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Cverse Draft 2009: Frontier Combat Kingdom

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<p>No Time Limit FCK Title Match: <strong>Jeremy Stone</strong> vs. Johnny Blood ©</p><p> </p><p>

FCK Tag Tournament Match: DaLay & Maverick vs. <strong>The Awesome Alliance</strong></p><p> </p><p>

FCK Tag Tournament Match: <strong>Team Deathstrike</strong> vs. The Young Guns</p><p> </p><p>

Catherine Quine vs. <strong>Victoria Stone</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Raul Hughes</strong> vs. Christian Faith</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nightshade</strong> vs. Melody Cuthill</p>

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<p>First off, I don't think the FCK Round Robin Tag Team Tournament wasn't explained as well as it could have been. The word 'tournament' may have been misleading. It's more of a league set up. Everyone fights everyone, and then whichever team wins the most fights becomes the first ever FCK Tag Team Champions. I could have put more effort into the graphics to show this set up. </p><p> </p><p>

The way it stands now...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DaLay & Maverick . . . . . Fought 3 . . . . Won 2 </strong></p><p><strong>

Awesome Alliance . . . . . Fought 3 . . . . Won 2</strong></p><p><strong>

Dirty White Boys . . . . . . Fought 4 . . . . Won 2</strong></p><p><strong>

The Young Guns . . . . . . Fought 3 . . . . Won 1</strong></p><p><strong>

Team Deathstrike . . . . . Fought 3 . . . . Won 1</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Dirty White Boys have fought all of their matches, and the Guns and Deathstrike have lost too many times. With only two fights to go, the only teams who can conceivably win are DaLay & Maverick or The Awesome Alliance. As luck would have it, they're going head to head at the 'FCK Awards Show' live on Canada-1-Choice. </p><p> </p><p>

Speaking of the Tag Titles, I got the belt the other day, so I might as well show it off to y'all now.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/FCKTagTeam.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

ReapeR does exceptional work. He is a Prince amongst men.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

In other news, <strong>the survey is now closed</strong>. Thank you to everyone who participated. There were some very interesting results. Most of them I'm not going to reveal in this setting, they're going to be rolled into the upcoming PPV, but I was somewhat shocked to see that 57% of you read "<em>Every Single Word</em>" of these shows. Considering the amount of words I write, this baffles me, but it certainly makes me feel good about the amount of time I spend writing this thing.</p><p> </p><p>

Oh, and thanks to anyone who recommended me for the 'Must Read' list. This project came in 6th and that's... that's pretty cool.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Chosen One" data-cite="The Chosen One" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="21623" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>so am I to assume that the winner of DaLay-Mav vs AA would be crowned the new champs</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's right. It's more than just a grudge match. It's a grudge match to crown the first ever FCK Tag Team Champions! Watch it live, only on Canada-1-Choice!!!!</p>
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<p>No Time Limit FCK Title Match: Jeremy Stone vs. <strong>Johnny Blood</strong> ©</p><p>

FCK Tag Tournament Match: <strong>DaLay & Maverick</strong> vs. The Awesome Alliance</p><p>

FCK Tag Tournament Match: <strong>Team Deathstrike</strong> vs. The Young Guns</p><p>

Catherine Quine vs. <strong>Victoria Stone</strong></p><p>

Raul Hughes vs. <strong>Christian Faith</strong></p><p>

<strong>Nightshade</strong> vs. Melody Cuthill</p>

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Jerry Eisen “Hello everybody! Welcome to the FCK Awards Show, the night where stars will be honored and scores will be settled. I’m Jerry Eisen, with me tonight is wrestling legend Sam Strong, and in an unexpected turn of events, my father, CEO of the Frontier Combat Kingdom, Richard Eisen.”

Richard Eisen “Tonight will be a major turning point in my rise to dominance. Not only will my herald, Johnny Blood, defeat his old mentor Jeremy Stone, but I will also finally be rid of Christian Faith once and for all, thanks to The Demolition Expert, Raul Hughes.”

Sam Strong “Also up tonight, the conclusion of the Round Robin Tag Team Tournament, two fights in the ‘FCK Women’ division, and a multitude of awards ceremonies, honoring the stars of the Frontier Combat Kingdom, as voted on by you, the fans.”

Jerry Eisen “Once again, thank you to everyone who participated with the survey at FCKwrestling.ca.




Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois. A former Burning World Champion,

weighing in tonight at 290lbs, The Demolition Expert...



... and his opponent, hailing from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 293lbs,

he is a former 4 time SWF World Heavyweight Champion, “The Iron Man”



Christian Faith finishes uttering a short prayers in the corner, and rises to cast a cold glance at Richard Eisen at commentary. Raul Hughes steps in his eye-line, fierce and determined.


Richard Eisen “Raul Hughes is a lot like me. A self-made man. A man who knows a good deal when he sees one. He wants a shot at the FCK Title. I want Christian Faith out of the way. A gentleman’s agreement.”

Jerry Eisen “What if Christian Faith wins? Does he then become the Number One Contender?.”

Richard Eisen “I… um… Well that’s not going to happen. Raul is on a roll. Besides, as a proven drug abuser, Faith would make a terrible champion.”

Sam Strong “Seriously? You’re seriously going to keep denying you fixed that drug test? If you ask me, Christian Faith is well within his rights to get some vengeance on you, and Raul Hughes has made a big mistake getting in the middle of it.”


Both warriors begin the fight standing. Raul out-strikes him early, but Faith bides his time, judges his opponent’s rhythms and starts telegraphing his blows. Ducking. Dodging. Blocking. Firing back with Faith Hammers (Bionic Elbows) before exploding with high impact offense. Discus Clothesline. Shoulder Block. Russian Legsweep.


Hughes ducks a big boot and levels Faith with an STO. He immediately get the mount and tries to lay in some ground & pound, but Faith’s defense is too good. Hughes switches gears. Armbar. Kimura. Americana. Faith barely battles free, retreating to the corner, but Hughes mauls him against the turnbuckles, then mounts him for some corner punches. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9.. Faith counters with a huge power bomb!


