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NEO: From The Bottom Up (C-Verse)

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NEO Broken Resolutions

Saturday, Week 4, February 2008

10 people at the Ohio Jewish Center


Jen Neptune defeated Ben Williams in 8:01 by pinfall with an Alabama Jam following interference from Kathy Neptune. - F

Notes: Ben Williams was exhausted by the end. The bout dragged in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable. The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Jen Neptune is improving in Technical skills.


Dharma Gregg defeated Kathy Neptune in 5:04 by pinfall with an One For The Road. During the match we also saw Jen Neptune run in and attack Dharma, and Ben Williams also attacked Kathy Neptune's sister Jen. - F+

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Xavier Reckless has an interview in which he taunts Fearless Blue. Saying that he was the reason XDW closed, and that he's not going to let Blue screw him of his dreams again. - E+

Notes: This segment brought the crowd's mood down


Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Brimstone in 11:34 by pinfall with a Dazzle Driver. - E-

Notes: Dazzling Dave Diamond was visibly tiring toward the end. Brimstone was really off his game tonight. Brimstone was visibly tiring toward the end. The bout dragged in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable. The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Brimstone is improving in Rumble skills.


Sensational Singh comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking about just how good he is before eventually getting interrupted by Amber Allen. They have a big argument about the place of women in wrestling before they decide to finally have their match. - E+

Notes: The Generation Title Scene storyline has continued with this segment. This segment brought the crowd's mood down. Amber Allen is developing better performance skills.


Sensational Singh defeated Amber Allen in 14:31 by pinfall with a handful of tights. - E

Notes: Sensational Singh was really off his game tonight. The color commentary gave the match a boost. The Generation Title Scene storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Amber Allen is improving in Performance skills. Sensational Singh is improving in Technical skills.


Overall: E


Show Thoughts: Not as good as the first show, but still a solid showing for a company of our size. Allen and Singh only getting an E worries me as I thought it was going to be a E+, but I'm pretty sure that when I look, their momentum is going to be screwed up because of the promo before their match.


I added a six person unchained storyline with Smith, Ali, Singh, Triple D, Amber, and Smart before the match. Ben Williams was unhappy about losing to Jen Neptune, but I'm not really sure why. Jen Neptune looks like she should be more over and they are getting the same push. Oh well…


Once again, both of the segments went six minutes and before the event I advanced booked all the matches in the tourney to help build interest.


So there are women in the tournament?


Yes, the women are in the tournament and will continue to be wrestling with the men as well as other women as the months go on.


Finally, congrats to mad5226 and ChrisWest for correctly guessing the all the matches. Since we actually have a bit of money to spare from last month, you both will receive free entry into our next event, March Madness.


Bonus News Item: When I was simming, I was lucky enough to catch this gem: The American Flash likes to work with people smaller than him. This man is crazy. Crazy like a fox! The vast majority of people smaller than him are women. Crafty bastard. :D

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End Of The Month: February


End of the Month Notes

• World Importance: 34 of 34

• World Influence: 34 of 34

• Popularity: +0.6% (1.4%) Great Lakes

• Prestige: +0.1% (0.2%)

• Balance: +$1,607 ($2,624)

