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Chicago Championship Wrestling: The Best of the Worst 2.0 (C-verse)

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Contract Negotiation: Monique


O.O.C. I really enjoy fleshing out characters, so when it comes to contract negotiations I'll probably expand it further then necessary. Feel free to skip it if you don't care, I'll make sure to title the negotion thread Contract Negotiations: Worker so if you don't care you can skip ahead.


Tuesday, Week 2, April 2008


Monique's contract came up rather early in the year, and nearly snuck by me. Not to be harsh on the girl but she's probably won't be winning "Manager of the Year" anytime soon, but she does her job and looks good at the ringside.


Monique was someone I would call a "casual worker." She worked as a valet not for the lifestyle or the extra paycheck, but because it was something fun to do on the side. Something to give a little extra spice to life. She wasn't dedicated to it like her clients were, surprisingly enough. I imagine if SWF came knocking she'd be quick to change her tune, but honestly she just didn't have the natural presence to attract their notice and without serious dedication (or major plastic surgery) she probably would never rise above what she was.


Now, I don't want to disrespect her. She's nice and pleasant and can actually do a decent job ringside, but it doesn't surprise me that she's still working for us even though we were on the verge of collapse.




Monique had to duck to enter my tiny office. It was odd to not see her in her spandex manager's outfit. She tended to dress a bit baggier when she wasn't in the ring and if you didn't know her, you probably wouldn't recognize her without the skintight outfits and makeup. Outside of the ring, she was still pretty, but in a very different way.


Gabriel: "Have a seat Monique. Sorry about the office. Maybe when we start turning a decent profit I'll be able to get a real room, eh?"


She chuckled polietly, but it wasn't really a funny joke, hell it wasn't even a joke but she was being polite and I appreciated it.


Gabriel: "So, how are things?"


Monique just shrugged. She had a serious look on her face and my 6th sense was tingling that this wasn't going to be a straightforward contract renewal.


Gabriel: "Alright, let's cut the chase. Tell me what's on your mind."


Monique paused for just a moment, perhaps surprised that I'd caught on so quickly, perhaps just gathering her thoughts.


Monique: "Well, to be honest times have been kind of tough. Gas prices are soaring, you're asking me to work longer hours and frankely it's been getting tough. Now that I'm wrapped up with XDW I feel more like a babysitter then a valet. I'll be honest that managing the backyard gang isn't exactly great for my career."


I nodded but let her continue.


Monique: "FREEDOM is out there right now, probably looking for a good manager like me. I'm a local, and I'll be honest with the way the money is here, I wouldn't say no if FREEDOM asked me to stay down on the island permanently."


I arched an eyebrow and Monique immedaitely started sweating bullets. Sometims it's really nice to be the one with all the power.


Monique: (a bit flustered)"I mean, don't get me wrong I appreciate the work and I like working with you guys...Titan was a decent career move too. He was a CCW Champion, trained up in MAW. I wish I had been asked to come with when he went to FCW..."


Her eyes glazed over a little, and I thought I saw the beginnings of a tear and suddenly it all hit me where the real source of her dissatisfaction with CCW lay. Here she was, one of the only Puerto Rican managers on the US scene. She spent her life working away from home because Puerto Rico ahd no local promotions. And then FREEDOM started up, Puerto Rico's finest wrestler decided to bring wrestling home again. I could only imagine how excited Monique must have gotten when FCW was announced. Here was finally an opportunity for her to come back home, to work with a local crowd that knew her and celebrated her heritage. And then FCW had come calling during CCW's darkest hour. Tully Arthurs was offered a job. Kashmir Singh was a job. Her own client, Titan, was offered a job. But her phone remained silent...


Gabriel: "Tell you what, you're absolutely right."


Monique blinked in surprise


Monique: "Umm...right about what?"


She was nervous, obviously on the defensive from my sudden shift in tone.


Gabriel: "You have been an integral part of CCW since the beginning. You've helped us when we needed it, gave Titan and now XDW the help and support they needed to succeed. So I agree that you deserve more then what you're getting, but what exactly are you asking for?"


Monique: "Well, what I could really use is gas money. It's pretty expensive driving here, even if it is just once a month or so."


I shook my head and smile at her.


Gabriel: "Tell you what, I really don't like dealing with receipts and balancing numbers and cutting checks for the $10.50 you spend at the pump. How about I tack on another $50 to your PPA agreement, that'll bring it up to $100 a show. That should also help make the long drive a bit more tolerable, eh?"


Monique smiled and thanked me, I could see the tension just ease out of her. Now, let's be honest, $100 every other month still isn't good money, not anything you could live off of, but at least it helped make the trip worthwhile.


Hell, even with Vin's huge salary it's not enough to live off of. It's not until you start getting to TCW levels, or possibly upper DaVE that you can really wrestle full time. The rest of us had to get other jobs, real jobs. Hell, I still had to work part time at the IT help desk.


As Monique stood up, careful not to bump her head, I thought ahead to what lay in store for her and her XDW clients.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span><a href="http://www.ccw.com" rel="external nofollow"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">http://www.ccw.com</span></strong></span></a></p><p> Monday, Week 1, May 2008</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;">CCW NEWS REPORT</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> </span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> CCW Tournament Finals This Month!</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> The CCW Championship tournament is quickly drawing to a close, with the semi-finals and final match being held this month at CCW Mailed Fission. Vin Tanner, the crowd favorite is storming through the competition, although he will be facing another strong competitor in the form of Harry Wilson. Wilson has a bit of a home field advantage in their next match because Harry's two enforcers, the Hitmen, will be at the show, competing in an earlier match as part of the Tag Team tournament. Roderick Remus has proven to be a bit of a dark horse, defeating Xavier Reckless despite the XDW's attempted interference in the match.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Tag Team Round Robin</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> With their win over Smooth Flow at CCW Train Wreck, Extreme Fear are on the cusp of victory, poised to be the first tag team champions since the Lewis Brothers disbanded nearly a year ago. However, they face stiff competition in the towering forms of the Hitmen.</p><p> </p><p> First up will be Extreme Fear (Extreme Deluxe & Fearless Blue) vs. Smooth Flow (K-Squared & Jeremy Jazz). </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Davis Injury Revealed</span></strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">[/center]</span></p><p> During the previous show, the battle between Leo Davis and Davis Wayne Newton spilled out into backstage and in the process one of the wrestlers was severely injured and had to be stretchered out in an ambulance. It was later confirmed that Davis Wayne Newton was struck in the face with a metal pipe, shattering his eye socket and causing him to be hospitalized for at least six months. Leo Davis will continue on to wrestle in the CCW Championship Tournament. Neither wrestler could be reached for comments.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Rest of the Wrestling World</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">PSW Following DaVE's Footsteps!</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, rising from the ashes of the bankrupted DaVE promotion appears to be heading the same way as it's predecessor. Recent show attendance records have shown nearly a 60% drop in ticket sales, and the owners and bookers are reportedly slashing apart the roster trying to keep costs down and keep their finances in the black.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">J-Ro Injured!</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> Joanna Rodriguez, more popularly known as J-Ro was severely injured in her match against Saori Nakadan for 5SSW, and medical reports indicate that she ruptured her spleen when she was slammed into a turnbuckle. Fans were shocked when she started coughing up blood as that level of violence was usually above and beyond 5SSW's normal style,</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Web Polls</span></strong></span></p><p> (from TotalExtremeWrestling.com feed, click <a href="http://here" rel="external nofollow">http://here</a> to vote)</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22152" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Best Overall Worker: Gino Montero (beating out Dan Stone Jr)</p><p> </p><p> Most Entertaining: Alex DeColt (beating out Jack Bruce)</p><p> Best Technical Wrestler: Sean McFly (3 months in a row)</p><p> Best Brawler: Dan Stone. Jr. (beating out Tadiyuki Kikkawa)</p><p> Best High Flier: American Elemental (3 months in a row)</p><p> Best Young Prospect: Randy Bumfhole (5 months in a row)</p><p> </p><p> Best Manager: Cuervo (beating out Emma Chase)</p><p> Best Announcer: Mitch Naess (beating out Duane Fry)</p><p> Best Colour Commentator: Ernie Turner (beating Jeff Nova)</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> CCW News Analysis: In a very surprising vote, Mexican promotions had a very strong showing, with Gino Montero of MHW winning the vote for best overall wrestler, while manager Cuervo beat Emma Chase for Best Manager, ending Emma's year and half winning streak. Gino is quite the upset, having only just recently entered the wrestling world, soundly defeating veterans like Dan Stone Jr. and Sean McFly.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">Next Show: </span><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>CCW: Mailed Fission</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div><br /> January March May <br /><br /> Roderick Remus ________<br /> Super Sonic ___________|Remus_____<br /> Xavier Reckles ________ |Remus---<br /> Fearless Blue _________|Reckless__| |<br /> K-Square ______________ |---<br /> Leo Davis _____________|Davis_____ | |<br /> Davis Wayne Newton ____ |Davis--- |<br /> Extreme Deluxe ________|DWN_______| |<br /> Harry Wilson __________ |------- CCW CHAMPION<br /> Daredevil Aer _________|Wilson____ |<br /> Rex Reeves ____________ |Wilson--- |<br /> Dusty Bin _____________|Reeves____| | |<br /> Dermot O'Logical ______ |--<br /> "Aussie" Alan _________|O'Logical_ |<br /> Crash Lewis ___________ |Tanner---<br /> Vin Tanner ____________|Tanner____|<br /><br /></div><pre class="ipsCode"></pre><div></div></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Quick Picks:</p><p> Britney Hollywood (BSC) vs. JMB</p><p> </p><p> 4-Way Scramble for Hanson Invitational Slot: Paige Croft vs. Nurse Darla Knight vs. Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Carnival Queen Kendra</p><p> </p><p> Tag Team Round Robin: The Hitmen (Switchblade Mike & Dusty Bin) vs. Extreme Fear (Extreme Deluxe & Fearless Blue)</p><p> </p><p> CCW Championship Tournament Semi-Final's:</p><p> Roderick Remus vs. Leo Davis</p><p> Harry Wilson vs. Vin Tanner</p><p> </p><p> ???? vs. ???? for CCW Championship title</p>
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Britney Hollywood (BSC) vs. JMB


4-Way Scramble for Hanson Invitational Slot: Paige Croft vs. Nurse Darla Knight vs. Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Carnival Queen Kendra


Tag Team Round Robin: The Hitmen (Switchblade Mike & Dusty Bin) vs. Extreme Fear (Extreme Deluxe & Fearless Blue)


CCW Championship Tournament Semi-Final's:

Roderick Remus vs. Leo Davis

Harry Wilson vs. Vin Tanner


Roderick Remus vs. Harry Wilson for CCW Championship title

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Britney Hollywood (BSC) vs. JMB


4-Way Scramble for Hanson Invitational Slot: Paige Croft vs. Nurse Darla Knight vs. Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Carnival Queen Kendra


Tag Team Round Robin: The Hitmen (Switchblade Mike & Dusty Bin) vs. Extreme Fear (Extreme Deluxe & Fearless Blue)


CCW Championship Tournament Semi-Final's:

Roderick Remus vs. Leo Davis

Harry Wilson vs. Vin Tanner


Roderick Remus vs. Harry Wilson for CCW Championship title

a tie, so the fued may go on

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CCW Mailed Fission

Friday, Week 3, May 2008

Ohio Jewish center, 13 people.


Before the show starts, the audience is treated to a sneak peak backstage, displayed on the projector screen, "live" via handicam. Backstage Jana Marie Bowen and Paige are standing unamused while someone offscreen (the camera holder) shouts stage directions at them.




Offscreen: "Ok, Jana, I need you to step a little bit to your right. You need to get closer to Paige."


Jana shuffles in a bit closer but bumps against Paige's giant cosplay costume.


Jana: "How can I move closer when with this cardboard s*** everywhere?"

Paige: "Hey, I worked hard on this costume, and besides it's mostly paper maiche."

Offscreen: "QUIET ON THE SET!"


Jana Marie throws her hands up and starts to storm off but the camera holder follows her. The camera holder sets down the camera on a nearby shelf, aimed so that it just happens to keep capturing footage of JMB and the ensuing arguement. The camera reveals that the "Director" is BSC "Star" Britney Hollywood.




Britney: "Jana, I told you to move closer to Paige, I couldn't fit both of you in the shot otherwise."

Jana: "I don't care, leave me alone."

Britney: "But Leo asked me to film footage of you for your debute. This is for your benefit!"


Jana narrows her eyes and steps in threateningly.


Jana: "I told you..I...don't...care. NOw if you don't back Off I will have to make you back off."


