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Help me.. I'm stuck :)

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First of all I want to say hi to everybody. I've been reading the threads about TEW08 for a while now and really enjoy reading the dicussions on here.


To my problem: I am currently playing a game as USPW. I am a couple of years into it. Sam Strong has recently retired and handed the company over to his daughter. I've brought the company to a B- pop in all of the US, a C+ pop in Canada (I accidentally lost my TV contract early on and got a TV deal with the Pop network, so I am broadcasting in all of North America for a long time now) and some decent pop in Mexico and Japan as well.


My quest is obv to rise USPW above cult status. I would actually cruise to international immediately and be not to far away from global. But here is where the problem starts. I can't produce better shows than B- to B with an ocassional C+ if my Main Event bombs. I think this results heavily from having to de-push my main eventers regularly in order to be able to extend their contracts. So therefor I am losing overall worker popularity all the time.


So I am really in some kind of transitional phase where national status is so near and yet so far. Any kind of advise how to handle this situation would be aprecciated. :)

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Well you identified your main problem in your post. My advice would be: don't do that. :p Destroying the popularity of guys who're paid to be popular, when your promotion relies on having popular workers in it is... counter-productive, at best.


Rather than trashing their overness to make them re-sign (which isn't exactly realistic, is it? But hey, each to their own), why not keep pushing them and try to get to National before they leave? Once you're at National, they'll sign written contracts with you and you'll be fine.

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If you de-push someone to B- popularity to get their contract renewed, try to get as long contract as possible. Then have him get back to high popularity fast so you have much time to rely on him. That way you might be able to get stronger ratings for show and get national. And then sign important players to written contracts. You should propably do this with someone quite talented so the match ratings are higher..
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If you de-push someone to B- popularity to get their contract renewed, try to get as long contract as possible. Then have him get back to high popularity fast so you have much time to rely on him. That way you might be able to get stronger ratings for show and get national. And then sign important players to written contracts. You should propably do this with someone quite talented so the match ratings are higher..


Aye, with your more over people at Cult you can get atleast 18 month contracts. As soon as they renew the contract, push them to the moon. If You're at B- popularity in the USA you're on the doorstep to National, and if you can pull out some B+ shows you'll hit it long before their contracts come up again.

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Well you identified your main problem in your post. My advice would be: don't do that. :p Destroying the popularity of guys who're paid to be popular, when your promotion relies on having popular workers in it is... counter-productive, at best.


Rather than trashing their overness to make them re-sign (which isn't exactly realistic, is it? But hey, each to their own), why not keep pushing them and try to get to National before they leave? Once you're at National, they'll sign written contracts with you and you'll be fine.


Actually WWE does this to a certain extent. If they think someone is going to leave they'll usually de-push him a bit and have him feud with someone less over than him. That way if he leaves he puts someone over.

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How much money and such do you have? If you have plenty of money and dont have a goal you risk failing then just push til you can get over the hump. You need some highly rated main events and those will carry you and possibly keep you National if you can sustain good main events. Dont depush your top guys though. When you hit national resign them to written deals ASAP!
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Money is no problem. I have PPV deals in the USA, Canada, Mexico and Japan. USPW currently makes a profit between 500k-700k every month. Total balance being at 24 million.

The only money related owner goal that I have is that I must not fall below 8 million.


The only problem was to keep my top rated talent with the company. I dont know what you guys do. but I currently have 3 non-agression pacts. SWF. TCW and NOTBPW. All 3 companies are global in my current game. I made pacts with SWF and TCW right away and with NOTBPW after they raided like 5 of my biggest stars.


Ah well... I think I am gonna do what everybody advised me to do and just try to power through even if it means to potentially lose my stars. But what I have been doing so far hasn't worked out to well. Right now I have Chance Fortune with an A* pop all over North America. His contrace is up in 8 months. I hope I can hit national till then.

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Money is no problem. I have PPV deals in the USA, Canada, Mexico and Japan. USPW currently makes a profit between 500k-700k every month. Total balance being at 24 million.

The only money related owner goal that I have is that I must not fall below 8 million.


The only problem was to keep my top rated talent with the company. I dont know what you guys do. but I currently have 3 non-agression pacts. SWF. TCW and NOTBPW. All 3 companies are global in my current game. I made pacts with SWF and TCW right away and with NOTBPW after they raided like 5 of my biggest stars.


Ah well... I think I am gonna do what everybody advised me to do and just try to power through even if it means to potentially lose my stars. But what I have been doing so far hasn't worked out to well. Right now I have Chance Fortune with an A* pop all over North America. His contrace is up in 8 months. I hope I can hit national till then.


You'll need about B popularity to get the importance required in the USA to hit national. If you're at a LOW B- then it'll only take you about four months tops to reach a B in pop. (I'm making this guess looking at my EWA game... I've spent four months at both C- and then C popularity in Central Europe before rising to the next grade.)


Of course, I put on awesome shows for a Regional company with EWA (had to brag, sorry!), and have a lower level of popularity (meaning its easier to get that .4 bump in pop each show). So... it might take a bit longer. But if you focus your shows on your tops stars and let them rise in popularity you should still be able to put on consistent B+/A shows with USPW. See, the beautiful thing about popularity based companies is that the popularity of workers in them snowball. Put your most popular workers in storylines/segments together, making the segment/storyline recieve a great grade, which in turn makes the workers more popular, meaning the next time they do that it gets an even higher grade.


Example: Right now, I'm struggling with having TOO MUCH popularity in EWA. I can't book Louis Figo Manico or Joey Beauchamp anymore without risking both them and their opponents popularity from skyrocketing. I need to hit National, damnit...

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That was probably a mistake, as NOTBPW and TCW will always sign working agreements with you, I've found. Coping with SWF stealing your workers is acceptable as all too often they'll drop to cult and you can turn it round on them.


I'd suggest dropping your NA pacts with NOTBPW and TCW and trying for working pacts instead - that way you can send Bruce/Chance/Whoever off on loan and get Wolf/McFly/Jeremy back in exchange.


There's a risk they'll turn on you and go to war (SWF almost certainly will, hence I'd advise caution about breaking the deal until you have the chance to crush them) but I'd say it was worth it - particularly with the Stones if they don't have an American TV deal.

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I tried to do a working agreement with NOTBPW before I offered the NA pact and they declined. After that I found doing the NA pact pretty crucial. Since my TV shows have been airing in Canada pretty much from the beginning of my game, all my workers are equally popular in Canada as in the US. So NOTBPW really went for my talent pretty hard. Pretty much every time I got someone really over. Possibly a mistake to broadcast in Canada this early on, but then again..hey.. I am still a noob to this game. :)


My current pop all across the US is currently at ~72.8% but I am still having a hard time putting on B+ shows. I had like 5 of them in the entire game so far. But things are picking up lately since Chance Fortune got over massively. I decided to make him the number one guy and dropped the belt from James Justice (who in recent months has been struggeling a lot more than he used too) to Ronnie V. Pain my current numer one monster heel. Next PPV Chance will winthe big one. Hopefully his reign will lead the company to global.

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