○ Worker Costs: $2,900

○ Sponsorship: $4,622




Roster Overview


Main Event

Brandon Smith (F+/F+) - Face - Fan Favorite (C+) - $500 - C+ MOM

Sayeed Ali (F+/F+) - Heel - Bad Ass (C+) - $500 - C- MOM

Dazzling Dave Diamond (F+/F+) - Face - Old School Face (C+)- $450 - C- MOM

Sensational Singh (F+/F+) - Heel - Egomaniac © - $500 - F MOM

Xavier Reckless (F/F) - Heel - Man On A Mission (A) - $150 - C+ MOM


Upper Midcard

The American Flash (F/F) - Face - Patriot (A*) - $150 - C+ MOM

Brimstone (F/F) - Heel - Acolyte (C+) - $150 - D+ MOM

Mad Dog Mortimer (F/F) - Heel - Lounge Lizard (C+) - $150 - D+ MOM

Fearless Blue (F/F) - Face - Man On A Mission (A) - $100 - D MOM

Amber Allen (F/F) - Face - Equality Fighter © - $150 - F- MOM

Dharma Gregg (F-/F-) - Face - Girl-Next-Door (C+) - $150 - C- MOM



Jefferson Stardust (F-/F-) - Heel - Prima Donna (B+) - $150 - D+ MOM

Jen Neptune (F-/F-) - Heel - Daddy's Little Girl (B) - $150 - E+ MOM

Ben Williams (F-/F-) - Face - Fan's Own (C+) - $150 - E MOM


Lower Midcard

Mark Smart (F-/F-) - Face - Fan's Own (C+) - $150 - D MOM

Kathy Neptune (F-/F-) - Heel - Daddy's Little Girl (B-) - $150 - D+ MOM


As you can see with Sensational Singh and Amber Allen, not debuting a worker in a match isn't the greatest of ideas. Neither were the most of the gimmicks apparently. However, it seems the crowd was digging both member's of The Quest's quest, the blatant patriot stylings of The American Flash, Jefferson Stardust's "me first" attitude, and the snobby Neptune twins.


With all of the roster stuff out of the way and two shows in the books, I guess it's a perfect time to ask for some comments about the presentation and how I can improve it for your viewing pleasure. If there is anything I am not covering in the shows or previews, please tell me.


Quick Pick

Quarter Finals: Brandon Smith vs. Xavier Reckless

Quarter Finals: Sayeed Ali vs. The American Flash

Quarter Finals: Dharma Gregg vs. Sensational Singh

Quarter Finals: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Jen Neptune

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I think this is great, personally. So I'm no help, aside from stupid little comments like more Brimstone, or something. lol I'm really digging this, though. :D


Quick Pick

Quarter Finals: Brandon Smith vs. Xavier Reckless


Reckless and Blue seem to be on a collision course, and considering what happened between the two last time, I wouldn't be surprised to see Blue make an appearance, giving Brandon Smith the win here.


Quarter Finals: Sayeed Ali vs. The American Flash


Brandon Smith is too big for Flash to enjoy working with him. lol That, and Sayeed is a mainstay type of heel. Leads to a strong collision between him and Smith.


Quarter Finals: Dharma Gregg vs. Sensational Singh


Singh may have disappointed some in his debut, but now that he's used to how things work in NEO, he's ready to impress, taking out Dharma in the process.


Quarter Finals: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Jen Neptune


My mea culpa for picking against him last time. The Dazzling One vs. The Sensation ... should be awesome.

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Knowing what is your objective with this diary, I think you're doing the right thing with your presentation. The focal point is the long term survival and possible growth of NEO, if you spend too much time writing each show, it will go slowly and you will probably get fed up. As long as we have the basics of each segment, I believe readers will stick you. The honest comments from the booker point of view following each show are a nice touch too.
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Quarter Finals: Brandon Smith vs. Xavier Reckless


Best worker on the roster should be in the semi's at the very least


Quarter Finals: Sayeed Ali vs. The American Flash


Ali's your top heel so should at least make the semi's.


Quarter Finals: Dharma Gregg vs. Sensational Singh


Fine with the women making up the numbers but they shouldn't be pushed beyond the mid-card unless they are uber-talented and Gregg is not.


Quarter Finals: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Jen Neptune


Same reasoning ass above.

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NEO March Madness

Saturday, Week 4, March 2008

14 people at the Ohio Jewish Center


Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Jen Neptune in 6:51 by pinfall with a Dazzle Driver. - E

Notes: The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Jen Neptune is improving in Performance skills.


Dharma Gregg is in the ring. Sensational Singh comes down the aisle with a rose. He then proposition Dhrama Gregg in exchange for Gregg "giving a preview of later in the night" and laying down for Singh. Gregg responses by catching Singh off guard with a roll up. And the match is on... - D-

Notes: This segment brought the crowd's mood down.


Sensational Singh defeated Dharma Gregg in 5:56 by pinfall with a Cal-Cutter. - E-

Notes: Dharma Gregg was really off her game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


The American Flash is in the ring. Out of nowhere, Sayeed Ali hits the ring and attacks, jump starting the match. - E


Sayeed Ali defeated The American Flash in 13:31 by pinfall with a G.B.H. Driver. - E+

Notes: The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. The American Flash is improving in Rumble skills. The American Flash is improving in Technical skills.


