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TNA - No Limitations "Goodbye Russo"

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Just read this whole diary today and I have to say I am very impressed with the MEM storyline. I will say however that your World title has kinda been put on the sideline it seems, hopefully with it now being in Angles hands it just combines the best of both worlds into one kick ass storyline.


Consider me a reader.


Wow, thanks for taking the time to read everything and thanks for giving such positive feedback.

As for the World Title being left out of the MEM storyline untill Gold Rush, and being left on the back burner for a while. Well it was actually intentional lol, not just bad booking. It was a way to keep things apart untill the big build up for BFG. But you will be happy to know (without giving spoilers) that the TNA Championship will be playing a bigger part in TNA :D


I was meaning to post in here last night when I saw that you brought this back. I am glad to see this back and I can't wait to see what you have in store for TNA again.


Another huge thanks, hope all the readers from the first time around enjoy the continuation.



QUICK! Shout out to everyone. I've got lots of sorting out to do for this diary, one of the things i have to do is find a new Video Hosting site. YouTube and PhotoBucket are ruled out, so does anyone know of a free site i can use?


Secondly, if there are any diary writers who read this, do you have any tips on how i can organise my "future plans" better? currently there all written down in a Word document, in order of the date they are happening. I was hoping someone might know a way of incorporating it all into a calender format?

Its only wishful thinking, My current system works, but it is a little on the messy side.

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The website is now 100% complete (700+ pages)

All new graphics for the diary are complete

All video's for the next 2 months are complete

The picture bank in complete, this means all pics such as worker, championship, match type and event pics will be clickable. If you want championship history, click the belt, if you want to know more about a worker/team/stable click the pic.

Upto Bound For Glory is written up

New PPV Buy Rate system set up for more detailed and unique rating


Still to do:

Write up 2 weeks worth of shows and news

Detail the next 4 months of forward planning

Get my readers back:D



I'm always open to ideas and feedback, so if you think something should change or be included, let me know before the re-launch

Feel free to take part in the diary in some way too


For now... I'll leave it untill the next update


Not far off now,

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Well, considering I'm the current champ, I'm biased. So no suggestions from me, just make it something good :D


Haaa! well mr reigning champion... im guessing you'll be the best to judge the prizes.


I put together a list of possibles, 1 could be selected at random for every month's winner. It's a prize and also alows readers to become involved. It also alows the readers to give me a little challege with some of the Prizes


Sign a Dev Wrestler

You are given the freedom to sign anyone in the database who is free, to a Development Contract

Sign a Dev Tag Team

You are given the freedom to sign any, allready formed tag team to a Development Contract

Call Up Dev Wrestler

Call up any Male or Female Wrestler from development. The person called up must not be a Trainer

Book Showcase Main Event

Decide on a Main Event for Showcase. The match will then be booked within the next 4 weeks worth of shows. The winner and ending will be booked by myself

Book an XPlosion Card

Put together 60mins of Television for the Knockouts. Upto 4 Matches and 4 Angles are aloud. Winners and endings will be booked by myself. This show will be aired within the next 4-weeks

Chose an Impact Themed Show

Like the Roulette themed show. Create your own theme for Impact. It can be all Cage Matches, One big Rumble... You Chose. The show will be booked within 6-weeks

Next "Intert Championship" Contender

Chose who you would like to be the next contender for a certain Championship. From World to Womens, The Challenger will be given their shot within 4-weeks.

Chose PPV Main Event Stipulation

On the upcomming PPV, you get to chose a stipulation or match type to incorporate into the match its self.

Change Gimmick

Re-Brand a wrestler with a whole new gimmick to make things different. A selection of wrestlers will be given

Split a Tag Team

Chose a Tag Team who maybe not working, you dont like, or who need a singles chance, Then Split them up. The Team will remain split for atleast 3-Months

Create a Tag Team

Think 2 workers are not getting over as singles wrestlers or think you have the perfect team? Put them together and see where they go. The team will remain together for atleast 3-Months

Create a Stable

Want to create a new Main Event Mafia, Beautiful People or Triple X? Chose between 3-6 wrestlers to form as a Unit. The Stable will remain together for atleast 3-Months

Turn a Wrestler

Chose a wrestler who you want to turn into a Badass Heel or a Fan's #1 Wrestler. The turn will come into effect within 6 weeks and will remain for atleast 6 months

Write Out a Wrestler, 84 Days

Chose any wrestler on the roster to write out of all the shows for atleast 84 Days. The wrestler will then be put on vacation and given a story to write him off of TV.

