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CZCW: Anatomy Of A Tidal Wave

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December 9th, 2007








Happy Birthday!!







It was finally here: The "biggest day" of my youth, my 18th birthday.. But somehow it didn't feel like it. I still missed my mother. She died of cancer in June at the age of just 44 years. To be honest I believed that after the second big surgery she would be alright, that she would survive. The doctors were as hopeful as dad and I were but.. It just wasn't meant to be as the cancer quickly came back. On a warm summers night my mother finally left this world while asleep, leaving dad and I all alone. Alone and without anyone to take care for us.




Still I tried to make the most out of my birthday. Well, truth to be told I didn't, my dad did. He had arranged everything and invited everyone into my birthday party, even the people I really didn't care for, like Ian for example. But I was glad that Jimmy, Chris and Dragon were there, I had been training with them for a couple of years now, making slow progress along the way. And by slow I mean really slow but I always try to stay optimistic.. Maybe in five years time I'll be ready to get in the ring with the guys (Yeah, in my dreams!!).. I had dropped out of school following the loss of my mother but I think that in the end the reason was that school just wasn't for me. Or that I just needed time to think things trough.. Life is too short to be studying that many years. And atleast we had a good family business going on, everything was going well and we had half a million in the bank. Even though the ghost of my mother was still around, constantly on my mind, I was living the time of my life. And just when I thought that things couldn't get any better.. I was wrong.




I was talking with Jimmy about my new surfboard that I got as a present from dad when he interrupted us, asking me to come to the living room. He was going to do a speech and I reacted with my best facepalm gesture ever, Jimmy couldn't help but laughing.. I felt so embarrased.






"For the past six months Eric and I have been mourning of the loss of Catherine.. As you all know she was the nicest, most loving person ever.. The love of my life. But today as we celebrate Eric's 18th birthday.. I think it's time that we move on. We can't dwell in the past forever.. And in the end the memories are for us to keep. As much as I would like it, we can't bring Catherine back. Like I said, it's time to move on.."




"With that in mind.. For so many years I have been waiting to be able to say this.."

(What's he talking about?)



".. I hoped that Catherine could have lived to see this day.. She would be so proud of you Eric.. As she always was.."

(.. ?)






Dad cleared his throat. "Without further incoherent rambling.. From this day forward, my son Eric Anderson, is now officially part of Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling's active roster."





I couldn't help myself but to beverbially drop my jaw to the ground. Jimmy grabbed me and lifted me in the air while everyone started clapping and congratulating me.. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I was shocked. I told Jimmy to let me down.









"Wait, what!? Dad, are you kidding.. Wow. I mean.. Wow. Are you serious?"



Dad quickly replied.








"I sure am.. You're ready. You have been for months.. We wanted to keep this as a surprise."




"You know.. Me, Jimmy, Chris and Dragon. They have much faith in you and they've been telling me that you have improved significantly over the last few months."


"But.. ", a common thing instantly came to my mind.



".. Is there anything wrong? Are you okay?"


"No, there's nothing.. And I'm alright. Just a bit shocked, that's all. I just hope that other guys won't .."




".. You know. Think that I got the place in the roster just because I'm your son."


"Don't be stupid. Of course not. And if they do.. You'll just going to have to prove yourself to them. That you're worthy of being in the CZCW roster."


".. Thanks dad."



"Don't thank me.. The whole thing was your mothers idea in the first place. She was the one that wanted you to be part of the business. You weren't even one year old when I founded CZCW, back in 1990. When your mother and I saw the look in your eyes as you grew up seeing the wrestlers and running backstage.. We knew that someday you would be part of CZCW in someway. As you got older we came to the conclusion that you would make a good wrestler and here you are now."



"It wasn't a coincidence that Jimmy, Chris and Dragon were training you. I had assigned a mission for them.. To train my only son to become a wrestler so that he would be ready by his 18th birthday."



"And they did succeed in that very mission."


I smiled a little, with a hint of sarcasm.




"Now, go on and enjoy the night while it still lasts alright?"


