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TNA - No Limitations "Goodbye Russo"

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TNA Championship

Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle


Legends Championship

AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe


Ladder Match

TNA Tag Team Championship

Beer Money Inc vs James Gang vs L.A.X vs Team 3D


X-Division Championship

Eric Young vs Christopher Daniels

Hardcore Championship

Abyss vs Raven


Knockout Championship

ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Velvet Sky


Gold Rush

Matt Morgan vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley vs RVD vs Bobby Lashley

BFG Heavyweight: Morgan

Legends: RVD

Tag Team: Shelley

X-Division: Sabin

Hardcore: Lashley

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TNA Championship

Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle


Legends Championship

AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe


Ladder Match

TNA Tag Team Championship

Beer Money Inc vs James Gang vs L.A.X vs Team 3D


X-Division Championship

Eric Young vs Christopher Daniels


Hardcore Championship

Abyss vs Raven


Knockout Championship

ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Velvet Sky


Gold Rush

Matt Morgan vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley vs RVD vs Bobby Lashley

BFG Heavyweight: Bobby Lashley

Legends:Alex Shelley

Tag Team: Chris Sabin

X-Division: RVD

Hardcore: Matt Morgan

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TNA Gold Rush 2009







TNA Gold Rush - Sunday August Week 4











Arena: Nassau Coliseum - Long Island, New York


Attendance: 13,379






Announcers for tonight’s PPV Broadcasting

















TNA Legends Championship


AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe




After receiving the most votes in the vote off its up to Samoa Joe to try to beat the reigning Legends Champion AJ Styles. Just days ago Joe was carried out of the Impact Zone after a beat down by Sting and Steiner who wanted in this match badly but failed to receive the votes. Joe seems hurt but gets into the match and takes the early lead. Styles and Joe tear into each other giving the first ever TNA Gold Rush PPV a huge opening. Styles and Joe have been friends and members of the TNA roster for some time and tonight just shows you that a Championship is worth hurting a friend for. Styles manages to wear down Joe after about 20minuites into the match. Styles goes to hit a Styles Clash and successfully plants Joe to the mat. In a huge shock we see Joe kick out. A bewildered Styles hits another Styles clash before successfully picking up the huge victory over his friend and fellow Front Line member. Styles helps Joe to his feet and raises his arm to the air as a show of respect. Both men shake hands before Joe gives Styles the ring to celebrate.




Winner: STILL Legends Champion, AJ Styles


Time: 25:34


Rating: C+










Backstage RVD is with JB to talk about his tactics for tonight Gold Rush match. RVD tells JB that tonight its all about the chance to headline Bound For Glory. He continues to say that nobody is a looser tonight as they all gain championship matches, but his goal tonight is to make it to BFG. JB asks if he has any way to deal with Lashley, Morgan and Shelley who seem to have made a pact to work together tonight. RVD says he has no doubt they will be working together and he plans to go out there and just steal the whole F’N show.










TNA Knockouts Championship


ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Velvet Sky




ODB has been under the most pressure coming into tonight with the challenge of having two opponents and having the possibility of fighting 2 of the 14 Knockouts on the public voting. With 14 possibilities and being given only 24 hours notice ODB manages to open the match and take advantage early. Its not long before Velvet Sky manages to poke the eye of ODB and take control for herself. Recently the profile of Sky has been on the rise with her rocky relationship with X-Division Champion Eric Young and her 2 most recent victories over fellow Knockouts Jacqueline Moore and Sojourner Bolt. Velvet dominates over ODB for some time before the beast known as Kong gets back into the Mix. In no time Kong is firmly in charge and on her way to becoming Champion. Just minuets later Sky manages to gain some momentum and attempts to dropkick ODB who is being held by Kong. ODB moves and Kong is hit and gets taken out of the ring. With Sky looking shocked we see ODB capitalise and roll up Sky for the victory leaving ODB to escape thanks to some good luck and intuition.




Winner: STILL Knockouts Champion, ODB


Time: 7:30


Rating: D+










Backstage JB is once again with another competitor in the Gold Rush match tonight. JB welcomes Chris Sabin and proceeds to ask Sabin if he thinks he can keep up the strong winning streak that he has been having recently. Sabin says winning is all about being focused and planning for who your fighting. Sabin says he is glad he wasn’t here defending a title with only 24 hours notice and praised all the champions who have to go through that. He says he is luckier as he has weeks of learning one opponent at a time. Sabin also says that tonight he wants to say he respects RVD but tonight’s his night to shine.










