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ROF: Enter the embers

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The Start



My name is Johny Jackson. Well I was just sat in my room, in the middle of July, when I got a phone call...


My story has been a long, long and hard...


As a child I lived in Poverty, life was difficult, I was ridiculed by the other kids because of my tattered and worn out clothes, but the worst bit was when I came home, my father... would beat me. I had only one friend, Robert Brown, Although I was 6 when he was 15 I was also his only friend, he was different from the other kids. He loved old school promotions, not like the other kids who had either grown out of wrestling or liked SWF. We used to watch old tapes of our heroes in Japan, and the UK more often then the US, We loved to attend the English Indy shows, but one day it happened... Robert went to the toilet, and my father took me home... he tied me up and... He killed my mother... As my tears fell down my cheeks I threw a chair at him, he fell over and I escaped, I ran away and lost contact with Robert, but managed to start life again in the US, still I watched Japan, But I could never see English wrestling again...


I then started to speak


I felt my heart pump as I heard a familiar voice

???:It is me, Robert, Robert brown

I am not usually emotional but I started to well up inside and I felt embarrassed as I spoke

Me: It is great to talk to you again!

Robert: I heard about what happened... you know to your mum

Me:It is OK... how did you get my number?

Roberterrr.... The hospital gave it to me.

I felt my pulse slow down

Me:Why are you in a hospital?

Robert: Your Dad has only 1 hour to live... ...

My heart broke as I heard the truth, Although I hated my dad, I still felt upset...

Robert:Well... Do you want to say anything to him?

Although I said nothing, Robert gave the phone to my father... Although I was crying I managed to say one thing

Me:I hate you Dad, Burn in hell... you sorry Bitch

*hang Up*

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The next day, I thought long and hard, I was going back to the UK, right now!


While waiting for my flight, I got out my phone, I saw Roberts number on the phone... I called


Me:Hi, its Johny, I am coming back to Britain, But, I can't do wrestling... oh what am I saying, you must of grown out of it, your 33

Robert: That's great! But I have not grown out of wrestling, It is actually the opposite, I AM a wrestler!... Please... call me... British Samurai!

Me: Well thats awesome! But I can't do wrestling, not in any old arena...

Robert: Well you don't have to! BUT if you want.. I could use a head booker...

Me: HUH!? you're not just a wrestler... you own a promotion!?

Robert: Yes it is called ROF... Ring... Of... Fire! like you always said, its so fake its real!

Me: Well thats cool! I am sure you'll cope fine without me though.

Robert: No I can't, The economy is bad and the industry isn't great, but thats not all, we have competition! MOSC and 21CW are taking over! please help!

Me: I said no! I can't go in an Indy arena... My dad got in without tickets!

Robert: I have got my OWN arena, my dad... sorry... got rich and gave me money!

Me: This Arena... It is exclusive?

Robert: Oh Yes

Me: I will keep in touch!


That was all I thought about whilst on the plane, my first attendance at a English wrestling show... for 15 years!

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The Meeting


The first person I saw as I got off was Robert, My only friend, I made others in my orphanage, and one when I was smuggled on the plane that got me to the US, but they where in the US of A still...


Me:Man I missed you! So... when is the next ROF show? Robert: Well... If you take up the Job, that is your first Duty, the schedule, but until then we have out last show of our second season of 2008.

Me: Well I want to see what and who I am booking! I will only watch the first show though.

I saw that glint in his eye as we started to walk and talk... business, after we were talking for a few mins... people came up to us, wanting Rob's Autograph! I looked at him puzzled


Rob looked disgraced as he said words we both NEVER wanted to hear him say...


Rob: ... For a while I was a jobber for SWF.... before ROF...


I was disgusted, he betrayed our beliefs and our oath... Money doesn't matter... I looked at him, and he started to say sorry... I left

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I was in a hotel, I saw Rob come in, I was pretending to be angry, but, I may have been jealous...


Robert: I know I broke the Oath, but... My dad never became rich, I did... But I wasted the money on drink and drugs, and a Nightclub... It was the only way to make friends...


What he did was VERY wrong, but I thought about it, it was his dream to be loved worldwide, as a friend to everyone... even little kids... like me, I grinned at him


I'll be a booker... on one condition, you are clean now? When Rob nodded I felt our friendship restart... I was happy and I then asked him about his students a so forth...


I felt even better when I heard I would be working with a fresh batch of new talent... The first I would meet is Ricky Storm...

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The interviews


When I heard I was to meet Ricky Storm, the UK champion I instantly took a shine to him, without even seeing his face, let alone his in ring skill... I trusted that he would be good, a student of Samurai...


