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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling: Completing The Revolution

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/6326/psw.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="font-size:12px;">PSW: Completing The Revolution</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Arial;">No one expected Phil Vibert to make it through the year alive. The man who had taken a small company called DaVE, in the midst of a promotional war with three other companies and turned it into a cult-phenomenon. Following Vibert's takeover, DaVE swiftly ended the "East Coast Wars" and gained a hardcore fan-base that had never been seen before in the sport. However, in the war between the two top wrestling companies SWF and TCW, both were willing to do whatever it took to gain an advantage over the other, robbing DaVE and some of their most talented and popular competitors and leaving the promotion that was once hailed as the next big thing in the sport stuck in a rut. As fans were driven away to follow their favorite DaVE wrestlers compete in SWF and TCW, their were still those loyal few who remained and stuck with DaVE. But it wasn't enough. Mounting financial problems and the seemingly daily mental-breakdowns of Vibert were quickly killing the company. Finally mid-way through 2007, Nemesis, one of the key players in DaVE's rise and head booker, finally had enough of the struggle. He called Vibert and asked for his release. Without Nemesis, Vibert didn't seem to have any idea what to do or where to go, it seemed like there was no hope left with anyone involved with anyone in DaVE.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Arial;">Except for one.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Arial;">Mitch Naess was best known for being one of the best announcer's in America, but behind the scenes he was known for being a huge "fanboy" of the sport and had grown a passion for DaVE unlike any other. Even in their worst hour, Naess never lost confidence that DaVE would some day be the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. After Nemesis pulled out of DaVE, many actually expected Naess to be called up to the head booker position in one last ditch effort to return the company to glory. But Phil Vibert had, had enough. Just days after Nemesis was released from DaVE, Vibert announced that he was shutting down the company effective immediately. Vibert than claimed that the business wasn't the same as the nineties and that he would be taking an indefinate hiatus from the sport. None were crushed more than Mitch Naess. It was rumoured that Naess spent a full week at his home eating cookies and watching old DaVE videos. However I know this to not be true.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Arial;">My name is Bryan Downs, and me and Mitch Naess go way back. I've known Mitch forever man, we met in the early ninties, both of us being huge wrestling fans and love the "alternative" themed companies. Mitch had a passion for the business unlike anyone else I had ever known, his genuine love for the hardcore style of wrestling was contagious. He would have huge groups of people at his house to watch tapes of Independant shows featuring insane spots and he had a knack for shouting out like he was the ringside announcer during the matches. Naess has a voice like no other, it honestly sounds like your hearing an auctioneer when he speaks. Running off a thousand words a minute, it's extremely hard to not listen when the man starts to talk. Mitch wasn't very athletic, as he spent almost all of his time watching wrestling, but he always dreamed of becoming an announcer. For him sitting ringside almost every night of his life, calling the action of the sport he love was too good to be true.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Arial;">Too this day I remember the first time we saw a DaVE video tape. I was at home, making a sandwich, when the phone rang. I picked it up to hear Naess practically screaming at a 100 miles per hour about these crazy bastards beating the crap out of each other. He demanded for me to come over to see this. I finished up making my sandwich and went to Naess' place to see the tape and right away I realized why he was so excited. DaVE was unlike anything I had ever seen, a mix of the sports entertainment, sex, weapons and wrestling. We watched the same card featuring Chris Caulfield against Freddie Datsun over and over almost a dozen times before both of us passed out. A couple of months later DaVE was in the midst of one of the most infamous wrestling wars of all time, "The East Coast Wars" fighting against XFW, PPPW and RPW. Naess was constantly critiscising all of those who opposed DaVE. In 1995 we met a man who would eventually change both of our lives. Phil Vibert aka "Harry Flash" was a rising manager and we were both fans of his. I don't know how it happened but him and Naess became friends after we both attended an independant show he was a part of. Vibert had a love for the hardcore style of professional wrestling that rivaled Naess.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Arial;">In 1997, Vibert who had grown into just as big a DaVE fan as me and Mitch had, took a gamble as he bought DaVE. Me and Naess didn't know at the time, but DaVE had hit hard times and were in financial ruin. On the verge of collapse, Vibert couldn't stand to just watch them crumble. Vibert knew that he needed to revamp DaVE and one of his first signings was the fast-talking new announcer Mitch Naess, it was a dream come true for Naess. The following years are known as the "glory days" of DaVE, Vibert led the company to destroy it's competition and win the "East Coast Wars", as well as garnering a highly rated weekly TV show "Dangerzone TV". As I mentioned though, talent being stolen and financial problems crippled the promotion and by the end of 2007 they were out of business.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Arial;">The rumours of Mitch Naess locking himself up at his house were partially true. He did not in fact eat a ****-load of cookies, but hatched plans for a "new" DaVE, a company that would rekindle the fans DaVE had in their stomping grounds of Pittsburgh. And on December 31st, 2007. Mitch Naess gave me a call.</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Arial;">OOC stuff - So I changed a bit of the story here, Naess was with DaVE for it's whole run but it made for sense for this backstory if he joined after the Vibert takeover. I'll be booking very similar to old-school ECW, ala lots of hardcore-styles matches, scantily clad women, risky angles and the whatnot.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Arial;">Just want to give credit to Self, Bigpapa42 and James Casey whose awesome dynasties are what inspired me to do this.</span></p>