Faith fights back. Faith Hammers. Backbreaker. Stalling Atomic Drop. He goes for clothesline, but Raul ducks, bounces off the ropes! Double Clothesline! The two weary warriors struggle to their feet and go toe-to-toe. Right Cross - Faith Hammer - Body Blow - Faith Hammer - Skull Jab- Faith Hammer - LEFT HO- Ducked! Faith hurls him into the corner and goes for the Leap of Faith (Big Corner Avalanche) but Hughes gets his knees up. Faith is reeling! LEFT HOO- Ducked! Faith locks in the Test of Faith (Main Event Sleeper) Raul is fading… fading… fading…. Gone! It’s over!




Exhausted but victorious, Christian Faith looks down upon his fallen opponent for a moment, before turning to RICHARD EISEN. The Iron Man advances.


Richard Eisen “Security! Security!”


Dozens of Security Personnel swarm in on Christian Faith, trying to keep him away from Richard Eisen. He knocks out several with Faith Hammers, and tosses a few more aside, but tired as he already is from the war with Raul, he is eventually overwhelmed and dragged away.


Richard Eisen “Get him out of here!”






Introducing first, hailing from Omaha, Nebraska. The ‘Excellence of Sexecution’…



… and her opponent, hailing from Parts Unknown…



Jerry Eisen “Nightshade has been stalking Melody Cuthill for several weeks now. We’re not sure why but she’s clearly got a problem with the ‘Excellence of Sexecution’.“

Sam Strong “The last time these two fought they went to a draw. Much like in tonight‘s main event, this time we‘re going to get a definite winner.”


Melody builds momentum with arm-drags, dropkicks and flying head-scissors, until Nightshade catches her by surprise with a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker. The Ring Waif takes her down with a variety of innovative backbreakers, before floating over into smooth mat work, weakening and working over the lower back of her opponent. She tries to apply the Scorpion Deathlock, but Melody battles free. Nightshade throws a Roundhouse Kick, but Melody does the splits under it and schoolgirls her up for 1... 2... Kick out!


Melody unleashes with high-impact moves. Swinging Neckbreaker. Tornado DDT. Springboard Dropkick. She goes for the Melody Maker (Rocker Dropper) but Nightshade counters into a power bomb and immediately locks in the Scorpion Deathlock.


Sam Strong “This could be it! Nightshade has made Melody tap out to this move before!”


Melody struggles and struggles and struggles and finally gets to the ropes. Nightshade is relentless. She hits another backbreaker for the 1..2.. Kick Out! Uranage Backbreaker for 1.. 2.. Kick Out! Nightshade sets her up top and goes for a Top Rope Backbreaker, but Melody fights free, shoves her off, and hits a top rope Melody Maker for the 1... 2... 3!








Introducing first, from Japan, at a total combined weight of 462lbs

Danger Kumasaka and Akinori Kwakami...



... and their opponents, accompanied by Chitose Kumasaka. Hailing from

Texas, USA and weighing in at a total combined weight of 434lbs.

Former TCW Tag Team Champions, Steve Gumble and Harry Allen...



Jerry Eisen “It sounds bad, but this is a fight to see who ends up in last place in the Round Robin Tag Team Tournament. There are no belts on the line. Just pride.”

Sam Strong “I’m surprised to see The Young Guns in this spot. Harry Allen’s star has been on the rise for months now. I hate to point fingers but... well... You don’t see Harry losing many singles matches.”

Richard Eisen “It’s a testament to my brilliance that these two fantastic teams are considered ‘the worst’ in this Round Robin I designed.”


Dressed in the world’s smallest kimono, Chitose is ecstatic as she accompanies her boyfriend to the ring. Infuriated seeing his daughter having fun, Danger jumps Harry before the bell. Team Deathstrike quickly isolate and work him over in their corner, Akinori does the bulk of the work while Danger yells instructions. The duo attempt a Russian Legsweep/Backbreaker combo, but Harry battles free and makes the tag!


Steve Gumble runs wild with forearm shots and knee-strikes. He crushes Akinori with the Double Knees into the corner, but Danger decapitates him with a clothesline. Harry springs in with a flying forearm. All Hell breaks loose! Bodies fly everywhere! Chitose cheers on her boyfriend so enthusiastically that Danger feels the need to leave the ring to yell at his daughter. Harry takes him out with a somersault plancha.


Inside the ring, Gumble goes for the Quick Draw Kick (Savate Kick) but Akinori catches the foot, takes him down and locks in the Kwakami Painlock (Indian Deathlock) Harry slides into the ring, but Gumble quickly taps out, a split second before he can make the save.




Sam Strong “It’s over already? If Gumble had just held on a moment longer Harry would have made the save.”




Harry Allen leans against the turnbuckles, utterly stunned, Chitose at his side trying to console him. Pacing, Steve Gumble is furious, and suddenly flips out, yelling and pointing at Chitose. Harry gets in his face to defend his girlfriend, and Gumble immediately backs off. Harry calms down and turns his back on his partner.


QUICK DRAW KICK! Steve Gumble decks Chitose with a vicious Savate Kick to the jaw.


Jerry Eisen “Holy ****!”


Steve Gumble bails and heads up the ramp. Shocked beyond belief, Harry contemplates going after him, but rushes to Chitose’s side instead, where he’s joined by both members of Team Deathstrike and several EMT’s.







Introducing first, accompanied by The Delicate Flowers; Debbie Rose and Kate Lily.

Hailing from Toronto, Ontario. ‘The Cat’



… and her opponent, hailing from the House of Stone, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

A former NOTBPW Women’s Champion. ‘The Heart of Stone’...



Catherine Quine sits Rose and Lilly down at ringside with pen & paper, so they can take notes, before climbing into the ring.


Jerry Eisen “Catherine Quine has made it her crusade to rid the Frontier Combat Kingdom of ‘exhibitionist harlots‘ which seems to mean anyone who doesn‘t like her.”

