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CGC: "That's Entertainment", The DeColt Tragedy

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Great Start...good matches, good characters and good presentation...hope this is going to go the distance


Ah...and The Sage is my favourite character so far...he is really innovative for CGC


CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 2, January

Quebec City Arena, Quebec


Ed Monton vs. Ares

No way Monton comes out with a win


Youth Energy vs. Philippe LeGranier & Nathan Black

I think this is going to the pre-show


Zeus Maxmillion vs. Whippy The Clown

n°1 contender always win agaist lower level stars


Jack DeColt vs. Ryan Powell

Powell is not even in the same league as JDC


DeColts vs. Elite (Alex, Ricky & Steve vs. DaLay, Chandler & Deeley)

not 2 lost in a row...and I also se Deelay being pinned

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(OOC: Thank you everyone for all those positive comments, I'm really loving the feedback.. So thrilled!! But here's a little extra before I'm going to bed. I got really excited designing the PPV logos and I couldn't resist of publishing few :p Here's three examples of what's in store for CGC fans in terms of PPV graphics!!)







CGC: Elimination

Friday, Week 3, January







CGC: Luck Of The Draw

Friday, Week 3, February







CGC: In The Company Of Legends

Friday, Week 3, June



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First show was pretty good but the opening match is something that would really cheese me off as a wrestling fan. You're giving away an 'overhead wires match' (how about calling it Golden X) on free TV and then you have it run for under five minutes, as a viewer I would feel really cheated. I know what you were going for with Whippy sneaking by Powell/Deeley for the victory, but you could have achieved the same thing if Whippy just rolled one of them up and earned the win with a flash pinfall.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your work and will be following this but that in my opinion was booking worthy of Russo, Vincent.


Anyway onto predictions......


Ed Monton vs. Ares


No brainer here Ares came in with the huge debut win, and he will need to back it up.


Youth Energy vs. Philippe LaGrenier & Nathan Black


I reckon this is a testing match to see if LaGrenier and Black can work as a team, becasue the Tag division could do with adding a bit more depth. They wont be winning here but a good performance with no chemistry problems could put them in good stead for the future.


Zeus Maxmillion vs. Whippy The Clown


Canadian title Number one contender, goes into his title match with a little bit of momentum behind him.


Jack DeColt vs. Ryan Powell


DeColt's could do with a win, can't believe I'm saying that on only the second show.


DeColts vs. Elite (Alex, Ricky & Steve vs. DaLay, Chandler & Deeley)


You're booking this as the DeColts being up against, as they battle on two fronts agains their traditional rivals the Elite and The Sages's (Trent Shaffer's) new faction The Prophecy.

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 2, January

Quebec City Arena, Quebec. Attendance: 2,000



Mitch Naess - George DeColt - Adrian Garcia











The Sage vs. Christian Price - Non-title

The Sage defeated Christian Price in 7:28 by pinfall with the Heart Burn. D+






Aether vs. Kirk Jameson

Aether defeated Kirk Jameson in 7:07 by submission with the Acidity Test (Death Lock STF). The two didn't click and thus had major problems during the match. D-




Main show:





Steve DeColt is shown backstage, in search of Jack DeColt. After a little search he finds his brother Jack.


Steve: "Now what the hell was that last week? You don't abandon your teammate, your brother during a match!"

Jack: ".. How dare you. You saw it, Marie was in trouble, all bloodied, beaten down. I had to go. I had to, Steve!"

Jack: "If you're trying to preach about what happened last week, I'm not going to listen. I have a responsibility of taking care of my wife and my family. She's the love of my life! You'll never understand how I felt when I saw her on the GoldenTron. It was like I had been shot straight into my chest, like a spear had pierced me."

Steve: ".. I got mauled last week by those two lunatics.. I know that you're concerned of Marie. I understand that. But why is she even here? It's not safe for her.."

Jack: "Marie's at home right now. She's still in a lot of pain.. She can't remember who attacked her.. I'm gonna find out the attacker in time. Trust me, she'll come back when he's okay.. She's a grown woman and perfectly able to make her own decisions. Now, if you excuse me, I have some warming up to do as I'm going to raise hell tonight against Ryan Powell."


Steve: ".. When she comes back.. You better live up to your words."

Jack: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Steve: "Nothing. Good luck with your match.."


Steve leaves the room, leaving Jack doing push-ups. After couple push-ups Jack stops and sheds a tear as he remembers the feeling he had when he saw Marie beaten up. Jack wipes off the tear and smashes his knuckles in the ground and shifts the gear as he starts doing the push-ups with an animalistic pace and strenght.


Grade: B-



Ed Monton's theme starts to play and he comes to the ramp. Just as he stops to wave to the fans, Ares sneaks behind him and attacks, clotheslining him on the ramp and rolling him into the ring.

Grade: C-






Ed Monton vs. Ares

http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png

In our opening bout Ares manhandled the worlds toughest man Ed Monton like he had went berzerk, smashing and throwing Monton all around the ring. Ares finished the match in total time of just 5:04 with a huge Running Big Foot and thus gained yet another impressive pinfall victory.

