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Chicago Championship Wrestling: The Best of the Worst 2.0 (C-verse)

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Monday, Week 1, Novemeber 2008





Too Many Contenders


Both the CCW Championship and CCW Tag Team Championship seem to be plagued by too many #1 contenders. Leo Davis has announced that in lieu of regular matches, he would be deciding on a way to sort out the various contenders of the title.


CCW Worker Attacked!

Dusty Bin, one of the Hitmen was attacked in a library three weeks ago. No description of the attacker was made, but Dusty suffered a severe chest wound, doctors describe it akin to a "Broken Heart." It is unknown whether this will effect the Hitmen's contention for the Tag Team Titles.


Web Polls

(from TotalExtremeWrestling.com feed, click http://here to vote)

Best Overall Worker: Tommy Cornell (beating Gino Montero)


Most Entertaining: Alex DeColt (7 months in a row)

Best Technical Wrestler: Dan Stone Jr. (beating Tommy Cornell)

Best Brawler: Sean McFly (4 months in a row)

Best High Flier: Emerald Angel (4 months in a row)

Best Young Prospect: Marc DuBois (4 months in a row)


Best Manager: Emma Chase (4 months in a row)

Best Announcer: Peter Michaels (4 months in a row)

Best Colour Commentator: Rodger Dodger (beating Tom Townsends)


CCW News Analysis: Gino Montero has set the record for the longest run as "Overall Best Worker" for a worker under the age of 21, but experience finally won out in the end as Tommy Cornell resumed his title as the Best Overall Wrestler in the world. The other interesting bit is Rodger Dodger beating Tom Townsends as Best Colour Commentator even though Rodger is a professional wrestler and only colour comments part time. However, those few times have astonished USPW, FCW, and NYCW fans enough to have them turn out and vote by the hundreds in support of "The Ladies Man."


Next Show: CCW Armageddon

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Fun with Laptops


Friday, Week 1

November 2008


Leo stormed into my office holding a fistful of blank pages.


Leo: "Gabe! What the hell have you been doing for the past week? Why hasn't this show been scripted yet?"


Gabriel points at his computer and shrugged.


Gabriel: "Computer's fried! I'm trying to salvage what I can but I'll need to go out and order parts. No computer, no script..."


Leo furrowed his brow a bit. He reached over, unplugged all of the cables, lifted the CPU and started to shake it vigoriously. My jaw nearly hit the floor as I heard all sorts of things shifting and snapping inside the tower.


Gabriel: "LEO! STOP! What in the hell do you think you're doing?" shika shika shika

shika shika shika

Leo: "Fixing it."

shika shika SNAPshikashikashikashika

Gabriel: "Wha...huh...bu...why?"


Leo: "What? This worked last time..."


After years working for IT tech support, one would think I would have heard of everything, but the world continued to find new and exciting ways to surprise me. Seeing Leo shake everything loose inside the tower drained me of any resistence I had left.


Gabriel: "You know what, you just go on fixing it, I'll look into buying a new laptop."


As I left he was plugging the cords back in and trying to get it to turn back on.


Leo: "Come on, Gabriel, I know it'll work this time..."


I was waiting for the elevator by the time I heard the rhytmic shika shika shika of a grown man playing maracas with a computer. I could already tell it was going to be one of those kind of days.




OOC: Experiencing computer problems. I ordered a new laptop that should be here by next week. I'll keep trying to do updates, but they're going to be much slower without a laptop at the moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

CCW Armageddon

Friday, Week 3, November 2008

Ohio Jewish center, 13 people.





http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/CraigLewis.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JeremyJazz.jpg

Crash Lewis vs. Jeremy Jazz


Crash Lewis takes on Jeremy Jazz in a hardcore warm up match. Crash comes down to the ring with a slew of 2x4's slung over his shoulder while Jeremy just carries a single chair. The match quickly turns into a sloppy brawl around the ring with Crash eventually smashing Jeremy with a 2x4 and knocking Jeremy out. Crash picks up the 3-count for the win.


Crash Lewis defeated Jeremy Jazz in 5:27 by pinfall.

Rating: F






The projector switches to the backstage camera where Ginko is leading Kinuye Mushashibo in some Tai Chi exercises. The are interrupted when Jana Marie Bowen and Paige Croft storm into the room. Jana Marie shoves past Paige's costume (this time the costume is of a Sailor Moon persuasion) and gets right in Ginko's masked face.




Jana: "Hey, listen up. I beat you fair and square at the Hanson, and now I want a title match."


Paige looks a bit riled up by that.


Paige: "I thought you said "we'd" get a title shot..."


Jana: "Don't be stupid, you can't have two champions."


Ginko and Kinuye try to ignore the intrusion, but the two contender's arguements quickly spill over into their practice area, causing them to get disrupted several times.


Jana: "I'll get the first title shot, you get the second. That's only fair..."


Paige: "Fair? What's fair about it?"


The two women start jostling each other, causing Paige's hair ribbons to fly into Kinuye's face. Kinuye finally stops performing her breathing exercises and nods at Ginko. Ginko stops her exercises as well and nods back.


Kinuye: "You are disrupting our meditations. Please leave."


Jana and Paige look at Kinuye, shocked at the interruption. Without hestitating, they both clothesline Kinuye into the lockers. Ginko explodes into motion with a series of stiff kicks, knocking Paige and Jana out of the lockerroom.


The four women continue to brawl their way out from backstage and eventually spilling into the ring. Gabriel and Lee shrug and Gabriel motions for the bell to be rung, signalling the start of a match. A backstage worker hands Gabriel a note.


Gabriel (reading off the note): "The issue about a number one contender will be settled in this match. Whoever wins the match gets a title shot during the 2009 Hanson Invitational. If Ginko wins then she can choose her opponent or decide not to put the title on the line.


Ginko and Kinuye are warming up backstage. Jana Marie Bown and Paige Croft interupt them and an arguement turns into a backstage brawl turns into a #1 contender match.

Rating: F+




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/GinkoKuroda_alt01.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KinuyeMushashibo.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JanaMarieBowen.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/PaigeCroft.jpg

Ginko Kuroda & Kinuye Mushashibo vs. JMB & Paige Croft


The four women paused in their brawl to listen to the announcement, and then head back into the fray with renewed enthusiasm. Although it was supposed to be a 4-way match, it quickly ended up being a tag team match as Kinuye and Ginko partnered up against Jana and Paige, avenging the disrespect shown to them earlier. Paige and Jana are forced to team up to fight the threat, and at first it pays off. They are able to isolate Kinuye after the second minute of the match, quickly eliminating Ginko's ally. Ginko is forced to play it very strategic to avoid fighting both heel women at the same time, but time is on her side when Jana misses a dropkick and hits Paige in the face. Paige roars in anger and their makeshift tag team is torn apart as Jana and Paige vent their earlier frustrations against each other. Ginko uses the time to recover as Jana hits a Bowen Technique on Paige and eliminates her. Ginko immediatly re-enters the fight with a fury, but Jana is in top form, continuing her momentum to keep the pressure fully on Ginko. While the two women are fighting to a stand still, outside the ring, Paige is taking out her frustrations on Kinuye. Their commotion is enough to distract ref Dale from the fighting in the ring, and Jana seizes the moment by illegally eye gouging Ginko. Blinded, Ginko is no longer able to hold out against Jana, and within the minute, Jana hits Ginko with the Bowen Technique, smashing Ginko's masked face into the mat and picking up the win.


Meanwhile, the sound of the bell ringing is enough to wake up the fans.


Jana Marie Bowen defeated Ginko Kuroda, Kinuye Mushashibo, and Paige Croft in 6:54; Kinuye Mushashibo was eliminated first, then Paige Croft, and finally Ginko Kuroda.

Rating: F






Gabriel: "Well, that was an exciting match, wasn't it?"

Lee: "Whatever. They do much better when they just stand up there and take off their clothes."

Gabriel: "Lee, I wouldn't say that too loudly. Ginko looked rather upset about her loss, and who knows how Jana would react if she heard you talk like that."

Lee: "Yeah, whatever. I'm not scared of...of any..."


At that moment the female workers walked by, and Lee shut up as soon they got within ear shot. Gabriel just shook his head. As soon as the women passed and went up the ramp, Lee piped up again.


Lee: "Yeah, like I was saying, I'm not afraid of no chicks."

Gabriel: (sigh)

Lee: "Anyway, the guys backstage told me to announce something. Something about Xavier being attacked and hospitalized last week."

Gabriel: "WHAT? What did you say?"

Lee: "They said that he was attacked in his home? He's been hospitalized and won't be wrestling again for a loooong time. That really sucks though, I mean, he was the heart and soul of XDW. What are we going to do without him?"

Gabriel:"That's terrible! I was told to report that Vin Tanner had been brutally attacked as well. The police have no suspects and no clues as to who purpetrated the crime. Vin also is being hospitalized even as we speak."

Lee:"Wow, that's weird."

Gabriel:"If you remember, we posted a story on CCW.com to fans warning them of a mysterious figure lurking around the building, and now with these attacks...do you know what this means?"

Lee:"Someone's trying to peek in the women's locker room?"

Gabriel:"Wha...what? No! Someone's hunting our wrestlers."

Lee: "Huh...that sucks."

Gabriel:"You know, they might be hunting CCW employees, refs and maybe even announcers..."

Lee pales slightly and then shouts in outrage.

Lee:"Where are the police? Were are the security guards! People need to get off their asses and actually do something! What are we going to do?"

Gabriel:"The only thing we can do. We're safest here, with everyone gathered and like they say, the show must go on!"

Lee:"Uh..er..right. Yeah, we probably are safest here in the spotlight."

Gabriel:"So, tonight's main event..."

Lee: "Wait, that's it? You're just going to go back to announcing as if nothing's happened! We can't do that, something HAS happened."

Gabriel: (shrugging)"There's nothing we can do about it now. THe police have notified and are looking into the manner. Besides, Leo has a big announcement today and I'm sure it'll address worker safety."

Lee:"I dunno... but I guess I don't have much of a choice if I want to pick up my paycheck."

Gabriel:"Right then. So, tonight's main event will be announced by Leo shortly."



Mysterious attack on "Xavier Reckless"

Rating: F-


Mysteroius attack on "Vin Tanner"

Rating: F+


Announcers hype upcoming announcement from Leo.

Rating: E






Leo strolls out to the ring with an angry look on his face. Following him are Super Sonic and Harry Wilson, both giving the other the "evil eye" and trying to keep as much distance between each other as possible. Leo grabs a mic and hits the ring.


Leo: "As mentioned, I have a big problem on my hands."


Lee: (shouting) "You're damn right you do"


Leo: "...thank you. You see, both Super Sonic and Harry Wilson have made strong claims for a title shot."


Lee: (shouting) "What? Who the hell cares about the title when there's someone attacking..."


Leo fixes Lee with a withering stare, and the young announcer falls silent for the second time in the night.


Leo: "Anyway, Harry Wilson contends that he was 2nd in the Championship Tournament while Super Sonic claims to be filling in for the injured Xavier Reckless, who first wrestled against Roderick Remus in the quarter-finals. Now, I had originally planned for them to have to wrestle each other, but that would have probably just resulted in a draw forcing me to make the title match a 3-way fight, and nobody wants to see that. We want a clear #1 contender, and I know just how to do it. The answer hit me like a steel chair in the back of my head..."


Leo's voice drifts from cheery to vengeful as he finishes his sentence.


Leo: "You see, I was supposed to have a match last show, but someone thought it would be a great idea to ambush me from behind. Now, I could look the other way, but dammit I run this place and you'd be damn wrong if you think I'd take that abuse in MY OWN COMPANY. So Davis Wayne Newton, you think you're such a hot shot. You think you're a big man hitting me from behind. Well, I've got news for you. You're going to be the one to determine who the #1 contender is going to be.


You see gentleman. I'm putting a bounty on DWN's pretty little head. I've setup 6 matches for tonight, with the winner getting the title shot. The first faction that can drop DWN down and make him stay down will get the first crack at the belt. Each of your little buddies will have 10 minutes to drop DWN to the mat and keep him down. If he's on the mat at the end of the 10 minute mark, your side wins. If he's not, then we'll move immediately onto the next match.


Oh, and Davis, if you have any thoughts of refusing, check the fine print of your contract. If you refuse a match on the night of the show, I am well within my rights to fire you."


Leo pulls a pink slip out (don't ask where he was keeping it...) and waves it in the air.


Leo: "Either way...I win. SO what's it going to be boys?"