Write Out a Wrestler, 56 Days

Chose any wrestler on the roster to write out of all the shows for atleast 56 Days. The wrestler will then be put on vacation and given a story to write him off of TV.

Write Out a Wrestler, 28 Days

Chose any wrestler on the roster to write out of all the shows for atleast 28 Days. The wrestler will then be put on vacation and given a story to write him off of TV.

Write Out a Wrestler, 14 Days

Chose any wrestler on the roster to write out of all the shows for atleast 14 Days. The wrestler will then be put on vacation and given a story to write him off of TV.

Have Yourself Created and Signed

Have a Wrestler created that is based on yourself. You will be imported into the Database and Given a Development contract and will remain with TNA for atleast 24 Months.

Togg's Pick

I can chose any of the above, or create a one off prize of my own

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Im still thinking over the prizes, I was thinking maybe every 1/4 of the year (every 3months) the overall winner could win maybe a CD. I did look into wrestling DVD's, but rembered about those damn regional restrictions. No idea where im going to go with the prizes, so any help would be Great.


Now onto the Diary Update, Later on tonight i'll post the match Listings for XPlosion so that we can kick things back into gear and maybe get some predictions. Then either Tomorrow or Sunday the diary will officialy begin again, with the posting of XPlosion. I spent a few hours last night Writing up the October 1st editon of Impact (the impact following BFG) and i scared myself with the write up, it's longer than the BFG write up. There's alot going on though.


Untill Later, here's a Special Preview:D



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<p>Justin Credible vs Crowbar vs <strong>Tajiri</strong></p><p> </p><p>

2-Fro vs <strong>Lethal Consequences</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Madison Rayne vs <strong>ODB</strong></p><p> </p><p>

X-Division Championship</p><p>

<strong>Eric Young©</strong> vs Tony Mamaluke</p>

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TNA X-Plosion - Saturday September Week 3





Arena: Yanitelli Center – Jersey City, New Jersey

Attendance: 5,000 Sell Out




Announcers for tonight’s X-Plosion Broadcasting

http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Staff/JoeRaymondStaff.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Staff/DloBrownStaff.jpg









http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Heel/JustinCredibleHeel.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/vsLogo.pnghttp://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Face/CrowbarFace.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/vsLogo.pnghttp://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Heel/YoshihiroTajiriHeel.jpg

Justin Credible vs Crowbar vs Tajiri



With his partner still out with an injured ankle, Justin goes it alone once again. In what’s been declared a hardcore match, the competitors waste no time in bringing out the weapons. Justin again manages to sneak another victory out of the bag this week, when he uses a guardrail and some handcuffs to chain up Crowbar as he goes after former ECW rival Tajiri. Tajiri then stands no chance as JC manages to snap a baseball bat over the back of Tajiri.



Winner: Justin Credible

Time: 7:04

Rating: C-






http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Teams%20and%20Stables/Tag%20Face/TooFroFaceTagTeam.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/vsLogo.pnghttp://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Teams%20and%20Stables/Tag%20Face/LethalConsequencesFaceTagTeam.jpg

2-Fro vs Lethal Consequences



After what happened last night at Impact, Jay Lethal seems to be the only one in high spirits. The two loosing brothers Chris and Charlie perform appallingly in the match. Chris Ray is even seen botching a DDT. Its not long before the match comes to an end when the man on a roll, Jay Lethal hits the Lethal Injection on Chris Ray for the victory.



Winner: Lethal Consequences

Time: 5:26

Rating: F+







Raymond: I have just been informed that next week, here on X-Plosion we will see the return of Lance Storm. Next week will be a huge Main Event featuring the following match, Team 3D and Rhino vs Impact Players and Stevie Richards.






http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Heel/MadisonRayneHeel.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/vsLogo.pnghttp://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Face/ODBFaceKnockout.jpg

Madison Rayne vs ODB



Recent weeks we have seen ODB take on any challenge and tonight is no different. Rayne steps up to the plate tonight, even though she and her other Beautiful People members were scared out of the arena last night. Both knockouts put on a pretty ok match, But its ODB who walks out the winner, as she remains high up above all the other Knockouts.



