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Did some other actor punch Chris Jericho after Mickey Rourke did? You do know he was a professional boxer, right (and was undefeated, too)? "Pretentious" isn't a word you'd use for a guy who gives up a movie career to fight people for a living. "Stupid," maybe, but pretentious? Never.


Sorry, maybe pretentios was a little strong, but it's not that hard to be an undefeated boxer, as long as you never box anyone good, this is the same argument I have over Elijah Burke (is he still in WWE, seems like a waste to release him, yet I haven't seen him...). Elijah burke had a massive win record, but he never had to go above his level. If you aren't pushed to face national level competitors, you can rack up hundreds of wins with no losses.


Besiedes, until it was mentioned three seconds before Rourke punched Jericho, I had no idea he ever was a boxer.

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Burke was released in November.




Totally agree this was a one match PPV. They need to either re-structure or retire MITB, because I'm super-bored by it. I hope this is the year we see MVP and/or Punk elevate into being a true main eventer. I also would love to see "one last run" from HBK. Especially if the status of his smile is in question.

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Here's what I'd do for next year's MITB. I'd put it back down to 6 guys, and I'd have two of them be an established tag team. Miz & Morrison. Dibiase & Rhodes. A team like that. Before the match, the team would decide which of them would win, and the entire story of the match would be that you've got two guys working together, and because of that they're surviving the big falls and major incidents over the other 4 who are out for themselves. Inevitably, at the end, the tag guy who's supposed to lose will go for the belt, and fisticuffs will occur, but for the first 10 minutes a team could make things fresh.


OR here's another idea

1) After a couple of months feuding, Jeff finally beats Matt, who scuttles off to the other show.

2) Jeff feuds with his brand's Champion (lets say Randy Orton) in the November/December PPV's. Make it bitter. A blood feud. Lines are crossed. It ends with Randy cheating his way to keep the belt.

3) Not just wanting the belt, Jeff wants REVENGE for the sick, sick things Randy did to him. Jeff tries to win the Royal Rumble, but is screwed over by Randy. Another top Babyface on that brand (for example, John Cena) wins.

4) John Cena is going to fight Randy Orton at Wrestlemania. Build this up as the Main Event, because it is. It's important. However, Jeff Hardy still REALLY wants to get his hands on Orton. He needs it! For revenge! However, Randy refuses, saying he'll never give Jeff another shot again.

5) Jeff enters MITB with the intention of winning and challenging Randy Orton. It's really his only option.

6) Meanwhile, Matt gets into MITB. He wants a World Title.

7) The Hardyz have one backstage meeting where they explain their positions. Self-serving Matt wants a belt. Wronged Jeff wants revenge. Discuss.


During the MITB match, the Hardyz don't touch for the first 10 minutes, until all of a sudden they're the only two left standing. Jeff has killed himself at this point. He wants to win so much. So he can finally get revenge on Randy Orton. Matt looks at his brother, looks at the belt, and has a change of heart. Hardyz salute. The other 4-6 (mainly heel) competitors attack. United once more, the Hardyz hit EVERY double team move they've ever done. They destroy everyone else, before Matt suicide dives everyone into oblivion, letting his little bro get the win and the chance to kick Randy's ass at Backlash.


MITB is fun and all, but I think a cool storyline around it would do wonders.


P.S. There's a massive plothole in my Hardy story... it implies Orton is definitely going to beat Cena. Might be ways around it though.

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Sorry, maybe pretentios was a little strong, but it's not that hard to be an undefeated boxer, as long as you never box anyone good, this is the same argument I have over Elijah Burke (is he still in WWE, seems like a waste to release him, yet I haven't seen him...). Elijah burke had a massive win record, but he never had to go above his level. If you aren't pushed to face national level competitors, you can rack up hundreds of wins with no losses.


Besiedes, until it was mentioned three seconds before Rourke punched Jericho, I had no idea he ever was a boxer.


