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Cverse Draft 2009: Frontier Combat Kingdom

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Number 1 Contender Match : Dan DaLay vs Jeremy Stone

Jeremy and Johnny will produce far better matches. Plus DaLay is lame.


Tag Team Qualifier: Natural Storm vs Dirty White Boys

Everybody loves them Dirty White Boys ...and Bombshell.


Troy Tornado vs Harry Allen

You've turned Harry Allen into one of my favourite C-Verse wrestlers, so I'll vote for him.


‘FCK Women’ ClusterFCK featuring: Blonde Bombshell, Catherine Quine, Chitose Kumasaka, Melody Cuthill, Stephanie Blake and many more...

And I do not know why.

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Number 1 Contender Match : Dan DaLay vs Jeremy Stone

Tag Team Qualifier: Natural Storm vs Dirty White Boys

Troy Tornado vs Harry Allen

‘FCK Women’ ClusterFCK featuring: Blonde Bombshell, Catherine Quine, Chitose Kumasaka, Melody Cuthill, Stephanie Blake and many more...

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Jerry Eisen “It’s a new era in the Frontier Combat Kingdom; the first episode of ‘FCK Mondays!’ under the control of my father, Richard Eisen. I’m Jerry Eisen and with me is my new full-time commentary partner, the Real American Hero; Sam Strong. How are you feeling, Mr. Strong?”

Sam Strong “Bit banged up, but happy to be here. Obviously I’d prefer to be running the show, but your Dad beat me fair and square, and if I’m not running the Kingdom, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than here on commentary... but don’t tell your Dad that, he probably thinks it’s a punishment for me to be out here.”

Jerry Eisen “Big changes to the Kingdom have already been announced. A tournament to determine the first ever “FCK Tag Team Wrestling” champions. A boost to the ‘FCK Women’ division. Mandatory drug testing for every single member of the Kingdom...”

Sam Strong “Yeah, all that’s going down tonight. I saw all the athletic commissioners backstage... It’s crazy back there... But all good things. So far so good.”

Jerry Eisen “Speaking of good, tonight’s Main Event is a Number One contender's match. ‘The Canadian Wrestling Machine’ Jeremy Stone takes on ‘The Giant Amongst Giants’ Dan DaLay for the chance to fight the Frontier Combat King, Johnny Blood at our next PPV spectacular, the Summer FCK-fest.

Sam Strong “Last time these two fought, Dan DaLay came out on top, but it was far from decisive. This one could go either way.”







The newly crowned Frontier Combat King; JOHNNY BLOOD stands in the middle of the ring, FCK Title on his shoulder, glaring at the crowd, furious that they‘re not giving him the reception he feels he deserves.



I told you! I told you I was better than Dan DaLay! I told you I was better

than Jeremy Stone! You didn’t believe me! Saturday night I beat them

both at the same time! Now I’m the Champion! Now I’m the best!

Now I’m the Frontier Combat King! And just in case you’re wondering,

I’m 100% clean! The Frontier Combat Kingdom is a drug free zone!

Anyone who doesn’t like it can either get oot or deal with me!


Tonight we’re gonna find oot who gets to be my first challenger! My first

victim! Dan DaLay! I’ve always been better than you! Adrian Garcia made

a big mistake favoring you over me! I pinned your fat ass at ‘Going to War’

and next time you get in the ring with me I’m going to tear your throat out!


Jeremy Stone! I’m tired of people thinking I’m the student! I’m tired of

people thinking you’re better than me! I’ve taken everything you taught

me at the House of Stone and I made it better! I’m at the next level! I

may have never beaten you, but it’s just a matter of time! No one thinks

I can do it, but I’ll prove them wrong!


I don’t care which of you I fight at the ‘Summer FCK-fest’! Whichever it is, I

will rip them apart! I will tear them limb from limb! The only way you’re going

to get this title is if you rip it from my cold dead hands! I’m the

Submission Demon, Johnny Blood, the Frontier Combat King!



Loud 80’s Rock Music kicks off and the lights go nuclear as THE DIRTY WHITE CREW make a typically lengthy entrance, LEAD BELLY and GREASE HOGG taking their time in getting themselves and every fan around them as drunk as humanly possible, accompanied by a writhing, gyrating BLONDE BOMBSHELL.





Jerry Eisen “Whichever team wins this match will qualify for the Round Robin Tag Team Tournament to determine the first ‘FCK Tag Team Wrestling’ Champions.”

Sam Strong “The Dirty White Boys have to be considered the favorites to win here, but don’t count out DC Rayne & ET Howard. Natural Storm are a very hungry team from North Carolina and an upset here could be just the break they’re looking for.


The DWB dominate early with wild, drunken brawling, spurred on by Blonde Bombshell’s erotic gyrations. Natural Storm try to isolate Hogg in their corner, but the intoxicated biker doesn’t seem to be feeling pain in his current state, so manages to battle through and make the tag. Lead Belly tosses his opponents around like ragdolls, pressing DC over his head and dumping him out to the floor, and hitting The RPM Bomb (Spinning Crucifix Toss) on ET for the win.




Jerry Eisen “The Dirty White Boys are the first of 5 teams to qualify for the ‘FCK Tag Team Wrestling” tournament.”

Sam Strong “Formidable.”





The backstage area is teeming with athletic commissioners, certified drug testers and FCK Bunnies dressed as slutty nurses, all carrying out the extensive and highly bureaucratical drug testing procedures.




DAN DALAY selects one of many identical, factory-sealed, plastic cups, and heads into the Men’s Bathroom. A small bespeckled man with a clipboard follows him in, much to the Giant’s displeasure. Camera crew in tow, DHARMA GREGG sidles up to Garcia, who’s in the process of filling out a mountain of paperwork.



Hey Adrian, I’m kinda surprised you still have a job after losing at

‘Going to War’.



Dharma, Dharma, Dharma... As long as fighters are willing to invest

the 9.8% for my top-class representation, I’ll be here. However, I don’t

want to talk aboot me, I want to talk aboot Dan DaLay; who by all rights

should still be your Frontier Combat King. He only lost because Stone

and Blood took advantage of the three-way rules and worked together.

One-on-one, The Giant Amongst Giants is unbeatable. One-on-one, that

ingrate Johnny Blood would never have taken away our title.


For some ridiculous reason, DaLay has to “earn” his rematch by fighting

Jeremy Stone, but that’s not going to be a problem. Jeremy Stone may

be a legend, he may be the best in-ring technician in the world today,

but all of that technical knowhow is going to mean absolutely nothing

against the 6’7, 345lbs, Giant Amongst Giants.. Dan DaLay is going

to plough through Jeremy Stone tonight, and then he’s going to

get his belt back at the ‘Summer FCKfest’.


An annoyed Dan DaLay exits the Men’s Bathroom, trailed by the small, bespeckled man, who scribbles on his clipboard. DaLay hands his urine sample to a disgusted scantily clad FCK Bunny and storms off, closely followed by The Agent To The Stars.






CATHERINE QUINE makes her way down the ramp and sits at the announce desk.


Catherine Quine “Move over. This show is in dire need of someone who knows what they’re talking about when it comes to female fighters.”

Sam Strong “You do know who my daughter is, right?”




Ecstatic, CHITOSE KUMSAKA practically skips to the ring.


Sam Strong “The daughter of veteran ass-kicker Danger Kumasaka, Chitose’s still young, but if she has even half of her father’s skill, she’ll be a force to be reckoned with soon enough.”

Catherine Quine “Shame she decided to dishonor her family by ‘shacking up’ with a pint-sized cowboy.”




BLONDE BOMBSHELL writhes and gyrates her way through the crowd, indiscriminately giving lap dances to any within range, young or old, male or female.


Jerry Eisen “The Dirty White Girl; Blonde Bombshell making her in-ring debut.”

Catherine Quine “Have people not been listening to me? The ring is no place for untrained strippers!”




Full of energy, JOANNE RODRIGUEZ sprints down the ramp and somersaults into the ring.


Jerry Eisen “Joanne Rodriguez is an high flying luchador from Mexico. Something of a world traveller. She’s won titles in Mexico, America, Japan, and now she’s looking to do the same in Canada.”