Sam Strong “She‘s been trying for a few weeks now to recruit Victoria Stone to her cause, but has only succeeded in pissing off a sleeping giant. Victoria has come out of retirement to shut The Cat up.”


Victoria takes her down early and works her over with painful submission holds, forcing Cat to repeatedly scramble to the ropes to safety. Frustrated, she walks into the Stone Hold (Crossface) and screams for “Help!”. The Delicate Flowers rush the ring. Victoria releases the hold and deals with them, booting Lilly out of the ring and nailing Rose with the Delorean Driver (Northern Lights Buster) Referee Sparrow demands that the Flowers leave ringside, and Lilly helps an injured Rose up the ramp.


Quine suddenly spears Victoria out of her boots, before frantically attacking with stomps and palm strikes, constantly screaming obscenities. The Cat tries a Powerbomb, but Victoria counters with a backbody drop. The Cat tries a second spear, but gets dropkicked. The Cat goes for a Flying Elbow Drop, but gets caught with a Superplex. Victoria destroys her with a variety of suplexes. Belly-to-Belly. Snap Suplex, German Suplex. Victoria goes for the Delorean Driver, but The Cat elbows her way free and goes for a Spear. Victoria telegraphs it into the Stone Hold, but can’t quite lock it on, Quine gets free, rolls out of the ring and flees up the ramp. Victoria watches in disbelief.


1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10!












Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by the Agent to the Stars; Adrian Garcia. At

a total combined weight of 607lbs, they are former CGC Tag Team Champions,

The Giant Amongst Giants and The Silent Threat...



... and their opponents, from DeColt Country! At a total combined weight of 497lbs!

They are the Awesome Alliance, the Rock and Rule Express and the

Highlights of the Night!



Jerry Eisen “It all comes down to this. Whichever team wins this match becomes the first ever FCK Tag Team Champions.”

Sam Strong “Everyone’s walking into this one wounded. Edd Stone has a bruised larynx. Steve DeColt has some neck issues. Maverick dislocated his shoulder just two days ago and Dan DaLay... well... you can see how he’s limping. These two teams have really taken it to each other over the past two weeks.”

Richard Eisen “Random trivia. These four men comprised ‘Team Garcia’ at ‘FCK Going To War’ a few months back.”


Maverick tries to take DeColt to ground, but The Raging Bull overpowers him. DaLay tries to catch and subdue the energetic Edd, but the 24 Hour Party Animal squirms free and attacks with wacky kicks, sending DaLay reeling. Edd celebrates with some DeColt-style flexing, but Maverick tag himself in and wipes him out with a clothesline to the throat.


Emotionless, Maverick clinical dissects Edd with pinpoint stomp and precision knee strikes. DaLay follows his lead, throwing his weight around with clubbing blows, mostly directing at the neck and shoulders. Clearly enjoying himself, DaLay hoists Edd over his head with a military press, roaring with laughter. Edd wriggles free, counters with the Party’s Over (Seated Faceplant) and makes the tag!


Steve DeColt runs wild with power moves. Spinebuster. Powerslam. He levels DaLay with a Samoan Drop, and hoists Maverick up for an outstanding Delayed Vertical Suplex. Mid-move, Adrian Garcia tries to sneak into the ring with a chair, but Edd knocks him out with the Edd-Reneline Shot (Super Kick)!


All hell breaks loose. Maverick counters Edd’s leapfrog into a Flapjack, while DaLay & DeColt brawl up the ramp to the edge of the stage. DaLay scoops DeColt onto his shoulder and tries to throw him off of the stage, but The Raging Bull slips free and shoves with all of his might! Dan DaLay tumbles off of the stage and crashes through the electrical equipment below!


Jerry Eisen “HOLY F***!”

Sam Strong “There’s no way he’s not hurt. We need to get medical personnel out here quick... Wait! In the ring”


Maverick ducks an Edd-Reneline Shot and locks in the Deadly Silence (Main Event Sleeper) Edd can’t reach the ropes! He’s fading... fading... fading... Steve DeColt sprints to the ring and breaks up the hold, nailing Maverick with the DeColt Stampede (Running Bulldog) and allowing Edd to hit the Shooting Star Legdrop for the 1... 2... 3!












Deeply focussed on the battle ahead, JEREMY STONE finishes his warm up and heads towards the ring. He rounds the corner and spots...




... STEVE DECOLT and EDD STONE heading back to the locker room. Each wear a newly won FCK Tag Team Title belt around their waist, and carry a ‘Best Tag Team’ award statue. Edd also has his ‘Most Popular’ award. They notice Jeremy heading their way, and the trio meet in the middle of the corridor.



Well done, Edd. I’m prou-



“Well done”? “Well done”??? Is that all you’ve got to say? Do you not see

how much gold we have? This isn’t a “Well done” amount of gold. This

is an AWESOME amount of gold. Now that someone finally has my back,

there’s no stopping me. There’s no stopping the Awesome Alliance. Now

I know you probably want to criticize me for something pointless and random,

like how I didn’t grab my own wrist while applying a ankle-twisty-thingy, but

you know what, this is totally turning out to be the most awesome night

of my life, and I’m not going to let you ruin it.


Edd barges past Jeremy and continues on towards the locker room. Steve hangs back a moment with the dejected Jeremy.



Good luck tonight. Hope you kick Blood’s a-



It should have been me. Teaming with Edd. Winning those titles. Helping

him improve. It should have been me.



Yeah? Well it wasn’t.


DeColt and Stone glare at each other for a moment, before going their separate ways. DeColt following his partner, and Jeremy heading to the ring. Sadness turning to determination.







Introducing first, the Challenger... Hailing from the House of Stone, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

He is a former 4 time NOTBPW Champion. Weighing in tonight at 235lbs.

The Canadian Wrestling Machine...



... and his opponent, weighing in at 230lbs, and hailing from Battleford, Saskatchewan.

He is a former NOTBPW Champion and the current, reigning and defending

Frontier Combat King! The Submission Demon!