Britney squares her shoulders and sticks out her chin.


Britney: "I'm not afraid of you."


Leo suddenly barges into the room.




Leo: "Ladies! Ladies! Why do I always have to stop you from fighting?"


Despite his protests, he's got a wicked grin on his face.


Leo: "Now, there's only one way to settle this..."


Lee once again gets his hopes up for another bikini contest.


Leo: "...with a FIGHT!"


Once again, Lee's hopes are dashed, much to Gabriel's relief.


Leo: "Jana, if you win, you don't have to continue with the movie. If you lose, however, you'll have to listen to Britney's direction...or else."

Jana: "Or else what?"

Leo: "Or else you'll be finding another place to wrestle."


Britney tries to film JMB and Paige

Rating: E


Britney & JMB get into a fight, Leo breaks it up, announces match to see who gets into the Invitational Tournament

Rating: E-




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JanaMarieBowen.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/BritneyHollywood_alt.jpg

JMB vs. Britney Hollywood


The match starts before both women even get into the ring. JMB is in the ring first, but as Britney attempts to enter, JMB grabs Britney's hair and yanks her into the ring. She drags Britney into a corner, and starts delivering mounted punches right to Britney's head. As Jana pauses to showboat a little before delivering a final punch, Britney recovers slightly and kicks Jana, stunning her long enough for Britney to begin her offense. Being a BSC "star" Britney's offense is fairly limited, mostly consisting of kicks, slaps, and clawing at Jana's face and clothes. This kind of offensive can only stun Jana for so long, and Jana eventually catches one of Britney's kicks and drags the other woman to the mat. Jana quickly establishes her dominance and batters Britney high and low with far more technical moves. Britney just flops around like a dying fish as Jana tries to drag an actual wrestling match out of the BSC wrestler. JMB finally puts Britney away with a Bowen Technique (Top rope flying legdrop/facebuster combo)


Jana Marie Bowen defeated Britney Hollywood in 5:10 by pinfall with a Bowen Technique.

Rating: F




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/PaigeCroft.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/NurseDarlaKnight.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/CarnivalQueenKendra.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KinuyeMushashibo.jpg

Paige Croft vs. Nurse Darla Knight vs. Carnival Queen Kendra vs. Kinuye Mushashibo (Elimination)



The rest of the women proceed to the ring to battle it out for a wildcard slot in the Womens portion of the Hanson Invitational. All four women start in the ring at the same time, and the match quickly descends into unorganized chaos. Luckily, every woman in the ring is a better worker then Miss Hollywood, and so the crowd find it slightly more tolerable, although they do take the time and courtesy to boo all four women. Kendra is the first to be eliminated, hit by a Lethal Injection by Nurse Darla. Kinuye climbs the turnbuckle as often as she can, but Paige shoves her feet out, causing Kinuye to crash to the mat and Paige picks up the pin soon enough. Nurse Darla and Paige continue to wrestle, chaining moves together in fairly decent flow considering the workers involved. Eventually Paige drags Darla to the mat and locks in her submission hold, the Kayono Amato Mega-Lock 2.0(Figure-Four Leg Lock). Nurse Darla struggles to crawl her way towards the ropes, but Paige has the KAM-L 2.0 locked in and Darla finally taps out, making Paige Croft the other CCW woman in the Hanson Invitational '08 tournament.


4 way scramble for last slot into the Invitational


Paige Croft defeated Nurse Darla Knight, Kinuye Mushashibo and Carnival Queen Kendra in 10:29; the order of elimination was Carnival Queen Kendra first, then Kinuye Mushashibo, and finally Nurse Darla Knight.

Rating: F+




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DustyBin_alt02.jpghttp://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/MurderousMikey_alt1.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Extreme20Deluxe_FIN.jpghttp://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Fearless20Blue_FIN.jpg

Hitmen vs. Extreme Fear


Awful, terrible, and horrible are the three adjectives that come to mind to describe this fight. Dusty goes for a lariet but Extreme is busy trying to climb the turnbuckle for another spot. Fearless Blue misses a missile dropkick completely, but Mike still falls to the ground because that's what was supposed to happen. IT's as if someone took a bar room brawl and a random spot fest and tried to jam them together using a meat grinder. The Hitmen use their size to overpower their opponents. Dusty hoists a dazed Extreme Deluxe onto his shoulders as Switchblade Mike climbs the turnbuckle. Mike leaps off and lariats Extreme off of Dusty's shoulders for the finisher they call "Shot from the Hill" and quickly getting the 3-count for victory. The crowd lets out a sigh of relief as new wrestlers take to the ring, allowing them to cease booing and catcalling.


The Hitmen defeated Extreme Fear in 3:58 when Switchblade Mike defeated Fearless Blue by pinfall with a Shot from the Hill. (Doomsday Device)

Rating: F


Gabriel's Notes: I think I've found what's holding CCW back. The fans! They boo just about half the roster, and yet they keep showing up, month after month. I think they show up just to jeer the workers. At least they don't boo the upper card...well except for Leo, and Crash, and Daredevil, and...







The Wilson Coalition takes to the ring, and this time when the crowd boos are actually because of some heel heat and not because of crappy wrestling. Harry waves to the crowd, blows kisses to the crowd before flipping them off. Kristen sashays over and grabs a mic from Lee, who is more then happy to give away his posessions to a beautiful woman.


Kristen: "Tonight is the night that history is made, when a legend will finally be acknowledged for all of his hard work, dedication, and most of all, natural talent. Vin Tanner may think that he has a good chance of winning, Vin Tanner may think that he deserves this title for all of his hard work. However, Vin Tanner.."


She pauses, as if saying that name makes her disgusted.


Kristen: "...Vin is a nothing, a has-been. Vin is a bygone relic of the past, while Harry Wilson, prefection personified, is the rising star of the future. For too long the CCW Championship has been without a true champion to hold it. For too long have weak and inferior wrestlers held the gold that is meant for a true champion. But tonight, history will correct it's past mistakes. Vin will be remembered as nothing more then a footnote in the CCW history books, a side note as the whole chapter regales future fans with the achievements of a true champion, Harry Wilson."


The crowd boos as Kristen bismirches their favorite wrestler, and Kristen and Harry play it up, really generating some nice heat.


Kristen Pearce had an interview hyping the upcoming singles match between her client Harry Wilson and Vin Tanner.

Rating: D




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/RoderickRemus.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/LeoDavis.jpg

Roderick Remus vs. Leo Davis


Leo tries to gain an early advantage, clubbing Rod as he is climbing into the ring, but Rod recovers, ducks a lariat and responds with a dropkick of his own. ROd quickly outpaces Leo, and Leo exits the ring several times, grabbing a breather and trying to lure Roderick out into "anything goes" land outside of the ring. Rod doesn't take the bait, however, and struts about the ring, encouraging the fans to call Leo a coward. Finally, Leo is forced back into the ring to avoid a count out and Roderick lays into him right away. Flips and kicks batter Leo, and the larger man is finally taken down with a huricarana. Roderick quickly scrambles and locks in the Remus Clutch, and as he starts to recline waaaaay back, Leo taps out.


Roderick Remus defeated Leo Davis in 6:06 by submission with a Remus Clutch.

Rating: E




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/VinTanner.jpg

Harry Wilson vs. Vin Tanner


Vin calmly struts into the ring, and the crowd cheers him all the way. Harry emerges but doesn't enter right away, instead he and Kristen hold a private meeting right outside the ring, discussing battle plans. Finally, Ref Dale yells that he's waited long enough and signals to ring the bell. Harry still doesn't leap into the ring, wary of Vin's power. Vin, meanwhile, is enjoying Harry's discomfort. He casually starts to stretch, just happening to flex at the right times. Finally, Ref Dale starts counting Harry out and Harry is forced into the ring. Vin rushes him and knocks him head over hears with a powerful clothesline. Harry staggers to his feet right into a powerful side slam that drops him to the mat. Harry doesn't even try to get up after that, and Vin dros an elbow on his fallen opponent and goes for the pin. Harry kicks out, and just "happens" to low blow Vin in the process, but Ref Dale was on the other side of the workers and didn't see it. As Vin trie to get his...thoughts in order, Harry is able to get back to his feet and start his offensive.


At first it seems really effective, each kick or punch or slam seems to really stagger Vin, but as Harry goes on, Vin starts recovering faster and faster. Harry goes for a suplex but Vin resists, spinning around and hitting a belly-to-belly suplex instead. He then starts laying in the punches to a prone Harry. Harry's down again but when Vin goes for the pin, Kristen hops up and gets Ref Dale's attention instead. Vin is forced to give up the pin attempt to get Dale's attention back on the match. Harry recovers, runs into the ropes and blindsides Vin with a facebuster. Kristen continues to argue with Ref Dale and Harry rolls his opponent out of the ring. From backstage the Hitmen emerge, chairs in hand. Vin tries to scramble back into the ring, but Harry spears him into the ringside instead, and then Dusty and Switchblade Mike start laying into Vin with chairs with brutal efficiency. Ref Dale starts the count out but can't call a DQ because it's all outside of the ring. Once he reaches '9' the Hitmen roll Vin's battered and bloody form back into the ring and Harry struts a bit before attempting the pin by placing a single foot onto of Vin in an extremely arrogant fashion. The ref hits the mat once...twice...thr-NO! Vin kicks out.


Against all odds, Vin summons his fighting spirit and lifts a shoulder from the mat. Harry is shocked but doesn't give Vin time to recover, Harry starts stomping Vin right on the face, he hits several running legdrops and elbow drops, firing them off as quickly as he can to keep his opponent down. He goes for the cover again but again Vin kicks out. The fans are rooting and cheering for Vin to get back up, but Harry signals for Kristen who hops back up ringside. The ref immediatly turns his attention towards getting her out of the ring and while his back is turned, Dusty slides in a chair and Harry drags Vin to the center of the ring and hits a Full Metal Jacket right onto the chair. He kicks out the chair and goes for the cover while Kristen suddenly jumps out of the ring. Dale sees the pin and hits the mat once...twice...three times! Harry doesn't even bother savoring his victory, he quickly vacates the ring, leaving the officials to help Vin get back up and out of the ring.


Harry Wilson defeated Vin Tanner in 9:53 by pinfall with a Full Metal Jacket following interference from Dusty Bin.

Rating: E+




A video is thrown up on the projector screen highlighting both Harry and Roderick in their rise to the championship finals.


Hype video.

Rating: F+






http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/RoderickRemus.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg

Roderick Remus vs. Harry Wilson for CCW Championship


Roderick and Harry are both worn down from their earlier matches, but with the title on the line and within their reach, both workers empty their reserves, putting it all on the line as they hurl themselves at each other. Roderick and Harry start things off with some crisp, fluid chain wrestling. Their styles complement each other and they flip and tumble all around the match. Finally Roderick picks up an early lead hitting Harry with a surprise dropkick, but Harry recovers and plows over Rod with a clothesline. The two battle back and forth without either one gaining an advantage. Finally, an exahusted Harry rolls out and urges Rod to follow. Rod is smart enough to stay in the ring and Harry whispers a quick message to Kristen before climbing back in. Rod hurls himself at Harry and nails him with a cross body which stuns Harry. Seizing the lead, Rod proceeds to unleash his full arsenal, battering Harry with move after move. Dropkick. Moonsault. Ankle Lock. Leg Drop. Harry doesn't have any time to recover and finally a worn down Harry is dragged tot he middle of the ring for a pin. Kristen hops up and distracts the ref, allowing Harry to kick out and roll outside. He signals to the entrance ramp, expecting the Hitmen to come roaring down but nobody shows up. Harry's smile of confidence quickly crashes on his face. He starts furiously gesturing to the back while Kristen frantically tries to keep Dale's attention, go so far as to slap the ref to keep him focused on her. Finally, Harry realizes he's all alone and the last traces of confidence leaves his eyes. Harry is forced back into the ring, and Roderick is all fired up. Roderick launches himself at Harry with renewed fury, so much so that even Kristen backs off and chooses to sit quietly at the side of the ring. Rod has fire in his eyes and he throws Harry to the middle of the mat, slaps on the Remus Clutch, and pulls back so hard his face flushes red, almost the same shade as Harry's. Kristen tries to distract the ref, but the ref ignores her as he sees Harry start to tap out. Harry taps once...twice...three times! Ref Dale signals for the bell and a triumphant Rod stands up and grabs the offered belt, holding it high and proud as the first CCW Champion of '09.



Roderick Remus defeated Harry Wilson in 14:39 by submission with a Remus Clutch. Roderick Remus wins the CCW Championship title.