Both Harry and Super Sonic nod their heads in agreement. Everyone turns back to the ramp to see if Davis will respond. Sure enough, DWN comes out with a face full of defiance.




DWN: "YOu know what old man? Bring it!"


Leo, Harry, and Super Sonic all grin in the ring as the first match is set up.



Leo Davis and announces that XDW and the Coalition will have 10 minute matches against DWN, with the winning side getting a title shot.

Rating: E-




Gabriel: (stunned)"Wow...this isn't a matchup, this is like a 60 minute execution!"

Lee: "Wow, this might actually be a fun night! Want to place a bet at how long he can hold out? I'm guessing he loses the first match."

Gabriel:"I'm not making any bets. Davis Wayne Newton is a spectacular wrestler, but the odds stacked against him are truly insurmountable. He's going to have to survive 6o minutes, constantly wrestling against fresh and ready opponents. First up is Daredevil Aero representing XDW."


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DavisWayneNewton.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Daredevil20Aero_FIN2.jpg

DWN vs. Daredevil Aero


Davis is pumped and ready, and Daredevil barely has time to enter the ring before Davis sends him right back outside with a missile dropkick. Daredevil tries to get the offensive, but DWN is pumped and ready to face his challenge with all his might. By the halfway mark, Davis puts Daredevil away with a Fisherman's Suplex, and picks up the win with a pin. Although the match isn't technically over until the 10 minute mark, Daredevil is clearly not going to be the one to put DWN down and he rolls out of the ring, giving DWN a brief chance to catch his breath as the next opponent, Switchblade Mike, lumbers down to the ring.


Davis Wayne Newton defeated Daredevil Aero in 5:36 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.

Rating: E





http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DavisWayneNewton.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/MurderousMikey_alt1.jpg

DWN vs. Switchblade Mike


Switchblade storms into the ring and nearly knocks DWN's head off with a massive clothesline. DWN is able to recover from it, but this match is definitly not as one sided as the first one. DWN puts on an amazing display of ariel offensive, keeping out of reach of Mike's powerful powerbombs, but it's clear that DWN's getting winded as Mike is able to catch him on more then one occasion. Nearly at the time limit, DWN stuns Mike with an enziguri and with a grunt and some strain is able to hit Mike with a Fisherman's Suplex at the 7 minute marker, giving him a few minutes to pick up the pin and catch his breath. This time he is clearly sweating bullets and bends over to try and recover before the next opponent.


Davis Wayne Newton defeated Switchblade Mike in 7:15 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.

Rating: E-




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DavisWayneNewton.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Extreme20Deluxe_FIN.jpg

DWN vs. Extreme Deluxe


Extreme Deluxe dives into the ring at full speed, and without slowing down hits a recovering DWN with a reverse bulldog. DWN seems to barely be able to keep up with Extreme who is keen to make a name for himself as the one to put DWN down. DWN is not out yet though, and he digs deep and gets his second wind to keep the match even. The two go back and forth before finally the bell is rung signaling the 10 minute mark. Extreme Deluxe sneers at DWN and rolls out as the next opponent enters the ring.


Davis Wayne Newton drew with Extreme Deluxe in 10:00 when the time limit expired.

Rating: E-




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DavisWayneNewton.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DustyBin_alt02.jpg

DWN vs. Dusty Bin


Dusty Bin lumbers in, stepping over the ropes and laughing as DWN is barely able to lift his head all the way to look at him. Dusty starts strutting around and taunting DWN, jeering the crowd and generating a bit of heat. DWN, however, catches his breath and knocks down Dusty from behind and slaps an arm bar submission on him. Dusty is to fresh and breaks out of the hold. The two go back and forth, but the gauntlet is definitly taking its toll on DWN. Even though he's a fraction of Dusty's size, the two are about on par for speed and agility, but with Dusty clearly the superior in the strength department. DWN isn't out of it yet, though, and even after a brutal chokeslam at the 9 minute mark, DWN is still able to struggle back to his knees before the bell rings, signalling the draw.


Davis Wayne Newton drew with Dusty Bin in 10:00 when the time limit expired.

Rating: E-



Gabriel: "Wow, how much more of this can DWN take? At first I thought he might stand a chance, but now it looks like he's going to die in that ring, and he still has 2 more matches."

Lee: "Yeah, and they really saved the "best till last" because now he's gonna have to face off against Super Sonic. Look at that guy, he can barely stand up and now he's going to have to face the new leader of the XDW. Pssh... this is going to get uuugly."



http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DavisWayneNewton.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Super20Sonic_FIN.jpg

DWn vs. Super Sonic



Super Sonic is clearly enjoying himself as he brutalizes DWN in the ring. DWN is quickly drained of the last ounce of strength and two minutes in, Super Sonic just takes his time. He taunts DWN the whole while, clearly trying to break DWN's spirit, but somehow DWN keeps getting back up. By the end, DWN is hit with a Sonic Boom for the second time and Sonic is able to pin him for the three count. Sonic wins the match, but the stipulation was that DWN had to stay down by the end of the 10 minutes. With just four seconds till the end, it looks like Sonic will pick up the win, but at the last second DWN kicks out of the pin and gets back up to his knees! Sonic has won the match but lost his chance for the #1 contender.


Super Sonic defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 9:56 by pinfall with a Sonic Boom.

Rating: F+



SUper Sonic is outraged, yelling that DWN was still down when the timer ran out. Harry Wilson doesn't want to waste any time and allow DWN to recover and dumps Super Sonic out of the ring so his mac


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DavisWayneNewton.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg

DWN vs. Harry Wilson

To summarize, this was the last match but even worse. It was about as competitive as a bear fighting an ice pop. DWN's face is busted open on the turnbuckles. DWN is crashed through the announcer's table. DWN is superplexed from the top rope. Harry Wilson easily picks up the pin and DWN doesn't move at all. He just lies there in what appears to be a coma. Even the ringside medic rushes into the ring to make sure he still has a pulse. The timer starts to count down the final 10 seconds of the match. Harry turns and faces the crowd, strutting about and boasting about his win. Behind him, however, DWN shows signs of life and starts to struggle to his feet.


The crowd starts to cheer a little, but Harry just assumes the cheers are for him, and when the timer hits '0' and he turns around and sees DWN waiting, he's completely shocked. Even after DWN hits a clothesline and flips Harry out of the ring he still remains shocked.


Harry Wilson defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 9:28 by pinfall with a Full Metal Jacket.

Rating: F+




After the match, Davis raises his arms in victory. Although he didn't win the last couple of matches, he survived the guantlet, denying both factions a victory. He's barely able to register his surroundings having been the victim of a 60 minute beatdown, but he's still standing. At least, until Super Sonic nails him with a chair from behind.




While DWN was staggering to his feet, Super SOnic and Daredevil Aero had snuck down to the ring with steel chairs. After Harry was dumped out, they climbed in and smashed DWN from behind. They proceed to batter DWN's head and chest with the chairs until officials grab the chairs away and medics stretcher out DWN.


Leo comes down after everything gets cleared up and grabs a mic.


Leo: "Well, that didn't turn out quite the way I'd hoped, but I sure as hell enjoyed watching it. Incidentally, I've been informed that DWN is probably going to be bedridden for quite some time after what XDW just did to him. I must say that it is a bit unorthodox, but I also appreciate results. Therefore, XDW has won the gauntlet challenge by dropping DWN for 10 minutes. Therefore, at January's show, Super Sonic will be challenging Roderick Remus for the CCW Championship title!'



Post-match attack on DWN by Super Sonic, Extreme Deluxe, and Daredevil Aero. Leo\awards Super Sonic with the title shot at the next show.

Rating: F-




Overall: F+



Gabriel's Notes: Definitely not one of our best shows, but it had to be done. Storylines needed to be furthered before the end of the year and due to our limited budget, we could only afford about half the workers we needed for the show. It wasn't an ideal solution, but having DWN in gauntlet matches meant we only had to pay half as many people. On a side note, it was hoped that by having matches with him, he could help bring up the henchman in each organization as all around the XDW and Coalition forces needed help in the ring.



Up Next: What really happened to Vin and Xavier...

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Monday, Week 4

November, 2008


Another show, another week of crunching numbers to figure out how close we came to a negative balance. We may not have been making a profit running every other month, but at least we weren't horribly in debt like in '07.


There was a knock on my door and a quick glance at the clock told me it was time for one of two visitors for the day. First up, Vin Tanner was at the end of his 9 month contract and I was very excited. Storylines were progressing smoothly and I couldn't wait to tell him what we had in store for him over the next few shows.




Vin's massive form squeezed into my closet office, and he barely managed to get to the lone chair without knocking over bottles of cleaning supplies. Once he'd gotten settled I couldn't help but grin.


Gabriel: "So, did you enjoy that title win, eh? Bet you didn't think you'd be locking horns with someone like Kazuma Narato when I said we had a big title in mind for you. By far our best match of the year."


Vin smiled and nodded, but didn't overtly express any gratitude for the booking. As customary, my Booker Senses started tingling.


Gabriel: "So, right to business then. I think I've got our standard resign slip around here. All you have to do is sign it and it will auto-renew your contract for another 9 months. Same pay, same perks, even another main event title run."


I started rummaging around the desk for the slips, but Vin interrupted me before I could search for too long.


Vin: "Umm, Gabriel..."




Vin: "...I won't be renewing that contract."


Gabriel: "What do you mean?"


Vin: "Well, it's the pay. I mean, I am the star of the show and I can't wrestle full time on $9,000 a year. Even if it is just once and awhile. These weekend shows really cut into my work hours and, well, I really need the money right now. I've got...you know...bills to pay."


Unfortunately, I did know. If this was just another ego trip, it would have been really easy to show him the door. But Vin wasn't asking for more money because he wanted a nicer car or filet mignon every night. He had court ordered bills to pay. When Vin was riding high off of his first DaVE title reign, he finally had the money to propose to his high school sweetheart and the two of them had a boatload of kids. However, as the years went on and Vin's star faded, their marriage quickly turned sour. Linda just didn't appreciate Vin constantly putting his body on the line for the hardcore fed, and she felt it wasn't good for the kids to see their father come home bloody and bruised every week. Unfortunately for Vin, the courts agreed. The divorce went real messy when the former Linda Tanner got a high powered lawyer (bought for with Vin's own money...) and took nearly everything but the kitchen sink.


Since then Vin's recovered a bit financially, but he's always been crippled by a massive alimony check due to the half dozen kids his wife had to support. Even when she re-married, the courts continue to dip their large hands into Vin's meager savings.


Gabriel: "Alright Vin, what are you thinking. Keep in mind we're barely surviving as is."


Vin: "I understand, but I crunched the numbers and I need at least $2,500. I did the numbers myself, that's how much I'm missing out due to the traveling and recovery times. This has been great, it really has, but if I'm going to wrestle seriously, I have to think seriously. If I don't make a payment Linda will be right on the phone with that damn lawyer and I'll lose everything again. They'll take my car, my condo, anything he can get his hands on."


Gabriel: "I...I don't know what to say. We can't afford that. Hell, we can't really afford you right now."


A moment of awkward silence stretched onwards to several minutes. Both of us knew what was coming but neither of us wanted to speed things along. Finally, Vin broke the silence with a sigh as he stood up.


Vin: "I guess this is it then. Thanks, I really enjoyed this."


And then he was gone...




My office floor was full of crumpled up pieces of paper. With Vin gone I had to scrap a few storylines, alter a lot of plans, and rebook some shows. He was supposed to face off against Leo on the upcoming show, but his contract would expire long before then, so I had to start re-working things again. I was deep in my thoughts when my door burst open, nearly flying off the hinges.




Xavier: "Yo boss, you wanted to see me."


I motioned for Xavier to have a seat, and he somehow strutted into my office. There is, however, no extra strut room so all he really did was just knock a bunch of **** off the shelves. I couldn't help but sigh again as he kicked a leaky bottle of bleach out of his way.


Xavier crashed into the chair, leaned back and the arrogant punk even put his feet up on my desk


Gabriel: "I think I've got these contract renewal forms somewhere around here..."


As I "searched" for the forms I dumped his feet off my desk, making sure he remembered who was in charge here.


Gabriel: "Ah, here we go. All you have to do is sign at the bottom and it will extend your contract another 9 months..."


Xavier grabbed the form, crumpled it up and tossed it over his shoulder where it buried itself next to all the other crumpled up sheets of booking notes.


Xavier: "You know, I've been thinking..."


Immediately my Booker Senses was tingling. Someone like Xavier thinking was always bad news.


Xavier: "...I'm pretty vital to this company, wouldn't you agree? I'm tied up in a storyline for the main event title, I'm in charge of a huge stable, and I'm the main event attraction in every..."