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Good start. Looking forward to this one.


PSW is a promotion that has a ton of potential. I'm actually surprised it doesn't generate more love on here, given the way that DaVE was beloved by so many.


I'm also looking forward to see someone try PSW, but I think I know why no one uses them. Their brightest star, Steven Parker, always leaves and the product is a bit niche. Not everyone likes booking hardcore feds (If you couldn't tell I'm a traditionalist myself). Plus the almost all of the fun characters are in different promotions now. PSW has Braun, Morgan, Martin, Bradley, Powell, and The Wolverine as your DAVE leftovers. Braun, Morgan, Martin, and Powell all have legs, but Braun, Morgan, and Martin are old and Powell isn't really a brawler.

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As I watched an all-new episode of my favorite TV program The Indestructible Titan Soldier, my phone rang. I had grown disillusioned with the wrestling business after a stint as a referee in DaVE, I was highly rated but the backstage politics and backstabbings changed my perception of the sport completely. I had no idea that Naess had started Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Anyways, as I answered the phone I immediately recognized the speed-talking of Naess. He basically gave me the entire rundown of what he had spent the last three months doing, building PSW to fill the void left by DaVE. PSW had held their first ever show just a few weeks earlier and Naess said it had been a complete disaster. Booked by Alex Braun, he juggled the preparation for a match, wrestling the match and booking the card all at the same time and the fans pelted the ring with garbage multiple times during the show. However, Braun did have the show end well as DaVE legend Johnny Martin became the very first PSW Champion giving the fans a good ending.


I wasn't sure where Naess was going until he said downright: "Bryan, I want to bring you in to book this thing." At first I thought he was joking, it had been a few years since I'd watched an entire wrestling show let alone set one up. Mitch went right into hype mode about how easy it would be with such a star-studded roster, Braun, Martin, Wolverine, Morgan. It immediately stood out to me that all four of those guys were quite few years past their prime, I couldn't help but wonder where were the Acid's, Art Reed's, Eddie Peak's... At that point I realized that PSW wasn't going to immediately jump in and fill the void. A lot of DaVE's biggest stars had left for the more profitable pastures of TCW and SWF or even USPW, some even headed to Canada or Japan. Naess also informed me that RM Stones, PSW's referee was a very shady character and he would like for me to replace him as the lead referee.


After the initial shock of the offer, I realized that I was conveniently unemployed. Taking the job would not only make me some much needed money but also could possibly even rekindle my passion for the sport of professional wrestling. After about a five minute conversation with Naess, who seemed pretty desperate to get rid of Alex Braun as head booker immediately, I finally accepted the offer. It wasn't an easy job though, Naess told me I would be taking care of contracts, scouting new workers, setting up all the cards, booking the feuds... I wasn't sure what I had gotten myself into but the very next day I made a 2-hour drive to a very meager training facility that Naess had bought for the workers to get in better shape. Or for them to feel very special. Or both. Anyways, as I arrived I took a pad and pen and began to take notes on the roster, finding their good and bad traits.