Winner: Ares via Pinfall

Grade: D-



Adrian Garcia is in the backstage, along with the rest of the Elite: Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler, The Specialists and Shooter Sean Deeley.


"Ricky DeColt. The youngest of the famous DeColt family, making his debut for CGC in 2003 having been graduated from the DeColt Power House in 2002. Two time Canadian champion, one time World champion."


"Impressive, some might say. It's not. Take a look around and you'll see The Elite in front of you. There's gold written all over this group.. Always has been and always will be. The 22 year old Deeley right here is one time Canadian champion.. He could be a Triple crown champion by the end of the year, surely. The Specialists are five time World Tag champions, DaLay and Chander are Triple crown champions.. Chandler is even a two time World champion and a three time Tag champion."


"Ricky.. Kiddo. You don't stand a chance. DaLay is more experienced, tougher and powerful than you will ever be. Hell, he's a big heavyweight.. You're a puny lightweight. Do the math. At Elimination.. DaLay will crush you like a little bug that you are."


"The playtime is over kid. It's time to bag your bags and head for home and realise that you don't have a future in this business.."


"Consider your World title reign to be over."


".. Even better.. After Elimination.. Consider your career to be over."


Grade: C




Youth Energy vs. Philippe LeGranier & Nathan Black


In a really short squash match against the rookies, Youth Energy defeated LaGrenier and Black (Who came out to LaGreniers theme) in 2:38 when Rivera defeated LaGrenier by pinfall with the Youth Movement (Boosted Dropkick). Well atleast the rookies got few minutes of TV time which can't be a bad thing.


Winners: Youth Energy via Pinfall

Grade: D-



Zeus Maxmillion vs. Whippy The Clown


The surprise performance of the night was delivered by Whippy and Zeus Maxmillion in a short but solid match. Whippy defeated Zeus in 4:20 by pinfall with the Joke's On You (Flying Butt Press) after he had backdropped Zeus from a Thunder Bolt (Sit-Out Powerbomb) attempt. Albeit the loss, Zeus seemed to do well against Whippy and he might very well rise up in the rankings during this year if he keeps performing as good as he did against Whippy.


Winner: Whippy The Clown via Pinfall

Grade: C-






Just as the bell rings and the match ends, The Sage comes down to the ring and confronts Whippy. Sage twists his head around, staring a hole trough Whippy's eyes. After a moment Sage crouches and shows the mysterious box once again, opening it and taking everything out from it. Whippy shows no signs of fear while Sage scraps a little bit of his facepaint and throws everything into the box and starts interpreting the signs. Sage suddenly stops and just stares into the box with disbelief as he can't believe the signs. Sage looks at Whippy and slowly stands up, coming even closer. Sage stares straight into Whippy's eyes once again, and slowly his frown turns into a smile, into laughter as if he had seen something extraordinary and magnificent in Whippy's eyes.


Whippy carefully pushes Sage away from him and grabs something from his pocket; A plastic flower, which he shows to Sage. Sage stares at the flower and Whippy being a clown, the flower starts squirting water right into Sage's face. Sage backs off a bit but his smile stays as if he had a stroke. Sage starts nodding to Whippy who at this point is really confused. Sage leaves the ring, laughing along to way, leaving Whippy and the fans confused. Whippy shrugs his shoulders and starts doing balloon animals for the kids in the front row. Aww, isn't that nice?


Grade: C-

George: "What on earth did the Sage foresee? That is one unstable personality.."

Mitch: "Who cares, I want a balloon doggie! Whippy, over here!"

Adrian: "I am so embarrased with sitting next to you Mitch.."



Jack DeColt vs. Ryan Powell

http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png

Jack started off with a mayhem as he started blindly pounding away on Powell who tried to block the shots. Finally Powell avoided few strikes and tripped Jack to the mat and tried to keep him in the ground but eventually Jack powered out from the locks. Powell dropped out of the ring to get some time out, Jack followed him. They circled the ring until Powell entered the ring with Jack running behind him, Powell bounced off the ropes straight into Jack's lariat. Jack went for elbow drop, Powell avoided it and hit him with a nice front dropkick. Powell lifted Jack up, hit a twisting neckbreaker and headed for the turnbuckle, trying to hit the Star Treatment (Shooting Star Press) but just as he was about to leap, Shooter Sean Deeley came running down the ramp. Powell noticed him, couldn't decide what to do and hesitated for so long that eventually Jack caught him on the turnbuckle. Deeley just stopped and stayed on the ringside when he saw Jack hitting a powerful uppercut which reeled Powell. Jack climbed to the second rope and suplexed Powell off the turnbuckle and quickly locked the End Of Days (Bow And Arrow Inverted Sleeper Lock) right in the middle of the ring. The match ended in 10.15 as Powell had no choice than to tap out to the painful move.