Catherine Quine “Ugh. She looks like she’s wearing more material on her face than the rest of her body. Put some clothes on!”




DEBBIE ROSE and KATE LILLY walk hand-in-hand to the ring, wearing matching outfits and holding the ropes open for each other.


Jerry Eisen “At 21 and 20, the Delicate Flowers are the two youngest additions to the division, Debbie Rose and Kate Lilly are ‘BFF’s’ who “do everything together”. A very promising tag team.”

Catherine Quine “They certainly have good credentials, having been trained by some of the best in the sport, but I can’t imagine the Frontier Combat Kingdom being a very good influence on these young, impressionable girls”




STEPHANIE BLAKE strides to the ring.


Sam Strong “Her record in the Frontier Combat Kingdom may not reflect it, but Stephanie Blake is very talented and very dangerous.”

Catherine Quine “One of the few respectable fighters’ in this division. Even I’m jealous of her masterful use of the DDT.”




Leather clad and sneering, ROXY KITTEN saunters to the ring, cursing like a sailor at the crowd.


Jerry Eisen “At 5’2 and 99lbs, Roxy is the smallest competitor in the ring tonight.”

Catherine Quine “She looks... ‘dirty’. Like she woke up on the floor of some aging rock star’s hotel bathroom.”




Eerily calm and poised, NIGHTSHADE practically glides to the ring with an almost ethereal grace.


Jerry Eisen “I had a brief chat with Nightshade earlier, and she said her hobbies include ‘listening to the screams of children’ and ‘pulling the legs off of spiders’.”

Catherine Quine “I... really? That’s unsettling.”




MELODY CUTHILL makes a point of slapping the hand of every fan within reach as she makes her way to the ring.


Jerry Eisen “Arguably the best women wrestler in the world today.”

Catherine Quine “Ugh. One can only wonder what foreign substances are going to come up when she gets drug tested. It’s the only explanation for her beating me on Saturday.”










The bell rings and the battle begins! Stephanie plants both Joanne and Nightshade with a tremendous double DDT, before charging, shrieking, at Melody, who backdrops her out (Elimination 1: Stephanie Blake) Meanwhile, Kate Lilly and Debbie Rose gang up on Chitose and double-hiptoss her out (Elimination 2: Chitose Kumasaka).


Completely oblivious to the fight, Blonde Bombshell writhes and gyrates to the rhythm of the music in her head, until Nightshade clotheslines her out (Elimination 3: Blonde Bombshell) The Delicate Flowers continue to stick together as they double-hiptoss out Roxy (Elimination 4: Roxy Kitten) before trying to do the same to Melody. The Excellence of Sexecution struggles against the double-barreled onslaught of Lily & Rose.


Meanwhile, Joanne Rodriguez keeps Nightshade off balance with a series of unorthodox Lucha style rolls and Ranas. She dumps her over the top, but Nightshade manages to hold on the the bottom rope and slither back in the ring. Rodriguez comes to Melody’s rescue, throwing out Lilly (Elimination 5: Kate Lilly) and giving Melody the chance to eliminate Rose (Elimination 6: Debbie Rose). Nightshade stalks J-Ro, decapitates her with a Roundhouse Kick to the head and dumps her out (Elimination 7: Joanne Rodriguez).


The final two competitors in the ring; Melody Cuthill and Nightshade, go toe-to-toe, battling to throw each other over the top, but neither quite able to manage it. Nightshade goes for a Tornado DDT, but Melody counters with a Northern Lights Suplex, Melody tries to follow up with the Melody Maker, but Nightshade catches her with a backbreaker.


Melody and Nightshade battle to throw each other over the top, when Catherine Quine suddenly slides into the ring and dumps both women over the top rope and out onto the floor. (Eliminations 8 & 9: Melody Cuthill & Nightshade).




The Cat celebrates her ‘victory’ as Melody & Nightshade catch their breath on the floor, having taken each other to the limit.


Jerry Eisen “Huh... Didn’t realise The Cat was in the fight... although I guess it was a 10 woman ClusterFCK.”

Sam Strong “She calls herself a ‘Real Fighter’ but that was one of the most cowardly, despicable ways of winning a match I’ve seen in a long time... However, a great showing from Melody and the newcomers Nightshade and Joanne Rodriguez.”






Age 42 years old

Hailing From Bethlehem Pennsylvania

Height 6’7

Weight 293lbs

Past Accomplishments 4-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion

Strengths Intelligence, Vast Experience, Fighting Spirit

Specialty Moves Test of Faith Leap of Faith


After losing his parents in a car accident when he was just a baby, Christian was raised in an orphanage by the nuns of St. Paul's. Idolizing such men as Mickey Starr, Rick Rumble and Rocky Streets, Young Christian strove to become a wrestler like his heroes, and with hard work, dedication, and unwavering faith, he achieved his dream and made it to the SWF, dubbing himself “Christian Faith” as an ode to his pious upbringing. Faith made an immediate impression, particularly on then-Heavyweight Champion Sam Strong, who took the 300lb rookie under his wing, kicking off a lifelong friendship that continues to this day.


In the late 90's, when SWF Owner Richard Eisen's thirst for power was at it's height, Christian Faith was one of the few men who stood up to the tyrannical billionaire, and through that act of defiance, Christian went from formidable wrestler to international superstar. Faith and Eisen spent the better part of the next decade in an all-out-war, but no matter how much money, resources and gigantic monsters Eisen threw at him, he couldn’t stop The Iron Man.


Looking for new challenges after the 2009 Draft, Christian Faith has come to the Frontier Combat Kingdom to fight the best Canada has to offer, and he seems to have found it, coming up short against Steve DeColt at ‘FCK Going To War’. However, it seems old habits die hard, as he has once again butted heads with old foe and new FCK CEO, Richard Eisen. Will the war continue?







HARRY ALLEN exits the bathroom and hands his urine sample to a scantily clad FCK Bunny, before turning and spotting STEVE GUMBLE at the other end of the corridor. The Young Guns’ eyes meet and narrow, carefully watching to see what the other’s going to do. It’s a good ol’ fashioned Cowboy standoff! Harry flicks the hair out of his eyes. Gumble takes a long, nervous drag on a cigarette.



So... Where do we sign up for this tournament thingy?


Expecting more of a “pistols at dawn” response, Gumble is taken aback.


HARRY ALLEN (continued)

Well I assumed the whole reason you wanted Eisen to make those tag

titles was so the best dang tag team in the Frontier Combat Kingdom

could hold ‘em. You ain’t ditchin’ me are ya?


STEVE GUMBLE (relieved)




Then saddle up, partner, cuz I need a favour. Gotta fight Troy Tornado

in a minute, and with all his Bodyguards runnin’ around, it looks like

I’m gonna need some backup. You know, someone I can trust. You in?





The Young Guns are about to shake hands, when-




An ecstatic CHITOSE KUMASAKA bounds in from out of nowhere and leaps into Harry’s arms. Steve Gumble grumbles, casting Chitose a cold look as he follows his partner towards the ring.



/w Bodyguards TROY TORNADO VS HARRY ALLEN /w Chitose & Gumble



Sam Strong “Great to see The Young Guns back together after the events of ‘FCK Going To War’. As accomplished a singles wrestler as I think Harry has become, there’s no question that The Young Guns are an exceptional tag team.”

Jerry Eisen “Two fantastic young talents about to go at it here. They clashed in a fantastic ladder match at ‘Going To War’ but lets see who comes out on top one-on-one.”


Things start fast as Tornado & Harry go move-for-move in a lightning-fast game of anything-you-can-do-I-can-do-better. Tornado has the definite size & strength advantage, but Harry outclasses him at everything else, prompting Troy to throw a massive tantrum of diva-like proportions. Knuckles climbs onto the apron and takes an immediate dropkick to the face, but Tornado takes advantage of the distraction and decapitates The Vigilante with The Starmaker (High Velocity Flying Forearm).


Tornado wears Harry down with high impact, overly complicated maneuvers, taking his sweet time over each one, making sure to set Harry up just right. Tornado takes far too long climbing the turnbuckles, allowing Harry to regain his senses and surprise him with a FrankenRana. The Vigilante fires up. No fuss, no showboating, just straight up, high-impact DDT’s, neckbreakers and springboard strikes.