Hardcore Rules


TNA Hardcore Championship


Abyss vs Raven




With such a bitter rivalry between these two men it was only fitting that the fans voted for Raven to face the Monster. Years and years of hatred have been festering between Abyss and Raven, dating back to the days when both men were fighting over the TNA Heavyweight Championship. With the twisted games of Stevie Richards and the return of Raven it seems Abyss hasn’t had the best few months. The match is a bloodbath throughout with both men using every weapon possible. Raven even finds a bottle of James Storms favourite beer under the ring and plants Abyss square between the eyes, smashing the bottle into millions of pieces. Abyss manages to regain himself and comes close to pinning Raven when Stevie makes a run to the ring. Stevie proceeds to beat down on Abyss until the “Man Beast” Rhino comes to the ring to save the day. Rhino Gores Richards and drags him to the back. With the damage already done to Abyss we see Raven lay a chair in the ring and proceed to lift Abyss off the mat before planting the Even Flow on the Hardcore Champion on the steel chair. Raven goes for the cover and picks up the win with a chorus of boo’s from the ringside fans.




Winner: NEW Hardcore Champion, Raven


Time: 10:49


Rating: D+










The music of the Main Event Mafia hits and Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Booker T and Sting make there way to the ring. All four men talk about how they are 100% behind Lashley and Angle tonight and then proceed to mock Samoa Joe and Jeff Jarrett for what they did last week on Impact. Sting warns the TNA locker room that after tonight the Main Event Mafia will be in charge. Sting also tells everyone that come Thursday on Impact when Angle walks in as Champion “Things Will Change”. The Mafia then leave the ring with an extremely hostile crowd.










JB is Backstage with Alex Shelley and asks him what the Mafia means by things will change. Shelley says its not up to him to say and tells JB to do his job and ask what he is suppose to ask him. JB then asks if the roomers are true that he is being paid by Kurt Angle to help the Mafia win the Gold Rush match. Shelley refuses to comment and says he is about to leave. JB then cuts in with another question of asking what Angle and Shelley were talking about last week on Impact. Shelley then gets uptight and tells JB to shut up or he will personally show JB how to retire his microphone.












TNA X-Division Championship


Eric Young vs Christopher Daniels




Lately Daniels has been on an awesome roll in TNA with lots of close calls, big victories and almost winning the Gold Rush Qualifier. Eric Young on the other hand has been totally swamped with issues with his girlfriend Velvet Sky and hasn’t been paying much attention to the X-Division challengers. With the match now upon them its do or die time in the X-Division Championship match. Daniels is in control from the word go and continues to dictate the pace all the way through the match. Eric Young manages to get in some offence but the “Fallen Angel” racks up some serious offence against the champ. In a bid to save her boyfriend we see Velvet Sky come running to the ring to distract Daniels. Its only now that we see Young start to pick up the pieces of the match and take control. With Sky at ringside Young gets back on top and hits a few great moves. Then out of nowhere the lights dim down and the Promo video of Nick Nemeth hits. The video ends and second later after thinking it was a technical hitch, Nemeth runs to the ring. Nemeth then attacks the X-Division Champion causing the referee to call for the bell. Nemeth beats down both Young badly and lays a few kicks to the body of Daniels before taunting over both of their bodies with the X-Division Championship.




Winner: By DQ, STILL X-Division Champion, Eric Young


Time: 10:49


Rating: D+










JB is now with the Mafia “Hit Man” Matt Morgan backstage to talk about his plans for the Gold Rush Match. JB asks about how Morgan plans to win with 4 other great wrestlers. Morgan happily boasts that he is by far the biggest man in the match and that he will have no problem eliminating any problems that get in his way. JB then asks if he plans to help Lashley win. Morgan says he will do what Angle asks of him and at the moment Angle wants Mafia vs Mafia at bound for Glory. JB asks if Morgan would jeopardize a Championship match for a place in the Mafia. Morgan replies by saying a Championship match can happen today, next week or next month, a change to join the Mafia only happens once. JB thanks Matt Morgan and Morgan replies by saying it was great to talk with suck a professional before walking off laughing.










