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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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I don't know if anyone has this but it would make life so much easier if we had a running list on the front page of renders to be completed with a brief discription and who is going to or who has completed it. That way trell, Jtlant, and myself can have an easier go at knocking these out. I have been trying to complete one for someone else each time I do my own.


BTW Com if you need that guy Rhino rendered I will totally do it if you don't mind.

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I don't know if anyone has this but it would make life so much easier if we had a running list on the front page of renders to be completed with a brief discription and who is going to or who has completed it. That way trell, Jtlant, and myself can have an easier go at knocking these out. I have been trying to complete one for someone else each time I do my own.


BTW Com if you need that guy Rhino rendered I will totally do it if you don't mind.


Well, you're the only guy I think that has said he can do fat guys... so... sure! As it is, Jtlant has been kind enough to take on the task of rendering my first two workers, and I'd hate to overload one poor guy with my slew of bigmen. I'll gather a few things up and PM them to ya, to try and get the most perfect invisioning of Wooly Rhino we can. Thanks.

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Well, you're the only guy I think that has said he can do fat guys... so... sure! As it is, Jtlant has been kind enough to take on the task of rendering my first two workers, and I'd hate to overload one poor guy with my slew of bigmen. I'll gather a few things up and PM them to ya, to try and get the most perfect invisioning of Wooly Rhino we can. Thanks.


I meant to respond to that earlier when you asked originally, but all of us should be able to render up some big fat guys. I'll take a crack at Rhino after the other two, as long as machine hasn't put anything up yet. If we both end up doing one, you can just make a brother for him. :D

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I meant to respond to that earlier when you asked originally, but all of us should be able to render up some big fat guys. I'll take a crack at Rhino after the other two, as long as machine hasn't put anything up yet. If we both end up doing one, you can just make a brother for him. :D


Well, I just sent a few vague details to Mach on Rhino... guess you two can discuss which of you has the more awesome idea for his render. Really, I'm trying to avoid loading up a single person with rendering ability with all of USSR's workers. I don't want to put the full burden of the company on one person, not to mention should something happen to that one person then I'll be left with my awesome company not having renders. And that'd be sad. :(

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And USSR continues to take shape:


Wooly Rhino




thought I would take a crack at this one





EDIT: I just saw that jtlant would try it so if you like his better just let me know and you can use this one for another pic :)

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thought I would take a crack at this one





EDIT: I just saw that jtlant would try it so if you like his better just let me know and you can use this one for another pic :)


Well, it's not what I quite had in mind, buuut... there's very real chance I'll use that anyways. Can never have too many fat guys in a company of my creation! I mean, it's a truly excellent render. He's just not, you know... Wooly.


But, as I hinted at in my rambling, I'm pretty sure I have another worker on the way that it'll be a perfect fit for.



EDIT: Well, maybe that'll be WR... tough call. Curses, Trell, at making me make decisions!

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EDIT: Well, maybe that'll be WR... tough call. Curses, Trell, at making me make decisions!



No problem thats what I do best :p



2 new ones for my Europe Fed


Girolamo Udinesi..............Arnold Johnson


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Well if anybody wants to tackle my fat guys here are there bios (I don't think Kobe has done anything for them yet):


He is a balding fat guy who is 47 years old:


Rusty Collins is a wrestler who has been around the block quite a few times. Rusty has worked in various promotions throughout North America. However, he never stays in one place for very long as he stinks in the ring and most fans cannot stand to watch him wrestle. Rusty is also a pathological liar whose stories serve as a source of entertain to the other wrestlers.


Justin I see as being looking something like King Mable/Viscera type guy. He is African American and he is 41 years old:


Justin Banks is better known to wrestling fans as Frankie. Justin is also one of the worst wrestlers, in terms of in ring work, in the industry today! Many fans marvel at how Justin has been able to keep his job with the US-A for so long. Justin stated out in the US-A back in 1993 as one half of the tag team known as the Big Men. At that time, Justin was known as Grand Master JB and he and his partner would rap on their way to the ring. This gimmick lasted until 2002 when Justin’s partner was fired and he was repackaged as Frankie one of the three bodyguards hired by Ian Lee to protect him from the fans. These three bodyguards formed a stable known as The Protection Crew. Many fans saw it as a slap in the face when he and the rest of The Protection Crew survived the Bloody Sunday budget cuts, while other more talented wrestlers did not. His younger brother Kevin wrestlers for the LSSWL as Buster Banks.


I do not really have a specific idea of how he should look he is 37 years old:


Paul Lawson is the real name of the US-A wrestler Big Paulie. Paul is a behemoth of a man tipping the scales at well over 400 pounds! Paul is considered one of the worst wrestlers in the world, which is part of the reason why he has never had a major run in any company until recent years. In 2002, Paul was hired to be the storyline bodyguard of Ian Lee who claimed he and his brother needed protection from the wrestlers and the fans as well. Paul was soon joined by two other big men Rocco and Frankie when Ian decided that one bodyguard would not be enough for him. These bodyguards formed a stable known as The Protection Crew and whenever they wrestle in the ring the crowd can be heard chanting, "You can’t wrestle!" and the always popular, "Talk to Jenny Craig!" Many fans saw it as a slap in the face when Paul and the rest of The Protection Crew survived the Bloody Sunday budget cuts, while other wrestlers with real talent lost their jobs.