Tornado scores a desperation thumb to the eye, and goes for the Cyclogenesis (Reverse Underhook Driver) but Harry shoves him into the turnbuckle, crushes him with driving double-knees and hits the Gunslinger’s Revenge (Cutter) for the win.




Troy Tornado rolls outside to the safety of his Bodyguards and starts pitching a fit, screaming at Knuckles and Shady K to get some revenge. The Bodyguards obliges, climbing into the ring and cornering Harry. Steve Gumble joins his partner in the ring. Knuckles & Shady K think better of taking on the reunited Young Guns, and bail, following Tornado, in full-tantrum-mode.







JEREMY STONE stands at the urinal, shirt off, pants down to his ankles. A small bespeckled man looks over his shoulder, standing just a little too close for comfort, watching The Canadian Wrestling Machine collect a urine sample. Satisfied, the man scribbles on his clipboard and leaves with the sample, allowing Jeremy to pull up his pants moments before...




...EDD STONE bursts in. Jeremy is immediately on his guard, but Edd doesn’t seem as hyperactive as usual. He looks rather nervous.



Whoa there, Jez. I’m not here to fight. I… I just… I spent a lot of time

in the emergency room over the weekend, you know, after Raul Hughes

knocked me out twice in one night, and it gave me a chance to think. I

want to come back. I want to be part of the Stone Clan again. Straight

shooting. Technical wrestling. All that jazz. I’m going to put aside all of

my high-flying, awesome-partying ways, so we can be a team. A tag

team. I don’t know about you, but I think the Stone Bro’s would totally

rock that Tag Team Round Robin Tournament thingy.


Jeremy is taken aback. This is everything he could have hoped for. He tries to play it cool, but can’t help but show his joy. Edd reads his expression as agreement.



So… Seeing as we’re friends and all, partners and stuff… I need a favor,

only you’ve got to promise to not get angry or ask any follow-up questions.






I need some clean urine.


All of the joy instantly drains from Jeremy’s face, replaced by bitter disappointment and a touch of anger. Edd has his answer.



Typical! The one time I ask you for something! It’s not like I did anything

“performance enhancing”. I just went out last night and things went a

little loco. Everyone was doing it. It was my first time, I swear… well…

not my first time, but… Fine! That’s how it is, then? You’re all friendly

when I’m offering to be your meat shield in the tag tournament, but I

make ONE mistake and you’re happy to let me get fed to the wolves.

Some brother you are. Whatever dude! I don’t need you anyway.


Edd storms out. Jeremy tries to stay calm and process things, but slams his fist into the wall in an uncharacteristic burst of rage.












STEVE DECOLT makes his way to the ring, basking in the adulation, microphone in hand.



Ladies and Gentlemen. This is the Varsity Arena! This is Ontario! THIS!

IS! DECOLT COUNTRY! Tonight, Dan DaLay and Jeremy Stone are

gonna fight to become Number 1 contender for the FCK Title, and it got

me thinking. Why isn’t Steve DeColt in that match? Why isn’t Steve

DeColt fighting for the chance to fight for the chance at the FCK Title?

I could list all of my accomplishments, my accolades, the notches on

my Championship bedpost. I could mention how last Wednesday I beat

SWF legend Christian Faith in the toughest fight of my career. I could

waste your time talking about the titles, the tournaments, the Victoria

Secret models…Or I could just ask one question… WHO RULES?


The crowd answer ‘DeColt Rules!’



That’s right! I know it, you know it, but apparently the new CEO of

the Frontier Combat Kingdom doesn’t know it, and that’s a shame

because if Steve DeColt was in tonight’s Main Event, it would be BAM!

DeColt Stampede on Dan DaLay, BAM! DeColt Stampede on Jeremy

Stone. BAM! The Raging Bull would be DeColt Stampeding his way

to the Summer FCK-fest and that’s a DeColt Guarantee!


A blinding white light fills the arena, accompanied by the sounds of an angelic choir. The entrance way EXPLODES in fireworks. Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man” booms out across the arena! CHRISTIAN FAITH makes his way down the ramp!





When I came to the Frontier Combat Kingdom, I said I wanted to fight

the best Canada had to offer. Wednesday night I got my wish. Steve, I’ve

been in this sport a long time and our battle was one of the toughest

fights I’ve ever had, and you beat me. On that night you were the

better man... Saturday however, was another thing entirely.


Lessons. “Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the

discerning get guidance.” You may have beat me on Wednesday, but

in Saturday’s ClusterFCK match, I came out on top. Why? Because I

learned lessons from everything you did. Every punch. Every kick. Every

slam. Every Stampede... It taught me one important thing; How to beat

you. You’re talking about wanting a title shot, but you haven’t finished

with me just yet. It’s not about the battle, it’s about the war, and I

have your tactics and strategies all mapped out. You beat me once,

but you can’t beat me again, I-


He’s cut off by the arrival of...




RAUL HUGHES marches down the ramp, looking ready to start knocking people out.



You two are talking about ‘title shots’? I hate to break it to you, DeColt,

but “Daddy” isn’t in charge around here, and Faith, you old mentor isn’t

making the matches, so things aren’t as easy as what you’re used to.

You don’t get things just because you ask. Not any more. You have

to earn them.


I was the most dominant force at Going To War. Night 1; fought twice,

won twice. Night 2; fight twice, and I would have won twice if Christian

Faith hadn’t sucker punched me in the ClusterFCK match. I was the

MVP of Team Eisen and if it wasn’t for me, Richard Eisen wouldn’t be

in control of the Frontier Combat Kingdom. So if anyone deserves

to get a title shot, it’s me.


That’s the difference between me and you silver-spooned white boys.

You expect things to be given to you, while I take what I want. While you

were babysat by the legends of this sport, I grew up with nothing and I

fought every single day to become what I am, to earn what I earned.

Punch by punch, I have let nothing stand in my way.



Nice speech. Does it have a point?



The point is I could knock both of you out without breaking a sweat.



I'd like to see you try.


Raul Hughes swings a Left Hook, but DeColt ducks and tackles him straight into Faith. All three men start throwing hands in an ugly brawl as Security and Referees hit the ring to break them up.




Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by The Agent to the Stars; Adrian Garcia... Hailing from Grande Prairie, Alberta. He stands at 6’7 and weighs in at 345lbs. A former CGC Triple Crown Winner and the first ever Frontier Combat King! The Giant amongst Giants...



...and his opponent, weighing in at 235lbs. Fighting out of the House of Stone, Halifax, Nova Scotia. He is a former 4 time NOTBPW Champion. “The Canadian Wrestling Machine”...



Jerry Eisen “Here we go. Both of these men came up short on Saturday night, but the winner here tonight will go on to face Johnny Blood in 5 weeks time at the Summer FCKfest‘”

Sam Strong “A lot of people are betting on Jeremy, but I think DaLay has great chance to win. His sheer size negates the majority of Jeremy’s arsenal, especially his precision suplexes. Adrian Garcia is on the outside to run interference, and if you look at Jeremy’s left knee, it’s heavily braced. A possible weakness for the Canadian Wrestling Machine.”

Jerry Eisen “With everything on the line, this should be one Hell of a fight.”


Jeremy tries to take DaLay to ground, but he’s too big and strong. DaLay roars with laughter, but Jeremy merely adapts, widens his base, changes his centre of gravity and takes him down with an extraordinary suplex. DaLay is quickly back up to his feet, but Jeremy immediately goes to work with precision leg-kicks, chopping the giant down at the knees, until a Rolling Wheel Kick puts him on his back and at the Canadian Wrestling Machine’s mercy. Jeremy works over a practically helpless DaLay with a series of intricate and expert submission attempts.


Adrian Garcia climbs onto the apron, distracting Jeremy long enough for DaLay to power free, get to his feet and level Jeremy with a massive clothesline. DaLay goes to work with Clubbing blows and powerful throws, taking immense pleasure at the punishment he’s inflicting.