Fatal Four Way Ladder Match


TNA Tag Team Championships


Beer Money Inc vs Team 3D vs L.A.X vs James Gang




Weeks upon weeks have seen the build up of this match with nobody ever knowing if they are in or out. The James Gang might have racked up the most points in the tournament but Beer Money Inc dominated when it came to the public vote. Now with the new stipulation of the match being contested as a ladder match it seems the steaks and the titles have been raised. All four teams immediately get down to business and start brawling. Within seconds the ring is cleared of wrestlers as they all exit the ring and brawl ringside, in the crowd and on the ramp. Team 3D dominate early on by using the ladders as weapons on their opponents. Before long the match is evened out and most of the men are back on there feet brawling. The first man to scale the ladder is Homicide who gets so close before being thrown off and landing on the mat thanks to James Storm. More and more of the contenders climb the ladder for success before being stopped until we see Brother Devon and Hernandez battle it out on the top. BG manages to topple them but gets attacked from behind by Roode. Before long Roode is at the top of the ladder when Kip runs in the ring and knocks him off, throwing him outside the ring and onto his partner James Storm, Brother Ray and Homicide. Kip then gets BG to his feet to guard the ring as Kip makes it to the top of the ladder and retrieves the Tag Team Championship belts for the James Gang.




Winner: NEW Tag Team Champions, The James Gang


Time: 15:48


Rating: C-










JB is with his final Gold Rush competitor of the night, the “Dominator” Bobby Lashley. JB says that’s Lashley’s match is up next and just wants a quick word. Lashley says he has a quick word for JB and slaps him hard across the face, knocking him to the floor. Lashley then goes on to say the quick word I have for you is you didn’t see that coming and neither will my opponents tonight.










TNA Gold Rush Match


Bobby Lashley vs Chris Sabin vs Matt Morgan vs Rob Van Dam vs Alex Shelley




Referee Earl Hebner starts off by explaining the rules. Tonight will be an elimination match where everyone is guaranteed a championship match that is dictated by order of elimination. The first man eliminated will be awarded a contract lasting 12 months where he can challenge for the TNA Hardcore Championship. Second eliminated will have the same conditions but will receive an X-Division Championship match. Third eliminated will receive a TNA Tag Team Championship match and fourth eliminated will receive a championship match for the Legends Championship. The winner of tonight’s match will be awarded the Main Event match at Bound for Glory against the TNA Heavyweight Champion for the title.

Kicking off the match we see the obvious teaming of Shelley, Morgan and Lashley who beat down Sabin and RVD. On the outside Sabin and RVD proceed to plot a plan and shake hands before rushing back into the ring. Sabin manages to take Shelley out for a little while leaving it two on two in the ring. RVD and Sabin manage to over come the odds and throw Lashley to ringside to work on Morgan. Sabin then plants Morgan with a Cradle Shock followed by RVD hitting the 5-Star Frog Splash on Morgan, eliminating him from the match at 5:31minuits. Tazz announces that Morgan has received the Hardcore Championship contract. Back in the ring the four men continue to brawl it out with Sabin and RVD keep firm control of the match and Sabin gains a bitter sweet victory over his former partner when he gets Shelley to tap out to a modified Indian Deathlock at 8:44. Tenay announces that Shelley receives the X-Division Championship contract. Back to the match at Lashley has taken Sabin out of the ring with a huge spear in the corner. RVD and Lashley then brawl it out in the ring as there heated rivalry and total hatred for each other becomes over shadowed by the looming price at the end of the match. Lashley manages to gain all control and has RVD up for the Dominator when Sabin hits the chopblock to the knee of Lashley. With Lashley out on the floor Sabin tops to the turnbuckle and hits one of the greatest 450 splashes in the world. Sabin then revives RVD enough to get him to hit the 5-Star Frog Splash. As RVD rolls away from the body Lashley, Sabin moves in to get the cover and eliminates Lashley at 14:29. Tenay announces that Lashley will receive a TAN Tag Team Championship contract. Bask in the ring Chris Sabin shows a huge amount of respect for RVD by allowing him time to get back to his feet before continuing the match. Sabin and RVD then tear the house down with great speed behind every manoeuvre. In the end we see RVD go for the 5-Star on Sabin but a ring savvy Sabin manages to roll out of the way in time. Without missing a hiccup Sabin hits RVD with a Cradle Shock and literally Shocks the world when he gets the pinfall victory over RVD earning RVD the Legends Championship match but more importantly gaining himself the Main Event Championship match at Bound for Glory. Tenay, West and Tazz are gob smacked at ringside and all pay great respect to the warrior that is Chris Sabin.




Winner: Bound For Glory #1 Contender, Chris Sabin


Time: 20:32


Rating: B-










Following up the huge announcement of Sabin heading to Bound for Glory comes another Huge announcement as Jim Cornette makes his way to announce a stipulation for the following main event match. Cornette breaks the news that the looser of the match tonight would not receive another Championship match for as long as the other man is Champion. So if Brock Lesnar wins Angle will have to forget about any plans of becoming Champion. If Kurt Angle wins then Lesnar waves his right to a rematch.