Brandon Smith cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Xavier Reckless. He says what Reckless did to Fearless Blue was cowardly and that he isn't going to stand for "heel" tactics. - E+


Brandon Smith defeated Xavier Reckless in 13:17 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. - D-

Notes: Xavier Reckless seemed off his game tonight. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Overall: E+


Show Thoughts: Well, I really couldn't be happier with the results, especially considering I went with saving my F+ guys for the semi-finals. And I'm really impressed with the main event of Smith and Reckless. I was pretty sure that they'd get a E+, but the D- was a pleasant surprise.


The angle between Singh and Gregg went six minutes and used Gregg's sex appeal. Both the pre-match attack and Brandon Smith promo went three minute. And I hope I am conveying the difference in Mad Dog Mortimer and Sensational Singh's gimmicks. Singh might be an egoistical sexist, but he does have some style. MD is just a creep, a huge creep.


And it looks like I only have two predictions, which means sense because this month was pretty easy to predict. Hopefully, I'll do better next time. ;)

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End Of The Month: March


End of the Month Notes

• World Importance: 34 of 34

• World Influence: 34 of 34

• Popularity: +0.8% (2.2%) Great Lakes

• Prestige: +0.1% (0.3%)

• Balance: +$598 ($3,222)

○ Worker Costs: $3,450

○ Sponsorship: $4,569




Since I've gone through most of the roster stuff like momentum and because I've gotten a set roster that I will be running with until I start making more money or I come up with a cool storyline that needs someone else to be involved, I'm going to talk about the backstage stuff.



Rating: Very Harmonious



Positive influence: Dharma Gregg and Martin Theocott

Becoming a locker room leader: Amber Allen, Jen Neptune, Kathy Neptune, Sensational Singh


And Xavier Reckless is a poisonous presence in the locker room, a source of constant tension and disruption


As you can see, the roster is filled with a bunch of boring, happy go lucky workers and Xavier Reckless who might as well be named Satan when you compare him to the rest of the roster. I would advise new players to try and avoid hiring guys with attitude because they are hard to work with (complain about losing and the like) and because they can and will piss off or "poison" the rest of the locker. That said, I have to admit that for diary writers a bad apple isn't the worst thing in the world to have as they will give you some writing material in addition to sometimes throwing a monkey wrench into your plans.


I'd also like to note that that in the few months of being a promotion we've had not one, but two positive relationships happen.


Feb: Kathy Neptune and Mark Smart are friends

March: Jen Neptune and Sensational Singh are friends


Wow, it looks like the Neptunes made quick work in finding their booty calls. ;)


Before I leave you with the predictions for the April show, I'd like to give my reasoning for extending the tournament through June. The most obvious reason is that the two semi-final matchups are both main event quality matches and it would be a waste not to use them as such. Secondly, by milking the tournament storyline, I can hold off on coming up with another storylines for the main eventers and focus a bit more on my undercard. IMO, getting over the undercard to your audience as well as in-game in a diary is key. For example, I don't think J Silver's fantastic USPW diary would be half as good if he didn't get over guys like Jim Force, Davis Wayne Newton, Cameroon Vessey, and all the over awesome undercard characters.


Quick Pick

Semi-Finals: Sayeed Ali vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond

Mark Smart vs. Sensational Singh

Ben Williams vs. Brimstone

Fearless Blue & The American Flash vs. Jefferson Stardust & Xavier Reckless

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NEO Flood Warning

Saturday, Week 4, April 2008

13 people at the Ohio Jewish Center


Fearless Blue and The American Flash defeated Xavier Reckless and Jefferson Stardust in 7:38 when Fearless Blue defeated Jefferson Stardust by pinfall with a Springboard Lariat. - E-

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Brimstone defeated Ben Williams in 5:42 by pinfall with an Ashes To Ashes. - F+

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Mad Dog Mortimer is in the ring with Amber Allen, Dharma Gregg, Jen Neptune and Kathy Neptune. He once again fails at conducting a swimsuit contest because of his sleazy nature. - D


Sensational Singh defeated Mark Smart in 9:51 by pinfall with a Cal-Cutter. - E

Notes: Sensational Singh and Mark Smart don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The color commentary gave the match a boost. The Generation Title Scene storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Dazzling Dave Diamond cuts a promo on the menacing Sayeed Ali. The promo is spliced together with video of Sayeed Ali that played during Great Beginnings. - D-

Notes: The Generation Title Scene storyline has continued with this segment.