Winner: Jack DeColt via Submission

Grade: C+






Jack leaves the ring happy with himself, not realising that he might have lost the match without the distraction from Deeley. Deeley dives into the ring and continues the beatdown as he locks Powell into another submission hold, one of Deeley's numerous finishing moves, the Seated Stretch Armbar! Powell starts tapping out almost immediatly as he's in no condition to fight back. The referee Francis Long tries to release the hold but Deeley won't break it. Long signs for other referees and staff to enter the ring and finally they get Deeley break the hold. Before leaving the ring, Deeley adds insult to injury as he poses on top of Powell who's screaming in pain, holding his arm.

Grade: D

(Ryan Powell has turned Face, the turn was complete success. Momentum B-, Gimmick: Rebel, B+)

Mitch: "I hope he doesn't have a broken arm.. It looked like his elbow was just about to snap!"

George: "Shooter is still holding grudge against Ryan for last week's match.. I bet that this isn't over yet."


A hype video of the DeColt Brothers: Alex, Ricky and Steve DeColt.

Grade: B







DeColts (Alex, Ricky & Steve) vs. Elite (DaLay, Chandler & Deeley)


Our main event of the evening and also the last match before Elimination featured the clash of the factions. The great match went on for a little over ten minutes, open and intense as ever. Right near the end Chandler got Ricky in a pinfall predicament but Steve broke the pin, Deeley entered the ring and started fighting with Steve, who threw Deeley out of the ring and followed him. Ricky and Chandler remained the legal men in the ring, trying to get their finishing moves done to each other while Alex and DaLay were on the apron, waiting for a tag. Deeley hit Steve with the timekeepers bell when the ref didn't notice and started kicking him when suddenly a bandaged up Ryan Powell, carrying a kendo stick, came running trough the crowd and attacked Deeley with revenge on his mind! DaLay dropped to the ringside and attacked Powell, Alex quickly joined in and pretty soon all hell broke loose and the referee Cole lost control and declared the great match to end via Double Count Out in 13.53!!


Result: Alex DeColt and Ricky & Steve DeColt drew with Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler and Shooter Sean Deeley

Grade: C+



The wild brawl continues with the chaos spilling out all around ringside. Eventually a number of officials and other wrestlers have to hit the ringside and pull the opponents apart before they kill each other.

George: "Excuse me but I have to return the order here.."





George DeColt comes out to the ramp, shouting at the wrestlers to save their energy for CGC: Elimination pay-per-view. George announces that at Elimination there will be a #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World championship, as Alex DeColt will be taking on Eddie Chandler for a title shot against Ricky DeColt or Dan Dalay at CGC: Luck Of The Draw. Alex looks confident, and so does Eddie as they start badmouthing each other and break trough the staff members and wrestlers as they begin fighting again as the final show before Elimination ends.


Grade: B- / B


Overall Grade: C+








Announced Card for CGC: Elimination:







Only on PPV on Canada 1-Choice

Friday, Week 3, January

Kamloops Royal Athletic Park, British Columbia







Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler

#1 Contenders Match for the CGC World







Ricky DeColt © vs. Dan DaLay

CGC World title





Steve DeColt vs. Aether





Jack DeColt vs. Ares







The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown

CGC Canadian







The Specialists © vs. Youth Energy vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune

CGC World Tag Team




Ryan Powell vs. Shooter Sean Deeley





Prediction Sheet:


Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler - #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World

Ricky DeColt © vs. Dan DaLay - CGC World title

Steve DeColt vs. Aether

Jack DeColt vs. Ares

The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian

The Specialists © vs. Youth Energy vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune - World Tag Team

Ryan Powell vs. Shooter Sean Deeley



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Mitch: "Who cares, I want a balloon doggie! Whippy, over here!"


Line of the night right here. Kind of sad I fired Marv as I really don't have an announcer to make fun of. Rock and Umaga are both highly respected figures.


And I saw Ryan Powell's turn coming, but it since was nice to see.



Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler - #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World

Ricky DeColt © vs. Dan DaLay - CGC World title

Could be switched but I don't see you sapping DaLay's overness just yet.


Steve DeColt vs. Aether

Probably DQ


Jack DeColt vs. Ares

Probably wrong


The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian

I see a heel turn in Whippy's future


The Specialists © vs. Youth Energy vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune - World Tag Team

Ryan Powell vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Elite FTW

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Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler - #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World


Chandler to sneak the victory, though could to be honest go either way


Ricky DeColt © vs. Dan DaLay - CGC World title


The predictable thing would be to have Ricky lose the title..however and may be overthinking this....DaLay gets the DQ win when Alex inteferes to 'protect' his brother.


Steve DeColt vs. Aether


Dont' see this being clean either but I'll go for the double count out draw, rather than the DQ.


Jack DeColt vs. Ares


DeColts should at least chalk up one win on the PPV


The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian


You have big plans for The Sage, so I don't see him losing the belt round his waist


The Specialists © vs. Youth Energy vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune - World Tag Team


Might as well keep the belt round the waists of the best team on the roster


Ryan Powell vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


Another win for the Elite

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A draw??? What a rip! I'm paying good money to see DeColts beat people up. I'm tired of you playin' me CGC Booker guy whose name I've forgotten...



Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler - #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World

Ricky DeColt © vs. Dan DaLay - CGC World title

Steve DeColt vs. Aether

Jack DeColt vs. Ares

The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian

The Specialists © vs. Youth Energy vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune - World Tag Team

Ryan Powell vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


DeColts Rule!!!

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Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler - #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World


Ricky DeColt © vs. Dan DaLay - CGC World title


Steve DeColt vs. Aether


Jack DeColt vs. Ares


The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian


The Specialists © vs. Youth Energy vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune - World Tag Team


Ryan Powell vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

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Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler - #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World

I know I have always said that DeColts needs to win...but EC is my favourite CGC worker


Ricky DeColt © vs. Dan DaLay - CGC World title

Ricky is certenly not a perfect champion at the moment but he is certenly better than DaLay in my opinion...


Steve DeColt vs. Aether

Steve Will Not Lose...


Jack DeColt vs. Ares

The same for alex


The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian

are you building on him or I am wrong?


The Specialists © vs. Youth Energy vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune - World Tag Team

great tag team of Canada in my opinion


Ryan Powell vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

you need heels so I think that Sean could win

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Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler - #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World

You'll need another challenger to the CGC World Title after Dan DaLay fails to get it. But then again, this is the almighty FIN. . .

Ricky DeColt © vs. Dan DaLay - CGC World title

The CGC World title stays in the DeColt camp and the DeColt vs The Elite fued keeps going on.


Steve DeColt vs. Aether

Since their debut, they have shocked CGC fans (and GDS fans alike) by toppling the mighty DeColts in their debut. I am predicting the same will happen in singles action.


Jack DeColt vs. Ares

Same as above especially since Larry "Got" Wood/Ares was the man to pick up the win.


The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown - CGC Canadian

I'm digging the whole Suicide-like face paint and mysterious actions so Sage gets the duke.


The Specialists © vs. Youth Energy vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune - World Tag Team

Champions retain to keep Elite looking strong.


Ryan Powell vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Kurt Ang--err, SSD steals a win.

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E l i m i n a t i o n


Friday, Week 3, January

Kamloops Royal Athletic Park, British Columbia

Attendance: 15,000 (SOLD OUT)

Only on PPV on Canada 1-Choice





Mitch Naess - George DeColt - Adrian Garcia







<object width="425" height="344">



<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rh1VkSx4Po&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>







A video plays hyping up the main event of the night: Ricky DeColt vs. Dan DaLay for the CGC World championship.

Grade: C+








George DeColt and Ricky DeColt are in the backstage.


George: "Son.. I don't want to be overprotective of you. But I also didn't like what you said to Alex, about him being too protective of you. You have to understand that we all are concerned of you. We're family! And I'm your father and they are your brothers.. The same brothers who taught you everything you know about everything.."


"I hope you respect them. They are just trying to help you Ricky. It's your first World title reign ever, you have to remember that. Your brothers are multi-time champions with huge experience advantage. They know what they are talking about."


Ricky: "I know.. .. I just want to show everyone that I'm as good as Alex, Jack and Steve. I.. I look up to them. I try to be as good as them. I didn't mean to offend Alex, I hope that he didn't misunderstood me."


"Dan is a big guy.. But I'm ready, I'm psyched up. Wish me luck..?"


"Good luck son.. You're a DeColt. You don't need luck", George winks at Ricky.


"Thanks dad.."


George pats his son on the shoulders and leaves Ricky stretching in the lockerroom.


Grade: B-

Mitch: "Hello and welcome to CGC: Elimination pay-per-view!!"

Mitch: "We have an action packed event for our great CGC fans: Whether you are waiting for our Triple Threat Tag Team championship match, the Canadian title championship match between Sage and Whippy The Clown, or the matches where Jack and Steve take on Area and Aether in singles matches?"

Mitch: "Or indeed the Ricky DeColt vs. Dan DaLay championship match for the CGC World title? In our main event of the evening the former three time World champion Alex DeColt will face the former World champion, "Fabolous" Eddie Chandler!"

George: "Good evening, I hope you're sitting comfortable as we are ready, we'll open the show with Powell vs. Deeley!"

Adrian: "Now pay close attention as the Elite will start the show with an easy win over Powell. Deeley will stretch him into knots that can't be broken."