Rating: E-




A furious Harry is not pleased. He gets up behind a celebrating Rod, snatchs the belt out of Roderick's hands and smashes him over the head with the gold plating. Harry screams in rage as the belt is denied to him once again, and he channels his frustration through the belt in his hands, smashing it over and over onto Roderick. He pauses for a bit and screams for the Hitmen to get down here and teach the "champion" a lesson. Sure enough, Dusty Bin and Switchblade Mike come storming out from backstage, running full speed towards the ring.




They reach the ring...and go straight past it, heading into the crowd and out the far doors.


Harry halts his beatdown of Remus, looking at his departing goons curiously. Then with a roar, Vin Tanner storms out from the back.




Harry turns around just in time for Vin to knock him out of his boots with a massive clothesline. Harry quickly scrambles out of the ring and along with Kristen quickly flee along the same path as their henchmen.


Roderick Remus is being attacked, but Vin Tanner comes running in and fights off the attackers, saving Rod Remus from a serious beating.

Rating: E-




Vin storms around the ring a few times, angry that his prey escaped him. Roderick, meanwhile, stands up and gets a solid take on the situation. He realizes that not only did Vin just save him from a beatdown, but Vin must have been tying up the Hitmen backstage, explaining why Harry's reinforcements never came down. Greatly appreciative of his efforts, Roderick staggers over to Vin and extends his hand. Vin, still enraged, looks like he's about to pummel Roderick out of instinct, but he pauses, recognizes friend from foe and finally, with a grin, shakes Rod's hand. The two just stand there, eyeing each other with mutual respect before Vin raises Rod's hand and the two celebrate together.


Roderick offers his hand to Vin as a sign of respect, which Vin accepts and the two celebrate together.

Rating: D-




Overall: E-


Gabriel's Notes: Argh, peaked too early. If we had better finances I would never have put the semi-finals and finals on the same night. But only running a show every other month was forcing us to squeeze stuff in before the Hanson Invitational, I didn't want the Championship tournament to end up being dragged out over 9 months. I'm starting to regret my booking decision, but then again it's too late now.

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foolinc: 5/6

SWF2k9: 4/6


Congrats foolinc for an almost clean sweep. The next show's card should be lots of fun what with the Hanson Invitational. Let's just say there's a few signings that should come as a bit of a surprise, especially considering CCW's finances and the Critical condition of "Can't go into debt..EVER!"


Let's just say 15k doesn't go nearly as far as it used to when you only attract a dozen or so fans a show :D

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Monday, Week 4

May, 2008


Leo was grinning like an idiot as he finished talking on the phone.


Leo: "Gabe! You'll never guess what?"

Gabriel: "We got them? WLW agreed to the trade!?"


Leo shook his head.

Leo: "No, none of our boys are known at all over there, and a place like WLW doesn't train up people like us. However, I was able topull some strings, and they agreed to send him! 5 Star agreed as well, but again strings had to be pulled."

I quizzical look passed on my face and I saw Leo catch it, but he said nothing. Leo's wrestled (and jobbed) all over the country. He's even been up to Canada more then a few times, and I wouldn't be surprised if he got a gig down in Mexico as filler for a bit, but outside of North America, Leo is unknown. He just never had the talent or the opportunity to go on a world tour. Europe and Japan both have plenty of resident jobbers, they don't need to fly one in from the uS. I suspected something was up though.


Gabriel: "So, how'd you do it then? What was this brilliant idea?"


Leo's smile faded a little and he shifted uneasily.


Leo:"Don't worry about the details, the point is that WLW agreed, we got our star for the tournament!"


It didn't take a genius to know that Leo was being evasive, but I was doubly concerned as his friend. There was very little that Leo would be ashamed of. Considering he'd made a career out of humiliation, he really didn't hold anything back anymore. So what was he hiding? Who could he have talked to in order to get WLW to agree to a trade? And 5-Star had been very uninterested in Ginko, Kinuye AND Jana Marie Bowen. So how did he get them to agree as well?


I just shrugged and put it behind me as I walked out of Leo's office. If he was playing it close to the chest there's no way I'd get it out of him without copious amounts of alcohol, and I couldn't afford a night on the town anymore with all our finances tied up with the upcoming Hanson Invitational.


OOC: Up next, Hanson Invitational Guest Profiles!

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Monday, Week 1, July 2008






CCW Scooter Hanson Memorial Invitational Returns!


The Hanson Invitational will once again be debuting in the windy city, showcasing wrestling talent from promotions across the globe. Last year every major continent was represented, with Art Reed winning the 2007 Hanson Invitational cup in the end. This year will continue the high standards set by last years tournament as 15 wrestlers will compete for the coveted Hanson Cup. The Womens divison will start things up by having 3 women wrestle round-robin style for the cup. Then the Mens division will feature 12 men wrestling through two rounds of eliminations that culminates into a massive 3-way final fight for the Hanson Invitational Cup.


As a brief history lesson, the original Chicago Championship Wrestling was founded by Scooter Hanson, a referee and lifetime wrestling enthusiast, in 1972. It was financed by APWF as a training ground to develop the next generation of talent. However, just two years after its creation, the APWF experienced severe difficulties from a rising SWF and was forced to sell the promotion to Canada's CWF, where they continued as a training ground for over a decade.. Finally, in 1989 following Ed Henson's death, the small promotion was closed, not returning for nearly 20 years when Leo Davis resurrected the company and restored it to its original purpose, training up future generation of American wrestling stars.


Guest Star Profiles

The seven guest stars in this year's Hanson Invitational have been announced and their profiles as well as first round matchups are posted below.




Tricolor Jr. (OLLIE)


The youngest son of a legendary luchador, El Tricolor, the young man has already shown that he has inherited more then just a colorful mask from his father. He has been personally trained by his father, and this is most evident in his father's signature finisher, the Fisherman's Suplex. He has carried OLLIE gold as a Campeones de Parejas OLLIE Champion, teaming with Luis Montero Jr as "La Generacion Siguiente".


Finisher: Fisherman's Suplex


  • Campeones de Parejas OLLIE (Oct. 2007 - Feb. 2008)


will be fighting CCW's Harry Wilson.





Raphael (RIPW)


Debuting just four years ago, Raphael has already caught the discerning eye of the legendary Professor Nero who personally brought him into RIPW. Since then, Raphael has studied Nero's style with intensity, and some say that he is already starting to master Professor Nero's infamous style of psychological warfare.


Finisher: Snap Suplex


  • RIPW Tag Team Champion (Oct. 2006 - May 2007)


will be fighting CCW's Vin Tanner





Insane Machine (CZCW)



The most decorated guest competitor at this year's Hanson Invitational, Insane Machine has been lighting up the independent scene for years, and has laid claim to 7 title belts in both American and Japan. A ruthless opponent completely devoid of emotions, he shows no mercy and asks for none in return as he brutalizes opponents with his variety of high flying assaults.


Finisher: Termination Kick (Spinning Superkick)


  • Costal Zone Championship (Nov. 2004 - Feb. 2005)
  • 3x Costal Zone Tag Team Champion (Aug. 2005 - Nov. 2005, Mar. 2006 - Sept. 2006, Mar. 2007 - July 2007)
  • Costal Zone Xtreme (Dec. 2006 - Mar. 2007)
  • World Level Streetfighting Champion (Nov. 2005 - Mar. 2006)
  • World Level Tag Team (May 2006 - Aug. 2006)


will be fighting CCW's Xavier Reckless





Kazuma Narato (WLW)



Kazuma started his career working as a part of the cruiserweight division started by TCW, earning three tag team champion titles while wrestling there. After the division's closure, Kazuma returned to his native land after being offered a position at World Level Wrestling, the famous Japanese promotion. Since joining, he has wrestled against such Japanese legends as The Great Hisato, Awesome Thunder, Emerald Angel (voted Best Young Wrestler in 2006) and Magnum Kobe.


Finisher: Narato Sunner (Shiranui)


  • TCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champion x3 (May 2001 - Oct. 2001, Sept. 2002 - Jun. 2003, Dec. 2003 - Apr. 2004)
  • World Level Streetfighting Champion (Mar. 2006 Aug. 2006)


will be fighting CCW's Rex Reeves





Primal Rage (PSW)


A powerful heavyweight brawler from the West Coast, Primal Rage has torn up the competition in the Costal Zone since 2004. He has a long history of trading belts with such wrestlers as Insane Machine, TCW's recent hire James Prudence, and Fox Mask. Two years ago, he left CZCW after winning the Costal Zone Champion belt and later found himself in the newly started PSW, competing against many DaVE alumni in brutal hardcore matches. Known for his fearsome work with barbed wire bats, he has quickly made a name for himself on the PSW scene by smashing skulls and scarring flesh.


Finishers: Silent Scream (Oklahoma Slam), Wake Up Call (Atomic Drop)


  • Costal Zone Champion (Jul. 2004 - Nov. 2004)
  • Coastal Zone Tag Team Champion x2 (Aug. 2005 - Nov. 2005, Mar. 2006 - Sept. 2006)


will be fighting CCW's Dermot O'Logical





Larry Wood (WEXXV)



The only guest to make a repeat appearance, Larry Wood competed in last year's tournament only to be defeated by Harry Wilson in the semi-finals. CCW officials are already informing local authorities of Larry's impending presence, as after last year's tournament Larry went on a rampage that only ended after nearly a dozen Chicago PD officers were able to subdue him. Incredibly strong, insanely tough and almost completely devoid of remorse or regret, Larry is a dangerous foe both in and out of the ring.


Finisher: Running Big Boot


  • NOTBPW Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup (Mar. 1999)
  • NOTBPW Tag Team Champion x3 (Jan. 1994 -Nov. 1994, Nov. 2000 - Jun. 2001, Mar. 2002 - Oct. 2002)
  • WEXXV King of Death Matches (Feb. 2007 - Jun. 2007)


will be fighting CCW's Leo Davis





Kiko Sakakibara (5SSW)



A solid star for Japan's premiere joshi wrestling promotion, kiko has been a main event staple for years, starting with her first title reign in 2005, winnin gthe 5 Star All-Asian. Recently she has been feuding heavily with former Hanson Invitational Womens champion contender DEVIL Karube for the 5 Star World title, but so far the coveted joshi title has evaded her grasps.


Finisher: Kingdom Quake (Super powerbomb)


  • 5 Star All-Asian Champion x2 (Aug. 2005 - Jan. 2006, May 2006 - Aug. 2006)
  • 5 Star Tag Team Champion x2 (Oct. 2006 - Nov. 2006, May 2008)


will be fighting CCW's Ginko Kuroda and Jana Marie Bowen




The Rest of the Wrestling World


Kayfabe Break?

R.K. Hayes, having a reputation as one of the toughest men in wrestling, is taking time off due to shattering his knee in a match against Craig Green. A main event star of NOTBPW, R.K's rise to stardom was built on his legendary toughness, being able to survive anything thrown at him...except for a knee injury dished out during a squash match against midcarder Craig Green.


Tap Out Arist Full of Juice!

Billy Russell, the "Tap Out Artist" and INSPIRE star was recently busted for steroids. A random drug screening showed that he was using two different steroids. Fans of INSPIRE have swarmed the forums and blogs spewing outrage for bringing such negative press to the MMA-crossover promotion. Fans from his homeland of Puerto Rico have also expressed disdain for one of their national heroes bringing such shame to the tiny island. Billy Russell has so far issued a simple apology, but has not yet gon further to release a more detailed explanation. INSPIRE has decided not to fire Billy, but instead to put him on a probationary period where he will be subject to further random drug screens to ensure that he does not continue taking steroids.


Web Polls

(from TotalExtremeWrestling.com feed, click http://here to vote)

Best Overall Worker: Gino Montero (3 months in a row)


Most Entertaining: Alex DeColt (3 months in a row)

Best Technical Wrestler: Tommy Cornell (beating Sean McFly)

Best Brawler: Sean McFly (beating Tadiyuki Kikkawa)

Best High Flier: Emerald Angel (beating American Elemental)

Best Young Prospect: Marc DuBois (beating Randy Bumfhole)


Best Manager: Emma Chase (beating Cuervo)

Best Announcer: Peter Michaels (beating Mitch Naess)

Best Colour Commentator: Tom Townsend (beating Ernie Turner)


CCW News Analysis: Best Brawler flipflopped back and forth between Tadiyuki Kikkawa and Sean McFly, with Sean squeezing out a victory right as the final polls were closing. It is no surprise that two highly gifted wrestlers would invoke such a heated competition, but Sean's final victory did come as a bit of a surprise as most wrestling pundits had tipped Kikawas being the eventual leader. Sean was unable to capture the elusive double title, however, as Tommy Cornell also came up from behind to beat him as the Best Technical wrestler. Finally, Emma Chase is back on top for the most desirable manager in the wrestling industry, recapturing her year long title once again, after overthrowing the upset of Mexican manager Cuervo two months ago.