Gabriel: "Just stop talking."


My tone was calm but very serious, and it had exactly the impact I had planned as the confidence oozed off Xavier's face, replaced by confusion.


Gabriel: "I've seen this. You have a couple of matches at the top of the card and suddenly you're Sam Strong? Carrying the entire promotion on your shoulders? Now, you're a decent wrestler, but no better then the rest of the roster. Now, our finances are stretched as is so, before you continue, you need to really think about what you have brought to the table. Now, I like you, but push comes to shove and you're replaceable. We all are."


My voice was calm, stating everything matter-of-fact. I locked eyes with Xavier and kept him in that cold, calculating glare. I could see I made a dent in his ego, but it wasn't enough. His features twisted from confusion to fury, and he shot up, sending his chair flying behind him to entangle itself in the brooms. His shouts started booming around the tiny closet.


Xavier: "Who the hell do you think you are, telling me what I'm worth? I'll tell you what I'm worth because it's a **** ton more then what you're paying me. And **** you that I'm replaceable. ****. You. You're just a broken little bitch compared to me. You ain't nothing, and this ****ing ****hole isn't worth a damn without me and my crew. Just you watch, one word from me and you'll lose half the roster. That's the kind person I am. Nobody likes you Gabriel, you're just a relic like that ****ing loser Leo..."


His tirade was interrupted by a hand slapped on his shoulders. Before he could register what was happening, Leo dragged him out and threw him against the wall.


Leo: "Get the hell out, you ungrateful ****. If I ever see you around here again..."


Xavier was still picking himself up off the ground, but had recovered enough to respond.


Xavier: "Don't bother, there's nothing here anyway. Just a bunch of broke ass losers."


Xavier picked himself up and stormed off towards the elevator. Leo stood there staring daggers at the back of his head, and then through the walls after Xavier turned the corner.


I managed to extract myself from the broken remains of my office and place a hand on Leo's shoulder.


Gabriel: "Easy there, we've got a lot of re-booking to do."

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2008 Roster Review


Blue = Face push

Red = Heel push

RoW = Rest of World (for quickly reporting popularity for everywhere in the world except for areas specifically mentioned.




Main Event


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/RoderickRemus.jpg holding http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/CCW_Championship.jpg


Roderick Remus w/ Chloe Dean (5-0) - CCW Champion


A newcomer to the CCW roster this year, Roderick stepped up to challenge and ended up taking home the CCW Championship belt. Since then he has made only a single title defense against CCW turned PSW turned CCW wrestler Bill Lewis, however it is heavily hinted that his title will go on the line far more often in the coming year.




Chloe Dean has been a consistent manager, although as a face she doesn't get too involved in the matches, mostly just looking good and pumping up the crowd.


Finisher: Remus Clutch (Camel Clutch)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: E in US, F+ in Canada, F- RoW (No Change)

Puroresu: F+ -> E-

Hardcore: E- -> E

Flashiness: D+ -> C-

Chain: D -> D+

Submissions: E+ -> D-

Microphone: D -> D+

Charisma: D -> D+

Athleticism: C -> C+

Toughness: D+ -> C-

Stamina: C+ -> B-

Safety: D- -> D

Selling: B -> B+







Harry Wilson (5-2) w/ Kristen Pearce


For me, Harry Wilson is to CCW that Mean Jean Cattley is to MAW, an experienced heel who has been a staple of th main event for 2 years now, even though Harry hasn't won a single title. With his coalition with The Hitmen, Harry is angling for the main event title as well as fighting off the invasion of the XDW Alliance.




Kristen has been the gal at the side for all the Coalition members. She's done an excellent job keeping the heat going, distracting opponents when needed, cutting promos...everything you'd expect from a good manager. Plus she looks great as a sexy yet ice cold secretary.


Finishers: Humility (one-armed pedigree) Full Metal Jacket (Snap DDT)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F+ in Great Lakes, F in rest of US, E in Canada, F- RoW

Respect: D- -> D






Dermot O'Logical (2-2)


Dermot hasn't been seen much of recently. After losing to Vin Tanner in the Championship tournament and then to Kazuma Narato in the Hanson, Dermot joined forces with the wildly destructive Larry Wood to get revenge on his hated target, Vin Tanner. After the tournament, he's disappeared, not being seen since.


Finisher: Deep Clean (Spike Piledriver)



2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: E- in US, F+ in Canada, F- RoW

No Improvement






Super Sonic (1-2) w/ Monique


The redneck luchador seems to be the next in line for leadership of the XDW Alliance, and has been posturing to take Xavier's title shot in his place, considering Xavier was hospitalized mid-year.




Monique has been a solid if unspectacular manager for XDW. Although not vital, she does help when XDW needs to hit the mics to cut promos.


Finisher: Sonic Boom (270 Leg Drop), Super Sonicarana (Super Huricarana)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F+ Great Lakes, F in US, F- RoW

Hardcore: F -> F+

Aerial: D -> D+

Acting: D+ -> C-

Stamina: D- -> D

Power: F+ -> E-

Basics: D -> D+

Selling: D+ -> C-

Sex Appeal: E -> E+

Star Quality: D -> D+

Intensity: F+ -> E-





Upper Midcard




Crash Lewis (2-1)


Crash had a lot of momentum (B) going for him at the start of the year, due to his tag team title reign with Bill Lewis, by far the most popular tag team in CCW. Crash tried to break out as a singles star, being tested in dark matches against midcard jobbers but could never pull off a decent match by himself. Will most likely be shunted back into the tag team division.


Finisher: Flying Forearm


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F+ in Great Lakes, F in US, F- RoW

Safety: D- -> D






Bill Lewis (0-1)


After PSW's self-destruction, Bill rejoined CCW, coming in with a challenge for the CCW Championship title. It is believed he will be rejoining with his brother, Crash Lewis to have another go in the tag team ranks


Finisher: Lewis Spindog (Twisting Bulldog)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F+ in US, F- RoW

Chain: D- -> D






Extreme Deluxe (1-1-2)


One of the nastier members of XDW, if a underhanded deads needs to be done, it'll probably be Extreme Deluxe. He formed an unsuccessful tag team, Extreme Fear, with Fearless Blue, the mildest member of XDW.




2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F in US, F- in RoW

Hardcore: E -> E+

Aerial: D- -> D

Flashiness: B- -> B

Mat: F -> F+

Chain: E- -> E

Charisma: E+ -> D-

Athleticism: C -> C+

Psychology: F+ -> E-

Safety: F+ -> E-

Selling: F+ -> E-

Respect: F- -> F






Fearless Blue (1-3)


The one member of XDW who tried to hold himself to a higher standard, Fearless drew flak due to his refusal to let XDW "just win." Since then he's been teamed up with Extreme Deluxe and working in the tag team division.




2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F in US, F- in RoW

Flashiness: C+ -> B-

Chain: F- -> F

Submissions: F- -> F

Basics: E+ -> D-

Psychology: E -> E+

Respect: F- -> F

Star Quality: D- -> D

Intensity: E- -> E






Rex Reeves w/ Jemma Griffith (2-3)


Although Rex has wrestled in most of the shows and has a mixed record, he's mostly on hold at the moment. Losing to Main Eventers and beating lower cards to hold position. However, with Alan Parent's departure, a spot in an upcoming storyline has opened up that the repackaged "Tex" Rex Reeves could easily fill.




Jemma continues to have excellent chemistry as Rex's manager, but the pair are on the back burners for now.


Finishers: RexPlex (Superplex) Flying Headbutt


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F in US, F- RoW

Psychology: E -> E+

Respect: F -> F+






Leo Davis (2-2)


Leo is once again making a name for himself, this time by being a part of a solid feud with Davis Wayne Newton. Leo continues his authority figure role, mainly helping to settle disputes in the Women's Division but also deciding on the #1 contenders position through a guantlet challenge against DWN. Although technically pushed as a heel, he fits more of a tweener role, as does his rival DWN.

Finisher: Brass Knuckle Sandwich (Haymaker, usually with brass knuckles)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F+ in Great Lakes, F in US, F- RoW

Respect: F -> F+






Davis Wayne Newton (4-2-3)


Although technically a face, he operates more as a tweener, willing to ambush his bitter rival Leo Davis. DWN continues to be a star in the ring, and has done tremendous work in helping improve the roster both in the ring and behind the curtains. Despite efforts to keep his meteoric rise a more gradual one, it is clear by his popularity jumps that we can only hold onto him for so long as his star is already shining brightly in Canada with 4C and CGC


Finisher: Fisherman's Suplex, STF


2008 Skill Growth:

Popularity: F+ in Great Lakes, E+ in Canada, F- RoW

Hardcore: E+ -> D-

Aerial: C -> C+

Flashiness: B- -> B

Mat: C -> C+

Microphone: C+ -> B-

Acting: C+ -> B-

Athleticism: A -> A*

Toughness: D+ -> C-

Stamina: B+ -> A

Basics: B- -> B

Safety: B- -> B

Consistency: C -> C+

Respect: E -> E+

Sex Appeal: D -> D+

Star Quality: A -> A*

Intensity: C- -> C










K-Squared (1-2)


K-Squared was brought in as a new tag team partner for Jeremy Jazz and it's his work that really brings "Smooth Flow" it's credibility as a threat. However, with the expense that the tag team occurs, he has not really gotten time to shine.


Finisher: Square Root (540 Leg Drop)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F+ in Great Lakes, F+ in Canada, F- RoW

No Improvement






Jeremy Jazz (1-3)


After showing signs of improvement in 2007, Jeremy seems to have stalled in his development, which is terrible because his current level is not one that the fans enjoy. Anytime he hits the ring, the crowd immediately starts chanting for him to leave or quit or jump off a bridge. This definitely holds the team back as the crowd doesn't buy Jeremy's offensive at all, placing most of the burden on K-Squared for the teams face spots.


Finisher: Free Form Flow (Series of kicks)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F+ in Great Lakes, F- RoW

No Improvement






Daredevil Aero (0-3)


Daredevil has become XDW's fall guy, losing repeatedly to Davis Wayne Newton when he helped Super Sonic smash him down during the gauntlet challenge.


Finisher: Aerosault (Moonsault)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F in US, F- RoW (no change)

Brawling: F -> F+

Hardcore: F+ -> E-

Flashiness: C- -> C

Submissions: F+ -> E-

Acting: D- -> D

Athleticism: C+ -> B-

Stamina: C -> C+

Power: F- -> F

Basics: E+ -> D-

Safety: E+ -> D-




Lower Card




Dusty Bin (1-1-2)


One of the two Hitmen and Harry Wilson's hired gun, Dusty was key to Harry's upset victory over Vin Tanner. Since then, however, Dusty has faded back into the tag teams as Harry and Kristen take charge as the leaders of the Coalition. Most of his opponents have been light weight fliers, and their influence is starting to show as Dusty incorporates a few top rope manuevers into his aresenal.


Finisher: Clean Sweep (Chokeslam)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F- RoW

Aerial: F -> F+

Flashiness: F -> F+

Stamina: E -> E+






Switchblade Mike (2-3)


Switchblade Mike is the other Hitmen and Harry's hired gun. Overall Mike is the better worker then Dusty, but Dusty has youth on his side while Mike is nearly 40.


Finisher: Debt Collection (Jacknife Powerbomb)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F in Great Lakes, E- in Canada, F- RoW

Submissions: F -> F+

Respect: E+ -> D-




Women's Division




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/GinkoKuroda_alt01.jpg holding http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/GenericWomens.jpg


Ginko Kuroda (3-3) holding CCW Women's Title[/center]


Ginko continues her reign as Women's Champion while credible threats are built up in the Women's Division. Once again she lost the CCW Hanson Invitational but did make 2 successful defenses for the Women's title. Once she learns English and can cut a promo her popularity should rise even furthher.


Finisher: Dragon's Claw (Cobra Clutch)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F in Great Lakes, F in Japan, F- RoW

Brawling: F -> F+

Submissions: C- -> C

Microphone: D- -> D

Acting: D -> D+

Stamina: B- -> B

Respect: F+ -> E-






Jana Marie Bowen (4-2), 2008 Hanson Invitational Women's Champion


One of the few experienced competitors in the Women's Division, Jana comes from the excellent training of the Stone family, and she has done wonders to help bring up performances of the rest of the women. Winning the Hanson Invitational has made her the most credible threat to the CCW Women's Championship title.