Sayeed Ali defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 15:33 by pinfall with a G.B.H. Driver. - E+

Notes: Dazzling Dave Diamond was exhausted by the end. The color commentary gave the match a boost. The Generation Title Scene storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Overall: E+


Show Thoughts: I'm a little disappointed that Ali/Triple D didn't get a D- grade, but at the end of the day getting a E+ show isn't something to be disappointed in right now. Though I've got to say, I am loving running Mad Dog Mortimer's gimmick of being such a sleazy, disgusting guy that he keeps running off the contestants away before the contest can even start.


Xavier Reckless was unhappy with the losing even though he's not taking the pin and is kept strong. This guy is such a prick! I moved Mark Smart up to Midcard just to be safe in his 10 minute bout with Singh (and in a vain attempt to get Double S's momentum move). The "spliced" promo/menacing hype video was a self made hype angle with the catalyst, Triple D, being based on entertainment, and the subject, Sayeed Ali, being based on menace. Both angles went on for six minutes to take advantage of their ratings.

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End Of The Month: April


End of the Month Notes

• World Importance: 34 of 34

• World Influence: 34 of 34

• Popularity: +0.6% (2.8%) Great Lakes

• Prestige: +0.1% (0.4%)

• Balance: +$334 ($3,556)

○ Worker Costs: $4,100

○ Sponsorship: $4,607




With nothing to really talk about concerning my own promotion's happenings, I guess it's time to look around the C-Verse and see what's going on:


• As I was looking around the TEW universe, I stumbled upon what might be the greatest random tag team name of all time. Koshiro Ino and Eddie Peak are known in TCW as the…Roundhouse Puppy Kickers. They don’t just kick puppies, they kick them with roundhouse kicks. The only thing I am wondering is how do they get the puppies high enough to actually be kicked by a roundhouse kick? Do they use a pedestal or some kind of a doggy tee or do one of them toss the puppy in the air so the other can kick it down?


• Following in the footsteps of infinitywpi and Eayragt, CZCW also got a TV contract with Los Deporte Hoy during February and are pulling shows in the C range under the leadership of Coastal Zone Champion, Matt Sparrow.


• In other news, Japan's cult legend Ryu Kajahara retires. Sorry FIN.


• And in one of the sadder things I've seen in a long while, Steve Flash is leaving NYCW! NOOO!


• Apparently replacing Flash's spot on the roster will be NEO's own, Kashmir Singh. He will be using his Mr. Electricity gimmick as seen in Tigerkinney's wonderful FCW diary.


Quick Pick

Semi-Finals: Brandon Smith vs. Sensational Singh

Fearless Blue vs. Sayeed Ali

Ben Williams & Mark Smart vs. The Neptune Twins

The American Flash vs. Xavier Reckless

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• In other news, Japan's cult legend Ryu Kajahara retires. Sorry FIN.


He usually does that during 2008.. Altough with WEXXV it didn't matter that much, his A entertainment skills were still the main part of the show :) Keep up the good work foolinc, I've been reading this. This actually gave me an idea of a "Tips and hints" diary but.. I've already got two diaries going on, third one would just be too much. ^^ I'll be reading.

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He usually does that during 2008.. Altough with WEXXV it didn't matter that much, his A entertainment skills were still the main part of the show :) Keep up the good work foolinc, I've been reading this. This actually gave me an idea of a "Tips and hints" diary but.. I've already got two diaries going on, third one would just be too much. ^^ I'll be reading.


Thanks for the kind words. If you want you can always drop in and add some tips and hints of your own. That was really the whole point of the diary to begin with, to have the diary writing community comment with their own words of wisdom along with my own stuff.