Next Show: CCW: 2008 CCW Scooter Hanson Invitational Tournament



Harry Wilson __________
Tricolor Jr. (OLLIE)___|----------
Xavier Reckless________ |----------
Insane Machine (CZCW)__|---------- |
Vin Tanner_____________ |
Raphael (RIPW)_________|---------- |2008 Hanson Invitational Champion
Leo Davis______________ |----------|----------------------------------
Larry Wood (WEXXV)_____|---------- |
Dermot O'Logical_______ |
Primal Rage (PSW)______|---------- |
Rex Reeves_____________ |----------
Kazuma Narato (WLW)____|----------


Quick Picks:


Womens Round Robin

Ginko Kuroda vs. JMB

Ginko Kuroda vs. Kiko Sakakibara

Kiko Sakakibara vs. JMB



Hanson Invitational Elimination Quarter-Finals

Harry Wilson vs. Tricolor Jr. (OLLIE)

Xavier Reckless vs. Insane Machine (CZCW)

Vin Tanner vs. Raphael (RIPW)

Leo Davis vs. Larry Wood (WEXXV)

Dermot O'Logical vs. Primal Rage (PSW)

Rex Reeves vs. Kazuma Narato (WLW)

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Womens Round Robin

Ginko Kuroda vs. JMB

Ginko Kuroda vs. Kiko Sakakibara

Kiko Sakakibara vs. JMB


I can't see Sakakibara relatively established in 5SSW will be happy to do the job to either of these two, Kuroda picks up a win in the round robin by going over JMB.


Hanson Invitational Elimination Quarter-Finals

Harry Wilson vs. Tricolor Jr. (OLLIE)


Wilson's CCW's top heel and I douby Tricolor Jr has the sort of creative control to demand to be put over Wilson.


Xavier Reckless vs. Insane Machine (CZCW)


Completely different class, having Reckless go over an established Indy circuit start like Insane Machine would just be taking the pee.


Vin Tanner vs. Raphael (RIPW)


Tanner's another one of CCW's home performers that should go over the guest star. Besides Tanner is more of star due to his work with DaVE.


Leo Davis vs. Larry Wood (WEXXV)


Leo may be the owner, but I feel Larry Wood will be too much for him to handle.


Dermot O'Logical vs. Primal Rage (PSW)


Primal Rage can definitely be used to help put over Dermot


Rex Reeves vs. Kazuma Narato (WLW)


Squash, a complete no contest. Reeves isn't enjoying much of a push anyway in CCW and he's up against the best wrestler and probably eventual winner in the first round.

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Womens Round Robin

Ginko Kuroda vs. JMB

Ginko Kuroda vs. Kiko Sakakibara

Kiko Sakakibara vs. JMB

Everybody wins!


Hanson Invitational Elimination Quarter-Finals

Harry Wilson vs. Tricolor Jr. (OLLIE)

Xavier Reckless vs. Insane Machine (CZCW)

Vin Tanner vs. Raphael (RIPW)

Leo Davis vs. Larry Wood (WEXXV)

Dermot O'Logical vs. Primal Rage (PSW)

Rex Reeves vs. Kazuma Narato (WLW)

Unsure of what you are going to do here, but made the best guesses I could. Can't wait to see what happens though.

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Hanson Invitational Part. 1


CCW Hanson Invitational

Saturday, Week 3, July 2008

Ohio Jewish center, 15 people.



Gabriel starts in the middle of the ring, preparing to announce the start of the Womens Tournament.


Gabriel: "Greetings CCW fans, and welcome to th second annual CCW Hanson Invitational Tournament. Unfortunately I must start the night off with some bad news. Due to transportation problems, one of the guest stars will not be able to compete in the Womens tournament. AAA has called to inform us that last year's winner, Suzanne Brazzle, will not be competing again this year. Suzanne had been scheduled to wrestle against Paige Croft, who had earned a wildcard slot by defeating 3 other challengers. Without an opponent, Paige will be unable to compete as well, but as compensation, she will recieve a guarenteed title shot for the CCW Women's title whenever she so desires. Now, without any further delay, let the Tournament begin!"





http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/GinkoKuroda_alt01.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JanaMarieBowen.jpg

Ginko Kuroda vs. Jana Marie Bowen


The Womens Tournament starts off with a very fast paced match. Ginko tries to lock up Jana onto the mat while Jana tries to keep away from Ginko's deadly grasp and take to the air with moonsaults and dropkicks. Jana takes an early lead, using her longer reach to keep Ginko at bay with long-ranged kicks and punches but Ginko catchs a punch and flips Jana to the mat. Ginko starts with a wrist lock, but Jana resists it. Ginko, however, is able to scramble over Jana's back and lock in the Dragon's Claw. Jana tries to elbow her way out of it, but Ginko just locks it in tighter and with the ropes too far away, JMB is forced to tap out.


Ginko Kuroda defeated Jana Marie Bowen in 4:53 by submission with a Dragon's Claw.

Rating: E-




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/GinkoKuroda_alt01.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KikoSakakibara.jpg

Ginko Kuroda vs. Kiko Sakakibara


Ginko tries to kick things up and secure a quick win. She rushes Kiko, drags her to the ground and proceeds to lock on an ankle lock, but Kiko is too fresh to fall so quickly, and kicks out of it with her other leg. A springboard moonsault drops Ginko and destroys her plan for a quick win. A classic "high-low" match where Kiko tries to keep things in the air while Ginko tries to keep her agile opponent grounded. Ginko locks in a wrist lock in the middle of the ring, and the fans edge forward thinking that this might be the end. Kiko, however, displays quite a bit of power and is able to drag herself using only one arm to the ropes. After the rope break, Ginko tries to lock on her Dragon's Claw but Kiko boots her in the face insteada. Kiko whips Ginko into the turnbuckle and climbs the top, bringing Ginko with her. With a mighty slam she hits the Kingdom Quake on Ginko, powerbombing her into the middle of the ring and covering for the pin.



Kiko Sakakibara defeated Ginko Kuroda in 4:54 by pinfall with a Kingdom Quake.

Rating: E




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JanaMarieBowen.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KikoSakakibara.jpg

JMB vs. Kiko Sakakibara


This match actually has two workers with similar styles. Both JMB and Kiko hit high spots arcing through the air and crashing their bodies into each other. Kiko attempts a Shooting Star splash on a downed Jana, but Jana rolls out of the way. Both women recover to avoid a count out, but by only the 5 minute mark both women are drained. Finally Kiko whips Jana into the corner and sets her up for the Kingdom Quake, but Jana elbows out of it, and instead hits a reverse Bowen Technique on Kiko, picking up the pin for the win.


Jana Marie Bowen defeated Kiko Sakakibara in 5:24 by pinfall with a reverse Bowen Technique.

Rating: E




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KristenPearce_alt.jpg


Harry Wilson accompanied as usual by Kristen Pearce, walk to the middle of the ring carrying a small, white package. Kristen grabs a mic as Harry sets down the package in the middle of the ring.


Kristen: "So, Tricolor Jr. wishes to be the first obstacle overcome by the ever talented Harry wilson? Well, Harry would like to say a few words of encouragement towards his opponent."


Harry: "Tricolor Jr., your father was a patriotic luchador, upholding the honor and integrity of Mexico."


Harry smiles as if he just said something funny, but he continues on as Kristen starts unfolding the package.


Harry: "It would seem based upon your outfit that you too would like to follow in Daddy's footsteps, upholding the "honor" and "integrity" of Mexico. But alas, I have some news for you."


He pauses as Kristen finishes unfolding the package which turns out to be a folded Mexican flag. Kristen unfurls the flag and holding it in front of Harry.


Harry: "The truth is...MEXICO IS A S***HOLE!"


The crowd boos (even though most of them aren't Mexican, but it doesn't matter to them, a heel's a heel).


Harry: "This flag, this flag that you have stamped on that stupid mask of yours is meaningless. There is no honor or tradition south of the border, just cheap drugs and cheaper prostitutes. Now, it would appear that you are so braindamaged from all that pollution you breath and drink down there that you think this...this symbol represents something. Well, trust me, you'll thank me for this later."

Harry whips out a lighter and starts to light the Mexican flag on fire. The crowd is still booing as the flag catches fire.


Harry Wilson and Kristen Pearce are in the ring, with the national flag that Tricolor Jr believes in. They set it on fire as a way to rile him up before their big match.

Rating: E




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KristenPearce_alt.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/TricolorJr.jpg

Harry Wilson vs. Tricolor Jr.


Just as the flag catches fire, Tricolor Jr. bursts from the back, dives into the ring and hits Harry with a cross body splash. The two opponents land on the flag, quickly putting out the small flame. Kristen rolls to the outside and the bell is rung signalling the start of the match. Tricolor is all fired up from Harry's disrespect, and batters the man with elbows. He whips Harry into the ropes and then drop kicks him on the rebound. Harry is battered up and down from the luchadore's fast paced assualt. Tricolor drops Harry with a neckbreaker and runs to the ropes to hit a springboard moonsault on the prone heel, but Kristen pops up onto the ringside forcing Tricolor to put on the brakes or risk knocking the woman off the apron. Harry seizes the moment of distraction by low blowing Tricolor, stunning him long enough for Harry to recover and start his own offensive.


Harry keeps the luchadore grounded with slams and clotheslines, taking him to the mat and locking on choke holds and leg locks. Tricolor kicks out of a pin attempt, stuns Harry with an elbow to the face and hops up to the top turnbuckle but Harry recovers, charges the corner and causes Tricolor to rack himself again and fall. Harry picks up the stunned worker and hits him with Humility, bouncing Tricolor over for the pin.



Harry Wilson defeated Tricolor Jr in 8:09 by pinfall with a Humility.

Rating: E+




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Xavier20Reckless_FIN.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/InsaneMachine.jpg

Xavier Reckless vs. Insane Machine


Xavier storms out, shouting to the crowd and boasting about himself, basking in the boos. He showboats around for a little while and then Insane Machine hits the ramp. A couple people cheer but overall it's rather quiet. Insane Machine doesn't make a sound as he calmly walks down the ramp and enters the ring. Xavier starts trash talking but Insane doesn't respond in the slightest. The bell rings, but Xavier apparently doesn't notice, too busy trying to get a rise out of Insane. Xavier takes a step foward and gives Insane a shove. Insane Machine again doesn't respond. Visibly irritated by Insane's lack of response, Xaver charges forward and Insane springs into action, ducking Xavier's wild clothesline and hitting a swinging DDT, spiking Xavier's head into the mat. Xavier recovers quickly, drawing upon the toughness he developed working for an unsafe garbage fed to keep moving, but Insane remains one step ahead.


Xavier is able to pull slightly ahead here and there, hitting a slam or a clothesline, but just as he starts to build up some momentum, Insane lives up to his name by reversing, countering, or escaping Xavier's assault and planting him in the ring. Xavier goes for a suplex but in the middle of the move, Insane flips out, lands on the ropes and hits a springboard cross body splash onto the surprised Xavier. The audience is silent in awe of Insane's athleticism, and for a match between a rookie heel and a newcomer, Insane's performance and spots elevate it to CCW's "best match of the year" status. In the end, Xavier can only recover from Insane's insane offensive for so long, and eventually a stunned Xavier is put down when Insane runs up the turnbuckle, leaps off and spins delivering the Termination Kick (Superkick) to the side of Xavier's face. Even Monique decides to keep the ringside shenanigans to a minimum against Insane's brutally spectacular manuevers.


Insane Machine defeated Xavier Reckless in 13:29 by pinfall with a Termination Kick.

Rating: D-






Vin Tanner hits the ring to a respectable pop from our dozen fans. He grabs the mic from the announcer's table and hits the ring.


Vin: "Fans, let me tell you how honored we are to be putting on the second annual Hanson Invitational Tournament. Wrestling for your entertainment are wrestlers from both near and far. We have many of your local favorites, plus many more from all across the globe. It our hope that this tournament will always be a place to see spectacular wrestlers from across the globe. It is our hope that..."


"Shut the hell up!"


Vin halts in midsentance, and confused he looks around back to the entrance.


Vin cuts promo in ring hyping tournament but gets interrupted

Rating: E+






RIPW's golden blonde boy, Raphael storms down the ramp, carrying the other CCW mic. The fans are a bit confused, not sure what's about to happen. Raphael takes a moment to brush a few stray golden locks from his face before entering the ring.