Finisher: Bowen Technique (Flying Legdrop/Face Crusher)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F in Great Lakes, E- in Canada, F- in ROW

Stamina: D+ -> C-






Paige Croft (3-1)


Despite her wins, she's only the #2 contender compared to Jana Marie Bowen. However, due to a last minute cancelation of her part of the Hanson Invitational, she was given a guaranteed title shot whenever she desires it. So far she has not used it, showing a rare flash of intelligence by witholding her title shot until the time was right for it.


Finisher: KAM-L 2.0 (Camel Clutch)


2008 Skill Growth


Brawling: F+ -> E-

Puroresu: F- -> F

Hardcore: F- -> F

Flashiness: D- -> D

Mat: D -> D+

Chain: D- -> D

Submissions: E+ -> D-

Acting: D+ -> C-

Athleticism: C+ -> B-

Toughness: E -> E+






Carnival Queen Kendra (0-2)


Not much can be said about this perpetual jobber for the Women's Division, except she still has 4 years left on her PPA contract. I don't know what possessed us to offer a 5 year contract to her, nor do I know what caused her to sign, but she's cheap and she's easy on the eyes.


Finisher: DDT


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F- RoW

Puroresu: F- -> F






Nurse Darla Knight (1-1)


Nurse Darla has fallen into the background as there just isn't enough money or time to get her into the spotlight. Paige and Jana are the dominant heels of the Women's division and it's looking like Leo's decision to expand the Women's Division was ill suited.


Finisher: Lethal Injection (Facebuster)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity: F in US, F- RoW

Acting: E+ -> D-







Kinuye Mushashibo (0-3)


Kinuye wins the award for most improved wrestler. Originally she was in the same boat as several other wrestlers, like Leo Davis, Jeremy Jazz, and Crash Lewis as the unruly crowds would boo and jeer her from bell to bell, but she has really stepped it up this year, learning all she can from better wrestlers like Jana and Ginko and as a result, by about midyear she was able to get her vocal detractors to stop jeering, and some of them actually started enjoying her matches. Her dressing in a skintight blue outfit hasn't hurt either.


Finisher: Blue Sky (Senton Bomb)


2008 Skill Growth

Popularity; F in Japan, F- RoW

Brawling: F -> F+

Puroresu: F -> F+

Hardcore: F -> F+

Aerial: D- -> D

Flashiness: D -> D+

Chain: F -> F+

Submissions: F- -> F

Charisma: D -> D+

Toughness: E+ -> D-

Stamina: C- -> C

Basics: C- -> C

Safety: C- -> C

Consistency: B+ -> A

Sex Appeal: C -> C+

Star Quality: C -> C+

Intensity: E+ -> D-




Those left behind

Former workers and guest stars




Vin Tanner


Vin Tanner: Vin was brought in to add some star power to the roster, but at considerable expense. Although he never won the CCW title, he was a main event star by proving to be a foil to the various heel antics, helping fellow face Roderick Remus win the CCW title fair and square. Vin went on to win the 2008 Hanson Invitational Cup, putting on several spectacular matches for the finals, but shortly thereafter his contract came up and it became clear we couldn't afford his asking price. Vin departed the roster under the guise of being attacked by a mysterious force.



Finisher: V for Victory (Body Avalanche into the turnbuckles)






Xavier Reckless


The other leader of a heel faction, Xavier lead the XDW Alliance, a group of former XDW stars who joined en masse to try and take over CCW. They have been thwarted so far by Harry Wilson, who doesn't appreciate anyone else edging in on his territory.


Like Vin, contract negotiations broke down and so Xavier was became yet another victim of the mysterious attacks.






"Aussie" Alan Parent


Alan was brought in for two reasons. The first to provide another midcard face for our heel heavy roster to beat up on, and the second reason was because he had that magic X-factor that seemed to scream that he had the ability to be a future star. However, time and money prevented him from being properly utalized this year, but future storylines had a use for an Outback tracker. However, Leo felt that he did not have the necessary selling ability nor did he show any sign of improvement over the year. Thus, when his 9 month PPA contract expired, he was quietly let go.






Kazuma Narato


An excellent draw (even if it was done through less then honorable methods) put on a spectacular show against Vin and Insane Machine in the finals. What's more, he was decent enough not to complain about the loss knowing full well that Vin needed the win more then he did. Depending on a lot of variables (availability, finances, timing) there's a very good chance that Kazuma will be coming back for next year's invitational.






Insane Machine


Another top contender, he is still out of our league as he's got contracts with both WLW and CZCW, and we are definitly not on equal ground with those two groups. Still Insane put on several awesome matches at the tournament and there's a strong hope that he'll return next year.






Tricolor Jr.


Tricolor was brought in for the tournament but ended up being eliminated in the first round. His match against Harry was acceptable, but not up to par compared to the main event matches. It would have been nicer to have a more famous luchadore, especially with namse like Rafiel Ruiz and Champagne Lover floating around at a reasonable rate, but Vin was the only member of our roster to have any fame south of the border, and even then it was to a minimal degree, so pickings were fairly slim. Despite the slim prospects Tricolor performed his job adequately and I have no complaints.






Larry Wood


A ferocious monster from the garbage of WEXXV, Larry would be great for a long term hire as he has both experience AND ability in the ring. However, he didn't have nearly the splash I'd hoped he would have storming into the ring, and all in all I feel slightly disappointed with his performance and the fan's reaction, especially considering his cost was comparable to Kazuma or Insane Machine.








The RIPW jobber was brought in for one reason and one reason only. He agreed to peform for jut $87. I padded the budget for a little wiggle room, but with Leo's warnings about it being critical we don't ever EVER fall into debt again, it was looking like we would have to cut the tournament short because by my calculations, we only had $100 to spare when looking for the last contestant. Imagine my surprise when I was informed that not only would Raphael agree to come over, but he'd do it for even less then what we budgeted for. He's got potential, too bad he's involved with RIPW where his potential will probably end up getting him locked into an SWF development program once the recent batch of candidates are called up.






Primal Rage


The main reason Primal was asked to attend the tournament was that I was hoping to resurrect the Nightmare tag team, with him and Insane Machine fighting one of our face teams. However, Insane was already booked for three matches and refused to wrestle and more and so the tag team challenge was scrapped. Primal did his job, creating a rip-roaring brawl but nothing really stood out that would make him a "must have" for next year's tourney.




Up next: A look at the how the rest of the wrestling world performed in 2008

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2008 World Analysis



OOC: Brief summary of how the rest of the world did. I prefer this method rather then a month by month look because it's hard to pick out the trends and patterns in other promotions unless you look at the bigger picture. I know I missed a few fields here and there, and I saved the in-depth analysis for only the North American/Big Japan promotions but if you're really curious, let me know and I can add other promotions to my watch list.



#1: Supreme Wrestling Federation

Size: Cult \ Owner: Richard Eisen

Average Show: B- \ Booker: Farrah Hesketh

Finances: $48,175,552 (from $25,000,000)

Prestige: 42.1% (from 90%)

Popularity: B- in US and Canada, C+ in UK, D in Mexico, D- in Japan, E+ in Europe, F+ in Australia


Main Event: Christian Faith (42), Enygma (33), Eric Eisen (30), Jack Bruce (36), Lobster Warrior (35), Rich Money (33), Runaway Train (44), Steve Frehley (25), Vengeance (37)


The year started out with a bang for SWF, signing such stars as DaVE legend Chris Caulfield, PSW's Steven Parker, CZCW's James Prudence and 4C's Darryl Devine. With an influx of hot talent both young and old from many of their smaller rivals, it seemed that SWF was poised to continue on its domination of the wrestling industry. In February, SWF announced that it was truly the first ever Global industry, having PPV's and TV deals all across the globe. After that announcement, they announced they were bringing in even more talent, including Eric Tyler (from CGC) Matt Sparrow (from CZCW), and Grandmaster Phunk (from NYCW), To complete it's talent acquisitions, John Greed, Nevada Nuclear, and Atlas were brought up from their development contracts with RIPW, having been deemed experienced enough to start wrestling on international TV. However, despite their apperance of strength, SWF had be steadily losing ground in the US to bitter rivals TCW. With TV ratings spiralling downward, Canada On-Air was the first to cancel the SWF Supreme TV slot. SWF booker Peter Micheals tried to bring up some new talent, bringing up manager Hannah Potter and wrestler Bear Bekowski from RIPW development, but the damage had been done. OVer the next month more and more stations dropped their failing show, and finally Richard Eisen made the decision to remove Peter Michaels from the head booking position. During the changing of the booking team, SWF star Remo Richardson announced that he was not renewing his contract with SWF, stating that their recent performance had caused him to lose faith with the company. TCW was quick to snatch him up, signing him barely a month later.


Farrah Hesketh was brought in as the new TCW head booker, but the damage was already done. UK Broadcasting Prime and C.A.N.N. dropped Supreme TV, CBA dropped SWF Rage. Farrah immediatly brought up more talent, calling up Citizen X and Duke Hazzard, but the recovery process will be long and harsh for the formerly dominent SWF.


Titlewise, 2008 was a bit of a mixed year. Jack Bruce maintained the SWF World Heavyweight title the entire year, making 18 successful defences against all manner of SWF stars, although his largest obstacle was Runaway train, whom Jack faced 5 times, more then any other challenger. Fans argue that his best defense was in a ladder match against Angry Gilmore at August's SWF Rage (A rating).


The World Tag Titles switched hands as the Pain Alliance (Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott) defeated the Amazing Bumfholes for the titles. The Pain Alliance went on to feud against the Samoan Wildobyz 4 times, but remained on top every time.


The SWF North American title went through several changes. Rich Money, after 16 title defenses held the title for nearly a year before Akima Brave captured the title. However, one week later Akima lost the title during a 4-corners fight against Squeeky McClean, who pinned Zimmy Bumfhole for the title while Akima brawled with Jack Giedroyc. Squeeky has since made 2 successful defences.



#2 Total Championship Wrestling

Size: Global \ Owner: Tommy Cornell

Average Show: B \ Booker: Joel Bryant

Finances: $15,149,241 (from $10,000,000)

Prestige: 92.9% (from 76%)

Popularity: B in US, B- in Canada, B- in Northern Mexico, D in South Eastern Mexico, C- in West Central Mexico, F+ in UK, D- in Japan, F+ in Europe and Australia


Main Event: Genghis Rahn (38), Joey Minnesota (26), Remo (26), RDJ (38), Scout (30), Tommy Cornell (30), Troy Tornado (31), Tyson Baine (37)


2008 was a historic year for TCW as it marked the year they finally surpassed SWF on the US market. Now considered the only truly global promotion, Owner Tommy Cornell and head booker Joel Bryant have driven TCW so much that not only did they win the 2008 Best Promotion of the year, but they also were voted the Most Improved promotion as well. TCW's rise to fame and power unfortunately coincided with April 1st, and during a press conference when Tommy announced that they had overtaken SWF and were looking to expand globally, many fans took it to be an elaborate April Fool's prank. However in the following series of worker signings, including "Jungle" Jack Merlowe (GCG), Shawn Gonzalez (FCW), Frankie Perez (CZCW), Mikey James (CZCW), Jack Griffith, and manager Carl Batch (FCW). TCW continued their expansion by signing a PPV in Mexico and Japan, truly making their PPV events global.


In June came a rather pleasent surprise for TCW fans as announcer Danny Jillefski, best known for forming the popular US promotion USPW before selling it to American legend Sam Strong in 2006. One can only imagine the offer that Cornell offered to get Jillefski to compete against his own promotion, but rumors speculate that Sam's dominance backstage had completely cut Jillefski out of the loop.


TCW continued their rise as at the end of October they announced that their penetration of Japanese, Canadian and Mexican markets were completely successful. They are currently more popular in Canada then CGC, the second most popular promotion in Mexico, and 7th in Japan, a notoriously difficult market to penetrate.


With their second wave of success came a second wave of talent. Eddie Chandler (CGC), Fox Mask (CZCW), Black Eagle (CZCW), ref Jay Fair (MAW), former SWF World Heavyweight champ Micky Starr, and Acid (WLW)


The titles in TCW experienced as much turmoil as the promotion itself. Troy Tornado was finally able to detrone Tommy Cornell's nearly 2 year title reign as TCW World Heavyweight, capturing the title one month before Cornell would have made the 2-year mark. The Machines lost the World Tag Team Titles to DaVE alumni The New Wave. In the process, the Young Guns were disbanded as Steve Gumble lost his job and was fired from TCW in a stipulation match, leaving Harry to pursue a singles career.


