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Lucha Libre hits New England - The Story of a Really Bad Idea

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I kinda like the idea of Puerto Rican Power in your promotion. It creates great contrast with the lucha workers but in my eyes still fits in.


And yeah, here are my predictions:


Puerto Rican Power, Darkness Warrior, Barry Kingman vs Burning EXILE, Mexican Angel, Steve Flash (winners to compete in six man World Championship Match)


Air Attack Weasel, Ernie Turner, Snap Dragon vs Rainbow Dragon, Roderick Remus, Ultimate Phoenix (winners to compete in six man World Championship Match)


Warren Technique vs Wild Tiger

Cowboy Rex Reeves vs The American Flash

New York Red vs Captain Jack

Zonk vs Velocidad

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As far as having to use the non-luchas, I didn't have much choice - there are only 6 or 7 luchadores who will work in America. So after hiring just about all of them I went and started looking for people who could fly (for the most part) or if more ground-based, had the ability to carry others in the ring.


It seems I have two goals I'll need to do - get large enough to be able to start raiding Mexico and get my undercard over enough so that I don't need to rely on the bigger guys. Both may take a while, but luckily money shouldn't be TOO hard as the product seems to be a money magnate.


I have the outline of the first show written up, I just need to flesh it out some and post it tonight or tomorrow (maybe) barring my schedule.

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Puerto Rican Power, Darkness Warrior, Barry Kingman vs Burning EXILE, Mexican Angel, Steve Flash (winners to compete in six man World Championship Match)

I'm going out on a limb and saying that Team Puerto Rico will lose this one. I'm just looking at the sides here, and a super junior, a luchadore, and one of the best all-rounders in North America beat out a giant, a TCW send off, and a great technician. At least in a lucha fed.


Air Attack Weasel, Ernie Turner, Snap Dragon vs Rainbow Dragon, Roderick Remus, Ultimate Phoenix (winners to compete in six man World Championship Match)

The presence of Ernie Turner on the opposing side forced my hand.


Warren Technique vs Wild Tiger

I'm a big Technique fan, which is the only reason I would pick him to go over an actual luchadore in a lucha promotion.


Cowboy Rex Reeves vs The American Flash

Reeves is near terrible aside from his run as champion in Dylrium's dynasty, and Flash has much more talent and potential.


New York Red vs Captain Jack

I don't remember who Captain Jack is, but I do remember who New York Red is, which says something about my faith in Red.


Zonk vs Velocidad

Kind of a coin flip on this one. I just went with the one with a more serious gimmick.

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Puerto Rican Power, Darkness Warrior, Barry Kingman vs Burning EXILE, Mexican Angel, Steve Flash


Air Attack Weasel, Ernie Turner, Snap Dragon vs Rainbow Dragon, Roderick Remus, Ultimate Phoenix


Warren Technique vs Wild Tiger

Cowboy Rex Reeves vs The American Flash

New York Red vs Captain Jack

Zonk vs Velocidad

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Looking forward to this.


Puerto Rican Power, Darkness Warrior, Barry Kingman vs Burning EXILE, Mexican Angel, Steve Flash (winners to compete in six man World Championship Match)


Air Attack Weasel, Ernie Turner, Snap Dragon vs Rainbow Dragon, Roderick Remus, Ultimate Phoenix (winners to compete in six man World Championship Match)


Start of 8-man Tournament for the North American championship


Warren Technique vs Wild Tiger

Cowboy Rex Reeves vs The American Flash

New York Red vs Captain Jack

Zonk vs Velocidad

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It was a cold night, with snow threatening to fly before dawn as a storm rolled up from the Ohio Valley and gunned itself towards New England when the show kicked off at the University of Maine Field House in Orono. For those attending it would be mostly out of curiosity, as the start-up promotion had been talked about off and on again in the news for over a month.




As everyone was filing in they were greeted by two dark matches in progress – the first in which Davis Wayne Newton defestead Cal Sanders (E-) with the second a three-way match in which Tempest Appleby defeated Medic and Mark Smart. (E+)


Once the start time rolled around, the lights dimmed and a spotlight followed a rather large, paunchy man wearing a sharp suit who appeared to be somewhere in his thirties walked up and climbed in the ring. He grabbed a mic and spoke in a booming voice familiar to some of the members as having until recently been on the radio.