".. I don't know what to say."


"You don't have to say anything."




I had been so naiive. I didn't take the training all that seriously in the end. Just like dad said that I had been a familiar face in the locker rooms.. I suddenly remembered all the pranks I did to others. I remember the debut of Plaque, Remmy, Ultimate Phoenix.. And every championship match where Fox Mask won the CZCW Championship. And all the other wrestlers who had left us in the 90's..





My dream had come true.






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(Don't pay attention to the video :p)



It's when my world comes down, you wanna change your little waves

Tomorrow's another start but it looks like everyday

You can't imagine how I wish that you could be the one

Inside you are not the same, but you look like everyone



It's like a tidal wave that wants to take the stars

A hurricane, that wrapped around my heart

If I could find a way I'd make a brand new start

I can't believe, it was the calm that killed the storm



Inside you broke my heart and took a little piece of me

Maybe one day we'll try again, but it wont ever be the same

If I don't hold on now, everything fades and slips away

Tomorrows another start but it looks like everyday



It's like a tidal wave that wants to take the stars

A hurricane, that wrapped around my heart

If I could find a way I'd make a brand new start

I can't believe, it was the calm that killed the storm



It's like a tidal wave that wants to take the stars

A hurricane, that wrapped around my heart

If I could find a way I'd make a brand new start

I can't believe, it was the calm that killed the storm


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Whoa. CZCW :eek: Nice start, and I like the whole idea of this diary..


..but? Wait? 2008 - 1990 = 18. How can your user character be 18 if he was 3 years old back in 1990? Then he should be 21 :p


OOC: Oops, my bad, I wrote this diary all the way to 4AM at night!! And actually look at the date in the first post, it's 9th of December '07 so he was born in '89. I edited the text about the age and promotion founding, when Cliff founded CZCW Eric was just few months old. Thank you so much everyone for the comments, sadly I must go to work now but will do this later today.

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Coastal Zone Championship (formerly Combat) Wrestling were one of the success stories of the 1990s; at a time when the SWF's Sports Entertainment product dominated all aspects of American wrestling, people said that the tiny promotion from the South West couldn't possibly hope to make money promoting exciting fast-paced matches with lightweight workers. CZCW tried it anyway, and while they haven't become hugely profitable, they did manage to celebrate 15 years of staying in business in 2005.


A favourite with tape traders, CZCW have recently begun experimenting with lucha libre influences and have strong ties with Mexican promotion MPWF. As of 2008, talk had even begun regarding a possible Mexican tour for the promotion.




  • As the year changed to 2008, even more changes was done into the product as CZCW inherited the style named "LuchaResu" that World Level Wrestling, WLW was using.








Key: Cult

Heavy: Traditional, Mainstream, Comedy, Modern and Lucha Libre

Medium: Realism

Low: Risque, Pure, Daredevil

Very Low: Hardcore


Match/Angle Ratio: 80%

Match Intensity & Danger: 40 & 55%

Women's Wrestling: None. T&A Levels: None. Face/Heel Divide: Strong



This definition ..

.. will attract a vocal fan base to CZCW shows.

.. will mean wrestlers are rated equally on performance and popularity

.. will mean that fans will expect all wrestlers to be packaged with a proper gimmick

.. will attract fans who won't be keen on gimmicks, who will not like highy risky gimmicks, will not "get" subtle gimmicks and will be put off by highly risky angles.

.. will attract who like their gimmicks to be simple.

.. will prevent CZCW from getting Afternoon, Early Evening and Evening TV slots on some networks.

.. Is favourable towards getting sponsorship

.. will allow CZCW not to be rocked by wrestling industry changes

.. will mean that the "Young Lion" system will not be taken into account at any time.



Other Info:

Money: 500,000$

Popularity: South West E+, Mid South, North West F+ and Hawaii F

Prestige: E

Promotion Pacts: Working Agreement with MPWF and MAW.




(Thank you guys so much for the comments!! I'm awestruck by the response.. I can't wait to get this rolling on full speed!)