As the Syndicate crumbled around them, Woll Hawkins lost the TCW International title to newcomer Jack Merlowe, who made 12 defences before losing the title in December to another DaVE alumni in the form of Shawn Gonzalez. Finally the TCW All Action title had Sammy Bach losing the title in May to Edd Stone, who then lost it to newcomer and also DaVE alumni Jack Griffith. Now every title except for the World Heavyweight title are now in the hands of former DaVE stars.


Things weren't completely smooth for TCW this year, as one of their top stars, Wolf Hawkins became severely injured in may, needing to take off over a year for his undisclosed injury.


Across the Sea: #3 PGHW, #4 WLW, #5 BHOTWG, #6 GCG, #7 INSPIRE, #8 5SSW


The big news across the sea was that both PGHW and WLW have surpassed formerly dominent BHOTWG, here are some brief news bits for each of them.





Finances: $10,387,865 (from $2,500,000)

Prestige: 82.1% (from 78%)

Popularity: B+ in Japan, E+ Rest of World (RoW) (except for D+ in Hawaii)


Main Event: Bryan Vessey (37), Dread (47), Eisaku Kunomasu (38), Nobuatsu Tatsuko (38), Shuji Inukai (37), Yoshimi Mushashibo (33)


In April PGHW recalled three of their development workers from their training dojo only to fire them days later. The casualties were Stone Yoshikawa, Torch Nakazawa, and Totoya Munakata. Several other rookies, like Seji Jumbo, Simon Flemmingway, and Elan Miyamoto were the only new hires to their roster, despite their recent expansion.



#4 WLW

Finances: $4,693,423 (from $250,000)

Prestige: 62.7% (from 30%)

Popularity: B in Japan, E+ in RoW (except for B- in Hawaii)

Main Event: Awesome Thunder (43), Bairei Yasujiro (38), Chuichi Sanda (37), Eisaku Hoshino (34), Emerald Angel (22), Koji Kojima (33), The Great Hisato (36)



In order to meet the demands of their expanded schedule, WLW has been signing up available workers. Of note is former CCW star American Elemental, who toured with them earlier in the year and now was finally offered a written contract.




Finances: $33,237,745 (from $25,000,000)

Prestige: 76.5% (from 90%)

Popularity: B- in Japan, E+ in RoW (except a C+ in Hawaii)


Main Event: Burning Monkey (Hell Monkey) (30), Hiroaki Nakasawa (31), Hooded Kudo (45), Kinnojo Horri (27), Miyamae (37), Samoan Machine (28), Shimedzu (38), Yasuhiko Taira (30), Yasunobu Masuno (26)


Despite their recent collapse in size, BHOTWG's roster has been expanded by calling up 8 workers from their development dojo, every single one of their workers in development.



#6 GCG

Finances: $2,497,541 (from $1,000,000)

Prestige: 61% (from 45%)

Popularity: B- in Japan, E in RoW


A year of recovery for the once dominant promotion as they are able to regain a sliver of their former glory, rising up past the regional size that they had fallen to. Even still, some of their promising foreign talent has been poached again, as Samoan Machine leaves for BHOTWG, Jack Merlowe was snatched by TCW, and Nathan Coleman too leaving for greener pastures.




Finances: $6,567,254 (from $5,000,000)

Prestige: 72% (from 70%)

Popularity: B- in Kanto, C+ in rest of Japan, E+ in RoW


Only thing of note is Marat Khoklov defeated Kikkawa for the title in June.



#8 5SSW

Finances: $1,981,382 (from $250,000)

Prestige: 69.7% (from 55%)

Popularity: C+ in Japan, E in RoW


5SSW has risen to cult size on the backs of Thunder hike and the Sensational Ogiwara




Size: Cult \ Owner: Sam Strong

Average Match: C- \ Booker: Shane Sneer

Finances: $7,715,236 (from $5,000,000)

Prestige: 66% (from 65%)

Popularity: C in South East US, C- in rest of uS, F+ in Canada, Mexico, Japan, F- in UK, Europe, and Australia


Main Event: Bruce the Giant (37), Freddie Datsun (39), James Justice (38),

Peter Valentine (45), T-Rex (33)


Things have started out a bit rocky for USPW. In January, they lost Chris Caulfield and Darryl Devine, but they were able to sign up Roger Dodger and Puerto Rican Power to try and fill in the gaps. In the Womens division, Cherry Bomb was replaced with Wanda Fish and at the announcers table, Danny Jillefski was replaced with Mitch Naess when Jillefski signed on with TCW. Other then that, things have been on a slow but steady incline as their TV show brings USPW to every corner of the United States.


In the main event, James Justice had a tremendous USPW World title run, just beating out Bruce the Giant for the longest title run by a single month. His record was stopped in mid-September, however, by Peter Valentine. Fans are a bit put off by Pete's title run though, with his three defences so far being a full grade below James Justice's matches.


The USPW Television title switched hands twice, first Nicky Champion lost the title to Giant Redwood on his 10th defense attempt, while Redwood defended the title 8 times in four months before losing it to Captain USA.


The Towers of Power lost the USPW World Tag Team title early in January, and since then The Forces of America have held the title, making Captain USA USPW's first dual-title holder. Meanwhile, sales of Jim Force merchandise soared when The Forces of America captured the title.


The USPW Womens belt switched hands three times as well. First Alicia Strong laid Cherry Bomb low, but only held the title for 3 months before being usurrped by Stephanie Wade.




Size: Cult \Owner: Dan Stone Sr.

Average Match: B+ (C- - A) \ Booker: Victoria Stone

Finances: $6,750,169 (from $5,000,000)

Prestige: 73.6% (from 70%)

Popularity: B in The Maritimes, B- in rest of Canada, D- in US, F- in RoW


Main Event: Jeremy Stone (42), John Maverick (33), Johnny Bloodstone (33), Sean McFly (34)


Unfortunately for NOTBPW, 2008 has ended up being just as damaging as 2007 for the ailing Canadian promotion. The year started out very promising, with NOTBPW hiring 4C Star Joey Poison on a PPA. Then in April, well known mountain man Biff the Bruiser signed for the promotion as well. May was the turning point, however, In May, the month started out on a high note, with NOTBPW stealing USPW Women's Champion Cherry Bomb up to their Women's division where she immediatly made an impact, bringing the whole division up to another level. However, midway through may, Dan Stone Jr. announced that he was leaving NOTBPW to join his brother Duane in Japan. He has since then gone on 3 tours with INSPIRE. Although his matches there aren't nearly up to the impossibly high standards he set in NOTBPW, he has still made a huge impact on his three tours. With Edd Stone teaming up with Freddy Huggins as "Team Crime" in TCW and Duane "Black Cobra" making a storm in BHOTWG, helping to bring the ailing promotion back up to the top, this leaves only Jeremy and Victoria Stone as the last stone siblings in NOTBPW. Dan Stone Jr. was a huge loss as it was rumored that Dan Stone Sr. was going to pass the reigns down to Junior when he finally retires from the industry. At 64 years old, it's speculated that he might be retiring this year, in 2009, but it is unknown who will inherit the business from him.


Johnny Bloodstone has annoucned that he will be the one to beat the NOTBPW Canadian reign record, first set by Jeremy Stone in 1990. The record was that Jeremy Stone held the NOTBPW Canadian title for 110 weeks, from May 1990 - July 1992. Johnny Bloodstone has currently held the title for 68 weeks, making 14 defences against a wide variety of NOTBPW wrestlers.


The Stone Siblings (Jeremy Stone and Dan Stone Jr.) won the Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup in March, giving Dan stone Jr. one last title before he left for Japan.


In other Tag Team news, the Kelowna Playaz had a very brief upset over the Can-Am Blondes last year, but lost the title at the fist re-match in January. Since then, the Can-Am Blondes have made 10 successful defences, but so far the Kelowna Playaz have not cashed in their rematch yet, and seem to be biding their time for a better opportunity.


In the Womens division, Melody Cuthill started out strong, with 12 defences but she lost the title mid-April to Stpehanie Hazel. Hazel made 12 successful defences before losing the title back to Melody. Melody is now 2 defences in to her 3rd reign as Womens Champion.



#11 CGC

Size: Cult \ Owner: George DeColt

Average Match: C+ \ Booker: Alex DeColt

Finances: $6,765,257 (from $5,000,000)

Prestige: 71% (from 70%)


Main Event: Alex DeColt (34), Dan DaLay (33), Jack DeColt (31), Ricky DeColt (24), Steve DeColt (35)


Popularity: C in Quebec and Ontario, C- in British Columbia, D+ in The Prairies, D- in The Maritimes, E+ in most of America, E in Puerto Rico and Hawaii, F- in RoW


CGC started the year with a strong alliance with 4C, bringing over two of their top starts to work for them. Jacob Jett and Davis Wayne Newton both stormed into their allies promotion with a vengance. beating up on the midcarders like Shooter Sean Dealey and challenging even the DeColts to get into the top of the promotion. March was a setback, however, as Eric Tyler, the former DaVE star decided to "sell out" and join SWF on a written deal. The rest of the year was a solid one for CGC as they slowly started closing the gap between them and longtime rivals NOTBPW. Just when it seemed like they would stand to have a great year in 2009, the other US promotion, TCW, came in and snatched up longtime veteren Eddie Chandler, inadvertently disbanding the DaLay's Elite Stable.



The CGC World title was snatched up by Dan DaLay, who finally beat down Ricky DeColt at January's Luck of the Draw PPV. Dan has since defended his title against every single DeColt sibling making 11 defences and holding the title as of the end of the year.


The Specialists were had their World Tag Team title usurped, by the recently formed Nightmares (Ryan Powell and Trent Shaffer). Sporting new gothic facepaint and terrorizing their opponents, they have become an interesting mix. Ryan appears to be helping defend the midcard from evils, while Trent is brutally attacking anyone he can. This split-personality tandem has realy thrown the other tags teams in a loop. The Nightmares have yet to defend their title, and will do so in the coming year's PPV.


Finally, the CGC Canadian title race has had some unusual upsets. Trent Shaffer started off with the title, defending it 9 times until May when he lost it to Ryan Powell (his future tag team partner). Ryan defended the title 11 times before losing it to Whippy the Clown. It appears that losing the title is what drove Ryan and Trent over the edge of insanity and thus the Nightmares were formed.



South of the Border:




Finances: $2,600,855 (from $2,500,000)

Prestige: 41% (from 35%)

Popularity: B- in S.E. Mexico, C in Northern Mexico, C- in West Central Mexico, D- in South West US, E in Hawaii, F+ in rest of US, F- in RoW



#13 MPWF

Finances: $2,404,778 (from $1,000,000)

Prestige: 52% (from 45%)

Popularity: C+ in Northern Mexico, E+ in rest of Mexico, E+ in South West US, E in Hawaii, F- in RoW




Finances: $2,137,789 (from $1,000,000)

Prestige: 55.8% (from 55%)

Popularity: C in West Central Mexico, D- in Northern Mexico, E+ in S.E Mexico, D- in South West US, F+ in rest of US, F- in RoW



#15 21CW

Size: Regional

Average Show:

Finances: $2,913,858 (from $2,500,000)

Prestige: 23.4% (from 25%)

Popularity: D+ in UK, F+ in central Europe, F- RoW




Size: Small

Average Show: E+

Finances: $27,961 (from $100,000)

Prestige: 23.4% (from 20%)

Popularity: E+ in Tohoku, E in rest of Japan, F- in RoW


Main thing to note is how poorly their financial situation is. WEXXV is bleeding money and haven't broken into the profitable regional status yet. They have a roster full of aging veterens demanding top dollar and yet they are not putting on shows of high enough quality to break out of the minor leagues.



#17: CZCW

Size: Regional \ Owner: Cliff Anderson

Average Show: C \ Booker: Cliff Anderson

Finances: $761,839 (from $500,000)

Prestige: 25% (from 25%)

Popularity: D in South West US, F+ in Mid South, North West, Hawaii, Northern Mexico, and West Central Mexico, F- in RoW


Main Event: Colossus (Hell's Bouncer) (22), Donnie J (31), Jay Chord (18), Ultimate Phoenix (33)


A year of tremendous turmoil, with nearly half their 2008 roster leaving for other promotions. Both SWF and TCW have taken turns raiding their roster, with a CZCW worker being signed to one of the two nearly every month. First in January James Prudence was snatched up by SWF. CZCW responded by signing then FCW star Mainstream Hernandez to fill James' void. Still needing more talent to replace James, CZCW also hired world traveled journeyman "Jungle" Jack Merlowe. Then, in March, SWF again raided the roster, signing up Matt Sparrow. CZCW responded by signing up SOTBPW's Mario Heroic. April had TCW knocking when Jungle Jack and Frankie Perez signed a written deals. During this turmoil, Jeremiah Moose was let go without any reasons given, although it is speculated that he and Cliff couldn't come to terms during contract renegotiations. To replace those three established stars, five new workers were brought in: RIPW's Brendon Idol, MAW's Citezen X and Erik Strong, and rookie Primus Allen. October had Citizen X get signed by SWF, but CZCW was able to replace him with Jay Chord instead. November was another harsh month, as Fox Mask and Plague were signed to TCW. CZCW responded by hiring Kirk Jameson and Hell's Bouncer to the roster instead.


