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XWA: American Wrestling Just Got Serious

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I think I missed a name change. Ground-Air Alliance?


They're currently a low level tag team that have just been appearing on the tour shows while they job their way to a bit of popularity. I've high hopes for them though. They've been around since the back end of the last tour. The team consists of Rollin' Johnny Stones (the 'Ground' bit) and Stylin' Shane Nelson (the 'Air' bit). They've got good chemistry as a team.


I am saddened by the loss of Three Count as we know them, but I also think I'm going to be voting for them sometime in the future.


I know their name brought a few laughs early on in the diary but, in all honesty, they are probably my most reliable tag team right now for match ratings. So I need them to be taken a little more seriously. Nelson Callum is also the fastest improving wrestler on the roster in terms of skills.


I probably short-sell myself a bit due to my own lack of creativity and therefore I don't tend to read as many C-V diaries as I should. I don't know why or how I missed this, but I've only just had a look, and I've been trying to speed read to catch up... Forget all that, what I really wanted to say is your presentation is, for wont of a better word, unbelievably awesome. I can barely use MS Paint... heh, and here is this master piece. Kudos to you for your set up, I am going to now sit back and read through what looks to be a well conceived masterpiece.


Great to see such a famous name in these parts checking the diary out. I know you're not a C-verse guy as much as real world guy much as I'm the other way around. But it's certainly cool to see you on here and giving it a read. If you expect the content to match the presentation though, you may well be disappointed. All fluff and no stuff, that's me! :D


You'll also probably need to check in around the time of the next prediction contest to see the diary in its more interactive form too.

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And the award for deluded prediction success 2009 goes to ... Beeker! If this was Mr Heatly's thread, I'd enjoy your presence in class as the joker who makes me laugh, whilst simultaneously worrying about your results! :)


Seriously, guys, thanks for finding a totally pointless way of bumping the thread up! :D


Predictions in so far from...

Tigerkinney, AzzMartin, Kovic, 1PWfan, MyNameIsNot..., Dragonmack, Sonfaro, randomfreeze, Huntman, Phantom Stranger, angeldelayette, Foolinc, Beeker, BHK1978, SWFfan and MrOnu.


That makes a very healthy 16! I'll keep the contest running just a little longer although I'm probably only waiting on Regis now of the regulars. Probably post the FanZone page up later tonight and results on Monday.

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See. Perfect score! Whoo!


Yep. Your powers of prediction never fail to astound me!


I'mma gonna go cry now


Someone has to be last! But I think a lot of XWA predictors will be crying into their beer tonight :D


Just in case people haven't realised as we're on to a new page in the diary, the results for Blaze A Trail 2010 are at the bottom of the previous page.
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It takes talent to miss that many. Very cool show though, and just like the pic of Americana/Deeley last time, I'm really digging that Ota/Parker graphic. Also, this is the first time I remember Nelson having a title in any dynasty - good for him.


Callum (along with DWN) has earned the title. They are a bit low down the totem-pole, to be honest, but I thought it would shake up the tag division a little and their ratings are definitely consistent.


Glad you like the picture - thought I'd try something a little different.


Well that was definitely a Swervariffic show! I can only guess that DeColt must have signed with TCW and is going to be gone as I dont see him going out in the first round otherwise.


Still it does a wonderful job of putting over your Citizen X stable.


To be honest, I never really thought about it that way when I booked it. But I guess that DeColt losing in the semi, the no-contest Arena match and the tag title change were all quite surprising when I think about it.


DeColt isn't going anywhere, by the way. It's just that I'm trying to book him as someone who isn't quite getting the rub of the green, so that when he does finally get a title match, it's a bigger deal - hoping he hasn't left by then, of course! :D


As for Citizen X's stable, I need to find some ways to put them across, especially Ota. I know to diary readers he's not quite at the same level as some of the others - problem is, that his in-game overness suggests otherwise.

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ooc: Sorry, I'm getting my dates a bit wrong - it's 2010, not 2009 as the Code Red banner states. But I only just noticed and I can't be bothered going back into the graphics program to change it up.


I've got a busy week at the moment so I thought I'd post this up before it gets started. Not sure when I'll have chance to next update, so there should be a decent bit of time to get predictions in. If anyone wants to bump the thread, feel free!




Code Red 2010 Predictions

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13 predictions in so far for Code Red - Foolinc, Dragonmack, AzzMartin, Phantom Stranger, Huntman, My Name Is Not..., BHK1978, Kovic, Tigerkinney, Regis, BigPapa42, SWF Fan and Angeldelayette.


I'll probably try to post up the FanZone page tomorrow night (Tuesday night, British time) so there's still around 24 hours to get your predictions in if you haven't already done so.


And thanks to those who nominated me for the latest DOTM! :)

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