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SCW Worker



Jon "Thaba" Legal is an African American wrestler who was orginally doing an underground rapper wrestling gimmick that really never landed him the spot on a roster his talent diverse. He was then brought into SCW with Alic "Kefentse" Young as part of Suicidal Gundii's African Miltia. Since then the African Militia has been on a role.

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Have you ever seen Wesley Snipes?


Lol yeah, I get the skin tone and all.. but I mean I can't really make out his face from the beard. Maybe if another light was set from the side so that it highlighted the edges of things (beard/clothing straps, etc), that'd provide the definition..?


But it's just an armchair criticism, it's not like I'm the one who'd have to put in the effort doing it, so feel free to discount whatever I say :p

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Here are two more bios for the EWO:


The first guy is my homage to MMA referee Steve Mazzagatti:


Clay Mazzagatti is the junior referee working for the EWO. He joined the company in 2003, after years of working for various independent promotions throughout Canada. He is well-known for his delivery of "It‘s time to fight!" before every match that he referees.


Roy Hope is better known to wrestling fans as Swinging Sammy Dean, which is his most popular gimmicks. He thinks that he is a member of the Rat Pack and is always looking for Frank; nobody has the heart to tell him that Frank has been dead for a while. He has gained a cult following in EWO (which gave him a contract in 2003) as well as Norway, of all places, where his matches have been watched on the internet and the fans in Norway have taken to him.


After having worked for EWO for three years, Douglas left the company in 2006 when he was offered a job with the US-A. He was used as a jobber for most of his stay in the US-A as they did not know how to book him correctly. Finally, after three years with US-A he asked for and was granted a release.


He resurfaced in the EWO early in 2009 and he has regained his spot as one of the most beloved babyfaces in the company. In addition, he is still huge in Norway!

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Suicidal Gundii


Dave “Suicidal Gundii” Ricci had spent the last few years of his carreer in SCW. He was noticed by Harding on the Indies working as “The Sicilian Stallion” David Ricci. The gimmick had been used and abused by so many before that when Harding was able to convince US-A management to offer him a development deal he was forced to repackage him. Harding new Ricci had the natural ability to cause a riot in the arena that he booked him as Gundii; the American hating Muslim Extremist. This gimmick slowing gain momentum and while in as a joke in the locker room Chip Leader referred to Ricci’s character as Suicidal Gundii and it took off. Since then Gundii has been a success and has helped launch the carriers of Jon "Thaba" Legal and Alic "Kefentse" Young as the tag team The African Militia.

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It may be my monitor, but he's well, not to be un-PC, but he seems a little too black. Like hiding in the shadows Sam Fisher style black. Then again, that may be the intention?


I did realize this and am noticing the skin texture is being darkened more by the lighting than expected. On my PC and b/c I know what I am suppise to be looking at it was ok. I will rerender a lighter skined texture for my characters of African American decent.

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2nd half of TAM





Alic "Kefentse" Young is an African American wrestler who was not doing much on the Indie scene and was brought into SCW with Jon "Thaba" Legal as part of Suicidal Gundii's African Militia. Since then the African Militia has been on a role. Alic is scene as the one on the team with the least amount of talent but do to his friendship with Gundii and Thaba he will more than likely land a job where ever the other does.

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I'd like to introduce the Dejan family



Richard Dejan.....................Lana Dejan


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