With such turnover, it's no surprise that the CZCW titles changed hands many times. James Prudence was the Costal Zone Champion when he left the promotion, forcing the title to be vacated. Matt Sparrow won the title in February at the next show, but as he was signed shortly thereafter, he quickly lost the title to Plague. Plague then defended the title 6 times before he was signed to TCW and the title was again vacated. Then, at the Christmas Cage Chaos, Ultimate Phoenix defeated Donnie J in a cage match to be champion in the new year.


The Costal Zone Xtreme title was a bit more stable, with Flying Jimmy Foxx starting the year with the title, making four defences and then losing the title to recently hired Erik Strong.


Tag Team champs Remmy Skye and Frankie Perez held the titles until Frankie left the promotion and the title was vacted. A hooded Mario Heroic and a sinister Masked Cougar have thrown their lot in together, calling themselves "The Dark Ones" and brutally demolishing the other teams to claim the title in July. Since then they have made only a two diffences, beating Bittersweet Inc. (Insane Machine and Al Coleman) and fighting Remmy Skye and James Hernandez to a draw.



#18: MHW

Size: Regional \ OWner: Gino Montero

Average Show: B- \ Booker: Carlos Moreno

Finances: $214,547 (from $100,000)

Prestige: 47.2% (from 30%)

Popularity: D- in N. Mexico, E- in rest of Mexico, F+ in S.W US and Hawaii, F- in RoW


Main Event: Axxis Jr. (31), El Leon (26), Electrico (33), Gino Montero (19)




#19: AAA

Size: Regional \ Owner: Anne Stardust

Average Show: D+ \ Booker: Catherine Quine

Finances: $586,925 (from $250,000)

Prestige: 17.4% (from 15%)

Popularity: D- in North West US, E in Mid West US, F- in RoW


Main Event: Black Widow (36), Catherine Quine (36), Grace Harper (34), Suzue Katayama (35), Wanda Fish (33)


Roster-wise, AAA stayed on track without any new signings or depatures, a bit of a surprise considering that USPW's new Womens Division was is on the rise and recruited heavily when it first came about.


Raven Nightfall is the new AAA Femme Fatale after ending Wanda Fish's 5th title reign. This starts Raven's second title reign.


The Brendon sisters maintained their AAA Tag Team titles throughout the entire year, making 9 successful defences, 8 of which were against tandem matchup Helen Bach and Miss Mexico.


Suzanne Brazzle was upset as the AAA Top Contender, being overthrown midyear by Black Widow without ever being able to challenge for the Femme Fatale title.



#20 4C

Size: Regional \ Owner: Troy Winner

Average Show: C- \ Booker: Joey Poison

Finances: $334,181 (from $100,000)

Prestige: 11.2% (from 10%)

Popularity: D- in Ontario, E+ in Quebec, F- in RoW


Main Event: Jacob Jett (22), Joey Poison (31), Sayeed Ali (22), Whippy The Clown (33)


Except for a change up in January, 4C has been able to maintain an cosistent show and a consistent roster. Darryl Devine was signed up by SWF, but 4C brought in Whippy the Clown from CGC, storming into the main event and challenging for the 4C Championship title 4 times.


He would not emerge victorious, in fact no one would, except for the current champions. The Canadian bruiser made 12 successful defences, one every month.


The 4C Hardcore title was retained all year as well, with Brett Fraser making 10 successful defences. The 4C Tag Team Championship was also retained by Phenomenal Excess, who made 5 successful defences.



#21 MOSC

Size: Small \ Owner: The Highland Warrior

Average Show: D \ Booker: The HIghland Warrior

Finances: $237,846 (from $250,000)

Prestige: 23.2% (from 22%)

Popularity: E+ in North UK, E+ in Scotland, F- in RoW



#22 NYCW

Size: Regional \ Owner: The Stomper

Average Show: C+\ Booker: Black Hat Bailey

Finances: $476,808 (from $250,000)

Prestige: 33.1% (from 12%)

Popularity: E+ in Tri State, F- in RoW


Main Event: Black Hat Bailey (47), Honest Frank (38), Rick Sanders (39), Steve Flash (42)


NYCW is rising up on Steve Flash's shoulders. Ever since putting the title on him in January, Flash has been putting on amazing title defense, culminating with an 'A' match against Rick Sanders in December '08. There have been a few turnovers on the roster. Grandmaster Phunk departed for SWF, and so Des Davids and Frankie Perez signed up in his place. Frankie didn't last long as laster that month TCW came calling and snatched him up as well. Kashmir Singh was also brought over from FCW.


Mid-July, in large part thanks to Steve Flash's title defences, the promotion was able to expand to a regional level, causing a flurry of signings. Primus Allen, Rhino Umaga, Whippy the Clown, Sgt. Bubba Lee West, Black Eagle (temporarily, as two months later he left for TCW), Rudy Velasquez, and finally Jay Chord.


As mentioned before, Steve Flash won the NYWC Empire belt in January and defended it 12 times. The Old School Principals (Rick Sanders and The Masked Mauler) also successfully defended their NYCW Tag Team title against all comers, including newly formed tag team The Advantagers (Dazzling Dave Diamond and Wiley Steinway).\


The NYCW Tri-State Regional title (now finally appropriately named) switched hands three times. Lee Wright defended the title 6 times before losing it in July, to the Sensational Signh. Singh, however, quickly lost the title on his first defence to Whippy the Clown., who retained to the end of the year with 2 title defences.



#23 Hinote Dojo (see BHOTWG)

Finances: $306,071 (from $250,000)

Prestige: 21.2% (from 20%)

Popularity: E- in Kinki, F- in RoW



#24: APW

Size: Regional

Average Show:

Finances: $413,069 (from $250,000)

Prestige: 27.2% (from 15%)

Popularity: D- in Eastern Australia, F+ in Central, F in rest of Australia, F- in RoW



#25: SAISHO (see PGHW)

Finances: $138,504 (from $100,000)

Prestige: 12.3% (from 10%)

Popularity: E- in Tohoku, F- in RoW



#26: BSC

Size: Small

Average Show: E+

Finances: $338,543 (from $250,000)

Prestige: 6.2% (from 5%)

Popularity: E in South West US, F- in RoW


In a shocking move in Womens wrestling, Wanda Fish agreed to hire onto BSC wrestling, actually bringing talent into the normal mix of T&A wrestling. To make way for Wanda, Roxy Kitten was dropped down the card before quietly leaving in October. After seeing Wanda's dramatic improvement on their wrestling quality, BSC once again decided to bring in actual talent and hired Sara Marie York as well.


Surprisingly, Wanda Fish did not go on to win the BSC Queen of the Ring from Charlize Angelle. Charlize defended 3 times before losing the title to Dharma Gregg (starting her second reign) who then lost it to Miss Sara York in October.


Meanwhile, Bad to the Bone continues to retain the BSC Girl Power Tag Team title, making 4 defences this year.



#27: FCW

Size: Small

Average Show: E+

Finances: $227,407 (from $100,000)

Prestige: 22.1% (from 20%)

Popularity: E+ in Puerto Rico, F- in RoW


FCW experienced a bit of a setback when several of their staff outgrew the small Carribbean promotion. Carl Batch and Rico Santana signed up with TCW while Hell's Bouncer left for the larger CZCW. Curt O'Malley was brought in to manage backstage while in the ring, Rodger Dodger was brought in as the Amazing Winkie.


FCW had no titles change hands, with the Latino Kings holding onto their FCW Tag Team titles, Handsome Stranger defending his FCW People's Champion title 8 times, and the FCW Puerto Rican Champion still is Puerto Rican Power, who defended his title 11 times. Puerto Rican Power has been feuding with all three Latino Kings, fighting one of them for his title 8 out of the 11 times.


A House Divided:



#28 UEW

Finances: $149,781

Prestige: 16.2%

Popularity: E in Mediterranean, F- in RoW



#29 EWA

Finances: $197,594 (from $100,000)

Prestige: 16.2% (from 15%)

Popularity: E in Central Europe, F- in RoW



#30: MAW

Size: Small \ Honey Golightly

Average Show: E+ \ Marilyn Stardust

Finances: $209,732 (from $100,000)

Prestige: 18.3% (from 18%)

Popularity: E in Mid Atlantic, F- in RoW


MAW started with a bang with the 3rd MAW Rip Chord Invitational, however things took a slight hit with roster changeups. Huey Cannonball did not resign with the company, being replaced by the veteran Fumihiro Ota. Although Fumhiro lost to Antonio on his debut, he went on to win the MAW Championship the very next show. After that things went smoothly until October when Citizen X was called up to the big times, he was replaced by former-MAW star Des Davids. When Dukes Hazzard and ref Jay Flair were both signed by SWF and TCW respectively, MAW was ready signing "The Extreme Ref" Ryan Holland of FCW (and formerly DaVE fame) as well as Doc Messings.



Fumihiro Ota has held the Mid Atlantic Championship title since June when he defeated Erik Strong for the title, ending a year long reign.


For the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles, C-V-2 took the titles from the Canadian Blondes at the end of the year in December. The Blondes had made 3 successful defences by that point.


Finally, the Rip Chord Invitational Title was won by Citizen X, who fought through Flash Savage, Antonio, and Mean Jean Cattley for the title. He was later snatched up by SWF, so the RIC continues to be a crucible from which future stars emerge.



#31: PSW

Size: Small

Average Show: D+

Finances: $60,952 (from $100,000)

Prestige: 15.5% (from 30%)

Popularity: F+ in Tri State, F in Great Lakes, New England, F- in RoW


PSW was hit with a double whammy right from the start. Steven Parker and Fabulous Frank were raided right at the beginning of the year by SWF. Shortly thereafter, PSW announced that it was tightening up the budget, and Little Bill Lebowski and Nelson Callum was let go shortly after. This new, smaller size proved to be difficult to maintain financially, and reports started coming out that PSW was hemorraging money almost as fast as their predecessor, DaVE had been just a few years earlier. Carl Batch was signed up by TCW, Playboy Jake Sawyer left for SWF, and Ash Campbell was replaced by Ernie Turner. While not in as bad a position as WEXXV, experts can only speculate how long PSW has with the rate their losing money.


Johnny Martin has been THE champion of PSW, defending his PSW Championship belt successfully 12 times. Frankie Future became the next person to wear the PSW National Belt after the belt was vacated following the departure of Steven Parker in January.


Finally, the Deadly Alliance has lived up to its name, retaining their PSW Tag Team titles twice in 2008.



#32: ROF

Size: Small

Average Show:

Finances: $92,787 (from $100,000)

Prestige: 11.2% (from 10%)

Popularity: F+ in Midlands and South UK, F- in RoW



#33: RIPW

Size: Small \ Owner: Professor Nero

Average Show: D \ Booker: Professor Nero

Finances: $663,588 (from $500,000)

Prestige: 25.8% (from 30%)

Popularity: E- in New England, F in Tri State, F- in RoW


A bit of a slow start, newwise, for RIPW, with the first major roster change (Mainstream Hernandez) coming in May to replace John Greed who was called up to SWF. In June, Professor Nero was able to hire Mario Heroic to replace Nevada Nuclear, bringing some veteran talent onto the roster. This came at the price of letting Cheetah Boy go, as it was felt he was not developing enough as a worker. Another veteran hire, Fumihiro Ota, came in July. In Sepetember, Atlas, Hannah Potter, and Bear Bekowski were called up by SWF, leaving a gap that Ash Campbell and the recently hired Citizen X and Playboy Jake Sawyer were to fill. However, in October, Citizen X and Playboy Jake Sawyer were both called up to SWF's main roster, and so RIPW signed Ernest Forthdyke-Hume, California Love Machine, and Flying Jimmy Fox.


In November, Lion Heart was quietly asked not to return, while in December Ernie Turner was brought in to replace Emmy, who was called up to SWF's main roster.


Nevada Nuclear held tightly onto his RIPW Championship title, forcing the title to be vacated when he was called up to SWF's main event. Atlas seized the empty title, but was quckly dethroned by Mario Heroic who held the title for the rest of the year.