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NEO I Can't Explain

Saturday, Week 4, May 2008

14 people at the Ohio Jewish Center


Mark Smart and Ben Williams, calling themselves the Internet Wrestling Connection, cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with The Neptune Twins. They put over the fact that they know just how good women can wrestle and won't be taking the Neptune Twins for granted. - E-


The Neptune Twins defeated I.W.C. in 5:04 when Jen Neptune defeated Ben Williams by pinfall with a handful of tights. During the match we also had Jefferson Stardust run in and attack Smarty. - F+

Notes: Mark Smart seemed off his game tonight. Ben Williams and Mark Smart have absolutely zero chemistry as partners. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Kathy Neptune is improving in Technical skills.


Jefferson Stardust, Jen Neptune and Kathy Neptune announce that they are forming an alliance, Startune Productions. - E+


Xavier Reckless defeated The American Flash in 7:53 by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT. - E-

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Xavier Reckless is improving in Flying skills.


Amber Allen is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Mad Dog Mortimer. Mad Dog tries one of his many offensive pickup lines. Allen tries to ignore him, but the ugly lounge lizard just won't give up. In frustration, Amber agrees to go out with him if he can beat her in a wrestling match next month. - E-


Sayeed Ali defeated Fearless Blue in 8:48 by pinfall with a G.B.H. Driver. - E+

Notes: Sayeed Ali seemed off his game tonight. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Fearless Blue is improving in Performance skills.


Xavier Reckless has a microphone, and tears into Fearless Blue for losing his match and says that at Crowning A Champion, the result will be the same. - E+


Brandon Smith defeated Sensational Singh in 17:47 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. - D-

Notes: The Generation Title Scene storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Sensational Singh is improving in Performance skills.


Overall: E+


Show Notes: SON OF A… I could really care less right now about getting another solid show in the books and how Smith/Singh is our best match to date because my face tag team, Mark Smart and Ben Williams, have ZERO chemistry as a team. >_


Oh well, since diary is in part suppose to be a being a learning tool for newer players, I guess this is a good opportunity to show what happens when one of your plans is blown to hell because of the AI getting in the way. And I guess it could have been worse. The Neptune Twins could have gotten the same chemistry problem. If that would have happened, I'd really be screwed.


To top it off, Mark Smart was unhappy about losing instead Ben Williams. What the hell is going on here?


Also, all the angles were three minutes long because I wanted to lay the ground work for some of the undercard matches at Crowning A Champion.

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One thing: With Mainstream that high and your angles scoring much better than your matches, I think switching the match/angle ratio to 70% or even 60% could be wise. If you don't like the needed storylines thing (Like I don't, I always switch it off) you can always turn it off from the options. You won't be progressing with that few angles compared to the amount of entertainment in your product setting.
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End Of The Month: May


End of the Month Notes

• World Importance: 34 of 34

• World Influence: 34 of 34

• Popularity: +0.8% (3.6%) Great Lakes

• Prestige: +0.1% (0.5%)

• Balance: +$520 ($4,076)

○ Worker Costs: $3,850

○ Sponsorship: $4,659




This was a pretty boring month for the promotion news wise, but we did have one big story about one of our top wrestlers. Brandon Smith has decided to start touring with WLW. This is great news for Smith and NEO as he's going to be getting a lot of match experience with will result in his already awesome skill set getting that much better. This means better matches and more skill transfers for NEO. As an added bonus, the AI isn't going to be able to make offers to him while he's on tour, which lessens the chance of him taking on offer that would end his NEO career.


One thing: With Mainstream that high and your angles scoring much better than your matches, I think switching the match/angle ratio to 70% or even 60% could be wise. If you don't like the needed storylines thing (Like I don't, I always switch it off) you can always turn it off from the options. You won't be progressing with that few angles compared to the amount of entertainment in your product setting.


This is an interesting idea, but I don't think I am going to be making this change. For one thing, since this diary is in part suppose to be a learning tool I'd rather leave as many options "on" as possible. Plus, I don't really like the changing product mid-stream without having a kayfabe reason for doing so. Not to mention, once I get big enough, NEO will go to a 1:30 minute format and I know I'd want to switch back.