And Rocco I see him looking something like Vinnie Pastore from the Sopranos. A big fat guy who looks like he could be in the mafia. He is 31 years old:


Rocco Ianetta is better known to wrestling fans as Rocco. This Denver, Colorado native started his career wrestling for many local promotions in the Denver area. People in the wrestling world soon started to realize that Rocco was actually a decent wrestler despite being so heavy. He soon signed with United States All-Stars where he joined two other big men in a gimmick that they were the bodyguards for Ian Lee who was afraid that the fans or the wrestlers on the US-A roster were going to beat him up. This group of bodyguards soon became known as The Protection Crew and whenever they wrestle in the ring the crowd can be heard chanting, "You can’t wrestle!" and the always popular, "Talk to Jenny Craig!" This is somewhat unfair to Rocco as he is not all that bad in the ring. Many fans saw it as a slap in the face when he and the rest of The Protection Crew survived the Bloody Sunday budget cuts, while other wrestlers with real talent lost their jobs.


I forgot to say thank you to anybody who is willing to do these renders!

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Okay, I think I'll stick with Trell's Wooly Rhino as his pick (though if anyone else wants to take a crack at it they're more than welcome!)


Though I would like to humbly request Trell if he wouldn't mind giving him a badass beard if he's capable, as a possible alt or as the main pic. If not, well... I can always use my photoshop skills and steal a decent beard from someone in the C-Verse :)


Also got the render from Viktor Koslov in from Jtlant... it's legendary, and want everyone here to know that it is an excellent render.

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NUNCHAKU is actually going to be cult thanks to Jtlant's idea that he sent me :)


Along these lines, GRCG is out for now. They might come back down the road with a different product and backstory.


Okay, I think I'll stick with Trell's Wooly Rhino as his pick (though if anyone else wants to take a crack at it they're more than welcome!)


Though I would like to humbly request Trell if he wouldn't mind giving him a badass beard if he's capable, as a possible alt or as the main pic. If not, well... I can always use my photoshop skills and steal a decent beard from someone in the C-Verse :)


Also got the render from Viktor Koslov in from Jtlant... it's legendary, and want everyone here to know that it is an excellent render.



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Okay, here they are... the first tag team in the USSR (well, in terms of me putting them into my little workspace database). Behold two brother's from the Czech Republic, one of which is wild and the other is crazy! Indeed, they are a pair of wild and crazy guys!


Dalek The Wild

Dalek "The Wild" Kvasnicka is one half of The Czech Brothers, alongside his younger brother Tomik. Known for their wild brawls and comical antics (they play a pair of Czech immigrants looking for sexy ladies, parties, and good times in general), The Czech Brothers have made the most of their short time so far with USSR, becoming a favored opening act for the company.


Dalek is the slightly larger member of the duo, and spent more time in training than his younger brother. This extra time in camp seems to be paying off as he's easily the more talented member of the duo, possessing criminally underrated technical prowess to compliment his brawling.



Tomik The Crazy

Tomik "The Crazy" Kvasnicka is one half of The Czech Brothers, alongside his older brother Dalek. Known for their wild brawls and comical antics (they play a pair of Czech immigrants looking for sexy ladies, parties, and good times in general), The Czech Brothers have made the most of their short time so far with USSR, becoming a favored opening act for the company.


Tomik is the smaller member of the duo, and in his haste to team with his brother cut his own training short. Thankfully he's still a natural brawler, but it doesn't hide the fact that his brother is currently the more talented member of the duo. Though possibly unfairly, this has lead to some critics saying his brother is carrying him.



If nothing else, I'm enjoying creating my own Eastern European USPW. Though I'm a few workers away from having to brainstorm some new ideas!

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Got to a computer and wanted to post really quickly after doing a quick rundown.


* Will assign the community render to the person it was requested it be assigned to.


* PUSA is a regional promotion.


* I will go back and redo or clean up the renders with the halo effect when I have some time.


Enjoying vacation, be back in action in a week. ^_^


Awesome renders so far.

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Thank you so much for those awsome renders! Those three renders are wicked! I love them! Especially the Barnett render, even though I did not really have a vision for him if I did that is what he would look like!:D


Thanks I may hook a different render for Josh cause I think the hair may be to much and he looks maybe a little to current ric flair with his age. Maybe I will re hair him and young him up.


Josh Riendeau



I know it's a lot different than my last version but I feel this gives a better all around look. I kind of went Macho Man with him.

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Last renders for tonight.


This guy is a rising star in SCW and has charisma that sweats from his skin.


Chip Leader


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I put this up on the site forum thing ages ago but I think that died out so here is my guy for where ever.