I saw a tape of him... his skills, Tech wise are grade A!


He stepped in the room, I smiled, knowing I had a future ROF Universal Champion in my room


Me:Take a seat... Dragon... (laugh)

Ricky: so... you are the new booker?

Me: Yup

Ricky: You have any plans for me?

Me: Yes... I want you to be an upper mid-carder, I have seen tapes of you in-ring and there is one thing you need to do to be a main eventer, improve you skills, your mental skills... you have to get inside the head of your opponents!

Ricky: errr... Boss, you do know wrestling is fake... right?

Me: Yes! What I am saying is... well you need to understand the art of wrestling, make it a fluid piece, not a grizzled brawl!

Ricky: Oh... I think I will never break into the ME though...

Me: Why?

Ricky: My lack of charisma may hold me back...

Me: Charisma will NEVER hold you back in ROF, it is all about wrestling... not that crap that SWF runs on their screens... eventually we may do hype videos, but even that will not need Charisma or even the ability to talk!


I felt proud as he left smiling... I have a good feeling about Storm.


Next is the Universal champ Merle O'Curle


Me: Take a seat Merle.

Merle: Hello... so what do you plan to do to my promotion?

Me: well actually its Rob's promotion....

Merle: Yeah whatever

Me: ... so ... I was going to have you feud with an Upper mid carder to try and get them over while, Rob and JD Morgan have a few matches...

Merle: WHAT!? That is extremely degrading, but I could make it worth you while if you need mone....

Me: Errr no thanks! I have enough! I just need you to fued with Storm, I need him over he is a great worker with amazing technique... He just needs to get over.


Later I realised this comment was not a good one to make... Curle thought he was good. he thought he was VERY good


Merle: I will do it...

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This is the card for the first show I am booking! I hope you all attend and watch!




Rave W/Trance Vs Martin Heath!




The Elimination agents © (suicide and Genocide agent) Vs. The Shooters (Don Henderson and Billy Robinson)!

(non title)




Johny J Vs. ???




JD Morgan Vs. The Masked Orange




The Masked Strawberry Vs. UK Dragon




British Samurai Vs Merle O'Cule ©

(non title)


All readers, if you get all of the predictions right you will get a free backstage Pass for the show after!


Quick predictions!


Rave Vs Martin Heath


The Elimination Agents Vs The Shooters


Johny J Vs ???


The Masked Orange Vs JD Morgan


The Masked Strawberry Vs UK Dragon


British Samurai Vs. Merle O'Curle

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As I was going through the files and the lot I noticed something... I have not seen the belts!


I looked at the UK belt



not bad... I liked it


Then the tag belts




Now for the world title... I looked... I was disgusted, it looked worse than the SWF belts!

so I got to work!... after 7 hours of my best work... I came up with this... http://i589.photobucket.com/albums/ss337/bobfear/ROFbelt.jpg?t=1240102353

Not great... but trust me, better then the old one!

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Just saw this diary. Weird characters in ROF is a new concept.


Rave Vs Martin Heath


The Elimination Agents Vs The Shooters


Johny J Vs ???


The Masked Orange Vs JD Morgan


The Masked Strawberry Vs UK Dragon


British Samurai Vs. Merle O'Curle


Don't be discouraged by lack of posts. Keep doing your thing and people will take notice in due time. KUTGW

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Is anyone reading this? otherwise it will be pointless to continue


NO. This is the thing that bothers me. Don't do the diary for others, do it for yourself. You can't have a succesful diary if you look at it that way. If you yourself aren't committed, don't care about the diary or find it hard to do or do it just for the readers.. It's not going to work.


Chances are your repeated bumping with one or two line posts have turned some people off from it.


Seconded. You have just started your diary, err. You haven't posted a single show!! Just keep on posting, put on a good, interesting shows and people might actually get hooked in and care about the story, etc.

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My first ROF diary ran for six years of gametime and got very little in the way of comments.


But honestly, I don't feel I can comment here.


Half of these people aren't typically ROF guys. The champs aren't who we're used to.


I assume* that this is your roster at some point in the future. Which means we have no idea who's showing progress, who isn't, who's been jobbed down the card or given notice, who's been pushed. We have no idea who's under the Masked Orange and Masked Strawberry masks, or if they've been added into your database.


The pics might help, but to be honest I haven't clicked through and back on each one. You're using Photobucket, they supply you with the code you need to embed the pics in the page at a cut & paste; use it.


