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DOTM: Cornellverse

DOTM: Cornellverse  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. DOTM: Cornellverse

    • Tigerkinney's "Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society 2.0"
    • TrekkieMonsta's "PGHW 2012: The Pride In Conquest"
    • BigPapa 42's SWF Generation Supreme
    • Phantom Stranger's "Philly Power Pro Wrestling: Dangerous Dreams"

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Cornellverse DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* Tigerkinney's "Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society 2.0"
  • 2nd* TrekkieMonsta's "PGHW 2012: The Pride In Conquest"
  • 2nd* BigPapa 42's SWF Generation Supreme
  • 2nd* Phantom Stranger's "Philly Power Pro Wrestling: Dangerous Dreams"

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Tough call this month. I like TrekkieMonster's PGHW, but would prefer to see it updated far more often. Can't blame TM, as you can only do what you can do.


Between TigerKinney and PhantomStranger is a really tough call. There's no doubting the quality of TK's dairy, as its one of the best and most consistent on the board. PS seems to be a bit underappreciated. I guess what it comes down to is that TK has won before, PS hasn't. So PhantomStranger's Philly Power Pro gets my vote. Sorry TK!

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Tough call this month. I like TrekkieMonster's PGHW, but would prefer to see it updated far more often. Can't blame TM, as you can only do what you can do.


Between TigerKinney and PhantomStranger is a really tough call. There's no doubting the quality of TK's dairy, as its one of the best and most consistent on the board. PS seems to be a bit underappreciated. I guess what it comes down to is that TK has won before, PS hasn't. So PhantomStranger's Philly Power Pro gets my vote. Sorry TK!


Really I don't mind, the main reason I've nominated and voted for yours, is that yours is consistently one of the best on the boards but you've yet to win one of these. Trekkie's is great too but the fact it is not as updated regularly as the others in the field does unfortunately count against it.


I've taken a look at Phantom Strangers diary a few times and it looks pretty good but I've yet to fully commit myself to it. One day I will get round to reading it properly, especially as he takes the time to read my diary and regularly make predictions ! Perhaps it's also the fact that I'm not so familiar with Cornellverse 97.


Anyway a short field this month but I'm up against three quality diaries and there would be no shame in losing out to anyone of them.

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Really I don't mind, the main reason I've nominated and voted for yours, is that yours is consistently one of the best on the boards but you've yet to win one of these. Trekkie's is great too but the fact it is not as updated regularly as the others in the field does unfortunately count against it.


You are too kind, sir. It would be an honor to win DOTM, but getting a nomination is an honor, too. I've been thrilled in the months where I got a nomination and just a couple of votes. So its all good, whatever happens.


Reduced field this month - and there is still not a single diary on there other than my own I don't respect.


The C-Verse field seems to be remarkably strong this year.


Wait... You're saying you don't respect your own diary, PS?

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If it makes you feel any better, I didn't vote for you :p


You ain't the only one.


In all seriousness, I don't feel I'm in a position to call my own work great... because it's mine, and obviously I'm likely to be biased. And I do see the mistakes, the issues, the problems that are fixed before it goes out, not just the ones left in. ;)

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You ain't the only one.


In all seriousness, I don't feel I'm in a position to call my own work great... because it's mine, and obviously I'm likely to be biased. And I do see the mistakes, the issues, the problems that are fixed before it goes out, not just the ones left in. ;)


Hey, you got my vote!


When it comes to my own work, I feel much the same way. Going back to the first few shows I posted is almost painful, in terms of the booking, the writing, and the storytelling. Even reading recent stuff can frustrate me, as I realize the mistakes, the stuff I left out for some reason, and feeling like I didn't get stuff across as I wanted. It also doesn't help that I know where I feel I should be in terms of the stories, details, and such - and I'm just not there yet. The upside, I guess, is that I believe what I can do can be much better.


That said, I think most of us act as our own toughest critics. That's probably a good thing.

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Hey, you got my vote!


Oh, make no mistake - I'm not complaining. It's a privilege to be nominated every month, it's an honour to get the votes I do. That I don't expect to win doesn't mean I don't feel grateful for every vote - it just means that there are giants on this forum.


And as I read their work, I begrudge them nothing.

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Uh, did I really just win the Diary of the Month? That seems un-possible.


Seriously, thank you to everyone who voted and everyone who reads. This isn't something I ever expected, given the caliber of CornellVerse diaries we have on this board. To be concidered anywhere near the level of those is unbelievable.

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Uh, did I really just win the Diary of the Month? That seems un-possible.


Seriously, thank you to everyone who voted and everyone who reads. This isn't something I ever expected, given the caliber of CornellVerse diaries we have on this board. To be concidered anywhere near the level of those is unbelievable.


I voted for you simply because I think you made the SWF actually interesting for me to read. I've always been an SWF gameplayer since the first TEW game that came out (As my username and avatar shows that). There has been a lot of SWF diaries out there, however, I really think yours stands out above the rest.


Congrats on winning this month! :)

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Congrats Bigpapa42, well deserved! :)


Thanks FIN. Even with only four diaries up this month, there is some great quality in those, so it seems almost a bit surreal to win out over them.


I owe a big thank you to TigerKinney, who has not only championed my little diary in the DOTM for awhile now, but has been one of a couple people on here to play a bit of a mentor role for me. He's far from the only, though, as mine is a diary that has relied on many contributions from others. Fin and all the other alt artists have helped a ton deserve credit. ReapeR for his custom title belt renders and Hak99 for his pay per view logos both helped give a unique presentation to my diary. As well, everyone who has helped out with suggestions along the way. So thanks all.

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Well done on winning diary of the month. A well deserved victory and one I feel has been due for a while.


I do kind of agree with what Eisenverse says. There has been a alot of SWF diaries on these boards but No Neck's excellent effort apart, your's is the one that has stood out for me. You've got the feel of a global sized sports entertainment juggernaut exactly right, minus some of the questionable booking that usually plagues the real life equivalents :p.

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Well done on winning diary of the month. A well deserved victory and one I feel has been due for a while.


I do kind of agree with what Eisenverse says. There has been a alot of SWF diaries on these boards but No Neck's excellent effort apart, your's is the one that has stood out for me. You've got the feel of a global sized sports entertainment juggernaut exactly right, minus some of the questionable booking that usually plagues the real life equivalents :p.


Thanks TK. I owe you a ton, all the way around.


And as for not having questionable booking, I'll see what I can do about that. I have plans to sign Dusty Bin and immediately put one of the main belts on him. Why? Well, d*mnit, why not?

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