When looking at the match list for Crowning A Champion, you might be wondering why Fearless Blue and Xavier are in a tag match when I kind of made it seem they were going to be in a singles match. The IWC's lack of tag chemistry has forced me to rethink my storylines. After thinking about it, the best choice to extend the Blue/Reckless feud as it will be able to deliver solid matches for the opener and more importantly because you guys seem to be enjoying seeing The Quest members.


NEO Crowning A Champion


Quick Pick

NEO Generation: Brandon Smith vs. Sayeed Ali

Fearless Blue & Triple D vs. Sensational Singh & Xavier Reckless

Amber Allen vs. Mad Dog Mortimer

Dharma Gregg & the I.W.C vs. Startune Productions


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Quick Pick

NEO Generation: Brandon Smith vs. Sayeed Ali

Fearless Blue & Triple D vs. Sensational Singh & Xavier Reckless

Amber Allen vs. Mad Dog Mortimer

Dharma Gregg & the I.W.C vs. Startune Productions


Now that I looked at it and read the product post to the end, you're being rated equally on performance and entertainment so that pretty much destroys my idea. The equal thing enables entertaining guys to get over by angles and good wrestlers getting over with matches so the 80% is just perfect! ^^ I'll be reading, liking it this far.

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Quick Pick

NEO Generation: Brandon Smith vs. Sayeed Ali


This is the big dance, and I think Ali is gonna use every trick in his bag to get the win over Brandon Smith. Also opens up the storyline possibilities.


Fearless Blue & Triple D vs. Sensational Singh & Xavier Reckless


Blue And 3D are strong, but Singh is the tipping point in what should be a close match.


Amber Allen vs. Mad Dog Mortimer


Sometimes, I just hope a guy can get a date, ya know? :p


Dharma Gregg & the I.W.C vs. Startune Productions


Having just formed, and not having the chance to showcase, I see Startune taking the win.

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Quick Pick

NEO Generation: Brandon Smith vs. Sayeed Ali

I'll go with the heel win followed by the face chasing the title. Anything that could make me root for Ali, I kinda like this guy now for obvious reasons.


Fearless Blue & Triple D vs. Sensational Singh & Xavier Reckless

Reckless does the talking, Blue does the wrestling, simple formula


Amber Allen vs. Mad Dog Mortimer

Mad Dog needs a win to look credile (huh..) with women.


Dharma Gregg & the I.W.C vs. Startune Productions

One side : they lack chemistry; other side : a new trio. I'll take the trio, easy choice.

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NEO Generation: Brandon Smith vs. Sayeed Ali


Unless you really want to go for the feel good factor of having a face as your first champion, I like other see Ali pulling every trick in the book to take the title and have BBS and maybe a few other faces chase the heel champ.


Fearless Blue & Triple D vs. Sensational Singh & Xavier Reckless


Singh gives his team the edge, this just the level of fed that Singh could finally crack making the main event in.


Amber Allen vs. Mad Dog Mortimer


Roll up win, Amber's got a lot of potential and it's not like Mad Dog will ever be champ material.


Dharma Gregg & the I.W.C vs. Startune Productions


I don't see much of a push for the team with zero chemistry.

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NEO Crowning A Champion

Saturday, Week 4, June 2008

13 people at the Ohio Jewish Center


Amber Allen defeated Mad Dog Mortimer in 6:53 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. - E

Notes: The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Jen Neptune, Kathy Neptune and Jefferson Stardust defeated Dharma Gregg and I.W.C. in 6:07 when Jefferson Stardust defeated Ben Williams by pinfall with a handful of tights. - F+

Notes: Dharma Gregg seemed off her game tonight. Jen Neptune was really off her game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Dharma Gregg is improving in Flying skills. Ben Williams is improving in Performance skills.


Sensational Singh and Xavier Reckless drew with Fearless Blue and Dazzling Dave Diamond in 9:45 following a double disqualification. - E

Notes: The color commentary gave the match a boost. The Generation Title Scene storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Dazzling Dave Diamond is improving in Rumble skills.