TNA Heavyweight Championship


Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle




The match of the decade is about to commence with two of the biggest names in Pro Wrestling today. Current UFC and TNA Champion Brock Lesnar has had an up hill battle on his way to tonight by loosing to Angle countless times over the past few weeks. With Angle holding all the cards it seems that the Champ became the underdog. Then last Thursday on Impact we see the beat inside Lesnar Explode as he defeated the team of Booker T, Alex Shelley and Kurt Angle. Coming into tonight’s match Angle remained adamant he would win and rightfully so as he has punked out Lesnar too many times to call it a fluke. With everything on the line tonight, the two men lock up and begin the match of the decade. Brock takes the early lead with an explosion of suplex’s to the suplex king. Tenay reminds us of the rules set out prior to this match and makes it know that this could be the last time we see these two men fight for quite some time. With that said we continue to see Lesnar beat down Angle. As the match goes on we see the stamina and experience of Kurt Angle come through as he fights back again the tiring champion. At the 30-minute mark we see both men swap and change lead when Angle hits the Angle Slam but only gets a 2 count then Lesnar follows up the F-5 with only a 2 count. Both men then hit a double clothesline and gather themselves while on the floor. Both men come back fighting strong but in the end the Olympic Hero becomes the Rabid Warrior and hits a secession of 3 Angle Slams followed by locking in the Ankle Lock. A tired Angle and Lesnar battle it out in the Ankle Lock for over 2 minutes before we eventually see the Referee call for the bell when Lesnar doesn’t answer the 3 count leading to the match being stopped and a new Champion being crowned.




Winner: NEW TNA Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle


Time: 46:56


Rating: B










After the match the Main Event Mafia come to the ring and help Angle to his feet before hoisting him up onto there shoulders and handing him his newly won Championship to celebrate with. As the PPV comes to a close the fans are on there feet booing the hell out of the Main Event Mafia and throwing garbage at the ring.








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_bminus.jpg










For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit



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Happy to see Chris Sabin get a main event shot. I'm a big MCMG fan... I really dig your poster to the main event, fantastic presentation showclassing each athlete... as ... athletes. As they should be. If I could comment on the biggest improvement in real TNA over the past month its their production values, the name tags with the comments on their weight if they're serious characters or other aspects if they're comic characters is a great touch, and likewise there you have set up the aspects we need to know about Angle and Lesnar.


This diary is really going great guns, mate. Keep up the outstanding work.

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Happy to see Chris Sabin get a main event shot. I'm a big MCMG fan... I really dig your poster to the main event, fantastic presentation showclassing each athlete... as ... athletes. As they should be. If I could comment on the biggest improvement in real TNA over the past month its their production values, the name tags with the comments on their weight if they're serious characters or other aspects if they're comic characters is a great touch, and likewise there you have set up the aspects we need to know about Angle and Lesnar.


This diary is really going great guns, mate. Keep up the outstanding work.


Im glad the Sabin win went down ok. Its been months in planning, almost from the day the diary began. I wasnt sure if it would be a good thing or a bad thing to have him in the main event at BFG, but what the hell:D. MCMG totaly rock and dont think Shelley is going to be jobbed. The change is now:).

As for the tale of the tape. I spend so long debating over adding this, I will be putting this up for disscussion tomorrow when i plan to get opinions on new features. The Tale of the Tape will be one of them. I'm all for "real wrestling", Sabin vs Angle in the real TNA for a Main Event... would you buy it? i certainly would:).


Thanks for the awesome feedback, its much respected from a great diary writer. WCW 1998: Death of WCW... AWESOME. and as D-X would say... available rite now on GDS:D.


I am a little shocked over the James Gang win. It is funny but when I saw Olympia's picks and saw that Olympia had the James Gang winning I laughed to myself.:o


What lesson have I learned? Cheat off Olympia's picks the next time!:D


Oh and the show was great!


Oh You Didnt Know? Never underestimate Olympia, I thought the James Gang win would be more obvious with the 4 tournament wins. There will be more to the James Gang win on Impact, there is still an army of tag teams without gold.


More great feedback, Its always great to get feedback. Possitive feedback is even better.




that one hell of a PPV loved it


Huge thanks mr, I put all i had into the PPV and i feel its the best show i have written so far. Before i posted it and got all the great feedback, i allready knew it was my best work.