Raphael: "Vin, you're so old the janitors need to re-dust every time you open your mouth. God I'm sick of hearing you kiss a bunch of ass down here. Sucking up to CCW or the fans is NOT getting you any closer to the title, in fact all you're doing is boring me to exhaustion. You know, I might be onto something..."


He pauses, and rubs his chin as if he was contemplating a regular expression or finding a cure for cancer.


Raphael: "Maybe that's how you get your wins, by boring your opponents to death."


At the announcer's table Lee laughs and claps his hand, shouting his agreement towards the ring. Meanwhile, Vin's face is slowly going red with anger at the impetous youth in front of him.


Raphael: "I hear them call you a legend, Vin, but a legend of what? A legendarily awful career? I don't think it's a coincidence that DaVE went backrupt if you're one of their stars."


Vin's face has gone almost completely red, and hit seems like its taking all of his willpower to resist smashing the mic into Raphael's face. Raphael doesn't seem to care, in fact he seems to be thoroughly enjoying himself.


Raphael: "Well, if you're a legend, do you know what that makes me?"


Vin doesn't repond, but Raphael continues anyway.


Raphael: "A legend killer!" He drops the mic and hawks a loogey right into Vin's face. Vin charges furiously but Raphael slides out of the ring, waggling his finger at Vin like a parent would do to a naughty child. Raphael continues to taunt Vin but doesn't get back into the ring.


Vin Tanner is at ringside being interviewed. Raphael strolls down, takes the microphone, and says that he is a legend killer. He then spits right in the face of Vin Tanner, before posing like he just did something heroic.

Rating: E+




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/VinTanner.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Raphael.jpg

Vin Tanner vs. Raphael


Raphael continues to avoid Vin outside of the ring, but ref Dale is tired of waiting and orders the bell to be rung. Faced with a mounting count out, Raphael is forced to enter the ring, and Vin wastes no time in making Raphael regret his earlier words. However, Raphael was counting on Vin to be blinded with fury and avoids the wild clothesline, sliding around and hitting a swinging neckbreaker. What Raphael didn't count on was Vin to recover immediately from the attack. Raphael keeps trying to use Vin's anger against him, but Vin's anger just makes him stronger and stronger. Raphael can only avoid and escape Vin's fury for so long, and eventually Vin whips Raphael hard into a turnbuckle, stunning the youth. Vin raises his arms and signals the impending body avalanche, the V for Victory. A demolished Raphael collapses into the center of the ring, and Vin picks up the pin.


Vin Tanner defeated Raphael in 7:33 by pinfall with a V For Victory.

Rating: E


Gabriel's Notes: With the kind of set up this got I was hoping for a slightly better match up. Our promotion is built upon a "clash of styles" philosophy. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn't. This was definitly one in the latter category as those two just didn't click at all.




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/LeoDavis.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/LarryWood_alt.jpg

Leo Davis vs. Larry Wood


Leo is calmly warming up in the ring when a horrible roar reverberates through the gymnasium. Lee and Gabriel pause their commentary, and even Leo in the ring looks a bit concerned. Without any pomp or ceremony, Larry charges from the back hops over the ropes and spears Leo. The bell is quickly rung as Larry grabs Leo's head and starts viciously slamming it into the mat. Now, Leo is not a small wrestler, but Larry is tossing him around like a ragdoll. He brutally slams Leo over and over again before finally tossing Leo's limp form over the ropes and into the bleachers of the Ohio center. Leo scrambles away to shake the stars from his eyes and the match becomes a short "cat and mouse" game as Leo tries to recover before Larry catches up. Larry charges and Leo ducks to the side, causing Larry to charge head first into a bleacher. Leo quickly hops into the ring and turns aruond, hoping for a count out. But the header barely stuns Larry, and he charges back into the ring. Leo hits the ropes as Larry hits the opposite ropes, and as they run back towards each other, Larry's larger size lets him get his big boot up before Leo can hit his clothesline, and Leo is knocked head over heels to the mat. Larry finally pauses in his rampage long enough to pick up the pin on the unconsciuos Leo. Larry storms out of the ring as officials (i.e. Ref Dale and Gabriel) drag Leo out of the ring and back to the locker room.


Larry Wood defeated Leo Davis in 4:33 by pinfall with a Running Big Foot.

Rating: E-




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DermotOLogical.jpg VS. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/PrimalRage.jpg

Dermot O'Logical vs. Primal Rage


When Dermot hits the ring, it seems like the crowd barely recognizes him. Instead of being immaculate and covered with cleansing products, he appears to be unkempt and disheveled. His overcoat isn't buttoned correctly, and it looks like he hasn't moisturized in days


Primal Rage hits the ring at a run in all his gothy glory and the bell rings, but Dermot doesn't even seem to acknowledge he's in a fight. Primal roars and starts circling around Dermot, but to no response. Primal Rage finally hits the ropes and with a roar of "Life is Paaiin" he clotheslines Dermot who doesn't even attempt to defend himself. Primal Rage starts mopping the floor with Dermot who just seems to be taking the punishment that Primal is dishing out. Primal finally takes Dermot to the turnbuckles and starts smashing his face on the metal. Dermot's face bursts open and Primal whips him into the opposite turnbuckle. Dermot touches his forehead and then stares at the blood...his blood, on his hands. Primal lets out another cry of "Feel my sufferiiing" and charges Dermot to spear him again. Dermot quickly sidesteps and Primal slips through the padding and hits the turnbuckle metal. Stunned and injured, he walks right into a side slam as the "awakened" Dermot starts to finally fight back. The next minute and a half have Dermot hitting increasingly more and more powerful moves against Primal Rage, finally putting him away with a Deep Clean (Spike Piledriver) into the center of the mat.


Dermot O'Logical defeated Primal Rage in 8:25 by pinfall with a Deep Clean.

Rating: E


Gabriel's Notes: Although the match was first onesided and then "the othersided" these two really gelled well. They knew just how to sell each others moves to get the crowd into it. One could say that they had great chemistry in the ring.




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/RexReeves_alt1.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JemmaGriffiths.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KazumaNarato.jpg

Rex Reeves vs. Kazuma Narato


Kazuma get a bit of a pop when Gabriel announce's him as a "former TCW star". Kazuma has an ultra-focused look on his face, his eyes lock onto Rex and never leave him no matter what distractions go on around him. Rex reaches out to shake hands with Narato, but Narato just continues to star, his eyes fixated on Rex's every move. When the bell rings Kazuma launches into action, staggering Rex with a series of stiff looking snap and side kicks, before knocking Rex down with a roundhouse kick to Rex's face. Rex is able to recover, and responds with a dropkick but Kazuma flips back up to his feet almost before Rex does. Kazuma and Rex battle forth but it's clear that Kazuma has both the talent and focus to win. Rex does his best to keep up, but Kazuma starts laying into Rex with crisp strikes and damaging throws. After Rex kicks out of a second pin attempt, Kazuma grasps Rex for a hip throw but Rex is able to elbow out of it and hits Kazuma with a huricarana. Rex scrambles up to the top, leaping off with a Flying Headbutt in a last ditch desperation act, but Kazuma is too quick and rolls out of the way. Rex brains himself on the landing and Kazuma wastes no time in sealing Rex's fate with a Narato Sunner.


Kazuma Narato defeated Rex Reeves in 8:27 by pinfall with a Narato Sunner.

Rating: E+




Thus ends the quarter finals. I'll post up the rest of the Invitational in a couple days, but in the meantime feel free to make your predictions about how the rest of the tournament will play out.


Harry Wilson __________
Tricolor Jr. (OLLIE)___|Wilson----
Xavier Reckless________           |----------
Insane Machine (CZCW)__|Machine---           |
Vin Tanner_____________                      |
Raphael (RIPW)_________|Tanner----           |2008 Hanson Invitational Champion
Leo Davis______________           |----------|----------------------------------
Larry Wood (WEXXV)_____|Wood------           |
Dermot O'Logical_______                      |
Primal Rage (PSW)______|O'Logical-           |
Rex Reeves_____________           |----------
Kazuma Narato (WLW)____|Narato----

Plus 3-Way match for the Hanson Invitational Womens Champion



Quick Picks:


Ginko Kuroda vs. Jana Marie Bowen vs. Kiko Sakakibara

Harry Wilson vs. Insane Machine

Vin Tanner vs. Larry Wood

Dermot O'Logical vs. Narato


Who will be '08 champion in the 3-way finals?

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Ginko Kuroda vs. Jana Marie Bowen vs. Kiko Sakakibara

JMB rocks

Harry Wilson vs. Insane Machine

Because he's vastly superior, and will put on a better match than Wilson afterwards

Vin Tanner vs. Larry Wood

I'd be shocked if Tanner doesn't go all the way

Dermot O'Logical vs. Narato

You don't bring in a "star" for the tournament, then job him in the second round to Dermot O'Logical

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Ginko Kuroda vs. Jana Marie Bowen vs. Kiko Sakakibara


Sakakibara's only a talent trade and was happy enough to job in the round robin, so she wont win and it's time for a title change with the women.


Harry Wilson vs. Insane Machine


Insane Machine is more talented, no question about that but the latter stages of the tournament should be used to put your best homegrown workers over as much as possible.


Vin Tanner vs. Larry Wood


As with above the resident CCW worker pulls out the victory.


Dermot O'Logical vs. Narato


Don't think Narato would be happy to job to Dermot and besides I think at least one of the guests should make the finals


Who will be '08 champion in the 3-way finals?


Vin Tanner pulls out the victory, by pinning Wilson.

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2008 CCW Hanson Invitational Part. II


2008 CCW Hanson Invitational Part. II

Saturday, Week 3, July 2008

Ohio Jewish center, 15 people.







Gabriel: "In preperation for the title match, Leo has (sigh) ordered me to show off the participants so the fans can vote for their favorite."





Ginko, Kiko, and Jana coem out wearing rather skimpy, skin-tight "outfits" that show off their impresive muscle tone and highly appealing curves. Lee practically starts drooling at the announcer's table as the women walk around. judging by hoots and hollars, Gabriel awards Ginko the title of "fan favorite" and the three women depart.


Gabriel heads back to the announcers table where Lee is still grinning and wiping away the drool. Lee's face contorts into confusion as he thinks about what's just happened.




Lee: "Wait a minute! Why are you always the one judging the bikini contests? WHy doesn't anyone ever ask me?"


Gabriel: "Because they know you. You'd be too busy oogling that you wouldn't even bother running the contest. Everyone would just stand around up there in silence until someone finally kicked you off the stage."


Lee: (puzzled) "So? What's wrong with that?"


Gabriel just shakes his head


Gabriel: "Anyway, onto the main event!"



Gabriel parades around the competitors, announces 3-way match for championship

Rating: D-




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JanaMarieBowen.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KikoSakakibara.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JanaMarieBowen.jpg

Ginko Kuroda vs. Kiko Sakakibara vs. Jana Marie Bowen


Right from the start both Kiko and Jana gang up on Ginko, looking to put the powerful submissionist out of action before she can lock onto one of her deadly holds. They start alternating dropkicks and moonsaults, thrashing Ginko and eventually sending her spiralling out of the ring entirely. The alliance quickly dissolves, and Ginko grabs a breather while Jana and Kiko continue their previous match. Ginko interrupts and slaps an ankle lock on Jana but Kiko uses the opportunity to hit a Shooting star splash onto the other two women. In the aftermath, Kiko pins Ginko after hitting her with a Kingdom Quake, but Jana then hits a Bowen Technique on Kiko again, pinning her shortly after Ginko's elimination.



Jana Marie Bowen defeated Ginko Kuroda and Kiko Sakakibara in 12:25; the order of elimination was Ginko Kuroda first, and finally Kiko Sakakibara. Jana Marie Bowen wins the CCW Hanson Invitational Womens Cup title.

Rating: E-




Gabriel walks over holding the Hanson Invitational Womens Cup which Jana grabs and holds aloft, celebrating her victory.


Jana Marie Bowen comes down to the ring, which has been set up for a celebration. She shows off her new title for the crowd, enjoying the moment.

Rating: E




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Xavier20Reckless_FIN.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/PrimalRage.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/RexReeves_alt1.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/TricolorJr.jpg

Xavier Reckless & Primal Rage vs. Rex Reeves & Tricolor Jr.


Gabriel: "Now as a way to let the semi-final contestants rest and recuperate before their matches, four of the workers from the first rounds elimination will compete in a tag team match."