Would you rather a "wrestler" who trained for 3 months (and will not appear on the show again) beat an established superstar? I'd much rather have him punch Jericho so that Jericho flees. It wasn't a wrestling match, so Jericho saves some face in that (it was an unfair fight, wasn't ready for it, I was ready to wrestle, he knows he can't outwrestle me, whatever) than have a Hollywood actor outwrestle him. Especially when Jericho wasn't even pushed that much in his own "match".


And I would LOVE to see the creative team have Punk get his revenge on Orton a year after Orton took his title away. It may very well happen.

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And I would LOVE to see the creative team have Punk get his revenge on Orton a year after Orton took his title away. It may very well happen.


Would be so cool. Punk going to Smackdown to actually gain some prior momentum this time around wouldn't be a bad idea either...

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Would you rather a "wrestler" who trained for 3 months (and will not appear on the show again) beat an established superstar? I'd much rather have him punch Jericho so that Jericho flees. It wasn't a wrestling match, so Jericho saves some face in that (it was an unfair fight, wasn't ready for it, I was ready to wrestle, he knows he can't outwrestle me, whatever) than have a Hollywood actor outwrestle him. Especially when Jericho wasn't even pushed that much in his own "match".


And I would LOVE to see the creative team have Punk get his revenge on Orton a year after Orton took his title away. It may very well happen.


I tthink the whole Rourke angle was flawed, and pointless. If there was the punch, and then MORE. Say for example the punch takes him down, then he wails on him with punches. A figure-four in homage to Flair, then the Ram Jam, and we got a half-beleivable angle.

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I tthink the whole Rourke angle was flawed, and pointless. If there was the punch, and then MORE. Say for example the punch takes him down, then he wails on him with punches. A figure-four in homage to Flair, then the Ram Jam, and we got a half-beleivable angle.


That'd just **** over one of the best in the WWE, it'd be completely ridiculous :o

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either way it's an unbeleivable angle, why not throw in some over moves, like the figure four, and of course, Randy the Rams FINISHER the Ram Jam.


Unbelievable: a retired professional boxer surprises a wrestler with a couple of stiff punches? Wait, what? But him turning into a movie character would've been acceptable? The story as-is was fine. Jericho thought he was dealing with a regular actor, but Rourke is a legit. tough bastard, and surprised him. What's so unbelievable about that?

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Because unbelievable need not bury a top star. Maybe for Backlash they should have Randy the Ram & Jimmy King do their finishers on Jericho. But we'll probably go in circles on this.


yes, we will. So I'll finish it with this, Rourke hitting Jericho with one punch, and then for Jericho to go scurrying out the ring, not a wrestlemania moment we shall tell our grandchildren about. Now, if we were to see this actor, really take it up a notch, show that, wrestling wise, he can, and then use rage and tenacity (he should be able to act those, he's an actor) to show why Jericho was caught off guard, I'd be more impressed. If he were to go up to him and kcik him in the nuts, hit the Ram Jam, and then hav his hand lifted up by the dirtiest player in the game, then I'd mark out, just because it's something more than one punch. Boxing or no boxing.


And to answer lazorbeak, I meant unbeleivable as in "I can't beleive that was all" rather then "he can't do that, he's an actor!", I just thought it was dull, and having a beleivable wrestlemania moment is so not as good as a magical one.

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if it hadn't been for the Taker vs. Michaels classic, this wrestlemania would have been a huge disappointment




It'll be interesting to see what the WWE will do with next years Mania, knowing that both Championship matches bombed with Taker vs. Michaels being clearly the best thing in the show.


I still stand by my opinion of 'Taker vs Batista being better than the main event at Wrestlemania 23. (and i'm not even saying that as a 'Taker mark)


During the MITB match, the Hardyz don't touch for the first 10 minutes, until all of a sudden they're the only two left standing. Jeff has killed himself at this point. He wants to win so much. So he can finally get revenge on Randy Orton. Matt looks at his brother, looks at the belt, and has a change of heart. Hardyz salute. The other 4-6 (mainly heel) competitors attack. United once more, the Hardyz hit EVERY double team move they've ever done. They destroy everyone else, before Matt suicide dives everyone into oblivion, letting his little bro get the win and the chance to kick Randy's ass at Backlash.