Next comes Bound for Glory. I hope i can match it:D

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TNA Injury News



Last night at TNA Gold Rush, Raven received a concussion and was taken to a local medical facility to be assessed. Since last night she has been assessed by doctors and has been given a diagnosis. The NEW TNA Hardcore Champion is having to take time off from TNA to recover. TNA has said they won’t be stripping away the title as they expect him back shortly. The timeline for his return has been estimated at 4-6 weeks. TNA authority is said to be very saddened by the injury of a true veteran but wishes him a speedy recovery.


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TNA Contract Release



Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has come to terms on the release of Shark Boy as of today. The release of Shark Boy is said to be a lack of any storylines for him at the moment. TNA say they have parted on good terms and haven’t ruled out a possible return in the future .TNA wishes Shark Boy the best in all future endeavours.




TNA Contract Release



Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has come to terms on the release of Mikey Whipwreck as of today. The release of Whipwreck is said to be an understanding between both parties that it was only short term. TNA say they have parted on good terms and haven’t ruled out a possible return in the future .TNA wishes Mikey Whipwreck the best in all future endeavours.




TNA Contract Release



Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has come to terms on the release of Jazz as of today. The release of Jazz is said to be due to her injury, which will keep her, sidelined for a substantial period. TNA say they have parted on good terms and haven’t ruled out a possible return in the future .TNA wishes Jazz the best in all future endeavours.




TNA Contract Release



Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has come to terms on the release of Dawn Marie as of today. The release of Dawn is said to be an understanding between both parties that it was only short term. TNA say they have parted on good terms. TNA wishes Dawn Marie the best in all future endeavours.




TNA Contract Release



Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has come to terms on the release of Savio Vega as of today. The release of Savio is said to be a cost cutting exercise of backstage staff . TNA say they have parted on good terms. TNA wishes Savio Vega the best in all future endeavours.




TNA Contract Release



Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has come to terms on the release of Dutch Mantel as of today. The release of Dutch is said to be a cost cutting exercise of backstage staff . TNA say they have parted on good terms. TNA wishes Dutch Mantel the best in all future endeavours.


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Im glad the Sabin win went down ok. Its been months in planning, almost from the day the diary began. I wasnt sure if it would be a good thing or a bad thing to have him in the main event at BFG, but what the hell:D. MCMG totaly rock and dont think Shelley is going to be jobbed. The change is now:).

As for the tale of the tape. I spend so long debating over adding this, I will be putting this up for disscussion tomorrow when i plan to get opinions on new features. The Tale of the Tape will be one of them. I'm all for "real wrestling", Sabin vs Angle in the real TNA for a Main Event... would you buy it? i certainly would:).


Thanks for the awesome feedback, its much respected from a great diary writer. WCW 1998: Death of WCW... AWESOME. and as D-X would say... available rite now on GDS:D.



Thanks mate, appreciate the vote of confidence.


Yes, I would buy Sabin v Angle. I've been a much larger fan of Alex Shelley it must be said, but as long as the MCMG is getting awareness thats cool in my eyes. I think they're great no matter what you do with them, heck, real life TNA did nothing with them and their comic promos after that was ridiculously cool.


I think with the tale of the tape it adds a certain ... respectability to the promotion. Maybe that's your point of difference against WWE, better in ring product, and if that's the case its largely based on a hugely athletic roster, why not make it a sort of a traditional feel with those graphics.


I'm also glad you gave Amazing Kong a reason to lose, without her per se losing, if that makes sense.

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Guest cmdrsam
Togg, don't listen to Tristam. He drinks to much. :D Seriously, been a closet reader but have enjoyed the work you have done. My only complaint, minor as it may seem. I just dont see Lesnor going 40+ minutes with Angle. Just my opinion and I'm not trying to flame or be mean spirted so please dont take it as such. Just wanted to share a thought is all. But as a whole I give this a two thumbs up.
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I am a little shocked over the James Gang win. It is funny but when I saw Olympia's picks and saw that Olympia had the James Gang winning I laughed to myself.:o


What lesson have I learned? Cheat off Olympia's picks the next time!:D


Oh and the show was great!


LOL, I need to keep my paper covered.

of course I usually miss as many as I get right.


I almost went with Sabin to win Gold Rush as he's one of my favorites. Glad to see him getting the big singles push.

Excellent show!!

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Togg, don't listen to Tristam. He drinks to much. :D Seriously, been a closet reader but have enjoyed the work you have done. My only complaint, minor as it may seem. I just dont see Lesnor going 40+ minutes with Angle. Just my opinion and I'm not trying to flame or be mean spirted so please dont take it as such. Just wanted to share a thought is all. But as a whole I give this a two thumbs up.


I think its a little bit toooo liddle officheeeerrr.