Winner: ODB

Time: 6:10

Rating: D







http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Face/EricYoungFaceXDivision.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/vsLogo.pnghttp://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Face/TonyMamalukeFace.jpg

X-Division Championship

Eric Young© vs Tony Mamaluke



This surprise Main Event kicks off a big surge in the crowd, due to them getting a championship match for their money. Mamaluke really holds his own in this match up. He really shows that despite not being in the Ultimate-X match, he can still hold his own against the Champ. Young manages to gain the upper hand in the end and escapes with his title just a week away from BFG and his match with Nick Nemeth.



Winner: Eric Young, STILL X-Division Champion

Time: 11:11

Rating: D+






http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Staff/JoeRaymondStaff.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Staff/DloBrownStaff.jpg

D’lo: Well that wraps up the matches for tonight, but we still have an announcement to break to you tonight. I’m going to hand you over to my colleague Joe Raymond for the big news.



Raymond: Thanks, I guess its time for the Big Announcement. In just 2 weeks time, after Bound For Glory, X-Plosion is going to be reborn. X-Plosion will be going Pink in the name of Knockout Action. Each and every week you can tune in to see the best in Knockout Action, oh and tune in for the first Edition of the Knockout X-Plosion when we will begin our search for TNA Knockout Tag Team Champions.





Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_dplus.jpg






For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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TNA Development Contract Signing




Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has Signed former WWE Diva and Diva Search Winner Layla El to a Written Contract. Layla will report to SHIMMER immediately.








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit





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TNA X-Plosion Going Pink


In a shocker for a big wrestling company, TNA are planning to focus more time and effort on their Knockout Division by giving them a weekly show. TNA X-Plosion has hardly excided the fans since it first began and has been an afterthought for whatever happens on Impact. With the talk of the show having a revamp and the inclusion of if being an all Knockout Show, feedback has been vastly positive. WWE officials were not willing to comment on the news, but sources in WWE are said to be furious and are at a stumbling block currently with what they can do with the WWE’s dwindling Diva’s Division.


WWE Contract Extensions


Both John Cena and Ezekiel Jackson signed a Two year contract extension with WWE. TNA was said to have laid down the ground work for offers to both men, but WWE’s offers were rumoured to have been much more than TNA could offer. John Cena is rumoured to have signed a contract worth $70,000 a month.


Possible TNA Legends Contract


Its no secret in the TNA locker room that its President Dixie Carter is a fan of the sport and loves to hire in veteran talent. The latest rumours circulating at the moment is that TNA has signed the Legendary “Nature Boy” Ric Flair to contract that would have him appear as soon as its PPV of the year, Bound for Glory. TNA have yet to make things official or comment on this situation, but PWSpy will bring you more on the situation as it unfolds.

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TNA Impact Preview



With Bound for Glory just days away, both Chris Sabin and Kurt Angle have been given the chance to choose each other’s opponents for the night. Both men will obviously have a big challenge on their hands on Impact, not only when they have to battle against an opponent they can’t prepare for, but both men also have to decide who they want the other man to face. You can bet Kurt Angle will do anything to make Sabin’s life a living hell.



Nick Nemeth has been a thorn in the side of X-Division Champion Eric Young since turning up in TNA. Will he cause more havoc in the life of Eric Young? Or will the tables be turned?



Devilishous continue to hype their debut in TNA, but will Impact be their debut? Will we find out who is really part of the D-Lishious team?



Things between Nash and Waltman have been at boiling point for some time. With their match just days away, Waltman is left to fight it out against one of the Mafia HitMen. The only real question for this match is, will Nash put himself in Waltman’s way again, or will things wait until BFG.



Its Team Jarrett vs Team Foley to find out who gets to choose their stipulation come Sunday. Both men have seemingly began to detest each other more and more over the recent weeks, with nobody able to sort them out, it’s down to a match on the biggest stage in TNA. But which team will rein supreme come Impact.



Sting and Lesnar are just days away from one of the biggest matches in TNA history. Two of the biggest names fighting it out with a lot on the line, but what will this weeks Impact have in store for these two worldwide superstars.