Ryan Powell vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUgcFb8xz7c" target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a> <a href="

target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a>



Deeley starts off strong, getting Powell on the canvas right away. With chain wrestling he keeps Powell on the ground despite Powell's contant trying to get out of the holds. Powell connects with a jaw-breaker which rocks Deeley and gives Powell some time to regroup. Powell gives back some offense with a neckbreaker and a headlock which Deeley quickly reversals into a headlock of his own, humiliating Powell. Deeley releases the hold shortly after and taunts Powell, Powell responds with a confrontation and a hard slap across the face into which Deeley responds with a chop of his own! A huge chopfest starts, with countless of chops being traded in an old school manner. The result shows on the wrestlers chests which have turned completely red from all the chops, eventually Deeley does the last rolling chop which knocks Powell down. Deeley goes for the Front Choke Hold but Powell is too close to the ropes! Deeley grabs Powell from behind and goes for the German suplex, Powell blocks the move and rolls forward, knocking Deeley over himself and eventually locking him into a heel hold!! Deeley didn't expect anything like that from Powell and thus was startled badly as he was the one desperately trying to get to the ropes. Deeley drags himself to the ropes finally and thus Powell has to release the hold but damage has been partly done to Deeley. Powell lifts Deeley up and pushes him into the corner, raising him up on the turnbuckle and hits a fantastic top rope Dragon screw, twisting Deeley's leg and slamming him hard on the mat! Powell leaps up to the turnbuckle and jumps, and connects with the Star Treatment (Shooting Star Press) on the disabled Deeley! Cover!


















Winner: Ryan Powell via Pinfall in 6.41

Grade: C-



Mitch: "What did you say Adrian?"

Adrian: "... I have an interview to do. Excuse me."




Adrian Garcia had an interview hyping his team of The Specialists taking on Youth Energy in a tag match.


".. Elite will revenge that fluke loss that just happened to Deeley. Right here by my side are the Specialists, the reigning tag team champions. CGC World Tag champions for the fifth time. Fifth, time. They are one of the most decorated and respected tag teams up here in the North, eliminating their opponents with stereo superkicks that have echoed throught the arenas all over Canada."


"Tonight will be no different. Youth Energy, Soldiers Of Fortune.."


"Get ready to be eliminated."


Grade: C+






The Specialists © vs. Youth Energy vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune

CGC World Tag Team


<a href="

target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a> <a href="
target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKGGj0fhsB0" target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a>


All the teams attack each other right from the start, taking turns and changing their opponents. Youth Energy douple dropkick Bobby, Soldiers Of Fortune double spinebuster Shane and Specialists hit the stereo Superkick on Fate!! All of which lead to just two-counts, since the other member of the team being pinned interrupts the count! The match soon scatters all around the ringside with one of each team on the outside of the ring and the other part of the team inside the ring for a while. The referee Francis Cole orders the wrestlers on the ringside to get back in the ring or else they will be disqualified, but pretty soon everyone is in the outside!! Lee Rivera uses the opportunity to his advantage as he climbs up to the top rope and hits the Daredevil Drop (Diving cross body from the top rope to the ringside floor) on top of all other 5 participants in the match!




Cole orders everyone back in the ring since he doesn't want to DQ everyone for being counted out and so the match continues in-ring. Eventually Soldiers Of Fortune take over with raw power, man handling their opponents one by one. The Specialists get rid of Shane Nelson by stereo superkicking him and throwing him to the outside. Fate and Destiny Chokeslam Nate to the canvas and Lee follows up with a low dropkick, dropping Nate out of the ring. Bobby and Lee team up and take on the bigger Change, as they hit him with a double DDT. Just as Bobby and Lee get up, Fate levels them both down with a lariat! Bobby gets up first, Fate goes for another larait but misses, Bobby connects with the Specialist Touch (Single Arm DDT) and goes for a pin but just as he's going down, Shane Nelson comes out of nowhere and hits a top rope Missile dropkick right into the chest of Bobby, landing on top of Fate!! Bobby gets pushed back where Lee is waiting for him, and hits a hurricanrana while Shane is pinning Fate!!




















Three!! Youth Energy win the match!! Youth Energy win the CGC World Tag Team titles!!


Winners: Youth Energy via Pinfall in 9.28

Grade: D







Having just picked up the victory, the team of Youth Energy (Lee Rivera & Shane Nelson) celebrate in the ring with Jenny Playmate who runs into the ring, giving hugs and kisses to both guys as they pose together with the tag team titles!!

Grade: D

George: "Wow! What an upset!"

Mitch: "Those two guys really deserve the tit-"

Adrian: "Blasphemy! The Specialists didn't even get pinned! This is a screwjob!"

George: "Oh c'mon Adrian.."

Adrian: "I'm serious! I demand a rematch!"

George: "Just calm down. Let the boys have their time in the spotlight. I'll think about the proposition.."

Mitch: "We'll now go to the backstage where the Sage has something completely different for us once again."



The Sage is shown backstage.






"Whippyy.. .. I don't have, to, predict.. To forezeee... The future.. For youuu.."


"It has .. Been planned. Everything, what there.. Iss to see.. I have... Seeeen.."


"I'm know.. How, this, storyyyy.. Begins.. Anddd I.. .. Know.. How it endssss.."


Sage ends the weird promo with laughter, coming closer and closer to the camera, until the screen is full of black (the camera showing the inside of his mouth).


