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21CW: Enter the SuperNova

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Little Backstory before I get around to posting the vignettes.


Only Europe and the U.K have been enabled, but to make sure I don't alter the roster completey I have set myself a hiring limit of 5, and a firing limit of 2, which won't start until three months after the game has started. I want to put emphasis on the talent already there, boosted by the occasional glimpse of starpower.


My user character is actually Jeff Nova, so their is no foul play when it comes to characters.


O.K vignettes to follow...


EDIT: Red Dragon will be hiatus from our shows for 56 days. When he returns he will be under the new name "The Welsh Warrior"

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I was the first of a new breed


I fought night in, night out


I am a 21CW Original


I am one of only five 21CW World Champions


I can perform one of the most devastating moonsualts known to man


I am The Welsh Warrior


I am the past of 21CW, I am the Present of 21CW




But my future in 21CW is only in one place...



21CW Best of British Wrestling, Thursdays exclusively on UK Broadcasting Digital




I be the darkness.

I be the creeping vine that slowly encroaches on the psyche of the mortal.

I be the screams at night, which can only fade into the distance.

I be Pain, and you be Prey.


Oh won't you be prey here for me tonight?


21CW Best of British Wrestling exclusively on UK Broadcasting Digital




I am Daniel Black Francis

I am only 23 years old, yet I am already the UK champion

I am the youngest singles champion in 21CW history

I am known for precise execution, and deadly submissions

I have been called the best prospect in all of British Wrestling today

I wrestle for just one company

You can find me in just one place...



21CW Best of British Wrestling exclusively on UK Broadcasting Digital




I'm "The Lion" Leo Price.


And I'm "The Complete Package" Joss Thompson.


And together, we are The Takeover!


In fact, we've even managed to "Takeover" this screen to remind you that there is only one place you can see "The Lion" and "The COMPLETE Package" wrestle


Thursday Evenings


UK Broadcasting Digital.


You don't wanna miss this action!






Is that a Geordie accent?


I'm from Wisconsin Jackass!


Oh, is that in Cornwall?




21CW Best of British Wrestling, Thursday Evenings exclusively on UK Broadcasting Digital



I am one of the people that made this company great


I am the only person in the history of this company to hold the World Championship twice


My Dog House Piledriver has been lined with gold since day one


And everything I have done is for the fans


These fans are the very reason I step between those ropes and take blow after blow from the best in this country


But for every pint of blood I've lost, even more has been spilt before me


And to see this spectacle, there's only one place to do it...



21CW Best of British Wrestling exclusively on UK Broadcasting Digital



Now this is the big leagues


I'm Jeff FRICKIN' Nova!


I'm a former UK's Strongest man


I'm a National Celebrity


I saved this company from ruin, and I did it with style




I work hard to keep this company as the place to be on the Continent


This company is the only company capable of international expansion



Come one, Come all, to the Greatest Spectacle on Earth...



21CW Best of British Wrestling exclusively on UK Broadcasting Digital



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Transmission Receieved; Welcome to the Revolution


Show opens with a pyro display, starting from the ring and working down towards the entrance ramp. Where a very happy Jeff Nova is emerging from behind the big canvas 21CW logo that represents the entrance all wrestlers must walk through.



As instantly the most recognisable member of the roster, the crowd greets him to a large reaction. He poses for the crowd, allowing his muscles to visibly strain under his shirt. Even though he doesn't wrestle he still has a physique to die for.


Welcome to the Revolution!


After another loud pop the crowd eventually dies down to allow Nova to talk.


Here we are, another year of revolution, another year of 21st Century Wrestling, another year of having to see my gorgeous features ruined by sitting next to my not so fabulous announce colleague.


Steve Smith just grins at the reference while a lot of chuckles emerge from the crowd. Nova is having the time of his life, he is really in his element.


This is not going to be just another year in our history, this is going to be THE year we gain complete control over the British wrestling scene. You are going to see us expand into Scotland, Ireland and who knows, maybe even a European Tour.


What's important is that we will continue to go all out every week right here on 21CW Best of British Wrestling for you fans right here in this arena, or just sitting there at home!