He puts Stone over his shoulder for a Running Powerslam, but Jeremy wriggles free, latches onto his opponents back and locks in a Sleeper Hold, cutting off DaLay’s oxygen and bringing him slowly but surely down to his knees. The Canadian Wrestling Machine unloads with chops, knee strikes and a vicious spinning back fist, and goes for the Stone’s Throw (Exploder Suplex) but his knee buckles under the tremendous weight, allowing DaLay to scoop him up and hurl his across the ring with a huge body slam.


Following Adrian Garcia’s frantic instructions, DaLay sloppily attacks Jeremy’s leg. What he lacks in technique, he makes up for by being gigantic. Every punch, every kick, dealing a frightening amount of damage due to his massive fists and feet.


Jeremy explodes in a last-gasp effort with a huge German Suplex. In a tremendous show of strength and fortitude, he drags him to his feet and hits another... and another... DaLay rocks him with a headbutt and scoops him up for the DaLay Down (Belly To Belly Piledriver) but Jeremy slips out takes him down with the Stone Hold (Crossface) Dan DaLay taps!




Jerry Eisen “There you have it folks, Jeremy Stone goes on to face the FCK Champion at the Summer FCKfest.”

Sam Strong “Keep in mind Johnny Blood has never beaten his old mentor before, so we could be looking at a short title reign for the Submission Demon.”

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Johnny Blood Promo...B+

Dirty White Entrance... C+

Natural Storm vs Dirty White Boys... E+

Adrian Garcia Promo... B+

Girl’s Entrances... C

FCK Women ClusterFCK... C-

Young Guns... C+

Troy Tornado vs Harry Allen... C

Stone Brothers Chat... B

Faith, DeColt & Hughes Argue.... B+

Dan DaLay vs Jeremy Stone... B


The Marksman gives this show a B-

Early reports put the rating at 0.29



The card for next week’s ‘FCK Mondays!’ according to fckwrestling.ca


Raul Hughes vs Christian Faith

Danger Kumasaka vs Steve DeColt

Nightshade vs Joanne Rodriguez

Tag Team Qualifier: Shady K & Knuckles vs The Young Guns

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Sweet show, dude. Interesting that the trigger on Stone vs. Bloodstone has been pulled - or at least, that aim is seriously being taken.


Raul Hughes vs Christian Faith

Faith has to wear Hughes down like anyone else - Hughes has to score one punch.


Danger Kumasaka vs Steve DeColt

What, is he not retired yet?


Nightshade vs Joanne Rodriguez

The power of EEEEEEEEEEEVIL triumphs!


Tag Team Qualifier: Shady K & Knuckles vs The Young Guns


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RICHARD EISEN sits behind a desk, a smug little smile on his face.



Good evening. I’m Richard Eisen. Businessman. Billionaire. CEO of the

Frontier Combat Kingdom. I’ll keep this brief. The following members of

the Frontier Combat Kingdom failed last Monday’s mandatory drug test.



  • DC Rayne. Tested positive for stanzolol, anastrozole and genotropin. Fired.
  • Ed Monton. Tested positive for anastrozole. Fired.
  • Lead Belly. Tested positive for Cannabis. Suspended. 28 days.
  • Grease Hogg. Tested positive for Cannabis and a variety of animal tranquilizers. Suspended. 28 days.
  • Haru Kurofuji. Tested positive for somatropin and chorionic gonadotropin. Fired.
  • Troy Tornado. Tested positive for Cocaine. Suspended. 28 days.
  • Roxy Kitten. Tested positive for Cocaine. Suspended. 28 days.
  • Stephanie Blake. Tested positive for stanozonol. Fired.
  • Christian Faith. Tested positive for an assortment of performance enhancing drugs. Suspended. 28 days.



In light of this last suspension, there will be a change to this Monday’s card.

Replacing Christian Faith in the fight against Raul Hughes will be The 24

Hour Party Animal, Edd Stone. Let these punishments be a warning to the

rest of you. I will not tolerate drug use of any kind by my employees. I’m

Richard Eisen, and I’m in control.

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Jerry Eisen “Welcome everybody to the Frontier Combat Kingdom, which is still reeling from the results of last week’s drug tests. Clearly, my father is deadly serious about keeping the Kingdom clean of drugs, firing and suspending several major names in the Frontier Combat Kingdom. Troy Tornado; Suspended. The Dirty White Boys; Suspended. Ed Monton; Fired. And of course the major surprise, Christian Faith testing positive for ‘an assortment of performance enhancing drugs‘. Christian Faith; Suspended.”

Sam Strong “Now as much as I support drug testing, that one doesn’t sit right with me. I’ve know Christian for 20 years, I helped him when he first got started in the sport, I’ve fought at his side, I... I just find it hard to believe that he would take drugs… And your father took far too much pleasure in announcing it for my liking. We all know they have history.”

Jerry Eisen “Just what are you implying here? My Father has also had his troubles with The Dirty White Boys. Do you think they‘re suspension was suspect too?”

Sam Strong “Honestly? No. I’m kinda surprised the DWB only failed for Pot and Painkillers. And Eisen suspended Troy Tornado, a man who helped him at ’Going To War’. On the whole I think the drug testing was all above board and fair, but… This wouldn’t be the first time Richard Eisen’s hatred of Christian Faith has gotten the better of him.”

Jerry Eisen “Christian Faith was scheduled to fight Raul Hughes in tonight’s Main Event, but instead will be replaced by The 24 Hour Party Animal; Edd Stone. Should be a great fight.”

Sam Strong “Absolutely.”







People call me “the best student to come out of the House of Stone”!

I take that as an insult! I am far and beyond everything Jeremy Stone

ever taught me! The House of Stone is beneath me!


At the House of Stone, we were taught how to identify an opponent’s

weakness!How to isolate it! How to incapacitate it! How to pick it apart

and get the submission without inflicting any lasting damage… That’s

not enough for me! When I fight, I WANT to inflict lasting damage! I want

to tear ligaments! I want to shred muscles! I want to snap bones! I want

to rip shoulders out of their sockets! I don’t just want to win! I want to make

my opponent rue the day he got into the ring with The Submission Demon!


In four weeks time at the Summer FCKfest I’m finally going to prove that I’m

better than Jeremy Stone! I’m going to prove that the student has

surpassed the master! I am going to rip him apart! Limb from limb! You

people don’t think I can do it, but I’m gonna prove it at the Summer FCKfest!


As for tonight... I know there are plenty of fighters backstage begging

for a shot at my title! This is an Open Challenge! To Anyone! Anyone!

Anyone… who has never held a major wrestling title before… Come out

here and fight me! The title is on the line! You want the shot???

Come get it! I dare you!




BOO SMITHSON shyly wanders down to the ring.








Jerry Eisen “An Open Challenge to anyone who hasn’t held a major title before? That rules out a lot of members of the Frontier Combat Kingdom. Jeremy Stone. Christian Faith. DeColt. DaLay. Maverick. Hughes… Not the most open “Open Challenge” I’ve ever heard.”

Sam Strong “Still, this is a fantastic opportunity for Boo. A very skilled technician from down-under, if Boo can cause an upset here, he’ll walk out with the FCK Title.”


Roaring with rage, Johnny Blood repeatedly suplexes Boo out of his boots, before attacking the arm, angrily wrenching his opponent into a series of excruciating submissions. Boo shows impressive mat skills, fighting from the bottom and getting back up to his feet, but Blood decapitates him with a Raging Elbow (Discus Elbow Strikes) and locks in a vicious Furusawa Armbar. Boo immediately taps.




Despite Boo’s frantic tapping, Blood refuses to release the hold. Security rush the ring to separate the two fighters, but aren’t quick enough to stop Blood from wrenching on the arm one last time with a sickening CRACK! Boo screams a bloodcurdling scream! Security finally pull The Submission Demon off of his victim.


Referee Sparrow calls for the EMTs as Johnny Blood raises his FCK Title high for everyone to see.







DHARMA GREGG is standing by, with CATHERINE QUINE.



Ms. Quine, last week you won a 10-woman ClusterFCK match against

a number of new members of the FCK Women division, but you spent,

like, 99% of the match outside the ring. Wasn’t that, like-



I’m going to cut you off there because I know what you’re going to say.

