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TNA - No Limitations "Goodbye Russo"

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center"><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TracyBrooksFan" data-cite="TracyBrooksFan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22650" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>i know and im thinking of doing TNA</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> More competition, Vladimir Koslov would be thrilled lol <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png">. I find the TNA Diarys so much fun to read, just to see how different they are all being booked. So i hope you decide to start a diary.</p><p> P.S: feel free to Predict Impact lol</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hyde Hill" data-cite="Hyde Hill" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22650" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Lol three TNA's up top.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well TNA does rock <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png">. Great Impact by the way *thumbs up*. "Marvoulous Me" rang throughout the Arena lol</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="olympia" data-cite="olympia" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22650" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Brock Lesnar, AJ Styles and Chris Sabin</strong> vs Kurt Angle, Booker T and Alex Shelley<p> All HAIL SABIN!!! revenge is a dish best served cold!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong> vs Kevin Nash</p><p> Nash fails in his quest to get rid of the founder.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Team 3D </strong>vs James Gang vs 2 Fro</p><p> 3D breaks the winning streak, but sets up a good feud with James Gang in the process</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Sheik has shown he can carry a good match, and this might help elevate him</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Hmmm damn you for giving me more idea's on outcomes lol. I wont reveal Impact results before they happen but i like your idea of the 3D vs James Gang Fued.</p><p> </p><p> Bashir winning? horray another Bashir suporter. I'm big on him and who knows the future for him;).</p><p> </p><p> Nash Fails to rid the founder? There is always Jarretts Guitar lol. Lots more to come from these two</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22650" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I forgot to say that I love that you are using D'Lo Brown, even if it is only as a commentator. He is oddly one of my favorite wrestlers of all time!<p> </p><p> </p><p> I am going to keep on picking Daniels until I am blue in the face!<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> D'Lo is awesome and seems as i have a full roster and he is past his prime in the ring i just had to get him on commentary. With BG back in the ring he was the perfect replacement.</p><p> </p><p> Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels. Blue in the face yet? lol. Daniels will be a a BIG part in the future plans for TNA so you maybe onto a winner here.</p><p> </p><p> ------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> I have just finnished writing Gold Rush and i have to say i have never been more impressed with the booking, the stories or the writing. I'm itching to rush things to post it but im waiting for atleast 2 more Impact Predictions before i move on.</p><p> </p><p> Thanks again for all the votes everyone casted:D</p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p>
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Brock Lesnar, AJ Styles and Chris Sabin vs Kurt Angle, Booker T and Alex Shelley


Jeff Jarrett vs Kevin Nash



RVD vs Matt Morgan



Impact Players vs FBI vs LAX



Unholy Alliance vs Beer Money vs Lethal consequences



Team 3D vs James Gang vs 2 Fro



Gold Rush Qualifier

Christopher Daniels

Sonjay Dutt

Paul London

Bobby Lashley

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Stevie Richards

Jack Evans


Shark Boy


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Brock Lesnar, AJ Styles and Chris Sabin vs Kurt Angle, Booker T and Alex Shelley



Jeff Jarrett vs Kevin Nash



RVD vs Matt Morgan



Impact Players vs FBI vs LAX


Unholy Alliance vs Beer Money vs Lethal consequences



Team 3D vs James Gang vs 2 Fro



Gold Rush Qualifier

Christopher Daniels

Sonjay Dutt

Paul London

Bobby Lashley

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Stevie Richards

Jack Evans


Shark Boy



The Three in Italics are the ones I want to win, and Daniels is my prediction.

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TNA Impact - Thursday August Week 4











Arena: Hofstra Arena – Hempstead, New York


Attendance: 5,000 Sold Out






Announcers for tonight’s Impact Broadcasting
















Jeff Jarrett vs Kevin Nash




Opening up the final show before Gold Rush are two of the 3 contenders for the TNA Championship at Gold Rush. Nash and Angle made a pact last week to eliminate Jarrett and make sure he doesn’t make it to Gold Rush. Nash and Jarrett immediately get down to business with the recent news of Waltman’s signing tonight playing no impact on Nash’s performance. Nash and Jarrett hold there own in the match with both men getting equal offence until around the 9:30 mark when Nash looses all control and starts a vicious beat down on Jarrett. The referee eventually has to call for the bell but Nash doesn’t stop until the referee pulls him off Jarrett. While the referee is checking on Jarrett we see Nash go to the outside and get a steel chair. With the referee’s attention on Jarrett, Nash is able to sneak up from behind and eject Andrew Thomas from the ring. Nash proceeds to assault Jarrett with the chair while he lies on the floor in pain. Tenay is quoted as saying “Was that for GoldRush or Waltman?”.