Crowd Pops one last time, meanwhile Nova leaves the ring and sits himself in the Colour Commentator's seat, ready for the next match to get underway.


Segment rating: A (I could not beleive this, I should of had it later on...)


http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/NateManchester.jpg Vs. http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/MisterKing.jpg

Nate Manchester Vs. Mister King


Overall, a pretty dire match, but I wasn't expecting much. King had most of the control throughout the match, but Manchester kept on getting in some crucial offense right before any big moves by King. King made a major mistake when he went for a clothesine when the script called for Manchester to reverse the Irish Whip, which killed some of the flow. I expected more out of King.


Segment rating: E-


http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/DaveyCeltic.jpghttp://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/DaveyLondon.jpg Vs. http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/GenocideAgent.jpghttp://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/SuicideAgent.jpg

The Anglo-Scot Connection Vs. The Elimination Agents for the 21CW Tag Team Championship


The Crowd was solidly against The Anglo-Scot connection, but seeing their potential it's obvious they should be developed further. Considering this match was for the Tag Titles, I hoped the teams would step up their games, but this is the 21CW Tag Division, so alas, it was not to be. The Anglo-Scots Connection retains.


Segment rating: E


http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/PhillipCooper.jpg Vs. http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/ChuckFrisby.jpg

Philip Cooper Vs. Chuck Frisby


I quite like these two wrestlers, it's just a case of drawing out their skills and developing it. This match was O.K, but as of yet noone has really stepped up their game and impressed me. Philip Cooper picked up the win.


Segment rating E+




Jonathan Faust is backstage, getting quite mad, from his crazed ramblings it becomes apparent that he's lost his title belt.


"I need my Belt! It's gone! It was in my room! Gone, How on tis Earth am I supposed to be champion without my...


" Sir?, it um, appaers that your belt is um, well...


Spit it Out!


Well, um, it's on the back of the door...


The official pulls the door around, exposing the title, hanging from a hook attached to the door. Faust is just standing there with a bewildered look on his face, the crowd quite like this, any reason to laugh at Faust is good.


Faust just slaps the official, saying


Why the hell did you put it there? Leave out of my locker room or I'll make sure you'll never get another job in this industry ever again!


The Official backs away out of view, Faust allows himself a chuckle before putting on his 21CW World Championship belt and leaving the room.


Segment rating: C


http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/LukeCool.jpg Vs. http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/Nightmare.jpg

Luke Cool Vs. Nightmare


This match was just awful, neither man was able to construct a good match and this is possibly the worst match I've ever had with 21CW. I'm going to have to seriously review what I want to do with these wrestlers. I'm ashamed to say this may mean giving Nightmare more angles! Nightmare won this with a Darkness Choke Slam


Segment Rating: F+


After the match Luke Cool was seriously injured, Jeff Nova went up to the apron to see if he was okay, before he could get him Nightmare grabs him around the throat and chokeslams him to the concrete floor. He then proceeds to a Microphone, and simply says


"I be the Living Nightmare


I be the Darkness


I be the shadow that falls from the trees.


I be there when there be no place to run.


You be there, I be there, I be the Living Nightmare


(This segment almost made up for their terrible match)


Segment Rating: B+


Nova is helped back to his seat by Smith and some officials. He's just about okay to contnue but his eyes are glazed over and he's clearly out of it.



http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/JossThompson.jpghttp://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/LeoPrice.jpg Vs. http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/IvanIvanoff.jpghttp://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/IgorIvanoff.jpg

The Takeover Vs. The Ivanoff Brothers


Hmmm, I really shouldn't of wasted The Takeover on the Ivanoff's, but hopefully the Ivanoff's should improve drastically soon. Hopefully once the first few cards are over I can get some storylines going. The Take over win.


Segment Rating: E+



http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/StevieStoat.jpg Vs. http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/DJReason.jpg

Stevie Stoat Vs. DJ Reason


Best Match of the Night so Far, and that's saying very little. Stevie Stoat showed good form, and the match ended with him hitting a very stiff super kick. If this was SWF, that would be considered a very solid opener. *sigh*


http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/JonathanFaust.jpg Vs. http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/PitBullBrown.jpg

Jonathan Faust Vs. Pit Bull Brown 21CW World Championship match.