Main Event:



Alex Braun


Good: Good on the mic, good performance skills, well rounded.

Bad: Is old, doesn't excell at anything, bad physical condition.



JD Morgan

Good: Solid technical wrestler, extremely good performance skills.

Bad: Old, terrible on mic.



Johnny Martin [PSW Champion]

Good: Well rounded, popular, solid on mic, very good performance skills.

Bad: Old, doesn't excell at anything.



The Wolverine [PSW Tag Team Champion]

Good: Good gimmick, decent performance.

Bad: Old, not very good in the ring, bad physical condition





Frankie Future

Good: Great gimmick, good entertainment skills, solid brawler, decent performance.

Bad: Old, not well rounded, bad physical condition.



Steven Parker [PSW National Champion]

Good: Young, well rounded, good on the mic, very good performance, good physical condition.

Bad: Nothing that I can see.



Tank Bradley

Good: Good gimmick.

Bad: Sucks at everything.



Teddy Powell

Good: Good high-flier, solid technician, good performance, in decent shape.

Bad: Doesn't stand out at anything.





Dean Waldorf


Good: Very good performance, in good shape.

Bad: Not a very good worker.



Lazy Joe

Good: Ironically in decent shape, solid mic skills, decent brawler.

Bad: Sucks at everything else



Marv Statler

Good: Very good performance, in good shape.

Bad: Worse worker than Dean.



The Punisher [PSW Tag Team Champion]

Good: Decent performance.

Bad: Old, not very good at anything.



The Good Ol' Boys (Thimbledy Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine)

Good: Good physical condition, good brawlers.

Bad: Weak performance, terrible mic skills





Ash Cambell

Good: Son of Nemesis, young, good entertainment skills, decent high-flyer.

Bad: Not well-rounded, bad performance, not in good shape.



Dead Bolt


Good: Decent entertainment, performance and in decent shape.

Bad: Terrible worker.



Primal Rage


Good: Good brawler, decent performance, in decent shape.

Bad: Old, bad on mic, not well-rounded.





Little Bill Lebowski


Good: Decent at everything.

Bad: Not good at anything.



Nelson Callum

Good: Decent technical skills, young, decent on the mic, decent performance, in decent shape.

Bad: Need a lot of time to mature.


Enhancement Talent:




Good: None

Bad: Everything


Even though Mitch seems to be very happy with the roster he has assembled, I think their are some signings to be made...



OOC stuff again - Alright, one thing I wanted to point out is that I won't be firing everyone off the roster and replacing them. I think it's going to be a challenge to work with this roster but their are some guys that I'll be signing...

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OOC stuff again - Alright, one thing I wanted to point out is that I won't be firing everyone off the roster and replacing them. I think it's going to be a challenge to work with this roster but their are some guys that I'll be signing...


That would be best IMHO. Stick with what ya got and spice it up with a few new faces.

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That would be best IMHO. Stick with what ya got and spice it up with a few new faces.


Yeah. I don't like when people just fire and hire half of the roster straight away. Altought there are a bunch of good workers for PSW out there in the market. Sign Hell's Bouncer! :cool:

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Yeah. I don't like when people just fire and hire half of the roster straight away. Altought there are a bunch of good workers for PSW out there in the market. Sign Hell's Bouncer! :cool:


*Waves Travis Century sign forlornly*


...I never thought I'd mark for him until I started writing him, I swear.

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I decided to follow Mitch's advice and release RM Stones. I had no personal feelings against the guy and he was actually a decent ref, but I felt that by putting myself as the lead referee I could spot things in the ring that no one else really could. I could see whether or not two workers had good or bad chemistry when they were facing each other or even teaming up. The positives of the decision outweighed the negatives, and Stones is no longer a part of PSW. Also some new faces have been signed to the company, SWF veterans "The Dirty White Boys" Grease Hogg & Lead Belly were both signed to improve the tag-team division. And indy star Black Eagle was also signed to jump into the National title race. Unfortunately, Acid, one of my favorite workers in DaVE's history, turned down a contract. Acid is very happy with his work in Japan for WLW and has no intention of flying back and forth to a "small" company like PSW as he put it.