Winner: Jeff Jarrett by DQ


Time: 10:10


Rating: C












Backstage Samoa Joe is in “Management Director” Jim Cornette’s office where Cornette has a choice for Joe.




Cornette: Thanks for coming and I wont bother wasting any of your time. I will get straight down to business. Tonight you will be in action but I am leaving your choice of opponent up to you. At Gold Rush you have a chance to Challenge for the TNA Legends Championship against AJ Styles. Tonight AJ and Booker are already booked to compete but you have the choice of Sting and Steiner.




Joe: The choice is simple; I’ll take them both




Cornette: WHAT! I can’t let you go out there in a handicap match with two members of the Main Event Mafia. Who do you want to face?




Joe: I’ll take them both and walk out victorious.




Cornette: So be it, but don’t complain to me when you get your ass handed to you.




Joe leaves the Office while Cornette is left looking puzzled at his choice just days before one of the biggest PPV’s on the TNA calendar


















Impact Players vs F.B.I vs L.A.X




Kicking off the final round of the tournament is three of the great team of TNA. With the Impact Players already on 20 and LAX on 30 it seems the only team with anything to prove is the FBI who hasn’t yet scored a win in the tournament. The tournament finals kick off with a big bang with Hernandez once again taking control of the match. LAX control the match until around 3minuites in when JC and Storm hit a double super kick and change the match in their favour. The match twists and changes in favour of all the stars in the lead up to the end when we see a Superkick from Lance Storm to Homicide. Hernandez then charges for Storm as Mamaluke rolls up Homicide to steal the victory and finally getting some points on the board for there team.




Winner: F.B.I


Time: 7:47


Rating: C-










Backstage Velvet Sky is on the phone flirting outrageously telling the caller that she misses them so much. Tenay comment that Eric young isn’t in competition tonight so it must mean he has the night off. Velvet continues flirting when Eric walks in the room. Velvet makes her excuses and hangs up. When Young questions her she says she was speaking to her mother who isn’t well at the moment. A suspicious Young puts his bag down and says he is off to talk to Jim Cornette about his match at Gold Rush. Tazz finishes up the segment by saying “ Velvet and her mother must be REALLY! Close guys”










Gold Rush Qualifier

Suicide vs Paul London vs Shark Boy vs Christopher Daniels vs Sheik Abdul Bashir Stevie Richards vs Bobby Lashley vs Sonjay Dutt vs Crowbar vs Jack Evans




The Final of the Gold Rush qualifying matches gets underway with the crowds extremely hot and chanting for Daniels and London. With the final place on the line in the match where a Championship match at Bound for Glory is at stake the wrestlers pull out all the stops. First to go over the ropes is Crowbar who gets eliminated by Bobby Lashley for the second week in a row. Second eliminated is Jack Evans who gets eliminated by Sheik Abdul Bashir. Third and Fourth eliminated is Bashir and Suicide who get eliminated by Lashley. Fifth eliminated is Shark Boy who gets eliminated by Daniels. Sixth eliminated is Richards who gets eliminated by London’s Dropsault. Seventh and Eighth eliminated is Dutt and London who get simultaneously eliminated by Lashley. The match is then left to Daniels and Lashley who fight it out for a good 90seconds before Lashley manages to get the upper hand and earn himself the final spot at Gold Rush.




Winner: Bobby Lashley


Time: 9:43


Rating: C










Tenay, West and Tazz hype the previous X-Plosion event thanking all the Knockouts for putting on a great show. Tenay tells us if we want to watch the show again to go to Youtube.com. Tazz then tells us to vote for who we think gave the best performance last night. The winner should face ODB at Gold Rush.










Samoa Joe vs Scott Steiner and Sting




Before Joe can even enter the ring he is jumped on the ramp and physically beaten down by Sting and Steiner. Both men continue the assault and target the head and leg of Joe who is on the floor in serious pain. Referee’s rush to the assault but fail to break it up as Steiner then goes for a steel chair from under the ring and cracks it over the skull of Joe, who is laying face down on the steel. Sting and Steiner celebrate together as the EMT’s put an unconscious Joe onto a stretcher and wheel him out of the arena. Referee Earl Hebner is left with no other choice but to call the match a no contest.


