Very dissapointed with the entire card. I really should of thought this through more carefully, Faust was really not putting his all into the match-up, and considering these two have good chemistry i'm amazed with how the rating was. Starting tomorrow, some big changes are going to be made around here...


Segment Rating: D


Overall Rating: D


(Quick Note: I designed this card to be as bad as possible yet still beleivable for purposes of storyline. Don't think I be being a bad booka yo'!)

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Jeff Nova has called an emergency meeting, nobody, not even some of the senior members on the booking team know what this is about.





Welcome all staff under the payroll of 21CW, you may be wondering why I've called this meeting. Well, if ANY of you actually watched a re-run of one of our shows, then you'd know!


We can barely run one decent card! This is our revolution, and yet we can't even threaten the bloody Wigan rookies, half of them aren't even old enought to Drive!


There's more chance of me finding some talent in the toilets at Glastonbury then in this room right now.


Jonathan, you can't even carry us to a good match, we give you television time, we give you a title, and yet you can't give us a single blooody match!


You know what it is, it's a Frickin disgrace. We go around, fluanting ourselves as the evoultion of the British wrestling scene, and yet two-thirds of the people in here are already looking at a one way train to Unemployment.


I love this business, I invest all my time, and a HUGE amount of my fortune to try and revive this company, it's wrestlers and all that it stands for. Wrestling is like a second home to me. And if you can't share this level of raw emotion then I'm not sure your heart is in this business.


Wrestling is more then men fighting, or about theatrics, it's about two competitors, knowing they went all out for the fans to get more than what they payed for their money.


You all need to Focus.


I don't give a damn whether you're a referee, a road agent, a wrestler or even the guy we hire to spread the fake tan over your lazy hides!


This roster has three months. After those three months I will fire each and every one of you if you can't pull your act together. This is the last warning.



On a brighter note, we will be intergrating some new talent onto ou roster soon, I cannot disclose their names, but hopefully it's what we need to shake up this roster.


One thing I will say, that is on the good side, we can cut some decent promos between us, so we will have more of that.


THAT IS ALL, take what I've said and take it on board, if you don't, your time here is limited.

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*A group of men are in a dimly lit church*


*There are several hooded figures surrounding that of another hooded figure, these hooded figures start chanting*


There is always Light within the Darkness


Just as the Lost always have Hope


The Weak always have Strength


But my strength comes from being better than the weak


Throughout the days of unwavering dark, you people have had a light


I have been your light


When you were lost I guided you


And when you were weak, I had strength


Because I have the 21CW World Championship


Whenever you need guidance, hope, strength or just to watch the finest wrestler on the face of this earth, come to me.


I will never falter


I shall always remain



21CW Best of British Wrestling exclusively on UK Broadcasting Digital


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Transmission Received; Welcome to the Revolution



Show opens with a pyro display, this time all around the ring until one particularly large explosion comes out of the large 21CW logo at the head of the entrance ramp.




"Welcome to the Revolution!"


Crowd goes crazy for him, he's even more popular then lest week, despite the overall poor showing from the roster.


We here at 21CW have two sayings, One, don't disappoint the fans, and Two,


And I really can't express how important this is,


Don't Chokeslam the boss! which I thought was pretty easy.


The crowd react, even though mixed, some boo at the reference to Nightmare, others cheer that it looks set that Nova is gonna get some form of payback.


I be that thing which doeseth go bump in the night,

I be a' watching Brookside tonight,

I be wanting to be Graham Norton,

Tonight Matthew, I be Farmer Norris!


Nightmare, you may sound ridiculous, but as these fans will tell you, you can't stop Jeff FRICKIN' Nova!


The crowd love Nova, and they are loving this segment, at this point the camera zooms in to several different Fan Signs...


"Jeff FRICKIN' Nova"


" World's Strongest Man!"


"Enter the SuperNova!"


"We traveled from Aberdeen just to see the World's Strongest Bearhugger!"