Jerry Eisen “Here we go. Mentor vs. Student. One last time.”

Sam Strong “For years Jeremy Stone always defeated his former student, but the last two times these warriors did battle, we ended on time limit draws. That will not happen this time. No matter how long this fight lasts, we will stay with it and we will finally have a winner. Either Johnny Blood finally defeats the man who trained him, or we‘ll have a new Frontier Combat King.”

Richard Eisen “Special thanks to Canada-1-Choice. Even if we go past our schedule timeslot, they won’t be taking us off of the air. Go Blood Go!”


Blood goes straight for a single-leg takedown, but Jeremy calmly uses his technical expertise to turn the tables and launch Blood across the ring with an arm drag. Blood struggles to control his rage, but manages it and challenges Stone to come at him. Jeremy attacks with an arm-wringer. Blood uses his technical expertise to turn the tables and… Jeremy launches him across the ring with a hiptoss. Again, Blood struggles to keep his cool. Jeremy attacks with a hammerlock. Blood counters. Jeremy counters. The two warriors go hold-for-hold in a technical master class. Jeremy goes for another hip-toss, but this time Blood counters with an arm drag of his own.


Blood is chuffed, but Jeremy is immediately on him with a plethora of suplexes. Belly-to-Belly. Snap Suplex, Northern Lights. Blood retreat to ropes. Referee Sam Sparrow blocks Jeremy for a moment, inadvertently giving Blood enough of an opening to recover and hit an Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex into the turnbuckles.


Keeping his temper under control, Blood wrenches his opponent into a variety of brutal submissions, holding each one for longer than usual before transitioning into a different hold. Jeremy refuses to give in. Struggling to keep his cool, Blood starts stomping and stomping and STOMPING! Over and over and over and over and- Jeremy catches his foot, trips him and locks in the Stone Hold (Crossface). Roaring with pain, Blood crawls desperately, inch by inch, and finally gets to the ropes.


Jeremy blocks an attempted Bloodrage Mutilation, ducks the Raging Elbow, breaks free of the Blood-Stone’s Throw and goes on the attack. Blood rolls free of the Stone Hold, ducks the Spinning Back Fist, slips out of the Shoulder Breaker and... walks into an Edd-Reneline Shot (Super Kick)!


Jerry Eisen “Just when Blood thought he had Stone’s number! A page from Edd’s book! 1... 2... Kick out!”


Jeremy releases the hold immediately, but presses the advantage. German Suplex! German Suplex! Blood counters with a pair of elbows and a standing-switch. German Suplex! German Suplex! Jeremy counters. German Suplex! German Suplex! Johnny counters. German Suplex! Jeremy prepares to counter, but Blood switches gears with a Forward Russian Legsweep and locks in the Bloodrage Mutilation (Modified Camel Clutch)! In tremendous pain, Jeremy reaches back, inch by inch, until he manages to hook the bottom rope with a foot.


Referee Sam Sparrow tells Blood to release the hold and he is ecstatic. HE THINKS HE WON! Sparrow corrects him and Blood flips out. He goes crazy! Punching the turnbuckles, kicking the ropes and charging full pelt and Jeremy, who calmly backbody drops him out to the floor, where Blood continues to go ballistic.


Jeremy pushes past Sparrow and tries to climb out after him, but blinded by rage Johnny Blood picks up his ‘Most Hated’ trophy and smashes it over Stone’s head. Referee Sparrow didn’t see it! Blood dives into the ring, nails the Blood-Stone’s Throw (Angry Exploder Suplex) for the 1... 2... 3!




Richard Eisen “Yes! He did it!”

Sam Strong “Oh come on! He cheated! This is… Come on!”


Richard Eisen leaps up from the announce desk and joins Johnny Blood in the ring. The Frontier Combat King looks down at the broken bits of trophy with sadness and fury. Eisen casually kicks the pieces out of the ring before Referee Sam Sparrow sees them.


Jerry Eisen “There you have it folks, Johnny Blood finally beats his old mentor… Sort of.”








Faith taken down by Security… B+

FCK Award #1 Most Hated - Johnny Blood... A


FCK Award #2 Best Woman - Melody Cuthill... C+


Gumble kicks Chitose... C

FCK Award #3 Best Move - Raul Hughes’ Left Hook!... B


FCK Award #4 Most Popular - Edd Stone... B


FCK Award #5 Best Tag Team - Awesome Alliance... B

Jeremy & the Alliance... B+


FCK Award #6 Best Fighter - Johnny Blood... B+


'The Marksman' gives this show a B



Information on the next 'FCK Mondays' will be available as soon as it's posted on FCKwrestling.ca



EDIT: Detailed results of the survey will be up at some point, probably next Monday, then I soldier on with the build to the next PPV. Hesitant to call it a hiatus, but I need a week to sort out this next run and get a jump on the script.

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After recieving a Quick Draw Kick (Savate Kick) from Steve Gumble at the 'FCK Awards Show', Chitose Kumasaka has suffered a Broken Jaw. She will be out of action for a few weeks.



After being thrown off of the stage at the 'FCK Awards Show' Dan DaLay has suffered Spinal Disalignment and will be out of action 3-6 months.

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3 to 6 months!? Whoa. No more Giant of Giants for a while then eh :( And as the 'big man', having him wheeled about won't do much good, as he's no use when he can only talk. I await his return mind, here's to the next 3 months of recovery big fella ;)
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Warning: Breaking Kayfabe!




QUESTION 1 - How closely do you read the Frontier Combat Kingdom? (Tick One)


57% - Every Single Word

23% - I pick & choose whatever appeals to me at the time

13% - I read the angles, not the matches

03% - I skim read the results

03% - What's a Frontier Wombat Sing-Song??