Unholy Alliance vs Beer Money Inc vs Lethal Consequences




The three teams make there way to the ring and get straight down to action to claim a further 30 points for their team. The match starts off great before Beer Money walk all over it, hitting the DWI on all 4 opponents and covering Whipwreck for the pin in one of the shortest matches in Impact history. Beer Money are left victorious claiming the 30 Points and the approving words of Tazz who says “Now that’s how you make a statement”.




Winner: Beer Money Inc


Time: 0:48


Rating: D










The cameras now rush backstage to find the whole Hardcore division brawling in the corridors of TNA. We see Rhino Gore Shark Boy through a door into the knockout locker room. Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam on Crowbar to the concrete floor. Raven and Richards then hit Abyss with a double Stevie T/Even Flow DDT to the concrete before doing the same to Rhino. Raven and Richards smile and hug before Richards does the ultimate sin and turns on his friend. Richards Suplex’s Raven onto the concrete before retreating.










Back in the ring Jim Cornette is standing with a contract in one hand and a microphone in the other. Cornette welcomes us to Impact and tells us we are in for a big main event tonight when Alex Shelley, Booker T and Kurt Angle faces off against Chris Sabin, AJ Style and Brock Lesnar. Without waiting anymore time, Cornette tells us to welcome the soon to be newest member of TNA, Sean Waltman. Waltman makes his way to the ring with huge applause from the crowd followed by a Mafia Sucks chant. Waltman gets in the ring and hugs Cornette before thanking him for this chance at another run in TNA. Cornette tells Waltman that it wasn’t him but the TNA C.E.O who wanted Waltman under contract of TNA. Cornette then lays the contract down on the table in front of him and asks Waltman if he is happy with the terms that he should sign. Waltman then signs the contract and hands it back to Cornette. Waltman asks as his first duty as a TNA superstar if he could have the ring to himself. Cornette agrees and leaves Waltman. Waltman thanks his supporters but says Kevin Nash disappoints him for not showing his face now that they can legally fight. Waltman then lays the challenge to Nash to meet him in the ring at Impact next week, regardless of this Sundays Gold Rush main event. Waltman’s music hits and he leaves the ring with more cheers and chants from the live audience.










Rob Van Dam vs Matt Morgan




The two men who will battle it out as part of the Gold Rush match this Sunday battle tonight in a preview of what might come this Sunday. RVD and Morgan are two of the hot new stars in TNA with great history’s in the wrestling business. Morgan takes the early lead in the match with RVD being thrown around and slammed like there is no tomorrow. Morgan who seems to be a hit man for the Main Event Mafia has had runins with big stars before but he has yet to battle RVD one on one. With Morgan in firm control we get a great line from Tazz who says “I think the underdog for this Sunday just became the favourite”. Both men continue to battle as we see RVD slowly regain some control in the match. Towards the end we still see Morgan holding strong, but his inexperience compared to RVD comes into play when we see Morgan miss a diving elbow from the top allowing RVD to hit a huge 5-Star Frog Splash for the victory.




Winner: Rob Van Dam


Time: 11:50


Rating: C










Backstage JB comes across Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky who are hugging. JB approaches them and asks about the recent frictions and how are they hugging after what Rayne said last week. Velvet says that friends are forever and that they had some miss communication but now Madison knew the whole story everything was back on track. Before JB can ask anymore questions Angelina Love walks in and tells JB to get lost as they need to talk tactics about Sundays Gold Rush PPV.

















We now switch to the Main Event Mafia locker room where a meeting is going on led by Kurt Angle. Kurt says he wants everybody here because at Gold Rush they have a chance to walk away with 3 titles and a MEM vs MEM main event at Bound for Glory. Angle tells Nash that whoever is chosen will win no mater what because the Mafia has to silence Lesnar. Angle moves onto Sting, Booker and Steiner, He tells them that Joe will probably not make it to Gold Rush thanks to the beat down earlier. Angle thanks Sting and Steiner and proceeds to tell them that at all costs they should walk out with the TNA Legends Championship. Next up for the focus is Sharmell. Angle tells her that she is the only woman up for the Knockout match who has been on the 3 big stages of wrestling, WWE, WCW and TNA. Angle tells her that she has to make the Mafia proud by bringing the Knockouts title to the Main Event Mafia. Now angle turns his attention to Lashley and tells him that they already have Morgan in there Pocket for Sunday so he should make sure it comes down to those as the final two in the match. He proceeds to tell him that it will be on his shoulders to make sure its Mafia vs Mafia at Bound for Glory or all hell will break loose.


















