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CGC: The DeColt Power House

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<p><em>Wow... I am about to meet George Decolt, again, but this time... I am on a stage, before my last match in the Dojo. About to become one of the graduates of 2008, after 5 long years of training. The Canadian master is about to give me a certificate to crown me, Golden Superstar of 2008... the blood is going to my head. Better get ready... BYE!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="font-family:System;">We Join in the last few minutes of the ceremony.</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">George: yes, yes well done Jason... Ladies n' Gents, one last clap for Jason Jerdans!...</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Jason leaves, and I start to sweat, I don't suffer from Stage fright, but this is the biggest day of my life.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">George: Well we just had best Brawler, now... time for the best all round star, The Golden Superstar of 2008... Jack Avatar!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>I went on stage, soaked in the applause and, I got the microphone and... I said the most natural thing to say.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Avatar:Wow... Thanks!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">George: you are welcome... and deserving, you have the ability, no, the GIFT to drive a crowd wild weather you are in the ring, showcasing your talent, punching and kicking your opposition... with a microphone, Getting in their heads, face or heel, making them realise what they are watching... Sometimes, I get goosebumps just seeing you stood there. Once you get a name for yourself, the crowd will chant your name, evn when your dead, they will chant a witty catchphrase that you invented, even if it is not you who says it.But the most of all, you are my student, and... my friend... People of Canada and the world... Jack Avatar!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Avatar: This has made my life what it is, I was a kid in England watching CWF and the like, forcing my dad to take me over there whenever possible, watching George in his tag matches, the swift movement and great chemistry between the two. But now George has given me the chance to do the same, my dad is in the crowd, I see the grin on his face, Dad I know you feel so proud, My sister, Katie is out here and so is my cousin, Takyuki. Me and my dad would dream of me taking a world title and coming into the crowd to celebrate with my Mother and Father. But George... Thanks... Friend.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>As I smile crept over his face, the same happened to me... but his... his was more devious, he grabbed the Mic, just like he did on TV before a witty comment...</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">George: well now I have a request, a new concept for the Power House... We want the Star of the 2008 class, to Join a special group, and a new tradition... Every 50 years I want the star of the class to become... Head Booker, you see Alex feels like he will be hated for pushing himself, so he invented this... We might start next year... If you say no. So what do you say?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>I pondered my answer, the pro's and cons running through my head... My dad, Katie and T were egging me on. I grabbed the Mic.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">I would love to.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>I left, hugging and thanking everyone... off to celebrate!</em></p>

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What have I done? Last night I became head booker of CGC! I must be insane... But, I am working my dream job, working for my dream boss and getting my dream pay. Maybe I am not that crazy. Well time for a work out with the boys.


A.Decolt: 'ite? well, good thing you took over, didn't want to get a bog ego, did I? well any ways, I trained 'ya and I like 'ya, you all right kid.


I tried not to laugh at him, He can't speak English... well he can speak half of all the words... I didn't laugh though, last time I did I had to run 2 miles... Alex was cool, but ruthless.


A.Decolt: Let's start with some running...


He gave everyone different lengths, maybe mine will be less then 2 miles.


A.Decolt: Oi! Kid, you are running... 2 miles...


Awww.... Oh well, This field is pretty big, I'll weasel out of it.


R.Decolt: Hahahaha Rookie gets a 2 miler!


HUH! I thought he was nice!? Humble my a*s


A.Decolt: Yeah, rookie gets 2 miles... but your champ... Marathon... you ****y piece of sh*t.


I couldn't help but laugh at this... wait... did he just say full words... Jesus...

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Okay... Today The work begins, Monday, Supposed to be the best day of my life... but I end up as head booker, Yesterday, tuesday, I did superstar training, Today, I do my first meeting with the big man, George.


I walked into George's office. Lots of others were outside.


George: All right? Let's get down to it. I have three topics today... one is Fan feed back, I have set up a new forum at CGC.com, it already has 4,500 views, I also need a new commercial... and we need to discuss, creative plans. Come back later and we shall do that.


Avatar: Yes sir.


hmm... a lot faster then expected... He must want me to get on, OK, first I will check CGC.com... later...


A few hours later I checked the message boards.



CGC Hav put sum N0013 in chrge



Use Propa Americanish you stewpid



I do believe it is English... can a Mod ban these two?



I hope he does a good job, PUSH RICKY!



They are.... anyway please hire Daryl Devine!


what a bunch of losers... who do you know that goes on a forum with any friends? on to the commercial, better check it out, it airs in 30 mins.


(the voice is in italic)


Maple Leaf Sports

Steve DeColt is on the screen


Jack DeColt is on the screen


Ricky DeColt is on the screen


Alex DeColt is on the screen

and Alex...


The DeColts are on CGC... Maple Leaf Network

Several action shots of many other stars are on screen


I liked it, I thought it was alright, well consider we are rated... CULT level

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I actually quite like the set-up. Giving the Golden Boy of the training camp the keys to the promotion is a bit unrealistic, but no more so than winning the lottery or accidentally wandering into a booking meeting to find the Owner choking and giving him the heimlich manoeuvere. Jack Avatar is a bit of a Mary-Sue, but he is in the game too, so that's forgivable.