Grade: C









The Sage © vs. Whippy The Clown

CGC Canadian


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-NLa1K7Dj8" target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPHyU2D4DJw" target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a>


The match starts with wild pace, Whippy doing all the attacking as he is in total control of Sage! Two armdrags, a japanese arm drag, flying head scissors, a DDT, splash, leg drop!! Whippy throws Sage into the corner and hits a corner glittering magician, a knee to the face and follows it with a bulldog!! Whippy lifts Sage up, grabs a loud clown trumpet from his pants and blows, making an really loud nouse. Sage rewards Whippy with a Black Mist which he spews on Whippys face, blinding him!! Farrah Hesketh, the referee, rules for disqualification in just three minutes into the match!! Whippy wins but via DQ, so the title will not change hands.

Whippy The Clown via DQ in 3.12

Grade: D+

Mitch: "What? No, not like that!"

Mitch: "How can you not like the trumpet, damn you Sage!"

Adrian: "Shut up Mitch.."

George: "There has to be a rematch. Sage will not get away with this."



Jack DeColt is shown backstage trying to cut a promo.






".. Ares.. You don't, touch, my wife. No one, touches, my wife. Not you, not Aether, not Sage.. "


"I.. I .. "


".. "


Jack roars and grunts as he clenches his fist, slams the mic to the floor and pushes a nearby table over.


".. Ares. You better come prepared.."




Grade: B






<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bO5BAujCbk" target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch905hmtb7M" target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a>


Jack DeColt vs. Ares


Ares doesn't even get to enter the ring properly when Jack attacks him, hitting him with knees to the head. Jack continues to kick Ares until the monster hits a devastating uppercut! Jack reels, Ares hits another uppecut and kicks Jack in the gut, and then hits a double axe handle smash to his back. Ares starts to bite Jack's forehead, the referee Farrah Hesketh warns him and orders him to stop the biting. Ares tilts his head from side to side and obeys, and starts hitting Jack with elbow strikes to the head. Jack snapmares Ares over himself and hits a rolling lariat when Ares gets up but Ares no-sells the move, as he just rolls back on his feet and goes for the Running Big Foot, Jack ducks, and Ares hits the referee Hesketh, turning her upside down and inside out with the sickening kick!! The crowd starts a wild chorus of boo's which echo troughout the arena while Ares shows no signs of remorse of what he just did. Jack grabs Ares from behind and drives him to the mat with a full nelson suplex and locks in the "End Of Days", the Bow And Arrow Lock & Inverted Sleeper hold! Francis Long, our second referee, runs to the ringside but doesn't enter the ring, instead he DQ's Ares from the assault on Farrah Hesketh!!


Winner: Jack DeColt via DQ in 9.51

Grade: B-




Jack releases the hold, irate by the decision made by Long, saying that he had Ares right in the middle of the ring in his finishing submission move the End Of Days. While the staff members attend Farrah, Jack is shown screaming at Long, making his frustration clear, telling Long that he wanted to beat Ares decisively and not with a DQ. Jack leaves the ring, ripping couple of signs from the fans along the way as he makes his way back to the lockerrooms.


Grade: B

Mitch: "Another DQ? I'm not liking this. The bad guys are cheating their way out from these matches!"

Adrian: "Is it a surprise? These guys from the Prophecy have no respect or manners.. Quite the reverse from the Elite. We don't believe in DQ victories, cheating or beating up people before the matches."

George: "I really don't care, all I'm concerned right now is Farrah.. She's in bad shape, that Running Big Foot hit her really hard."

Adrian: "Hey, it's not the first time she's been slammed hard .."

George: "Clean up your language Adrian. She's a fine lady, nothing like you just hinted there. You should be ashamed of yourself."




Steve DeColt vs. Aether

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d0OOd-dj2k" target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch905hmtb7M" target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a>



The match went on for a nice seven minutes until Ares dived into the ring and assaulted Steve, which caused the match to end in a DQ. Ares and Aether assaulted Steve, pounding him to the ground. Ares continues the beatdown while Aether gets out of the ring and grabs a chair. Ares holds Steve in the ground while Aether leaps from the turnbuckle, connecting with an Arabian Facebuster, landing right on top of Steve's face with the chair in between!! Ares and Aether pose on top of Steve, with Jack DeColt nowhere to be found.


Winner: Steve DeColt defeated Aether via DQ in 8:03

Grade: C+

George: "No.. .. Where is everyone!?! Someone, help him.."

Mitch: "This is getting out of hand George.. They just took out Steve."

Adrian: "Hah.. Excuse me once again, I have a promo to do. George, I want you to listen carefully.."



Adrian Garcia had an interview hyping the upcoming singles match between his client Dan DaLay and Ricky DeColt.




"Tonight you will witness the start of Dan DaLay's second World title reign as the CGC World champion, at the cost of the youngest one of the DeColt family, the golben boy Ricky. For seven long years Dan has been without the World title, it's about time for him to get it back where it belongs, within the Elite."


"While we lost the tag championships via the fluke win by the Youth Energy, the Specialists will get them back eventually. I assure you that the Elite won't leave this Elimination pay-per-view empty handed.. "


"Ricky, the time has come.. To face the reaper. After tonight, you will remember the man who took away your title."


"After tonight, you will remember the name.. Dan DaLay."