James Gang vs Team 3D vs 2 Fro




The final match in the final round of the tournament kicks off with two of the biggest teams in the history of wrestling and the newest faces on the block. With a full 30points on the line in this match the men take nothing for granted and cause utter havoc. Several times in the match we see referee Mark Johnson fight to regain control. As the match goes on we see the two more experienced teams start to show signs of slowing down as the Froman brothers start to gain the advantage with there speed and manoeuvrability. In the end both Team 3D and 2 Fro fail to topple the momentum of the James Gang as Kip James hits a Fame Kisser on Brother Ray and gets the victory.




Winner: James Gang


Time: 12:47


Rating: D










Backstage outside the Main Event Mafia locker room we see Alex Shelley leaving followed by Kurt Angle who shake hands at the door. Mike Tenay, Tazz and Don West question what just went on and jump to all conclusions. The idea of Shelley joining the Mafia was also thrown about but in the end all 3 men decide it must have something to do with tonight or Sundays Gold Rush match where the Mafia want to rule.














Chris Sabin, AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar




Alex Shelley, Booker T and Kurt Angle




The huge main event kicks off with a huge bang as all 6 men battle it out in the ring. Shelley exchanges punches with Sabin as Booker and AJ take it to the outside and Angle and Lesnar take it to the ground. The referee manages to restore order and gets the match under way. Styles and Shelley kick off the match with the Legends Champion getting taken down a few times by the evolving Shelley. Shelley Manages to tag in Angle who holds the match for quite some time and dishes out some nasty suplex’s to Styles. The match goes on to get the crowd up off their feet and follow every second with both teams hitting some big moves. Towards the end we finally get the face-off between Angle and Lesnar, both men trade blows before Lesnar gets the better hand and sends Angle retreating to his corner and tagging in Booker T. On the outside Styles and Sabin rush to the Heel corner and take town both Angle and Shelley off the apron and begin brawling around the ring. Back inside the ring we see Booker miss the Axe Kick to Lesnar before finding himself lifted up and planted flat on the mat with a main event F-5. With Angle and Shelley taken care of outside, we see Lesnar finally get 1 up on the Main Event Mafia on the last stop in the road to Gold Rush




Winner: Brock Lesnar, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley


Time: 12:55


Rating: B








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_bminus.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit



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TNA X-Plosion Preview






The same time tomorrow I will post the Gold Rush – X-Plosion Special. Every contender will be revealed on the show with special graphics for each result.




On the X-Plosion card will be the 3 possible Contenders for the TNA Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett will face off against Stevie Richards

Kevin Nash will face the challenge of Jay Lethal

Kurt Angle will battle the “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels

Results will be announced throughout the show and the Heavyweight results will be revealed after the Main Event match.







For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit



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On the X-Plosion card will be the 3 possible Contenders for the TNA Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett will face off against Stevie Richards

Kevin Nash will face the challenge of Jay Lethal

Kurt Angle will battle the “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal

Results will be announced throughout the show and the Heavyweight results will be revealed after the Main Event match.


Double duty for Lethal under his two alter ego's eg old school Lethal and balck machismo Lethal?
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TNA X-Plosion - Saturday August Week 4






Arena: Hofstra Arena – Hempstead, New York


Attendance: 5,000 Sell Out






Announcers for tonight’s X-Plosion Broadcasting
















Dawn Marie makes her way out to the ring to open up this special result show edition of X-Plosion. Dawn Marie announces the following Points received by the TNA Tag Team Tournament and Voting.








Dawn then announces the 4 Teams competing for the Vacant TNA Tag Team Championships are Beer Money Inc vs Team 3D vs LAX vs James Gang














Jeff Jarrett vs Stevie Richards




In a Warm-up match for this Sunday we see Jarrett battle a good match against the hardcore Stevie Richards. After the attack Jarrett received on Impact it takes a tole on his performance. In the end Jarrett manages to hit the Stroke and cover Richards for the win.




Winner: Jeff Jarrett


Time: 8:05


Rating: D+










Angelina Love makes her way out to the stage now and announces the following percentage of the vote for the TNA Hardcore Championship match at Gold Rush.