Xavier and Primal definitely outweigh their smaller opponents, and work to use their weight to their advantage. Xavier starts out againt Tricolor, but the luchadore utilizes his quick chain moves and springboar aerial arsenal to keep Xavier offbalance. Xavier finally is forced to tag out to Primal who rushes across the ring shouting "MY LIFE IS DARKNESS!!" and nearly spears Tricolor out of his boots. Tricolor makes the tag to Rex who attempts an offensive but is isolated in the other corner and Xavier and Primal take turns bashing Rex against the turnbuckles. Finally, Rex hits a double drop kick and is able to make the tag to Tricolor. Tricolor comes in roaring to go, hitting a springboard moonsault that takes out both Primal and Xavier. Xavier rolls back out of the ring while Primal attempts to get his big mitts on Tricolor. Finally, the heel tandem makes a sneaky tag that Tricolor misses. Tricolor, thinking that Primal is still the legal man turns his back on Xavier, who springs on him and hits a Slingshot DDT. Primal meanwhile suicide dives Rex off the apron, and Xavier picks up the win in the ring.


Xavier Reckless and Primal Rage defeated Rex Reeves and Tricolor Jr in 5:36 when Xavier Reckless defeated Rex Reeves by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT.

Rating: E




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KristenPearce_alt.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/InsaneMachine.jpg

Harry Wilson vs. Insane Machine


Harry tries to keep his distance, circling and avoiding Insane. Insane stalks Harry in and out of the ring, showing little regard for his surroundings. The two tangle for a bit but Harry quickly breaks away, trying to play things strategic. When the two return to outside of the ring, Harry summons his goons to try and weaken Insane. Dusty charges Insane Machine from behind with a chair, but Insane dropkicks the chair right into Dusty's face, droppping the goon to the ground. Harry tries to seize up on the distraction, hitting Insane with a suplex and then locking in a sleeper hold, but Insane seems oblivious to the lack of oxygen, calmly standing back up before hitting Harry with a stunner. Insane rolls Harry back into the ring where he proceeds to smash Harry with a variety of incredibly athletic manuevers. The audience, however, isn't nearly as surprised this time around, so when Insane bounces around before hitting the Termination Kick, the audience was hardly in awe anymore.


Insane Machine defeated Harry Wilson in 12:53 by pinfall with a Termination Kick.

Rating: E




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/VinTanner.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/LarryWood_alt.jpg

Vin Tanner vs. Larry Wood


Larry starts the match off with a roar, but Vin doesn't back down and roars right back. The competing roars turns into a chop fest, with Vin seemingly winning before Larry smashes Vin's nose with a viscious headbutt. Larry powerbombs Vin into the turnbuckles and proceeds to stomp him into the ground, but Vin refuses to give in to the mad man. Larry keeps up the brutal offensive, repeatedly slamming Vin's face into the turnbuckle, mounting and pummeling him into the ground, powerbombing and then powerbombing again, but Vin refuses to give in, kicking out of every pin attempt. Finally, Larry whips Vin into the ropes, setting up the Running Big Boot but Vin ducks the boot and spinebusters Larry. Vin starts dropping the elbows and slams Larry around. Atomic Drop...Side Slam, uppercut to the jaw. Vin whips Larry into the corner and signals for the V, but Larry recovers and charges Vin, Vin ducks the wild clothesline and Larry slams into the opposite turnbuckle. As Larry turns to face Vin, Vin hits the V for Victory body avalanche, dropping Larry to the mat and covering for the pin for a spectacular comeback.


Vin Tanner defeated Larry Wood in 9:54 by pinfall with a V For Victory.

Rating: D-




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KazumaNarato.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DermotOLogical.jpg

Kazuma Narato vs. Dermot O'Logical


Dermot once again seems in a daze in the ring. Kazuma seizes this apparent advantage and launches a full aerial assault. HOwever, once again Dermot's lack of defense causes his face to burst open and as he stares at his blood, a change comes over him. He catches even the experienced Kazuma by surprise, hitting a brutal lariat that sends Kazuma spinning into the air. Dermot then mounts and starts slamming his massive fist directly into Kazuma's face over and over and over again. Kazuma is able to reach the ropes to break it, but by the time the ref breaks up the pair, Kazuma is also bleeding heavily from his face. The two go back and forth, but Kazuma's experience wins out in the end, as he is able to use superior tactics to stay just out of reach of Dermot's wild haymakers. Eventually a combination of Kazuma's repeated attacks and Dermot's wild explosions drain the larger man of his energy, and with Dermot temporarily subdued, Kazuma wastes no time in setting up his finisher, the Narato Sunner and quickly picking up the three count. Dermot doesn't stay down for long however, and Kazuma wisely vacates the ring in a hurry efore Dermot can clamber back up to his feet.


Kazuma Narato defeated Dermot O'Logical in 10:10 by pinfall with a Narato Sunner.

Rating: E




As Dermot heads back, Gabriel motions for Lee to follow with the handicam.


Gabriel: "Maybe we can figure out what the heck is going on with Dermot. He's not acting like himself at all."


Lee grabs the camera, flips off Gabriel for giving him extra work, and scoots off ot stealthily follow Dermot.


The projector switches inputs to show the backstage camera. Lee is wisely keeping at a distance, sticking to shadows and using the zoom feature to cover the distance. Dermot just staggers around for awhile before bumping into a large shadow. As Lee moves to get a better angle, the shadow moves and a huge arm grabs Dermot. Dermot doesn't put up any resistence to the impending attack, back in his trance-like daze.




The shadow moves and Lee is able to get a face to go with the form, Larry Wood. Larry makes several more threatening gestures, even grabbing a chair and swinging at Dermot. Dermot doesn't even flinch and Larry halts the swing before he connects. Larry studies Dermot for a little bit before a creepy smile cracks on his huge bearded face. he starts to laugh, a deep maniacal laugh as if the devil himself was there. He puts an arm around Dermot and leads the man further into the darkened corridors of the Jewish center. Lee starts to follow, but Larry turns his head and looks straight at the camera with an intense stare. Lee drops the camera and the ground view just shows his feet running away.


Back out front, Lee rejoins the announcers table panting and heavily out of breath.


Gabriel: "Did you just drop another camera?"


Lee: "Screw...(pant)...you. I almost...(pant)...died out there. Next time you follow the creepy psychos, I'll judge the bikini contests."


Larry Wood and Dermot O'Logical meet backstage.

Rating: D-




Gabriel takes a mic and heads to the center of the ring as Vin heads down the entrance ramp for his interview.




Gabriel: "Vin, here you are, just moments away from a 3-way fight for the Hanson Invitational cup."


Vin: "Thanks, its been an honor to wrestle against the guests and in front of these fine fans."


Gabriel: "How do you feel about your chances against Insane Machine and Kazuma Narato, both had very strong wins in their previous matches."


Vin: "Insane Machine lives up to his name, and Kazuma was good enough to wrestle for TCW. They're both going to be really strong contenders, I'll just have to bring everything I have to the mat and after that, it's out of my hands."


Gabriel: "Well said. Anyway, good luck on your match."


Gabriel leaves the ring and rejoins Lee at the announcers table, where Lee is making gagging motions during the interview.


Lee: "I think we'll need some surgery to remove your lips from Vin's a**."


Gabriel: "Quiet, Lee, or you'll have to do an interview with Larry Wood about his recent loss."


Lee visibly pales and shuts up.


Vin Tanner had an interview hyping his upcoming battle with Kazuma Narato and Insane Machine.

Rating: D-





http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/VinTanner.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/InsaneMachine.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KazumaNarato.jpg

Vin Tanner vs. Insane Machine vs. Kazuma Narato


Although Vin heavily outweighs his lightweight opponents, this hardly gives him the advantage during the fight. Insane moves like greased lightning while Kazuma has tremendous skill and experience. These three put on a hell of a match, with the offensive constantly shifting back and forth for nearly 20 minutes. As soon as one gets an advantage another one steps up to bring him down, whether it be from Insane's high flying presses, Vin's powerful slams or Kazuma's lightning fast strikes. Kazuma and Vin get shot through the ropes by a double-dropkick from Insane, and suddenly out from the crowd emerges Larry Wood and Dermot O'Logical, wielding chairs. They descend upon Kazuma and Vin with a vengance and bash them both to the ground with chairs.



Meanwhile, Insane is just standing in the middle of the ring...watching. Not moving, not showboating, just standing motionless as if he was a statue. Larry bloodies Vin up by smashing him onto the ramp. Kazuma gets smashed repeatedly with a Con-chair-to style attack, both heavyweights just smashing apart the cruiserweight guest. Finished, Dermot and Larry roll Vin and Kazuma into the ring and Insane bursts into motion again. He quickly drags Vin to the middle of the mat and covers for a pin. The crowd pops when Vin kicks out, and as Insane drags Vin back up to set him up for the termination kick, Vin whips Insane into the turnbuckles, quickly following it up with a massive V for Victory. Insane is down, but so is Vin. The crowd is cheering for him as he tries to drag himself over to cover Insane. He makes it...and gets the three count! Vin Tanner is the new CCW Hanson Invitational Champion!


Vin Tanner defeated Insane Machine and Kazuma Narato in 28:01 when Vin Tanner defeated Insane Machine by pinfall with a V For Victory. During the match we also saw Larry Wood run in and attack Vin Tanner, and Dermot O'Logical also attack Kazuma Narato. Vin Tanner wins the CCW Hanson Invitational Cup title.

Rating: D-




As Vin staggers to his feet, Larry and Dermot make their way back to the ring, holding the same smashed and bloody chairs they had used just minutes before. Insane rolls out of the ring and quickly exits, but Kazuma is still down and out by the edge of the apron. Larry grabs Vin by the shoulders and hauls him up giving Dermot a clean shot at Vin's head. Dermot winds up...but the chair is grabbed out of his hands by Kazuma! Kazuma smashes Dermot over the head, nearly folding the metal chair in half. Larry roars in outrage and charges at Kazuma and Kauzma tosses the broken chair at Larry. Larry catches it, confused that Kauzma just gave him a weapon...but Kazuma hits a flying kick right into the chair, driving the broken metal into Larry's face. Larry drops and rolls out of the ring, holding his head which is now bleeding profusely. Dermot and Larry flee to the back as Kazuma starts to chase them off with another chair.



Larry and Dermot attack Vin after the match, but Kazuma grabs a chair and chases the attackers off.

Rating: D-




After Larry and Dermot are chased off, Kazuma heads back to the ring, still carrying a chair. Once in the ring, he picks up the Hanson Invitational trophey that Dale dropped when the attack started. Meanwhile, Vin staggers to his feet, wiping the blood from his eyes. He sees Kazuma and shakily offers his hand. Kazuma looks at the chair in his hand, the trophey in the other, and then back at Vin... and shakes Vin's hand! He helps the champion steady himself, but still holds onto the chair in case more goons try and attack Vin in his weakend state. Vin, with his last ounce of strength, raises the Hanson Invitational trophy up high to the cheers of the crowd.


The match is over. Vin Tanner walks over and offers his hand as a sign of respect to Kazuma Narato for putting up a great fight, and the two competitors shake hands.

Rating: C-




Overall: E+


Gabriel's Notes: It's nice to see an angle come together at the end. We had the whole crowd on their feet rooting for Vin at the end of the show. Kind of disappointed that with as great as the last match was, as enraptured as the audience was in the final angles, the show overall wasn't quite as good as it could have been...

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Hanson Invitational Predictions



Round 1: 8/9 | Round 2: 3/4 +1 for picking Vin to win it all = 12/13



Round 1: 9/9 | Round 2: 2/4 = 11/13



Round 2: 4/4



As usual thanks for predicting. This write up almost gave me a heart attack. I was copying my "new" notes folder over my "old" notes folder to update and overwite the older files, and of course I got the two folders backwards so I copied my old barebones notes over the full fleshed out write ups.




Luckily I have backups so nothing was truly lost, but still there was a moment of terror when thought all that work had been erased.

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Round 1: 8/9 | Round 2: 3/4 +1 for picking Vin to win it all = 12/13



Round 1: 9/9 | Round 2: 2/4 = 11/13



Round 2: 4/4



As usual thanks for predicting. This write up almost gave me a heart attack. I was copying my "new" notes folder over my "old" notes folder to update and overwite the older files, and of course I got the two folders backwards so I copied my old barebones notes over the full fleshed out write ups.




Luckily I have backups so nothing was truly lost, but still there was a moment of terror when thought all that work had been erased.



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Saturday, Week 3

July, 2008


The whole locker room was partying the night after the tournament. It had been expensive as hell, but after crunching the numbers, I found that with the increased sponsorship we had gotten from the Hanson, we weren't broke. We had a thousand dollars left in the bank after the paychecks went out, and we were expecting another $2k of sponsorship money by the end of the month.


