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Diabetes is a pain, I've been a type 1 diabetic for 13 years (I think) now and it just won't clear up... is worse than acne! :p


But seriously, take this time to learn everything you can about diabetes and make sure that you can control it. In my opinion, type 2 is probably worse than type 1 because you have a far stricter balance with pills/diet and you need to stick to that far more rigidly. At least with type 1 I can just adjust how much insulin I do with my food intake (which takes years of practise).


Don't assume you are going to be cured, there is a very strong chance this is a disease you will have for the rest of your (LONG) life. So learn everything you can about it now and get into a good routine. Properly controlled diabetes is something that doesn't need to get in the way of your life at all. Do the blood tests (by far the worst bit for me STILL), get your body into a routine where you know what you are doing, learn about food (especially important) and in a few months time you might actually find you are far healthier all round.


As a result of diabetes I know a lot more about food and my own body... and while I can't say I've ever been the best controlled diabetic around, I am in a pretty good position when it comes to balance, because I've taken the time to learn about it and understand the effects on my body. You should do the same, and get into a routine that ensures you know the effects on yourself too.

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Oh, that sucks. How did you find about it? I've never been to any test but I read about the symptoms a while back but.. I mean, they weren't that obvious I guess. I've already got a heart problem (and had depression but got rid off it) so diabetes on top off all that.. I don't want to think of it. I guess I am a fool. Like so many others who may not known they have it, I guess.


All the best to you, I hope things work out for you Nick and to anyone else who has diabetes.

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Most obvious symptoms are extra thirst, need to go pee a lot and a loss of weight.


They are caused by your body trying to get rid of the excess sugar in your body (through urine), obviously needing to replace the lost fluids from that (causing thirst) and since your body can't turn the sugar in your body into energy (insulin turns sugar into energy, basically) your body then breaks down other bodily tissues like fat and muscles into energy, which has other side effects of their own, including some toxic by-products that won't help your body much called ketones, which mostly come from a breakdown in fats.


Testing for these is easy. There is a simple strip that you can pee on that can detect sugar and ketones in your urine and is one of the firt things doctors would check, as well as the little fingerprick bloodtest, which will check your blood sugar. Neither are invasive, though the worst part of diabetes is the fingerprick tests... 1 isn't bad, but hundreds of them over the space of months can sometimes be a little sore and you never know how much it'll hurt til you do another one. They're usually painless, but sometimes... OUCHIES!! :p

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Because of my heart problem (Had difficult surgery two times, as a little baby and when I was 7 years old) the bloodtest are really easy for me, I'm used to needles: I have to take a bloodtest every month because of my medication which alternates the bloods thickess, etc.. The once a month bloodtest has been a routine after the second surgery, so I've from 7 yaer old to present day, I'm 22.. 15 yeards of needles, once a month.. Equals.. 330, roughly. Sometimes when the blood "thicnkess" rate has been too low/too high, I had to go back in a week or two.. So I would say the exact number of bloodtests in my life this far could be something over 500 ^^


On-topic: I drink coca-cola way too much, maybe 1.5 litres a day for, sometimes more .. For few years I guess. I don't get the thristy feeling, but I go to the bathroom quite a few times in a day. I don't feel weak or sleepy, there's nothing wrong with my eyes. And I sure haven't lost any weight, I've gained weight. I think I'll visit the medical center next week, just to be sure.

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I know you said you were training for wrestling... don't let Diabetes stop you from that either. One of my best friends in wrestling suffers from Diabetes and a guy that has been around forever (Dusty Wolfe who has toured Japan, PR and worked for WCW and WWF) has it as well.
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I know you said you were training for wrestling... don't let Diabetes stop you from that either. One of my best friends in wrestling suffers from Diabetes and a guy that has been around forever (Dusty Wolfe who has toured Japan, PR and worked for WCW and WWF) has it as well.


i hope my training will not be put off.

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Just watch your Blood Sugar Levels to all. And to those who dont have it, remember you can still control your Sugar Levels. A person who is usually declared diabetic means his body can no longer develop the proper insulin and is too late to cure but possible to maintain
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On-topic: I drink coca-cola way too much, maybe 1.5 litres a day for, sometimes more .. For few years I guess. I don't get the thristy feeling, but I go to the bathroom quite a few times in a day. I don't feel weak or sleepy, there's nothing wrong with my eyes. And I sure haven't lost any weight, I've gained weight. I think I'll visit the medical center next week, just to be sure.


Be careful drinking that much soda. I used to do that all the time and it, among other things has caused me to have kidney stones.

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