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Wrestlemania is tonight


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I used to quite like his music. No more!


From what I saw, Trips/Orton wasn't that bad. Everything was very crisp and well-performed. It's just... they're boring. They're two boring guys in boring black trunks doing largely boring moves that resulted in a boring finish. Technically it was fine. It just came of flat to me.

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So the 13th.


They have a PPV on the 26th.



So they would have 3 weeks to build for Backlash, but technically with the draft they have 2 weeks.


So anyone who buys Backlash will need an examination of their brain.



Also, per pwinsider.com ComCast screwed the ppv somehow and alot of peeps didn't get to see it and had refunds issued.


So a low buyrate will be even worse.

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I used to quite like his music. No more!


From what I saw, Trips/Orton wasn't that bad. Everything was very crisp and well-performed. It's just... they're boring. They're two boring guys in boring black trunks doing largely boring moves that resulted in a boring finish. Technically it was fine. It just came of flat to me.


darn where was Vlad, we could have had another Edge run in and win the title at last second for a third time in a row just to lose it at the next PPV

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So the 13th.


They have a PPV on the 26th.



So they would have 3 weeks to build for Backlash, but technically with the draft they have 2 weeks.


So anyone who buys Backlash will need an examination of their brain.



Also, per pwinsider.com ComCast screwed the ppv somehow and alot of peeps didn't get to see it and had refunds issued.


So a low buyrate will be even worse.




they will probably use the same storylines for that one.... for the most part

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Ok so first this is like the first WM i have paid for and watched live in years i believe the last was 17..


first damn Kid Rock that 10 plus min medley of pish could have been given to something half decent.


second damn Kid Rock its his fault rey won his match and i hate rey.


third my god Taker vs HBK i never had a doubt that Taker would win but that count out after taker nailed the camera man holy f*** on a scooter i do think my heart stopped and my poor cat got launched off the chair i was sitting on poor thing. That last ride tho i marked out....


forth Damn KID ROCK its his fault cena is champion again


Steamboat wow wow wow i think piper and Snuka were showed up like.


Holy hell an army of Cena's is that not like one of the signals that the apocalypse is coming?


Main event best described as a colour was beige didn't enjoy it wanted Orton to take out Trips...


all in all apart from kid rock ruining most of the ppv it was grand...


also was it just me or have the past few mania's had no backstage segments??? remember 17 there were **** loads this had what 1.....


also Austin on that quad was awesome he tore down the ramp was great i take it thats it Austin is done with wrestling??? they were all saying its the end of the austin era? sad panda

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If they'd just dropped Kid Rock we could have had the tag match on the show... OR given the Hardyz match and MITB another 5 minutes each... OR they could have had a culturally relevant act perform to actually get the fans psyched, and perhaps attract some more buys.


All in all, it was an okay show. Though not worth the £15 I spent to order it, and the £20 loss of earnings I'm suffering by calling in a half-day tomorrow.

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If they'd just dropped Kid Rock we could have had the tag match on the show... OR given the Hardyz match and MITB another 5 minutes each... OR they could have had a culturally relevant act perform to actually get the fans psyched, and perhaps attract some more buys.


All in all, it was an okay show. Though not worth the £15 I spent to order it, and the £20 loss of earnings I'm suffering by calling in a half-day tomorrow.


yeah if they should have got the beastie boys......

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