Last year, the Hanson Invitational had sunk CCW, sending us so far into debt that TCW withdrew their support. However, this time around with a lot of careful planning, we had ended out slightly ahead.


It was a pleasant change of pace to see everyone happy and smiling. Vin was chugging beer out of the Hanson cup. Xavier divided his time between downing liquid courage and attempting to chat up our female workers, to no avail. Kazuma and Insane bowed out early, neither were very big partiers, but the rest of the loaned workers were more then happy to party with the us. Larry Wood spent quite a bit of time talking to Ginko who was excited that someone else could finally understand her. Tricolor had brought some authentic Mexican Tequila, much to the delight of Rex Reeves who, for a small guy, was going shot for shot with Primal Rage.


I joined in on a bit of the fun, but I wasn't nearly as happy as the others. Booking the Hanson had taken almost a full week with all the re-writes. First Kazuma had been in too many angles and then Insane Machine had felt like he was booked in too many matches. I had planned for The Nightmares (Insane Machine and Primal Anger) to make an appearance and challenge one of our tag teams, but Insane felt he was being overused with 3 matches as is, let alone a tag match on top of it. I had to rewrite the tournament a total of 5 times before I got everyone to agree on it. Unfortunately, it wasn't as great as last year's tournament, but then again we still had money in the bank, which is always a nice thing.


Rex passed a can of champagne (yeah, high class party) to me and I smiled and took one. Everyone was enjoying themselves, and it was nice to see the locker room relaxed and having a good time. Hell, you couldn't even tell that half the locker room hated Harry given how they were all laughing and talking with each other.



Then the phone rang, and the night took a turn for the worse....



Leo: "So who was it?" he asked, a grin at his lips and the flush of alochol on his face. He seemed to know it was important as he angled immediatly towards me when I returned.


Gabriel: "Dean Daniels." I said not returning his smile at all. When Leo heard the name his smile faded as well, and I could see that he was quickly trying to sober up a bit.


Leo: "Uh...let's talk about this outside. Don't want to ruin the party..."


It was a long, silent walk outdoors, neither of us aying a word. I was too frustrated and Leo was too drunk. When we finally got outside I began my verbal assault, tearing into him without mercy.


Gabriel: "I can't believe you lied to Dean about a job!. I even asked you how you were able to get WLW to trade and you said 'don't worry about it.' What you didn't say was that you lied to WLW, lied to Dean, and then lied to me."


Leo: "Uh...I wouldn't say 'lie' exactly..."


Gabriel: "Oh really? YOu told Dean Daniels that there was a place on our roster for him. He flew all the way out here to sign the contract IN PERSON. Then you went right around and told WLW that Dean Daniels was an active member of the roster before the ink had even dried. Dean had just flown out here only to have you ship him right back to Japan on a talent trade. Only there wasn't a place for him on our roster, was there? He never set foot in this ring and you never gave him a single paycheck. Is that how you got 5SSW to trade? Because we sure as hell didn't send any women to Japan!"


Leo didn't say anything, which was enough of an answer for me.


Gabriel: "Who did you "hire"?"


Leo: "Can't we just talk about this later..."


Gabriel: "WHO?" I grabbed Leo by the shirt and shoved him against a wall. Now granted he's a lot heavier then me, but I definitly had the advantage in his drunken state.


Leo: "Alright...Seiko Nanami."


I couldn't even look at him, I was so frustrated. I slammed him hard into the wall before letting him go and storming off.


Leo: "I did what I had to do." He called out after me.


Leo: "If I hadn't we wouldn't have gotten Kazuma, we wouldn't have gotten Larry, we wouldn't have gotten Kiko...we wouldn't have had a main event."


I didn't bother turning aroud, I just stormed out the door. I had phone calls to make. I headed straight to the office to call Dean and Seiko and let them know that they had been misinformed, that there was no position on our roster for them. I just hoped they wouldn't take it too hard. Granted, Leo did get them a job opportunity, if WLW or 5SSW does decide to use them for a show, but to just use them like they were a pair of baseball cards or something...that was low, even by CCW's abyssmal standards.

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OOC: Praguepride's Tip #1: Talent Trades


OOC: Over the years I've developed a few tips and tricks that aren't widely used, at least from what I can tell from reading diaries and discussions. So I thought I'd share them through my diary. First trick is being an a**hole with talent trades. Leo performed this beautifully for the 2008 Hanson Invitational.


Let's say you want to bring someone over but you get informed that nobody on your roster is "good" enough to trade. This is especially common when you try to get talent trades across regions. Japan, Europe, and Australia are rather difficult for this, as Japanese promotions (at least the good ones) are rather picky and Europe/Australia don't have many workers outside of the region that are over there. So what you CAN do is temporarily hire someone, someone who'd break your bank normally. Someone who is a big star but you don't want them. Hire them, trade them, fire them. There's a chance that they'll hate you for it (and rightly so) but it can get you deals that you wouldn't ordinarily get.


Stay tuned as the next PP tip is on the way...

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span><a href="http://www.ccw.com" rel="external nofollow"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">http://www.ccw.com</span></strong></span></a></p><p> Monday, Week 1, September 2008</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;">CCW NEWS REPORT</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> </span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">CCW Championship on the Line!</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Four months of much needed rest is over for CCW Champion Roderick Remus. Roderick chose to decline participating in the 2008 Hanson Invitational, citing that he needed time to rest and recover from the grueling Mailed Fission show where he won the title in a drawn-out match against Harry Wilson. Now his time of rest is over, as Leo has announced that Roderick will be making his first defense against a recently returned CCW Alumni. Who will be this mystery opponent? CCW has seen many fine athletes leave for other promtoions, including the mighty Tully Arthurs, the collosal Titan, high flying TJ Bailey, former tag team champion Bill Lewis, and the Sensational Kashmir Singh. Roderick's opponent will be announced shortly before the match.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Tag Team Tournament Continues</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Last show had Extreme Fear on the cusp of victory, but losing to the Hitmen in their second match has allowed the two brutal bruisers to get the CCW Tag Team Champion title within reach. This month all they need to do is defeat Smooth Flow to pick up the 2/3 wins needed for victory.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Mysterious Figure Prowling the Area</strong></span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> After the Hanson Invitational, Rex Reeves' manager and steady girlfriend, Jemma Griffiths, was followed down a dark alley by a mysterious stranger. She fled and notified authorities but the culprit was not apprehended. Police immediately suspected Switchblade Mike, as he has a history with both Jemma and Rex, but his alibi was corraborated by both Harry Wilson and Dusty Bin for that time period. Police are still patrolling the area, but more and more reports have come in of a sinister presence lurking in the shadows around the Ohio Jewish Center.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Web Polls</span></strong></span></p><p> (from TotalExtremeWrestling.com feed, click <a href="http://here" rel="external nofollow">http://here</a> to vote)</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22152" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Best Overall Worker: Gino Montero (5 months in a row)</p><p> </p><p> Most Entertaining: Alex DeColt (5 months in a row)</p><p> Best Technical Wrestler: Tommy Cornell (2 months in a row)</p><p> Best Brawler: Sean McFly (2 months in a row)</p><p> Best High Flier: Emerald Angel (2 months in a row)</p><p> Best Young Prospect: Marc DuBois (2 months in a row)</p><p> </p><p> Best Manager: Emma Chase (2 months in a row)</p><p> Best Announcer: Peter Michaels (2 months in a row)</p><p> Best Colour Commentator: Tom Townsend (2 months in a row)</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> CCW News Analysis: Overall a fairly calm summer pollwise. Gino Montero continues to light up the boards with his spectacular debut with MHW, although critics are quick to point out his lack of major accomplishments compared to other qualified wrestlers like Tommy Cornell and Dan Stone Jr.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">Next Show: </span><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>CCW Fallout</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Quick Picks:</p><p> </p><p> Paige Croft & Darla Knight vs. Carnival Queen & Kinuye</p><p> Ginko vs. JMB for title</p><p> Rex Reeves vs. Super Sonic</p><p> DWN vs. Daredevil Aero</p><p> Tag Team Tournament Round 3: The Hitmen vs. Smooth Flow</p><p> Leo Davis vs. Vin Tanner</p><p> CCW Championship: Roderick Remus vs. ????</p>
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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;"> CCW Mailed Fission</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Friday, Week 3, September 2008</strong></p><p><strong>

Ohio Jewish center, 18 people.</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/CarnivalQueenKendra.jpg</span> & <span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KinuyeMushashibo.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/PaigeCroft.jpg</span> & <span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/NurseDarlaKnight.jpg</span><p>

Carnival Queen Kendra & Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Paige Croft & Nurse Darla Knight</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This opening tag team match up leaves a foul taste in crowd mouths. Paige and Nurse Darla lock things up on the mat while Kinuye tries to take things to the air. Carnival Queen just looks lost as Paige and Nurse Darla stretch her. Kendra is able to make a hot tag to a fired up Kinuye who clears out both opponents with a Blue skyle, but Paige is able to recover, forcing Kinuye to tag to an already weakend Kendra, who is quickly put away by Paige.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Paige Croft and Nurse Darla Knight defeated Carnival Queen Kendra and Kinuye Mushashibo in 7:52 when Paige Croft defeated Carnival Queen Kendra by pinfall.</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">F</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Gabriel's Notes: Joy! They've stopped booing Carnival Queen Kendra. Looks like they've finally accepted that she's here to stay.</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/blkfade.gif</span><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Random_Male63.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#4B0082;"><strong>Gabriel</strong></span><span style="color:#4B0082;">: "After that exciting match, Leo has an announcement to make."</span></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/LeoDavis.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Leo walks down and grabs the mic from Gabriel. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#A0522D;"><strong>Leo</strong></span><span style="color:#A0522D;">: "It has come to my attention that many of the fans are unhappy as they feel they haven't gotten a good look at our Womens Division. so, Gabriel, it is now your job to help make our Womens division unforgettable."</span></p><p> </p><p>

The four women who just competed have returned to the ring, this time wearing skimpy bathing suits. Lee jumps up from the announcers table and charges for the ring with the ladies but Leo calmly holds him back, dumping him none to gently into his chair.</p><p> </p><p>

Gabriel parades the women around as the men in the audience hoot in hollar. It's no question that the crowd prefers the women like this as opposed to actually wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Bikini Contest</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">D-</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/blkfade.gif</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/GenericWomens.jpg</span><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/GinkoKuroda_alt01.jpg</span><strong> vs. </strong><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JanaMarieBowen.jpg</span></p><p><strong>

Ginko Kuroda vs. JMB for Women's Title</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

Both Ginko and JMB are fired up when they hit the ring. JMB won the Hanson Invitational cup last show, defeating Ginko in the process. Now she is gunning to hold both titles. Ginko, meanwhile, is fired up at being defeated for the second time in a row at the Hanson Invitational.</p><p> </p><p>

Both women really start out strong, and once again JMB tries to stay in the air while Ginko tries to keep her grounded. Ginko is able to arm drag JMB to the mat and tries to lock in her finisher submission but JMB is able to claw her way over the ropes and get the rope break. After that, the match is all JMB, launching hurricaranas and snapmares, moonsaults and flying body presses at Ginko. JMB climbs to the top for the Bowen Technique, but Ginko squirms out of the way and JMB crashes into the center of the ring, injurying her arm. Ginko quickly locks in the Dragon's Claw again. JMB tries to drag herself to the ropes but with her injured arm, she doesn't have the strength again and she taps out.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Ginko Kuroda defeated Jana Marie Bowen in 12:56 by submission with a Dragon's Claw. Ginko Kuroda makes defence number 2 of her CCW Womens Championship title. </strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E-</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/blkfade.gif</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/MurderousMikey_alt1.jpg</span><strong> & </strong><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DustyBin_alt02.jpg</span><strong> vs. </strong><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JeremyJazz.jpg</span><strong> & </strong><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/K-Squared.jpg</span><p><strong>

The Hitmen vs. Smooth Flow</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Hitmen come out in their suits and flex and boast. Kristen cheers them on from the side, shouting that victory is inevitable. Smooth Flow charges out from the back, down the ramp, hits the ring and nails the two giants with double dropkicks. The match is on and they attack each other with the vigor and spotty work that only a ring full of rookies can pull off. Despite The Hitmen's size and strength, Smooth Flow show incredible teamwork, making rapid fire smooth tags to constantly asault the larger men. </p><p> </p><p>