You’re going to say I “cheated”. Well here’s a newsflash for you, that

wasn’t cheating, that was a smart strategy. It’s not my fault the other

‘fighters’ were too busy with their hair and make-up and push-up bras to

know I was in the match. When Richard Eisen said he was bringing

new blood into the “FCK Women” division, I was excited. Finally. Real

competition. But no. Just more painted whores who care more about

pleasing all of the male chauvinist pigs in the audience than about being

a real fighter.


Sensing something behind her, The Cat turns around, and practically jumps out of her boots when she sees-




MELODY CUTHILL stares at her in bemusement.



Wow... You can rationalize anything, can’t you? Even after doing something

so ridiculously underhanded and cowardly last week, you can still twist it

so you’re the good guy. I’m almost impressed. You know, I really thought

beating you at ‘Going To War’ would shut you up, but you’re still talking,

and I think I know why. You’re insecure. You’re a phenomenal fighter, but

part of you realizes that maybe, just maybe, I’m better than you, and you

can’t handle that. So you bitch and moan and complain and make excuses-


The Cat slaps her. Melody punches her in the face. Quine spears her against a wall. This is no catfight, but a straight-up no-hold-barred brawl. Both fighters throw hands with reckless abandon as Security flood in to try to separate them.






Jerry Eisen “Last week, a 10-woman ClusterFCK introduced several new competitors to the ‘FCK Women’ division, and these two were the standouts.”

Sam Strong “Rodriguez is a luchador, so expect fast-paced high-flying, while Nightshade showed herself to be extremely technically proficient last week… although if you want any background information on her, I can’t really help you.


Rodriguez keeps Nightshade off balance early with unorthodox Luchas-style rolls, arm drags and Ranas. She scores a Swinging Rope Blast and springs up top, looking for a big finish, but Nightshade yanks her down to the mat. Nightshade stalks her prey, taking her down with a variety of innovative backbreakers, before transitioning into smooth submission attempts, working over the back with an almost ethereal sense of calm.


Nightshade goes for a Scorpion Deathlock, but J-Ro struggles free and fires up for a series of near-falls. Small Package. Crucifix Cradle. Legsweep Snap Pin. She goes for a Senton Bomb, but Nightshade rolls out of the way and J-Ro lands hard on her injured back. She tries to get up, but Nightshade levels her with a thunderous Roundhouse Kick to the head, and traps her in the Scorpion Deathlock! Rodriguez taps!








DEBBIE ROSE and KATE LILLY sit on an equipment crate. EDD STONE buzzes around them, jittery, moving constantly.



… it’s an awesome place you girls should like totally check it out. Me

and my boys were there last night. Rocking out. Being awesome.

You know, the usual. I was on my way to getting 7 kinds of laid when

these like frat dudes started hating on me, and… Whoa… Did you just

feel that? Like… the colours… just… Where was I? Oh yeah, so I’m

like totally destroying 50 ninja frat dudes…


The door flies open and in walks.




JEREMY STONE marches in, furious. He heads straight for Edd, twisting him into a hammerlock and ramming him face first into a wall. The Delicate Flowers take that as their cue to exit.



Thanks, girls. Don’t all help at once... I’LL CALL YOU!



How did you do it? How did you pass the drug test, Edd? You bribe someone?

Switch samples? Did you switch with Faith???



What? No. I... Dude, if I was going to switch with anyone, it would be you.

You’re like guaranteed clean, and seeing you fail a drug test would like

totally make my millennium. I don’t know why you’re complaining. I came

up clean. Isn’t that what you wanted? No big scandal for the Stone family

this week. As far as the world is concerned, the only thing I’m high on is life.


Jeremy spins his little brother around and take a long look at him. His pupils are dilated. Jaw muscles tightened. Restless and jittery. Oh yeah. He’s on something.



It’s not about the scandal, Edd. It’s about you living your life right. Late

nights, partying, all the attention you get from the press, and now drugs.

It’s not good for you. Jesus, Edd. You’re fighting in the Main Event tonight

and you’re... Raul Hughes is going to kill you in this state.



Pft. Trust me, dude. I’ve fought in way worse shape than this before...



And you’re proud of that? Edd, I know you’re having fun, but you’ve got

to take this seriously. You’re on a slippery slope. I’ve seen talented fighters

ruin their lives with drugs and I’ll be damned if I’m going to see the same

thing happen to you. I’m on your side. I’m trying to help you, but how

am I supposed to stand here and support you when you’re doing

everything wrong?



Different, bro. I’m doing everything ‘different’ Just because I’m not following

The Stone Family plan doesn’t mean I’m doing anything wrong. Look

around. No one else thinks I’m on a ‘slippery slope’. I’m actually a pretty

popular guy. Tons of dudes willing to do me favours… favours my so-called

brother won’t help me out with. I’m so popular, I’ve even got a new partner

for Eisen’s tag team tournament. So if you don’t want to “stand by and

support me” that’s fine. Whatever, dude. I don’t need you.



Fine. Have it your way.


Looking both annoyed and disappointed, Jeremy just turns his back on his brother, and heads out of the arena, limping slightly.








In preparation for the upcoming tag team tournament, DAN DALAY and MAVERICK train in a state-of-the-art, high-tech gym under the hyperactive instruction of ADRIAN GARCIA, wearing the most garish tracksuit in the world. They concentrate on pure strength; dead-lifting and bench-pressing ever increasing weights. There’s no small talk. No fun. It’s all business, the sounds of rhythmic grunting only interrupted by the ear-splitting sound of Adrian Garcia’s whistle.








Dan DaLay & Maverick


Future FCK Tag Team Champions


This video has been paid for by the The Agent To The Stars; Adrian Garcia







Jerry Eisen “This match is to qualify for a place in the Round Robin Tournament for the new ‘FCK Tag Team Wrestling’ titles.”

Sam Strong “A battle of power versus speed. Knuckles & Shady K have about 150lbs on their opponents, but don’t count out the Guns on that account. Harry Allen in particular has overcome the odds time and time again.”


Knuckles & Shady K jump their smaller opponents before the bell, but The Young Guns use their speed and expert teamwork to quickly turn the tables, rocking the Bodyguards with an eclectic array of lightning-fast double team moves. Double Dropkick. Double Enzirugi. Double-Driving-Double-Knees!


Knuckles catches Gumble with a vicious clothesline and start beating him down in the corner. The Bodyguards use quick tags and simple brawling to keep Gumble isolated, until Shady K misses a second-rope legdrop, allowing Gumble to make the tag. Harry runs wild, taking out both opponents with dropkicks and Ranas, before nailing Knuckles with the Gunslinger’s Revenge (Cutter) and Fistful of Dynamite (Flying Fistdrop) for the win.




Jerry Eisen “There you have it, folks. The Young Guns are the second team to qualify for the Round Robin Tag Team Tournament”

Sam Strong “Harry really kicked some ass there.”


Chitose jumps into Harry’s arms, ecstatic with her man’s victory. Gumble struggles to pull himself up to his feet, still hurting from the beating he received in the match.







Good evening. I'm Richard Eisen. Businessman. Billionaire. CEO of the Frontier

Combat Kingdom. I'll keep this brief. Earlier today I closed a deal that

will bring one of the World's most deadly fighters into this territory

Next week, for one night only, a Japanese Fighting Legend returns to Canada

to take on The Canadian Wrestling Machine; Jeremy Stone, and that legend is...











Age 34 years old

Hailing From Calgary, Alberta

Height 6’4

Weight 275bs

Past Accomplishments 3-time CGC Champion

Strengths Strength, Loyalty, Commitment

Specialty Moves DeColt Stampede (Running Bulldog)


From the day the promotion opened in 1990 to the day it closed with the 2009 Draft, Canadian Golden Combat was DeColt Country, George DeColt and his four sons running roughshod over the territory to the delight of their army of fans. A beloved wrestling institution and role models to children all across Canada, the colorful and charismatic DeColts have stuck together through thick and thin, despite their wildly different personalities and methods. Alex used his intellect to outwit his foes, Jack relied upon his unceasing fury, young Ricky fought with pure heart and the eldest, Steve had another approach; Pure Strength.