Definitely a nutsy decision to go with Sabin, but it's TNA and the fanbase kinda supports those kinds of gutsy decisions so I think it'll be sweet.

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Thanks mate, appreciate the vote of confidence.


Yes, I would buy Sabin v Angle. I've been a much larger fan of Alex Shelley it must be said, but as long as the MCMG is getting awareness thats cool in my eyes. I think they're great no matter what you do with them, heck, real life TNA did nothing with them and their comic promos after that was ridiculously cool.


I think with the tale of the tape it adds a certain ... respectability to the promotion. Maybe that's your point of difference against WWE, better in ring product, and if that's the case its largely based on a hugely athletic roster, why not make it a sort of a traditional feel with those graphics.


I'm also glad you gave Amazing Kong a reason to lose, without her per se losing, if that makes sense.


Hey if everyone booked to please... where would we be? lol. I was in two minds about giving Shelley the push. I think the path for Shelley is going to be a good one. He's got lots to come on the lead up to BFG and beyond, so i wouldnt worry to much:p. Now all you have to think is... will i be gutsy enough to keep Sabin in the main event and will i let him walk away with the gold:D


As for Kong loosing clean... it doesnt really make sence in a triple threat match. not when there is someone else for ODB to beat


Togg, don't listen to Tristam. He drinks to much. :D Seriously, been a closet reader but have enjoyed the work you have done. My only complaint, minor as it may seem. I just dont see Lesnor going 40+ minutes with Angle. Just my opinion and I'm not trying to flame or be mean spirted so please dont take it as such. Just wanted to share a thought is all. But as a whole I give this a two thumbs up.


Tristram drinks too much? hmmmm i smell a fued with CM Punk:D. Thanks for the suport. I actually couldnt dissagree more on giving Lesnar v Angle the 40+ min match. Years of rivalry, a last chance at the title, Lesnar being punked by Angle over the past few weeks, a BIG ppv and two of the best "wrestlers" i thought it should have ended the show with a bang. But each to their own:). Im guessing Lesnar doesnt have too many suporters lol.


Two thumbs up... HUGE thanks. how am i going to top this?:D


LOL, I need to keep my paper covered.

of course I usually miss as many as I get right.


I almost went with Sabin to win Gold Rush as he's one of my favorites. Glad to see him getting the big singles push.

Excellent show!!


Im suprised nobody went with Sabin. He's been on a big roll, there was a small fued building between him and Angle. But hey you were spot on with the James Gang. You got 4 out of 11 right, which is joint 3rd:D. I'll release the new chart soon :-). once i remember how to work percentages on a calculator again:confused: lol.


Really enjoyed the pay-per view mate, thought it was brilliant. Not made my mind up about Sabin yet, but it's a gutsy move and I like that. Really enjoyed the show, this whole diary is a great read.


Thanks :). I couldnt agree more with the gutsyness... Untill now i think i played it safe, if not too safe. I hope Sabin wins you over, he could be the next Champ. Im glad everyones enjoying reading. Its the next best thing to running your own promotion:D


I think its a little bit toooo liddle officheeeerrr.


Definitely a nutsy decision to go with Sabin, but it's TNA and the fanbase kinda supports those kinds of gutsy decisions so I think it'll be sweet.


I like to think of it is, Jericho beating Rock, Angle and Austin for the Undisputed title. CM Punk becomming World Champion or David Arquete winning the WCW Championship. Ok scrap the latter:D

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What Next?



Im looking for all different ways to make the diary more exciting, more unique and more moulded to me. I’m going to post a few questions and wanted to hear everyone’s opinions and ideas on what I should do.



New Division: First up is a new name for the Knockout Division. I have never taken to the name and I hate it with a passion. I have drawn up a few alternate names for the division but feel free to add your own









The Critic: Should there be a job for a critic in the diary? Someone who reviews every show like the multiple pro wrestling news sites. I tried this in a previous diary about 2years ago (WWE 3way) and I felt it was fun.




Angle ratings: As you can see in my diary posts, I only post match ratings. Do people really want to see the rating levels of Angles on the shows or does the write fill the needs?




Road Agent Notes: I have never added road agent notes into any diary “Christian Cage performed badly during this match”. It’s a small thing to add, not something I would enjoy reading but should it be added?




Writer Interviews: Basically a spot where everyone can post questions after a PPV about my booking method of the past month. Don’t know how popular this would be, but it would give people who are hardcore readers an incite into the booking.




Weekly Top 3: There is the Rank 20 on the website but what about a top 3 posted on the forum? Tazz, Tenay, West, Cornette or anyone could host a run down of the top 3 of the week and give there reasons why. Again it would give more detail to the diary and some stars, but would it be worth the effort?