I'd like to see an up-to-date roster with pushes before I comment.


* - I assume this. Then again, you brought Ricky Storm, graduate of the British School of Wrestling, forward to a point before the School opens its doors. I could be wrong. It's entirely possible this is just a heavily tweaked database.

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Main Event


Ali Boxsome

Barry Griffin

British Samarai

JD Morgan

Johhny J

Merle O'Curle

Stevie Stoat

The Masked Orange

The Masked Strawberry

UK Dragon


Upper Mid Card


Adam Matravers

Billy Robinson

Brian Hawl (user made)

Bryan Holmes

Don Henderson

Johnny Highspot

Jonni Lowlife


Petey Barnes

Ricky Storm

Walter Morgan


Mid Card


"Jungle" Jack Marlowe


Arthur T Turtle

Chris Caulifield

Eric Future

Genocide Agent

Kelly Martin

Lance Martin


Rhino Umaga

Shawn Gonzales

Suicide Agent

Toby Jaun Kanobi



Lower Mid Card


Bret HeartBreak

Gob Narfi

Jed High

Jon Micheal Sharp

Julio McKean (random)

Martin Heath

Martin Runnels (random)

Rhys Vali

Sean Deeley

Steve Flash

Steven Parker




Freddie Datsun

Fumihiro Ota

Paul SteadyFast




Absolutely Flawless

Kelly Martin

Lance Martin


Future X (inactive)

Petey Barnes

Eric Future


The Elimination Agents

Genocide Agent

Suicide Agent


The Force

Jed High

Toby Jaun Kanobi


Party Animals




The Shooters

Billy Robinson

Don Henderson


The Tribe

Rhys Vali

Gob Narfi


Your New Faviroute Team

Johnny Highspot

Jonni Lowlife




ROF Ultimate

Main Event

Merle O'Curle



Mid Card

Ricky Storm


ROF Tag Team

Mid Card

The elimination Agents

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Rof Wrestling!


wow, this is my first ROF show, and my first official match with a decent company... one with a name, with over 300 people watching... I also have to watch... watch... Watch and learn


Martin Heath Vs Rave


I gave these guys 7 mins to impress me, they did just that, I felt that Rave carried this match that is not bad, just Martin needs to learn but he has lots of time on his side. Trance at ringside helped get the crowd going... Martin won after a flying fist drop, I think I may, change his finisher it is too 80's, I gave him the win to surprise the Fans Winner: Martin Heath I thought it was an E


The Shooters Vs the Elimination Agents


this was a 12 miniute match between (IMO) The two best full time teams in ROF, The fans liked this. I noticed some "Henderson" chants, the fans like him, good sign. I gave The shooters the win, Don locked in the Scottish Deathlock and Suicide tapped Winners: The Shooters I rate this a D, a good solid match.


JD Morgan Vs The Masked Orange


A 13 min bout between two good workers. The masked orange got a lot of cheers, But the fans were chrushed when JD Morgan KO'd him for the 3 count.

I also noticed that the Masked Orange, after a holiday with his bro, strawberry, was a little rusty. Winner: JD Morgan I thought this was another D, not great but I thought it was a good match and most fans liked it.


Adam Matravers Vs Ali Boxsome


This was a 7 minute disappointment, this match had good potential, but Ali underpreformed due to his unwillingness to Job to Adam. Winner: Adam Matravers I thought this could of been a C-, (if not for Ali) but I rate it a D- The fans Boo'ed Ali. good.


Petey Barnes Vs Stevie Stoat


a 3 min squash for Stevie to make him look good, Damn I was wrong, this was actually a very solid match, this could of been a 2nd main event! Unfortunately it was not, the fans started to really get into it when Stoat hit a superkick for a pinfall victory Winner: Stevie Stoat Hmmm.... could of been a solid main event, will have to congratulate Petey, Stevie also put on a good showing. I rate this a very high D


UK Dragon Vs The Masked Strawberry


All I can say is, great! this 8 min grapplefest between these two workers was excellent! These two have great chemistry, and after TMS ring rust dissapears we will have them go at it again! I had UK Dragon pick up the win after a Dragon Drop. Winner: UK Dragon I rated this a supurb C-


Johny J Vs ???


Now if I am Honest I actually did not know who I was facing! Samaria chose, All I knew was that I volunteered to Tap Out, I could not help but smile as the UK champion stepped out, Ricky Storm I thought for a couple that hadn't even known who they were fighting, we put on a pretty good match, I loved every second of it, I felt we did well, we went all out, I tapped out to an armbar after 11 mins. Winner: Ricky Storm Obviously It would be unfair to rate my own match, Robert rated it as a C pretty good, I reckon.