The biggest of the DeColt boys, Steve has sculpted his body to perfection in order to overpower his opponents, and through hard work and tireless dedication has one of the most impressive physiques in the sport. He has become a regular feature in Canadian fitness magazines, competes in bodybuilding and weightlifting competitions and even had a bit part on Canadian soap opera “Paradise Falls”.


Occasionally brash, undoubtedly arrogant, but with all the skills to back it up. Steve has spent time at the top of the sport, but for the most part has been the loyal and protective backbone of the DeColt family, backing up his brothers in their Championship efforts.


Despite the DeColts being split up by the 2009 Draft, The Raging Bull was eager to begin his new career in the Frontier Combat Kingdom. It’s been slow going, DeColt suffering a bicep injury mere moments after his first match, but after a victory against SWF legend Christian Faith at ‘FCK Going To War’ he’s looking better than ever. It’s only a matter of time before he turns his eye towards the FCK Title, and that’s a DeColt Guarantee.




Jerry Eisen “The Raging Bull has been better than ever since returning from injury a few weeks ago, and he proved that at ‘Going To War’ when he beat Christian Faith in one of the toughest fights of his career.”

Sam Strong “It’s only a matter of time before he gets a title shot.”


The Raging Bull outmuscles Kumasaka early and decks him with volleys of punches, before powering him up for an awesome sustained vertical suplex. The cagey veteran gets in a few cheap-shots and locks DeColt in a few Danger-ous submission holds, but DeColt powers free and battles back. Powerslam. Spinebuster. DeColt Stampede (Running Spike Bulldog). It’s all over.




DeColt celebrates his win, when...




RAUL HUGHES comes out of nowhere and levels DeColt with a big LEFT HOOK! DeColt is out cold. Hughes picks up a microphone and stands over him.



Well, well, well... Surprised you made it here tonight, DeColt... Call me

crazy, but I would have put money on a big, muscular Daddy’s boy like

you failing last week’s drug test... Oh well, natural or not... In the end it

doesn’t matter... I told you last week I could knock you out... and I just did...


I was supposed to fight Christian Faith tonight... I wanted to fight Christian

Faith... the “SWF legend”... the man who was given every advantage in

life... and apparently wanted more by taking drugs... Christian Faith isn’t

here tonight... but I wish he was... I wish security had let him in the arena

so I could knock him out... in the middle of the ring... and show you

people who the real legend is...


No matter... I’ll do to Edd Stone what I was gonna do to Christian Faith...

I’m going to knock his teeth down his throat... DeColt... You should pay

attention too... You’re like Edd Stone in a lot of ways... Your famous

Fathers gave you every advantage in life... but I fought my way up from

the streets... punch by punch... knockout by knockout... and that makes

me better than you...









Jerry Eisen “Last time Raul and Edd two faced off, at ‘FCK Going To War’, Raul Hughes came out on top with his devastating Left Hook. Let’s see if history repeats itself tonight.”

Sam Strong “Edd Stone is super-fast and incredibly agile. If he can use it to his advantage and avoid the powerful fists of Hughes, maybe he can pick up a victory here… Maybe. It’s a tall order. Raul Hughes is a certifiable beast with over 20 years of fighting experience… I know first hand just how deadly he can be.”


Edd dodges the devastating punches thrown by the Demolition Machine, before striking out with a bevy of brutal kicks. Spin Kicks. Roundhouse Kicks. Dropkicks. Enziguri Kicks. Edd stops to dance; a moonwalking macarena, and gets rocked by a Right Cross. Left Jab. Body Blows. Hughes beats on the 24 Hour Party Animal with powerful strikes, but Edd proves surprisingly durable.


Frustrated, Raul takes him down to the mat and lays in some devastating ground & pound. Edd turtles up, instinctually getting him in the guard, but the experienced Raul effortlessly passes. Suddenly, instinctually, Edd summons up his House of Stone training, twisting and maneuvering until... STONE ANKLE STRETCH (Modified Ankle Lock)!


Jerry Eisen “That’s Dan Jr.’s move! I guess the Stone training wasn't completely forgotten”


Suddenly realizing what he’s doing, Edd releases the hold, shocked and disgusted with himself. Raul tries to blindside him with a big LEFT HOO- Edd ducks. LEFT HOO- Edd rolls. LEFT HOO- Edd matrixes under and strikes out with a Pele Kick before exploding in a flurry of springboards, Ranas and hitting the Edd-Reneline Shot (Super Kick) for a near fall.


Edd springs up top, but Raul avoids the Shooting Star Legdrop and scores a big uppercut! Enough is enough, He rams Edd into the corner and mauls him with devastating punches, beating him within an inch of his life. Edd tries to fight back, but he’s totally overwhelmed. Hughes sets up for a Powerbomb, but spots DeColt recovering from the knock out punch outside. He mouths off to DeColt, wrenches Edd up, but the 24 Hour Party Animal counters into the Party’s Over (Sit-Out Faceplant) for the 1... 2... 3!




Jerry Eisen “Wow! A huge upset! Edd Stone has just pinned Raul Hughes!”

Sam Strong “I guess Raul Hughes didn’t watch TCW in 2008. Never Powerbomb Edd Stone!”


An exhausted Edd starts to celebrat- LEFT HOOK! Edd is out cold! Embarrassed and furious, Raul gets full mount on the unconscious Edd and starts pounding away.


Jerry Eisen “Someone needs to stop this!”

Sam Strong “But who??? Jeremy left the building before this match!”




Steve DeColt slides into the ring, Raul dismounts from the unconscious Edd and throws a Left Hook, but DeColt ducks and hoists Hughes up into a Fireman’s Carry. Raul panics and struggles free, before bailing out of the ring and up the ramp. Steve DeColt goes to check on Edd.

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Johnny Blood Open Challenge... B


Dharma Interviews Quine & Melody... C+


Stone Brothers Argue... B

DaLay & Maverick Hype... C+


Richard Eisen's Announcement... B

Profile: Steve DeColt... B+


Raul Hughes Promo... B-


Post Match Scuffle... A

The Marksman gives this show a B-

Early reports put the rating at 0.29


Next Week's card as reported by FCKwrestling.ca

The Hooded Kudo vs Jeremy Stone

Tag Team Qualifier: Edd Stone & A Mystery Partner vs Team Deathstrike

Catherine Quine & Nightshade vs Joanne Rodriguez & Melody Cuthill

Raul Hughes vs Blake Belushi

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The Hooded Kudo vs Jeremy Stone

I vote a draw, to keep things interesting. But still... JEZZA!


Tag Team Qualifier: Edd Stone & A Mystery Partner vs Team Deathstrike

Say it with me now: JOBBERS!


Catherine Quine & Nightshade vs Joanne Rodriguez & Melody Cuthill



Raul Hughes vs Blake Belushi

Oh, him. Is he still on the roster?

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Jerry Eisen “Welcome once again to the Frontier Combat Kingdom. I’m Jerry Eisen, with me as always is my co-host Sam Strong, and we’re currently joined by the Number One contender for the FCK Title, the Canadian Wrestling Machine, Jeremy Stone. Jeremy, what brings you out here?”

Jeremy Stone “Curiosity. Pure and simple. Edd’s got a new partner and I want to see who it is.”

Sam Strong “We’re just 3 weeks away from the Summer FCKfest and your FCK Title match against your former student, Johnny Blood. How are preparations going? Is your knee feeling okay? We‘ve noticed you limping a bit recently.”

Jeremy Stone “Um… The knee’s a little hurt. It took a bit of a battering from Maverick at Going To War, and Dan DaLay a couple of weeks ago, but it’ll be all healed up by the Summer FCKfest. Johnny Blood is an amazing fighter and a ruthless submission specialist, so I’d be crazy to accept this match unless I was 100%..”

Jerry Eisen “Speaking of amazing fighters, in tonight’s main event you’re taking on your old rival, The Hooded Kudo. An extremely tough challenge so close to your title shot.”

Jeremy Stone “That’s putting it mildly. Me and Kudo have a lot of history together, we traded the NOTBPW Canadian Title a few times in the early 90’s, but it’s been 15 years since we last fought, so I’m looking forward to seeing how his game has grown in that time. Ideally I wouldn’t be fighting someone like him this close to my title shot, but Kudo came all this way for a fight, so a fight is what he’s going to get.”