Pro Wrestling Spy: How are we liking the new dimension of the backstage storeys. Its not all about the shows now, where everything is kayfabe. Now you get the backstage gossip. Is it worth keeping? Should there be more? And is there anything else the PWSpy could do?




Angle Write ups: Over the past few weeks I have been incorporating new ways to write angles. Where the wrestlers use dialog instead of me interpreting what is being said and done. I like both ways and personally I’m torn in which direction to go. Dialog, Interpretation or a Mix?




Direct Links: I totally forgot who gave me this idea so a HUGE apology. When I use graphics on the forums there use is just to look at and enjoy. Now I have another use as links. Each wrestlers picture would be linked to their profiles on the website, Championships would be linked to the history page and so on. It would require a little organising so its got to be worth it. What do you think?




Does anyone have any other ideas? Im 100% open to suggestions and all sorts of feed back. With the Diary nominations starting again… I NEED TO FINALY WIN lol

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For the two that I did not answere I really have no opinion about them one way or the other.


What Next?


New Division: First up is a new name for the Knockout Division. I have never taken to the name and I hate it with a passion. I have drawn up a few alternate names for the division but feel free to add your own:


I like Vixens division.





The Critic: Should there be a job for a critic in the diary? Someone who reviews every show like the multiple pro wrestling news sites. I tried this in a previous diary about 2years ago (WWE 3way) and I felt it was fun.


I like this idea, one question would it be you as the critic or would you have the readers as the critic (maybe have a rotation of readers do this).




Angle ratings: As you can see in my diary posts, I only post match ratings. Do people really want to see the rating levels of Angles on the shows or does the write fill the needs?


I see know need for either angle or match ratings to be honest with you.




Road Agent Notes: I have never added road agent notes into any diary “Christian Cage performed badly during this match”. It’s a small thing to add, not something I would enjoy reading but should it be added?


I agree with you that it is not all that important, what I do with my diary is to put in in the match write up. However, you do a good job with match write-ups where as I suck at them and hate to do them, so I really do not think that you should add it.




Writer Interviews: Basically a spot where everyone can post questions after a PPV about my booking method of the past month. Don’t know how popular this would be, but it would give people who are hardcore readers an incite into the booking.


This would be a pretty cool idea, I don't know if I would ask all that much but any interaction with your readers are always welcome in my opinion.




Weekly Top 3: There is the Rank 20 on the website but what about a top 3 posted on the forum? Tazz, Tenay, West, Cornette or anyone could host a run down of the top 3 of the week and give there reasons why. Again it would give more detail to the diary and some stars, but would it be worth the effort?




Pro Wrestling Spy: How are we liking the new dimension of the backstage storeys. Its not all about the shows now, where everything is kayfabe. Now you get the backstage gossip. Is it worth keeping? Should there be more? And is there anything else the PWSpy could do?




Angle Write ups: Over the past few weeks I have been incorporating new ways to write angles. Where the wrestlers use dialog instead of me interpreting what is being said and done. I like both ways and personally I’m torn in which direction to go. Dialog, Interpretation or a Mix?


I would go with dialog.




Direct Links: I totally forgot who gave me this idea so a HUGE apology. When I use graphics on the forums there use is just to look at and enjoy. Now I have another use as links. Each wrestlers picture would be linked to their profiles on the website, Championships would be linked to the history page and so on. It would require a little organising so its got to be worth it. What do you think?


This would be awsome, if you want to take the time to do this I think it would be a very cool feature.




Does anyone have any other ideas? Im 100% open to suggestions and all sorts of feed back. With the Diary nominations starting again… I NEED TO FINALY WIN lol

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Writer Interviews: Basically a spot where everyone can post questions after a PPV about my booking method of the past month. Don’t know how popular this would be, but it would give people who are hardcore readers an incite into the booking.


This would be a pretty cool idea, I don't know if I would ask all that much but any interaction with your readers are always welcome in my opinion.


I enjoy the interaction and its great to talk over whats happened, while getting people's opinions on how they might have booked it.



The Critic: Should there be a job for a critic in the diary? Someone who reviews every show like the multiple pro wrestling news sites. I tried this in a previous diary about 2years ago (WWE 3way) and I felt it was fun.


I like this idea, one question would it be you as the critic or would you have the readers as the critic (maybe have a rotation of readers do this).


Like the previous... Interaction with readers is great. I like to try and gred the readers involved as much as possible by Voting, Sharing opinions and so on. How i would impliment a Critic could be a challenge. Maybe the winner of the "Wall of Shame" could be the critic for the month? A rotation idea might me cool, or even a regular. I'm open to all ideas.