Then, in a rather elaborate way, the camera swings over to a sign right at the back of the arena.


The sign reads "I be the way in, to your Nightmare"


The sign then explodes, and from the smoke created emerges Nightmare. You can feel the level of hatred from the fans, they want him dead.




On his way down to the ring, a seven-year old boy throws a Hula-Hoop (the crisps, not the toy, would you have the guts to play Nightmare Hoopla?) at Nightmare. Nightmare simply picks the Hoop off the floor, and eats it.


" I be the Nightmare,

Your futile menagerie be gone the way of Hope, and of Dreams,

There only be I,

I be the Nightmare"


He continues on his way down, he ignores the abuse and just chuckles, almost crazily on the way down.


"Look what we got here, it's Grouchy from the seven dwarfs!"


Nova is playing up the fact that he is a good few inches taller then the behemoth that is Nightmare. It draws a good reaction from the crowd.


"Nova, you have been empty in your years here, your revolution has failed as the Darkness grows stronger.

Everyday I see your light, you are the only candle among the shadows.


Tonight, Nova, I extinguish that light, so that we may all be bathed in the glorious dark,


The glorious dark of a Nightmare


I be Nightmare Nova,


I be Nightmare."


I be wanting a Hug 'Mare, come here, I'll give you a nice big Hug!


The crowd cheer for the reference at the World Strongest Bearhug, Nightmare just looks straight into the eyes of Nova, and says:


"Shall we meet later today in order to for light to battle darkness?"


"You want a match? against me Jeff FRICKIN' Nova? You want to enter the SuperNova? You want to wrestle the super-sonic, super-stellar, the former Strongest man in the whole of these sacred isles. Do you really want this match?"


Nightmare just nods, and exits the ring, looking at Nova until he exits the the arena via the ramp.


"Ladies and gentlemen, come one and come all, to the Grandest Spectacle you'll ever see, Jeff FRICKIN' Nova will wrestle tonight!"


Segment rating: B+


After the crowd dies down, much to their surprise Nova heads backstage. A young woman has taken his place in the colour commentators seat. Smith explains that this is Melanie Florence, and that she will be taking over colour duties until next week, as Nova has to prepare for his match.


http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/GenocideAgent.jpghttp://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/SuicideAgent.jpg Vs. http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/IgorIvanoff.jpghttp://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/IvanIvanoff.jpg

The Elimination Agents Vs. The Ivanoff Brothers


The Ivanoffs looked strong throughout this match, but kept on getting in each other's way, after a pin attempt by Ivan was interrupted by Igor being tripped by Suicide Agent Ivan just left Igor to his own devices. Surrounded by two wrestlers it wasn't long until Igor fell to the Elimination Bulldog. A move where Genocide agent lifted Igor onto his shoulders in an electric chair form of move, before falling falling forward. While this is happening, Suicide Agent rebounds off the ropes and catches the falling Igor's head, delivering a high-impact bulldog. After this Genocide agent went for the pin.


Segment rating: E-



http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/DaveyLondon.jpg Vs. http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/LeoPrice.jpgw/http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/KathleenLee.jpg

Davey London Vs. Leo Price w/ Kathleen Lee


It has to be said Leo really carried this match, holding most of the momentum throughout. His grappling needs a little tune-up but apart from that he's dependable. Davey London was alright for a Rookie, and he built up a lot of momentum in this match right at the end, then, just as he was about to finish him off, Kathleen Lee tips Davey London, resulting in a quick pin for Leo Price. Who walks away the victor.


Segment rating: E+


http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/AdamMatravers.jpgw/http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/PhoebePlumridge.jpg Vs. http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/LukeCool.jpgw/http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/TheSteamroller.jpg

Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge Vs. Luke Cool w/ The Steamroller


This is the first time I've given Luke Cool a manager, and I'm glad I did, Luke Cool and The Steamroller have excellent chemistry together. Meanwhile Phoebe did some great work at ringside for Adam. I'm really impressed with these wrestlers. Luke Cool was mainly there to absorb some high risk assault from "Mile High", but he got in some good offense that really made him seem like a legitimate contender. Adam was amazing, he really carried this match, and he did a rope-running snapmare combination which i thought just played to his creativity. It ended after a DDT by Matravers followed by the Mile-High Moonsualt. This match was better than I expected, and it just proves that these competitors can put on watchable matches.