Switchblade Mike takes offense to this, ignoring Kristen's coaching and refusing to tag in Dusty. Finally after Mike is shot into the Hitmen corner, Dusty makes a blind tag, charging in and clearing house with powerful clotheslines. K-Squared shakes the stars from his eyes, but is able to tag in Jeremy who an Enziguri and as Dusty gets up, launches into his series of kick strikes called Free Form Flow, dropping Dusty with a kick to his head. Dusty kicks out of the pin and tags in Mike, who's still recovering from earlier. </p><p> </p><p>

Jeremy Jazz tries to hit a hurricarana but Mike catches him and powerbombs him. K-Squared rushes in, launching himself off of Jeremy's back to perform the finisher "Jam Session" as he hits a running flying superkick to Mike's head. Mike drops, K-Squared suicide dives out of the ring, spearing Dusty off the apron and Jeremy is able to crawl over and pick up the win. With Smooth Flow's win, the three teams are all tied with a single win and loss each.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Smooth Flow defeated The Hitmen in 5:55 when K-Squared defeated Switchblade Mike by pinfall with a Jam Session. During the match we also had Daredevil Aero distract Switchblade Mike.</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">F</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/blkfade.gif</span></div><p></p><p></p><p>

After the match, Lee takes the camera backstage to show a mob outside of Leo's "office." All three tags teams are there, shoving each other and shouting for both Leo and at each other. Leo finally emerges, wearing his wrestling gear and glistening with sweat like he'd just been warming up.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/LeoDavis.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#A0522D;"><strong>Leo</strong></span><span style="color:#A0522D;">: (irritated) "What?"</span></p><p> </p><p>

All three tag teams try talking at the same time. The jist is that each one is demanding the title. Finally Leo shouts for everyone to shut up</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#A0522D;"><strong>Leo</strong></span><span style="color:#A0522D;">: "Each of you won and lost, so none of you really deserve the title. But we've gotta get this settled one way or another, so we'll have a Triple Tag Team match next show to decide the winner once and for all. Now get outta hear, I'm trying to get ready for my next match."</span></p><p> </p><p>

None of the teams look thrilled t Leo's decision, but neither do they complain for fear of losing their title shot.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Leo Davis is backstage, with The Hitmen, Smooth Flow and Extreme Fear all trying to talk him into giving them a title shot. He finally decides that he's heard enough, and that as they can't all have a title shot, they'll face each other in a triangle match for the title.</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E-</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/blkfade.gif</span><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg</span> w/ <span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KristenPearce_alt.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Harry Wilson and Kristen Pearce head out to the ring. As usual, Kristen swings by the announcer's table for a mic, which Lee is only too willing to give her.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Kristen</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;">: "You all should be thrilled that someone of such high caliber as Harry Wilson is taking the time to talk with you. Consider it one of the few highlights in your pathetic lives."</span></p><p> </p><p>

The crowd responds appropriately, booing and jeering the duo in the ring. Harry grabs the mic from Kristen.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;"><strong>Harry</strong></span><span style="color:#8B0000;">: "YOu all should be joyous as you wll be able to witness as the Wilson Coalition dominates this pitstain of a promotion. Once I receive the title shot that I so richly deserve, once </span><span style="color:#8B0000;"><em>Vin Tanner</em></span><span style="color:#8B0000;"> is banned from the building to prevent his interference, then I shall finally grasp the title that I have earned with two years of incredibly high quality work. And as for the [i[other</span><span style="color:#8B0000;">[/i]</span><span style="color:#8B0000;"> title, the tag team title, well, who can argue with this?"</span></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Harry celebrates his factions future dominance with Kristen Pearce</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">D-</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/blkfade.gif</span><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/MurderousMikey_alt1.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Switchblade Mike storms down to the ring, looking pissed off and mean as hell. He folds his arms and dons his sunglasses to really look intimidating.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;"><strong>Harry</strong></span><span style="color:#8B0000;">: "Just one half of the Hitmen is a terrifying site, but both of them in the ring should be unbeatable. Sure opponents may have a fluke here and there. The earlier incident will NOT be repeated next show when the Hitmen take the title. But the important thing is that Roderick Remus will not stand a chance. All that needs to happen is for Leo to march down here and announce my title shot. Then I WILL destroy Roderick, and I WILL have my title."</span></p><p> </p><p>

Kristen applauds him like Harry just delivered a rousing campaign speech. Switchblade Mike continues to look mean, and the three head backstage.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Harry Wilson has an interview, in which he goes off on a rant about how much he hates Roderick Remus. Behind Harry Wilson stands Switchblade Mike looking mean.</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/blkfade.gif</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/RexReeves_alt1.jpg</span><strong> w/ </strong><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JemmaGriffiths.jpg</span><strong> vs. </strong><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Super20Sonic_FIN.jpg</span><p><strong>

Rex Reeves w/ Jemma Griffiths vs. Super Sonic</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

Rex Reeves and Super Sonic try to put on a decent show, but Super Sonic is already showing ring rust having missed out on the past few shows. It's been nearly 6 months since he's stepped in the ring and this turned what should have been a decent match into an awkward bout. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rex Reeves defeated Super Sonic in 9:48 by pinfall with a RexPlex.</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">F+</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/blkfade.gif</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DavisWayneNewton.jpg</span><strong> vs. </strong><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Daredevil20Aero_FIN2.jpg</span><p><strong>

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Daredevil Aero</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

Davis tries to carry his rusty opponent, but can only do so much. Daredevil makes up for his awkwardness with gusto and refuses to let DWN overpower him, at least in the beginnng. However, DWn's masterful offensive eventually overcomes Daredevil's daring spot, and the canadian talent finishes off the spot monkey with a Fisherman's Suplex.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Davis Wayne Newton defeated Daredevil Aero in 11:48 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/blkfade.gif</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Leo heads down to his match, all warmed up and rearing to go. On his way down though, DWN jumps out of the audience and smashes Leo with a steel chair. Leo tries to fight back but DWN, furious about his injuries and injustices by leo will not relent. First he bloodies Leo, going so far as to DDT Leo's skull right into the chair. Leo comes back up with his face busted open. Officials try to hold him back, but Davis continues to batter Leo down until Leo isn't moving anymore. Davis is finally hauled away by officials as Leo is stretchered out.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Davis Wayne Newton attacks Leo Davis in the ring, and leaves him down and out.</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">F+</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/blkfade.gif</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/CCW_Championship.jpg</span><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/RoderickRemus.jpg</span><strong> vs.</strong></p><p><strong>

Roderick Remus vs. ???? for CCW Championship Belt</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#4B0082;"><strong>Gabriel</strong></span><span style="color:#4B0082;">: "Wow! Who would have thought that DWN would have snapped like that. I mean, Leo did naerly blind Davis in March, and also screwed DWN out of both tournaments, but still... that might have crossed the line a bit."</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Lee</strong></span><span style="color:#006400;">: "Meh who cares. One idiot attacking the other."</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#4B0082;"><strong>Gabriel</strong></span><span style="color:#4B0082;">: "But it wasn't just anyone. It was one of CCW's most talented stars and the owner himself!"</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Lee</strong></span><span style="color:#006400;">: "So? More money for the rest of us. The real question is who's going to slap that pretty boy Rod around and take the title?"</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#4B0082;"><strong>Gabriel</strong></span><span style="color:#4B0082;">: "First of all, Roderick is hardly "just" a pretty boy. He won the tournament fair and square."</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Lee</strong></span><span style="color:#006400;">: (shaking his head): "NO, if things were fair then Xavier would be wearing the belt. Speaking of which, where is he? And where's Vin? Wasn't he supposed to face Leo?"</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#4B0082;"><strong>Gabriel</strong></span><span style="color:#4B0082;">: "I don't know, and I guess we'll all be surprised when Roderick's opponent comes out."</span></p><p> </p><p>

Roderick Remus, accompanied by Chloe Dean comes out pumped and looking like he's ready to take on anything. Trash metal blares on the PA and none other then Little Bill Lebowski (better known in CCW as Bill Lewis) stroms down the ramp, thrashing and moshing to the music. He dives through the ropes and uppercuts Remus. The bell sounds and the match is on.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/LittleBillLebowski.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

For being such a small guy, Bill really loves to brawl. His tactic i to drag Roderick down to the ground and then pound him through the mat. Roderick uses his larger size and reach to give him room to hit dropkicks, enziguris and moonsaults.</p><p> </p><p>

As the match wears on, Craig Lewis sneaks down to the ring, chair in hand. He distracts the ref by trying to enter the ring. As Dale is trying to shove Craig out, Bill grabs the chair that Craig slid into the ring and takes a swing at Roderick. Roderick ducks the wild blow and hits a Belly-to-belly suplex on Bill, slamming him into the middle of the mat. Roderick runs and dropkicks Craig off the apron before scrambling back to the center of the ring to slap on his finisher submission. As he reclines, Bill screams and taps out, another victim of the Remus clutch.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Roderick Remus defeated Bill Lewis in 15:18 by submission with a Remus Clutch. Roderick Remus makes defence number 1 of his CCW Championship title. </strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E-</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/blkfade.gif</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Overall: </span></strong><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">E-</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Gabriel's Notes: Wow, our first 'B'show, but considering our limited finances that was just about the best we could pull off. Ended the show with $288. Still, given the lack of our big name star, this wasn't too shabby.</em></p>

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Saturday, Week 3

September, 2008


After the show DWN popped into my "office" at the Jewish Center.


DWN: "Yo boss, trouble. You shold probably take a look at it."


I nodded and hurried out after him. From around the corner I could hear the shouting from the locker room, and I burst in shouting.




Dusty Bin ****ed his head to the side in a confused manner. Looking around I could see everything was normal. Guys were changing and cooling down, and ice packs were being freely distributed. Nothing that wold warrant my intervntion.


DWN: "Boss, wrong locker room."


Gabriel: "Oh....Ohhhhhh. That would explain the screaming. Uh, carry on boys."


I quickly exited and headed down to the OTHER locker room.


Gabriel: "ALRIGHT! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!" I shouted bursting in. Kendra screamed at my intrusion, but the other women were preoccupied trying to calm down Paige Croft. She was red in the face, shouting and screaming obscenities across the room, where Jana Marie Bowen was doubled up, laughing her ass off.


Gabriel: "QUIET!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and the rest of the women finally acknowledged my presence. Nurse Darla quietly covered up as she was midway through changing, but the other women were presentable enough for a good dressing down.


Gabriel: "Kendra, what happened here?"


Kendra just shrugged at me. I couldn't help but sigh at how oblivious she was. Let's just say hre happy-go-lucky carnie gimmick wasn't too far away from the truth. Jana spoke up though, which prompted Ginko and Kinuye to redouble their efforts in holding her back.


Jana Marie Bowen: "It's nothing, Gabe. Just a little fun and a bit of an overreaction!"


Paige: "OVERREACTION? I'm gonna kick the **** out of you bitch!"


Jana: "See?" she said to me, shrugging and smirking. I wasn't in the mood for shenanigans, hell I never was. It was hard enough keeping things running without your own employees causing trouble. We needed every worker and we needed them badly. There weren't too many replacements on the market at the moment.


Gabriel: "Let's try this again. Paige, what happened?"


Paige: "That bitch put Icee Hot in my sports bra!"


Inwardly I couldn't help but chuckle. It would appear that women and men weren't so different after all, just different in their placement of skin irritant pranks.


Gabriel: "Jana, that kind of behavior is NOT tolerated here. We've had more then enough pranks already and you are NOT permitted to keep the hijinx going. You WILL apologize, and you WILL refrain from doing **** like this ever again, or there WILL be consequences."


Jana's smirk disappeared as I gaver her a stern warning. Her shoulders even slumped a little and she got a resigned expression on her face.


Jana: "Gotcha, boss. You made your point loud and clear. I'm sorry Paige."


Paige didn't answer back, she just grabbed her duffel bag and stormed out. Jana shrugged at me and went back to changing as the situation died down. I thought about how that turned out and decided while Paige and Jana might not instantly be best friends afterwords, hopefully they'll be able to work next to each other. There was an upcoming tag match and the last thing I wanted was a storyline to be ruined because of some Icee Hot.


Darla Knight: *ahem*.


I snapped out of my thoughts and realized that the whole locker room was staring at me. My face flushed as I remembered where I was as the women were waiting for me to leave so they could shower. As much as I would have liked to stay, I was needd elsewhere and so quickly scurried out. As I turned the corner I saw most of the men's locker room waiting in the hall.


Daredevil Aero: "Well, how was the view?" He said with a grin as the rest of the men laughed behind him.


I couldn't help but join in, and it was a great way to ease the tension I had built up earlier. I laughed as I walked down the hall back towards my office.


Daredevil: "Wait! I'm serious..."

But the rest of his words were drowned out by laughter from the rest of the men.

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