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Biggest Owner Goal Impact?

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<p>What was the biggest impact of an owner goal you've had? How many people did you have to fire or how drastically did it shift your strategy?</p><p> </p><p>

For example, I received one owner goal for a stat that I was surprised nearly half my entire roster was missing.</p><p> </p><p>

Of the 25 workers on my roster, 11 would be forced to be let go if I couldn't raise their stats in time. The longest contract interval was 10 months, but the owner goal was for 2 years!</p><p> </p><p>

Bye bye, half my staff.</p>

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In my local-to-national game with the 97 C-Verse mod, I reached cult a couple of months ago and owner Fabulous Frank apparently decided we needed better workers and wants wrestlers to have at least C- in psychology, toughness and basics. This has led to some great guys leaving my roster and I've struggled a bit but it's great fun as a challenge. Among the guys leaving so far were Edd Stone, Joey Poison and Eléctrico. Still to leave when their contracts come up in the next year are Brendan Idol, Adam Matravers, Barry Kingman, two-time World Champion Sammy Bach, two-time World Champion Archangel, current World Champion Benson Crane (Elmo Benson), Steven Parker, Trent Shaffer, The Cannonball Kid and Fox Mask who is the longest running member of my roster having been with me ever since he debuted in 1997.


To be honest, even though I'm losing quality wrestlers, I'm loving it. I'm losing good workers all the time to the big leagues and it's been a lot of fun to always come up with a Plan B or - in extreme cases - Plan C. It pains me somewhat to lose Archangel, who has been one of the backbones in my promotion for years and Fox Mask, who I've developed a soft spot for as a reliable midcarder no matter how strong or weak I push him.


I know I can overrule some of the choices since the importance of those owner goals are only average but I don't think I will to increase the challenge of finally getting to national.

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"Antonio must have B- momentum"


"Casey Valentine must have B- momentum"


Yeah, right Rip....


I don't think anyone's ever had B- momentum in my company - I'm not good aat momentum :p


Do you have two people who has a decent popularity (B-) with at least B (entertainment and/or menace)? With those two we can develop the momentum :D

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In my 21CW game, after 2 years, Nova issued a demand that everyone needs at least a C- in Charisma. At the time, I had 15 workers below that. I was able to raise most of these but had to let go Walter Morgan, Leo Price, Nigel Svensson and the very popular Merle O'Curle.
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Do you have two people who has a decent popularity (B-) with at least B (entertainment and/or menace)? With those two we can develop the momentum :D





My best advice would be to get Casey and Antonio involved in some major storylines, turn them, have them win the Rip Chord Invitational... things like that. Winning streaks, turns, storylines and hot stables definitely help with momentum.


If you're going to take the stable approach, make sure Casey and Antonio are minor members so they don't bring the momentum of the stable down... though I'm not sure who on MAW's starting roster can keep a stable up that high. Same with storylines, unfortunately...


Titles also help, I believe- I think there's some sort of counterbalance mechanism between title prestige and worker momentum.


Maybe even pair them up with superior workers in tag teams to get some good match ratings... although that's not a terribly reliable approach, either.


Okay. Stick with turns and winning streaks. :p

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