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Eric Anderson

Age: 18

Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight

Style: Cruiserweight

Popularity: F

Personality: Humble, generous, compassionate, optimistic, extremely naive, dependable, social, loyal, timid and hesitant.

Move set: Sky Twister Press, Spinning Wheel Kick

Push: Opener

Aligment: Face

Gimmick: Fan Favourite
















CZCW Roster:



Main Event

Ultimate Phoenix (F) Comic Book Hero

Donnie J (F) Teen Idol

James Prudence (H) Suave

Matt Sparrow (F) Fun Babyface


Upper Midcard

Plaque (H) Mysterious

Fox Mask (F) Comic Book Hero

Mikey James (F) Martial Artist

Frankie Perez (F) Legimate Athlete



Flying Jimmy Fox (F) Dancing Fool

Al Coleman (H) Machine

Snap Dragon (H) Mysterious

Remmy Skye (F) Weirdo

Masked Cougar (F) Comic Book Hero

Insane Machine (H) Machine


Low Midcard

Marc Speed (H) MMA Bad Ass

Jake Idol (H) Arrogant Heel

Jackpot Jordan (H) Rich Snob


Opener & Enhancement Talent

Eric Anderson (F) Fan Favourite

Jeremiah Moose (H) Show Stealer

The American Flash (F) Underdog




Little Miss Sunshine (F) Manager, Girl-Next-Door

Jakki (H) Manager, Underdog

Cliff Anderson (F) Announcer, Staff Member

Farrah Hesketh (F) Colour Commentator, Girl-Next-Door

Rita Charles (H) Authority, Spoilt Brat

Pee Wee Hermaine (F) Referee, Blue Collar

Dylan Sidle (F) Road Agent, Patriot






CZCW Revolution 2008

Frankie Perez vs. Fox Mask

Masked Cougar & Flying Jimmy Fox vs. Snap Dragon & Marc Speed

Remmy Skye vs. Mikey James

Matt Sparrow vs. Insane Machine

Donnie J vs. Plaque

James Prudence © vs. Ultimate Phoenix - CZCW Championship Ladder Match




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CZCW Revolution 2008

Frankie Perez vs. Fox Mask

Masked Cougar & Flying Jimmy Fox vs. Snap Dragon & Marc Speed

Remmy Skye vs. Mikey James

Matt Sparrow vs. Insane Machine

Donnie J vs. Plaque

James Prudence © vs. Ultimate Phoenix - CZCW Championship Ladder Match


This place is turning into the FINisher diary forum :p which isn't a bad thing to be fair :).

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Frankie Perez vs. Fox Mask

Masked Cougar & Flying Jimmy Fox vs. Snap Dragon & Marc Speed

Remmy Skye vs. Mikey James

Matt Sparrow vs. Insane Machine

Donnie J vs. Plaque

James Prudence © vs. Ultimate Phoenix - CZCW Championship Ladder Match

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CZCW Revolution 2008


Frankie Perez vs. Fox Mask


Masked Cougar & Flying Jimmy Fox vs. Snap Dragon & Marc Speed


Remmy Skye vs. Mikey James


Matt Sparrow vs. Insane Machine


Donnie J vs. Plaque


James Prudence © vs. Ultimate Phoenix - CZCW Championship Ladder Match

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Frankie Perez vs. Fox Mask

Masked Cougar & Flying Jimmy Fox vs. Snap Dragon & Marc Speed

Remmy Skye vs. Mikey James

Matt Sparrow vs. Insane Machine

Donnie J vs. Plaque

James Prudence © vs. Ultimate Phoenix - CZCW Championship Ladder Match

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CZCW Revolution 2008

Frankie Perez vs. Fox Mask

Masked Cougar & Flying Jimmy Fox vs. Snap Dragon & Marc Speed

Remmy Skye vs. Mikey James

Matt Sparrow vs. Insane Machine

Donnie J vs. Plaque

James Prudence © vs. Ultimate Phoenix - CZCW Championship Ladder Match

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Thursday, Week 1, Jan

Hours before CZCW Revolution



Reality had just kicked in: I wasn't booked for the event. I quickly realised that if I were booked to wrestle, I would be booked to lose the matches. I had to pay my dues, of course, but at first I didn't understand it all that well. The only thing I could do was to help others to warm up before their matches and then look from the curtains as other wrestlers had their matches. But I wasn't alone.