I find it curious Alex "can't speak English" when, you know, he can. It's a gimmick I guess.


I'll read your first show (provided you get that far) but with a stellar CGC diary already available, I expect you'll struggle for comment until you get a decent run going.

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I actually quite like the set-up. Giving the Golden Boy of the training camp the keys to the promotion is a bit unrealistic, but no more so than winning the lottery or accidentally wandering into a booking meeting to find the Owner choking and giving him the heimlich manoeuvere. Jack Avatar is a bit of a Mary-Sue, but he is in the game too, so that's forgivable.


I find it curious Alex "can't speak English" when, you know, he can. It's a gimmick I guess.


I'll read your first show (provided you get that far) but with a stellar CGC diary already available, I expect you'll struggle for comment until you get a decent run going.


I aswell, but seriously, it gets tiring to know that a diary is going to end, but it sort of pisses me off how the guy started a diary, and never even takes our advice.

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I'm pretty sure he did.



Plus he graces us with two short posts that could have been combined. Cheap bumping ahoy.


Move along folks, this one will just be another one he gets bored of and leaves by the way side.


edit: Yes, he did.




Wow, he just edited the rule out, something tells me that he really didn't want the people to know that he made this

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I actually quite like the set-up. Giving the Golden Boy of the training camp the keys to the promotion is a bit unrealistic, but no more so than winning the lottery or accidentally wandering into a booking meeting to find the Owner choking and giving him the heimlich manoeuvere. Jack Avatar is a bit of a Mary-Sue, but he is in the game too, so that's forgivable.


I find it curious Alex "can't speak English" when, you know, he can. It's a gimmick I guess.


I'll read your first show (provided you get that far) but with a stellar CGC diary already available, I expect you'll struggle for comment until you get a decent run going.


Thanks for the first nice comment, good to see someone who will read my show.


EDIT: yes UFC-King, I did edit out as I won't be keeping that promise


and I will be taking this slowly, so I don't rush it, so I don't get bored and possibly be able to make this last.

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Move along folks, this one will just be another one he gets bored of and leaves by the way side.


You should be banned.


For heavens sake, if you don't take seriously any diaries by SWF2K9, don't go reading topics in the dynasty thread started by him. Someone should be banned for not getting anywhere with diaries? Wow, mods are really going to have to start shovelling out those bans. Then people who actively encourage people not to read these diaries will be happy at a job well done.

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You should be banned.


you really don't get it do you?


My diary's aren't brilliant, I know, I learn by trial and error, I never say die, I might give up aspects of something, but I will come back and try again.`How many people have told you not to read what you don't like? I understand I am being criticized by loads of people, but "you should be banned" is not constructive is not even critism, so if anyone is banned, it should be you. By the way, repeatedly posting that I will give up is bumping my thread, helping my get extra readers, thanks :D... wait... Isn't repeatedly posting the same point spam?... who should be banned?


EDIT: thanks to the above poster. Also I will be taking Belton/Self's advice, this will be done in real time.

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Hey man I've been perusing the threads by you and reading about you all weekend....I have no problem with anyone writing 450394752 diaries, by all means write whatever you want. Personally i dont read any Cornellverse diaries as I never play the C-verse so i just dont get it but if I can give you some constructive critisicm it is to edit your posts as many times as it takes....heck find someone on here willing to read them for you before you post them. There are no bad ideas only bad applications and I cant speak to your creative application because I dont know the C-verse but the grammer is out of whack and it will turn people off



to sum up my rant make sure your diary posts are edited over and over even if it means taking a full day to read them or have someone else read them


One more thing, a suggestion if you dont mind...... Stop replying to the negative people in your threads it doesnt help you out at all just ignore them and move along

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Lol! I was bummed about dying in mafia, but this will brighten my day!


Push Ricky! Hire Darryl! Also I'm surprised you're using Jack Avatar and not the Masked Strawberry. Wasn't he the one that licked armpits?


nope. that was Adam Parks

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ooc: can a mod rename this to "CGC The DeColt Power house: home of the wonderful world of Jack Avatar" as I want to focus on the promotion but mainly on the character.



A lot has happened in the past few days, my dream has been completed, a wrestler on TV, and being interviewed by a newspaper which you can see here http://i589.photobucket.com/albums/ss337/bobfear/TheWrestlernewspaper.jpg

I got to thinking... where did it really start?... The Obvious answer would be The power house... but where did it really begin? When did I first think, I want to be a wrestler? I knew, it was high school, my boarding school, tonight is the day where I put up the ideas to the roster... but tommorow I have off.... what will I do? hmm... Oh my! the calendar says its my high school reunion! Tommorow! what luck!

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I'm going to say this again. It's not that your diaries are bad. It's that you don't stick to them. And you make promises you either will not, should not, or cannot keep in some manner or reason. If you can these two things, I'm happy, and I'm willing to read more.


Is this really so hard?

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