00% - I read the matches, not the angles


As I mentioned before, I’m pleasantly surprised by how many people read the whole thing. I’m aware that I write a fair amount, but I consider myself a screenwriter, so this is how I write. Sometimes I do find myself struggling with segments and think “Why am I writing this much? Barely anyone is going to read it!” but apparently a good number of you do read it, so I'm not wasting my time. I could stand to make certain elements more succinct though. Preliminary television matches, for example. If it only goes 4 minutes, it shouldn’t take more than 4 lines of text.


“I try to read through it all, because I think it deserves it. But then I try to keep up with so many diaries that I do sometimes skim through a bit.”


One of my goals was to not require too much commitment from the reader. I see diaries that update multiple times a week, and that strikes me as too much effort to keep up with. So I set a schedule. I put next week’s card up directly after the show. Essentially, I want readers to only have to tune in once a week, to read, enjoy, predict, and then not have to think about it again until next Monday.


“I read the matches too, but not as in depth as the angles.”

“Moreso angles than matches mind. Character, that's what matters.”


It’s the nature of the beast that Angles display more character than Matches, but I think a wrestler’s fighting style is very important to his character too. Steve DeColt is a rippling powerhouse, Edd is irresponsible with lots of wasted movement, Maverick is emotionless and lacks innovation. There are also character beats in the matches, but obviously not to the level of the angles. In theory, if you’re skipping all of the matches, you’re missing half of the drama. In practice, they’re probably more skippable than that. I don't know if that's a bad thing.




QUESTION 2 - Who are your favorite Male members of the Frontier Combat Kingdom? (Tick up to Three)


87% - Edd Stone

57% - Steve DeColt

40% - Johnny Blood

33% - Harry Allen

17% - Jeremy Stone

17% - Christian Faith

13% - Steve Gumble

07% - Maverick

07% - Raul Hughes

07% - Troy Tornado

03% - Akinori Kwakami

03% - Dan DaLay

00% - Danger Kumasaka

00% - Grease Hogg

00% - Lead Belly


“You forgot to put another option for Edd Stone, he deserves at least two.”

“Edd is absolutely hilarious, which I've appreciated.”

“Blonde Edd Stone...oh how silly. Love it.”


An overwhelming victory for Edd, and one that doesn’t surprise me. I had the benefit of roleplaying him back in the old TCW efed, so I had months to develop the character before the initials 'FCK' ever entered my noggin. He started out as a pretty generic ‘Arrogant Young Heel’ but as I developed all of his many flaws and it became apparent that people liked him, I realised I was writing a Babyface.


The fun thing is that although at his core, it's the same Edd I roleplayed as, he's going through completely different situations. He never interacted with any siblings in the roleplays, and he never met Johnny Blood or Steve DeColt neither. Instead his main thread was an Unrequinted Love Story with Cat Jemson. He wanted to nail her, she wasn't into it. Somehow I stretched that out over several months, and got both characters pretty over.


I could talk about Edd for hours, but his magic is probably best left on screen.


“Edd and Steve are just SO COOL! ZOMGSQUEE! I love you Edd Stone!”

“DeColt is pretty awesome I must say”

“Love The Awesome Alliance segments”


I’m going to let you in on a big secret. Steve DeColt was never meant to be a long-term feature in the Frontier Combat Kingdom. At the beginning of the game I felt I needed some extra star power to kick things off, someone who could rock the microphone, so I orchestrated a talent trade and brought him in for a few shows. He proved so popular and memorable (I still don’t know how “DeColt Rules!” got over as a catchphrase.) that when his exclusive Written Contract ran out with some Australian company, I picked him up for a full time role. The rest is history.


Random Trivia! I actually planned to use “The Rock And Rule Express” as their main team name, but somehow the Alliance got the nod in an 11th hour rewrite.


“Also, Johnny Blood has been made interesting. This can only be good.”

“Blood is someone I imagine I'd enjoy watching if this was real.”


On some level, Blood scoring highly is good. He’s my top heel, so it’s nice people enjoy him. On the other hand, I define a ‘Heel’ as “a character written with the express purpose of being disliked”. So in some ways Blood being so popular should be considered a failure on my part. However, I don’t really write Blood to be disliked. Not totally. There’s a thread of nobility in there. He has a psychological flaw to overcome. He has a monolithic foe he must defeat. I can certainly relate to that on some levels. It’s possible to root for him.


Plus I’m given to understand that some of you find his rage amusing. I assure you that he does not.


“The faces have the edge here, but that's a barely-thing.”


Good. Like I said, I define a Heel as “a character written with the express purpose of being disliked” so I’m glad the Babyfaces tend to score higher than the Heels. WWE Babyfaces tends to be very bland and inoffensive these days, and that’s not what I wanted. I wanted character. I wanted edge. I wanted them to be likeable. Apparently I’ve largely succeeded.


“I think you've made Allen into an interesting character.”

“Harry is a solid plucky babyface and I'm looking forward to seeing him go on his own.“

“I like Allen's whole character”


I like Harry too. I’m looking forward to seeing how he reacts to his girlfriend getting her jaw broken by his best friend. The only way to find out is to tune in to the Frontier Combat Kingdom when it returns Monday 28th December.



... to be continued

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the other hand, I define a ‘Heel’ as “a character written with the express purpose of being disliked”. So in some ways Blood being so popular should be considered a failure on my part.


We root for Johnny, but we root for him in a Smarky way. He's an awesome wrestler, and also an awesome Heel. He plays a character that we dislike well, and we like him for being so dislikeable. I remember, oh, ages ago, that someone asked Lance Storm on his website how it was best to show appreciation for a Heel if you didn't want to break the mood by cheering for them. His answer was to give them a big cheer when they make their entrance, and then boo them twice as hard the second a babyface shows up. I think that's the position Johnny's in with us. We respect him out of character, and hate him in character. And life continues.


Interesting thing: when this started, I was convinced that Edd Stone was a Heel. Maybe he was. The fact that he was so OTT in his hatred of his brother was the tipping point, and he came across as an irresponsible crybaby who couldn't appreciate anything that his brother did for him. Since then, of course, fan following has turned Edd solidly babyface, to the point where Jeremy Stone comes across as slightly Heel-ish by the fact that Edd doesn't like him. Speaking for myself, I preferred the point somewhere between the two, where Edd was essentially the Arrogant Face who was slightly less Face-ish in his behaviour than his brother.