Sam Strong “For those who haven’t heard of The Hooded One before, Kudo is modern day Samurai. Utterly unyielding in battle, he’s one of the most decorated and feared fighters in Japan, and as Jeremy said, a former 2-time NOTBPW Champion. I can’t think of anyone more dangerous for Jeremy to fight tonight, especially so close to the Summer FCKfest.”






EDD STONE busts a move down the ramp, slapping hands and introducing himself to every attractive woman within the first five rows. Rolling into the ring, he staggers up to his feet and takes off his sunglasses. Eyes totally bloodshot, he looks like he’s had a rough night, but judging by the grin on his face it was at least a fun one.



So I like had all these notes on things I wanted to talk about, but things got

out of hand last night and I totally lost them. If anyone finds them gimme

a call because there’s a few doodles in there I want back. My cell number

is... actually... I think I lost my phone too. Tell you what, rock me on my Twitter.


Down to business, I know the question of everybody’s lips right now, from

the wrestlers in the back, to that hot chick in the tube top over there, to all

the Edd-Reneline junkies sitting at home... they want to know one thing.

“Who is Edd Stone’s partner?” Well, if you’ll allow me to answer that

question, with a question of my own… WHO RULES???




STEVE DECOLT marches down the ramp to a large, albeit confused, ovation.


Jerry Eisen “WHOA!”

Jeremy Stone “...”

Sam Strong “No way... Edd Stone’s tag team partner is Steve DeColt?”





Jerry Eisen “History in the making here, folks. A DeColt and a Stone teaming up for the first time ever. Jeremy, any thoughts?”

Jeremy Stone “...”

Sam Strong “The Dirty White Boys and The Young Guns have already qualified for the tournament, let’s see who joins them. The newly formed duo of DeColt & Edd, or the experienced Team Deathstrike?”


DeColt overpowers both opponents early with slams and clotheslines. Edd eagerly tags in, exploding with typically nonsensical flips, dives, kicks, dancing, and surprisingly frequent tags. DeColt’s Herculean strength and Edd’s freakish agility merging into innovative, if slightly clumsy, double team moves. DeColt lifts Akinori into an Electric Chair, and Edd nails a springboard dropkick.


Thoroughly enjoying himself, Edd breaks out the moonwalk, but gets clotheslined out of his boots by Danger. Team Deathstrike use their technical expertise and tag team experience to isolate Edd in the corner. Akinori does the bulk of the work, while the cackling Danger directs traffic. Akinori goes for a Powerbomb, but Edd counters in mid-air into the Party’s Over (Sit-Out Facebuster)!


Sam Strong “Never Powerbomb Edd Stone!”


Edd makes the tag and DeColt runs wild, Powerslam. Spinebuster. Sustained Vertical Suplex. DeColt grabs Danger in a headlock, signaling for the DeColt Stampede. Akinori tries to make the save, but gets taken out with the Edd-Reneline Shot (Super Kick). Steve hits the DeColt Stampede (Running Bulldog) High-Fiving Edd mid-move and getting the pin.




Jerry Eisen “Steve DeColt and Edd Stone qualify!”

Jeremy Stone “...”

Sam Strong “A little rough around the edges, but with a bit more experience they could be the team to beat in the Round Tournament!”











Edd. Steve. Congratulations on qualifying for the Round Robin Tag

Team Tournament... but I think the question the entire Frontier Combat

Kingdom wants answered is “Why?”. Why are you two teaming up? I

thought DeColts and Stone hated each other.



True... kinda... but I’m not your average Stone, am I? Personally I’ve

always liked the DeColts. They’re cool dudes. Especially Steve. You

should see the calibre of chicks this guy attracts. It’s unreal! Up top!


Edd puts up his hand. DeColt just stares at it for a few moments, before relenting and High Fiving him.



Look, I know Jeremy Stone probably doesn’t approve, but this isn’t

about him. This is about The Raging Bull. This is about the 24 Hour Party

Animal. This is about Gold. Tag Team Gold. Steve DeColt is no stranger

to tag team wrestling, and even without my brothers I know I can win

those belts... I just need the right partner, and believe it or not, that’s

Edd Stone. His strengths are my weaknesses, and his weaknesses are

my strengths. Edd’s a little screwy but he’s got all the potential in the world

inside that ring, and doesn’t mind jumping on the friend grenade outside

the ring. What more can you ask for in a partner?



Right… So you guys genuinely want to be tag partners? You’re not just

doing this to screw with Jeremy?



Well, maybe a little-




RAUL HUGHES comes in out of nowhere and LEFT HOOK! Edd is out cold! DeColt immediately jumps to his partner’s defense, but Security rushes in and keeps the two Heavyweights apart. With a big smile on his face, Raul heads to the ring.




Jerry Eisen “What a despicable cheap shot from Raul Hughes just a few moments ago. Losing to Edd Stone last week seems to have really bothered The Demolition Expert… although most of his anger seems to be focussed on Steve Decolt.”

Sam Strong “I think Edd’s face might disagree with that, but speaking of The Raging Bull, Blake Belushi is also a big, blonde powerhouse, and those similarities are exactly why Raul Hughes has requested this match tonight. He wants to send a message… Another one.


Hughes goes for takedowns early, but Belushi stands strong, using pure strength to get the upper hand. Hughes switches gears, rocking him with devastating punches; body blows, skull jabs, and a killer uppercut, before taking the fight to the mat for some devastating ground and pound.


Belushi muscles free and fights back with a few powerful slams, and- LEFT HOOK! Blake Belushi is out cold! Referee Sparrow calls it!




Jerry Eisen “If Raul Hughes wanted to send a message, Mission: Accomplished. A decisive victory!”




A furious STEVE DECOLT sprints down to the ring and tackles Raul to the mat, laying in thunderous punches. Raul responds in kind, the two heavyweights engaging in an ugly brawl as they try to beat each other into oblivion. Security flood the ring to try to prise the warriors apart.












Dan DaLay & Maverick


Future FCK Tag Team Champions


This video has been paid for by the The Agent To The Stars; Adrian Garcia




Jerry Eisen “The days of the ‘FCK Women’ division being a two horse race are over. Nightshade and J-Ro have been extremely impressive since debuting two weeks ago.”

Sam Strong “Four incredible singles competitors on display here. It‘s going to come down to whichever pairing can gel together best as a team.”


J-Ro and Melody take control early, surprising their opponents with their speed and agility. Nightshade and Quine head outside to regroup, but the high flying duo are take them out with simultaneous suicide dives.

Melody drags Nightshade into the ring, but is cut off by an amazing tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Nightshade cuts off the ring, isolating Cuthill in her corner, working her over with backbreakers and intricate ground submissions. She frequently tags in The Cat, who smartly follows the same game plan. Enjoying in her rival’s pain, The Cat holds Melody steady as Nightshade throws a Roundhouse Kick, but Melody drops down into the splits, and The Cat gets kicked in the head instead.


J-Ro gets the tag and runs wild, wrong-footing her opponents with unorthodox Lucha-style rolls, arm-drags and Ranas. Nightshade and Quine try to double-team her, but the Luchador is too fast. She throws Quine outside, tags in Melody, and wipes The Cat out with a pescado. Melody scores a few dropkicks on Nightshade, before trying the Melody Maker (Rocker Dropper) but Nightshade catches her in mid-air, nails a vicious backbreaker, and locks in the Scorpion Deathlock! Melody tries to get to the ropes, but has no choice but to tap!




Jerry Eisen “Whoa! Nightshade just made Melody Cuthill submit!”

Sam Strong “Add that to her impressive victory against Rodriguez last week and it looks like we may have a new front-runner in the ‘FCK Women’ division.






DHARMA GREGG knocks on the door of Jeremy Stone’s locker room, before peeking her head in.



Jeremy? Hello? You decent? I just wanted to see if you’ve got a

comment about your brother and Steve DeColt...


Dharma enters to find JEREMY STONE putting a heavy brace onto his left knee, with a cellphone pinned between his ear and shoulder.


JEREMY STONE (on phone)

You don’t need to... It’s not my problem any more... He doesn’t want my

help... If he wants to run around with that musclehead... Fine...