(Impact will be posted in a few days to allow everyone to get in predictions and for me to get further ahead on the booking)




Confirmed Matches


Pick Your Poison

Chris Sabin vs ??? (extra point for guessing who)


Pick Your Poison

Kurt Angle vs ??? (extra point for guessing who)


James Gang and ODB vs Beer Money and Raisha Saeed


Nick Nemeth vs Suicide


Sean Waltman vs Matt Morgan


Roxxi vs Awesome Kong


Team Foley vs Team Jarrett

Mick Foley, Sonjay Dutt, Paul London and the FBI


Jeff Jarrett, Christopher Daniels, Jack Evans and Lethal Consequences




*** Who do you have you’re money on? Get Predicting. The Wall of Shame needs YOU! ***


For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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<p>Pick Your Poison</p><p>

<strong>Chris Sabin</strong> vs ??? (extra point for guessing who)</p><p> </p><p>

Pick Your Poison</p><p>

<strong>Kurt Angle </strong>vs ??? (extra point for guessing who)</p><p> </p><p>

James Gang and ODB vs <strong>Beer Money and Raisha Saeed</strong></p><p> </p><p>

There is just no need for the James Gang to ever win.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nick Nemeth</strong> vs Suicide</p><p> </p><p>

Sean Waltman vs <strong>Matt Morgan</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Replace what I wrote about the James Gang with the name Sean Waltman.</p><p> </p><p>

Roxxi vs <strong>Awesome Kong</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Team Foley vs Team Jarrett</p><p>

Mick Foley, Sonjay Dutt, Paul London and the FBI</p><p>


<strong>Jeff Jarrett, Christopher Daniels, Jack Evans and Lethal Consequences</strong></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22650" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Pick Your Poison<p> James Gang and ODB vs <strong>Beer Money and Raisha Saeed</strong></p><p> </p><p> There is just no need for the James Gang to ever win.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p><p> </p><p> Sean Waltman vs <strong>Matt Morgan</strong></p><p> </p><p> Replace what I wrote about the James Gang with the name Sean Waltman.</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Hmmm why do i get the feeling you would hate a D-X Reunion in TNA:D</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Togg" data-cite="Togg" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22650" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hmmm why do i get the feeling you would hate a D-X Reunion in TNA:D</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah I pretty much hated the entire group, to me they felt like an NWO rip-off. The only member of the group that I liked was Rick Rude.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22650" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah I pretty much hated the entire group, to me they felt like an NWO rip-off. The only member of the group that I liked was Rick Rude.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Meh! A rip off of the nwo they may be, but I did love the days when they were in the WWE. But u will be happy to know there's no current plans to reunite DX. But you might just have to put up with them being around for a while :-p</p><p> </p><p> Nash vs Waltman at BFG, I think I know who u'd back :-p</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> RIGHT!!! </p><p> </p><p> Predictions for Impact... I'll be posting the show tomorrow so everyone who wants to predict, you have 24 hours.</p><p> The prize for this month will be announced before the Bound for Glory preview.</p><p> Next months prize and every other prize from there on out will be announced after every ppv.</p><p> Still waiting for someone to predict 100% correct for a show :-)</p>
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<p>A little disappointed that X-Plosion isn't used to push new talents for future X-Division stars but nevertheless:</p><p>

Pick Your Poison</p><p>

<strong>Chris Sabin</strong> vs Alex Shelley (extra point for guessing who)</p><p> </p><p>

Pick Your Poison</p><p>

<strong>Kurt Angle</strong> vs Yoshihiro Tajiri (extra point for guessing who)</p><p> </p><p>

James Gang and ODB vs <strong><strong>Beer Money and Raisha Saeed</strong></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nick Nemeth</strong> vs Suicide</p><p> </p><p>

Sean Waltman vs <strong>Matt Morgan</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Roxxi vs <strong>Awesome Kong</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Team Foley vs Team Jarrett</p><p>

<strong>Mick Foley, Sonjay Dutt, Paul London and the FBI</strong></p><p>


Jeff Jarrett, Christopher Daniels, Jack Evans and Lethal Consequences</p><p>

Foley, Dutt, London, Guido & Tony? ****in' awesome. I love the FBI and London, mostly.</p>

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Thanks for the prediction:)


A little disappointed that X-Plosion isn't used to push new talents for future X-Division stars but nevertheless


Xplosion is to be a focus of the Women's Division. However Showcase is what the name is about. It will "Showcase" the X-Division, Tag Division and Hardcore Division:). It'll play a bigger part in these divisions over the coming weeks.


I set myself a target from the beginning of BFG being the tides of change for the diary. Up untill BFG i played more on what TNA was allready doing at the time and not making too many radical changes. After BFG is when i see myself firmly in control of the booking :).