Segment rating: D- (only a step down from last week's Main Event)



The takeover are backstage, Joss is giving some news to Leo.




"Guess what?, I got a title match, me and Faust are going to wrestle for the title tonight!"


"Great Dude, what did you get me?"


"uuumm... I got you a pack of gum?


"You've Flamed me Joss, what about my UK shot next week? You said that was guaranteed"


"Chill, I got you a shot, you just gotta win a contenders match next week."


"That's great and..., Joss, who is it?"


"Matravers, don't worry, I'll be there to back you up, and Kathleen will be at ringside too, come one, this is our opportunity to TAKEOVER this place."

"Just two matches, and then I'm champ?"






Segment Rating: C-



http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/DanielBlackFrancis.jpg Vs. http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/MisterKing.jpg

Daniel Black Francis Vs. Mister King for the 21CW UK Championship


DAMN! This match would of been at least a D- if it wasn't for the clashing chemistry! Daniel did well but it's just that King is so... unique. Daniel started off with some basic blows, working to the crowd and making it look half-real. King killed some of the momentum when he slipped on the apron following an attempt to climb the turnbuckles, but they kept it solid and watchable. I would of liked to see more effort considering this was for the UK Championship, but as these men are still youngsters in wrestling terms, I'll let it slide. Francis retained after a roll-up.





Melanie Florence quickly enters the ring and talks to the fans, she introduces herself. She has excellent Mic skills, yet she's still not known yet so I shouldn't of given her an angle, but trial and error my good friend.


Segment Rating: D-




Nightmare Vs. Jeff Nova


Considering me and Nightmare are two, not so talented wrestlers, with very little knowledge of psychology and as large strong wrestlers, an inability to sell properly, we pulled off a decent match. I could of hoped for more out of me, but I'm just such a bad wrestler, damn me to hell. If only we had some proper talent. We started off just brawling, until we started grappling, whenever it came down to raw strength I prevailed. It all ended when he went for a Darkness Chokeslam, but I slipped out of the choke and went for the World's Strongest Bearhug. And I am your winner!




Joss Thompson Vs. Jonathan Faust


An improvement on last week, we saw some dynamic action from these inexperienced competitors. Thompson in particular showed some knowledge of counter-holds and Faust was amazing in the way he managed to "weasel" out of any major moves from Thompson. Out of frustration, Kathleen intervened, but to no avail. Then, from the back came out Leo Price, and while Kathleen distracted the referee Price hit a low blow. However, in the end the referee simply sent Lee and Price to the back, and while this was happening Faust hit Thompson with a chair on the outside. All he had to do was roll in and let Thompson get counted out.


Segment Rating: D+





"Well, people of London, you have seen today the greatest spectacle in the wrestling world and by darned if we didn't give it our all. I would just like to finish tonight by saying..."


A message appears on the mega-tron


The Revolution is Over, welcome to the Rebellion.


"Is this some form of joke, this isn't funny and...


The lights go out, followed by some spooky glowing from the entrance ramp, people look at the spooky light to see if they can find the source of this commotion. But as the lights come on, they see it was just a ploy, and that Nova has vanished.


The Rebellion have captured the leader of the Revolution. Here are our ransom demands;




Segment Rating: B


Final Rating: D+


An improvement, but I sense things are on the up...

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I be that thing which doeseth go bump in the night,

I be a' watching Brookside tonight,

I be wanting to be Graham Norton,

Tonight Matthew, I be Farmer Norris!


That I absolutely loved, and the show as a whole wasn't too bad either. Well done Orange, keep it up :)

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Thanks, at this stage I would say I can't do proper match write ups, but hey, I'm improving!


Don't worry about the matches, really, if your angles are good enough then that's what'll draw people in. Although a clear notice of the winner might help, sometimes it's been a tad ambiguous.


Also, don't reply to every single comment i make ;) Or if you do, wait until your next show/show preview to respond, rather than bump-whoring your thread.