Grade: C










Ricky DeColt © vs. Dan DaLay

CGC World title

<a href="

target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a> <a href="
target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a>



The match starts with Dan trying to catch the more faster and smaller Ricky, who just uses hit-and-run strategy, hitting Dan with an array of kicks and strikes and then avoiding every move Dan tries to hit. After hitting multiple low dropkicks on Dan, Ricky goes for the rop rope, trying to hit a flying clothesline but gets slammed down with a clothesline from Dan! With a sickening thud Ricky lands on his neck, Dan covers!!















Two!! Ricky kicks out, even though he is seriously daized and confused. Dan picks up Ricky with one hand, and side slams him in the mat! Dan locks Ricky into a sleeper hold, Ricky tries to struggle himself out but begins to tire after a while, referee Cole starts lifting his hand but Ricky survives, not letting his hand go down for the third time! The crowd starts a "Ricky!" -chant, trying to psyche up Ricky to make a comeback. Ricky elbows Dan and gets away from the hold but is quickly taken down to the mat when Dan grabs him by the hair! Dan goes for a jumping elbow drop, Ricky rolls away and hits a standing senton bomb on Dan, who won't stay down! Ricky bounces from the ropes and hits a dropkick, Dan tries to just push him away. Ricky runs for the ropes but just before he seems to go for another dropkick, he stops. Dan places his hand in the way, trying to block the move that never happened. Dan lowers his hand and gets super kicked in the face! Ricky goes for the cover!













Two!! Dan's turn to kick out from the pinfall predicament! Ricky goes for the apron and waits for Dan to get up. Just as Dan gets back on his feet, Ricky leaps from the apron and connects a beautiful flying head scissors, sending Dan across the ring. Ricky hits a standing Moonsault! Cover!!










Two!! Another two-count! Ricky leaps to the turnbuckle once again, and goes for a flying body press but Dan caughts him and lifts him on his shoulders, but the momentum enables Ricky to slip behind him!!




The DeColt 45!! The Roll Inverted DDT out of nowhere!!




Dan lands right on his face!! Ricky pushes Dan on his back with all his power that he's got left! Cover!


















Just as referee's hand hits the canvas for the third time, Dan awakes and kicks out but it's too late! Dan gets up, shouting at Francis Cole, demanding the match to be restarted since he kicked out in time but Cole won't reverse his decision. Ricky poses on the ringside, showing of his belt proudly to the fans. Ricky defeated Dan with the DeColt 45 in 14.03, making his first title defence!!



Winner: Ricky DeColt via Pinfall in 14.03

Grade: B-

George: "YES!!"

Mitch: "What a victory for Ricky!! What a match!!"

Adrian: "... a fluke."

George: "Give the boy a credit Adrian. If my memory serves me correctly, the Elite has lost all of it's matches tonight, am I right?"

Adrian: ".. Screw you."



Alex DeColt is shown backstage as he cuts a short, intense promo hyping up his upcoming match with Eddie Chandler for the #1 Contender spot against Ricky DeColt, the World champion.





"Eddie. I hope your man enough to face me one on one. Let us keep our friends away, from involving in the match. I want to face you, alone, without any interferences, without any distractions. I know you value and desire a good old wrestling match. And that's what I'm going to give to you. These fans deserve to see a good, clean fight. Now let's get it on!!"


Alex finishes the promo with rage, as he heads down to the ring!



Grade: A









Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler

#1 Contenders Match for the CGC World


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5jbo7lxPqc" target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a> <a href="

target="_blank"><img src="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png" alt="" border="0"></a>



Alex and Eddie start carefully, feeling out each other with just basic grappling. They lock horns and then push each other away for a few times until Alex whips Eddie to the ropes and connects with a back body drop, Chandler quickly gets up and does a leg sweep, getting the bigger man down to the mat. Chandler starts to work on Alex's legs, picking them slowly apart with elbow drops to the thigh area and with an arsenal of different locks and holds. Alex finally gets up and side slams Eddie to the mat and connects with a few knee and elbow drops.




The match continued with Alex using basic brawling moves while Eddie got Alex to the ground with different submission holds and locks. Right near the ten minute mark Dan DaLay came to the ringside, with Ricky DeColt following him to even the odds. Ref Long was very cautious of the outsiders but let them stay in the ringside. Alex missed a clothesline, which enabled Eddie to take the control as he quickly grabbed Alex from behind and applied the Fabolous Stretch (takedown into a Double Armbar, wrenched back to put enormous pressure on the back and neck)!! Ricky started rooting for his brother not to give up while the crowd were chanting Alex's name. Alex tried and tried but couldn't get up from the position, but instead got out of the hold by rolling forward, flipping Eddie over along with him. Alex connected with a series of elbows, and went for the DeColt Driver (The trademark finisher of Alex DeColt, it is done by applying a straight jacket hold (crossing the opponent's arms from behind) before dropping to a seated position, driving the victim into the ground) but Eddie reversed the move into a Double Overhook Suplex, almost dropping him head first to the mat.