Danny Smith (2nd Jan 1989):


Danny "Anarchy From The UK" Smith is a British cruiserwieght from Manchester, England. He isn't a flashy worker but is one of the best speakers on the microphone to come out of England for a while. Known for his headbutts, spectacular risks and modified swinging neckbreaker finisher, The Sex Pistol he is tipped to be a future star - if he can conquer his publically known personal demons.



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Right I thought I'd bring forward a promotion I've been planning for a while now with the wrestler bios, a description and most of that information to help the people making the mod.


OK first off the promotion is one of a possible regional status for the UK region.


The promotion is called FLI (Fight Like Irishmen) and is based out of the Irish region of the UK. Founded in 1990 by its owner "Blood and Guts" Harry McIlroy it has a touring schedule of June-September and one random March and December every year to almost counteract with the school schedules over there (June-September being summer holidays and March usually having a week or 2 off for half term etc as wit December). The company runs 2 shows a week.


The Bio of the fed is:


Fight Like Irishmen was a promotion started by Harry McIlroy early in the 1990's as a way of giving Ireland some distinctive wrestling promotion over on their shores. Through a few mutual friends FLI got started with 10 or so wrestlers who went around Ireland doing a tour every summer and spring and winter half term so that the parents could bring their children to this family friendly show. Around 2004 however the shows began to become more popular and FLI was starting to get some publicity as something of a hidden gem even managing a TV show for their tours in 2007 on the now defunct 'Wrestling.TV' channel. With such stars as Kenny Riley, Sean Anderson, Zack Richard Arnold and Shamus the Sorcerer the FLI boasts a huge crop of home grown talent willing to take it to the next level.


Starting Money= either $50,000 or $100,000 I'd think if they've been a fully running promotion in Ireland for nearly 20 years.


Product: KEY= Mainstream, Modern HEAVY= Traditional MEDIUM= Comedy LOW= Cult


Women's division, Low T and A levels and a Strong FACE/HEEL Divide, 20% match intensity, 40% match danger


Expected match length (for both events and TV) Minor Match= 8 mins Medium Match= 13 mins Main Match= 18 mins (All shows are 1 hour 30 mins, means 3 minor matches, 2 medium and a main event with 22 mins of angles so about 70-75% match ratio show)



I'll just finish up the 20 man roster now with bios and stuff and then will post it. Will need the renders for it and the logo for the fed as well. Thankyou in advance



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Here are the first 2 wrestlers (along with Sean Anderson and Zack Richard Arnold) that will help make up some of my roster.


Main Event


Shamus the Sorcerer

Short Name: Shamus

Race: White Nationality: Irish Based: UK Status: Active Wrestler Style: Brawler Size: Heavyweight

Face and Heel Gimmick: Mystical Sorcerer (A wrestler that uses sub normal powers to control over other wrestlers and officials sometimes to their advantage or sometimes to help others.)- Better as a heel gimmick though.

Description: Shamus is quite stockily built and does look like he has been on the roids as he is looking for that edge that will get him into a bigger company. Fire red hair and a big bushy beard.


Date of Debut: June 1994


Bio: Shamus the Sorcerer (Born February 27th, 1980) is an Irish brawler best known for his work in the FLI (Fight Like Irishmen) promotion where he is a 4 time Irish Heavyweight Champion and one of the most dominant heels in the promotion. Over the years Shamus has grown considerably from the Middleweight he started as to a stockily built heavyweight; some believe due to an addiction to steroids. Shamus has made his intentions quite clear on numerous occasions that he has no intention to be at FLI but it is only due to the fact no other company at present wants him that he is still there. Known for his finisher “The Spell” which is a variation of a Double Powerbomb which has injured numerous opponents (He claims by accident) Shamus has developed the nickname of “The Career Killer” by various Reporters due to his clearly, unstable safety in the ring.




Kenny Riley


Race: Black Nationality: English Based: UK Status: Active Wrestler Style: MMA Crossover Size: Middleweight


Face Gimmick: MMA Bad Ass Heel Gimmick: Dual Sport Superstar


Description: Black, bold headed guy, the face should show like no emotion just a glare at you as you look at it. No stubble although he does have a small scar around the right side of his mouth if anyone is capable of just getting that minor detail in.


Date of Debut: December 2008

Bio: “The Pride of Britain” Kenny Riley (Born September 4th, 1982) is a English former Boxer turned Mixed Martial Artist now turned Wrestler. To put it simple; he loves to fight. A champion at all levels of sport he has competed in he is most well known nationally for boxing on mainstream TV for a number of years before turning his arm to try MMA (winning 4 fights and losing 2). While Riley doesn’t have as good in ring skills as 90% of the roster he would be on he does have a hell of a lot of charisma, star quality and just that “It Factor” that has already taken him to the top of the FLI ranks after winning his first title in March 2009 when he knocked out Shamus the Sorcerer in a last man standing match for the title. Kenny has all the chances he needs it’s just a question whether or not he will take them.

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