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~*~ GDS TEW Diary Awards 2008 Ballot Thread ~*~

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Diary of the Year

The diary you think has been the best overall, over the course of 2008.

Not voted on separately this year. The diary with the most votes from Real World and


Cornellverse Diary of the Year will take the top prize instead.


Real World Diary of the Year

Any diary outside of the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category.


[thread=15014]Nevermore's - ECW World Wide[/thread]

[thread=29001]iMac's WWE: The Next Generation[/thread]

G-prime's "WWE Rebirth"

[thread=34559]Wildfire1234'S "NWA Beyond the Glory"[/thread]

Wildfire's "NWA Return to Glory"

[thread=21194]keefmoon's "WWF: From Montreal To Attitude"[/thread]

[thread=31201]Tristram's "WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"[/thread]



Cornellverse Diary of the Year

Any diary in the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category.


[thread=21524]J-Silvers: USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free[/thread]

[thread=29414]NoNeck's "Secret's Of The Ring Vol. II"[/thread]

[thread=21681]Tigerkinney's "Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer" (Cornellverse)[/thread]

[thread=32191]James Casey's "MAW 10 simple rules"[/thread]

[thread=31963]infinitywpi's Tradition Dictates That you Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone [/thread]

[thread=32911]Dragonmack's "The David Mack Chronicles: The CGC Era"[/thread]

[thread=35817]Phantom Stranger's Philly Power Pro Wrestling: Dangerous Dreams[/thread]



Writer of the Year

Which writer put in the best effort this year? (Must be nominated in at least one other category)


Nevermore for ECW: World Wide

iMac for WWE: The Next Generation

Scapino1974 for MWA: This Means War

Tristram for WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"

James Casey for MAW 10 simple rules

Tigerkinney for Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (Cornellverse)

No Neck for Secret's Of The Ring Vol. II



Show of the Year

The best card of the year, PPV, TV, Live Event... Whatever.


USPW - All American Wrestling

USPW: Winter Epiphany from J Silver's diary Part 1 Part 2

ECW Heatwave- ECW Worldwide

SWF Supreme Challange 31 from Secrets of the Ring

Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse) by Tigerkinney

Night of the Burning Hammer part 1 part 2

WWE Rebirth: WWE WrestleMania 23

[thread=32911]the DeColt Wrestle Festival- Show 1 from D-Mack's CGC diary[/thread]

Capital Carnage - WWF FMTA



Indy Diary of the Year

Best diary about a non-national (or higher) promotion


[thread=34251] Comradebots - EWA: Why No One Cares About Wrestling In Europe[/thread]

[thread=33740]McShamrock's PSW[/thread]

tizzyt's ROH: Wrestling Reinvented


[thread=32191]James Casey's MAW: 10 Simple Rules...[/thread]

Phantom Stranger’s Philly Pro Power Wrestling

[thread=36199]eayragt's CZCW '97- A Coastal Zone Even Back Then[/thread]

[thread=36088]Finisher's- BBW: Start A War, Chapter II (C'Verse 97)[/thread]



Most Compelling Character

Who you think is, overall, the best character this year.


Darryl Devine, J Silver's USPW

Raven ECW Worldwide

Darryl Devine from Secrets of the Ring

Rip and Jay Chord and user Character James from MAW: 10 Simple Rules

Owen Hart: FMTA

Wildfire's NWA return to glory/beyond glory: Mr. Wrestling III



Best Promos

Which dynasty consistently has the best promos.


[thread=21524]J-silver USPW[/thread]

[thread=29414]NoNeck Secrets of the Ring[/thread]

[thread=]NeverMore's ECW Worldwide[/thread]

Tristram's WCW 1998: A Prequel to Death

Wildfire's "NWA return to Glory/Beyond Glory"

[thread=21194]Keefmoon WWF: FMTA"[/thread]



Best Match Write-Ups

Which dynasty has the best written up matches.


[thread=14123]Wildfire1324's NWA: A Return to Glory[/thread]

[thread=21524]J Silver USPW[/thread]

[thread=31201]Tristram's Prequel To Death Of WCW?[/thread]

[thread=32191]James Casey's Maw 10 Simple Rules[/thread]

[thread=21681]TigerkinneyBurning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse)[/thread]

[thread=32070]Trekkiemonsta's : WLW Because Dancing is Cool[/thread]



Match of the Year

Which match captured your attention the most this year?


Darryl Devine vs. Bull Wrecker - Tractor Trailer Match-

NoNeck's McFly vs. Keith - Supreme Challenge

AJ Styles vs Juventud Guerrera Title vs Mask at Heatwave- ECW Worldwide

Kirk Jameson vs. Aaron Andrews from MAW 10 Simple Rules

Nomination: Nevermore: ECW Worldwide Owen Hart defeats Raven for ECW world Title

Andrews vs. Jamison – James Casey’s MAW

Koshiro Ino vs Emerald Angel (Squirrels Tour- Show #5) from WLW

[thread=21194]London Dungeon Match in WWF FMTA[/thread]



Feud of the Year

Which feud captured your imagination the best this year?