Just a few days before my very first show with PSW, titled Destinized. Mitch called me to up to his office, if you could call a small room in the middle of a small gym an office, and told me that PSW would one day be the biggest thing in the world since Bowling. Strange analogy, but he informed that nothing can grow and prosper without setting goals so he informed me that these were my goals in booking PSW:


#1: PSW Cannot fall into debt at any point in time.

#2: After 27 months, PSW must not have fallen below 21 in promotion rankings.

#3: Do not hire or extend contracts for workers with a D- rating in stamina.

#4: Do not hire or extend contracts for workers with a D- rating in toughness.

#5: Do not hire or extend contracts for workers with bad (D-) reputations backstage.


Understandable goals, even though not falling into debt will be a problem as we only have $100,000. But I think I'll be able to keep us in the green. Our first show will be on Sunday, the third week of January as I said it will be PSW Destinized and so far it seems like a solid line-up so far despite some things on the roster needing to be fixed. (I.E. Bad gimmicks, heel/face combinations...)


Here is the card:


Johnny Martin © vs. JD Morgan - PSW Championship

The Wolverine vs. Alex Braun

The Grease Hoggs vs. The Good Ol' Boys - Hardcore Match

Teddy Powell vs. Black Eagle

Ash Cambell vs. Nelson Callum

Steven Parker vs. Brimstone


Predict if you want. :D

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Johnny Martin © vs. JD Morgan - PSW Championship

The Wolverine vs. Alex Braun

The Grease Hoggs vs. The Good Ol' Boys - Hardcore Match

Teddy Powell vs. Black Eagle

Ash Cambell vs. Nelson Callum

Steven Parker vs. Brimstone


Looking forward to a couple of things...


Are you actually getting to keep Parker? Did you sign an agreement with the SWF to prevent them from signing him away? If so, great work. He will help a ton if you can keep him around for a bit, I would think.


Glad to see you're just adding some workers rather than replacing half the roster. Though I've often been guilty of doing that, it is nice to see the majority of the roster stick around and be changed at a more realistic pace.


So you're working as the lead referee? That's a really good use for your user character. Pretty unique. Liking everything so far.

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Johnny Martin © vs. JD Morgan - PSW Championship

The Wolverine vs. Alex Braun

The Grease Hoggs vs. The Good Ol' Boys - Hardcore Match

Teddy Powell vs. Black Eagle

Ash Cambell vs. Nelson Callum

Steven Parker vs. Brimstone

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Johnny Martin © vs. JD Morgan - PSW Championship

The Wolverine vs. Alex Braun

The Grease Hoggs vs. The Good Ol' Boys - Hardcore Match

Teddy Powell vs. Black Eagle

Ash Cambell vs. Nelson Callum

Steven Parker vs. Brimstone


Looking forward to a couple of things...


Are you actually getting to keep Parker? Did you sign an agreement with the SWF to prevent them from signing him away? If so, great work. He will help a ton if you can keep him around for a bit, I would think.


Glad to see you're just adding some workers rather than replacing half the roster. Though I've often been guilty of doing that, it is nice to see the majority of the roster stick around and be changed at a more realistic pace.


So you're working as the lead referee? That's a really good use for your user character. Pretty unique. Liking everything so far.


Thanks for the feedback man. I did sign non-aggression deals with SWF and TCW, mainly to keep Parker. Most don't like that, but for me it's really annoying when the big two steal your best workers/prospects.


Glad your liking it so far, and keep up the good work on your SWF dynasty. :D

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Johnny Martin © vs. JD Morgan - PSW Championship

Pretty obvious. Martin is one of the best guys you've got.


The Wolverine vs. Alex Braun

See above. Wolverine is just bad but he has decent Hardcore stat.


The Grease Hoggs vs. The Good Ol' Boys - Hardcore Match

Grease Hoggs are made for your promotion.