"They didn't book you too, huh?"


It was American Flash. 18 years old, just like me. He started his wrestling career with Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling in last summer. I knew that he was small and extremely quick, and that he works in a classic luchador style. Skill wise, we were really even. The only thing that separated me from him was his attitude.


"Sucks, doesn't it? I'll never get anywhere in my career with this kind of booking.. *sigh*", Flash stood next to me as we heard the small pyros exploding on the ramp.






".. Well.. Maybe next time, you know. I think that everyone will be used.. We'll just have to wait don't we?", I tried to comfort Flash. Flash looked back at me with a sarcastic look.


"Yeah.. Any day now.. If the son of the owner don't get booked, what chances do I have?", he replied with a really pessimistic tone in his voice.


"Don't say that.. I'm really taking my training seriously.. And I've asked my Dad not to favour me over the others.. Try to be pati-"


"Patient? I've been waiting for months, months I tell you!! And when I have been booked I've been booked to lose.. I sure hope that the same thing happens to you aswell."


".. Of course I will be booked as the loser in the matches.. .. Dude.. We're 18. Rookies, unexperienced. It's a miracle that we even have a job."


"Are you saying that I'm a bad wrestler?", Flash jumped right into my face.


I was getting a bit frustrared already. "No, I'm not. I'm just saying that we are really young."


Fox Mask's theme started and he walked past us and through the curtains. I shouted something, trying to psyche him up for the match but Flash interrupted me.


".. Hah. It doesn't matter. By the way.. Could you talk to you dad.. You know, you should recommend me and tell your dad to push me. Maybe a match against Jimmy for the Xtreme title on the next show, what do you say?"


".. .. I don't book the matches. You know that I'm not the Head booker, my Dad is, along with Dylan (Sidle)"


"Yeah, but you're the son of the owner. C'mon, you have to help me, we are buddies!!"


Just as he got his sentence finished, Frankie (Perez) walked by as his theme had started. He winked back at me and said "It's showtime!!". For a moment I was a total mark for him, a fanboy. He was so cool.. As the feeling faded away, I found myself completely ignoring Flash beside me. An angry Flash, who was staring a hole trough me.


"Sorry.. I just remembered that I have to go, Jimmy and Dragon are having a tag match after the opener. I have to go and talk to them before the match.."


"Alright.. Just remember to talk to Cliff about the Xtreme championship match!!"


".. Yeah.. Right.."



I left the scene, leaving Flash staring at the ring. Yeah right indeed.. He had snowball's chance in hell of getting a championship match against Jimmy, let alone winning the title from him. I sure hoped that my career wouldn't be like this now that I'm a regular in CZCW. I walked back to the locker room and helped the guys stretch as Revolution was just starting.










CZCW Revolution 2008

Thursday, Week 1, January

The Snake Pit, South West. Attendance: 1,000





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Match #1: Frankie Perez vs. Fox Mask


http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/Frankie.jpg vs. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/Fox.jpg


In our first match of the year 2008, "P-Dawg" Frankie Perez wrestled a good opener against the five time Coastal Zone Champion Fox Mask. Perez and Fox had a really tight, clean match until Fox Mask hit the Fox Hunter (Stunning Face Crusher) out of nowhere and got the out of the blue pinfall over Perez in 14.31.