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I think you're doing very well to capture the feeling that the matches are worth very little in this promotion. Your angles are cleverly done - my only suggestion would now to tighten up on punctuation etc. Get yourself a clear style of how to get across who is speaking - and ALWAYS use it. Don't make the reader have to think! :D
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I think the match write-ups are absolutely fine; in a fed like 21CW no-one's as interested in the fine details of the matches as they are in results anyway. Angles are looking good as well - nice start! :)
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Transmission Received; Welcome to the Revolu...


Transmission Received; Welcome to the Re...


Transmission Received; Welcome to the Rebellion




The show opens with a large pyro display, just as normal, this time from the rafters, just fizzling over into the ring, until out of the ring posts come four very smoky explosions.


The crowd cheer, this is the part where Nova jumps out and says hello.


But there is only silence...


The crowd wait, for minutes, there is nothing.



The Revolution has Fallen; End Transmission


Segment Rating: A





The Elimination Agents Vs. The Ivanoff Brothers


The Elimination Agents start by giving a Dual-Clothesline to Igor, and then proceed to throw some basic strikes to Ivan, who is trapped in the corner. When Igor gets up, he immediately throws Genocide Agent out of the ring, and The Ivanoff's start to work on Suicide Agent. Igor eventually leaves Ivan in the ring by himself, after much waving arms and shouting by the referee, just as Genocide agent climbs up to his corner. After swapping some tags the Ivanoff's keep on fumbling the crucial moves, and after Ivan accidentally Irish whips Igor into a ring post, Igor leaves. Unable to cope against the tandem offense, Ivan succumbs to an Elimination Bulldog.


Segment Rating: E-




Mister King Vs. Phillip Cooper


If anything, King is in this match as punishment for causing some friction backstage last week. Cooper started off strong, and King took some decent offense, eventually getting some moves in himself. The turning point in this match would of been when cooper hit a Top-Rope Clothesline. King was out of it, one superplex and The Cooper Fly Splash later and we had ourselves a pinfall. Not a match for the history books but I'm suitably content.


Segment Rating: E+





Jay Heartbreak walks down to the ring, the fans are unaccustomed to him so don't know how to react, but then he simply grins, and the fans know they aren't going to like him.


Ladies and Gentle-Ladies, I am of course, Jay Heartbreak. And of course, I'm fabulous.


Yep, the crowd don't like him, who'd a thunk it?


I descend originally from Oxford, the home of scholars and of gentleman, and I appear before you today as a free agent so desirable, 21CW paid an arm and a leg for me.


I am well known on the European scene for selling out arena's, these arena's have sold almost exclusively to the female persuasion. Who can blame them? I'm Jay Heartbreak. I am just that Damn good.


I am here today to tell you that, I'm going to be wrestling here, much to the delight of some of you, for a very long time. I'm even going to make you a promise, if by the end of this year, I haven't won gold with this company, I will leave. And I bet loads of the women in this audience would LOVE to see me leave.


Heartbreak then flaunts his behind to the entire British general public. He provokes such a strong reaction from the crowd that he can't speak for a another minute, there's just too much hatred.


When I hit my finisher, Aha Shake Heartbreak on you, you'll know just how great I am.


Segment Rating: D



Leo Price Vs. Adam Matravers


Hmmm, these are two solid competitors, who don't clash in the ring, and yet they barely out performed King and Cooper. This match probably suffered because it went on for too long. It started off with some basic offense, and quickly swifted to some faster paced brawling. Price did his best to try and ground Matravers, but he eventually got hit with a deadly neckbreaker. He was down and it was all over with a Mile-High Moonsault.


Segment Rating: E+





The Revolution has succumbed to the Darkness. And the Rebellion shall remain, only then to succumb to the Darkness as-well. Only then they shall face the Nightmare.


I be Nightmare


Segment rating: C+




Nightmare Vs. Pit Bull Brown


In a match designed to boost Nightmare's skill levels and to boost his momentum we saw him but on a solid performance against the Pit Bull. The Brawling was weak, and Brown soon took over with some stiff strikes, but as he pulled Nightmare into the Dog House Piledriver, a very feared move, Nightmare managed to power out, and use a Darkness Chokeslam on Brown. To pull away a victory I thought he'd earned.