“My name is Adam Standard. What you are about to witness is a gift from my grandfather (the screens in the Field House cut to a smiling image of John Standish, along with the dates of his birth and death) to all of you. While it is not exactly what you may find down in Mexico, it is about as close as you'll find north of the Rio Grande. Allow me to present to you the very first program of what I hope to be a bright future, NEWCO REVOLUTION!” (D-)


The light cut out, the screens darkened, and Standard left the ring. As he stepped out, the screens lit up once again with a short video introducing the members of the stable called XDW – Lee Bambino, Daredevil Aero, Extreme Deluxe, Fearless Blue and Super Sonic. As the video played, the five made their way to the ring (stopping to greet just about everyone along the aisles), entering just as the video ended. Unfortunately, nobody had any clue who these guys are, despite their obvious enthusiasm. (F)


The five each grabbed mics, though Xavier Reckless was the one who spoke first.


“Now, all y'all look to be intelligent people, but you probably ain't got clue one what the hell luche libre really is. To be honest, I can't say we can blame you. Thats why we're here.”


Blue spoke up next, “Luche libre is Spanish for free fighting. Its wrestling, only with some different rules and some different styles than what you may be used to watching the TCW and SWF every Thursday.”


“See, in Mexico and points south, wrestling is a lot faster, a lot more fluid than up here. Wrestlers, they tend to be smaller, and more catlike in their movements. As such, matches tend to move a lot quicker.” This was Sonic talking now, “'Cause of this, pins can come out of the blue a lot more frequently, so matches tend to be best of three. Just 'cause you get dropped once doesn't mean you're out of the match.”


Deluxe spoke now. “So when you see our show tonight, keep in mind most of what you see? Two out of three falls. Thats luche libre style.” (E)


The four then exited the ring, leaving Bambino behind for a moment. “And that my friends, is a just a small part of the rules. Now, for tonight you'll be seeing two tournaments - first, our upper level stars will compete in two 6-man tag matches, with the winning teams going at each other in a six-man battle for the NEWCO World title. The otehr matches will be individual bouts held under lucha libre best of three rules to determine our North American champion. Winners tonight will go on to compete in next month's show, March Madness.”


Bambino stepped out of the ring as Puerto Rican Power, Barry Kingman and the Darkness Warrior entered and cut a quick, nasty promo against their opponents later in the evening. (D-)


They exited and Bambino came back to introduce the first real match of the evening – Air Attack Weasel, Ernie Turner, and Snap Dragon vs Rainbow Dragon, Roderick Remus and Ultimate Phoenix!


The match itself was a back and forth affair that eventually came down to the heelish Turner using his grounded 'familiar' western technique against Ultimate Phoenix as Phoenix countered everything with his lucha style. Unfortunately Phoenix misestimated a move and wound up getting planted with a Slick Pimp Spike for the loss, allowing Weasel, Turner, and Snap Dragon to advance. (D)


The next match was one that featured another 'grounded' westerner taking on a lucha opponent.


Warren Technique came out and caught Wild Tiger (familiar in Mexico as Tigre Salvaje Jr) quickly enough in a series of mat-based moved that effectively eliminated Tigre from being able to mount a good defense. Tiger went down for the third fall to an STF, allowing the gloating Technique to emerge victorious to a series of boos as he arrogantly mocked the smaller man's style. (E)


The next match was bad – very bad. “Cowboy” Rex Reeves came out and did something vaguely resembling wrestling against a slightly confused seeming American Flash. Flash lost (somehow, it wasn't clear exactly what went down), in two falls before both men scuttled from the ring, obviously more than aware about how little chemistry the two had. (F+)


With each loss, the fans were booing louder and louder, wanting to see one of the luchas win.


By now Remmington Remus, Bambino and Zoe Ammis at the announcers' stand were starting to comment about how poorly the luchas were faring in their debut, but making a point to note how much of an effort they were giving as they tried to notch a win.


At this point, New York red came out and faced Captain Jack (more familiar in Mexico as Amo del Gato) only to cheat his way to yet another heel vistory as he caught Jack up in a Brooklyn Bridge. (E-)


Ultimate Phoenix came out at this point and made a couple comments about how now they were seeing how things were, and that at the next show, people should be ready for some serious payback. (E+)


At this point Puerto Rican Power, Darkness Warrior and Snap Dragon emerged and climbed into the rind to await their opponents, Burning EXILE, Mexican Angel and Steve Flash. The larger heels smirked as the match went on, going back and forth (and confusing some of the fans, as when someone would get tossed from the ring it would then allow one of their teammates to enter the ring legally to take his place) until Power went to catch Steve Flash in a powerbomb only to have Flash somehow reverse it into a Flash Bang for the win. EXILE, Flash and Mexican Angel head for the Main Event in the next match (D-)...