Jeremy Stone. JEZZA! He's a bit bland, but that works, y'know? Jezza is a Canadian Wrestling God. A* overness across Canada. One of the best technicians in the world today. Old enough to have been building momentum for a long, long time. His gimmick, in my mind, is simple: he's Jeremy freakin' Stone. What more need be said? If he does turn, I think I'll be less fond of him as a result, y'know? It would need a turn of nWo proportions to make me be anything other than saddened and disappointed by Jeremy turning his back on the fans.


Steve DeColt. Take me, take me now. How can anyone resist that much testosterone? Comparisons have been made between Steve and The Rock, and they work. Yes, he's an arrogant, conceited dick. But he's cool, and goes after Heels and not Faces. One day, he will be FCK Champion and we'll all be the better off for it.


Raul Hughes. Just the right balance of a Face's motivation with a Heel's actions. Not quite a Tweener yet, but he works, and the Eisen association helps him along massively.


Christian Faith. It's okay Christian, you can cry. They're trying to take your son, damn them! The Faith/Eisen feud really feels personal. The fake drug test results and the ensuing problems this is causing are really working as a plotline. I want to see this one run.


Harry Allen. I know he's cool and all, but... I don't know. He's a bit too much of the young, exciting babyface for me to really get behind. I know he's not actually *that* young, but he feels like it. His push and character makes me think of him as a kid who's batting out of his league. Still, he's established now - nowhere to go but up.


That's all I've really got to say for now. Oh, except this: don't neglect the pudding! Just because you have awesome women wrestlers, doesn't mean that you can't put them in plotlines that involve them getting gratuitously nekkid and wrestling in oil once in a while. Give the dirty old men what they want!

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Edd Stone really did come off as a heel in the beginning. He basically transitioned from arrogant heel to over the top comedy face by sheer force of ego and feuds.


I never really got interested in the DeColts before Steve DeColt's "Who rules?!" gimmick, so that's a nice one too and his alliance with Edd Stone is a pretty nice factor.


Jeremy Stone is almos certainly a heel to me. Jeremy Stone has kinda got Rocky Maivia/John Cena heat, the way you write him, which I'm not sure if that's what you intend. Johnny Blood's motivation and constant passion really get him more over to me, even if he uses dirty tactics.


Harry Allen is someone who this diary really got me behind, as well as his short appearance in Eisen-verse's PSW diary. The simmering tension in The Young Guns' tag team is a great storyline that I can't wait for the explosion.

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I can understand the disappointment towards the reader's reaction to Mr. Blood... but you have to keep in mind your audience. As Regis points out, most of look at the world of wrestling through smark eyes. Whether on TV or in-writing, its very difficult to make a heel character who is truly hated anymore, not the way you once could. One only has to look at stories of heel wrestlers being threatened, attacked, and causing riots to realize how much things have changed. When a heel worker is booed today, a large portion of the crowd is basically saying the worker is doing a good job in their role, but those fans also realize that they are just playing a role. Outside of the kids and a small portion (I hope) of fans who can't see the fiction from the reality, no one really hates the worker themselves. They hate the character.


That's basically how most of us are going to look at a character, whether on TV or in writing. How well does the character do what they are intended to do? And Johnny Blood does his quite well. But while we might hate (or at least strongly dislike) what he does, that "separation" is still there so we can at the same time appreciate how well he does it.


Hopefully that makes sense...

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Harry Allen is someone who this diary really got me behind, as well as his short appearance in Eisen-verse's PSW diary. The simmering tension in The Young Guns' tag team is a great storyline that I can't wait for the explosion.


Kicking Chitose in the face didn't count?

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Kicking Chitose in the face didn't count?


Not at all... Gumble blames Chitose for the loss... not Allen.


Speaking of the Guns....


Before this Diary I never even gave Harry Allen a second thought as any thing other than cruiserweight fodder in TCW...


After I started reading this, I signed The Guns in my current game, and look forward to breaking them up and seeing if I can get Allen over.


I can't look at anyone in this diary in my game without seeing the character that Self has them portraying in the FCK.

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So if you kicked your best friend's girlfriend in the face and said to him "don't worry, we're cool, she's just annoying", you think he'd be fine with it? :p


No... haha, but its gonna be the kind of thing where Gumble argues that he'd did them a favor, and Allen is upset with Gumble but neither man actaully fight one another for a while

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QUESTION 3 - Who do you think is the 'Best Heel' in the Frontier Combat Kingdom? (Tick One)


60% Johnny Blood

17% Richard Eisen

07% Catherine Quine

07% Troy Tornado

03% Adrian Garcia

03% Dan DaLay

03% Raul Hughes

00% Maverick

00% Nightshade


Given some of the earlier conversation, I thought I’d jump to this question. The Babyface/Heel concept fascinates me, and I agonized for days about the whole “Favourite Heel” category, feeling it was a contradiction of terms. Part of me believes that Heels should be legitimately disliked, even to the point of ‘go away’ heat. However, you have to entertain, and I know my audience are big fans of Jericho, Edge and CM Punk’s Heel personas. I remember an interview with JBL a long while back. He said “If there’s a pocket of fans cheering me, I’m not doing my job.” He seemed to feel that guys like Randy Orton, recieving ‘RKO’ chants, were failing to some degree. I dig that viewpoint. Other than the fact he couldn’t bump enough near the end, I thought JBL was a fantastic Heel character, while Randy Orton... I don’t know why he isn’t a Babyface.


While I do consider it a failure on my part that I haven’t built up a truly classic, purely hatable Heel, I take comfort in the fact that in this project I never put too much focus on “Baddies” and “Goodies”. The distinction is there, sure, but my main aim has been to figure out a legitimate reason for two people to fight, tell that story, and let people figure it out for themselves.



