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TEW 07/08 Kamchatka's Logo Thread

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My request is a TV Show Logo, it is a TNA/WWE show called boot camp, don't mind what colours it is as long as it has a Boot Camp logo, and a tag line saying "Class... of 09!"


Again I'm not near as good as Kam but the only way I'll get better is practice so hear ya go.



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Request please!

ECW (Empire Championship Wrestling) Something posh, crisp and regal




Also I think it might be wise to say now to set the record straight, im going to stick to just making logos and tv shows (300x300) and promotion banners (500x40). Other things like ppv logos in big size are a whole different kettle of fish as they are more about a single diary/dynasty and wont be of much use after that one shot. One of the major reasons I started all of this was to increase the amount of logos that players could choose from to use in the actual game. My apologies if this is a problem for anyone.

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I quite like the original PSW logo, however, I was wondering if I could score a new Logo and Banner for my PSW diary, Kam? Love your work. :D



More or less it would be cool to see Steel Lettering, if possible, due to the company being Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Colors? Black is always good... However, other than that, I'm open to whatever you'd like to put together.


All in all, Just thought I'd see if it was possible.


Thanks in advance!

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Unfortunately most of the logos that I consider my best and favourite have to remain secret for now as theyre all part of private requests. Im itching to share them with everyone.


I feel you on this one. Some of my best work seems to be private requests. Then I have to wait for them to debut in their diary, sometimes months down the road. :rolleyes:


And just wanted to say that the work you do in here is absolutely awesome. :D



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've noticed something which is really starting to bug me about photobucket which I use to host my images. It seems intent on reducing the quality of my images, this is especially evident on red background logos where it does some bizarre blocky effect.

I wonder if anyone can offer any advice on this? Is there a better host service out there which wont do this?

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Thought id drop these here:








With all of these new logos, you're going to make have to go back and redo alot of titles. :D


Excellent work...



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