Winner: Fox Mask (D+)








The match was over, and while Fox Mask was celebrating Perez couldn't believe that he just got pinned. As Perez realised that he had just lost the match he jumped Fox Mask from behind, beating him down with an array of kicks and eventually locking the P-Clutch on him (Camel Clutch with one knee driven into the opponent's lower back for maximum pain). E

(Turn was a complete success, Perez is now Heel (B+))








A hype video played hyping tonights main event: James Prudence vs. Ultimate Phoenix for the Coastal Zone Championship. D








Match #2: Masked Cougar & Flying Jimmy Fox vs. Snap Dragon & Marc Speed


http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/Masked.jpg & http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/Flying.jpg




http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/Snap.jpg & http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/Marc.jpg


In a nice tag match we saw Speed and Dragon defeating Cougar and Flying Jimmy Foxx in a total time of 12:43. The finish came when Snap Dragon defeated Masked Cougar by pinfall with the Dragon's Breath (Flying Knee Drop from the top turnbuckle, right onto the opponent's throat) while Speed was holding Foxx outside of the ring. I liked seeing two of my mentors in a tag match and I must say that for a moment I thought that Cougar had injured himself as he sold that last move extremely well, twitching on the canvas. I was relieved as they made their way back to the locker rooms as I found out that Cougar was perfectly fine.

Winners: Snap Dragon & Marc Speed. (D-)








The cameras suddenly turned to backstage, where before their scheduled match, Remmy Skye attacked Mikey James and layed him down and out with a steelchair for no clear reason. E

(Turn was a complete success, Skye is now Heel (D+))








Match #3: Remmy Skye vs. Mikey James


http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/Remmy.jpg vs. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/Mikey.jpg


The fans didn't know how to react to the pre-match attack by Remmy as some cheered him and some booed him. Mikey tried his best to defend himself with his martial arts -like strikes and holds but eventually the pre-match attack was too much for "The Dragon" as Remmy Skye defeated Mikey in 9:51 by pinfall with the Skye Diver (Flying Clothesline off the top rope).

Winner: Remmy Skye. (D)







Match #4: Matt Sparrow vs. Insane Machine


http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/Matt.jpg vs. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/Insane.jpg


In a great match and the best match of the night this far, two veterans met in a quite long match. After a series of counters Sparrow went for the Bird Brain Buster which Insane Machine countered as he slipped behind of Matt and hit the Termination Kick (Super Kick to the back of the neck) and defeated Sparrow in 22:39 by pinfall. God I love that move.

Winner: Insane Machine. (D+)








Match #5: Donnie J vs. Plague


http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/Donnie.jpg vs. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/Plague.jpg


This match suffered from being in between the good Sparrow vs. Insane Machine match and our main event as the fans were clearly disappointed in the match. Not only that, Plague and Donnie had a poor chemistry as their timing was awful from time to time which resulted in some awkvard moments in the match, such as both men going for a move at the same time and then giving the time for the other to attack at the same time. Finally Plague defeated Donnie J in 20:08 by pinfall with the New Jersey Turnpike (Slingshot Corkscrew Legdrop) after a low blow to Donnie. You could clearly see how disappointed Plague was as he headed straight to the back after the match.

Winner: Plague (D)









Match #6: James Prudence vs. Ultimate Phoenix - Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Championship


http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/James.jpg vs. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CZCW/Phoenix.jpg


Our main event of the night seemed to be even better after the unfortunate Donnie vs. Plaque chaos of a match. Both men went all out for the Coastal Zone title which the fans seemed to appreciate. The ladder stipulation really came handy as both men used the ladder in multiple ways, whether attacking with the ladder itself or throwing their opponent on it; Prudence suplexed Phoenix onto the ladder, Phoenix did a beautiful Laddersault off the top rope and as they both were at the top, Phoenix hit a sunset flip powerbomb off the ladder. The go-home sequence featured a series of big moves and counters after another and as Prudence was going for the Surf's Up (Glittering Magician Knee) Phoenix ducked and Prudence hit the ladder with his knee instead. Phoenix started to climb up the ladder while Prudence tried to push the ladder over and when he finally did, it was too late as Phoenix had a grip on the title and fell to the canvas with the ladder, holding the Coastal Zone Championship firmly in his hands in total time of 33.37.