...in which all six men wind up going back and forth for a good 15 minutes, with everyone going back and forth until exhaustion starts pruning the speed down to the point where Ernie Turner goes to spike Steve Flash only to have it countered, and turned into a Flash Bang. BOOM, Flash wins the World title. (D+)


Flash is jubilant (if exhausted) but roams the ring celebrating his win as the first NEWCO World Champ. (D)


Thats when Puerto Rico Power came out and confronted him, demanding a match after being 'cheated' out of his opportunity by being saddled with 'a pair of losers' like Darkness Warrior and Barry Kingman. Things look like they're going to come to blows before the two back down and the show ends. (D)


Final Show rating: D

Attendence: 1,987


Afterthoughts :


Jack Sawyer was about EVERYWHERE in the show, as 90% of the roster either can't speak English or just can't talk on the mic. He literally appeared at ringside for every. Single. Match. Luckily in most cases he helped a great deal – the only worker he had bad chemistry with was Steve Flash, which is easily coverable as Flash's actions tend to speak for themselves.


I was a bit upset about the low rating until the next day when the web report stated that the show was actually decent. Which shocked me, considering it was, well... a D.


I really do need more luchas, but I simply can't hire people who don't exist at this point...

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OOC: Just as a heads up, as much as I would love to keep this going, I've realized there just aren't enough luchas in the US to pull it off properly.


So the question becomes do I 'cheat' and add a bunch of user created chars, edit existing workers over, or just trundle ahead with lucha libre Americano in which you have 'American' style matches mixed in?

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I'd like to see this continue, as it's a great idea, although it may require a restart similar to TigerKinney's FCW dynasty (which, looking at the success he's had in his second run with it isn't as bad an idea as it might first seem).


As far as your thought of there not being enough American luchadores, I think you're looking at it wrong. You don't necessarily need actual "luchadores" to run a lucha libre promotion. The basic idea in lucha libre is the battle between "rudos" (heels) and "technicos" (babyfaces). Rudos are traditionally brawlers and bigger than the faster, more scientifically-gifted technicos.


Just searching for US workers that are classified as luchadores brings up 11 workers, most of which are well-suited for working as babyfaces. And there are plenty of heels, both brawlers and high-fliers, that can be great foils for those technicos. Guys like Jack Griffith, Jacob Jett, and Zeus Maximillion would make great additions to a lucha fed, as they have the charisma to match their in-ring skills.


So I'm voting for either a continue or a revamping, but I am a fan of the idea. Hopefully this post will give you the help you need in making your decision.

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I'd like to see this continue, as it's a great idea, although it may require a restart similar to TigerKinney's FCW dynasty (which, looking at the success he's had in his second run with it isn't as bad an idea as it might first seem).


As far as your thought of there not being enough American luchadores, I think you're looking at it wrong. You don't necessarily need actual "luchadores" to run a lucha libre promotion. The basic idea in lucha libre is the battle between "rudos" (heels) and "technicos" (babyfaces). Rudos are traditionally brawlers and bigger than the faster, more scientifically-gifted technicos.


Just searching for US workers that are classified as luchadores brings up 11 workers, most of which are well-suited for working as babyfaces. And there are plenty of heels, both brawlers and high-fliers, that can be great foils for those technicos. Guys like Jack Griffith, Jacob Jett, and Zeus Maximillion would make great additions to a lucha fed, as they have the charisma to match their in-ring skills.


So I'm voting for either a continue or a revamping, but I am a fan of the idea. Hopefully this post will give you the help you need in making your decision.


I'd go with a revamping since it's clear you aren't happy with the current diary. However I agree with hrdcoresidebrns on the fact that you don't actually need actual luchadors.


Just look at CHIKARA. Here are their actual luchadors per CHIKARA's website:

Lince Dorado

Ice Cream, Jr.

El Hijo del Ice Cream


That's three luchadors on the whole roster and the Los Ice Creams are a joke tag team. Hell, let's add the people with lucha influences per the CHIKARA website:


Escorpion Egipcio

Mike Quackenbush

Soldier Ant



Cheech Hernandez

KC "Cloudy" Day


See? CHIKARA roster isn't filled with a bunch of American luchadors. It's filled with masked cruiserweights and super juniors with a good mix of entertainers, puro, brawlers, and technicians.

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