[thread=15014]Raven vs Burchill from ECW World Wide[/thread]

[thread=29414]Valiant vs. Jack Bruce in Secrets of the Ring[/thread]

[thread=15014]Francine & Juventud Guerrera Romance Storyline- ECW Worldwide[/thread]

Corparation vs DX/SCSA : WWF FMTA

Devine vs. Mystery Man – J-Silver’s USPW

[thread=21194]Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart in WWF FMTA[/thread]



Best Gimmick Match(Gold Only)

Which new match concept did you think was best?


The buck stops here from ECW World Wide

The London Dungon Match in WWF FMTA

Cardcoard Hell in a Cell from Destined to Fail



Best Presentation(Gold Only)

Which diary made best use of graphics, video or websites?


Dse81's The New NWA

Marcel Fromage's UEW or 21CW

Big Papa42's SWF Generation Supreme

Marcel Fromage's 21cw Style over substance



Best Utilized Roster(Gold Only)

Did anyone use their roster well, regardless of it's faults?


Infinitywpi's "Tadition demands that you be welcomed to the coastal zone"

[thread=35958]mistaken's "Money To Burn: 1 Year of Wrestling"[/thread]

[thread=33709]Shipshirt's CWB[/thread]

[thread=31201]Tristram's Prequel to Death Of WCW[/thread]

TNA: A Second Chance?



Best New Writer(Gold Only)

Which writer that debuted this year do you think was best?





FINisher (correct me if he is not eligable)



Manager of the Year(Gold Only)

Which manager earned his/her paycheck this year?


Carl Batch - [thread=33304]Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society[/thread] From the Latino Kings to the Wave of Violence

Bill Alfonso in TNA: A Second Chance

[thread=32191]Sienna LeNoir[/thread]

Seduction - J-Silver's USPW

Munemori Umari/ The Prophet from Finisher's BBW diary



Most Hated Wrestler(Gold Only)

Which heel really got your blood boiling this year?


[thread=15014]ecw world wide's Raven![/thread]

[thread=29414]Eric Eisen in NoNeck's Secrets of the Ring[/thread]

Triple H in WWE: The Next Generation

Darryl Devine- J-Silver’s USPW

Jeff Jarrett in WWF FMTA



Most Popular Wrestler(Gold Only)

Which face could you not help but cheer?


[thread=15014]ecw world wide's Juvi Guerrera[/thread]

[thread=14123]MISTER WRESTLING from Wildfire1324's NWA: A Return to Glory[/thread]

[thread=33304]Mainstream Hernandez in Tigerkinney's FCW[/thread]

Rob Van Dam in TNA: A Second Chance

[thread=32191]Hugh de Aske from 10 Simple Rules[/thread]

Goldust: WWF FMTA



Rocky Maivia Award

Which wrestler couldn't you care less about IRL, but really enjoy in this dynasty?


[thread=15014]Ecw world wide's Juvi Guerrera[/thread]

[thread=20017]Primus Allen in Scapino's MWA: This Mean's War![/thread]

[thread=15014]Vito Thomaselli- ECW Worldwide[/thread]

Austin Aries in ROH: Wrestling Reinvented

Brian Kendrick from WWE Rebirth

Paul London from WWE Rebirth

Steve Corino from Wildfire's NWA Return to glory/beyond Glory

Paul Burchill – Nevermore’s ECW



Tag Team of the Year

Which tag team was your favourite this year?


[thread=21524]Veteran Mentality - Jsilvers USPW[/thread]

Totally Einstein in Tigerkinney's FCW diary

Canadian Bulldogs in WWE: A Next Generation

Team OMFGplosion from MAW 10 Simple Rules

The Brisco Brothers fromj NWA: Return To Glory

Rising Sun Wrecking Crew from Wildfire's NWA Return to glory/beyond Glory




Stable of the Year(Gold Only)

Which group, stable or team of more than two was your favourite this year?


[thread=21524]Divinity - J-silvers USPW[/thread]

[thread=29001]Revolution- WWE Next Generation[/thread]

[thread=32191]The Firm from MAW 10 Simple Rules[/thread]

Extreme Horsemen: NWA: Return To Glory

Dragonmack’s ELITE stable in his CGC diary



Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments

Who's backstage antics with the boss did you like best? Or who had the best internet




[thread=34192]Hyde Hill's - TCW To The Brink And Beyond[/thread]

Oldschool's Territorial Resurgence [thread=35580]part 1[/thread] [thread=35579]part 2[/thread]

[thread=35327]Bigpapa42's SWF: Generation Supreme [/thread]

ROH: Wrestling Reinvented

[thread=32191]James Casey's MAW 10 Simple Rules[/thread]

[thread=21194]The Schiawrongies in WWF FMTA[/thread]



Best Mod(Gold Only)

Which mod have you enjoyed the most this year?


Adam Ryland - The Cornellverse

Derek_b - 1997 CV

jimmyshaker - Know Your Role 2008

After The Fall by ???






James Casey







Old School

No Neck




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please send your ballots to both myself and G-prime


then post in here so I can keep track of who has an who has not voted


voting will close next monday at 12pm EST.


make sure to post in here after sending in your ballot, why? so that when everything is done I know I have received and counted every ballot that should have been submitted.

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To let all the Voters know, if you just started reading or are intimidated by all the categories, feel free to only vote in those Categories you are comfortable with. Just one think for my own sanity once you have submitted your entry, please no revisions or additions. :)


hey G-check you inbox, I sent you a question so we stay straight on our tabulation.

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