The Deadly Sins (John Greed and Atlas) were quickly overthrown for the RIPW Tag Team titles by the newly formed Sharpshooters (Lassana Makutsi and Kentucky Bill). The Sharp Shooters went on to retain for the rest of the year.


And last but not least...


#34: CCW

Finances: $4,654 (from $10,000)

Prestige: 0.6% (from 0%)

Popularity: F- in every part (3.5% popularity in Great Lakes)

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Monday, Week 1

January 2009


Things had started out so well...where had it all gone wrong? Leo and I had treated the roster to a roaring New Years party. We ended the year with over 4k in the bank and so had plenty to celebrate...we were still in business!


Our current show model wasn't ideal, but it allowed us to pay the bills and keep on going. Everyone was in good spirits.


Kris "Fearless Blue" was busy working up the courage to ask out Kristen Pearce. I found it odd because with a name like "Fearless" he was awfully shy. Then good ole' Dermot O'Logical (no one knew his real name... he was paid cash and was one of those guys who lived in a kayfabe world) passed me a drink. I could see Leo looking at me and shaking his head, but come on, one drink wouldn't kill me. Maybe two...


It had all happened so suddenly, one minute we were all celebrating a tremendous success, the next I was cold and alone, with blurry vision and the taste of bile in my mouth, staring at a pair of nice red shoes.


Rather, they used to be nice red shoes, now they were just vomit covered smelly blobs.


"Are you alright?"


It took me several moments for my addled brain to register that someone was talking to me.


"Can you hear me?"


It seemed so distant, so far away. Like I was traveling through a valley of mist and an angel was calling to me.


"Hey, can you hear me?”


The angel's voice was pleasant and warm, comforting me in my loneliness, protecting me from the cold. Her calls just made all my problems disappear. The world was spinning but for some reason I felt just fine.


"Hello, 9-1-1, I need an ambulance at the corner of Milwaukee and Western."


Her warm, comforting voice was no longer talking to me, and I felt lonely and cold again. I decided to lay down on the ground, or maybe I was already there, I couldn't remember, but I do remember that those nice, red, smelly shoes were right next to me.

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Tuesday, Week 1

January 2009


I woke up in a familiar yet strange place, surrounded by familiar and yet strange faces. It clicked for me that I was in a hospital room again, surrounded by doctors and nurses. I smiled at them and told them they could call in my visitors.




Leo was not smiling when he entered, nor did he seem happy to be here. In fact, he looked downright pissed off.


Leo: "What in the hell do you think you're doing?

Gabriel: "What?"

Leo: "Going off and doing the same stupid **** that landed you here in the first place."

Gabriel: "What?"

Leo: "If someone hadn't dragged your ass out of a snowbank, you wouldn't even be alive."



Leo just threws his hands up.


Leo: "Great, now we've gotta go through this stupid s*** again. Doc, give him something to get him on his feet again so I can whip his dumbass."


Gabriel: "What...what happened? I don't remember anything?"


Leo: "Not surprising given how many bottles you put away last night. There we were all celebrating our first successful year and you go and ruin it by draining the bar dry."


Fuzzy images started coming back. I remember Leo, Crash and I getting into a friendly drinking contest, but I don't remember much after that.


Leo: "Now, I've put up with your drinking nonsense for far too long. You're not getting a free pass any longer. It's putting your life at risk and it's definitely effecting your work ringside. Don't think i haven't gotten a whiff of your breath the last couple of shows. Now, you've got about 5 seconds to explain yourself before I make Lee our only announcer."


His glare was deadly serious, and it took me a few moments to compose myself against his stare. I pretended to think hard, but I already knew the truth, deep down. It had always been there, I just never looked for it before.


Gabriel: "It started to blunt the pain from the surgery. My pain pills ran out but it still felt like shards were embedded in my neck. So I drank for awhile, but then I never stopped. I guess...I guess its because I hate being ringside. Every time I watch you guys perform, I'm reminded about how I can never do that anymore. When Scott broke my neck, everything went out the window. Did you hear that bastard is getting another title push?"


Ahhh, Big Smack Scott, the worst wrestler to ever make it big. He was awful, far worse then Sam Strong ever was. Arrogant in the extreme, he didn't give a single damn about his opponents. He wouldn't sell, he wouldn't soften blows, and above all he didn't believe that saftey should be first.


He didn't wrestle in the indies for very long. Eisen was scouting and saw that bastard's allure and signed him up on the spot. That was his last show, and as typical for piss-poor stars that nobody backstage liked, he was supposed to do the job on his way out and give another rising star the rub. Let's just say he didn't like the idea of a "big-name star" jobbing to anyone, especially me.


Midway through our match, he decided to "improvise." Now, all of his matches were carefully scripted (see above to his piss-poor ability) so we never had him "improvise." I tried to keep up, I tried to make it look good but the match got out of control in a hurry. The ref was practically screaming at Scott to just finish the match and get out of here, but Scott didn't listen. He wasn't done with me. Apparently he wanted to send a message in the form of a Death Valley Drop. He'd been toying with making the dangerous manuever his finisher because "it looked good" but was never allowed to even attempt to perform the move for fear of him seriously injuring or killing someone in the process.


Well, he decided to "show us up" and perform it anyway. A highly dangerous spike performed by a s***ty worker who had never even practiced the move before. In hindsight I was lucky to survive as he drove my head through the mat. THe wooden supports snapped my neck and cracked my skull. It took the paramedics nearly half an hour to just extract my head from the mat. Meanwhile, "Big Smack" Scott was already on a plane to the East coast for his introduction to SWF.


I missed a year of college and it ended up taking nearly a year and half for my injury to fully heal. Doctor's didn't even have to tell me that I would never wrestle again, I already knew. SWF's giant pockets quickly produced an adequate settlement,provided I signed a non-disclosure about the whole incident. Eisen didn't want his 'newest star" held back by a 'few bits of unpleasantness." Given that I was a broke college students with thousands of dollars in medical bills, I took the money and hated myself for it. Since the surgery my neck has always felt brittle, as if there was a piece of glass stuck in there somewhere. Doctors said I should feel lucky that I survived, that I wasn't paralyzed, that I could live my life without needing help to piss or dress myself.


Truth be told, I was glad I survived the injury, but I definitely didn't feel lucky.


Leo: "Yeah, I heard about it. What better way to bring positive attention to wrestling then by throwing another belt on that guy. I'm actually surprised you hired the XDW guys, given their risky behavior in the ring."


Gabriel: 'Yeah, but at least it's risky because they're still new and learning. At least they try to play it safe, and they don't complain about us vetoeing their dangerous spots until they can do them safely. Most of all, not even Harry is up to Scott's level on the a**hole-ometer."


Leo chuckled by we both knew I could only deflect the conversation for so long. Leo gave out a long sigh and brought the conversation back on track.


Leo: "So, should I be finding a replacement for you on the table? Does Lee need to start carrying the shows by himself?"


I smiled and shook my head, grimacing slightly. I guess the cold had made my neck tighten up a bit which only made the brittleness worse.


Gabriel: "Hell, I wouldn't do that too you. I don't hate announcing, I just...I just wish things were different, you know?"


Leo just chuckled.


Leo: "Gabe, I've spent my life staring up at the lights. I know what you mean. Now get better, we've got a show that needs to be booked in a month. And I'm serious, lay off the sauce."

He gave me a hearty slap on the shoulder and headed out the door.



Gabriel: "Hey, Leo? Hold up. Who brought me in? Did you catch a name."


Leo hesitated for just a second before shaking his head.


Leo: "Uh, no I don't think so. Some good samaritan or something."


My sixth sense tingled a bit, Leo was hiding something, but at that point I was too tired to care. However, that last thing he said about the Good Samaritan started bouncing around in my brain, and as I drifted back to sleep I had the workings of a great new storyline forming in my dreams.

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Wednesday, Week 1

January 2009


I was excited as ever to get back on my feet and enter my office once again. Everything seemed more vibrant, more exciting. The noxious chemicals of cleaning agents lingered in the air and I took a deep breath. Ordinarily, these fumes just made my day unpleasant, giving me headaches and blurred vision and mild hallucinations, but today I appreciated the comfort they gave me. I even paused to smile at the scent of artificial pine in the air, a background tone about as subtle as a brick upside the head, but I didn't care, it was good to be home.


When will I learn that these unfounded feelings of joy usually precede horrible bouts of pain and suffering? Leo had left a rather thick stack of documents on my desk, but it wasn't the amount of backlogged paperwork that sank my spirits so quickly.


Gabe, after reviewing our last show, I've come to realize that certain changes need to be made to our roster. At this rate we won't gain additional fans until 2011 and that is unacceptable. Therefore, I've decided that we need to improve the basic level of wrestling we provide in order to give fans a more enjoyable show and increase the likelihood that they'll positively recommend us to their friends. THe two basic ingredients to a wrestling match is strong fundamentals and the ability to hang a story together. Below I've identified those on our roster who fall below what I feel is the minimum levels we should be looking at. These people will not have their contracts renewed unless they significantly improve their performance.


I flipped the page, expecting a few casualties but I was not prepared for the massacre that followed. Half the roster fell within the "danger zone." I had just stood up when my office door opened, and there was the devil himself, Leo Davis.


Leo: "Oh, hey Gabe, how's it..."


Leo: "Ah...I see you've read my note."

Gabriel: "First off, this tanks every single storyline we've built up so far."

Leo: "I know, but..."

Gabriel: "And completely throws their loyalty to us in their faces. They f***ing stuck with us through thick and thin and you want to cut them just like that?"

Leo's face twisted a little and I could tell I was starting to get to him. He was starting to drop the pretenses of formality.

Leo: "Now listen here..."

Gabriel: "And where the hell are they supposed to go if a s***hole like this is too good for them?"

Leo: "I really think you should listen...

Gabriel: "And where's your name on this list, huh? Or are you that full of yourself thinking you're so much better then..."



I paused, watching as the Leo's face, red with fury, twitched slightly as his whole body trembled with rage. Our years of friendship seemed to fly right out the window and I was left facing a berserk stranger in my doorway, the only exit out of this tiny room. Leo took a deep breath that didn't do anything to dissipate the furious aura surrounding him like a halo.


Leo: "Now, remember one thing and one thing only. I RUN CCW. It was my money, my retirement savings, my everything that's kept this company running and your paychecks filling your mailbox. Now don't ever presume to tell me what I can and can't do with CCW."


My mouth just dropped as I'd never heard such talk out of Leo before. The man was starting to sound like Richard Eisen. I started giving him a very critical look and contemplated quitting right on the spot, which had a touch of irony as Leo had threatened to fire me just yesterday.


Leo: "We need to start turning a profit on this, if we lose even a single sponsor, we'll be bankrupt in a month and that is NOT a position I want to be in. We've tried doing this s*** for two years now and nothing's come of it. We have the same number of fans as we did two years ago, now doesn't that tell you anything? Our current style is not working. We need to get some actual talent into the ring or even the dozen fans will disappear and we'll be left with aa bunch of washed up workers and a beat-up ring. Hell, even MAW's had some decent talent, talent enough to get them off the bottom of the barrel so they can actually turn a profit AND have a show on the same month. Now, do I make myself clear or do I need to look for a new booker?"


I didn't even give him an answer, I just stormed right out as fast as my stiff legs could walk. I felt angry and betrayed, like Leo had not only turned his back on me but also stuck a knife in it as well. What hurt the most was that I knew he was right. We were stalled and we had stalled out on the lowest rung on the ladder.. I've done my best to get the fans interested but with such limited funds we really did need to focus on crowd drawers like Davis Wayne Newton and Dermot O'Logical. And worst of all, it was my idea to create the avenue in which all these workers would be let go.


After walking around for nearly an hour, I finally returned to CCW's floor and entered Leo's office. To his credit, he genuinely looked happy that I had returned.


Gabriel: "Alright, fine, but I am not going to be the bad guy here. It was your decision so you are going to tell them."


Leo nodded and I turned around to leave his office. On my way out I couldn't keep myself from shooting off one final shot.

Gabriel: "You know, we started this place so that kids like these could get the opportunity to shine, where they wouldn't be jobbed out and cut like this. Running this place has changed you, and not for the better."


Leo didn't respond, I liked to think that he couldn't respond, and I walked out.


I took one last look at the list in my hand and sighed.