Nice idea, but the Matt Hardy suicide dive? That's more of a Jeff thing to do. (but I understand that you're a big fan of Jeff so you'd want him to win :p)


That'd just **** over one of the best in the WWE, it'd be completely ridiculous :o


Wrestlemania 11 - Bam Bam Bigelow vs Lawrence Taylor.... :rolleyes:


Unbelievable: a retired professional boxer surprises a wrestler with a couple of stiff punches?


Is it just me or has Mickey Rourke never been a "professional" boxer? I know he's fought amateur boxing matches before, but never professional. Correct me if i'm wrong.

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I still stand by my opinion of 'Taker vs Batista being better than the main event at Wrestlemania 23. (and i'm not even saying that as a 'Taker mark)


Agree with this, in fact I thought it was the general consensus. Shoulda ended the show, much better moment than Cena retaining...via submission I think...*shivers*

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Nice idea, but the Matt Hardy suicide dive? That's more of a Jeff thing to do. (but I understand that you're a big fan of Jeff so you'd want him to win :p)


On the contrary, while it's true I'm a big fan of Jeff, I'm FAR more of a Mattitude Follower. I actually find the Matt role I laid out to be more heroic. Sacrificing his own dreams for the sake of his little brother. Noble.


He probably doesn't have the knees for the dive though.

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On the contrary, while it's true I'm a big fan of Jeff, I'm FAR more of a Mattitude Follower. I actually find the Matt role I laid out to be more heroic. Sacrificing his own dreams for the sake of his little brother. Noble.


He probably doesn't have the knees for the dive though.


Is it true his knees don't bend straight, they were talking about it on the episode of fear fector he was on.

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Is it true his knees don't bend straight, they were talking about it on the episode of fear fector he was on.


He's quite bow-legged, aye. Watch some of his matches. The way his legs bend is... creepy. Weird, weird legs.

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Is it just me or has Mickey Rourke never been a "professional" boxer? I know he's fought amateur boxing matches before, but never professional. Correct me if i'm wrong.


You're wrong. Rourke abandoned acting to be a professional boxer. He was 6-0-2 in 8 fights. He had been an amateur earlier in his life, but didn't go pro until his acting retirement in 1991, at age 39. He was 20-6 as an amateur, but that was between 1964 and 1972 (he was in his first amateur match at age 12).


From the Boxing Enyclopedia:


Rouke made $250.00 for his pro debut. In his first year and a half as a professional boxer, Rourke made a million dollars. He has sparred with such well-known boxers as James Toney, Tommy Morrison, John David Jackson, and John Montes. He once appeared on the cover of World Boxing magazine (June 1994). Rourke wanted to have sixteen pro fights and end his career by fighting for a world title. However, he retired after eight bouts (Rourke claimes in the Times article that he was 8-0-2 as a pro)and never got his desired title shot. His boxing career resulted in facial injuries which required a number of operations to repair his damaged face.
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Things I marked for at WM25:


Finlay coming out in the Belfast Brawler football pads, and Hornswoggle having his own mini version of them.

Kofi Kingston in general.

Santina - pure comedy gold.

Ricky Steamboat - great performance from him and the following night on Raw. If the rumours are true, he and Jericho one on one at Backlash could be a classic.

Taker and HBK - absolute classic match, that completly lived up to the hype surrounding it.


Overall, I really enjoyed the show. I thought the ending to Orton/Triple H was a little bit uninspiring, but apart from that, I liked it.

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One more thing about Wrestlemania.


When JBL lost to Mysterio in that IC match, why oh why didn't Ron "Farooq" Simmons come out and say "DAMN!!" :D


I would have marked out. Big. Just before or after the post-match promo.. It would have been perfect.

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Hell yeah it would've.


But what's so wrong with the MITB? Some say it looked rushed, well MITBs will always look rushed to you. To note, that was the third longest MITB match out of them all. Those type of matches will always feel rushed to you most of the time, you're always waiting something big and/or bigger to happen and then... it's over.

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