If you want to come, I'm not going to stop you... See you next week, Vickie.


Jeremy hangs up and notices Dharma.



Was that...?


Jeremy leaves, without another word.







JOHNNY BLOOD stands in the middle of the ring, FCK Title on his shoulder, glaring at the crowd, furious that they‘re not giving him the reception he feels he deserves.



Hey Jeremy! How’s that knee doing??? You’d better hope it’s not as

injured as it looks! You should know better than anyone that at the

House of Stone I learned a hundred different ways to take oot a knee!

And since leaving I’ve learned a hundred more! You taught me how to

isolate a leg! You taught me how to limit an opponent’s movement! That’s

not enough for The Submission Demon! I want to snap cartilage! I want

to shatter your kneecap! Jeremy! If that knee is as bad as it looks I am

gonna rip your leg off and beat you to death with it at the Summer FCKfest!


Tonight! Same as last week! Open Challenge! Anyone who hasn’t held a

major wrestling title before! If you’ve got the guts to take on The Submission

Demon and take this title from me… Come get it! I dare you!






Jerry Eisen “Another ‘open’ challenge from the Frontier Combat King. Last week Boo Smithson accepted the challenge, and Johnny Blood broke his arm in 3 places. Hopefully Howard will fare better.”

Sam Strong “Howard‘s tag team partner was recently fired for violating Eisen‘s drug policy, but let’s not tar Howard with the same brush, he‘s a powerful young fighter with boatloads of potential and the opportunity of a lifetime here.”


Blood immediately starts assaulting the powerhouse’s knee with furious kicks and stomps, before suplexing him to the mat with a trio of German Suplexes. Enraged, Blood angrily wrenches ET’s knee into a variety of exotic submission attempts, dominating with the ground game. ET manages to eventually power free, but has been slowed to a crawl by the damage to his knee, allowing Blood to score a violent Raging Elbow and lock in a knee bar! ET immediately taps out!




Roaring with rage, Johnny Blood doesn’t release the hold and Security quickly flood the ring, having learned from last week. They eventually prise the Frontier Combat King off of his victim, but too late, the damage has been done, ET clutching his knee in agony. Blood picks up a microphone.



See that, Jeremy??? His knee was healthy! Yours isn’t! At the Summer

FCKfest I’m going to rip you apart!







Age 31 years old

Hailing From Dallas, Texas

Height 5'10

Weight 215bs

Strengths Speed, Agility, Heart

Specialty Moves Fistful of Dynamite (Flying Fist Drop) Gunslinger’s Revenge (Cutter)




Age 31 years old

Hailing From Union Valley, Texas

Height 5’10

Weight 219bs

Strengths Tag Team Expertise

Specialty Moves Quick Draw Kick (Savate Kick) Union Valley Driver (Burning Hammer)


Growing up on a ranch just outside of Dallas, Harold Walker Allen was the smallest and youngest in his family, and learned from an early age the importance of standing up for himself. A late-bloomer, Harry was often picked last in gym class on account of his small size, but never failed to make people regret it. He made up for his physical shortcomings with flawless technique and tireless effort, exceeding expectations and outperforming his much larger opponents.


Surprisingly, when he and Steve Gumble first met at wrestling school, the future TCW Tag Team Champions hated each other. Steve thought Harry was “just a pretty boy” while Harry described Steve as “ridiculously monosyllabic with a little-man-complex. Always looking to fight”. Nonetheless, being the two smallest members of the class, they banded together, worked hard, and quickly became the stand-outs of the class, mastering the art of beating opponents bigger than themselves and earning each other's respect. Respect that turned to trust, friendship, and one of the most talented and exciting tag teams of recent history.


Since coming to the Frontier Combat Kingdom, the Guns’ careers have taken different paths. Harry has gone from strength to strength, competing with some of the best in the sport, but Gumble has struggled with injury and a succession of losses. However, after qualifying for the Tag Team Tournament, The Young Guns are back in familiar territory, making them a force to be reckoned with in the Frontier Combat Kingdom.




Jerry Eisen “I’ve been looking forward to this one all week. Almost fifteen years since the last time they fought, Jeremy Stone and The Hooded Kudo. One last time. Set your DVR’s folks.

Sam Strong “Fifteen years ago these two warriors were in their physical prime, but now they’re in their mental prime. This should be a very technical battle between two incredibly crafty veterans with plenty of tricks up their sleeves."


Smoke billows from the top of the ramp and Hooded Kudo steps out from the mist, dressed in full Samurai armor, gazing out at the crowd with a quiet disgust. He’s accompanied by a gaggle of Geisha Girls, who throw rose petals onto ground in front of him, so that the legend’s feet need not touch foreign soil. Jeremy respectfully keeps his distance as Kudo allows his Geishas to remove his ceremonial armor, before demonstrating a devastating array of chops and kicks, showcasing his immense Martial Arts skills. Jeremy watches for signs of weakness, absently adjusting the heavy knee brace on his own left leg.


The bell rings. The fight in on.


Both fighters are more than happy to go to ground early, eager to test their respective ground-games against each other. Kudo’s exotic style gives Jeremy some difficulty to begin with, but the Canadian Wrestling Machine stays calm and quickly adapts, snapping Kudo into a series of perfectly precise and immensely painful submissions from which the Hooded One is barely able to escape.


Far from thwarted, Kudo surprises Jeremy with a vicious Dragonscrew Legwhip and starts ruthlessly working over the left knee. Jeremy throws a few chops, but Kudo is firmly in control. He muscles him over with a vertical suplex, holding on and rolling to his feet to deliver another... and another... and another. He goes for a fifth, but Jeremy counters and nails a German Suplex... and another... and another...


Kudo tries to battle back, but Jeremy is just starting to fire up. Rolling Wheel Kick. T-Bone Suplex. Shoulderbreaker. Jeremy signals for the Stone’s Throw, but- GREEN MIST! Kudo sprays a vile green mist into his eyes! Jeremy is blind, unable to defend himself against a barrage of stiff kicks and chops. Desperate, Stone backs into a corner, trying to keep Kudo at bay with wild kicks as he tries to get the green mist out of his eyes, but to no avail. Kudo spears him into the post and practically rips his leg off with a Dragonscrew Legwhip off the second turnbuckle, and applies the Kudo Lock (Deathlock STF)!


Sam Strong “The Kudo Lock! The most feared Submission move in Japanese wrestling! The damage this is doing to Jeremy’s knee is unspeakable.”


Screaming in pain, Jeremy struggles inch by torturous inch and gets to the ropes. Kudo releases the hold, and goes for the Kudo Kutter (Cutter) but Jeremy shoves him away hits the Stone’s Throw (Exploder Suplex) and locks in the Stone Hold (Crossface) Kudo taps!




Jerry Eisen “Wow. Jeremy Stone gets the victory!”

Sam Strong “…but at what cost? Jeremy’s knee wasn’t 100% going into this fight. It could be a serious liability come the Summer FCKfest”

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Edd introduces Steve... B


Edd & Steve /w Raul... B-


DaLay & Maverick Hype... B


Jeremy & Victoria... C+

Johnny Blood Promo... B+


Profile: Young Guns... C



'The Marksman' gives this show a B-

Early reports put the rating at a 0.28


Next week's card, according to FCKwrestling.ca

Nightshade vs Melody Cuthill

Tag Team Qualifier: DaLay & Maverick vs Melbourne Blondes

Steve Gumble vs Edd Stone

Johnny Blood vs Another Challenger

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Nightshade vs Melody Cuthill

Because, very simply, Nightshade is getting a damn hard push.


Tag Team Qualifier: DaLay & Maverick vs Melbourne Blondes

Bitches, please.


Steve Gumble vs Edd Stone



Johnny Blood vs Another Challenger

Johnny Blood remains furious.

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As always, this is brilliant stuff:


Nightshade vs Melody Cuthill - You spent a good deal of time portraying Melody as legitimate, I don't see a ton of upside in going back on that now.

Tag Team Qualifier: DaLay & Maverick vs Melbourne Blondes - Not a lot to say about this.

Steve Gumble vs Edd Stone - This is the Edd freaking Stone show.

Johnny Blood vs Another Challenger - Yep.

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