even vote for himself lol.


I guess I should point out I don't really think there is anything foul afoot. Tiger has a great following and has been around forever. I am just feeding FINishers conspiracy theory.


FINisher is a lot like Infinity, in that there was a long period where Infinity would finish just out of the top spot, even though this is a month to month diary, a lot of votes go down on a diary & a diary writers history. there is nothing wrong with that, It leads to these great horse races, and is what makes this competition so compelling. any hey over half the votes cast are not on either of the two front runners, and just shows how great a month it has been for cornellverse diaries!

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It's a very close run thing this month and it looks like I might be in with a chance of winning. Definitely not counting my chickens yet and I'd never vote for myself, just isn't good form in my opinion.


As for the 'lurker' issue I wouldn't put Markish in the same category as Wesson and Mea Culpa. He's contributed comments/predictions a fair bit to my diary over the past month and as someone said he's also started his own diary for CWWF (which is a refreshing choice, as it's not USPW diary #3018). Saying that most of his posts probably have come have late, so you could say he's a reformed lurker.;)


Wesson is the King of Lurkers.....like No Neck said, it seems like whenever I'm on Wesson's on.

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Yeah, I'm very definitely what you'd call a lurker on these boards. I like to think of myself as an awesome ghost that swoops in occasionally and amazes everyone with how awesome I am.


Most of my posts have been on the Alt Pictures thread, demanding super-cool stuff from the wonderful FINisher.


I don't comment on anywhere close to all the diaries as I read, this is true. For instance, I was a massive fan of Monkeypox's DaVE diary and only commented on that once or twice... I'm just very ungrateful. :p




So yeah, if there is some kind of conspiracy, I'm not part of it. I'd be a terrible conspirator. I talk too much.

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No conspiracy on my end either. I just haven't closely followed that many diaries so far and thus haven't had the desire to post anything of note. The only one I've been totally glued to since I started coming here is Casey's MAW, which I'm now in the middle of reading word for word. And since that's not up for the running this month, I voted for one of the others I've enjoyed skimming through. Though I do have to show a little love for Phantom Stranger's PPPW, even if I am completely clueless on much of that era in the C'verse. :p


I've had tentative plans to start my own custom fed C'verse diary, but haven't pulled the trigger. Will someday though.

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FINisher is a lot like Infinity, in that there was a long period where Infinity would finish just out of the top spot, even though this is a month to month diary, a lot of votes go down on a diary & a diary writers history.


Hey now, hey now... I'd like to think I didn't get any votes just because of my history, but that I finished 'just out of the top spot' because I had some good months, but someone else alwys had a better one.


Then again, there's been months I was fairly certain I'd been crap, so... you might have something there.

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Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm the King of Lurkers. :p


What can I say? There are a number of favorite writers I have on these boards that I keep up with, but it's kinda like "Okay, I have x # of minutes to catch up on my TEW dynasties." I know leaving comments would be nice, but I like to think that people know when they're doing good work. All they need to do is look at the number of views.


Okay, back to lurking.

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