Segment Rating: D-





Faust and Thomson are backstage, talking about the title match which they are just about to have.


Come On Thompson, I won last time, I'll win this time, why don't you get that?


Hitting a Dude with a chair does not count as a title defense!


What would you know about title defenses, you held the title once, and you lost it...


I held it for ten months! I was the longest ever reigning champion in 21CW History, I am the the COMPLETE PACKAGE, I am the finest wrestler in the whole of the United Kingdom, and you say I can't win?


Yeah but...


Faust's' Music starts playing.


See you in the ring



They both make their entrances, and get ready to fight, referee's there, competitors ready, all we need is the bell...


Transmission Received; Title Match Abort


Faust and Thompson both look confused, as the messages continue...


We have come to an agreement with Nova, if he wins us the 21CW World Championship, we release him.


Nova to replace Thompson


Nova to replace Thompson; End Transmission


The Crowd are going crazy, the sheer volume emitted from this crowd is purely sensational, Nova is coming.


Nova runs down to the ring, he looks bedazzled, and eager to start the match, he press slams Thompson out of the ring, and the match is underway...


Segment Rating: C+




This match is the best match I've produced so far with 21CW, all because I'm such a great wrestler. Pretty much I started dominating with my sheer strength, but he took advantage of every opportunity to claw back, he even managed to remain conscious during one of my bearhugs to manage to claw over to the ropes. In the end, I clawed him in to The World's Strongest Bearhug outside the ring, and he passed out. Via match rules he was counted out and I was crowned the new 21CW World Champion.


Segment Rating: C-






Jeff Nova is in the ring celebrating, the crowd has gone wild.


"This is the crowning moment in my career, and I promised the Rebellion leaders that I would hand over this title, but if they want it, They'll have to come get it!"



You have broken our agreement Nova


Now we have to reclaim what's ours


A mysterious man makes his way down to the ring, he looks familiar, but no one can put their finger on it, and then almost as if the light had shifted on his face it became apparent who he was.


He immediately ran to the ring, and disposed of Jeff Nova, exposing himself as the true champion of 21CW, as it was obvious that point 21CW had entered a New era, a scary, scary new era.



















































http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/TheMaskedOrange/TommyCornell.jpg It had entered The Rebellion


Segment rating: A



Show Rating: D+

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Hahah what the hell?


Edited database or am I just horribly confused?


Also for segments please consider formatting as such:


Nova: I am incredibly bald.

Nightmare: I wish I was in the WWE.



That way it's TOTALLY clear who is speaking.

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Hahah what the hell?


Edited database or am I just horribly confused?


Also for segments please consider formatting as such:


Nova: I am incredibly bald.

Nightmare: I wish I was in the WWE.



That way it's TOTALLY clear who is speaking.


I did say at the beginning only U.K and Europe were open, so there would be some lucrative free agents.


This was also mentioned in the diary sign up thread. But I've limited the amount of hirings I can make so as to not detract from the talent already there.



And I'm still working on the layout, It will probably be updated for the next show "TOMORROW"

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I did say at the beginning only U.K and Europe were open, so there would be some lucrative free agents.


And I'm still working on the layout, It will probably be updated for the next show "TOMORROW"


You did, and I completely forgot about it. Sorry :)

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Best Of British Wrestling Preview:


Jeff Nova Vs. Tommy Cornell


Jonathan Faust Vs. Joss Thompson


DJ Reason Vs. Stevie Stoat



There will be more matches, but these are the previews.


Incidentally the heat for the Nova-Cornell match is A*, the storyline is red-hot. They both have A popularity, and the storyline has an A rating.


I reckon we might get a C for that match!

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I'll be honest, the Cornell factor has ruined this a bit as there's no way you will (or even be able to) job him out to anyone. Ever.


I'll second but for the wrong reasons. Turning all other areas off just seems daft. But, it's your game, your diary, go with it and have fun! :)

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