“He's got that Orton like Psychoticism about him that makes him great to see.”

“ANGRY~! But effective characterization.”

“He's just so... angry.”


As has been mentioned, this board does naturally attract a smark audience, and Johnny Blood could be considered a ‘good heel’ given the criteria we tend to use. He’s probably the closest thing I’ve got to an Edge or Jericho or CM Punk. Good wrestler. Reasonably entertaining promos. Specific goals and viewpoint. I really like Johnny Blood, and am happy he won, but there’s always going to be a part of me that goes “What do marks think? Do they like or hate Blood?” I don’t like pantomime responses; Heroes-Yay, Villains-Boo. I want genuine emotional responses, and as much as I love you guys, you’re very analytical of wrestling, so it’s tricky for you to give me those in this instance.



“I didn't know Raul Hughes was a heel.”


Having thought I wrote him some ace promos since his turn, I actually expected Raul to be well up this list... but I can understand why he isn't. Especially with Raul it was less of a case of “what can I do to make him unlikeable?” and more of a case of “what would make this man legitimately want to fight this particular babyface?” As such, focusing on the famous-father-easy-route aspect, I think I found believable beef, but at the cost of making him a pure, white-hot heel. I’m kind of okay with that. Hughes' story is very relatable and admirable, and I didn't want to bastardize that to conform to a stereotypical 'bad guy' persona. Sadly, this makes another strong heel (in kayfabe fighting ability) who are potentially more supportable than the Babyfaces.



QUESTION 4 - Is there anyone in the Frontier Combat Kingdom who has 'go away heat' with you? Anyone whose segments that you skip over on a regular basis? Anyone who simply doesn't appeal to you, personally? (Tick all who apply)


41% Dan DaLay

35% Blonde Bombshell

29% Catherine Quine

29% Melody Cuthill

24% Dirty White Boys

24% Maverick

18% Nightshade

18% Raul Hughes

18% Troy Tornado

12% Christian Faith

12% Harry Allen

12% Steve Gumble

12% Victoria Stone

12% Team Deathstrike

06% Jeremy Stone

06% Johnny Blood

06% Steve DeColt

00% Edd Stone


“So far everyone is interesting in their own way.”


“Nope, no one!”


Thanks, but looking at the results it’s pretty clear that the old “You can’t please all the people, all the time” adage is very true... and there’s nothing wrong with that. Originally I was just going to have a “Most Hated” survey question, but felt it may be confusing, so I split it into “Best Heel” and “Go Away Heat”. I knew this question was going to cause many freak- outs on my part.


“Anyone who clicks Edd Stone here should be pelted with beaver Buzz.”


No one did. That warms my heart. They may be some confusion on whether he was a Heel or a Babyface, but I wrote him to be liked by my readers, and 87% put him on their ‘Top 3’ lists and no one of the remaining 13% are bored or annoyed by him, so that’s a winner in my book.


“Pretty Much All Women's segments unless they involve Joanne Rodriguez, and the exception to the Victoria Stone / Edd Stone Match.”


I’ll go into it more later, when I talk about the “Best Woman” question, but I’m not surprised to see a couple of women high up on the list. I love women’s wrestling, but I don’t ‘get’ women, so it’s always going to be hard for me to write believable, strong, entertaining female characters.


“Danger Kumasaka and his group. Don't seem to have a purpose - even when he

found out Harry Allen was seeing his daughter, it didn't go anywhere much.”

“Deathstrike - I just have absolutely no interest in them whatsoever.”


Danger Kumasaka and Akinori Kwakami are exceptionally talented, but not everyone can be megastars. There’s only so much screen time to go around, and Akinori still doesn’t speak English, so their character development hasn’t quite landed.


“Quine- She just irritates me.”

“Quine: Is she an effective heel, yes. Is she an annoying heel, yes. But not

in the affectionate Heenan way - she's more Jedward than Susan Boyle or

whatever. Rargh.”

“Cat Quine is the only one I'd consider ticking, but I think that's more that

you write her as a great heel that I dislike her.”

(RE: Best Heel) “I'm actually tempted to go for Cat here because she's one

of the most consistently heelish characters I've read in any dynasty... in

fact, screw it. Original vote was for Raul and THAT punch, but changing to Cat.”


Part of me likes this. I wanted her to be annoying. You’re meant to want her to shut up and get her ass-kicked. I’m a massive fan of Vickie Guerrero, so if The Cat is getting some ‘go away’ heat like Vickie does, I can live with that.



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Sadly, with kayfabe dead, the chances of creating a good Heel who is both genuinely entertaining and genuinely hated are pretty much zero. The fact remains, no genuine sport is conducted like pro wrestling. Football players don't come out and cut promos before their matches. Much though Don King would like us to believe otherwise, those two boxers are fighting for money, not because they hate each other. The England cricket team never started hitting each other with their bats and walking out of games because they had a fight over a woman. And as such, every backstage skit, every in-ring promo, every plotline, necessitates us actively suspending our disbelief. We know that the people we're seeing aren't really like that. It would be like us coming out of Star Wars and going, "Ooh, that Dave Prowse! What a dick!"


Also, good writing and creating well-rounded characters means that you stop being able to control the crowd's reactions. Raul Hughes has a strong character, and some people will admire him for how much he's achieved. It's the same with every Heel. If everything that wrestler does is designed to make the crowd boo them, is so insulting and offensive and annoying that it even drowns out the fact that they're a good wrestler, then they're pretty one-dimensional. It switches back to the pantomime villain thing, where they're nothing but a caricature.


Back in the days when kayfabe lived, we might have hated the heeks genuinely. Sadly, it's almost (but not entirely) impossible to get that kind of reaction these days.

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QUESTION 5 - Which is your favourite Tag Team in the Frontier Combat Kingdom? (Tick One)


63% The Awesome Alliance (Steve DeColt & Edd Stone)

17% The Young Guns (Harry Allen & Steve Gumble)

10% The Dirty White Boys (Lead Belly & Grease Hogg)

10% Team Deathstrike (Danger Kumasaka & Akinori Kwakami)

00% Dan DaLay & Maverick

00% The Delicate Flowers



“You could probably do with a few more teams.”