Teddy Powell vs. Black Eagle

I've always hated Teddy Powelland loved Black Eagle so.. Ash Cambell vs. Nelson Callum

Callum is quite unknown to me. Cambell on the other hand has good entertainment skills and a bright future ahead of him.


Steven Parker vs. Brimston

I wouldn't be that cruel to job Parker to Brimstone even though he's leaving you. Unless you have arranged those stupid pacts that really kill off a diary :mad:


I did sign non-aggression deals with SWF and TCW, mainly to keep Parker. Most don't like that, but for me it's really annoying when the big two steal your best workers/prospects


BOOOOOOO!! :D BloodyKnuckles lost overness from this segment.

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This is looking very good. Subscribed. You've officially brought me back to the teens with the # of dynasties I subscribe to. Keep having fun with this.


Are you actually getting to keep Parker? Did you sign an agreement with the SWF to prevent them from signing him away? If so, great work. He will help a ton if you can keep him around for a bit, I would think.


It's a very rare occurence, but it is possible for the SWF to NOT steal Parker. I recently started a PSW game, jobbed Parker to Teddy so he'd drop the midcard belt thinking he'd go, then discovered to my surprise that SWF didn't steal him! That's not to say they won't go after him if / when they go global, and I couldn't tell you how the AI works in determining who they go after, but just FYI.

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Johnny Martin © vs. JD Morgan - PSW Championship

The Wolverine vs. Alex Braun

The Grease Hoggs vs. The Good Ol' Boys - Hardcore Match

Teddy Powell vs. Black Eagle

Ash Cambell vs. Nelson Callum

Steven Parker vs. Brimstone


Also wouldn't sign the non agression imho as for a diary it is a lot more fun. And if you need inspiration for PSW look up McShamrock's diary if you can find it it was great while it lasted and of course Marc Cuban does Dave from last year.

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Johnny Martin © vs. JD Morgan - PSW Championship

The Wolverine vs. Alex Braun

The Grease Hoggs vs. The Good Ol' Boys - Hardcore Match

Teddy Powell vs. Black Eagle

Ash Cambell vs. Nelson Callum

Steven Parker vs. Brimstone


Also wouldn't sign the non agression imho as for a diary it is a lot more fun. And if you need inspiration for PSW look up McShamrock's diary if you can find it it was great while it lasted and of course Marc Cuban does Dave from last year.


I remember reading McShamrock's diary and it was really good. I'll try not to go the exact same route that he did, but already some inspiration out of it.


Also have heard a lot about the Marc Cuban does DaVE and never actually read it, I'll probably start on it tomorrow if I get around to it.


Thanks for the feedback. :D

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Johnny Martin © vs. JD Morgan - PSW Championship

The Hardcore Icon defeats DaVE's first ever Extreme Champion. Martin is the best man on the roster and a worthy champion.


The Wolverine vs. Alex Braun

Ehh...Braun i guess. He's the better worker although both these guys' time is running out. I'm guessing this match is going to lead towards a tag team championship match


The Grease Hoggs vs. The Good Ol' Boys - Hardcore Match

The Hoggs are the better worker here and will want to build momentum towards the tag straps


Teddy Powell vs. Black Eagle

Teddy is talented, has a hardcore history and is over. Black Eagle is talented, doesn't have a hardcore history and isn't over. Powell for the win. Please say you'll protray him as an angry bad ass still bitter about being sold out by Bach


Ash Cambell vs. Nelson Callum

Campbell, whatever about his dad, doesn't have the skills right now to go up the card. Callum does


Steven Parker vs. Brimstone

Parker to MURDER 187 Brimstone's lame ass


Thank God, I've been hoping for a good PSW diary for a while and this looks like it could be one. Kudos. By-the-by, I'll be completely in love with PSW if you pick up Sayeed Ali at some point. What's a hardcore fed without a realistic bad ass gangsta type?


Also BK just a note on the backstory...if you go by Derek_B's 1997 C-Verse Mod, Naess really was brought in by Vibert after his takeover, so you actually on the money with that aspect.


EDIT: Also for the whole Parker thing you could just go into the editor and set him to loyal to PSW and then end your relantionships making a fairer game.

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