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Wrestlemania is tonight


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You know what, I was marking out HARD for Orton in the Rumble. I was so into him he almost became equal to John Morrison in my heart (that's a lot, folks) but for some reason, right now, I find it hard to care.


Still rooting for him though.

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does anyone else smell a heel turn by steph? That would just be classic..she comes out to help hhh but hits him with i don't know a sledge or something.


you sir are sick! what type of wife would turn on their own husband?????????? don't worry i'll wait lol

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Poor Hunter, he wanted a memorable gimmicky entrance, but it paled in comparison to Shawn's, Cena's, Taker's...


hunter to me is your avg man. he comes to work, bust his a** and some time does wonderful, but most times he does top notch work that doesn't get you fired..... after he nails your daughter and you're forced to keep him around........ no but Hunter does well, to me though he just not the hey Hunter is headlining oh im going to order type of person Rock, Austin, Taker, and HBK are

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Man Austin should have been the special guest ref, think about it he broke into Pillman's house. he also has been linked to hitting women (Step., Linda, Debra) so it would have made perfect sense


quick question does anyone else think the Legacy logo is similar to the Evolution logo?

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Well they're basically the same group. Just with less interesting people.




I'm wondering how the people in the nosebleed seats can see who is who. These dudes are wearing the exact same outfit.

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