The Frontier Combat Kingdom hasn’t been all too friendly to tag teams. I didn’t start out with Tag Team Titles. I did this for three reasons. One, to not water down the importance of the Frontier Combat King by adding extra titles. Two, so I could do a tournament later on. Three... well... three is subtle, and I'm not going to mention it.


Despite this, I love tag team wrestling. I find the idea of it incredibly noble. Two men putting aside selfish quests for individual glory for the good of a team. I dig it, and always strive to have one tag team contest on each card. Just one, if I could help it. Variety is the spice of life, but too many spices spoil the broth.


"You just can't beat the Awesome Alliance"

"The interplay between the Alliance just about steals it for them."


"Again I have to vote for Edd Stone."

"Gotta go Alliance here... they do get the most screen time"

"Their alliance in this diary is certainly somewhat different to what

you'd normally see."

Edd Stone’s search for a tag team partner took many twists and turns. After Jeremy failed him he considered many options. Troy Tornado (awesome bus, but suspended) Melody Cuthill (do tag teams shower together?) he considered letting Adrian Garcia set him up with someone (Team Garcia, remember) and even thought about bringing in someone new... but when the idea of Steve DeColt came to his mind it was like a bolt of awesome lightning to the soul. He couldn't resist.





QUESTION 6 - Who is your favorite member of the 'FCK Women' division? (Tick One)


20% Melody Cuthill

17% Catherine Quine

17% Joanne Rodriguez

13% Victoria Stone

13% Nightshade

10% Chitose Kumasaka

06% Dharma Gregg

03% Blonde Bombshell

00% Debbie Rose

00% Kate Lily


I’ll say it. I have no business writing a women’s division. Don’t get me wrong, I love women’s wrestling, I love the variety it brings, but I just don’t ‘get’ women. It’s a recurring theme in my work. I don’t write good parts for women. They’re either underdeveloped, unrealistic or non-existent.


Perhaps part of the problem in this project is the lack of a Women’s Title. I decided against having one for three reasons. First, I did want to water down the importance of the FCK Title by adding superfluous belts. Second, the women’s division was originally to be pure eye candy, not to be respected. Third, it seemed like temptation for lazy storytelling. Champions and Challengers are staples of wrestling, but I thought that with a Women’s belt I would end up repeating the feuds and dynamics used with the men’s title. I wanted to challenge myself to create interesting women characters with believable feuds that don’t need a Macguffin to work. I don't feel I've been successful.


In retrospect, given the specific nature of the Blood/Stone rivalry, I think a women’s belt wouldn’t have stepped on any toes so far, and may have greatly enhanced the division, giving it purpose and meaning.



"Is it just a popularity issue in Canada? Joanne Rodriguez is coming off as a

jobber to the stars, and I would think she would be one of the top two or

three competitors in a serious woman's division."

"Epic mask."


Joanne Rodriguez has a lot of drawbacks. First and foremost is that she’s a very popular C-Verse character. It’s practically a cliche to use her. Also, unlike a lot of characters who slot easily into the roster (Faith with Eisen, Victoria into the Stone & Quine dynamics) nothing jumps out for her to actually do.


If you’re not fighting on PPV, I have no reason to devote TV time to you. It’s too precious a commodity. Creative has nothing for J-Ro, so she's on the losing end. I'm fine with that. I'd rather have talented jobbers than untalented ones.





QUESTION 7 - Which is the deadliest move in the Frontier Combat Kingdom? (Tick One)


67% Raul Hughes’ LEFT HOOK!

17% Edd Stone’s Shooting Star Legdrop

07% Jeremy Stone’s Stone Hold

03% Johnny Blood’s Bloodrage Mutilation

03% Steve DeColt’s DeColt Stampede

03% Maverick’s Deadly Silence

00% Christian Faith’s Test of Faith

00% Harry Allen’s Gunslinger’s Revenge

00% Lead Belly’s RPM Bomb


I’m overjoyed to see that the LEFT HOOK! has gotten over. It’s a move I really wanted to push hard and keep strong, so it’s great that I’ve done that right. I’m a little bummed that I didn’t do that for a few more moves though. Edd, Jeremy and Harry all have multiple finishes, and use them indiscriminately so nothing in particular has gotten over. DeColt, Faith and Maverick all have fairly weak finishes by modern standards that are hard to take seriously. I’m very happy I built one move right, but I could have done more. An unbreakable submission, perhaps. I’m pretty sure every submission move has been broken or escaped or survived at this point, and that’s not cricket.



The card for the next episode of ‘FCK Mondays’ courtesy of FCKwrestling.ca.


Victoria Stone vs Melody Cuthill

Akinori Kwakami vs Jeremy Stone

Kelownas Players (Craig Green & Gregg Boone) vs Awesome Alliance (DeColt & Edd)

Steve Gumble vs Danger Kumasaka

Maverick vs Shane Pain

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Victoria Stone vs Melody Cuthill

Call it a draw, as Cat tries to screw up both competitors.


Akinori Kwakami vs Jeremy Stone



Kelownas Players (Craig Green & Gregg Boone) vs Awesome Alliance (DeColt & Edd)



Steve Gumble vs Danger Kumasaka

This is really bugging me. Will Steve screw up when he's without his partner? Will Harry try to take revenge? Will Danger pull out some wily veteran tricks? In the end, though, I reckon the guy with the feud gets the win.


Maverick vs Shane Pain

Yeah... Mav's just that much better.

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Oooh, the Kelowna Players (Playaz?). I already have ideas swimming around of them being a "dark awesome" version of the AA, Edd taking his eye off of the prize by trying to out-cool them at every turn...


On another note, can't say i've ever seen a fan-feedback piece that extensive in a diary before, but i'm glad i have :) Nice contrast to the kayfabe-only shows, and very interesting to hear your thoughts on it all. Thank you :)

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