At Gold Rush it will be Abyss vs Raven














Don West makes his way out to the stage now and announces the following percentage of the vote for the TNA Knockouts Championship match at Gold Rush.








At Gold Rush it will be ODV vs Awesome Kong vs Velvet Sky














Kevin Nash vs Jay Lethal




All the way through this match we see Kevin Nash just toy with Lethal. Lethal gets in very little offence as Nash seems to be on his game ready for Gold Rush if he is revealed as the contender later tonight. Nash continues to toy with Lethal as a message to the TNA Champion. In the end we see Nash plant the Jacknife Powerbomb on Lethal for the pinfall.




Winner: Kevin Nash


Time: 8:37


Rating: C










Christy Hemme makes her way out to the stage now and announces the following percentage of the vote for the TNA X-Division Championship match at Gold Rush.








At Gold Rush it will be Eric Young vs Christopher Daniels














Traci Brookes makes her way out to the stage now and announces the following percentage of the vote for the TNA Legends Championship match at Gold Rush.








At Gold Rush it will be AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe














Kurt Angle vs Christopher Daniels




Just moments ago Daniels learned he would challenge Young for the X-Division Championship but as for tonight he has a big challenge on his hands against the Olympic Gold Medallist, Kurt Angle. This match is a PPV quality match with tons upon tons of great wrestling spots. The fans in attendance are treated to a great spectacle as we see both Angle and Daniels stretch each other to the limit just 24 hours before the Gold Rush PPV. After almost 20 minutes of wrestling we see Kurt Angle hit the Angle Slam on Daniels to end one of the greatest matches ever seen on X-Plosion




Winner: Kurt Angle


Time: 19:22


Rating: B










Jim Cornette makes his way out to the stage now and announces the following percentage of the vote for the TNA Heavyweight Championship match at Gold Rush.








At Gold Rush it will be Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle












Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_bminus.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit



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TNA Gold Rush – Preview











Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar are bitter enemies with years of hatred. Sunday the fans have Voted Kurt Angle to challenge the champ but who will walk out the TNA Heavyweight Championship




AJ Styles might have been anticipating a Mafia member but its turns out to be Samoa Joe. With two Front Line members and two great friends, Will Gold mean more than friendship?




5 rounds of the Tag Team Tournament seen the James Gang come out on top, but when it came to the public vote the fans were unanimous as choosing Beer Money inc to be in the match. With the match now announced as a 4 way Tag Team Championship Ladder match it seems the Gold could be in anyone’s hands




Eric Young might have some worries about his girlfriend Velvet Sky, but tonight its time to make sure the Gold comes home with him. After receiving 40.9% of the vote Christopher Daniels became the new problem for Young. With Daniels on such a roll its no surprise that Eric Young is said to be in his own company for the last 24 hours scouting Daniels




The Hardcore Championship might be new to TNA but the rivalry of Abyss and Raven has been festering for many years in TNA. From fighting over the TNA Championship to making each other bleed and scream in pain. Come Sunday we will see a bitter rivalry become a bloodbath of a match




ODB is a fighting Champion and Gold Rush proves that when she has to take on two challengers. Awesome Kong has been one of the most dominant women in TNA history and both Knockouts are said to be relishing the challenge to beat her. As for Velvet Sky, lately she has come out of the shadow of Angelina and taken some great victories on X-Plosion, not to mention her high profile and explosive relationship with Eric Young. Can anyone stop Velvet? Can ODB escape as champion? or will Kong make mince meat of her opponents




The Gold Rush PPV comes with a new match concept called the Gold Rush Match. 5 men battle in an elimination match to win 1 of 5 championship matches. With the match now filled its set to be explosive and highly unpredictable. The questions on everyone’s lips are. Will there be a Mafia team up? Who will be out first and most importantly, who will be main eventing Bound for Glory.