So no need to worry about the X-Division, it's going places. I cant say any more without having to edit myself so i dont give away spoilers lol.:D




Impact will be up today, so anyone who wants to predict, you have a couple of hours. It will be a late post as im working on some graphics for a Mod at tme moment:)

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TNA Impact - Thursday September Week 4









Arena: Anaheim Convention Center – Anaheim, California

Attendance: 5,000 - Sold Out





Announcers for tonight’s Impact Broadcasting

http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Staff/MikeTenayStaff.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Staff/DonWestStaff.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Staff/TazzColorStaff.jpg









Tenay: Welcome to the last stop on the road to Bound For Glory. Tonight’s a huge night with many big matches on the cards. A team Foley vs team Jarrett match, Sean Waltman vs Matt Morgan and Two “Pick You’re Poison” matches involving Kurt Angle and Chris Sabin.



Tazz: Not only is it a huge night tonight, but it’s a huge night for Chris Sabin and Kurt Angle, who have there last chance to gain momentum on road to BFG.



Tenay: Tonight is the last chance saloon, make yourself known, gain momentum and try to gain as much as an advantage as you can.



West: The biggest question of tonight is to who have Sabin and Angle chosen as each others opponents.



Tenay: Your right, so lets not waste anymore time. Lets get to the first of tonight’s Pick You’re Poison matches, with Chris Sabin.






http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Face/BrockLesnarFace.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/vsLogo.pnghttp://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Face/ChrisSabinFace.jpg

Pick Your Poison

Brock Lesnar vs Chris Sabin



Oh My God. Kurt Angle gives Sabin his biggest challenge to date, with just days until Bound For Glory. Two men on the same page of getting one over on the Mafia seem to have faced the cunningness of the Mafia once again. Lesnar holds firm control for most of the match, with Sabin gaining some offence in the most genius of ways. Lesnar proves his dominance in the match and catches Sabin from most of his highflying offence. Sabin proves to be the better man though. Just as Tenay declares him out, we see Sabin catch Lesnar with a Sweet Chin Music style kick. The kick dazes Lesnar and allows Sabin time to scaled the turnbuckle and hit a huge standing Moonsault for the win. After the match, Sabin and Lesnar shake hands as Sabin is left to celebrate in the ring.



Winner: Chris Sabin

Time: 15:52

Rating: B-






http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Teams%20and%20Stables/Tag%20Face/JamesGangFaceTagTeamChamps.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Face/ODBFaceKnockout.jpg


http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Teams%20and%20Stables/Tag%20Heel/BeerMoneyHeelIncTagTeam.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Heel/RaishaSaeedHeel.jpg

James Gang and ODB vs Beer Money and Raisha Saeed



Back from commercial break and the crowd is still buzzing from the previous match. The match gets straight to the brawling as we see Beer Money and the James Gang brawl on the outside, leaving ODB and Saeed to battle it out inside. After several Referees’s come to separate the teams from brawling outside, the match begins to be a 6person tag match. Both sides take it in turns to have there time controlling the ring. It’s not until the end that we see everything break down once again. The pure hatred between Beer Money and the James Gang just cannot wait and they brawl in the ring and to the back. This leaves ODB and Saeed in the ring once again. ODB is in firm control, but from the outside we see Jacqueline play a big part in the final outcome. Jackie distracts ODB and allows Saeed to roll her up for a quick 3 count. Saeed immediately exits the ring and runs up the ramp with Jackie, to escape the wrath of ODB.



Winner: Beer Money and Raisha Saeed

Time: 8:37

Rating: D







Backstage Jacqueline is seen searching the corridors and all the rooms for her Beer Money Inc members. Out of nowhere she gets attacked and pummelled to the floor by a hooded female attacker who leaves a small rose covered in thorns.



Tenay: Could that have been ODB? She did just cost her the match.



West: I think ODB would have shown her face, not hidden it.



Tazz: Your right Don West. Who ever attacked Jackie has obviously planned it and thought enough about it to wear a hood and leave a calling card



Tenay: Who ever it is had better watch out, Jackie is no push over. Now we have to hand you over to the commercials, but stay tuned for more.











http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Heel/NickNemethHeel.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/vsLogo.pnghttp://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Face/SuicideFace.jpg

Nick Nemeth vs Suicide



Just days before his big X-Division match, Nick Nemeth gets to fight a former champion in preparation for Bound For Glory. Nemeth puts on a pretty good show tonight in his first singles match on Impact. Suicide seemed to be on a downwards spiral during the match. Although he put on a good show, there seemed to be very little fight in him. In the end Nick Nemeth manages to hit the Perfect Driver, slamming Suicides head straight into the mat and lets Eric Young know that he means business.