British Samurai Vs Merle O'Curle


I liked this match, I think it was Match of the night, These guys had 14 mins to deliver, and they delivered pretty well! The fans, once again liked it, and so did most of the guys in the back, It was back and forth for the most part, but Merle pissed me off, Don't cross the boss... Winner: British Samarai I though this was a very good Main Event. I rated it a C+


I thought the show was awesome the whole thing was rated a C+ this is a great success IMO


Other news


ROF rise to regional size!

Critical-23 got 6/6 predictions he has won a free backstage pass and a PM Interview with anyone on the ROF roster! he can activate this with his PM and I might post it for all you non predictors!

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ROF Wrestling Preview!


Well it is now the start of August, And in the build-up to our first annual PPV Grapplemania 1 we will have a one night tournament, to crown a challenger for Merle O'Curle!


"The Dragon" Ricky Storm Vs "Shooter" Sean Deeley


This looks to be a good match, so hold on to your seats as we see these two sound wrestlers compete in the first round of the tourny.


The British Samaria Vs Johnny J


This is protege vs Master in a grueling Main event, the winner will go on to be in the finals of the tournament.


The Masked Orange Vs Stevie Stoat


The C*cky and young Stevie Stoat takes on the masked orange in the last match in the first round, but who will be on the top of their game?


Acid Vs Adam Matravers


Acid is shipped to the UK to square off against Adam, who will win this match? Join the hundreds in attendance to find out!


Petey Barnes Vs Eric Future


A storm is brewing in the Future X team, Their official site, Future-X.com has been shut down, and Eric has asked the board for a match against Petey...


Chris Cualifield and Jack Marlowe Vs The Party Animals


Chris and Jack know each other... But aren't used to working together, these tow have no experience as a team whilst The Part Animals have been a Unit since the start of their careers, will Jack & Chris be able to get along?


Triple Threat!


The winners of their respectful matches will advance to this! the triple threat will decide the new No1 contender!

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wow... Its 1 day before the next show, and we are expecting almost 600 fans... This has really brought a new era into my career, my life... it was weird, although I had been in contact with Rob... all we spoke about was my creative plans... I decided to meet up with him.


Me: Hi Rob how are you?

Rob: Good... you?

I am great, well I am great for someone who's dad just died. Rob: yeah, I suppose. Hey have you met up with Robert Logan yet?

Me: No... who is he?

Rob: a Friend, never hired him though.

Me: Why?

Rob: I don't hire friends.

Me: You hired me, Aren't I your friend?

Rob: Yes you are, Its just, I hired you because you wouldn't slow me down

Me: how would he?

Rob: well he would be a wrestler, he couldn't run a company.

Me: Ok... well I still don't understand why you WOULDN'T hire him...

Rob: I would give him a huge push, despite his mediocre Ring Abilty.

Me: OK, well now that I am in charge, I'll add his name to the list, lets watch him improve.


As we stood silent I remembered that we WEREN'T here to talk about ROF


Me: So... What is going on in the personal life of Robert Brown?

Rob: Not Much, since the downfall of my Rich and famous period and stay in the SWF, Ring O' Fire has taken over my life, I have a few good friends, I rarely go see them though, In fact the last time I saw one of my close friends, outside of ROF business was a few weeks ago when I saw you again, but before that, it had been years, I think 2.

WHAT!? C'Mon! We need to have a Party! We rose in popularity! People in the south love us!

Rob: That's the point! people in the south like us! we ares supossed to be in the Midlands! you only give a SH*T about YOUR hometown!

Me: Fine. I'm leaving...


As I wander through these streets, my mind begins to think, it really starts to tick... has he changed?... you know what? Screw him! I am turning around!


Me: Rob... I am taking my 2 week holiday... NOW


I left... In September I will be back... and I have plans!

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Brian Hawl has Officially Left ROF, as he has been signed to a developement deal with RIPW, ROF wishes him the best of luck with his choice.


Sean Deeley Has Officially Left ROF, as he has been signed by GCG, ROF Wishes him the best of luck with his choice.


ROF have switched to a touring company, the first in the UK. The first tour is scheduled for September


The Card I posted above will now be the card for my first tour




OOC: Wooo! my 100th post!


IC: wow, when I come back, I will Job him... LOADS! he signed me to a 20 year contract, I leave when I want and Job who I want... get ready Robert. Oh! I also might make him dump his piece of SH*T ring name... just to P*ss him off

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