TNA Championship

Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle


Legends Championship

AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe


Ladder Match

TNA Tag Team Championship

Beer Money Inc vs James Gang vs L.A.X vs Team 3D


X-Division Championship

Eric Young vs Christopher Daniels


Hardcore Championship

Abyss vs Raven


Knockout Championship

ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Velvet Sky


Gold Rush

Matt Morgan vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley vs RVD vs Bobby Lashley

BFG Heavyweight:


Tag Team:






*** Who do you have you’re money on? Get Predicting. The Wall of Shame needs YOU! ***

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TNA Championship

Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle


Legends Championship

AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe


Ladder Match

TNA Tag Team Championship

Beer Money Inc vs James Gang vs L.A.X vs Team 3D


X-Division Championship

Eric Young vs Christopher Daniels


Hardcore Championship

Abyss vs Raven


Knockout Championship

ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Velvet Sky


Gold Rush

Matt Morgan vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley vs RVD vs Bobby Lashley

BFG Heavyweight: Lashley

Legends: RVD

Tag Team: Sabin

X-Division: Shelly

Hardcore: Morgan


Damn you picking up on all my mistakes lol. its the "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels lol


Feel free to pick out mine as I am sure I make them plus my Victory Road card is up hint, hint lolz.


Shaping up to be an excellent ppv Gold Rush.

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Hey Double H, Allready predicted you Victory Road PPV lol, and a damn good PPV it is. Cheap Plug for u;).


For anyone predicting the Gold Rush PPV... Picking the order of elimination correctly will earn a point, so if you pick the 1st eliminated and Hardcore contender as (lets say RVD) and RVD turns out to be the first man out, thats one point. There are 5 points available in the one match.:D

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TNA Championship

Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle


Legends Championship

AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe


Ladder Match

TNA Tag Team Championship

Beer Money Inc vs James Gang vs L.A.X vs Team 3D


X-Division Championship

Eric Young vs Christopher Daniels


Hardcore Championship

Abyss vs Raven


Knockout Championship

ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Velvet Sky


Gold Rush

Matt Morgan vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley vs RVD vs Bobby Lashley

BFG Heavyweight: Lashley

Legends: RVD

Tag Team: Sabin

X-Division: Shelley

Hardcore: Morgan

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Ohh being called Double H I almost feel one H away from feeling really dirty.


Your almost a Helmsley lol, Not bad predictions. I like how you have Sabin for the Tag Team and Shelley for the X-Division :-D




Thanks to everyone who voted for the Gold Rush matches. 22 in total which was a great turn out for me. As you can see Angle won by a long shot, so huge thanks.


I will get to Posting Gold Rush in a few days after people have got in there predictions. I have a feeling the outcomes might shock you. Its the beginning of the road to Bound for Glory so things will be BIG:D. Bound For Glory will have the longest build up of any show so far and will feature some big matches. Gold Rush will will decide the main event, will it be


Brock Lesnar vs Morgan, Lashley, Sabin, Shelley or RVD

Kurt Angle vs Morgan, Lashley, Sabin, Shelley or RVD



Finnaly i would like to add there will be some big changes and announcements comming after Gold Rush. Just thought i might wet your apetite:D

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Its cool we are both working towards BFG at this point and we are taking different approaches and both are different from what really happened. Will be cool to compare our cards sometime in the future. Hell maybe time it out so we post them at the same time and have a Bound For Glory bonanza on the board.
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TNA Championship

Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle


Legends Championship

AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe


Ladder Match

TNA Tag Team Championship

Beer Money Inc vs James Gang vs L.A.X vs Team 3D


X-Division Championship

Eric Young vs Christopher Daniels

Hardcore Championship

Abyss vs Raven


Knockout Championship

ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Velvet Sky


Gold Rush

Matt Morgan vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley vs RVD vs Bobby Lashley

BFG Heavyweight: Alex Shelley (I can dream)

Legends:Bobby Lashley

Tag Team: Chris Sabin

X-Division RVD

Hardcore: Matt Morgan

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TNA Brock Lesnar News



After TNA’s Final Resolution PPV we could see Brock Lesnar taking time out from TNA as he concentrates on his UFC Title fight. Reports from inside TNA are supportive of Lesnar’s MMA career and look to help him in any way they can. The only Question left for TNA to answer is how they plan to write him off TV.




TNA Gold Rush



The PPV to change all PPV’s hits our screens in just 24 hours. With the results just revealed, we look at what the fans think will happen. Our Reported went out onto the streets today and came back with some prediction results of what the Fans in the Big Apple think


53% of fans think Brock Lesnar will retain the TNA Championship while 47% of fans think Kurt Angle will dominate for the Mafia


58% of fans back AJ Styles to retain his Legends Championship with Joe only slightly behind on 42%


87% of fans think Christopher Daniels will wall out of Gold Rush the new X-Division Champion and only 13% have faith in the current champion Eric Young.