Winner: Nick Nemeth

Time: 5:51

Rating: C-






http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Heel/NickNemethHeel.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Face/EricYoungFaceXDivision.jpg

As Nemeth is about to celebrate in the ring, Eric Young comes through the crowd and starts beating down on Nemeth.



West: Young looks crazy in there.



Tenay: I think its payback from the last 4 weeks.



Tazz: He made it personal when he insulted Young girl, this is just payback.



EY continues to beat on Nemeth, Dragging him round the ringside and smashing his head into the railing and the ring. It takes over 4 security personnel to drag EY off Nemeth, who is bleeding from his head as he lays semi-unconscious on the floor.





Devilishious Video







http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Face/SeanWaltmanFace.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/vsLogo.pnghttp://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Roster/Heel/MattMorganHeel.jpg

Sean Waltman vs Matt Morgan



Two men with two big battle on the horizon at BFG are taking there chances on gaining that all important victory going into the biggest PPV of the year. Waltman has faced many Mafia beat downs lately, including beat downs at the hands of his opponent tonight. Morgan and his Partner Alex Shelley, now known as the “Hitmen” have been causing havoc in TNA recently. They are currently hoping for a victory at BFG over the Legends Champion, to bring home some gold to the Mafia. As for tonight, Morgan has enough on his hands with Waltman. Sadly for Waltman, it looks like another Mafia set up as Nash, Booker and Shelley come walking to the ring. Shelley gets in the ring and starts attacking Waltman. The bell is called and the match it declared a DQ Finnish. That doesn’t stop the beat down from the Hitmen, as they double-team Waltman. Nash then stands over his downed body as Booker rips off his T-Shirt revealing a Referee Shirt. Nash puts his foot on Waltman’s chest as Booker counts the unofficial 3count. All 4 men then celebrate over Waltman who is left unconscious in the ring.



Winner: Sean Waltman by DQ

Time: 8:40

Rating: D






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Backstage JB is with Bobby Lashley who has requested time to make an announcement regarding his match at Bound For Glory with RVD.


JB: Welcome back to Impact. Bobby Lashley is here waiting to make an announcement, so let me hand it over to him.



Lashley: Rob, at Bound For Glory, I have made a change to our match, thanks to TNA Management. Our match is now going to be a 2 out of 3 fall match. Just in case your wondering why. It’s to stop you moaning when I beat u. I’ll have to beat you twice, meaning you can’t call it a fluke. At bound for Glory, you and me are going to finish what we started. Oh and after BFG, on the first Monday Night Impact, you can declare me the greatest ECW Champion of all time.






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Roxxi vs Awesome Kong



These two knockouts have had issues since day one in TNA. Kong ultimately rules TNA, but Roxxi is the freedom fighter who keeps Kong at bay. This match proves to be a bit of a let down for the live crowd as we see Kong dominate for almost 5minuets straight. Although Roxxi takes the early lead, she quickly gets stopped in her tracks and then gets herself in the grasps of Kong, who makes her point with her. Kong just toys with Roxxi after delivering a huge Powerbomb around the 2minuet mark. Kong then continues to play with Roxxi until she hits her with another Powerbomb and covers her. Leaving Kong looking the strong favourite going into Sundays Bound For Glory Knockouts Championship match.



Winner: Awesome Kong

Time: 5:42

Rating: D-







AJ Styles now makes his way onto the stage with a microphone in hand.



AJ: On the road to BFG there will be 1 more stop for me. I’ve just come from Jim Cornette’s office and he gave me the chance to find a partner to team with ad I face the Mafia Hitmen on Showcase tomorrow night. Call me crazy but I cant wait 3 days until BFG to get my hands on them. See you out the other side guys.






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Team Foley vs Team Jarrett

Mick Foley, Sonjay Dutt, Paul London and The FBI


Jeff Jarrett, Christopher Daniels, Jack Evans and Lethal Consequences



This match holds the stipulation that the winning team captain will get to chose the stipulation for there match at BFG. So as the match kicks off, both team captains rally on their teams. Both teams show signs of cracking the whole way through, with guys like Dutt and London trying to out shine each other. The same goes for Jack Evans and Daniels who are the hot crowd favourites in this match. Although Jarrett’s team seems to be the stronger bonded team its Foleys team who picks up the victory when London hits the 450 on Creed for the victory.