Thanks for the feedback. Glad you liked the Vixen idea, the new name for the Knockout Division has me puzzled lol:)

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:(Damn i thought it would recive a bit more feedback. Oh well, I'm giving it 48 hours before i carry on with the diary:). Ive got a bit lost with too much forward planning and not enough writing of shows. Got plenty lined up tho, Las Vegas Specials, Thanks Giving Specials, Haloween Specials, Trips outside the USA. People turning, being fired, forming factions. Its all go:D


Oh and the Critic Idea... if anyone is interested... please let me know

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New Division: First up is a new name for the Knockout Division. I have never taken to the name and I hate it with a passion. I have drawn up a few alternate names for the division but feel free to add your own









The Critic: Should there be a job for a critic in the diary? Someone who reviews every show like the multiple pro wrestling news sites. I tried this in a previous diary about 2years ago (WWE 3way) and I felt it was fun.


sounds good to be honest




Angle ratings: As you can see in my diary posts, I only post match ratings. Do people really want to see the rating levels of Angles on the shows or does the write fill the needs?

i say add the rating give but then again your write up may be better then how the actually rating is




Road Agent Notes: I have never added road agent notes into any diary “Christian Cage performed badly during this match”. It’s a small thing to add, not something I would enjoy reading but should it be added?

i think it should be added if give a feel of the road agents doing their jobs




Writer Interviews: Basically a spot where everyone can post questions after a PPV about my booking method of the past month. Don’t know how popular this would be, but it would give people who are hardcore readers an incite into the booking.

interactive i like that



Weekly Top 3: There is the Rank 20 on the website but what about a top 3 posted on the forum? Tazz, Tenay, West, Cornette or anyone could host a run down of the top 3 of the week and give there reasons why. Again it would give more detail to the diary and some stars, but would it be worth the effort?


great idea but if u feel you have the time




Pro Wrestling Spy: How are we liking the new dimension of the backstage storeys. Its not all about the shows now, where everything is kayfabe. Now you get the backstage gossip. Is it worth keeping? Should there be more? And is there anything else the PWSpy could do?


like the name Pro Wrestling Spy



Angle Write ups: Over the past few weeks I have been incorporating new ways to write angles. Where the wrestlers use dialog instead of me interpreting what is being said and done. I like both ways and personally I’m torn in which direction to go. Dialog, Interpretation or a Mix?





Direct Links: I totally forgot who gave me this idea so a HUGE apology. When I use graphics on the forums there use is just to look at and enjoy. Now I have another use as links. Each wrestlers picture would be linked to their profiles on the website, Championships would be linked to the history page and so on. It would require a little organising so its got to be worth it. What do you think?


Good idea

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Whats Next?

The Results




New Division Name: After much thinking... I've yet to decide on the new brand name but i will reveal it as soon as i know




The Critic: We have a Critic ready and waiting. I'll let him introduce himself. He will be reviewing Impacts and PPV's, Reviewing more for one person would obviously be too much. If anyone wants to Review X-Plosion or Showcase, they are welcome. Just let me know.




Angle ratings: Um i am holding off on this one for now for one reason. I didnt get a whole lot of suport for the idea. Saves me a little work.




Road Agent Notes: Totaly forgotten about. I atempted to collect all the notes while i was doing my write up and it proved to waste so much time.




Writer Interviews: I'll give this a one off trial after Bound For Glory. If it flops then its gone.




Weekly Top 3: 100% this will be added. The way i have it planned it should be a nice little feature at the end of every week to keep the diary ticking over. I wont be adding it just yet. It will be in a few weeks time




Pro Wrestling Spy: Its sticking round, I am a sucker for gossip even tho im making it up. I'll be sure to add more, such as Contract Roomers, Arguements, Contract Renewals, Things that are worth posting to enhance the diary



Angle Write ups: I am honestly puzzled as to what i should do. I much prefer the Dialog for an angle, but i feel i write better as a 3rd party looking in



Direct Links: I type everything up in microsoft word so i'll be looking to build up a database of Pictured with links allready built into the code, save doing it everytime. Will take a little while to impliment:)




The Future of TNA: No Limitations




With TEW 2010 around the corner i guess everyone will be wondering whats happening to to diarys. I will be continuing my diary using TEW2010 so dont worry.

When the release date is set in stone i will be putting a halt on the diary so i can get all the info ready to start again on TEW2010 (momentum, contracts, overness) It'll b a big job obviously but the diary is staying:)

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