61% of fans are in favour of Raven walking out the new Hardcore Champion but Abyss has a great deal of supporters with 39% thinking he will walk out with the gold.


ODB leads the Knockout vote with 44% of the fans votes, closely followed by Awesome Kong who gets 38% of the votes, leaving Velvet Sky with just 18% of the fan support.


In the Tag Team championship match it’s a joint 36% each for the teams of Beer Money and the James Gang, with Team 3D behind on 17% and LAX on 11%


As for the first ever Gold Rush Match we had the following results from the New York fans

RVD 31%

Lashley 27%

Chris Sabin 22%

Alex Shelley 12%

Morgan 8%


Fans were extremely hyped about the PPV coming to NY and over half of our fans said they had already bought tickets.




TNA Shake Up



News coming in over the past few days is that TNA plans a big shake up over the next few months with new plans for its TV Shows, Roster and Stories. One inside source has said TNA wants to give back to the fans and sign some away some of the misused WWE Talent. The same source also told us that TNA plans to start a new Division. We can’t confirm anything but PWSpy will keep you up to date on the situation


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Candice Michelle Released by WWE



After reporting a few days ago about the current contract status of Candice Michelle. We can now report that WWE and Candice Michelle have officially parted ways. Candice is said to be deeply saddened by the parting of ways and says se wishes to continue her wrestling Career on the Independents Wrestling Scene.






Don’t forget to get your Gold Rush Predictions in

*** Who do you have you’re money on? Get Predicting. The Wall of Shame needs YOU! ***


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TNA Championship

Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle

have to go with the guy who is staying


Legends Championship

AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe


Ladder Match

TNA Tag Team Championship

Beer Money Inc vs James Gang vs L.A.X vs Team 3D

James Gang is on quite a roll


X-Division Championship

Eric Young vs Christopher Daniels

Fallen Angel will make a great champion


Hardcore Championship

Abyss vs Raven


Knockout Championship

ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Velvet Sky


Gold Rush

Matt Morgan vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley vs RVD vs Bobby Lashley

BFG Heavyweight: RVD

Legends: Chris Sabin

Tag Team: Matt Morgan

X-Division Alex Shelley

Hardcore: Bobby Lashley (think it would be a good match with Abyss)


prolly booking goldrush upside down, but can see everyone gang up on Lashley to toss him first. Putting Morgan in the tag team slot keeps the Machine Guns apart for now - though hoping they'll get their shot some day. They can rejoin after the single titles runs to take on Morgan and ???. RVD vs Angle looks to be a quality match. Sabin vs AJ could be a show-stealer any day / likewise Shelley vs Daniels (and this gives the option to pit Motor City Machine Guns against the team of AJ and Daniels in tag matches as well (lot of mileage in that one)

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TNA Championship

Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle

have to go with the guy who is staying


Brock is around for another 3-4months. So there would be plent more time for him to drop the title. but congrats on being the first to pick Angle. seems as everyone voted him in lol.



Gold Rush

Matt Morgan vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley vs RVD vs Bobby Lashley

BFG Heavyweight: RVD

Legends: Chris Sabin

Tag Team: Matt Morgan

X-Division Alex Shelley

Hardcore: Bobby Lashley (think it would be a good match with Abyss)


prolly booking goldrush upside down, but can see everyone gang up on Lashley to toss him first. Putting Morgan in the tag team slot keeps the Machine Guns apart for now - though hoping they'll get their shot some day. They can rejoin after the single titles runs to take on Morgan and ???. RVD vs Angle looks to be a quality match. Sabin vs AJ could be a show-stealer any day / likewise Shelley vs Daniels (and this gives the option to pit Motor City Machine Guns against the team of AJ and Daniels in tag matches as well (lot of mileage in that one)


Nothing upside down about you predictions. I plan to be shaking things up and u might be right. I like the idea of how you would book the Tag Team devision but i have no plans to reunite the Motor City Machineguns YET, no plans to have Styles and Daniels tag. I am more of a "Tag Team" fan, teams with names, common gimmics and so on.


Great predictions so far. Im enjoying seeing how the Gold Rush match is being predicted. someone has got so close:)

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Just to let everyone know that Gold Rush will be posted tomorrow. Last chance to get the predictions in



In other news, The new TNA No Limitations website will go live in 2 days time and then I’ll be asking for some feedback on some new features and writing styles. Such as 3rd person angles or 1st person Angles. I’ll let everyone know more once Gold Rush and the new website have been posted.


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