Winner: Team Foley

Time: 11:13

Rating: D+







Foley: Another victory for the better man. You can bet on one thing at Bound For Glory Jarrett. You’ll be picking up your teeth from the mat when I hit you with the chair again. Yeah that’s right, at BFG its going to be you and me in a Hardcore, Anything goes match. Have a nice day.







Back from commercial break and Jim Cornette is on the stage.



Cornette: It’s already a pact Showcase for tomorrow night, but I have one more match to add to the cards. Just 2 nights before Lashley vs RVD and Joe vs Steiner, we will have a tag match. Both Mafia members Steiner and Lashley will battle Joe and RVD in a preview of BFG. But that’s not all, I said a few weeks ago that I would be looking for the next #1 Contenders for the TNA Tag Titles. Live on TNA.com before BFG we will have a match between Team 3D and LAX to determine the #1 Contenders to face the champions at Turning Point. So make sure you tune in to TNA.com 30minuets before BFG goes live on PPV.











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The camera’s now go backstage to watch a situation unfold. Angle and Sting are seen screaming outside the TNA Locker room when they find a Forklift Truck parked in front of the door, preventing the Mafia from getting out. Sting and Angle are seen trying to push the forklift but get nowhere. JB then turns up and drops a bombshell about tonight’s Main Event match up next.



JB: Angle, Angle, Angle!!!, Your match is up next. You have to go to the ring and get ready for your match.



Angle: I’m not going out there without the Mafia.



Sting: Don’t worry I’ll come out there and watch your back.



JB: Um, that wont be possible.



Angle: WHAT?



JB: Well you both have a match to come tonight.



Sting: That’s the first I’ve heard of it. Who am I suppose to be against?



JB: Well Chris Sabin chose Angle’s “Pick You’re Poison” opponent. That’s you.



Angle: WHAT, you have got to be kidding me. Me vs Sting? Now? HELL NO!.



JB: You know the rules, you fight or you forfeit the championship.



Sting: Listen, Sabin has done you a favour. Lets go out there and put on a show, The Mafia cant lose the TNA Championship, and this way wou want have a phsyco trying dissmantle you.



Angle looks furious as both men walk towards the stage entrance.






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Pick Your Poison

Kurt Angle vs Sting



Both men make there way to the ring and the bell is rung. Both men waste time in the ring before Sting goes outside to get himself intentionally disqualified. The Referee hits the count of 8 when TNA C.E.O Reece Piper comes onto the stage and lays down the law. Piper says that the match can only end under Pinfall or Submission, any cheating and both men would face a 90-day suspension and be stripped of the TNA Championship. After putting on a tantrum, Angle and Sting lock up in battle. Both men fight carefully as if they were just play fighting and not trying to harm each other. As the time ticks by, both men hit a clothesline on each other and are down on the mat. All of a sudden we see Sabin show up on the stage waving the keys to the Forklift. Lesnar then appears from the crowd and both men rush to the ring and beat on Angle and Sting causing the double DQ.



Winner: Draw by Double DQ

Time: 9:08

Rating: B






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Lesnar and Sabin continue the well-planned revenge attack on Sting and Angle. Its not long before we see Styles, Joe, Waltman and RVD come to the ring and lend a hand to beat down the Mafia in one of the best revenge attacks in recent history. All 6 men then pose at the end as the music plays and Impact closes.






Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_bminus.jpg




For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit


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Great show, that was a huge victory (and a huge upset) for Sabin. I was a bit shocked to see it (or read it) happen.


Thanks, always love to get feedback:). The Sabin win was a shocker, but the recent push and Gold Rush win hopefully make people feel that Sabin is high enough for that sort of win. Anyhow, he has a Main Event Championship match at TNA's biggest PPV of the year, i sort of had to give him the momentum going into the ppv:).


Make everyone question who goes over, Sabin or Angle:p


Glad you liked the show too, It's the first Impact since returning. Hope everyone else enjoyed and is now looking forward to the Bound For Glory PPV :D


I'll announce this months prize "Wall of Shame" prize later. Ready for tomorrow when the BFG predictions can begin :)

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