Alex shook the gob webbs out and get back on track as he tackled Eddie to the mat, punching him along the way. Dan DaLay jumped up to the apron, Ricky followed him and dropkicked him off the apron! The referee Cole jumped from the ring, trying to separate Dan and Ricky as they began brawling. Alex leaned on the ropes, shouting at Ricky to leave the ringside with Dan and just as he turned, he was knocked out by Eddie who had brass knuckles around his fist, an item he had concealed in his attire. Ricky and Dan were directed to the backstage by Cole and staff members. Eddie started shouting at Cole to come back to the ring which he did, and started to count!
























Two and a half!! The match continues!! Alex got his shoulders up!! Eddie signs for three and starts to argue with Cole while Alex is shaking, trying to get his balance back. Alex gets fully back up to vertical base, Eddie rans towards him but gets knocked on his back as Alex throws a huge haymaker!! Alex whips Eddie to the corner and lifts him up, going for the Tower Collapse Superplex (Suicide-A-Plex, but instead of simply falling back with a suplex, he does a Sustained Vertical Suplex while standing on the top rope)!!





Alex has his hand around Eddie's neck..





He slowly places his feet on the turnbuckle..





Tightens the grip and starts to lift Chandler..





Sustained suplex on the top rope!!





Alex starts to fall back..





.. But Eddie slips behind him, grabs a chinlock and places both knees in Alex's back in mid-air!!






Chandler Back Cracker (Lung Blower) from the top rope!! Alex is bend in half with his neck whiplashing from the impact!!





A silence surrounds the arena as they had just witnessed a spot they had never dreamed of. Alex lays lifeless on the canvas while Eddie slowly places his arm across Alex's chest. A shocked Francis Cole starts to count, all the way to the three. Cole crouches down, trying to get a response from Alex.










Cole starts signing for the X immediatly while a shocked Eddie Chandler exits the ring and turns his back on Alex and stays sitting on the apron, taking a breath. The match has indeed ended with Eddie Chandler getting the pinfall after the tope rope Chandler Back Cracker. Chandler becames the new challenger for Ricky DeColt, the CGC World champion.




Winner: Eddie Chandler via Pinfall in 18.21

Grade: B+

George: ".. No.. .. Alex!!"





George DeColt runs to the ring with the medical staff as they attend Alex, who's still unconscious. The EMT's put a neckbrace on Alex as they slowly move him from the ring while the fans are shocked, afraid that Alex may be seriously injured. Alex is moved with a stretcher to the backstage and into an ambulance, accompanied with a huge chant, "Alex, Alex, Alex.." as the show ends in a tragedy.



Grade: B+


Overall Grade: B-

PPV Buy Rate: 0.27



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Great show, perhaps a tad overuse of the DQ finish though... DeColts creative control busting your balls?


You'll soon find out. ;) I hope you enjoyed the show though, I spend hours and hours doing it.. The storylines are evolving nicely which I like and like I said, you'll find out the reason in a little while..

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The DeColts aren't winning enough!


Which is perfect!


Very solid show. Impressive grade, too. Like how you're working the booking - the babyface hero family isn't interesting if they just win outright. I have no issues with a couple DQs - this is Sports Entertainment, after all. What's SE without some controversy?

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Which is perfect!


Very solid show. Impressive grade, too. Like how you're working the booking - the babyface hero family isn't interesting if they just win outright. I have no issues with a couple DQs - this is Sports Entertainment, after all. What's SE without some controversy?


I don't know if I would have jobbed them out to Acid and Wood, but I also have the DeColts losing a fair bit going into a CGC. Never get too far though.

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I don't know if I would have jobbed them out to Acid and Wood, but I also have the DeColts losing a fair bit going into a CGC. Never get too far though.


Well, you definitely need to have the DeColt's be fallible, or its just not really interesting to the fans. If the good guys can't lose, its no more exciting than if the bad guys can't lose. It also makes Acid and Woods look like legit guys when they are fairly new to the promotion. Have them job to the Colt's right away and they are tougher to make look like real threats down the road.


I thought it was actually a pretty smart way to do it. The DeColt's didn't actually lose either of those matches, but ending them by DQ made the opponents look dangerous. Which sets up a future rematch, where you can either have the face win clean and end the feud, or the heel win by nefarious means and extend the feud to the third meeting, where the face wins clean. Maybe have the second meeting be a tag match, to avoid repetitive booking penalties?

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Well, you definitely need to have the DeColt's be fallible, or its just not really interesting to the fans. If the good guys can't lose, its no more exciting than if the bad guys can't lose. It also makes Acid and Woods look like legit guys when they are fairly new to the promotion. Have them job to the Colt's right away and they are tougher to make look like real threats down the road.


I thought it was actually a pretty smart way to do it. The DeColt's didn't actually lose either of those matches, but ending them by DQ made the opponents look dangerous. Which sets up a future rematch, where you can either have the face win clean and end the feud, or the heel win by nefarious means and extend the feud to the third meeting, where the face wins clean. Maybe have the second meeting be a tag match, to avoid repetitive booking penalties?


Actually I was talking about the first show, but I still agree with you. :D

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