Winner and the new Coastal Zone Champion: Ultimate Phoenix. (C-)




Overall Grade: D+







As the fans left the arena and I was heading for Dad's office, I heard some shouting and arguing coming from the locker rooms. Somehow I knew who was involved in the fight. And sadly, I was right. Like I had predicted, it was Ian.. And Chris. Otherwise known as Plaque and Insane Machine. As I entered the room, Snap Dragon and Frankie were trying their best to keep the guys from tearing each other apart. Dad rushed into the room as someone had told him of the fight.






"HEY! Stop it, right now!!"


"What the hell is going on here?"


Ian looked slightly annoyed that their little argument had gotten too much attention than what he would have liked. Chris instead was calm but still psyched up, it looked as if he wanted to kick Ian's head in. I for one knew exactly what was the reason behind the argument they had: It was about their matches. Chris had a better match against Matt while Ian and Donnie just didn't click and the their match fell apart. Can't blame Ian but he could have handled the situation more professional.






"Nothing", Chris replied with a strong and calm voice. "Just a little.. You know. Guys thing..", Chris tried to convince my father.


"Is that so?", my Dad asked both guys. Ian and Chris nodded and then Dad turned to see the reactions of Frankie and Dragon who didn't show any expression. They wanted to stay away from the fight, not aligning themselves with either side of the fight.


".. Fine. But remember.. The next time you two are locking horns with each other.. Or anyone else for that matter, I will certainly do something about it. I won't tolerate this kind of behaviour, especially coming from the veteran workers like you two, Ian and Chris.. I'm disappointed to see you two give this kind of example to the youngsters. Am I understood?"






".. It was nothing.", Ian said and offered a handshake to Chris, who accepted and shook Ian's hand. I knew they were both acting but my dad didn't see it. Dad left the room as he had others things to do, Ian quickly packed up his bags and stormed out of the room, me on the way out.


(Action: Slap on the wrist)


"Get out of my way Junior", Ian commanded me. I obeyd, I didn't want to get any trouble with him. Truth to be told, I had never liked him. And neither had he liked me for that matter. As Ian left, I approached Chris who just laughed.


".. It's not the first time.. And it won't be the last. Ian has always been like that.. Sore loser, you know." I nodded in agreement. "Try to stay away from him Eric.. He doesn't have many friends in the business.. Except that bitch Raven (Nightfall)".. "They certainly deserve each other, you know what I mean?", Chris joked. I didn't know Raven that well so I didn't comment on the subject. Sure she had been backstage in few shows but I never really had met her properly.





Oh well. This years first event was over and we had crowned a new Coastal Zone champion out of Phoenix. I had a talk with Dad, we discussed the event and our schedule. We are going to hold weekly shows on each Saturday from now on and it seems that I'm going to have my first match ever! I'm so exited. And it's against none other than.. Snap Dragon.









CZCW: A Is For Action!!

Saturday, Week 1, Jan


Eric Anderson vs. Snap Dragon

Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye © vs. Fox Mask & Mikey James - Lucha Libre match for the Coastal Zone Tag Team

James Prudence vs. Matt Sparrow

Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Insane Machine - Coastal Zone Championship



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Nice start, wise move on putting the main event strap on Ultimate Phoenix.


Eric Anderson vs. Snap Dragon


You said that your user character will be a jobber and that is exactly what he will be doing here.


Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye © vs. Fox Mask & Mikey James - Lucha Libre match for the Coastal Zone Tag Team


Tag champs retain their titles, simply because Fox Mask should be tagging with Masked Cougar....Animal Magic, you know you want to ;)


James Prudence vs. Matt Sparrow


Former champ stays strong by getting a win over Sparrow.


Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Insane Machine - Coastal Zone Championship


Phoenix won't lose the title in his first defence.

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I completely agree with Tigerkinney. Mikey James left me for TCW, but Fox Mask is always been one of my true favourites in CornellVerse, so I hope you push him. And yeah. Masked Cougar & Fox Mask are really THE team. I booked them together altough I didn't mean to. But I must say, that Phoenix always loses all of his momentum in my games, so I don't know if his win was good or not momentum wise. Would love to see Prudence a little longer in CZCW.
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