Workers in Danger Zone

Carnival Queen Kendra - needs to improve fundamentals and storytelling
Crash Lewis - needs to improve storytelling
Daredevil Aero - needs to improve fundamentals and storytelling
Dusty Bin - needs to improve storytelling
Extreme Deluxe - needs to improve fundamentals and storytelling
Fearless Blue - needs to improve fundamentals and storytelling
Jeremy Jazz - needs to improve storytelling
Nurse Darla Knight - needs to improve storytelling
Paige Croft - needs to improve storytelling
Rex Reeves - needs to improve storytelling

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  • 2 weeks later...


Monday, Week 1, January 2008





Davis vs. Davis Heating Up


As Leo Davis and Davis Wayne Newton continue their feud, things are really impacting CCW. Last show, DWN faced the entire might of both XDW and the Coalition as Leo Davis sicced both heel stables on DWN. XDW came out ahead with a surprising attack, making the new stable leader Super Sonic the new #1 contender for Roderick Remus' championship title.


Tag Team Title Elimination Tournament

With the CCW tag team titles still up for grabs, Leo has announced a final elimination tournament. The four teams will be Smooth Flow, The Hitmen, Extreme Fear, and the newly reformed Lewis Brothers. Only winners will advance as a draw will knock both teams out of the tournament.


Web Polls

(from TotalExtremeWrestling.com feed, click http://here to vote)


Website down due to construction.


Next Show: CCW New Year Knock Out



Prediction Form:


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fearless Blue (dark match)

Harry Wilson vs. Jeremy Jazz (dark match)

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Leo Davis


Tag Team Tourney

The Hitmen vs. The Lewis Brothers

Extreme Fear vs. Smooth Flow


Winner #1 vs. Winner #2 for CCW Tag Team Titles


Harry Wilson vs. Rex Reeves

Roderick Remus © vs. Super Sonic for CCW Championship title

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CCW New Year Knock Out


Dark Matches


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fearless Blue

Davis Wayne Newton defeated Fearless Blue in 4:35 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.

Rating: E




Harry Wilson vs. Jeremy Jazz


Harry Wilson defeated Jeremy Jazz in 5:19 by pinfall with a Full Metal Jacket.

Rating: F




Crash Lewis vs. Roderick Remus


Roderick Remus defeated Crash Lewis in 4:14 by submission with a Remus Clutch.

Rating: F+





Davis Wayne walks out to the ring with serious intent.


DWN: "Leo Davis, you have put me through hell and back and you know what? I'm still here. You know you couldn't stand against me which is why you had to sic your goons at me, dangling a carrot in front of them so they'd follow you like lap dogs, but you know what, I'm tired of it. I'm tired of dealing with your dogs, I'm tired of dealing with you. So you know what, I'm laying it all on the line. I'm issuing a challenge, one you won't refuse."




Leo Davis walks out but doesn't enter the ring. He's intrigued, but not overly so.


DWN: "Here goes. If you beat me in a straight up 1 on 1 match, I'll quit. You can tear up my contract and I'll walk out that door and never step foot inside the CCW ring again."


Leo: "And if you win..."


DWN: "If I win, you make me CCW's commissioner. I'll make the matches, I'll be the one who gets to decide who gets a title shot, I'll have complete control over current matches and titles."


Leo: "Now, I don't know if your brave or just stupid. All I know is that you're butt ugly. But you know what? I can whip a youngster like you any day of the week and if that means you're out of my hair for good, so much the better."


DWN: "I just have one question...what hair?"


Leo's bald head reddens with anger as DWN gets in one llast parting shot.


Davis Wayne Newton comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, He challenges Leo Davis to a stipulation maatch. If DWN wins, he gets commissioner power. If Leo wins, Davis quits immediately.

Rating: E




Leo Davis: "So, that's it then. Tonight, right here, right now, we'll face off. I am going to enjoy firing you. But let's make this interesting. Let's make it a last man standing match. You'll have to beat a 10-count to win. Oh, and no DQ's of course..."


DWN doesn't back down from Leo's malicious grin, and with a steady voice just says "bring it."


Leo Davis accepts Davis' challenge

Rating: E-




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DavisWayneNewton.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/LeoDavis.jpg

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Leo Davis


With no DQ's Leo takes an early lead, slipping on his brass knucks and ringing DWN's clock repeatedly. DWN goes down early but recovers quickly and Leo can only keep him down to a 5-count before DWN kicks out and stands up. DWN ducks a wild haymaker by Leo and the tide is turned, DWN starts his impressivly athletic attack routine, tossing Leo Davis around and then pounding him down while he's on the mat.


Leo swings things back his way with a low-blow but DWN is able to block Leo's attempt at a side slam and drop kick him to the mat. DWN pounds the prone Leo into the mat, finishing it off with a surprisingly spectacular springboard moonsault and picking up the win. Davis Wayne Newton has just won control of CCW's books.


Davis Wayne Newton defeated Leo Davis in 8:06 when Leo Davis was pinned and could not beat a ten count.

Rating: E-




Tag Team Tournament Round #1


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/MurderousMikey_alt1.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/DustyBin_alt02.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/CraigLewis.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/LittleBillLebowski.jpg

The Hitmen vs. The Lewis Brothers


Little Bill Lewis is an oddity as the only man under 6' and 250lbs in the ring. Despite his small size, he is able to run circles around the Hitmen like a scrappy dog while Crash comes in for the heavy lifting. Using their superior tag team experience, the Lewis Brothers are able to isolate Dusty Bin. As Switchblade Mike goes to enter to break up a pin attempt, Extreme Deluxe comes out of nowhere and bashes Mike on the head with a chair, staggering him long enough for Crash Lewis to finish pinning Dusty.


The Lewis Brothers defeated The Hitmen in 5:22 when Crash Lewis defeated Dusty Bin by pinfall with a L-Bomb. During the match we also had Extreme Deluxe run in and attack Switchblade Mike.

Rating: F+




Tag Team Tournament Round #2


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Extreme20Deluxe_FIN.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Fearless20Blue_FIN.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JeremyJazz.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/K-Squared.jpg

Extreme Fear vs. Smooth Flow


A spectacular bout of wrestlecrap, Smooth Flow and Extreme Fear managed to look completely lost out in the ring. It ended up being one big spot fest with really only K-Squared showing like he knew what a "transition" was. Extreme Deluxe pulled ahead, setting up for a big aerial move when the Hitmen hit the ring. They don't do anything, they just stand there and look intimidating which is enough for Extreme Deluxe to pause, allowing K-Squared to recover and drag Extreme off the turnbuckle and slam him to the mat with a Jam Session for the win.


Smooth Flow defeated Extreme Fear in 6:47 when K-Squared defeated Extreme Deluxe by pinfall with a Jam Session.

Rating: F






Jemma Griffiths is backstage, admiring herself in a mirror. Kristen Pearce comes along and bumps her out of the way.


Kristen: "Move it or lose it, skank."


Jemma: "I'm not a skank!"


Kristen: "Oh yeah? Prove it!"


Jemma: "I will. You versus me in a bikini conest. Everyone knows my class will trump your ass any day of the week."


Kristen: "Oh yeah? You're on!"


Gabriel's Notes: *sigh* that's all it took to get the best segment of the night!?


Kristen Pearce and Jemma Griffiths are backstage, arguing about who is the hottest. Eventually Jemma G challenges Kristen Pearce to a bikini contest later on, so that the fans can decide. The challenge is accepted.

Rating: D-




Tag Team Tournament Finals


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/CraigLewis.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/LittleBillLebowski.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/K-Squared.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JeremyJazz.jpg

The Lewis Brothers vs. Smooth Flow





CCW Tag Team Title


Crash and Bill come out full of energy, moshing to their speed metal intros as they jump into each other and bump chests. Smooth Flow, being the most laid back duo in CCW, calmly walk out as jazz riffs echo around the Jewish Center.


When the bell rings, Bill takes on K-Squared, grounding the high flier with standard locks and slams, rocking K-Squared and forcing him to tag in Jeremy.


Jeremy starts out hot, but Bill lures him into the opposite corner and tags in Crash, how uses his superior size to pummel Jeremy into submission. Jeremy scrambles over to make a tag, but Bill sprints around the ring and drags K-Squared off the apron, leaving Jeremy stranded in the ring. Bill puts the boots to K-Squared's head before jumping into the ring to assist Crash in putting away Jeremy with an L-Bomb (Assisted Powerbomb).


The Lewis Brothers defeated Smooth Flow in 8:39 when Crash Lewis defeated Jeremy Jazz by pinfall with a L-Bomb. The Lewis Brothers win the CCW Tag Team Championship titles.

Rating: E-




The Lewis Brothers celebrate their title win, although technically speaking they never lost the titles. Nevertheless, the Lewis Brothers are now two-time CCW Tag Team champions. They mosh into the crowd, holding their belts high and a couple of the fans decide to mosh back, forming a small impromptu mosh pit ringside.



The Lewis Brothers come down to the ring, which has been set up for a celebration. They show off their new titles for the crowd, enjoying the moment.

Rating: E-





http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/KristenPearce_alt.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/RexReeves_alt1.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/JemmaGriffiths.jpg

Harry Wilson w/Kristen Pearce vs. Rex Reeves w/ Jemma Griffiths


Harry has this one in the bag from start to finish. Jemma does her best to encourage Rex ringside, but Harry is too experienced and too skilled for Rex to overcome. Even still, Rex is able to shine briefly by hitting a surprise enziguri, decking Harry, but Kristen jumps on the apron distracting the ref, and Harry is able to hit a low blow and stun Rex, kicking him in the gut and hitting a Humility in the middle of the ring. Rex is down for the count, which Kristen graciously allows by quickly shutting up and leaving the apron.


Harry Wilson defeated Rex Reeves in 11:13 by pinfall with a Humility.

Rating: F+




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/RoderickRemus.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW/Super20Sonic_FIN.jpg

Roderick Remus vs. Super Sonic





CCW Championship Title


Roderick is all fired up for his first title defense of the year. He works the crowd, giving high fives to the dozen-ish fans in the small Center. Super Sonic, however, comes out flanked by the rest of XDW. It's clear that Super Sonic plans to use any means necessary to win the title.


The match starts out rather clean and open. Super Sonic's lucha background shows in some rapid flips and off-the-rope aerial tactics, but Roderick's solid ground game slowly wears Super Sonic down, and when Roderick starts stretching Super Sonic, focusing especially on the legs to slow down the speedy luchadore.


Super Sonic is able to hit the ropes though, and snap dropkicks Roderick out of the ring. The rest of XDW springs into action, leaping on the fallen Roderick and beating the tar out of him. Extreme Deluxe smashes Roderick with a chair, bursting him open and laughing maniacly the whole time. Super Sonic struts around the ring, laughing and pointing and signalling that he'll soon be wearing the title around his waste.


Just then, Harry Wilson sprints down the aisle, right past the XDW beatdown and slides into the ring. Before the ref can stop him, he hits Super Sonic with a clothesline and slides right back out of the ring. The ref sees it all happen and signals for the bell, declaring Super Sonic the winner by disqualification.


But wait, the title isn't turned over on a DQ. Super Sonic has won but lost his shot at the title, thanks to Harry Wilson. Super Sonic and the rest of XDW storm out angrily. Roderick Remus, after picking himself back up looks pissed as well. Not only was he ambushed, but he lost on a technicality.


Super Sonic defeated Roderick Remus in 8:51 by disqualification. During the match we also had Harry Wilson run in and attack Sonic. Roderick Remus retains the CCW Championship title.

Rating: E-






Lee Bambino follows Roderick as he heads backstage, planning for a backstage interview.


Lee: "Rod! Yo Rod! Can I have a word with you?"


Roderick, bloody and broken appears to be in no mood to talk to the annoying announcer and just keeps on stumbling towards the locker room.


Lee: "Fine, clean yourself up. I'll just wait out here."


Roderick enters the locker room, shuting the door behind him.






A series of loud noises is heard from inside the locker room. Lee cautiously knocks on the door.


Lee: "Rod? You ok? You in there?"


Lee carefully opens the door, poking the camera in first. Inside, the locker room is completely torn up. One of the lockers is dented badly and Roderick is lying in a pool of blood.





Roderick Remus is shown backstage, where officials have just found him bloody and battered, the apparent victim of a sneak attack. He is unconscious, and the full extent of his injuries are unknown.

Rating: F+




Overall: E-

15 people


OOC: I've decided to try a faster, simpler write up to get things moving again. Looking back I realize my write ups had quite a bit of bulk to them. That's fine if they help establish the characters, but even after all that writing I feel that many of CCW's roster are fairly generic. So I'm going to focus on getting that up to par at the expense of some of the longer, more involved match writeups. As always, if you appreciate the slimer, faster reads or if you preferred the older, lenghtier write ups, by all means just let me know.

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