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Firstly sorry to those who are waiting for replies from the past few weeks hiatus, moving house, hospital visits and work have kept my focus on the real world. I read every PM and appreciate every one!


Now to the subject of the post title, Genadi Inc. is changing names, assembling a new team and taking on the biggest task yet. The help we received for the 2002 mod was exceptional but sporadic. We need a few more team members for the next project, it's a biggie. I'm very happy and excited to announce Phil Parent has officially come on board, his mod making skills are legendary and we've already seen the great effect he can have when working on a mod. Fenoli is of course still on the team, he doesn't have a say really I sneakily had him sign a 25 year deal a few years back, he was under the impression he was signing autographs... little did he know that little groupie was our solicitor in disguise :p


We currently need.....


* 2 Pic Cutters (For mostly people pics but also a whole new idea we have which will require some crafty pic making.


* 1 more tester, all of you who tested for 2002 are still on our list, if you want to be that is.


* 1 Bio Writer (Someone PM'd me some great demos of their bio writing work a few weeks back but I lost the PM! If you can let me know it's you we'd love to have you on board).


Please send your request via PM, and watch this space for some exciting news coming soon.

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