Fearless Blue and Xavier Reckless continue fighting after the bell sounds all the way to the back. - F


A hype video for the NEO Generational title match between Brandon Smith and Sayeed Ali. - D+

Notes: The Generation Title Scene storyline has continued with this segment.

Brandon Smith defeated Sayeed Ali in 19:38 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. Brandon Smith wins the NEO Generation title. - D-

Notes: The Generation Title Scene storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Sayeed Ali is improving in Technical skills.


Overall: E+




Show Thoughts: As weird as it sounds, I'm a slightly disappointed with the main event as it didn't overtake the previous month's main event as the best match of the year and the show itself didn't overtake March Madness as the best show of the year. That said, another E+ show is pretty good for us and Allen/Mortimer getting an E was a pleasant surprise. Plus we were able to finally crown our first champion, so that's something right?


In other news, Mark Smart was unhappy about losing again and now is now unhappy with how many losses he has taken. I really don't get why he'd be the one that's upset since he's so low on the card and I usually don't have trouble with him. I bet this is all Reckless's doing! :cool: The hype video was based on menace and was six minutes long, while the post match brawl went on for two minutes. The rest of the time I usually put aside for promos went to the main event.


Since mostly everyone thought that Sayeed Ali was going to get the strap, I think I need to explain myself for choosing Brandon Smith as the first NEO Generation champion. Personally, I like all kinds of champions and am open to booking them all, from the monster heel to the underdog face champion. However, I feel the 1st champion needs to be someone that represents everything the company stands for and that man is Brandon Smith.


By crowning my first champion, it's now time to decided on what kind of reign he's going to have, whether it's going to be long run like WWE's first real champion, Bruno Sammartino, or a short run like ROH's first champ, Low Ki. I guess we'll find out what kind of reign it is, won't we? ;)

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Hah! I was right and the only one who predicted that Smith would win ^^ I thought that that was just because his selling skill is so bad.. You can get far better matches when he's winning than when he's losing. A good start, I would avoid overness based angles as much as possible. Don't get depressed of the E+ and D- matches and ratings, remember that you started from nothing.
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Hah! I was right and the only one who predicted that Smith would win ^^ I thought that that was just because his selling skill is so bad.. You can get far better matches when he's winning than when he's losing. A good start, I would avoid overness based angles as much as possible. Don't get depressed of the E+ and D- matches and ratings, remember that you started from nothing.


Oh trust me, I'm not depressed at all. I've done these too many times to not know the grades I'm suppose to be getting. ;)

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End Of The Month: June


End of the Month Notes

• World Importance: 34 of 34

• World Influence: 34 of 34

• Popularity: +0.8% (4.4%) Great Lakes

• Prestige: +0.1% (0.6%)

• Balance: -$655 ($3,421)

○ Worker Costs: $4,300

○ Sponsorship: $4,677




With six months of matches in the books and a champion crowned, it's time see how working in NEO has effected the popularity of our wrestlers in the Great Lakes region:


Great Lakes Popularity

E-: Brandon Smith and Sayeed Ali

F+: Dazzling Dave Diamond and Sensational Singh

F: Amber Allen, Brimstone, Fearless, Jen Neptune, Mad Dog Mortimer, The American Flash, and Xavier Reckless

F-: Ben Williams, Dharma Gregg, Jefferson Stardust, Kathy Neptune, and Mark Smart


The first thing that sticks out has to be Brandon Smith and Sayeed Ali jump to E- range popularity. While I was expecting Brandon Smith to make the jump after three straight wins, with two of them being the same letter grade as Smith and one being for a main event title, seeing Sayeed Ali make the jump after loosing is a good sign that I signed the right people to carry my promotion. On a side note, let's give a hand to Jen Neptune for getting to F popularity without being give a huge push.


In other news Amber Allen to tour with 5SSW, which as I said before is always good to hear.


NEO Breakthrough

Quick Picks

#1 Contender: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Fearless Blue vs. Sensational Singh vs. Xavier Reckless

Non-Title: Brandon Smith vs. Brimstone

Kathy Neptune vs. Mark Smart

Ben Williams vs. Sayeed Ali

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